[Yt-dev] EnzoFOF merger tree

John Wise jwise at astro.princeton.edu
Fri Jan 14 08:29:52 PST 2011

On 14 Jan 2011, at 11:23, Stephen Skory wrote:

>> Having a built-in graph generator would be wonderful and save us from running 
>> dot every time we generate a graph file.
> I'm not sure exactly what you mean, John? Do you mean you want the ability to write out pngs of graphs, avoiding graphviz? I guess I'm not clear on why exactly you would want to do this. Is graphviz not capable of doing something we need? I can see that it would be slightly more convenient to skip an intermediate step, but I think it would be lots of work on our part, when people have put at least a decade already into graphviz. Perhaps I misunderstand you?

I thought Matt was talking about taking the writer from graphviz and porting it into yt.  I didn't want to write one from scratch.  That'd definitely be overkill.  But it'd be great to have a png output instead of dot -- one more automated step is less work for me :)

> Graphviz is apparently capable of making some very beautiful graphs with some post-processing, see here:
> http://www2.research.att.com/~yifanhu/GALLERY/GRAPHS/index.html

Wow, that's amazing stuff!


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