[Yt-dev] EnzoFOF merger tree

Stephen Skory stephenskory at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 14 08:23:45 PST 2011


> Having a built-in graph generator would be wonderful and save us from running 
> dot every time we generate a graph file.

I'm not sure exactly what you mean, John? Do you mean you want the ability to write out pngs of graphs, avoiding graphviz? I guess I'm not clear on why exactly you would want to do this. Is graphviz not capable of doing something we need? I can see that it would be slightly more convenient to skip an intermediate step, but I think it would be lots of work on our part, when people have put at least a decade already into graphviz. Perhaps I misunderstand you?

> > What I think would very cool is if we could apply this particular type
> > of graphviz output (and I know Stephen has also done a lot with
> > graphviz, so maybe he has something to suggest) to the creation of
> > level set (i.e., clump) diagrams.

If we wish to expand our usage of graphviz, I feel we may want to spend some time deciding if one of the python graphviz abstractions (like this http://code.google.com/p/pydot/) are useful. When it was only merger trees, a new package was overkill. Additionally, I never meant the graphviz merger tree output to be of a publishable quality. If that's something we want for these new directions (merger tree(s), clumps, level sets), we'll need to expand our capabilities.

Graphviz is apparently capable of making some very beautiful graphs with some post-processing, see here:


 Stephen Skory
stephenskory at yahoo.com
510.621.3687 (google voice)

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