[yt-users] Google Maps-ify your data

Matthew Turk matthewturk at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 21:07:31 PDT 2011

Hi all,

A couple of us have been working on a comprehensive notebook web GUI
for yt.  It's not ready yet.

BUT!  In advance of that, we've rolled a portion of that into
something called the "mapserver" into the development branch.  This is
a small, standalone webapp that implements a rendered-on-the-fly
google maps interface in yt.  To run it, just go into a directory that
has some data, and run:

yt mapserver DD0054/DD0054

(where "DD0054/DD0054" is the same thing you'd feed to "load" in a
script.)  You can run with --help to see some options, but what it
comes down to is that this will slice, but if you want to project,
just do -p like so:

yt mapserver -p DD0054/DD0054

This will spawn a webserver on port 8080 which you can then hit in a
browser.  You'll have to forward an SSH tunnel if you're on a remote
machine, but that's just a matter of logging in with "ssh -L
8080:localhost:8080".  When you're done, just hit Ctrl-C and it'll quit.

Anyway, I think this is pretty cool, and hopefully you will too.  If
you run into any bugs, report them either with "yt bugreport" or by
going to http://hg.enzotools.org/yt/issues/new .


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