[Yt-svn] commit/yt: 9 new changesets

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Thu Oct 27 09:33:22 PDT 2011

9 new commits in yt:

changeset:   b5d6455129b7
branch:      yt
user:        MatthewTurk
date:        2011-10-25 20:29:19
summary:     Fix segfault with adaptive healpix.
affected #:  2 files

diff -r 7da720c9a9ea0d5fc76ef1e3aec1c41e343bf76d -r b5d6455129b707fff3ca936fb43048e144d80a65 yt/utilities/_amr_utils/VolumeIntegrator.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/_amr_utils/VolumeIntegrator.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/_amr_utils/VolumeIntegrator.pyx
@@ -1837,7 +1837,7 @@
             r2[0] = (edge[i][0] - self.center[0])**2.0
             for j in range(2):
                 r2[1] = r2[0] + (edge[j][1] - self.center[1])**2.0
-                for k in range(3):
+                for k in range(2):
                     r2[2] = r2[1] + (edge[k][2] - self.center[2])**2.0
                     max_r2 = fmax(max_r2, r2[2])
         domega = 4.0 * 3.1415926 * max_r2 # Used to be / Nrays
@@ -1863,6 +1863,7 @@
         # Now we make four new ones
         cdef double v_dir[3]
         cdef AdaptiveRayPacket *prev = ray.prev
+        cdef AdaptiveRayPacket *new_ray
         # It is important to note here that brick_prev is a local variable for
         # the newly created rays, not the previous ray in this brick, as that
         # has already been passed on to its next brick

diff -r 7da720c9a9ea0d5fc76ef1e3aec1c41e343bf76d -r b5d6455129b707fff3ca936fb43048e144d80a65 yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
--- a/yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
@@ -701,6 +701,7 @@
         info, values = ray_source.get_rays()
+        self.ray_source = ray_source
         return info, values
 class StereoPairCamera(Camera):

changeset:   8ecda08d313f
branch:      yt
user:        MatthewTurk
date:        2011-10-26 20:52:25
summary:     Splitting the AdaptiveRaySource functions into sub-functions, refactoring the
flow a bit, trying to stop losing rays.
affected #:  2 files

diff -r b5d6455129b707fff3ca936fb43048e144d80a65 -r 8ecda08d313fa6d6d333c6630d6e9686280e6e7d yt/utilities/_amr_utils/VolumeIntegrator.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/_amr_utils/VolumeIntegrator.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/_amr_utils/VolumeIntegrator.pyx
@@ -1613,7 +1613,7 @@
     AdaptiveRayPacket *next
     AdaptiveRayPacket *prev
     AdaptiveRayPacket *brick_next
-    #int cgi
+    int pgi
 cdef class AdaptiveRaySource:
     cdef np.float64_t center[3]
@@ -1626,7 +1626,10 @@
     cdef AdaptiveRayPacket **lpacket_pointers
     def __cinit__(self, center, rays_per_cell, initial_nside,
-                  np.float64_t normalization, brick_list, int max_nside = 8192):
+                  np.float64_t normalization, brick_list, 
+                  np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] ledges,
+                  np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] redges,
+                  int max_nside = 8192):
         cdef int i
         self.max_nside = max_nside
         self.center[0] = center[0]
@@ -1649,6 +1652,10 @@
             self.lpacket_pointers[i] = self.packet_pointers[i] = NULL
         self.normalization = normalization
         self.nrays = 12*initial_nside*initial_nside
+        cdef int *grid_neighbors = <int*> malloc(sizeof(int) * (nbricks+1))
+        grid_neighbors[0] = nbricks
+        for i in range(nbricks):
+            grid_neighbors[i+1] = i
         for i in range(self.nrays):
             # Initialize rays here
             ray = <AdaptiveRayPacket *> malloc(sizeof(AdaptiveRayPacket))
@@ -1667,14 +1674,13 @@
             ray.pos[1] = self.center[1]
             ray.pos[2] = self.center[2]
             ray.brick_next = NULL
+            ray.pgi = -1
             if last != NULL:
                 last.next = ray
-                last.brick_next = ray
                 self.first = ray
+            self.send_ray_home(ray, ledges, redges, grid_neighbors, 0)
             last = ray
-        self.packet_pointers[0] = self.first
-        self.lpacket_pointers[0] = last
     def __dealloc__(self):
         cdef AdaptiveRayPacket *next
@@ -1684,6 +1690,7 @@
             ray = next
+        free(self.lpacket_pointers)
     def get_rays(self):
         cdef AdaptiveRayPacket *ray = self.first
@@ -1706,76 +1713,146 @@
             ray = ray.next
         return info, values
+    @cython.boundscheck(False)
+    @cython.wraparound(False)
+    cdef np.float64_t integrate_ray(self, AdaptiveRayPacket *ray,
+                      PartitionedGrid pg, TransferFunctionProxy tf):
+        cdef np.float64_t self_center[3], ray_v_dir[3], ray_value[4]
+        self_center[0] = self.center[0]
+        self_center[1] = self.center[1]
+        self_center[2] = self.center[2]
+        enter_t = ray.t
+        ray_v_dir[0] = ray.v_dir[0]
+        ray_v_dir[1] = ray.v_dir[1]
+        ray_v_dir[2] = ray.v_dir[2]
+        ray_value[0] = ray.value[0]
+        ray_value[1] = ray.value[1]
+        ray_value[2] = ray.value[2]
+        ray_value[3] = ray.value[3]
+        hit = pg.integrate_ray(self_center, ray_v_dir, ray_value, tf, &ray.t)
+        ray.value[0] = ray_value[0]
+        ray.value[1] = ray_value[1]
+        ray.value[2] = ray_value[2]
+        ray.value[3] = ray_value[3]
+        if hit == 0: dt = 0.0
+        else: dt = (ray.t - enter_t)/hit
+        for i in range(3):
+            ray.pos[i] = ray.v_dir[i] * ray.t + self.center[i]
+        return dt
+    cdef send_ray_home(self, AdaptiveRayPacket *ray,
+                       np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] ledges,
+                       np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] redges,
+                       int *grid_neighbors, np.float64_t dt,
+                       int skip_append = 0):
+        cdef int found_a_home = 0
+        cdef int i, j, npgi
+        cdef np.float64_t offpos[3]
+        for i in range(3):
+            offpos[i] = ray.pos[i] + ray.v_dir[i] * 1e-5*dt
+        for j in range(grid_neighbors[0]):
+            i = grid_neighbors[j+1]
+            if ((ledges[i, 0] <= offpos[0] <= redges[i, 0]) and
+                (ledges[i, 1] <= offpos[1] <= redges[i, 1]) and
+                (ledges[i, 2] <= offpos[2] <= redges[i, 2]) and
+                ray.pgi != i):
+                if not skip_append: self.append_to_packets(i, ray)
+                ray.pgi = i
+                npgi = i
+                found_a_home = 1
+                break
+        if found_a_home == 0:
+            #print "Non-neighboring area", ray.pgi, ray.ipix, ray.nside
+            for i in range(ledges.shape[0]):
+                if ((ledges[i, 0] <= offpos[0] <= redges[i, 0]) and
+                    (ledges[i, 1] <= offpos[1] <= redges[i, 1]) and
+                    (ledges[i, 2] <= offpos[2] <= redges[i, 2])):
+                    #print "Found a home!", i, ray.ipix, ray.nside, ray.pgi
+                    if not skip_append: self.append_to_packets(i, ray)
+                    ray.pgi = i
+                    npgi = i
+                    found_a_home = 1
+                    break
+            if found_a_home == 0:
+                raise RuntimeError
+    cdef append_to_packets(self, int pgi, AdaptiveRayPacket *ray):
+        # packet_pointers are pointers to the *first* packet in a given brick
+        # lpacket_pointers point to the *final* packet in a given brick, for
+        # easy appending.
+        if self.lpacket_pointers[pgi] == NULL or \
+           self.packet_pointers[pgi] == NULL:
+            self.packet_pointers[pgi] = \
+            self.lpacket_pointers[pgi] = ray
+            ray.brick_next = NULL
+        else:
+            self.lpacket_pointers[pgi].brick_next = ray
+            self.lpacket_pointers[pgi] = ray
+            ray.brick_next = NULL
     def integrate_brick(self, PartitionedGrid pg, TransferFunctionProxy tf,
                         int pgi, np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] ledges,
-                                 np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] redges):
-        cdef np.float64_t domega
-        domega = self.get_domega(pg.left_edge, pg.right_edge)
+                                 np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] redges,
+                                 pgs, int inside = -1):
+        cdef np.float64_t domega, dt
+        cdef PartitionedGrid pgn
         #print "dOmega", domega, self.nrays
-        cdef int count = 0
-        cdef int i, j
-        cdef AdaptiveRayPacket *ray = self.packet_pointers[pgi]
+        cdef intersects
+        cdef int i, j, npgi, refined
+        cdef AdaptiveRayPacket *ray2, *ray = self.packet_pointers[pgi]
         cdef AdaptiveRayPacket *next
+        cdef AdaptiveRayPacket **pray
         cdef int *grid_neighbors = self.find_neighbors(pgi, pg.dds[0], ledges, redges)
-        cdef np.float64_t enter_t, dt, offpos[3]
+        cdef int *grid2_neighbors
+        cdef np.float64_t enter_t, offpos[3]
         cdef int found_a_home, hit
-        #print "Grid: ", pgi, "has", grid_neighbors[0], "neighbors"
-        # Some compilers throw errors on the passing of the center, v_dir and
-        # value
-        cdef np.float64_t self_center[3], ray_v_dir[3], ray_value[4]
-        self_center[0] = self.center[0]
-        self_center[1] = self.center[1]
-        self_center[2] = self.center[2]
         while ray != NULL:
-            # Note that we may end up splitting a ray such that it ends up
-            # outside the brick!  This will likely cause them to get lost.
-            #print count
-            count +=1
-            # We don't need to check for intersection anymore, as we are the
-            # Ruler of the planet Omicron Persei 8
-            #if self.intersects(ray, pg):
-            ray = self.refine_ray(ray, domega, pg.dds[0],
-                                  pg.left_edge, pg.right_edge)
-            enter_t = ray.t
-            ray_v_dir[0] = ray.v_dir[0]
-            ray_v_dir[1] = ray.v_dir[1]
-            ray_v_dir[2] = ray.v_dir[2]
-            ray_value[0] = ray.value[0]
-            ray_value[1] = ray.value[1]
-            ray_value[2] = ray.value[2]
-            ray_value[3] = ray.value[3]
-            hit = pg.integrate_ray(self_center, ray_v_dir, ray_value, tf, &ray.t)
-            ray.value[0] = ray_value[0]
-            ray.value[1] = ray_value[1]
-            ray.value[2] = ray_value[2]
-            ray.value[3] = ray_value[3]
-            if hit == 0: dt = 0.0
-            else: dt = (ray.t - enter_t)/hit
-            for i in range(3):
-                ray.pos[i] = ray.v_dir[i] * ray.t + self.center[i]
-                offpos[i] = ray.pos[i] + ray.v_dir[i] * 1e-5*dt
-            # We set 'next' after the refinement has occurred
-            next = ray.brick_next
-            found_a_home = 0
-            for j in range(grid_neighbors[0]):
-                i = grid_neighbors[j+1]
-                if ((ledges[i, 0] <= offpos[0] <= redges[i, 0]) and
-                    (ledges[i, 1] <= offpos[1] <= redges[i, 1]) and
-                    (ledges[i, 2] <= offpos[2] <= redges[i, 2])):
-                    if self.lpacket_pointers[i] == NULL:
-                        self.packet_pointers[i] = \
-                        self.lpacket_pointers[i] = ray
-                        ray.brick_next = NULL
-                    else:
-                        self.lpacket_pointers[i].brick_next = ray
-                        self.lpacket_pointers[i] = ray
-                        ray.brick_next = NULL
-                    #ray.cgi = i
-                    found_a_home = 1
-                    break
+            #print "Integrating", pgi, ray.pgi, ray.ipix, ray.nside
+            if pgi != ray.pgi:
+                self.send_ray_home(ray, ledges, redges, grid_neighbors, dt)
+                if ray.pgi != pgi:
+                    ray = ray.brick_next
+                    continue
+            # We start in this brick, and then we integrate to the edge
+            dt = self.integrate_ray(ray, pg, tf)
+            # Now the ray has moved, so we grab .brick_next first, then we
+            # move it to its new home
+            self.packet_pointers[pgi] = next = ray.brick_next
+            if ray.t >= 1.0:
+                ray = next
+                continue
+            self.send_ray_home(ray, ledges, redges, grid_neighbors, dt)
+            # We now are moving into a new PG, which we check for refinement
+            pgn = pgs[ray.pgi]
+            domega = self.get_domega(pgn.left_edge, pgn.right_edge)
+            pray = &ray
+            refined = self.refine_ray(pray, domega, pgn.dds[0],
+                                      pgn.left_edge, pgn.right_edge)
+            # At this point we can no longer access ray, as it is no longer
+            # safe.
+            ray2 = pray[0]
+            for i in range(refined*4):
+                self.send_ray_home(ray2, ledges, redges, grid_neighbors, dt)
+                while ray2.pgi < pgi and ray2.t <= 1.0:
+                    #print "Recursing", ray2.pgi, pgi, ray2.t, ray2.nside, ray2.ipix, dt
+                    pgn = pgs[ray2.pgi]
+                    grid2_neighbors = self.find_neighbors(ray2.pgi, pgn.dds[0],
+                                                          ledges, redges)
+                    dt = self.integrate_ray(ray2, pgn, tf)
+                    self.send_ray_home(ray2, ledges, redges, grid2_neighbors,
+                                       dt, 1)
+                ray2 = ray2.next
             ray = next
+            # We check to see if anything has been *added* to the queue, via a
+            # send_ray_home call, here.  Otherwise we might end up in the
+            # situation that the final ray is refined, thus next is NULL, but
+            # there are more rays to work on.
+            if ray == NULL and self.packet_pointers[pgi] != NULL:
+                ray = self.packet_pointers[pgi]
+                #print "Packet pointers!", ray.ipix
@@ -1796,8 +1873,9 @@
         gre[0] = redges[this_grid, 0] + dds
         gre[1] = redges[this_grid, 1] + dds
         gre[2] = redges[this_grid, 2] + dds
-        for i in range(this_grid+1, ledges.shape[0]):
+        for i in range(ledges.shape[0]):
             # Check for overlap
+            if i == this_grid: continue
             if ((gle[0] <= redges[i, 0] and gre[0] >= ledges[i, 0]) and
                 (gle[1] <= redges[i, 1] and gre[1] >= ledges[i, 1]) and
                 (gle[2] <= redges[i, 2] and gre[2] >= ledges[i, 2])):
@@ -1805,8 +1883,9 @@
         cdef int *tr = <int *> malloc(sizeof(int) * (count + 1))
         tr[0] = count
         count = 0
-        for i in range(this_grid+1, ledges.shape[0]):
+        for i in range(ledges.shape[0]):
             # Check for overlap
+            if i == this_grid: continue
             if ((gle[0] <= redges[i, 0] and gre[0] >= ledges[i, 0]) and
                 (gle[1] <= redges[i, 1] and gre[1] >= ledges[i, 1]) and
                 (gle[2] <= redges[i, 2] and gre[2] >= ledges[i, 2])):
@@ -1823,6 +1902,19 @@
             if ray.pos[i] > pg.right_edge[i]: return 0
         return 1
+    cdef int find_owner(self, AdaptiveRayPacket *ray,
+                        int *neighbors,
+                        np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] ledges,
+                        np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] redges):
+        cdef int i, pgi = -1
+        for i in range(ledges.shape[0]):
+            pgi = i
+            if ((ray.pos[0] <= redges[i, 0] and ray.pos[0] >= ledges[i, 0]) and
+                (ray.pos[1] <= redges[i, 1] and ray.pos[1] >= ledges[i, 1]) and
+                (ray.pos[2] <= redges[i, 2] and ray.pos[2] >= ledges[i, 2])):
+                    return pgi
+        return -1
     cdef np.float64_t get_domega(self, np.float64_t left_edge[3],
                                        np.float64_t right_edge[3]):
         # We should calculate the subtending angle at the maximum radius of the
@@ -1846,58 +1938,51 @@
-    cdef AdaptiveRayPacket *refine_ray(self, AdaptiveRayPacket *ray,
-                                       np.float64_t domega,
-                                       np.float64_t dx,
-                                       np.float64_t left_edge[3],
-                                       np.float64_t right_edge[3]):
-        # This should be recursive; we are not correctly applying split
-        # criteria multiple times.
+    cdef int refine_ray(self, AdaptiveRayPacket **pray,
+                        np.float64_t domega, np.float64_t dx,
+                        np.float64_t left_edge[3],
+                        np.float64_t right_edge[3]):
+        cdef AdaptiveRayPacket *ray = pray[0]
+        cdef AdaptiveRayPacket *new_rays[4]
         cdef long Nrays = 12 * ray.nside * ray.nside
         cdef int i, j
         if domega/Nrays < dx*dx/self.rays_per_cell:
-            #print ray.nside, domega/Nrays, dx, (domega/Nrays * self.rays_per_cell)/(dx*dx)
-            return ray
-        if ray.nside >= self.max_nside: return ray
-        #print "Refining %s from %s to %s" % (ray.ipix, ray.nside, ray.nside*2)
-        # Now we make four new ones
+            return 0
+        if ray.nside >= self.max_nside: return 0
         cdef double v_dir[3]
+        # We need a record of the previous one because we're inserting into a
+        # linked list.
         cdef AdaptiveRayPacket *prev = ray.prev
-        cdef AdaptiveRayPacket *new_ray
-        # It is important to note here that brick_prev is a local variable for
-        # the newly created rays, not the previous ray in this brick, as that
-        # has already been passed on to its next brick
-        cdef AdaptiveRayPacket *brick_prev = NULL
         for i in range(4):
-            new_ray = <AdaptiveRayPacket *> malloc(
+            new_rays[i] = <AdaptiveRayPacket *> malloc(
-            new_ray.nside = ray.nside * 2
-            new_ray.ipix = ray.ipix * 4 + i
-            new_ray.t = ray.t
-            #new_ray.cgi = ray.cgi
-            new_ray.prev = prev
-            if new_ray.prev != NULL:
-                new_ray.prev.next = new_ray
-            if brick_prev != NULL:
-                brick_prev.brick_next = new_ray
-            prev = brick_prev = new_ray
+            new_rays[i].nside = ray.nside * 2
+            new_rays[i].ipix = ray.ipix * 4 + i
+            new_rays[i].t = ray.t
-                    new_ray.nside, new_ray.ipix, v_dir)
+                    new_rays[i].nside, new_rays[i].ipix, v_dir)
             for j in range(3):
-                new_ray.v_dir[j] = v_dir[j] * self.normalization
-                new_ray.value[j] = ray.value[j]
-                new_ray.pos[j] = self.center[j] + ray.t * new_ray.v_dir[j]
-            new_ray.value[3] = ray.value[3]
-        new_ray.next = ray.next
-        new_ray.brick_next = ray.brick_next
-        if new_ray.next != NULL:
-            new_ray.next.prev = new_ray
+                new_rays[i].v_dir[j] = v_dir[j] * self.normalization
+                new_rays[i].value[j] = ray.value[j]
+                new_rays[i].pos[j] = self.center[j] + ray.t * new_rays[i].v_dir[j]
+            new_rays[i].value[3] = ray.value[3]
+        # Insert into the external list
+        if ray.prev != NULL:
+            ray.prev.next = new_rays[0]
+        new_rays[0].prev = ray.prev
+        new_rays[3].next = ray.next
+        if ray.next != NULL:
+            ray.next.prev = new_rays[3]
+        for i in range(3):
+            # Connect backward and forward
+            new_rays[i].next = new_rays[i+1]
+            new_rays[3-i].prev = new_rays[2-i]
         if self.first == ray:
-            self.first = new_ray.prev.prev.prev
+            self.first = new_rays[0]
+        self.nrays += 3
-        self.nrays += 3
-        return new_ray.prev.prev.prev
+        pray[0] = new_rays[0]
+        return 1
 # From Enzo:
 #   dOmega = 4 pi r^2/Nrays

diff -r b5d6455129b707fff3ca936fb43048e144d80a65 -r 8ecda08d313fa6d6d333c6630d6e9686280e6e7d yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
--- a/yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
@@ -694,9 +694,10 @@
                 self.center -= 1e-2 * min_dx
         ray_source = AdaptiveRaySource(self.center, self.rays_per_cell,
                                        self.initial_nside, self.radius,
-                                       bricks, self.max_nside)
+                                       bricks, left_edges, right_edges, self.max_nside)
         for i,brick in enumerate(bricks):
-            ray_source.integrate_brick(brick, tfp, i, left_edges, right_edges)
+            ray_source.integrate_brick(brick, tfp, i, left_edges, right_edges,
+                                       bricks)
             total_cells += na.prod(brick.my_data[0].shape)

changeset:   9ab2f4b12eff
branch:      yt
user:        MatthewTurk
date:        2011-10-26 21:37:19
summary:     Adding a few comments.  Still trying to figure out why the total integrated
value comes back > 1.0 and where rays get lost.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 8ecda08d313fa6d6d333c6630d6e9686280e6e7d -r 9ab2f4b12eff554567319ca5ecb255ac19f95cbe yt/utilities/_amr_utils/VolumeIntegrator.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/_amr_utils/VolumeIntegrator.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/_amr_utils/VolumeIntegrator.pyx
@@ -1835,21 +1835,33 @@
             # safe.
             ray2 = pray[0]
             for i in range(refined*4):
+                # If we have been refined, send the ray to its appropriate
+                # location.
                 self.send_ray_home(ray2, ledges, redges, grid_neighbors, dt)
+                # If it wants to go back in time that is fine but it needs to
+                # make sure it gets forward in time eventually
                 while ray2.pgi < pgi and ray2.t <= 1.0:
                     #print "Recursing", ray2.pgi, pgi, ray2.t, ray2.nside, ray2.ipix, dt
+                    # Now we grab a new set of neighbors and whatnot
                     pgn = pgs[ray2.pgi]
                     grid2_neighbors = self.find_neighbors(ray2.pgi, pgn.dds[0],
                                                           ledges, redges)
+                    # We just integrate, we don't bother with the full brick
+                    # integration.  This means no recursive refinement, and
+                    # potential undersampling
                     dt = self.integrate_ray(ray2, pgn, tf)
-                    self.send_ray_home(ray2, ledges, redges, grid2_neighbors,
-                                       dt, 1)
+                    # Now we send this ray home.  Hopefully it'll once again be
+                    # forward in time.
+                    self.send_ray_home(ray2, ledges, redges, grid2_neighbors, dt)
+                # This tosses us to the next one in line, of the four..
                 ray2 = ray2.next
+            # We use this because it's been set previously.
             ray = next
             # We check to see if anything has been *added* to the queue, via a
             # send_ray_home call, here.  Otherwise we might end up in the
             # situation that the final ray is refined, thus next is NULL, but
-            # there are more rays to work on.
+            # there are more rays to work on because they have been added via
+            # refinement.
             if ray == NULL and self.packet_pointers[pgi] != NULL:
                 ray = self.packet_pointers[pgi]
                 #print "Packet pointers!", ray.ipix
@@ -1952,7 +1964,6 @@
         cdef double v_dir[3]
         # We need a record of the previous one because we're inserting into a
         # linked list.
-        cdef AdaptiveRayPacket *prev = ray.prev
         for i in range(4):
             new_rays[i] = <AdaptiveRayPacket *> malloc(

changeset:   76f5e4e29dcd
branch:      yt
user:        MatthewTurk
date:        2011-10-26 21:45:37
summary:     No longer missing any rays.  What was happening was that un-refined rays were
being added to the packets for the next grid, but then their refined rays were
replacing them, so the packet_pointers value was zero.

Now I'm getting >1.0 values for the integration.  Not sure where that is coming
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 9ab2f4b12eff554567319ca5ecb255ac19f95cbe -r 76f5e4e29dcdfa12d1c55f06d7d39e214ce95796 yt/utilities/_amr_utils/VolumeIntegrator.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/_amr_utils/VolumeIntegrator.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/_amr_utils/VolumeIntegrator.pyx
@@ -1824,20 +1824,21 @@
             if ray.t >= 1.0:
                 ray = next
-            self.send_ray_home(ray, ledges, redges, grid_neighbors, dt)
+            self.send_ray_home(ray, ledges, redges, grid_neighbors, dt, 1)
             # We now are moving into a new PG, which we check for refinement
             pgn = pgs[ray.pgi]
             domega = self.get_domega(pgn.left_edge, pgn.right_edge)
             pray = &ray
             refined = self.refine_ray(pray, domega, pgn.dds[0],
                                       pgn.left_edge, pgn.right_edge)
+            if refined == 0: self.append_to_packets(ray.pgi, ray)
             # At this point we can no longer access ray, as it is no longer
             # safe.
             ray2 = pray[0]
             for i in range(refined*4):
                 # If we have been refined, send the ray to its appropriate
                 # location.
-                self.send_ray_home(ray2, ledges, redges, grid_neighbors, dt)
+                self.send_ray_home(ray2, ledges, redges, grid_neighbors, dt, 1)
                 # If it wants to go back in time that is fine but it needs to
                 # make sure it gets forward in time eventually
                 while ray2.pgi < pgi and ray2.t <= 1.0:
@@ -1852,8 +1853,10 @@
                     dt = self.integrate_ray(ray2, pgn, tf)
                     # Now we send this ray home.  Hopefully it'll once again be
                     # forward in time.
-                    self.send_ray_home(ray2, ledges, redges, grid2_neighbors, dt)
+                    self.send_ray_home(ray2, ledges, redges, grid2_neighbors,
+                                       dt, 1)
                 # This tosses us to the next one in line, of the four..
+                self.append_to_packets(ray2.pgi, ray2)
                 ray2 = ray2.next
             # We use this because it's been set previously.
             ray = next

changeset:   f4fecce87b3a
branch:      yt
user:        MatthewTurk
date:        2011-10-26 21:54:44
summary:     If a ray is refined at the *end* of its time in a box, it can be pushed *back*
into that box.  However, this will cause integrate_ray to naively continue to
use the *first* intersection point of the ray with the box as its entry time.
This modification fixes that.  I now get 1.0 everywhere for the integration.
Testing further now.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 76f5e4e29dcdfa12d1c55f06d7d39e214ce95796 -r f4fecce87b3a372e607f1b6b211baeb86638c0a8 yt/utilities/_amr_utils/VolumeIntegrator.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/_amr_utils/VolumeIntegrator.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/_amr_utils/VolumeIntegrator.pyx
@@ -610,12 +610,13 @@
                                  np.float64_t v_dir[3],
                                  np.float64_t rgba[4],
                                  TransferFunctionProxy tf,
-                                 np.float64_t *return_t = NULL):
+                                 np.float64_t *return_t = NULL,
+                                 np.float64_t enter_t = -1.0):
         cdef int cur_ind[3], step[3], x, y, i, n, flat_ind, hit, direction
         cdef np.float64_t intersect_t = 1.0
         cdef np.float64_t iv_dir[3]
         cdef np.float64_t intersect[3], tmax[3], tdelta[3]
-        cdef np.float64_t enter_t, dist, alpha, dt, exit_t
+        cdef np.float64_t dist, alpha, dt, exit_t
         cdef np.float64_t tr, tl, temp_x, temp_y, dv
         for i in range(3):
             if (v_dir[i] < 0):
@@ -651,6 +652,7 @@
            self.left_edge[1] <= v_pos[1] and v_pos[1] <= self.right_edge[1] and \
            self.left_edge[2] <= v_pos[2] and v_pos[2] <= self.right_edge[2]:
             intersect_t = 0.0
+        if enter_t >= 0.0: intersect_t = enter_t
         if not ((0.0 <= intersect_t) and (intersect_t < 1.0)): return 0
         for i in range(3):
             intersect[i] = v_pos[i] + intersect_t * v_dir[i]
@@ -1730,7 +1732,8 @@
         ray_value[1] = ray.value[1]
         ray_value[2] = ray.value[2]
         ray_value[3] = ray.value[3]
-        hit = pg.integrate_ray(self_center, ray_v_dir, ray_value, tf, &ray.t)
+        hit = pg.integrate_ray(self_center, ray_v_dir, ray_value, tf, &ray.t,
+                               ray.t)
         ray.value[0] = ray_value[0]
         ray.value[1] = ray_value[1]
         ray.value[2] = ray_value[2]
@@ -1817,13 +1820,13 @@
                     ray = ray.brick_next
             # We start in this brick, and then we integrate to the edge
-            dt = self.integrate_ray(ray, pg, tf)
-            # Now the ray has moved, so we grab .brick_next first, then we
-            # move it to its new home
             self.packet_pointers[pgi] = next = ray.brick_next
             if ray.t >= 1.0:
                 ray = next
+            dt = self.integrate_ray(ray, pg, tf)
+            # Now the ray has moved, so we grab .brick_next first, then we
+            # move it to its new home
             self.send_ray_home(ray, ledges, redges, grid_neighbors, dt, 1)
             # We now are moving into a new PG, which we check for refinement
             pgn = pgs[ray.pgi]

changeset:   bbc5b43d7895
branch:      yt
user:        MatthewTurk
date:        2011-10-26 23:18:24
summary:     Setting the nudge factor to 1e-6 has fixed it for up to 10 rays per cell in my
test cases.  When I went to 20 rays per cell the calculation didn't complete,
so there may be either a lingering bug, or that might just take too long.
affected #:  2 files

diff -r f4fecce87b3a372e607f1b6b211baeb86638c0a8 -r bbc5b43d7895808c050ac761e58107808e7f36c4 yt/utilities/_amr_utils/VolumeIntegrator.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/_amr_utils/VolumeIntegrator.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/_amr_utils/VolumeIntegrator.pyx
@@ -1711,6 +1711,12 @@
             values[count, 1] = ray.value[1]
             values[count, 2] = ray.value[2]
             values[count, 3] = ray.value[3]
+            if ray.t < 0.5:
+                print "PROBLEM",
+                print count, ray.ipix, ray.nside, ray.t,
+                print "vd", ray.v_dir[0], ray.v_dir[1], ray.v_dir[2],
+                print "pos", ray.pos[0], ray.pos[1], ray.pos[2],
+                print "pgi", ray.pgi
             count += 1
             ray = ray.next
         return info, values
@@ -1753,7 +1759,7 @@
         cdef int i, j, npgi
         cdef np.float64_t offpos[3]
         for i in range(3):
-            offpos[i] = ray.pos[i] + ray.v_dir[i] * 1e-5*dt
+            offpos[i] = ray.pos[i] + ray.v_dir[i] * 1e-6*dt
         for j in range(grid_neighbors[0]):
             i = grid_neighbors[j+1]
             if ((ledges[i, 0] <= offpos[0] <= redges[i, 0]) and
@@ -1841,10 +1847,10 @@
             for i in range(refined*4):
                 # If we have been refined, send the ray to its appropriate
                 # location.
-                self.send_ray_home(ray2, ledges, redges, grid_neighbors, dt, 1)
+                self.send_ray_home(ray2, ledges, redges, grid_neighbors, 0.0, 1)
                 # If it wants to go back in time that is fine but it needs to
                 # make sure it gets forward in time eventually
-                while ray2.pgi < pgi and ray2.t <= 1.0:
+                while ray2.pgi <= pgi and ray2.t <= 1.0:
                     #print "Recursing", ray2.pgi, pgi, ray2.t, ray2.nside, ray2.ipix, dt
                     # Now we grab a new set of neighbors and whatnot
                     pgn = pgs[ray2.pgi]

diff -r f4fecce87b3a372e607f1b6b211baeb86638c0a8 -r bbc5b43d7895808c050ac761e58107808e7f36c4 yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
--- a/yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
@@ -703,6 +703,7 @@
         info, values = ray_source.get_rays()
         self.ray_source = ray_source
+        self.bricks = bricks
         return info, values
 class StereoPairCamera(Camera):

changeset:   4aefb6de7989
branch:      yt
user:        MatthewTurk
date:        2011-10-26 23:19:06
summary:     This removes the debugging attribute setting I missed.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r bbc5b43d7895808c050ac761e58107808e7f36c4 -r 4aefb6de7989d70184e9e3213cb9eeb6353c0950 yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
--- a/yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
@@ -702,8 +702,6 @@
         info, values = ray_source.get_rays()
-        self.ray_source = ray_source
-        self.bricks = bricks
         return info, values
 class StereoPairCamera(Camera):

changeset:   02886301c1d3
branch:      yt
user:        MatthewTurk
date:        2011-10-26 23:19:21
summary:     Merge
affected #:  7 files

diff -r 4aefb6de7989d70184e9e3213cb9eeb6353c0950 -r 02886301c1d3501144162a7249aa684cff2443cb yt/analysis_modules/api.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/api.py
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/api.py
@@ -106,6 +106,9 @@
     find_unique_solutions, \
+from .radial_column_density.api import \
+    RadialColumnDensity
 from .simulation_handler.api import \

diff -r 4aefb6de7989d70184e9e3213cb9eeb6353c0950 -r 02886301c1d3501144162a7249aa684cff2443cb yt/analysis_modules/halo_finding/parallel_hop/parallel_hop_interface.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/halo_finding/parallel_hop/parallel_hop_interface.py
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/halo_finding/parallel_hop/parallel_hop_interface.py
@@ -840,7 +840,7 @@
         # Remote (lower dens) chain -> local (higher) chain.
-        chainID_translate_map_local = na.arange(self.nchains)
+        chainID_translate_map_local = na.arange(self.nchains, dtype='int64')
         # Build the stuff to send.
         self.uphill_real_indices = na.concatenate((
             self.index, self.index_pad))[self.padded_particles]
@@ -891,7 +891,8 @@
         # it. Therefore each key (a chain) in this dict is unique, but the items
         # the keys point to are not necessarily unique.
         chainID_translate_map_global = \
-            self.comm.mpi_allreduce(chainID_translate_map_local, op='min')
+            self.comm.mpi_allreduce(chainID_translate_map_local, op='min',
+            dtype='int64')
         # Loop over chains, smallest to largest density, recursively until
         # we reach a self-assigned chain. Then we assign that final chainID to
         # the *current* one only.
@@ -1102,7 +1103,6 @@
         top_keys = self.comm.par_combine_object(top_keys, datatype='array', op='cat')
         bot_keys = self.comm.par_combine_object(bot_keys, datatype='array', op='cat')
         vals     = self.comm.par_combine_object(vals, datatype='array', op='cat')
         return (top_keys, bot_keys, vals)
     def _build_groups(self):

diff -r 4aefb6de7989d70184e9e3213cb9eeb6353c0950 -r 02886301c1d3501144162a7249aa684cff2443cb yt/analysis_modules/radial_column_density/api.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/radial_column_density/api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+API for radial_column_density
+Author: Stephen Skory <s at skory.us>
+Affiliation: CU Boulder
+Homepage: http://yt-project.org/
+  Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Stephen Skory.  All Rights Reserved.
+  This file is part of yt.
+  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from .radial_column_density import RadialColumnDensity

diff -r 4aefb6de7989d70184e9e3213cb9eeb6353c0950 -r 02886301c1d3501144162a7249aa684cff2443cb yt/analysis_modules/radial_column_density/radial_column_density.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/radial_column_density/radial_column_density.py
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+Calculate the radial column density around a point.
+Author: Stephen Skory <s at skory.us>
+Affiliation: CU Boulder
+Homepage: http://yt-project.org/
+  Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Stephen Skory.  All Rights Reserved.
+  This file is part of yt.
+  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from yt.mods import *
+import yt.visualization.volume_rendering.camera as camera
+import yt.utilities.amr_utils as au
+from yt.utilities.math_utils import periodic_dist
+from yt.data_objects.field_info_container import FieldDetector
+from yt.utilities.parallel_tools.parallel_analysis_interface import \
+    ParallelAnalysisInterface
+def _col_dens(field, data):
+    return data[field]
+class RadialColumnDensity(ParallelAnalysisInterface):
+    def __init__(self, pf, field, center, max_radius = 0.5, steps = 10,
+            base='lin', Nside = 32, ang_divs = 800j):
+        r"""
+        Calculate radial column densities in preparation to
+        adding them as a derived field.
+        This class is the first step in calculating a derived radial 
+        column density field.
+        Given a central point, this calculates the column density to all cell
+        centers within the given radius in units of centimeters times
+        the units of the basis field.
+        For example, if the basis field is `NumberDensity`, which has units
+        of 1 / cm^3, the units of the derived field will be 1 / cm^2.
+        Please see the documentation or the example below on how to
+        use this to make the derived field which can be used like any other
+        derived field.
+        This builds a number of spherical 
+        surfaces where the column density is calculated
+        using HEALPix Volume Rendering. The values of the column density at
+        grid points is then linearly interpolated between the two nearest
+        surfaces (one inward, one outward).
+        Please see the HEALPix Volume Rendering documentation for more on
+        that part of this calculation.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        pf : `StaticOutput`
+            The dataset to operate on.
+        field : string
+            The name of the basis field over which to
+            calculate a column density.
+        center : array_like
+            A list or array giving the location of where to
+            calculate the start of
+            the column density.
+            This will probably be "an object of interest" like
+            a star, black hole, or the center of a galaxy.
+        max_radius : float
+            How far out to calculate the column density, in code units. This
+            value will be automatically reduced if the supplied value would
+            result in calculating column densities outside the volume.
+            Default = 0.5.
+        steps : integer
+            How many surfaces to use. A higher number is more accurate, but
+            takes more resources.
+            Default = 10
+        base : string
+            How to evenly space the surfaces: linearly with "lin" or
+            logarithmically with "log".
+            Default = "lin".
+        Nside : int
+            The resolution of column density calculation as performed by
+            HEALPix. Higher numbers mean higher quality. Max = 8192.
+            Default = 32.
+        ang_divs : imaginary integer
+            This number controls the gridding of the HEALPix projection onto
+            the spherical surfaces. Higher numbers mean higher quality.
+            Default = 800j.
+        Examples
+        --------
+        >>> rcdnumdens = RadialColumnDensity(pf, 'NumberDensity', [0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
+        >>> def _RCDNumberDensity(field, data, rcd = rcdnumdens):
+                return rcd._build_derived_field(data)
+        >>> add_field('RCDNumberDensity', _RCDNumberDensity, units=r'1/\rm{cm}^2')
+        """
+        ParallelAnalysisInterface.__init__(self)
+        self.pf = pf
+        self.center = na.asarray(center)
+        self.max_radius = max_radius
+        self.steps = steps
+        self.base = base
+        self.Nside = Nside
+        self.ang_divs = ang_divs
+        self.real_ang_divs = int(na.abs(ang_divs))
+        self.phi, self.theta = na.mgrid[0.0:2*na.pi:ang_divs, 0:na.pi:ang_divs]
+        self.phi1d = self.phi[:,0]
+        self.theta1d = self.theta[0,:]
+        self.dphi = self.phi1d[1] - self.phi1d[0]
+        self.dtheta = self.theta1d[1] - self.theta1d[0]
+        self.pixi = au.arr_ang2pix_nest(Nside, self.theta.ravel(), self.
+            phi.ravel())
+        self.dw = pf.domain_right_edge - pf.domain_left_edge
+        # Here's where we actually do stuff.
+        self._fix_max_radius()
+        self._make_bins()
+        self._build_surfaces(field)
+    def _fix_max_radius(self):
+        # The max_radius can only be the distance from the center point to
+        # the closest face of the volume. This is because the column density
+        # for a surface outside the volume is ill-defined due to the way 
+        # normalization is handled in the volume render.
+        # It may be possible to fix this in
+        # the future, and allow these calculations in the whole volume,
+        # but this will work for now.
+        right = self.pf.domain_right_edge - self.center
+        left = self.center - self.pf.domain_left_edge
+        min_r = na.min(right)
+        min_l = na.min(left)
+        self.max_radius = na.min([self.max_radius, min_r, min_l])
+    def _make_bins(self):
+        # We'll make the bins start from the smallest cell size to the
+        # specified radius. Column density inside the same cell as our 
+        # center is kind of ill-defined, anyway.
+        if self.base == 'lin':
+            self.bins = na.linspace(self.pf.h.get_smallest_dx(), self.max_radius,
+                self.steps)
+        elif self.base == 'log':
+            self.bins = na.logspace(na.log10(self.pf.h.get_smallest_dx()),
+                na.log10(self.max_radius), self.steps)
+    def _build_surfaces(self, field):
+        # This will be index by bin index.
+        self.surfaces = {}
+        for i, radius in enumerate(self.bins):
+            cam = camera.HEALpixCamera(self.center, radius, self.Nside,
+                pf = self.pf, log_fields = [False], fields = field)
+            bitmap = cam.snapshot()
+            self.surfaces[i] = radius * self.pf['cm'] * \
+                bitmap[:,0,0][self.pixi].reshape((self.real_ang_divs,self.real_ang_divs))
+            self.surfaces[i] = self.comm.mpi_allreduce(self.surfaces[i], op='max')
+    def _build_derived_field(self, data, minval=None):
+        r"""
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        minval : float
+            This parameter will set any values of the
+            field that are zero to this minimum value.
+            Values of zero are found outside the maximum radius and
+            in the cell of the user-specified center point.
+            This setting is useful if the field is going to be logged
+            (e.g. na.log10) where zeros are inconvenient.
+            Default = None
+        """
+        x = data['x']
+        sh = x.shape
+        ad = na.prod(sh)
+        if type(data) == type(FieldDetector()):
+            return na.ones(sh)
+        y = data['y']
+        z = data['z']
+        pos = na.array([x.reshape(ad), y.reshape(ad), z.reshape(ad)]).T
+        del x, y, z
+        vals = self._interpolate_value(pos)
+        del pos
+        if minval:
+            zeros = (vals == 0.)
+            vals[zeros] = minval
+            del zeros
+        vals.shape = sh
+        return vals
+    def _interpolate_value(self, pos):
+        # Given a position, find the two surfaces it's in between,
+        # and the interpolate values from the surfaces to the point
+        # according to the points angle.
+        # 1. Find the angle from the center point to the position.
+        vec = pos - self.center
+        phi = na.arctan2(vec[:, 1], vec[:, 0])
+        # Convert the convention from [-pi, pi) to [0, 2pi).
+        sel = (phi < 0)
+        phi[sel] += 2 * na.pi
+        # Find the radius.
+        r = na.sqrt(na.sum(vec * vec, axis = 1))
+        # Keep track of the points outside of self.max_radius, which we'll
+        # handle separately before we return.
+        outside = (r > self.max_radius)
+        theta = na.arccos(vec[:, 2] / r)
+        # 2. Find the bin for this position.
+        digi = na.digitize(r, self.bins)
+        # Find the values on the inner and outer surfaces.
+        in_val = na.zeros_like(r)
+        out_val = na.zeros_like(r)
+        # These two will be used for interpolation.
+        in_r = na.zeros_like(r)
+        out_r = na.zeros_like(r)
+        for bin in na.unique(digi):
+            sel = (digi == bin)
+            # Special case if we're outside the largest sphere.
+            if bin == len(self.bins):
+                in_val[sel] = 0.
+                out_val[sel] = 0.
+                # Just something non-zero so we don't get divide errors later.
+                in_r[sel] = .1
+                out_r[sel] = .2
+                continue
+            # Special case if we're inside the smallest sphere.
+            elif bin == 0:
+                in_val[sel] = na.zeros_like(phi[sel])
+                in_r[sel] = 0.
+                out_val[sel] = self._interpolate_surface_value(1,
+                    phi[sel], theta[sel])
+                out_r[sel] = self.bins[1]
+                continue
+            # General case.
+            else:
+                in_val[sel] = self._interpolate_surface_value(bin - 1,
+                    phi[sel], theta[sel])
+                in_r[sel] = self.bins[bin - 1]
+                out_val[sel] = self._interpolate_surface_value(bin,
+                    phi[sel], theta[sel])
+                out_r[sel] = self.bins[bin]
+        # Interpolate using a linear fit in column density / r space.
+        val = na.empty_like(r)
+        # Special case for inside smallest sphere.
+        sel = (digi == 0)
+        val[sel] = (1. - (out_r[sel] - r[sel]) / out_r[sel]) * out_val[sel]
+        na.invert(sel, sel) # In-place operation!
+        val[sel] = (out_val[sel] - in_val[sel]) / (out_r[sel] - in_r[sel]) * \
+            (r[sel] - in_r[sel]) + in_val[sel]
+        # Fix the things to zero that should be zero.
+        val[outside] = 0.
+        return val
+    def _interpolate_surface_value(self, bin, phi, theta):
+        # Given a surface bin and an angle, interpolate the value on
+        # that surface to the angle.
+        # 1. Find the four values closest to the angle.
+        phi_bin = na.digitize(phi, self.phi1d)
+        theta_bin = na.digitize(theta, self.theta1d)
+        val00 = self.surfaces[bin][phi_bin - 1, theta_bin - 1]
+        val01 = self.surfaces[bin][phi_bin - 1, theta_bin]
+        val10 = self.surfaces[bin][phi_bin, theta_bin - 1]
+        val11 = self.surfaces[bin][phi_bin, theta_bin]
+        # 2. Linearly interpolate the four values to the points.
+        int_val0 = (val10 - val00) / self.dphi * \
+            (phi - self.phi1d[phi_bin - 1]) + val00
+        int_val1 = (val11 - val01) / self.dphi * \
+            (phi - self.phi1d[phi_bin - 1]) + val01
+        vals = (int_val1 - int_val0) / self.dtheta * \
+            (theta - self.theta1d[theta_bin - 1]) + int_val0
+        return vals

diff -r 4aefb6de7989d70184e9e3213cb9eeb6353c0950 -r 02886301c1d3501144162a7249aa684cff2443cb yt/analysis_modules/setup.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/setup.py
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/setup.py
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+    config.add_subpackage("radial_column_density")

diff -r 4aefb6de7989d70184e9e3213cb9eeb6353c0950 -r 02886301c1d3501144162a7249aa684cff2443cb yt/utilities/parallel_tools/parallel_analysis_interface.py
--- a/yt/utilities/parallel_tools/parallel_analysis_interface.py
+++ b/yt/utilities/parallel_tools/parallel_analysis_interface.py
@@ -467,7 +467,10 @@
             if data is None:
                 ncols = -1
                 size = 0
+                dtype = 'float64'
+                mylog.info('Warning: Array passed to par_combine_object was None. Setting dtype to float64. This may break things!')
+                dtype = data.dtype
                 if len(data) == 0:
                     ncols = -1
                     size = 0
@@ -477,8 +480,8 @@
                     ncols, size = data.shape
             ncols = self.comm.allreduce(ncols, op=MPI.MAX)
-            if size == 0:
-                data = na.zeros((ncols,0), dtype='float64') # This only works for
+            if ncols == 0:
+                    data = na.zeros(0, dtype=dtype) # This only works for
             size = data.shape[-1]
             sizes = na.zeros(self.comm.size, dtype='int64')
             outsize = na.array(size, dtype='int64')

changeset:   0eb936dbc343
branch:      yt
user:        MatthewTurk
date:        2011-10-27 18:15:57
summary:     Missed a free call, so grid2_neighbors was allocated and not deallocated, and
also missed that if we only check for <= 1.0, not < 1.0 in the total ray
evolution, we can't ever terminate the recursive evolution loop if we have rays
that terminate in recursion.  This could happen for instance in unigrids.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 02886301c1d3501144162a7249aa684cff2443cb -r 0eb936dbc3431bb5fce2e42aba1796d3ad38d1ef yt/utilities/_amr_utils/VolumeIntegrator.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/_amr_utils/VolumeIntegrator.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/_amr_utils/VolumeIntegrator.pyx
@@ -1850,7 +1850,7 @@
                 self.send_ray_home(ray2, ledges, redges, grid_neighbors, 0.0, 1)
                 # If it wants to go back in time that is fine but it needs to
                 # make sure it gets forward in time eventually
-                while ray2.pgi <= pgi and ray2.t <= 1.0:
+                while ray2.pgi <= pgi and ray2.t < 1.0:
                     #print "Recursing", ray2.pgi, pgi, ray2.t, ray2.nside, ray2.ipix, dt
                     # Now we grab a new set of neighbors and whatnot
                     pgn = pgs[ray2.pgi]
@@ -1864,6 +1864,7 @@
                     # forward in time.
                     self.send_ray_home(ray2, ledges, redges, grid2_neighbors,
                                        dt, 1)
+                    free(grid2_neighbors)
                 # This tosses us to the next one in line, of the four..
                 self.append_to_packets(ray2.pgi, ray2)
                 ray2 = ray2.next

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