[yt-dev] streamlines, magnetic field loops, and such

j s oishi jsoishi at gmail.com
Mon Dec 31 07:25:37 PST 2012

Hi all,

I was wondering what the status of streamlines in yt's volume renderer is.
I looked at Sam's talk from last year, and I was wondering if anyone has
been working on them.

I'd really like to make diagrams like figure 5 of this paper:


I'd like to integrate streamlines into other kinds of visualizations,
putting them in the same scene as (opaque) volume renders, but I honestly
have zero knowledge of how graphics works, both inside and outside yt. I'm
going to be working on some projects this year that would make great use of
streamline visualization. I'd be happy to lend a hand to this effort, so if
anyone has any suggestions on how I could get started, even basic
resources, I'd be much appreciative.


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