[yt-dev] rockstar halo finder

Stephen Skory s at skory.us
Wed Aug 15 16:17:49 PDT 2012

Hi Chris & Matt,

here's what I've figured out. I've made some progress...

On Linux, the instructions work as advertised, but when I run rockstar
on my dataset I get this, below. Is this telling me that rockstar has
a minimum cosmological volume over which it will work? I think the 0.5
refers to the 0.5 Mpc/h box I'm using. The overlap length appears to
be hard coded in config.template.h - can I just change it?

-- cut --
using data0012_rockstar as outbase
using data0012_rockstar as outbase
[     0s] Accepting connections...
[     0s] Accepted all reader / writer connections.
[     0s] Verified all reader / writer connections.
[     0s] Reading 1 blocks for snapshot 0...
reading from particle filename ./inline.0
Block #0 | Particles 1000000 | Grids 599
[Error] Box size too small (0.500000) relative to overlap length (3.000000)!
mpirun has exited due to process rank 0 with PID 4747 on
-- cut --

On Mac OS X, otool -L tells me that the absolute path to
librockstar.so isn't being saved in rockstar_interface.so. Using the
method described in this post
on rockstar_interface.so I can get past the missing library error, but
then I get this crash http://paste.yt-project.org/show/2650/, which
isn't super useful. Perhaps manually changing the shared object
reference isn't the best idea.

I'll keep digging, but any bright ideas would be appreciated! Thanks!

Stephen Skory
s at skory.us
510.621.3687 (google voice)

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