[Yt-dev] Parallelism

Matthew Turk matthewturk at gmail.com
Mon Aug 1 12:39:37 PDT 2011

Hi all,

This email turned out to be a bit long, but I would really appreciate
comments and suggestions.  I need some help with thinking through how
to restructure parallelism, and some help with writing tests that
cover parallelism.

The parallelism in yt has gotten a bit out of control.  It is largely
governed by inheriting from ParallelAnalysisInterface, which provides
a bunch of methods that assume MPI_COMM_WORLD and that do things
(mostly) to arrays.  I went in today to make some changes and found
myself a bit overwhelmed by the number of methods, the number of
leftover chunks of code, and the overall length of the
ParallelAnalysisInterface.  In fact, I'm a bit concerned simply
because we use PAI as a mixin in so many diverse situations -- this
leads to a pretty unweildy "dir()" call on those classes that use it
as a MixIn.

There are 61 methods defined, which I have appended to the end of this
email.  More worrisome, though, is that it seems when a method is
needed, rather than examining the existing methods, a new one is
simply added.  And, perhaps most challenging, it is not 100% clear how
to test all of these methods in isolation, or where the cascade-effect
will cause problems if a given method is changed.  I'm guilty of all
of these things, and the bulk of the problem to begin with.  But what
is clear is that it's becoming challenging if not impossible to make
changes, because it's not clear how fragile different methods are or
how they might behave.  And, as we move toward much bigger platforms
and co-scheduled and in-situ visualization, we will *need* to be more
flexible with parallelism; we'll need better and easier ways of
dispatching tasks, keeping processors busy, and sending/receiving

To that end, I'd like to propose we change the behavior -- and mindset
-- somewhat.  I'm willing to accept that objects that are distributed
and in parallel should inherit from PAI (although I wonder if an
explicit 'communication' object might be more appropriate) but I would
like to propose that we make things a bit smarter.  Right now we
largely interface with MPI as thought we are writing a language with
no introspection and with no higher-level constructs.  I'd like to see
us develop something of a higher-level, more straightforward interface
with MPI.

As a first step, I'd like to see all of the functions named "_mpi_*"
be removed.  Rather than prefixing with _mpi, then the operation, then
the type of the array (for instance), we should instead provide a
single method (_parallel_operation, for instance) that accepts
operands, opcodes, arguments, etc, and then dispatches to the
appropriate sub-function.  One opportunity that this will bring up is
that the dispatch itself can determine the appropriate communicator to
use -- which would open up the ability to subdivide our parallelism.
The implicit next step after this is to avoid feature creep in the
parallel tools.

However, before we can make *any* set of changes, we need a set of
tests.  Right now there are a *large* number of operations that are in
parallel.  There are tests for these operations in *serial*, but not
parallel.  In yt/tests I have added a new setup for tests based on the
enzo_test mechanism, which can operate in parallel.  It covers a lot
of functionality, but notably no halo finding and no volume rendering.
 I did not think I was qualified to test these items.  The tests run
no more than once an hour, with every new changeset.  Additional tests
of parallel-analysis can be added as well.

The (tl;dr) two takeaways:

1) Would an opcode / function dispatch mechanism be an acceptable
replacement for a humongous proliferation of functions?
2) Is anyone willing to write tests in the framework, so that we can
make these kind of changes to the code base?  I would be willing to
lead a sprint on this.  I think it would be a lot easier than, say,
testing Enzo -- you just need to write up some functions that run
routines, and call it good.  But there are so many twiddles that I
don't know that I could do it myself.




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