[Yt-dev] parallel profiler problem

Stephen Skory stephenskory at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 24 11:03:10 PDT 2009

Hi guys,

> Maybe you could try increasing the value of PROFILE_RADIUS_THRESHOLD in HaloProfiler.py.  Right now, it's set to 2, meaning that it will allow profiles for halos whose outer radii are only 2 times the inner radii.  That's probably too generous.  Even halos of that size should probably be ignored.

The radius of this problem halo/pf.h.get_smallest_dx() = 26, so I don't think that's the issue.

Looking at the hierarchy, below are the two grids listed in sphere._grids. The sphere being cut is

sp = pf.h.sphere([6.983622952e-01, 3.006639125e-01, 4.988738710e-01],8.156776433e-04)

I notice that the center of the halo isn't in these grids. Could that be the problem?

Grid = 163293
GridRank          = 3
GridDimension     = 14 22 20 
GridStartIndex    = 3 3 3 
GridEndIndex      = 10 18 16 
GridLeftEdge      = 0.693359375 0.296875 0.4921875 
GridRightEdge     = 0.697265625 0.3046875 0.4990234375 
Time              = 584.25598986586
SubgridsAreStatic = 0
FileName       = RD0035.cpu0150
GroupName      = /Grid00163293
NumberOfBaryonFields = 7
FieldType = 0 1 2 4 5 6 22 
CourantSafetyNumber    = 0.100000
PPMFlatteningParameter = 0
PPMDiffusionParameter  = 0
PPMSteepeningParameter = 0
NumberOfParticles   = 273
GravityBoundaryType = 2
Pointer: Grid[163293]->NextGridThisLevel = 0
Pointer: Grid[163293]->NextGridNextLevel = 163294

Grid = 163917
GridRank          = 3
GridDimension     = 16 14 10 
GridStartIndex    = 3 3 3 
GridEndIndex      = 12 10 6 
GridLeftEdge      = 0.701171875 0.296875 0.498046875 
GridRightEdge     = 0.7060546875 0.30078125 0.5 
Time              = 584.25598986586
SubgridsAreStatic = 0
FileName       = RD0035.cpu0150
GroupName      = /Grid00163917
NumberOfBaryonFields = 7
FieldType = 0 1 2 4 5 6 22 
CourantSafetyNumber    = 0.100000
PPMFlatteningParameter = 0
PPMDiffusionParameter  = 0
PPMSteepeningParameter = 0
NumberOfParticles   = 84
GravityBoundaryType = 2
Pointer: Grid[163917]->NextGridThisLevel = 0
Pointer: Grid[163917]->NextGridNextLevel = 163918

sskory at physics.ucsd.edu           o__  Stephen Skory
http://physics.ucsd.edu/~sskory/ _.>/ _Graduate Student

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