[Yt-dev] HaloProfiler

Stephen Skory stephenskory at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 26 12:59:43 PST 2009

Hi all,

I need to calculate the virial properties (mass in particular) of 80,000+ haloes for perhaps up to 25 datasets. Actually, it's that many haloes at z=0, so fewer for higher z, but you get the idea. Can you guys suggest the best way to optimize this? My only good idea is to split up the entries in HopAnalysis.out into multiple files so each run of HaloProfiler has roughly the same amount of work to do. Of course, not making projections will speed things up too.


sskory at physics.ucsd.edu           o__  Stephen Skory
http://physics.ucsd.edu/~sskory/ _.>/ _Graduate Student

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