Hi all,<br><br>I have been having trouble running yt on kraken. I am using the same script that I use on trestles (where it sort of works). The issue I have on kraken is that when I submit a non-interactive job, I get this error:<br>
+ aprun -n 12 ./try1.py --parallel<br>Traceback (most recent call last):<br> File "/var/spool/alps/2310447/try1.py", line 3, in <module><br> slice(imin=12, imax=47, width=20)<br>TypeError: slice() does not take keyword arguments<br>
<br><br>If I run an interactive job (./try1.py --parallel), I get this error:<br>yuan@krakenpf2:~/scratch/Thermal09> Assertion failed in file /ptmp/ulib/mpt/nightly/5.2/051011/mpich2/src/mpid/cray/src/adi/mpid_init.c at line 115: 0<br>
aborting job:<br>(null)<br><br><br>I can run a non-parallel interactive job (./try1.py) without any problem.<br><br>My script looks like this:<br>#!/lustre/scratch/proj/sw/yt/dev/bin/python<br>from profile import *<br>slice(imin=41, imax=47, width=20)<br>