[yt-users] adding things to a dataset

Molly Peeples molly at stsci.edu
Mon Aug 1 08:42:40 PDT 2016

Hi folks,

I have a dataset I’d like to add omega_baryon to (I want to use the baryon_overdensity derived field, but it seems to only have omega_matter and omega_lambda, but I know what omega_baryon is). It’s not a derived field; it’s just a number (not sure what the yt-lingo for it is!)…

I tried doing ds.omega_baryon = 0.048, but I still get

/Users/molly/anaconda2/envs/astroconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yt/fields/derived_field.pyc in __call__(self, data)

    277                 doesnt_have.append(p)

    278         if len(doesnt_have) > 0:

--> 279             raise NeedsParameter(doesnt_have)

    280         return True


NeedsParameter: (['omega_baryon'])

when I try to plot using baryon_overdensity. Suggestions?

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