[yt-users] python 3, yet another demo fail + fix

Alexander Heger alexander.heger at monash.edu
Thu Aug 27 05:22:53 PDT 2015

Dear Nathan,

there is also a fail in 6)_Volume_Rendering, 2nd cell, from the 
cam.show() call that is related:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-978925a24bd8> in <module>()
       2 tf.add_layers(4, w=0.01)
       3 cam = ds.camera([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], (20, 'kpc'), 
512, tf, fields=["density"])
----> 4 cam.show()

in show(self, clip_ratio)
     801             image = self.snapshot()[:,:,:3]
     802             if clip_ratio is not None: clip_ratio *= image.std()
--> 803             data = write_bitmap(image, None, clip_ratio)
     804             publish_display_data(
     805                 data={'image/png': data},

in write_bitmap(bitmap_array, filename, max_val, transpose)
     175         pw.write_png(bitmap_array, filename)
     176     else:
--> 177         return pw.write_png_to_string(bitmap_array.copy())
     178     return bitmap_array

in write_png_to_string(buffer, dpi, gray)
      30     fileobj = IO()
      31 #    _png.write_png(buffer, width, height, fileobj, dpi)
---> 32     _png.write_png(buffer, fileobj, dpi)
      33     png_str = fileobj.getvalue()
      34     fileobj.close()

TypeError: string argument expected, got 'bytes'


this has to do with strings in python3 are no longer used for buffers 
but the bytes type.

attached I send you a fixed version (you may want to remove the "#-" 
commended line I left in from the previous version.  This now fixes this 
and the previous bug (below).

hopefully this is all I need to fix for now, otherwise I probably should 
start using your development framework to submit fixes / pull requests.

Best wishes,

On 27/08/15 20:54, Alexander Heger wrote:
> Dear Nathan,
> I now ran further through the demo and this time I got stuck in
> 4)_Data_Objects_and_Time_Series
> in section "Slice Queries", 3rd input field, the line
> yt.write_image(np.log10(frb["gas", "density"]), "temp.png")
> causes a trace back
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
> <ipython-input-17-6cc738ba1725> in <module>()
> ----> 1 yt.write_image(np.log10(frb["gas", "density"]), "temp.png")
>        2 #from IPython.display import Image
>        3 #Image(filename = "temp.png")
> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/yt/visualization/image_writer.py
> in write_image(image, filename, color_bounds, cmap_name, func)
>      217         image = image[:,:,0]
>      218     to_plot = apply_colormap(image, color_bounds =
> color_bounds, cmap_name = cmap_name)
> --> 219     pw.write_png(to_plot, filename)
>      220     return to_plot
>      221
> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/yt/utilities/png_writer.py
> in write_png(buffer, filename, dpi)
>       17     width = buffer.shape[1]
>       18     height = buffer.shape[0]
> ---> 19     _png.write_png(buffer, width, height, filename, dpi)
>       20
>       21 def write_png_to_string(buffer, dpi=100, gray=0):
> TypeError: write_png() takes at most 3 arguments (5 given)
> ----------------------------
> I think I have seen this error in yt version 3.0 or 3.1 before.
> (still using current 3.2)
> What seems to fix this for me is to change yt/utilities/png_writer.py
> def write_png(buffer, filename, dpi=100):
> #    width = buffer.shape[1]
> #    height = buffer.shape[0]
> #    _png.write_png(buffer, width, height, filename, dpi)
>      _png.write_png(buffer, filename, dpi)
> def write_png_to_string(buffer, dpi=100, gray=0):
> #    width = buffer.shape[1]
> #    height = buffer.shape[0]
>      fileobj = cStringIO()
> #    _png.write_png(buffer, width, height, fileobj, dpi)
>      _png.write_png(buffer, fileobj, dpi)
>      png_str = fileobj.getvalue()
>      fileobj.close()
>      return png_str
> (note:
> In [1]: mpl.__version__
> Out[1]: '1.5.dev1'
> )
> At this point, to get/keep these fixes I probably should switch to the
> development version of yt?
> Best wishes,
> Alexander
> On 27/08/15 17:46, Alexander Heger wrote:
>> Dear Nathan,
>> I now switched to the current matplotlibrc files and with that it seems
>> to work.
>> Thanks a lot.
>> As another question: is ok or ill-advised to run with the current yt
>> development version instead of the latest release?
>> Best wishes,
>> Alexander
>> On 27/08/15 00:26, Nathan Goldbaum wrote:
>>> On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 4:48 AM, Alexander Heger <alex.heger at gmail.com
>>> <mailto:alex.heger at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>     Dear Nathan,
>>>         Thanks for the report about this, we should make the quickstart
>>>         notebooks work under both python 2 and python 3.  I've filed an
>>>         issue to
>>>         track this here:
>>> https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/issues/1073/quickstart-notebooks-do-not-work-under
>>>         Python 3 is still new to yt, so there are rough edges that
>>> you're
>>>         running across. It really helps to get reports back from python3
>>>         users,
>>>         especially new users where things are confusing in yt. So
>>> thank you!
>>>     I ma happy to help, it is my interest to get it run - I use and
>>>     teach students to use python 3 since there is many cool new features
>>>     in py3.
>>>         I'm not sure what's up with the font issue below. I just tried
>>>         running
>>>         the simple visualization notebook under python3 and it worked
>>> on my
>>>         laptop, although that doesn't say much given that we likely
>>>         installed in
>>>         very different ways. The fact that it's looking for cmsy10 is
>>> a bit
>>>         strange since yt doesn't use that font internally. Do you
>>>         perhaps have
>>>         useTex = True somewhere in your matplotlibrc? Even then I'm
>>>         confused why
>>>     yes, I would use that; matplotlib seems to work otherwise.
>>>         it's crashing since I know many people use that setting
>>>         day-to-day with
>>>         yt and have no issues. I also just tried running that example
>>>         notebook
>>>         using matplotlib's useTex=True setting and it worked.
>>>     maybe something is special, I admit that after installation on top
>>>     of my custom-built python 3.4.3 on Fedora 22
>>>     cd
>>>     hg clone https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt
>>>     cd yt
>>>     hg update yt
>>>     pip3 install -r requirements.txt
>>>     pip3 install yt
>>>     I upgraded all packages to current version
>>>     pip3 freeze --local | grep -v '^\-e' | cut -d = -f 1  | xargs -n1
>>>     pip3 install -U
>>>         In either case, it's really a matplotlib issue and there's not
>>>         much we
>>>         can do about it on the yt side. In particular, I don't see any
>>> code
>>>         outside matplotlib in any of your tracebacks. Did you install yt
>>>         using
>>>         the install script, or by "pip install"ing or "conda
>>>         install"ing? Which
>>>         matplotlib version are you running? You can check by doing
>>> "import
>>>         matplotlib; print(matplotlib.__version__)" in the python REPL.
>>>     In [1]: mpl.__version__
>>>     Out[1]: '1.4.3'
>>>     Maybe I need to check/update my mpl resource file which is not 5 yr
>>>     old...?
>>>     I will try to update mpl to current development version
>>>     In [1]: mpl.__version__
>>>     Out[1]: '1.5.dev1'
>>>     unfortunately the error remains.  I am a bit worried about the line
>>>     --> 697             result = self._font[texname.decode('ascii')]
>>>     I will check tomorrow where 'cmsy10' may come from.
>>>     Should I also be suing the current development version of yt to make
>>>     error tracking against current version (and getting fixes) easier?
>>>     (and is this the correct list for this, or should I be using the
>>>     yt-devel list?)
>>> Either list is fine, please also feel free to open an issue, especially
>>> if you can make this error reproducible on another setup.
>>>     Best wishes,
>>>     Alexander
>>>              -Alexander
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>              KeyError                                  Traceback (most
>>>         recent
>>>              call last)
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/dviread.py
>>>         in
>>>              __getitem__(self, texname)
>>>                   706         try:
>>>              --> 707             result = self._font[texname]
>>>                   708         except KeyError:
>>>              KeyError: 'cmsy10'
>>>              During handling of the above exception, another exception
>>>         occurred:
>>>              AttributeError                            Traceback (most
>>>         recent
>>>              call last)
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py
>>>              in print_pdf(self, filename, **kwargs)
>>>                  2484
>>>           bbox_inches_restore=_bbox_inches_restore)
>>>              -> 2485             self.figure.draw(renderer)
>>>                  2486             renderer.finalize()
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/artist.py
>>>         in
>>>              draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
>>>                    58         before(artist, renderer)
>>>              ---> 59         draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
>>>                    60         after(artist, renderer)
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/figure.py
>>>         in
>>>              draw(self, renderer)
>>>                  1084         for zorder, a, func, args in dsu:
>>>              -> 1085             func(*args)
>>>                  1086
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/artist.py
>>>         in
>>>              draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
>>>                    58         before(artist, renderer)
>>>              ---> 59         draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
>>>                    60         after(artist, renderer)
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/_base.py
>>>              in draw(self, renderer, inframe)
>>>                  2109         for zorder, a in dsu:
>>>              -> 2110             a.draw(renderer)
>>>                  2111
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/artist.py
>>>         in
>>>              draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
>>>                    58         before(artist, renderer)
>>>              ---> 59         draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
>>>                    60         after(artist, renderer)
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/axis.py in
>>>              draw(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
>>>                  1118         for tick in ticks_to_draw:
>>>              -> 1119             tick.draw(renderer)
>>>                  1120
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/artist.py
>>>         in
>>>              draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
>>>                    58         before(artist, renderer)
>>>              ---> 59         draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
>>>                    60         after(artist, renderer)
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/axis.py in
>>>              draw(self, renderer)
>>>                   248         if self.label1On:
>>>              --> 249             self.label1.draw(renderer)
>>>                   250         if self.label2On:
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/artist.py
>>>         in
>>>              draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
>>>                    58         before(artist, renderer)
>>>              ---> 59         draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
>>>                    60         after(artist, renderer)
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/text.py in
>>>              draw(self, renderer)
>>>                   637                 renderer.draw_tex(gc, x, y,
>>>         clean_line,
>>>              --> 638
>>>           self._fontproperties, angle,
>>>              mtext=mtext)
>>>                   639             else:
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py
>>>              in draw_tex(self, gc, x, y, s, prop, angle, ismath, mtext)
>>>                  1823                 if dvifont.texname not in
>>>              self.file.dviFontInfo:
>>>              -> 1824                     psfont =
>>>              self.tex_font_mapping(dvifont.texname)
>>>                  1825
>>>           self.file.dviFontInfo[dvifont.texname]
>>>              = Bunch(
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py
>>>              in tex_font_mapping(self, texfont)
>>>                  1530
>>>         dviread.PsfontsMap(dviread.find_tex_file('pdftex.map'))
>>>              -> 1531         return self.tex_font_map[texfont]
>>>                  1532
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/dviread.py
>>>         in
>>>              __getitem__(self, texname)
>>>                   708         except KeyError:
>>>              --> 709             result =
>>>         self._font[texname.decode('ascii')]
>>>                   710         fn, enc = result.filename, result.encoding
>>>              AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'
>>>              During handling of the above exception, another exception
>>>         occurred:
>>>              FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most
>>>         recent
>>>              call last)
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/IPython/core/formatters.py
>>>              in __call__(self, obj)
>>>                   339             method =
>>> _safe_get_formatter_method(obj,
>>>              self.print_method)
>>>                   340             if method is not None:
>>>              --> 341                 return method()
>>>                   342             return None
>>>                   343         else:
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/yt/visualization/plot_container.py
>>>              in newfunc(*args, **kwargs)
>>>                    75             if hasattr(args[0], 'run_callbacks'):
>>>                    76                 args[0].run_callbacks()
>>>              ---> 77         rv = f(*args, **kwargs)
>>>                    78         return rv
>>>                    79     return newfunc
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/yt/visualization/plot_container.py
>>>              in _repr_html_(self)
>>>                   642         ret = ''
>>>                   643         for field in self.plots:
>>>              --> 644             img =
>>>              base64.b64encode(self.plots[field]._repr_png_()).decode()
>>>                   645             ret += r'<img
>>>              style="max-width:100%%;max-height:100%%;" ' \
>>>                   646
>>> r'src="data:image/png;base64,{0}"><br>'.format(img)
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/yt/visualization/base_plot_types.py
>>>              in _repr_png_(self)
>>>                   165         canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(self.figure)
>>>                   166         f = BytesIO()
>>>              --> 167         canvas.print_figure(f)
>>>                   168         f.seek(0)
>>>                   169         return f.read()
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/backend_bases.py
>>>              in print_figure(self, filename, dpi, facecolor, edgecolor,
>>>              orientation, format, **kwargs)
>>>                  2209                 orientation=orientation,
>>>                  2210
>>>           bbox_inches_restore=_bbox_inches_restore,
>>>              -> 2211                 **kwargs)
>>>                  2212         finally:
>>>                  2213             if bbox_inches and restore_bbox:
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py
>>>              in print_pdf(self, filename, **kwargs)
>>>                  2489                 file.endStream()
>>>                  2490             else:            # we opened the file
>>>         above; now
>>>              finish it off
>>>              -> 2491                 file.close()
>>>                  2492
>>>                  2493
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py
>>>              in close(self)
>>>                   523         self.endStream()
>>>                   524         # Write out the various deferred objects
>>>              --> 525         self.writeFonts()
>>>                   526         self.writeObject(self.alphaStateObject,
>>>                   527                          dict([(val[0], val[1])
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py
>>>              in writeFonts(self)
>>>                   623                 # a normal TrueType font
>>>                   624                 matplotlib.verbose.report('Writing
>>>         TrueType
>>>              font', 'debug')
>>>              --> 625                 realpath, stat_key =
>>>              get_realpath_and_stat(filename)
>>>                   626                 chars =
>>>         self.used_characters.get(stat_key)
>>>                   627                 if chars is not None and
>>>         len(chars[1]):
>>> /home/alex/Python/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/cbook.py in
>>>              __call__(self, path)
>>>                  1020                 stat_key = realpath
>>>                  1021             else:
>>>              -> 1022                 stat = os.stat(realpath)
>>>                  1023                 stat_key = (stat.st_ino,
>>> stat.st_dev)
>>>                  1024             result = realpath, stat_key
>>>              FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
>>>              '/home/alex/yt/doc/source/quickstart/cmsy10'
>>>              <yt.visualization.plot_window.ProjectionPlot at
>>> 0x7fb8225470b8>
>>>              On 25 July 2015 at 05:48, John ZuHone
>>>         <jzuhone at space.mit.edu <mailto:jzuhone at space.mit.edu>
>>>              <mailto:jzuhone at space.mit.edu
>>>         <mailto:jzuhone at space.mit.edu>>> wrote:
>>>                  We are proud to announce the release of yt 3.2!
>>>                  yt (http://yt-project.org) is an open source,
>>>                  community-developed toolkit
>>>                  for analysis and visualization of volumetric data of
>>>         all types,
>>>                  with a
>>>                  particular emphasis on astrophysical simulations and
>>>         nuclear
>>>                  engineering
>>>                  simulations.
>>>                  Major enhancements
>>>                  Particle-Only Plots - a series of new plotting
>>>         functions for
>>>                  visualizing
>>>                  particle data.  See here for more information.
>>>                  Late-stage beta support for Python 3 - unit tests and
>>>         answer
>>>                  tests pass for
>>>                  all the major frontends under python 3.4, and yt should
>>>         now be
>>>                  mostly if not
>>>                  fully usable.  Because many of the yt developers are
>>>         still on
>>>                  Python 2 at
>>>                  this point, this should be considered a “late stage
>>>         beta” as
>>>                  there may be
>>>                  remaining issues yet to be identified or worked out.
>>>                  Now supporting Gadget Friend-of-Friends/Subfind
>>>         catalogs - see
>>>                  here to learn
>>>                  how to load halo catalogs as regular yt datasets.
>>>                  Custom colormaps can now be easily defined and added -
>>>         see here
>>>                  to learn
>>>                  how!
>>>                  Now supporting Fargo3D data
>>>                  Performance improvements throughout the code base for
>>>         memory and
>>>                  speed
>>>                  Minor enhancements
>>>                  Various updates to the following frontends: ART,
>>>         Athena, Castro,
>>>                  Chombo,
>>>                  Gadget, GDF, Maestro, Pluto, RAMSES, Rockstar, SDF,
>>> Tipsy
>>>                  Numerous documentation updates
>>>                  Generic hexahedral mesh pixelizer
>>>                  Adding annotate_ray() callback for plots
>>>                  AbsorptionSpectrum returned to full functionality and
>>>         now using
>>>                  faster SciPy
>>>                  Voigt profile
>>>                  Add a color_field argument to annotate_streamline
>>>                  Smoothing lengths auto-calculated for Tipsy Datasets
>>>                  Adding SimulationTimeSeries support for Gadget and
>>> OWLS.
>>>                  Generalizing derived quantity outputs to all be
>>>         YTArrays or lists of
>>>                  YTArrays as appropriate
>>>                  Star analysis returned to full functionality
>>>                  FITS image writing refactor
>>>                  Adding gradient fields on the fly
>>>                  Adding support for Gadget Nx4 metallicity fields
>>>                  Updating value of solar metal mass fraction to be
>>>         consistent
>>>                  with Cloudy.
>>>                  Gadget raw binary snapshot handling & non-cosmological
>>>                  simulation units
>>>                  Adding support for LightRay class to work with
>>> Gadget+Tipsy
>>>                  Add support for subclasses of frontends
>>>                  Dependencies updated
>>>                  Serialization for projections using minimal
>>> representation
>>>                  Adding Grid visitors in Cython
>>>                  Improved semantics for derived field units
>>>                  Add a yaw() method for the PerspectiveCamera + switch
>>>         back to LHS
>>>                  Adding annotate_clear() function to remove previous
>>>         callbacks
>>>                  from a plot
>>>                  Added documentation for hexahedral mesh on website
>>>                  Speed up nearest neighbor evaluation
>>>                  Add a convenience method to create deposited particle
>>>         fields
>>>                  UI and docs updates for 3D streamlines
>>>                  Ensure particle fields are tested in the field unit
>>> tests
>>>                  Allow a suffix to be specified to save()
>>>                  Add profiling using airspeed velocity
>>>                  Various plotting enhancements and bugfixes
>>>                  Use hglib to update
>>>                  Various minor updates to halo_analysis toolkit
>>>                  Docker-based tests for install_script.sh
>>>                  Adding support for single and non-cosmological datasets
>>>         to LightRay
>>>                  Adding the Pascal unit
>>>                  Add weight_field to PPVCube
>>>                  FITS reader: allow HDU in auxiliary
>>>                  Fixing electromagnetic units
>>>                  Specific Angular Momentum [xyz] computed relative to a
>>>         normal vector
>>>                  Bugfixes
>>>                  Adding ability to create union fields from alias fields
>>>                  Small fix to allow enzo AP datasets to load in parallel
>>>         when no
>>>                  APs present
>>>                  Use proper cell dimension in gradient function.
>>>                  Minor memory optimization for smoothed particle fields
>>>                  Fix thermal_energy for Enzo HydroMethod==6
>>>                  Make sure annotate_particles handles unitful widths
>>>         properly
>>>                  Improvements for add_particle_filter and
>>> particle_filter
>>>                  Specify registry in off_axis_projection's image
>>>         finalization
>>>                  Apply fix for particle momentum units to the boxlib
>>>         frontend
>>>                  Avoid traceback in "yt version" when python-hglib is
>>>         not installed
>>>                  Expose no_ghost from export_sketchfab down to
>>>                  _extract_isocontours_from_grid
>>>                  Fix broken magnetic_unit attribute
>>>                  Fixing an off-by-one error in the set x/y lim methods
>>> for
>>>                  profile plots
>>>                  Providing better error messages to PlotWindow callbacks
>>>                  Updating annotate_timestamp to avoid auto-override
>>>                  Updating callbacks to consistently define coordinate
>>> system
>>>                  Fixing species fields for OWLS and tipsy
>>>                  Fix extrapolation for vertex-centered data
>>>                  Fix periodicity check in FRBs
>>>                  Rewrote project_to_plane() in PerspectiveCamera for
>>>         draw_domain()
>>>                  Fix intermittent failure in
>>>         test_add_deposited_particle_field
>>>                  Improve minorticks for a symlog plot with one-sided
>>> data
>>>                  Fix smoothed covering grid cell computation
>>>                  Absorption spectrum generator now 3.0 compliant
>>>                  Fix off-by-one-or-more in particle smallest dx
>>>                  Fix dimensionality mismatch error in covering grid
>>>                  Fix curvature term in cosmology calculator
>>>                  Fix geographic axes and pixelization
>>>                  Ensure axes aspect ratios respect the user-selected
>>>         plot aspect
>>>                  ratio
>>>                  Avoid clobbering field_map when calling
>>> profile.add_fields
>>>                  Fixing the arbitrary grid deposit code
>>>                  Fix spherical plotting centering
>>>                  Make the behavior of to_frb consistent with the
>>> docstring
>>>                  Ensure projected units are initialized when there are
>>>         no chunks.
>>>                  Removing "field already exists" warnings from the
>>> Owls and
>>>                  Gadget frontends
>>>                  Various photon simulator bugs
>>>                  Fixed use of LaTeX math mode
>>>                  Fix upload_image
>>>                  Enforce plot width in CSS when displayed in a notebook
>>>                  Fix cStringIO.StringIO -> cStringIO in png_writer
>>>                  Add some input sanitizing and error checking to
>>>         covering_grid
>>>                  initializer
>>>                  Fix for geographic plotting
>>>                  Use the correct filename template for single-file OWLS
>>>         datasets.
>>>                  Fix Enzo IO performance for 32 bit datasets
>>>                  Adding a number density field for Enzo MultiSpecies=0
>>>         datasets.
>>>                  Fix RAMSES block ordering
>>>                  Fix ART star particle masses to correctly reflect
>>>         current and
>>>                  initial mass
>>>                  Updating ragged array tests for NumPy 1.9.1
>>>                  Force returning lists for HDF5FileHandler
>>>                  Coming Soon!
>>>                  The next major release of yt will be version 3.3,
>>> which is
>>>                  slated to include
>>>                  an overhaul of the volume rendering system and
>>> support for
>>>                  analyzing and
>>>                  visualizing unstructured mesh data.
>>>                  Standard Installation Methods
>>>                  As with previous releases, you can install yt from
>>>         source using
>>>                  one of the
>>>                  following methods.
>>>                  1) From the install script
>>> (http://yt-project.org/#getyt ):
>>>                  Note, many of the dependencies have been updated since
>>>         version
>>>                  3.1.  If you
>>>                  previously installed yt from the install script, it is
>>>         advised
>>>                  that you
>>>                  re-install yt from scratch.
>>>                  # Installation
>>>                  $ wget
>>> http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/raw/stable/doc/install_script.sh
>>>                  $ bash install_script.sh
>>>                  # Update
>>>                  $ yt update
>>>                  2) From pip (source or binary wheel, see below for more
>>>         details):
>>>                  # Installation
>>>                  $ pip install yt
>>>                  # Update
>>>                  $ pip install -U yt
>>>                  3) From the Anaconda Python Distribution
>>>                  (https://store.continuum.io/cshop/anaconda/):
>>>                  # Installation
>>>                  $ conda install yt
>>>                  # Update
>>>                  $ conda update yt
>>>                  Note that it might take a day or two for the conda
>>>         package to be
>>>                  updated.
>>>                  If you are on the “stable” branch, updating will bring
>>>         you from
>>>                  yt 3.1 to
>>>                  3.2, incorporating all
>>>                  changes since 3.1, whereas if you are on the “dev” or
>>> “yt”
>>>                  branch, only the
>>>                  changes since
>>>                  your last update should be incorporated.
>>>                  Installing Binary Packages via pip
>>>                  New to this release is the ability to install binary
>>>         packages
>>>                  (“wheels”)
>>>                  using pip on Windows and Mac OS X (64-bit only for
>>>         both). This
>>>                  has the
>>>                  advantage of not needing to install yt from source
>>> using a
>>>                  proper compiler
>>>                  setup, which has caused occasional problems on both of
>>>         these
>>>                  platforms and
>>>                  prevented us from installing yt easily on other Python
>>>                  distributions.
>>>                  We have so far been able to install and run the binary
>>>                  distribution via pip
>>>                  on the following platforms and Python stacks:
>>>                  Note that it might take a day or two for the pip wheels
>>>         to be
>>>                  updated.
>>>                  Windows x86_64:
>>>                  Enthought Canopy Python
>>>         (https://www.enthought.com/products/canopy/)
>>>                  WinPython (http://winpython.sourceforge.net/)
>>>                  Mac OS X x86_64:
>>>                  Enthought Canopy Python
>>>         (https://www.enthought.com/products/canopy/)
>>>                  Homebrew Python (http://brew.sh/)
>>>                  Python.org Python
>>>                  Mac OS X’s system Python
>>>                  MacPorts Python (https://www.macports.org/)
>>>                  This is somewhat experimental, so other distributions
>>>         may work
>>>                  (or not),
>>>                  please submit bug reports or successes to the mailing
>>>         list or to the
>>>                  Bitbucket issues page
>>>         (http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/issues).
>>>                  All distributions are recommended to be Python v. 2.7,
>>>         although
>>>                  with yt 3.2
>>>                  there is late-stage beta support for Python 3.4. The
>>>                  requirements for
>>>                  installing yt via this method are the same as from
>>> source:
>>>                  NumPy
>>>                  h5py
>>>                  HDF5
>>>                  SymPy
>>>                  Matplotlib
>>>                  IPython (not required, but strongly recommended)
>>>                  To install a new version of yt on one of these
>>>         platforms, simply do
>>>                  $ pip install yt
>>>                  and you should get the binary distribution
>>>         automatically. Also,
>>>                  if your
>>>                  python installation is system-wide (e.g., the Mac
>>>         system Python)
>>>                  you might
>>>                  need to run pip with administrator privileges.
>>>                  For more information, including more installation
>>>         instructions,
>>>                  links to
>>>                  community resources, and information on contributing to
>>>         yt’s
>>>                  development,
>>>                  please see the yt homepage at http://yt-project.org
>>> and the
>>>                  documentation
>>>                  for yt-3.2 at http://yt-project.org/docs/3.2.
>>>                  yt is the product of a large community of developers
>>>         and users
>>>                  and we are
>>>                  extraordinarily grateful for and proud of their
>>>         contributions.
>>>                  Please
>>>                  forward this announcement on to any interested parties.
>>>                  As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or run
>>>         into any
>>>                  trouble
>>>                  updating please don't hesitate to send a message to the
>>>         mailing
>>>                  list or stop
>>>                  by our IRC channel.
>>>                  All the best,
>>>                  The yt development team
>>>              _______________________________________________
>>>              yt-users mailing list
>>>         yt-users at lists.spacepope.org
>>>         <mailto:yt-users at lists.spacepope.org>
>>>         <mailto:yt-users at lists.spacepope.org
>>>         <mailto:yt-users at lists.spacepope.org>>
>>>         http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-users-spacepope.org
>>>         _______________________________________________
>>>         yt-users mailing list
>>>         yt-users at lists.spacepope.org
>>> <mailto:yt-users at lists.spacepope.org>
>>>         http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-users-spacepope.org
>>>     _______________________________________________
>>>     yt-users mailing list
>>>     yt-users at lists.spacepope.org <mailto:yt-users at lists.spacepope.org>
>>>     http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-users-spacepope.org
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> yt-users mailing list
>>> yt-users at lists.spacepope.org
>>> http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-users-spacepope.org
>> _______________________________________________
>> yt-users mailing list
>> yt-users at lists.spacepope.org
>> http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-users-spacepope.org
> _______________________________________________
> yt-users mailing list
> yt-users at lists.spacepope.org
> http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-users-spacepope.org
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