[yt-users] installation issues with yt 2.5.5
Luigi Iapichino
LUIGI at uni-heidelberg.de
Tue Sep 17 03:20:52 PDT 2013
Dear all,
while installing yt 2.5.5 I had to face some new issues. As you maybe
remember, I have yt on a machine (SuperMUC in Garching, Germany) whose
firewall permits only incoming SSH-connections. Running the install
script there is rather annoying but, by making use of remote mounting
through sshfs on my local PC, I have been able to always install yt.
In this process, it is crucial that, whenever possible, the install
script is organised in two distinct parts: a download part, run on my
local PC, where I get all dependencies, and an installation part, run
on the remote machine.
This has worked pretty well so far but, in the newest script of yt
2.5.5, during the installation matplotlib-1.3.0 looks for additional
dependencies of its own, and tries to download them from the Web,
crashing the script. These dependencies are, according to
matplotlib-1.3.0/lib/matplotlib.egg-info/requires.txt :
I downloaded from the Web the first and third one, and installed them
by hand before installing matplotlib. The second and fourth one are
already among the yt dependencies, but I had to move in the right
place, before installing matlotlib. In practice, I had to add the
following lines before installing matplotlib:
do_setup_py $NOSE
do_setup_py pyparsing-1.5.6
do_setup_py $TORNADO
do_setup_py python-dateutil-1.5
and commenting do_setup_py $NOSE and do_setup_py $TORNADO in other
parts of the script. In this way, the installation worked again.
In the yt website it is stressed to mention any issue with
installation, therefore my email on this subject. Apparently my
installation works well now, so you may consider to test and
eventually incorporate these changes in install_script.sh , and
whether to include pyparsing and python-dateutil to the yt
dependencies. Alternatively, one could consider to go back to the
previous version of matplotlib, which did not attempt such downloads,
but I am not an expert in matplotlib, so possibly there were better
reasons fo you to move to 1.3.0.
Luigi Iapichino
Universität Heidelberg, Zentrum für Astronomie
Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik
Philosophenweg 12, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Tel: +49 6221 548983, Fax: +49 6221 544221
e-mail: luigi at uni-heidelberg.de
URL: http://www.ita.uni-heidelberg.de/~luigi/
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