[yt-users] unpickle / load problems

Elizabeth Tasker tasker at astro1.sci.hokudai.ac.jp
Wed Mar 13 12:03:10 PDT 2013


I'm struggling to unpickle / load_object a previously pickled / save_object.

I've done:

pf.h.save_object(allclouds, "clouds_pyfindclouds2_yt")

but when I do:

clouds = pf.h.load_object("clouds_pyfindclouds2_yt")

I get:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
/Users/Elizabeth/yt/src/yt-hg/scripts/iyt in <module>()
----> 1 execfile("cloud_surfacedensity_b.py")

/Users/Elizabeth/yt/src/yt-hg/scripts/iyt in <module>()
     13 #file.close()
---> 15 clouds = pf.h.load_object("clouds_pyfindclouds2_yt")

/Users/Elizabeth/yt/src/yt-hg/yt/data_objects/hierarchy.pyc in load_object(self, name)
    328         if obj is None:
    329             return
--> 330         obj = cPickle.loads(obj.value)
    331         if iterable(obj) and len(obj) == 2:
    332             obj = obj[1] # Just the object, not the pf

/Users/Elizabeth/yt/src/yt-hg/yt/data_objects/data_containers.pyc in _reconstruct_object(*args, **kwargs)
   4623     pf = pfs.get_pf_hash(pfid)
   4624     cls = getattr(pf.h, dtype)
-> 4625     obj = cls(*new_args)
   4626     obj.field_parameters.update(field_parameters)
   4627     return pf, obj

/Users/Elizabeth/yt/src/yt-hg/yt/data_objects/data_containers.pyc in __init__(self, regions, fields, pf, **kwargs)
   4046         self._all_overlap = []
   4047         self._cut_masks = {}
-> 4048         self._get_all_regions()
   4049         self._make_overlaps()
   4050         self._get_list_of_grids()

/Users/Elizabeth/yt/src/yt-hg/yt/data_objects/data_containers.pyc in _get_all_regions(self)
   4057             self._all_regions.append(item)
   4058             # So cut_masks don't get messed up.
-> 4059             item._boolean_touched = True
   4060         self._all_regions = np.unique(self._all_regions)

AttributeError: ("'tuple' object has no attribute '_boolean_touched'", <function _reconstruct_object at 0x101dcd578>, ('73850deee907adf5217f43156c5057cd', 'boolean', [(GR_Enzo2_128amr5_zeus_turb_psupp_rr_0240, AMRCylinder (GR_Enzo2_128amr5_zeus_turb_psupp_rr_0240): center=[ 16.  16.  16.], _norm_vec=[ 0.  0.  1.], _radius=7.5, _height=0.100000208264), 'NOT', (GR_Enzo2_128amr5_zeus_turb_psupp_rr_0240, AMRCylinder (GR_Enzo2_128amr5_zeus_turb_psupp_rr_0240): center=[ 16.  16.  16.], _norm_vec=[ 0.  0.  1.], _radius=4.5, _height=0.100000208264)], {'bulk_velocity': array([ 0.,  0.,  0.]), 'center': array([ 0.5,  0.5,  0.5]), 'normal': array([ 0.,  0.,  1.])}))

This is all on the same computer.


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