[yt-users] inline yt in parallel

Matthew Turk matthewturk at gmail.com
Thu Apr 11 12:31:41 PDT 2013

On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 3:00 PM, Christine Simpson
<csimpson at astro.columbia.edu> wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> So I have a script called user_script.py in my run directory where I have the enzo executable, parameter file, etc. and from which I'm running the enzo simulation.  What do you mean by 'yt directory'?  Do you mean site-packages?  The script I'm testing is just this (from the yt docs):

Oops!  No, I meant exactly what you're doing.  This looks precisely
correct to me.  And, more to the point, I completely did not see that
this was all evident from your message last night.  (This should be a
lesson for me: be fully awake when replying.)

I am a bit curious as to a few things.  You b uilt with shared
libraries, which is exactly the way that we fixed
similar-but-not-identical answers in the past.  So, the first is
whether or not we can track this down to a specific import or library.

Can you run a couple different user_script.py files:

type 1:

import numpy as np

def main():
    print "Type 1"

type 2:

from yt.mods import *

def main:
    print "Type 2"

type 3:

type 1:

from mpi4py import MPI

def main():
    print "Type 3"


My suspicion is that pmods may be causing issues, or that by some
chance mpi4py is not compiled correctly (it is a bit of a funny
compilation system) and that's where the problem is coming from.  Note
that unfortunately KeyboardInterrupt is code for a wide variety here,
as what happens is that anything that throws a signal gets interpreted

One last thing to check is the output of ldd on the MPI.so file inside
your yt site-packages directory, under the mpi4py subdirectory, versus
the output of ldd for enzo.exe.  These should both link to the same
MPI library.

Hope that helps,


> from yt.pmods import *
> def main():
>    pf = EnzoStaticOutputInMemory()
>    pc = PlotCollection(pf)
>    pc.add_slice("Density",1)
>    pc.save()
> If I just type python2.7 user_script.py on the command line, it just returns (although I have to change yt.pmods to yt.mods).  I mean, there's no enzo output in memory unless it is running with an enzo simulation, right?
> Thanks for your help,
> Christine
> On Apr 11, 2013, at 2:55 AM, Matthew Turk wrote:
>> Hi Christine,
>> On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 12:34 AM, Christine Simpson
>> <csimpson at astro.columbia.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Thanks for your observations and suggestions.  I had neglected to install mpi4py, which was the original problem.  I installed that and I can run parallel yt scripts, however, I'm still having trouble with using inline yt.  I've pasted the error I now get below.  It is not very informative (to me at least); the keyboard interrupt is the symptom, not the cause of the problem, I think.  I'm doing this on trestles and I tried to use their parallel debugger ddt to get some more information.  ddt seems to indicate that one of the processes is looking for a file called mpi4py.MPI.c in the /tmp directory, which I don't really understand, and maybe is a red herring.  I don't have any problems with single processor jobs.  I installed yt using shared libraries by adding the --enable-shared flag to the configure statement for python in the install script.  I've also pasted the enzo make file that I'm using below.  I'm thinking that I somehow have messed up the libraries or include fi
>  l
>> es
>>> .  If anyone has successfully used inline yt on trestles and has any advice, I'd love to hear it.
>> So this could probably be better covered by the documentation, but the
>> inline yt process looks for a script called user_script.py in the yt
>> directory, within which it will call the main() function.  This
>> function can get access to the in-memory output by doing something
>> like "pf = EnzoStaticOutputInMemory()" which will query the
>> appropriate items.  Note that you can't access raw data like
>> "sphere['Density']" but you can do operations like
>> "sphere.quantities['Extrema']('Density')" and so on; anything that
>> uses an opaque object is fine, but arrays of concatenated data
>> generally aren't.
>> If you do have the script "user_script.py" in your directory, then
>> this generally means that there's a syntax error or something else
>> preventing it from being imported.  I think if you have gotten this
>> far and you don't have user_script.py, you probably are fine for the
>> libraries and so on.  If you do have it, are you able to run it with
>> "python2.7 user_script.py" ?
>> -Matt
>>> Thanks for all your help
>>> Christine
>>> Error:
>>> MPI_Init: NumberOfProcessors = 3
>>> warning: the following parameter line was not interpreted:
>>> TestStarParticleEnergy  =  0.00104392468495
>>> warning: the following parameter line was not interpreted:
>>> TestStarParticleDensity  =  1.0
>>> warning: the following parameter line was not interpreted:
>>> TestStarParticleStarMass  =  100.0
>>> ****** ReadUnits:  2.748961e+37 1.000000e-24 3.018025e+20 3.150000e+13 *******
>>> Global Dir set to .
>>> Initialdt in ReadParameterFile = 4.815337e-05
>>> InitializeNew: Starting problem initialization.
>>> Central Mass: 6813.382812
>>> Allocated 1 particles
>>> Initialize Exterior
>>> ExtBndry: BoundaryRank = 3
>>> ExtBndry: GridDimension = 104 104 104
>>> ExtBndry: NumberOfBaryonFields = 6
>>> InitializeExternalBoundaryFace
>>> SimpleConstantBoundary FALSE
>>> End of set exterior
>>> InitializeNew: Initial grid hierarchy set
>>> InitializeNew: Partition Initial Grid 0
>>> Enter CommunicationPartitionGrid.
>>> PartitionGrid (on all processors): Layout = 1 1 3
>>> NumberOfNewGrids = 3
>>> GridDims[0]:  98
>>> GridDims[1]:  98
>>> GridDims[2]:  33 32 33
>>> StartIndex[0]:  0
>>> StartIndex[1]:  0
>>> StartIndex[2]:  0 33 65
>>> Call ZeroSUS on TopGrid
>>> ENZO_layout 1 x 1 x 3
>>> Grid structure: 1576
>>> SubGrids structure: 4728
>>> Re-set Unigrid = 0
>>> Grid distribution
>>> Delete OldGrid
>>> OldGrid deleted
>>> Exit CommunicationPartitionGrid.
>>> InitializeNew: Finished problem initialization.
>>> Initializing Python interface
>>> Successfully read in parameter file StarParticleTest.enzo.
>>> INITIALIZATION TIME =   9.38615084e-01
>>> Beginning parallel import block.
>>> MPI process (rank: 1) terminated unexpectedly on trestles-12-20.local
>>> Exit code -5 signaled from trestles-12-20
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
>>>  File "./user_script.py", line 1, in <module>
>>>    from yt.pmods import *
>>>  File "/home/csimpson/yt-x86_64-shared/src/yt-hg/yt/pmods.py", line 364, in <module>
>>>    from yt.mods import *
>>>  File "/home/csimpson/yt-x86_64-shared/src/yt-hg/yt/pmods.py", line 234, in __import_hook__
>>>    q, tail = __find_head_package__(parent, name)
>>>  File "/home/csimpson/yt-x86_64-shared/src/yt-hg/yt/pmods.py", line 323, in __find_head_package__
>>>    q = __import_module__(head, qname, parent)
>>>  File "/home/csimpson/yt-x86_64-shared/src/yt-hg/yt/pmods.py", line 268, in __import_module__
>>>    pathname,stuff,ierror = mpi.bcast((pathname,stuff,ierror))
>>>  File "/home/csimpson/yt-x86_64-shared/src/yt-hg/yt/pmods.py", line 201, in bcast
>>>    return MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast(obj,root)
>>> KeyboardInterrupt
>>> Caught fatal exception:
>>>   'Importing user_script failed!'
>>> at InitializePythonInterface.C:108
>>> Backtrace:
>>> BT symbol: ./enzo.exe [0x41ff8a]
>>> BT symbol: ./enzo.exe [0x727e14]
>>> BT symbol: ./enzo.exe [0x421147]
>>> BT symbol: /lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf4) [0x3c0121d994]
>>> BT symbol: ./enzo.exe(__gxx_personality_v0+0x3d9) [0x41fea9]
>>> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'EnzoFatalException'
>>> Make file:
>>> #=======================================================================
>>> #
>>> # FILE:        Make.mach.trestles
>>> #
>>> # DESCRIPTION: Makefile settings for the Trestles Resource at SDSC/UCSD
>>> #
>>> # AUTHOR:      John Wise (jwise at astro.princeton.edu)
>>> #
>>> # DATE:        07 Dec 2010
>>> #
>>> #
>>> #=======================================================================
>>> MACH_TEXT  = Trestles
>>> MACH_VALID = 1
>>> MACH_FILE  = Make.mach.trestles
>>>        Load these modules, \
>>>        'module add intel/11.1 mvapich2/1.5.1p1'"
>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> # Compiler settings
>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> LOCAL_MPI_INSTALL = /home/diag/opt/mvapich2/1.5.1p1/intel/
>>> LOCAL_PYTHON_INSTALL = /home/csimpson/yt-x86_64-shared/
>>> #LOCAL_COMPILER_DIR = /opt/pgi/linux86-64/10.5
>>> LOCAL_COMPILER_DIR = /opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/072
>>> # With MPI
>>> MACH_CPP       = cpp
>>> MACH_CC_MPI    = $(LOCAL_MPI_INSTALL)/bin/mpicc # C compiler when using MPI
>>> MACH_CXX_MPI   = $(LOCAL_MPI_INSTALL)/bin/mpicxx # C++ compiler when using MPI
>>> MACH_FC_MPI    = $(LOCAL_MPI_INSTALL)/bin/mpif90 # Fortran 77 compiler when using MPI
>>> MACH_F90_MPI   = $(LOCAL_MPI_INSTALL)/bin/mpif90 # Fortran 90 compiler when using MPI
>>> MACH_LD_MPI    = $(LOCAL_MPI_INSTALL)/bin/mpicxx # Linker when using MPI
>>> # Without MPI
>>> MACH_CC_NOMPI  = $(LOCAL_COMPILER_DIR)/bin/intel64/icc # C compiler when not using MPI
>>> MACH_CXX_NOMPI = $(LOCAL_COMPILER_DIR)/bin/intel64/icpc # C++ compiler when not using MPI
>>> MACH_FC_NOMPI  = $(LOCAL_COMPILER_DIR)/bin/intel64/ifort # Fortran 77 compiler when not using MPI
>>> MACH_F90_NOMPI = $(LOCAL_COMPILER_DIR)/bin/intel64/ifort # Fortran 90 compiler when not using MPI
>>> MACH_LD_NOMPI  = $(LOCAL_COMPILER_DIR)/bin/intel64/icpc # Linker when not using MPI
>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> # Machine-dependent defines
>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> # Defines for the architecture; e.g. -DSUN, -DLINUX, etc.
>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> # Compiler flag settings
>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> MACH_CPPFLAGS = -P -traditional
>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> # Precision-related flags
>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> MACH_FFLAGS_REAL_32    = -r4
>>> MACH_FFLAGS_REAL_64    = -r8
>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> # Optimization flags
>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> MACH_OPT_WARN        = -Wall # Flags for verbose compiler warnings
>>> MACH_OPT_DEBUG       = -O0 -g # Flags for debugging
>>> # Flags for high conservative optimization
>>> #MACH_OPT_HIGH        = -O1 -ftz -mieee-fp -fp-speculation=off -prec-sqrt -prec-div
>>> MACH_OPT_HIGH        = -O2
>>> # Note that this breaks determinism, which is why it's commented out!
>>> #
>>> MACH_OPT_AGGRESSIVE  = -O3 # Flags for aggressive optimization
>>> # This is the best we can do, from what I can tell.
>>> #MACH_OPT_AGGRESSIVE  = -O1 -ftz -mieee-fp -fp-speculation=off -prec-sqrt -prec-div
>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> # Includes
>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> LOCAL_INCLUDES_HDF5   = -I/home/csimpson/yt-x86_64-shared/include # HDF5 includes
>>> LOCAL_INCLUDES_PAPI   = # PAPI includes
>>>                        -I$(LOCAL_PYTHON_INSTALL)/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include
>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> # Libraries
>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> LOCAL_LIBS_HDF5   = -L/home/csimpson/yt-x86_64-shared/lib -lhdf5 # HDF5 libraries
>>> LOCAL_LIBS_PAPI   = # PAPI libraries
>>> LOCAL_LIBS_PYTHON  = -L$(LOCAL_PYTHON_INSTALL)/lib -lpython2.7 \
>>>                     -lreadline -ltermcap -lutil
>>> #                       -lpgf90 -lpgf90_rpm1 -lpgf902 -lpgf90rtl -lpgftnrtl -lrt
>>> LOCAL_LIBS_MACH  = -L$(LOCAL_COMPILER_DIR)/lib/intel64 -lifcore -lifport
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