[yt-users] yt on 'astronomy computing today'

Peter Teuben teuben at astro.umd.edu
Wed Sep 12 17:31:31 PDT 2012

On 09/10/2012 11:11 AM, Matthew Turk wrote:
> the  "yt serve" command comes back and tells me i need to install
> missing Reason support files.  It gives an example what to do (has a
> minor typo)
>             cd /home/teuben/yt/yt-x86_64:/src
>                                                           ^^^^   (no colon)
>             wget http://yt-project.org/dependencies/reason-js-20120623.zip
> Hmm, this is a bit odd.  Digging into the code, this message is issued
> by lines 95-96 in yt/gui/reason/utils.py, which look like:
> reasonjs_path = os.path.join(os.environ["YT_DEST"], "src", fn)
> if not os.path.isfile(reasonjs_path):
>     ...
> I'm wondering if possibly YT_DEST, in your environment, might have a
> trailing semicolon?  If so, can you run again without the trailing
> semicolon?

bingo!    there was a trailing colon, not semi-colon, but it threw off
the setup. The bash variant
doesn't have this problem, I should have perhaps mentioned,but I used
tcsh in my example.


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