[yt-users] development environment issue
Matthew Turk
matthewturk at gmail.com
Sun Dec 23 20:16:26 PST 2012
Hi Sam,
I've had occasion recently also to be adding frontends to be
auto-discovered. The way that frontends work is that they are
self-registering classes. When the class, in this case
ARTIOStaticOutput is defined, the metaclass gets called and this
inserts a reference to the frontend's static output into the known set
of data types. You're likely seeing this in your run on the command
line for plot.
I would also guess that things aren't being activated correctly. What
happens if you manually import it in your script, above yt.mods, and
print it out? Because printing out a module object will include the
path, this can help us see where thigns might be going wrong.
import yt.mods; print yt.mods
import yt.frontends.artio.api as artio; print artio
And it may also now be the case that if you manually import it, you
can load from it.
As a point of reference, one thing I have become accustomed to
prefixing all the scripts that absolutely need to run in a particular
clone of yt with something like this at the top of the script:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "/home/mturk/yt/yt-3.0")
Then you can go on to do stuff like:
from yt.mods import *
from yt.frontends.sph.api import OWLSStaticOutput
pf = load("snapshot_033/snap_033.0.hdf5")
Can you have a go at looking into where the modules are coming from,
and let us know? As another quick idea, it may be that if you want to
move back and forth, you can avoid using "develop" at all and manually
set your PYTHONPATH. I keep all of my yt repos in $HOME/yt and I use
this alias to switch between them:
if [ ! -d ${PP} ] && echo "${PP} doesn't exist" && return
export YTPATH=${PP}
It's simple, but it works.
On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 5:04 PM, Sam Leitner <sam.leitner at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi yt-users,
> I'm having a little trouble with my script environment (for yt-3.0). After
> installing and then "activating" a new repository (python setup.py develop)
> I altered mods.py to include a new frontend. When I then run e.g., plot from
> the command line, yt.mods imports properly and my _is_valid script runs
> fine. However, when I run "load" from a script my new StaticOutput class
> isn't found. I guess this is because I have not activated my yt environment
> properly(?), can anyone tell me what is going wrong?
> Thanks!
> Sam
> PS In case it is helpful: I get an error on load in convenience.py because
> the my new StaticOutput class (artio) is not defined. Here's the output if I
> print the c in c._is_valid .
> <class 'yt.frontends.enzo.data_structures.EnzoStaticOutput'>
> <class 'yt.frontends.chombo.data_structures.ChomboStaticOutput'>
> <class 'yt.data_objects.static_output.StaticOutput'>
> <class 'yt.frontends.athena.data_structures.AthenaStaticOutput'>
> <class 'yt.frontends.tiger.data_structures.TigerStaticOutput'>
> <class 'yt.frontends.nyx.data_structures.NyxStaticOutput'>
> <class 'yt.frontends.orion.data_structures.OrionStaticOutput'>
> <class 'yt.frontends.flash.data_structures.FLASHStaticOutput'>
> <class 'yt.frontends.enzo.data_structures.EnzoStaticOutputInMemory'>
> <class 'yt.frontends.ramses.data_structures.RAMSESStaticOutput'>
> <class 'yt.frontends.gdf.data_structures.GDFStaticOutput'>
> <class 'yt.frontends.castro.data_structures.CastroStaticOutput'>
> yt : [ERROR ] 2012-12-23 14:16:08,197 Couldn't figure out output type for
> tests/artdat/sizmbhloz-cl04SNpWRPlc30nPF-rs9_a0.9254.art
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "plot.py", line 3, in <module>
> pf = load("tests/artdat/sizmbhloz-cl04SNpWRPlc30nPF-rs9_a0.9254.art")
> File "/Users/sleitner/repos/yt-3.0-clone/yt/convenience.py", line 85, in
> load
> raise YTOutputNotIdentified(args, kwargs)
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