[yt-users] Phase plot question

david collins antpuncher at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 10:25:01 PDT 2011

Hi --

I have a dumb question about the contents of the _data member of a
BinnedProfile2D.  I feel like I may have asked this question before,
but I didn't see it in my archive, sorry if this is a dumb one.

Why is the size of the Z array the same as Xbins \cross Ybins?  For
instance, I asked for 512 bins in both X and Y between X1,X2 and
Y1,Y2.  This gives me 513 bins in the Xbins array, as I expect (same
for Y).  But the Z array is also 513x513.  My assumption has been that
in Zarrray[I,J] is the value of Zvalue with Xbins[I] < Xvalue <
Xbins[I+1], but that should give me 512 bins for the Z array.  What's
the extra bin for?


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