[yt-users] creating sunrise files from RAMSES snapshot

Robert Feldmann feldmann at fnal.gov
Sun Aug 21 17:23:26 PDT 2011

Hi Matt,

Thanks for looking into it. Yet, the 2.2dev version still fails.

First, there is an issue when I load the RAMSES snapshot.

>>> pf=load("output_00105/info_00105.txt")
yt : [INFO     ] 2011-08-21 19:15:20,777 Parameters: current_time              = -1.23236270587e+17
yt : [INFO     ] 2011-08-21 19:15:20,777 Parameters: domain_dimensions         = [2 2 2]
yt : [INFO     ] 2011-08-21 19:15:20,778 Parameters: domain_left_edge          = [ 0.  0.  0.]
yt : [INFO     ] 2011-08-21 19:15:20,778 Parameters: domain_right_edge         = [ 1.  1.  1.]
yt : [ERROR    ] 2011-08-21 19:15:20,778 Missing cosmological_simulation in parameter file definition!

Yet, despite this error message it does seem to read the RAMSES snapshot. These are the available fields

pf.__class__                      pf.__repr__                       pf._setup_nounits_units           pf.has_key
pf.__delattr__                    pf.__setattr__                    pf.basename                       pf.hierarchy
pf.__dict__                       pf.__sizeof__                     pf.conversion_factors             pf.keys
pf.__doc__                        pf.__str__                        pf.current_time                   pf.parameter_filename
pf.__format__                     pf.__subclasshook__               pf.data_style                     pf.parameters
pf.__getattribute__               pf.__weakref__                    pf.dimensionality                 pf.print_key_parameters
pf.__getitem__                    pf._fieldinfo_class               pf.directory                      pf.ramses_tree
pf.__hash__                       pf._handle                        pf.domain_dimensions              pf.refine_by
pf.__init__                       pf._hash                          pf.domain_left_edge               pf.storage_filename
pf.__iter__                       pf._hierarchy_class               pf.domain_right_edge              pf.time_units
pf.__metaclass__                  pf._instantiated                  pf.field_info                     pf.unique_identifier
pf.__module__                     pf._instantiated_hierarchy        pf.file_style                     pf.units
pf.__new__                        pf._is_valid                      pf.fullpath                       
pf.__reduce__                     pf._parse_parameter_file          pf.get_smallest_appropriate_unit  
pf.__reduce_ex__                  pf._set_units                     pf.h                              

Then when I try to export it, I still get an error.

>>> from yt.analysis_modules.sunrise_export import sunrise_exporter
>>> sunrise_exporter.export_to_sunrise(pf,"analysis/yt/HYDRO_L2_18_GF_epsstar0d1")
yt : [INFO     ] 2011-08-21 19:16:38,412 Re-gridding level 0: 1 octree grids
Re-gridding 100% |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Time: 00:00:00 
yt : [INFO     ] 2011-08-21 19:16:44,489 Final grid count: 303
yt : [INFO     ] 2011-08-21 19:16:44,534 Re-gridding level 16: 59069 octree grids
Re-gridding 100% |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Time: 00:00:00 
yt : [INFO     ] 2011-08-21 19:16:44,680 Final grid count: 153
yt : [INFO     ] 2011-08-21 19:16:45,227 Getting field particle_type from 3250
yt : [INFO     ] 2011-08-21 19:16:45,433 Getting field particle_position_x from 3250
yt : [INFO     ] 2011-08-21 19:16:45,647 Getting field particle_position_y from 3250
yt : [INFO     ] 2011-08-21 19:16:45,858 Getting field particle_position_z from 3250
yt : [INFO     ] 2011-08-21 19:16:46,085 Getting field particle_velocity_x from 3250
yt : [INFO     ] 2011-08-21 19:16:46,304 Getting field particle_velocity_y from 3250
yt : [INFO     ] 2011-08-21 19:16:46,523 Getting field particle_velocity_z from 3250
ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (1340, 0))

ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (54, 0))

NeedsDataField                            Traceback (most recent call last)

/d/scratch39/feldmann/local/yt_dev/yt-x86_64/src/yt-hg/scripts/iyt in <module>()
----> 1 

/d/scratch39/feldmann/local/yt_dev/yt-x86_64/src/yt-hg/yt/analysis_modules/sunrise_export/sunrise_exporter.pyc in export_to_sunrise(pf, fn, write_particles, subregion_bounds, particle_mass, particle_pos, particle_age, particle_metal)
    110         # Velocity is cm/s, we want it to be kpc/yr

    111         vel *= (pf["kpc"]/pf["cm"]) / (365*24*3400.)
--> 112         age = pf["years"] * (pf.current_time - reg["creation_time"][pi])
    113         creation_time = reg["creation_time"][pi] * pf["years"]

/d/scratch39/feldmann/local/yt_dev/yt-x86_64/src/yt-hg/yt/data_objects/data_containers.pyc in __getitem__(self, key)
    285             if key not in self.fields:
    286                 self.fields.append(key)
--> 287             self.get_data(key)
    288         return self.data[key]

/d/scratch39/feldmann/local/yt_dev/yt-x86_64/src/yt-hg/yt/data_objects/data_containers.pyc in get_data(self, fields, in_grids, force_particle_read)
   2289                 continue
   2290             if field not in self.hierarchy.field_list and not in_grids:
-> 2291                 if self._generate_field(field):
   2292                     continue # True means we already assigned it
   2293             # There are a lot of 'ands' here, but I think they are all

/d/scratch39/feldmann/local/yt_dev/yt-x86_64/src/yt-hg/yt/data_objects/data_containers.pyc in _generate_field(self, field)
   2356             except NeedsGridType, ngt_exception:
   2357                 # We leave this to be implementation-specific

-> 2358                 self._generate_field_in_grids(field, ngt_exception.ghost_zones)
   2359                 return False
   2360             else:

/d/scratch39/feldmann/local/yt_dev/yt-x86_64/src/yt-hg/yt/data_objects/data_containers.pyc in _generate_field_in_grids(self, field, num_ghost_zones)
   2366     def _generate_field_in_grids(self, field, num_ghost_zones=0):
   2367         for grid in self._grids:
-> 2368             self.__touch_grid_field(grid, field)
   2370     @restore_grid_state

/d/scratch39/feldmann/local/yt_dev/yt-x86_64/src/yt-hg/yt/data_objects/data_containers.pyc in save_state(self, grid, field)
     72         old_keys = grid.data.keys()
     73         grid.field_parameters = self.field_parameters
---> 74         tr = func(self, grid, field)
     75         grid.field_parameters = old_params
     76         grid.data = dict( [(k, grid.data[k]) for k in old_keys] )

/d/scratch39/feldmann/local/yt_dev/yt-x86_64/src/yt-hg/yt/data_objects/data_containers.pyc in __touch_grid_field(self, grid, field)
   2370     @restore_grid_state
   2371     def __touch_grid_field(self, grid, field):
-> 2372         grid[field]
   2374     def _is_fully_enclosed(self, grid):

/d/scratch39/feldmann/local/yt_dev/yt-x86_64/src/yt-hg/yt/data_objects/grid_patch.pyc in __getitem__(self, key)
    147         """
    148         if not self.data.has_key(key):
--> 149             self.get_data(key)
    150         return self.data[key]

/d/scratch39/feldmann/local/yt_dev/yt-x86_64/src/yt-hg/yt/data_objects/grid_patch.pyc in get_data(self, field)
    190                     else: raise
    191             else:
--> 192                 self._generate_field(field)
    193         return self.data[field]

/d/scratch39/feldmann/local/yt_dev/yt-x86_64/src/yt-hg/yt/data_objects/grid_patch.pyc in _generate_field(self, field)
    125             # First we check the validator

    126             try:
--> 127                 self.pf.field_info[field].check_available(self)
    128             except NeedsGridType, ngt_exception:
    129                 # This is only going to be raised if n_gz > 0

/d/scratch39/feldmann/local/yt_dev/yt-x86_64/src/yt-hg/yt/data_objects/field_info_container.pyc in check_available(self, data)
    277         """
    278         for validator in self.validators:
--> 279             validator(data)
    280         # If we don't get an exception, we're good to go

    281         return True

/d/scratch39/feldmann/local/yt_dev/yt-x86_64/src/yt-hg/yt/data_objects/field_info_container.pyc in __call__(self, data)
    375                 doesnt_have.append(f)
    376         if len(doesnt_have) > 0:
--> 377             raise NeedsDataField(doesnt_have)
    378         return True

NeedsDataField: (['creation_time'])


On Aug 21, 2011, at 9:24 AM, Matthew Turk wrote:

>> I've fixed the bug you have reported, but in the unstable (2.2-dev)
>> version, which also includes a large number of performance
>> improvements for the RAMSES code.  (We hope to have a 2.2 release this
>> week.)  There seem to be a few lingering bugs with the RAMSES reader
>> which I am going to work on tomorrow; it seems that something I did
>> recently broke the reader.
> Apologies for the rapid self-reply, but I believe I have identified
> and fixed the main issue I was seeing with the RAMSES reader, and as
> of changeset hash 677ae185471f (in the "development" branch) it should
> actually be performing up to specification, and I was able to project
> and slice data successfully.  Tomorrow I will dive deeper and ensure
> that the second-tier tests are working up to specification.
> RAMSES tests will be added to the automated test runner tomorrow
> morning, to be run on a daily basis, to ensure such a regression does
> not happen again.  As always, please let us know if you run into
> problems.
> Best,
> Matt

Robert Feldmann
Theoretical Astrophysics Group

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Mail Stop 209, 
Box 500
Batavia, IL 60510, 

E-mail: feldmann at fnal.gov
Phone: +1 (630) 840-8433
Fax: +1 (630) 840-8231

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