[yt-users] Hop vs HaloProfiler

Stephen Skory stephenskory at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 27 13:25:41 PST 2009


> I am using the following statement...
>     p.modify["hop_circles"](halos, max_number=None, annotate=True, min_size=400, 
> max_size=100000, font_size=8, print_halo_size=True, print_halo_mass=True, 
> width=None)
> The plot is at http://drop.io/hop_circles
> Why is it not printing the print_halo_mass ?

It can't print both the halo mass and halo size. Pick one 'True', and make the other 'False'.

> What are the options for width ?

Whether you mean image size or domain coverage, they are both options for the plot, see 'set_width' and 'set_lim'


sskory at physics.ucsd.edu           o__  Stephen Skory
http://physics.ucsd.edu/~sskory/ _.>/ _Graduate Student

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