[yt-svn] commit/yt: 20 new changesets

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Mon May 1 12:38:23 PDT 2017

20 new commits in yt:

Changeset:   a5764a02ce44
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2017-04-03 20:46:38+00:00
Summary:     initial work on nodal field handling.
Affected #:  4 files

diff -r 3fee41c2ea35fbe17c97ba1dc286d6e71f088716 -r a5764a02ce4480fa0bea0c0e3c2e7f06812958bf yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
@@ -90,7 +90,9 @@
             return tr
         finfo = self.ds._get_field_info(*fields[0])
         if not finfo.particle_type:
-            return tr.reshape(self.ActiveDimensions)
+            num_nodes = 2**sum(finfo.nodal_flag)
+            new_shape = list(self.ActiveDimensions) + [num_nodes]
+            return tr.reshape(new_shape)
         return tr
     def convert(self, datatype):
@@ -374,11 +376,35 @@
                 self._last_count = mask.sum()
         return mask
+    def _get_nodal_slices(self, shape, nodal_flag):
+        slices = []
+        dir_slices = [[] for _ in range(3)]
+        for i in range(3):
+            if nodal_flag[i]:
+                dir_slices[i] = [slice(0, shape[i]-1), slice(1, shape[i])]
+            else:
+                dir_slices[i] = [slice(0, shape[i])]
+        for i, sl_i in enumerate(dir_slices[0]):
+            for j, sl_j in enumerate(dir_slices[1]):
+                for k, sl_k in enumerate(dir_slices[2]):
+                    slices.append([sl_i, sl_j, sl_k])
+        return slices
     def select(self, selector, source, dest, offset):
+        nodal_flag = source.shape - self.ActiveDimensions
         mask = self._get_selector_mask(selector)
         count = self.count(selector)
         if count == 0: return 0
-        dest[offset:offset+count] = source[mask]
+        nodal_flag = source.shape - self.ActiveDimensions
+        if sum(nodal_flag) == 0:
+            dest[offset:offset+count] = source[mask]
+        else:
+            slices = self._get_nodal_slices(source.shape, nodal_flag)
+            for i , sl in enumerate(slices):
+                dest[offset:offset+count, i] = source[sl][mask]
         return count
     def count(self, selector):
@@ -386,6 +412,15 @@
         if mask is None: return 0
         return self._last_count
+    def count_nodal(self, selector, nodal_flag):
+        # We don't cache the selector results
+        mask = self._get_selector_mask(selector)
+        if mask is None: return 0
+        pad_width = [(0, nodal) for nodal in nodal_flag]
+        mask = np.pad(mask, pad_width, 'edge')
+        count = mask.sum()
+        return count
     def count_particles(self, selector, x, y, z):
         # We don't cache the selector results
         count = selector.count_points(x,y,z, 0.0)

diff -r 3fee41c2ea35fbe17c97ba1dc286d6e71f088716 -r a5764a02ce4480fa0bea0c0e3c2e7f06812958bf yt/fields/derived_field.py
--- a/yt/fields/derived_field.py
+++ b/yt/fields/derived_field.py
@@ -110,6 +110,8 @@
         self.vector_field = vector_field
         self.ds = ds
+        self.nodal_flag = [0, 0, 0]
         self._function = function
         if validators:

diff -r 3fee41c2ea35fbe17c97ba1dc286d6e71f088716 -r a5764a02ce4480fa0bea0c0e3c2e7f06812958bf yt/frontends/stream/io.py
--- a/yt/frontends/stream/io.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/stream/io.py
@@ -48,7 +48,14 @@
             raise NotImplementedError
         rv = {}
         for field in fields:
-            rv[field] = self.ds.arr(np.empty(size, dtype="float64"))
+            nodal_flag = self.ds.nodal_flags[field[1]]
+            num_nodes = 2**sum(nodal_flag)
+            if num_nodes > 0:
+                rv[field] = self.ds.arr(np.empty((size, num_nodes), 
+                                                 dtype="float64"))
+            else:
+                rv[field] = self.ds.arr(np.empty(size, dtype="float64"))
         ng = sum(len(c.objs) for c in chunks)
         mylog.debug("Reading %s cells of %s fields in %s blocks",
                     size, [f2 for f1, f2 in fields], ng)

diff -r 3fee41c2ea35fbe17c97ba1dc286d6e71f088716 -r a5764a02ce4480fa0bea0c0e3c2e7f06812958bf yt/geometry/coordinates/cartesian_coordinates.py
--- a/yt/geometry/coordinates/cartesian_coordinates.py
+++ b/yt/geometry/coordinates/cartesian_coordinates.py
@@ -128,10 +128,10 @@
             period = period.in_units("code_length").d
         buff = np.zeros((size[1], size[0]), dtype="f8")
         pixelize_cartesian(buff, data_source['px'], data_source['py'],
-                             data_source['pdx'], data_source['pdy'],
-                             data_source[field],
-                             bounds, int(antialias),
-                             period, int(periodic))
+                           data_source['pdx'], data_source['pdy'],
+                           data_source[field],
+                           bounds, int(antialias),
+                           period, int(periodic))
         return buff
     def _oblique_pixelize(self, data_source, field, bounds, size, antialias):

Changeset:   f8dc3569308d
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2017-04-04 23:24:13+00:00
Summary:     a pixelizer for nodal data.
Affected #:  3 files

diff -r a5764a02ce4480fa0bea0c0e3c2e7f06812958bf -r f8dc3569308d3406468f7813b9c6634388db2161 yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
     _top_node = "/Slices"
     _type_name = "slice"
     _con_args = ('axis', 'coord')
-    _container_fields = ("px", "py", "pdx", "pdy")
+    _container_fields = ("px", "py", "pz", "pdx", "pdy", "pdz")
     def __init__(self, axis, coord, center=None, ds=None,
                  field_parameters=None, data_source=None):
         YTSelectionContainer2D.__init__(self, axis, ds,
@@ -285,13 +285,59 @@
             return self._current_chunk.fcoords[:,xax]
         elif field == "py":
             return self._current_chunk.fcoords[:,yax]
+        elif field == "pz":
+            return self._current_chunk.fcoords[:,self.axis]
         elif field == "pdx":
             return self._current_chunk.fwidth[:,xax] * 0.5
         elif field == "pdy":
             return self._current_chunk.fwidth[:,yax] * 0.5
+        elif field == "pdz":
+            return self._current_chunk.fwidth[:,self.axis] * 0.5            
             raise KeyError(field)
+    _index_map = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                           [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1],
+                           [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1],
+                           [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3],
+                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+                           [0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3],
+                           [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3],
+                           [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]])
+    def _get_linear_index(self, nodal_flag):
+        return 1*nodal_flag[2] + 2*nodal_flag[1] + 4*nodal_flag[0]
+    def _get_indices(self, nodal_flag):
+        li = self._get_linear_index(nodal_flag)
+        return self._index_map[li]
+    def _get_nodal_data(self, field):
+        finfo = self.ds._get_field_info(field)
+        nodal_flag = finfo.nodal_flag
+        field_data = self.__getitem__(field)
+        inds = self._get_indices(nodal_flag)
+        return field_data[:, inds]
+    def _get_nodal_px_py(self, nodal_flag):
+        xax = self.ds.coordinates.x_axis[self.axis]
+        yax = self.ds.coordinates.y_axis[self.axis]
+        axes = [xax, yax]
+        ps = []
+        for ax in axes:
+            coords = self.fcoords[:, ax]
+            if nodal_flag[ax]:
+                fwidth = self.fwidth[:, ax]
+                p = np.empty((coords.shape[0], 2), dtype='float64')
+                p[:, 0] = coords - 0.5*fwidth
+                p[:, 1] = coords + 0.5*fwidth
+            else:
+                p = np.atleast_2d(coords).transpose()
+            ps.append(p)
+        return ps
     def _mrep(self):
         return MinimalSliceData(self)

diff -r a5764a02ce4480fa0bea0c0e3c2e7f06812958bf -r f8dc3569308d3406468f7813b9c6634388db2161 yt/geometry/coordinates/cartesian_coordinates.py
--- a/yt/geometry/coordinates/cartesian_coordinates.py
+++ b/yt/geometry/coordinates/cartesian_coordinates.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 from yt.funcs import mylog
 from yt.utilities.lib.pixelization_routines import \
     pixelize_element_mesh, pixelize_off_axis_cartesian, \
-    pixelize_cartesian
+    pixelize_cartesian, pixelize_cartesian_nodal
 from yt.data_objects.unstructured_mesh import SemiStructuredMesh
@@ -120,6 +120,36 @@
     def _ortho_pixelize(self, data_source, field, bounds, size, antialias,
                         dim, periodic):
+        finfo = self.ds._get_field_info(field)
+        nodal_flag = finfo.nodal_flag
+        if np.any(nodal_flag):
+            return self._ortho_pixelize_nodal(data_source, field, bounds, size,
+                                              antialias, dim, periodic)
+        else:
+            return self._ortho_pixelize_cell(data_source, field, bounds, size,
+                                              antialias, dim, periodic)
+    def _ortho_pixelize_nodal(self, data_source, field, bounds, size, antialias,
+                              dim, periodic):
+        # We should be using fcoords
+        period = self.period[:2].copy() # dummy here
+        period[0] = self.period[self.x_axis[dim]]
+        period[1] = self.period[self.y_axis[dim]]
+        if hasattr(period, 'in_units'):
+            period = period.in_units("code_length").d
+        buff = np.zeros((size[1], size[0]), dtype="f8")
+        nodal_data = data_source._get_nodal_data(field)
+        coord = data_source.coord.d
+        pixelize_cartesian_nodal(buff, data_source['px'], data_source['py'], data_source['pz'],
+                                 data_source['pdx'], data_source['pdy'], data_source['pdz'],
+                                 nodal_data, coord, bounds, int(antialias),
+                                 period, int(periodic))
+        return buff
+    def _ortho_pixelize_cell(self, data_source, field, bounds, size, antialias,
+                        dim, periodic):
         # We should be using fcoords
         period = self.period[:2].copy() # dummy here
         period[0] = self.period[self.x_axis[dim]]

diff -r a5764a02ce4480fa0bea0c0e3c2e7f06812958bf -r f8dc3569308d3406468f7813b9c6634388db2161 yt/utilities/lib/pixelization_routines.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/pixelization_routines.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/pixelization_routines.pyx
@@ -233,6 +233,171 @@
+def pixelize_cartesian_nodal(np.float64_t[:,:] buff,
+                             np.float64_t[:] px,
+                             np.float64_t[:] py,
+                             np.float64_t[:] pz,
+                             np.float64_t[:] pdx,
+                             np.float64_t[:] pdy,
+                             np.float64_t[:] pdz,
+                             np.float64_t[:, :] data,
+                             np.float64_t coord,
+                             bounds,
+                             int antialias = 1,
+                             period = None,
+                             int check_period = 1):
+    cdef np.float64_t x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max
+    cdef np.float64_t period_x = 0.0, period_y = 0.0
+    cdef np.float64_t width, height, px_dx, px_dy, ipx_dx, ipx_dy
+    cdef np.float64_t ld_x, ld_y, cx, cy, cz
+    cdef int i, j, p, xi, yi
+    cdef int lc, lr, rc, rr
+    cdef np.float64_t lypx, rypx, lxpx, rxpx, overlap1, overlap2
+    # These are the temp vars we get from the arrays
+    cdef np.float64_t oxsp, oysp, ozsp 
+    cdef np.float64_t xsp, ysp, zsp
+    cdef np.float64_t dxsp, dysp, dzsp
+    # Some periodicity helpers
+    cdef int xiter[2]
+    cdef int yiter[2]
+    cdef int ii, jj, kk, ind
+    cdef np.float64_t xiterv[2]
+    cdef np.float64_t yiterv[2]
+    if period is not None:
+        period_x = period[0]
+        period_y = period[1]
+    x_min = bounds[0]
+    x_max = bounds[1]
+    y_min = bounds[2]
+    y_max = bounds[3]
+    width = x_max - x_min
+    height = y_max - y_min
+    px_dx = width / (<np.float64_t> buff.shape[1])
+    px_dy = height / (<np.float64_t> buff.shape[0])
+    ipx_dx = 1.0 / px_dx
+    ipx_dy = 1.0 / px_dy
+    if px.shape[0] != py.shape[0] or \
+       px.shape[0] != pz.shape[0] or \
+       px.shape[0] != pdx.shape[0] or \
+       px.shape[0] != pdy.shape[0] or \
+       px.shape[0] != pdz.shape[0] or \
+       px.shape[0] != data.shape[0]:
+        raise YTPixelizeError("Arrays are not of correct shape.")
+    xiter[0] = yiter[0] = 0
+    xiterv[0] = yiterv[0] = 0.0
+    # Here's a basic outline of what we're going to do here.  The xiter and
+    # yiter variables govern whether or not we should check periodicity -- are
+    # we both close enough to the edge that it would be important *and* are we
+    # periodic?
+    #
+    # The other variables are all either pixel positions or data positions.
+    # Pixel positions will vary regularly from the left edge of the window to
+    # the right edge of the window; px_dx and px_dy are the dx (cell width, not
+    # half-width).  ipx_dx and ipx_dy are the inverse, for quick math.
+    #
+    # The values in xsp, dxsp, x_min and their y counterparts, are the
+    # data-space coordinates, and are related to the data fed in.  We make some
+    # modifications for periodicity.
+    #
+    # Inside the finest loop, we compute the "left column" (lc) and "lower row"
+    # (lr) and then iterate up to "right column" (rc) and "uppeR row" (rr),
+    # depositing into them the data value.  Overlap computes the relative
+    # overlap of a data value with a pixel.
+    # 
+    #
+    #   The way that images are plotting in matplotlib is somewhat different
+    #   from what most might expect.  The first axis of the array plotted is
+    #   what varies along the x axis.  So for instance, if you supply
+    #   origin='lower' and plot the results of an mgrid operation, at a fixed
+    #   'y' value you will see the results of that array held constant in the
+    #   first dimension.  Here is some example code:
+    #
+    #   import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+    #   import numpy as np
+    #   x, y = np.mgrid[0:1:100j,0:1:100j]
+    #   plt.imshow(x, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')
+    #   plt.imshow(y, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')
+    #
+    #   The values in the image:
+    #       lower left:  arr[0,0]
+    #       lower right: arr[0,-1]
+    #       upper left:  arr[-1,0]
+    #       upper right: arr[-1,-1]
+    #
+    #   So what we want here is to fill an array such that we fill:
+    #       first axis : y_min .. y_max
+    #       second axis: x_min .. x_max
+    with nogil:
+        for p in range(px.shape[0]):
+            xiter[1] = yiter[1] = 999
+            oxsp = px[p]
+            oysp = py[p]
+            ozsp = pz[p]
+            dxsp = pdx[p]
+            dysp = pdy[p]
+            dzsp = pdz[p]
+            if check_period == 1:
+                if (oxsp - dxsp < x_min):
+                    xiter[1] = +1
+                    xiterv[1] = period_x
+                elif (oxsp + dxsp > x_max):
+                    xiter[1] = -1
+                    xiterv[1] = -period_x
+                if (oysp - dysp < y_min):
+                    yiter[1] = +1
+                    yiterv[1] = period_y
+                elif (oysp + dysp > y_max):
+                    yiter[1] = -1
+                    yiterv[1] = -period_y
+            overlap1 = overlap2 = 1.0
+            zsp = ozsp
+            for xi in range(2):
+                if xiter[xi] == 999: continue
+                xsp = oxsp + xiterv[xi]
+                if (xsp + dxsp < x_min) or (xsp - dxsp > x_max): continue
+                for yi in range(2):
+                    if yiter[yi] == 999: continue
+                    ysp = oysp + yiterv[yi]
+                    if (ysp + dysp < y_min) or (ysp - dysp > y_max): continue
+                    lc = <int> fmax(((xsp-dxsp-x_min)*ipx_dx),0)
+                    lr = <int> fmax(((ysp-dysp-y_min)*ipx_dy),0)
+                    # NOTE: This is a different way of doing it than in the C
+                    # routines.  In C, we were implicitly casting the
+                    # initialization to int, but *not* the conditional, which
+                    # was allowed an extra value:
+                    #     for(j=lc;j<rc;j++)
+                    # here, when assigning lc (double) to j (int) it got
+                    # truncated, but no similar truncation was done in the
+                    # comparison of j to rc (double).  So give ourselves a
+                    # bonus row and bonus column here.
+                    rc = <int> fmin(((xsp+dxsp-x_min)*ipx_dx + 1), buff.shape[1])
+                    rr = <int> fmin(((ysp+dysp-y_min)*ipx_dy + 1), buff.shape[0])
+                    # Note that we're iterating here over *y* in the i
+                    # direction.  See the note above about this.
+                    for i in range(lr, rr):
+                        lypx = px_dy * i + y_min
+                        rypx = px_dy * (i+1) + y_min
+                        for j in range(lc, rc):
+                            lxpx = px_dx * j + x_min
+                            rxpx = px_dx * (j+1) + x_min
+                            cx = (rxpx+lxpx)*0.5
+                            cy = (rypx+lypx)*0.5
+                            cz = coord
+                            ii = <int> (cx - xsp + dxsp)
+                            jj = <int> (cy - ysp + dysp)
+                            kk = <int> (cz - zsp + dzsp)
+                            ind = 4*ii + 2*jj + kk
+                            buff[i,j] = data[p, ind]
+ at cython.cdivision(True)
+ at cython.boundscheck(False)
+ at cython.wraparound(False)
 def pixelize_off_axis_cartesian(
                        np.float64_t[:,:] buff,
                        np.float64_t[:] x,

Changeset:   bd65a61be0bd
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2017-04-05 00:04:01+00:00
Summary:     Move all the nodal utilities into a file.
Affected #:  4 files

diff -r f8dc3569308d3406468f7813b9c6634388db2161 -r bd65a61be0bd73785de1533681d3d35de3141d27 yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
 from yt.utilities.lib.interpolators import \
+from yt.utilities.nodal_data_utils import \
+    get_nodal_slices
 class AMRGridPatch(YTSelectionContainer):
     _spatial = True
@@ -376,23 +378,6 @@
                 self._last_count = mask.sum()
         return mask
-    def _get_nodal_slices(self, shape, nodal_flag):
-        slices = []
-        dir_slices = [[] for _ in range(3)]
-        for i in range(3):
-            if nodal_flag[i]:
-                dir_slices[i] = [slice(0, shape[i]-1), slice(1, shape[i])]
-            else:
-                dir_slices[i] = [slice(0, shape[i])]
-        for i, sl_i in enumerate(dir_slices[0]):
-            for j, sl_j in enumerate(dir_slices[1]):
-                for k, sl_k in enumerate(dir_slices[2]):
-                    slices.append([sl_i, sl_j, sl_k])
-        return slices
     def select(self, selector, source, dest, offset):
         nodal_flag = source.shape - self.ActiveDimensions
         mask = self._get_selector_mask(selector)
@@ -402,7 +387,7 @@
         if sum(nodal_flag) == 0:
             dest[offset:offset+count] = source[mask]
-            slices = self._get_nodal_slices(source.shape, nodal_flag)
+            slices = get_nodal_slices(source.shape, nodal_flag)
             for i , sl in enumerate(slices):
                 dest[offset:offset+count, i] = source[sl][mask]
         return count

diff -r f8dc3569308d3406468f7813b9c6634388db2161 -r bd65a61be0bd73785de1533681d3d35de3141d27 yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
@@ -296,48 +296,6 @@
             raise KeyError(field)
-    _index_map = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
-                           [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1],
-                           [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1],
-                           [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3],
-                           [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1],
-                           [0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3],
-                           [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3],
-                           [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]])
-    def _get_linear_index(self, nodal_flag):
-        return 1*nodal_flag[2] + 2*nodal_flag[1] + 4*nodal_flag[0]
-    def _get_indices(self, nodal_flag):
-        li = self._get_linear_index(nodal_flag)
-        return self._index_map[li]
-    def _get_nodal_data(self, field):
-        finfo = self.ds._get_field_info(field)
-        nodal_flag = finfo.nodal_flag
-        field_data = self.__getitem__(field)
-        inds = self._get_indices(nodal_flag)
-        return field_data[:, inds]
-    def _get_nodal_px_py(self, nodal_flag):
-        xax = self.ds.coordinates.x_axis[self.axis]
-        yax = self.ds.coordinates.y_axis[self.axis]
-        axes = [xax, yax]
-        ps = []
-        for ax in axes:
-            coords = self.fcoords[:, ax]
-            if nodal_flag[ax]:
-                fwidth = self.fwidth[:, ax]
-                p = np.empty((coords.shape[0], 2), dtype='float64')
-                p[:, 0] = coords - 0.5*fwidth
-                p[:, 1] = coords + 0.5*fwidth
-            else:
-                p = np.atleast_2d(coords).transpose()
-            ps.append(p)
-        return ps
     def _mrep(self):
         return MinimalSliceData(self)

diff -r f8dc3569308d3406468f7813b9c6634388db2161 -r bd65a61be0bd73785de1533681d3d35de3141d27 yt/geometry/coordinates/cartesian_coordinates.py
--- a/yt/geometry/coordinates/cartesian_coordinates.py
+++ b/yt/geometry/coordinates/cartesian_coordinates.py
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
     pixelize_element_mesh, pixelize_off_axis_cartesian, \
     pixelize_cartesian, pixelize_cartesian_nodal
 from yt.data_objects.unstructured_mesh import SemiStructuredMesh
+from yt.utilities.nodal_data_utils import get_nodal_data
 class CartesianCoordinateHandler(CoordinateHandler):
@@ -120,50 +121,33 @@
     def _ortho_pixelize(self, data_source, field, bounds, size, antialias,
                         dim, periodic):
-        finfo = self.ds._get_field_info(field)
-        nodal_flag = finfo.nodal_flag
-        if np.any(nodal_flag):
-            return self._ortho_pixelize_nodal(data_source, field, bounds, size,
-                                              antialias, dim, periodic)
-        else:
-            return self._ortho_pixelize_cell(data_source, field, bounds, size,
-                                              antialias, dim, periodic)
-    def _ortho_pixelize_nodal(self, data_source, field, bounds, size, antialias,
-                              dim, periodic):
         # We should be using fcoords
         period = self.period[:2].copy() # dummy here
         period[0] = self.period[self.x_axis[dim]]
         period[1] = self.period[self.y_axis[dim]]
         if hasattr(period, 'in_units'):
             period = period.in_units("code_length").d
         buff = np.zeros((size[1], size[0]), dtype="f8")
-        nodal_data = data_source._get_nodal_data(field)
-        coord = data_source.coord.d
-        pixelize_cartesian_nodal(buff, data_source['px'], data_source['py'], data_source['pz'],
-                                 data_source['pdx'], data_source['pdy'], data_source['pdz'],
-                                 nodal_data, coord, bounds, int(antialias),
-                                 period, int(periodic))
+        finfo = self.ds._get_field_info(field)
+        nodal_flag = finfo.nodal_flag
+        if np.any(nodal_flag):
+            nodal_data = get_nodal_data(data_source, field)
+            coord = data_source.coord.d
+            pixelize_cartesian_nodal(buff, 
+                                     data_source['px'], data_source['py'], data_source['pz'],
+                                     data_source['pdx'], data_source['pdy'], data_source['pdz'],
+                                     nodal_data, coord, bounds, int(antialias),
+                                     period, int(periodic))
+        else:
+            pixelize_cartesian(buff, data_source['px'], data_source['py'],
+                               data_source['pdx'], data_source['pdy'],
+                               data_source[field],
+                               bounds, int(antialias),
+                               period, int(periodic))
         return buff
-    def _ortho_pixelize_cell(self, data_source, field, bounds, size, antialias,
-                        dim, periodic):
-        # We should be using fcoords
-        period = self.period[:2].copy() # dummy here
-        period[0] = self.period[self.x_axis[dim]]
-        period[1] = self.period[self.y_axis[dim]]
-        if hasattr(period, 'in_units'):
-            period = period.in_units("code_length").d
-        buff = np.zeros((size[1], size[0]), dtype="f8")
-        pixelize_cartesian(buff, data_source['px'], data_source['py'],
-                           data_source['pdx'], data_source['pdy'],
-                           data_source[field],
-                           bounds, int(antialias),
-                           period, int(periodic))
-        return buff
     def _oblique_pixelize(self, data_source, field, bounds, size, antialias):
         indices = np.argsort(data_source['pdx'])[::-1]
         buff = np.zeros((size[1], size[0]), dtype="f8")

diff -r f8dc3569308d3406468f7813b9c6634388db2161 -r bd65a61be0bd73785de1533681d3d35de3141d27 yt/utilities/nodal_data_utils.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/utilities/nodal_data_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import numpy as np    
+_index_map = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                      [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1],
+                      [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1],
+                      [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3],
+                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+                      [0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3],
+                      [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3],
+                      [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]])
+def _get_linear_index(nodal_flag):
+    return 1*nodal_flag[2] + 2*nodal_flag[1] + 4*nodal_flag[0]
+def _get_indices(nodal_flag):
+    li = _get_linear_index(nodal_flag)
+    return _index_map[li]
+def get_nodal_data(data_source, field):
+    finfo = data_source.ds._get_field_info(field)
+    nodal_flag = finfo.nodal_flag
+    field_data = data_source[field]
+    inds = _get_indices(nodal_flag)
+    return field_data[:, inds]
+def get_nodal_slices(shape, nodal_flag):
+    slices = []
+    dir_slices = [[] for _ in range(3)]
+    for i in range(3):
+        if nodal_flag[i]:
+            dir_slices[i] = [slice(0, shape[i]-1), slice(1, shape[i])]
+        else:
+            dir_slices[i] = [slice(0, shape[i])]
+    for i, sl_i in enumerate(dir_slices[0]):
+        for j, sl_j in enumerate(dir_slices[1]):
+            for k, sl_k in enumerate(dir_slices[2]):
+                slices.append([sl_i, sl_j, sl_k])
+    return slices

Changeset:   3c2c470c05e9
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2017-04-05 19:25:34+00:00
Summary:     teach the boxlib frontend how to read the non-cell-averaged fields.
Affected #:  3 files

diff -r bd65a61be0bd73785de1533681d3d35de3141d27 -r 3c2c470c05e9724cf5276c25c573ea4fe9840688 yt/frontends/boxlib/data_structures.py
--- a/yt/frontends/boxlib/data_structures.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/boxlib/data_structures.py
@@ -1332,6 +1332,55 @@
     return vals
+def _read_raw_field_names(raw_file):
+    header_files = glob.glob(raw_file + "*_H")
+    return [hf.split("/")[-1][:-2] for hf in header_files]
+def _string_to_numpy_array(s):
+    return np.array([int(v) for v in s[1:-1].split(",")], dtype=np.int64)
+def _line_to_numpy_arrays(line):
+    lo_corner = _string_to_numpy_array(line[0][1:])
+    hi_corner = _string_to_numpy_array(line[1][:])
+    node_type = _string_to_numpy_array(line[2][:-1]) 
+    return lo_corner, hi_corner, node_type
+def _get_active_dimensions(box):
+    return box[1] - box[2] - box[0] + 1
+def _read_header(raw_file, field):
+    header_file = raw_file + field + "_H"
+    with open(header_file, "r") as f:
+        # skip the first five lines
+        for _ in range(5):
+            f.readline()
+        # read boxes
+        boxes = []
+        for line in f:
+            clean_line = line.strip().split()
+            if clean_line == [')']:
+                break
+            lo_corner, hi_corner, node_type = _line_to_numpy_arrays(clean_line)
+            boxes.append((lo_corner, hi_corner, node_type))
+        # read the file and offset position for the corresponding box
+        file_names = []
+        offsets = []
+        for line in f:
+            if line.startswith("FabOnDisk:"):
+                clean_line = line.strip().split()
+                file_names.append(clean_line[1])
+                offsets.append(int(clean_line[2]))
+    return boxes, file_names, offsets
 class WarpXHierarchy(BoxlibHierarchy):
     def __init__(self, ds, dataset_type="boxlib_native"):
@@ -1363,6 +1412,22 @@
                 line = f.readline()
                 species_id += 1
+    def _detect_output_fields(self):
+        super(WarpXHierarchy, self)._detect_output_fields()
+        # now detect the optional, non-cell-centered fields
+        self.raw_file = self.ds.output_dir + "/raw_fields/Level_0/"
+        self.ds.fluid_types += ("raw",)
+        self.raw_fields = _read_raw_field_names(self.raw_file)
+        self.field_list += [('raw', f) for f in self.raw_fields]
+        self.raw_field_map = {}
+        self.ds.nodal_flags = {}
+        for field_name in self.raw_fields:
+            boxes, file_names, offsets = _read_header(self.raw_file, field_name)
+            self.raw_field_map[field_name] = (boxes, file_names, offsets) 
+            self.ds.nodal_flags[field_name] = np.array(boxes[0][2])
 def _skip_line(line):
     if len(line) == 0:
         return True

diff -r bd65a61be0bd73785de1533681d3d35de3141d27 -r 3c2c470c05e9724cf5276c25c573ea4fe9840688 yt/frontends/boxlib/fields.py
--- a/yt/frontends/boxlib/fields.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/boxlib/fields.py
@@ -81,6 +81,14 @@
         ("", "particle_ones"),
+    def __init__(self, ds, field_list):
+        super(WarpXFieldInfo, self).__init__(ds, field_list)
+        # setup nodal flag information
+        for field in ds.index.raw_fields:
+            finfo = self.__getitem__(('raw', field))
+            finfo.nodal_flag = ds.nodal_flags[field]
     def setup_particle_fields(self, ptype):
         def get_mass(field, data):

diff -r bd65a61be0bd73785de1533681d3d35de3141d27 -r 3c2c470c05e9724cf5276c25c573ea4fe9840688 yt/frontends/boxlib/io.py
--- a/yt/frontends/boxlib/io.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/boxlib/io.py
@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@
 from yt.funcs import mylog
 from yt.frontends.chombo.io import parse_orion_sinks
+def _remove_raw(all_fields, raw_fields):
+    centered_fields = set(all_fields)
+    for raw in raw_fields:
+        centered_fields.discard(raw)
+    return list(centered_fields)
 class IOHandlerBoxlib(BaseIOHandler):
     _dataset_type = "boxlib_native"
@@ -31,25 +37,58 @@
     def _read_fluid_selection(self, chunks, selector, fields, size):
         chunks = list(chunks)
-        if any((ftype != "boxlib" for ftype, fname in fields)):
+        if any(( not (ftype == "boxlib" or ftype == 'raw') for ftype, fname in fields)):
             raise NotImplementedError
         rv = {}
+        raw_fields = []
         for field in fields:
-            rv[field] = np.empty(size, dtype="float64")
+            if field[0] == "raw":
+                nodal_flag = self.ds.nodal_flags[field[1]]
+                num_nodes = 2**sum(nodal_flag)
+                rv[field] = np.empty((size, num_nodes), dtype="float64")
+                raw_fields.append(field)
+            else:
+                rv[field] = np.empty(size, dtype="float64")
+        centered_fields = _remove_raw(fields, raw_fields)
         ng = sum(len(c.objs) for c in chunks)
         mylog.debug("Reading %s cells of %s fields in %s grids",
                     size, [f2 for f1, f2 in fields], ng)
         ind = 0
         for chunk in chunks:
-            data = self._read_chunk_data(chunk, fields)
+            data = self._read_chunk_data(chunk, centered_fields)
             for g in chunk.objs:
                 for field in fields:
-                    ds = data[g.id].pop(field)
+                    if field in centered_fields:
+                        ds = data[g.id].pop(field)
+                    else:
+                        ds = self._read_raw_field(g, field)
                     nd = g.select(selector, ds, rv[field], ind) # caches
                 ind += nd
         return rv
+    def _read_raw_field(self, grid, field):
+        field_name = field[1]
+        base_dir = self.ds.index.raw_file
+        box_list = self.ds.index.raw_field_map[field_name][0]
+        fn_list = self.ds.index.raw_field_map[field_name][1]
+        offset_list = self.ds.index.raw_field_map[field_name][2]
+        filename = base_dir + fn_list[grid.id]
+        offset = offset_list[grid.id]
+        box = box_list[grid.id]
+        lo = box[0]
+        hi = box[1]
+        shape = hi - lo + 1
+        with open(filename, "rb") as f:
+            f.seek(offset)
+            f.readline()  # always skip the first line
+            arr = np.fromfile(f, 'float64', np.product(shape))
+            arr = arr.reshape(shape, order='F')
+        return arr
     def _read_chunk_data(self, chunk, fields):
         data = {}
         grids_by_file = defaultdict(list)

Changeset:   f6ef76633810
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2017-04-05 19:36:30+00:00
Summary:     allow derived fields to specify a nodal_flag.
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 3c2c470c05e9724cf5276c25c573ea4fe9840688 -r f6ef76633810c48e0c27c84e46320be855fe1348 yt/fields/derived_field.py
--- a/yt/fields/derived_field.py
+++ b/yt/fields/derived_field.py
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
                  take_log=True, validators=None,
                  particle_type=None, vector_field=False, display_field=True,
                  not_in_all=False, display_name=None, output_units=None,
-                 dimensions=None, ds=None):
+                 dimensions=None, ds=None, nodal_flag=None):
         self.name = name
         self.take_log = take_log
         self.display_name = display_name
@@ -110,7 +110,10 @@
         self.vector_field = vector_field
         self.ds = ds
-        self.nodal_flag = [0, 0, 0]
+        if nodal_flag is None:
+            self.nodal_flag = [0, 0, 0]
+        else:
+            self.nodal_flag = nodal_flag
         self._function = function

Changeset:   47590beae734
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2017-04-05 20:36:04+00:00
Summary:     raise an exception indicating that projections don't work for nodal fields.
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r f6ef76633810c48e0c27c84e46320be855fe1348 -r 47590beae7341d7c1d59acf45debb96beeed8231 yt/data_objects/construction_data_containers.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/construction_data_containers.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/construction_data_containers.py
@@ -260,6 +260,11 @@
         field = field or []
         field = self._determine_fields(ensure_list(field))
+        for f in field:
+            nodal_flag = self.ds._get_field_info(f).nodal_flag
+            if any(nodal_flag):
+                raise RuntimeError("Nodal fields are currently not supported for projections.")
         if not self.deserialize(field):

Changeset:   15a434cbd3a4
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2017-04-10 16:48:21+00:00
Summary:     remove duplicated line.
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 47590beae7341d7c1d59acf45debb96beeed8231 -r 15a434cbd3a427d7366208826980f676cbad9e07 yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
@@ -379,7 +379,6 @@
         return mask
     def select(self, selector, source, dest, offset):
-        nodal_flag = source.shape - self.ActiveDimensions
         mask = self._get_selector_mask(selector)
         count = self.count(selector)
         if count == 0: return 0

Changeset:   777cc2b74778
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2017-04-10 16:49:58+00:00
Summary:     remove the now un-used count_nodal method of grid_patch
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 15a434cbd3a427d7366208826980f676cbad9e07 -r 777cc2b7477869a2a3a10dcf6bb478e8b5782f6c yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
@@ -396,15 +396,6 @@
         if mask is None: return 0
         return self._last_count
-    def count_nodal(self, selector, nodal_flag):
-        # We don't cache the selector results
-        mask = self._get_selector_mask(selector)
-        if mask is None: return 0
-        pad_width = [(0, nodal) for nodal in nodal_flag]
-        mask = np.pad(mask, pad_width, 'edge')
-        count = mask.sum()
-        return count
     def count_particles(self, selector, x, y, z):
         # We don't cache the selector results
         count = selector.count_points(x,y,z, 0.0)

Changeset:   e222b91c3b86
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2017-04-10 16:54:18+00:00
Summary:     remove nodal field logic from stream frontend.
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 777cc2b7477869a2a3a10dcf6bb478e8b5782f6c -r e222b91c3b86dfe4484c7b44272b9434c4335d16 yt/frontends/stream/io.py
--- a/yt/frontends/stream/io.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/stream/io.py
@@ -48,13 +48,7 @@
             raise NotImplementedError
         rv = {}
         for field in fields:
-            nodal_flag = self.ds.nodal_flags[field[1]]
-            num_nodes = 2**sum(nodal_flag)
-            if num_nodes > 0:
-                rv[field] = self.ds.arr(np.empty((size, num_nodes), 
-                                                 dtype="float64"))
-            else:
-                rv[field] = self.ds.arr(np.empty(size, dtype="float64"))
+            rv[field] = self.ds.arr(np.empty(size, dtype="float64"))
         ng = sum(len(c.objs) for c in chunks)
         mylog.debug("Reading %s cells of %s fields in %s blocks",

Changeset:   55ec50d706a3
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2017-04-10 20:39:47+00:00
Summary:     maintain the shape of cell-centered fields.
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r e222b91c3b86dfe4484c7b44272b9434c4335d16 -r 55ec50d706a3f1be5e4e06314db943f8fdd8668b yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
         if not finfo.particle_type:
             num_nodes = 2**sum(finfo.nodal_flag)
             new_shape = list(self.ActiveDimensions) + [num_nodes]
-            return tr.reshape(new_shape)
+            return np.squeeze(tr.reshape(new_shape))
         return tr
     def convert(self, datatype):

Changeset:   1f2d7afb717b
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2017-04-16 20:44:48+00:00
Summary:     adding a section to the docs about nodal fields.
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 55ec50d706a3f1be5e4e06314db943f8fdd8668b -r 1f2d7afb717b0e0f00b73ef7e66ddef1f5213292 doc/source/examining/loading_data.rst
--- a/doc/source/examining/loading_data.rst
+++ b/doc/source/examining/loading_data.rst
@@ -325,6 +325,50 @@
   ``mach_number`` will always use the on-disk value, and not have yt
   derive it, due to the complex interplay of the base state velocity.
+Viewing raw fields in WarpX
+Most BoxLib codes output cell-centered data. If the underlying discretization
+is not cell-centered, then fields are typically averaged to cell centers before 
+they are written to plot files for visualization. WarpX, however, has the option
+to output the raw (i.e., not averaged to cell centers) data as well.  If you
+run your WarpX simulation with ``warpx.plot_raw_fields = 1`` in your inputs
+file, then you should get an additional ``raw_fields`` subdirectory inside your
+plot file. When you load this dataset, yt will have additional on-disk fields
+defined, with the "raw" field type:
+.. code-block:: python
+    import yt
+    ds = yt.load("Laser/plt00015/")
+    print(ds.field_list)
+Instead of returning one field value per cell selected, raw fields return a 
+number of values, depending on their centering. This centering is marked by
+a `nodal_flag` that describes whether the fields is nodal in each dimension.
+``nodal_flag = [0, 0, 0]`` means that the field is cell-centered, while 
+``nodal_flag = [0, 0, 1]`` means that the field is nodal in the z direction
+and cell centered in the others, i.e. it is defined on the z faces of each cell.
+``nodal_flag = [1, 1, 0]`` would mean that the field is centered in the z direction,
+but nodal in the other two, i.e. it lives on the four cell edges that are normal
+to the z direction.
+..code-block:: python
+    ad = ds.all_data()
+    print(ds.field_info[('raw', 'Ex')].nodal_flag)
+    print(ad['raw', 'Ex'].shape)
+    print(ds.field_info[('raw', 'Bx')].nodal_flag)
+    print(ad['raw', 'Bx'].shape)
+    print(ds.field_info[('boxlib', 'Bx')].nodal_flag)
+    print(ad['boxlib', 'Bx'].shape)
+Here, the field ``('raw', 'Ex')`` is nodal in two directions, so four values per cell
+are returned, corresponding to the four edges in each cell on which the variable
+is defined. ``('raw', 'Bx')`` is nodal in one direction, so two values are returned 
+per cell. The standard, averaged-to-cell-centers fields are still available.
+Currently, slices and data selection are implemented for nodal fields. Projections,
+volume rendering, and many of the analysis modules will not work.
 .. _loading-pluto-data:
 Pluto Data

Changeset:   9cb5ede1a052
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2017-04-16 21:26:02+00:00
Summary:     adding tests for raw fields.
Affected #:  2 files

diff -r 1f2d7afb717b0e0f00b73ef7e66ddef1f5213292 -r 9cb5ede1a0521348e130a2bbb7c5ace9faf6fa77 yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py
--- a/yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py
@@ -20,7 +20,9 @@
 from yt.utilities.answer_testing.framework import \
     requires_ds, \
     small_patch_amr, \
-    data_dir_load
+    data_dir_load, \
+    GridValuesTest, \
+    FieldValuesTest
 from yt.frontends.boxlib.api import \
     OrionDataset, \
     NyxDataset, \
@@ -205,6 +207,17 @@
     assert(np.all(np.logical_and(reg['particle_position_z'] <= right_edge[2], 
                                  reg['particle_position_z'] >= left_edge[2])))
+_raw_fields = [('raw', 'Bx'), ('raw', 'Ey'), ('raw', 'jz')]
+raw_fields = "Laser/plt00015"
+ at requires_ds(raw_fields)
+def test_raw_fields():
+    ds_fn = raw_fields
+    for field in _raw_fields:
+        yield GridValuesTest(ds_fn, field)
 def test_OrionDataset():
     assert isinstance(data_dir_load(rt), OrionDataset)

diff -r 1f2d7afb717b0e0f00b73ef7e66ddef1f5213292 -r 9cb5ede1a0521348e130a2bbb7c5ace9faf6fa77 yt/visualization/tests/test_raw_field_slices.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/visualization/tests/test_raw_field_slices.py
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+Tests for making slices through raw fields
+# Copyright (c) 2017, yt Development Team.
+# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+import os
+import os.path
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+import numpy as np
+import yt
+from yt.testing import fake_tetrahedral_ds
+from yt.testing import fake_hexahedral_ds
+from yt.utilities.answer_testing.framework import \
+    requires_ds, \
+    data_dir_load, \
+    GenericImageTest
+def setup():
+    """Test specific setup."""
+    from yt.config import ytcfg
+    ytcfg["yt", "__withintesting"] = "True"
+def compare(ds, field, test_prefix, decimals=12):
+    def slice_image(filename_prefix):
+        sl = yt.SlicePlot(ds, 'z', field)
+        sl.set_log('all', False)
+        image_file = sl.save(filename_prefix)
+        return image_file
+    slice_image.__name__ = "slice_{}".format(test_prefix)
+    test = GenericImageTest(ds, slice_image, decimals)
+    test.prefix = test_prefix
+    return test
+raw_fields = "Laser/plt00015"
+_raw_field_names =  [('raw', 'Bx'),
+                     ('raw', 'By'),
+                     ('raw', 'Bz'),
+                     ('raw', 'Ex'),
+                     ('raw', 'Ey'),
+                     ('raw', 'Ez'),
+                     ('raw', 'jx'),
+                     ('raw', 'jy'),
+                     ('raw', 'jz')]
+ at requires_ds(raw_fields)
+def test_tri2():
+    ds = data_dir_load(raw_fields)
+    for field in _raw_field_names:
+        yield compare(ds, field, "answers_raw_%s" % field[1])

Changeset:   9919c7d6d16d
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2017-04-16 22:38:30+00:00
Summary:     remove unused imports
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 9cb5ede1a0521348e130a2bbb7c5ace9faf6fa77 -r 9919c7d6d16d341f194e48b73072fb89a11cefe5 yt/visualization/tests/test_raw_field_slices.py
--- a/yt/visualization/tests/test_raw_field_slices.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/tests/test_raw_field_slices.py
@@ -10,14 +10,8 @@
 # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
-import os
-import os.path
-import tempfile
-import shutil
-import numpy as np
 import yt
-from yt.testing import fake_tetrahedral_ds
-from yt.testing import fake_hexahedral_ds
 from yt.utilities.answer_testing.framework import \
     requires_ds, \
     data_dir_load, \

Changeset:   ad9ed208436d
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2017-04-16 23:31:50+00:00
Summary:     remove unused import
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 9919c7d6d16d341f194e48b73072fb89a11cefe5 -r ad9ed208436d3b74dd8c163cd2f898a495859b20 yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py
--- a/yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py
@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@
     requires_ds, \
     small_patch_amr, \
     data_dir_load, \
-    GridValuesTest, \
-    FieldValuesTest
+    GridValuesTest
 from yt.frontends.boxlib.api import \
     OrionDataset, \
     NyxDataset, \

Changeset:   d522b72637c3
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2017-04-19 18:27:39+00:00
Summary:     Hopefully clarifying the nodal field docs
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r ad9ed208436d3b74dd8c163cd2f898a495859b20 -r d522b72637c3fdde92030c3a40294b8b37b20fac doc/source/examining/loading_data.rst
--- a/doc/source/examining/loading_data.rst
+++ b/doc/source/examining/loading_data.rst
@@ -342,7 +342,10 @@
     ds = yt.load("Laser/plt00015/")
-Instead of returning one field value per cell selected, raw fields return a 
+The raw fields in WarpX are nodal in at least one direction. We define a field
+to be "nodal" in a given direction if the field data is defined at the "low"
+and "high" sides of the cell in that direction, rather than at the cell center.
+Instead of returning one field value per cell selected, nodal fields return a 
 number of values, depending on their centering. This centering is marked by
 a `nodal_flag` that describes whether the fields is nodal in each dimension.
 ``nodal_flag = [0, 0, 0]`` means that the field is cell-centered, while 

Changeset:   bbbbd8d43fa0
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2017-04-19 18:32:50+00:00
Summary:     Adding a docstring for the nodal_flag argument to derived_field.
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r d522b72637c3fdde92030c3a40294b8b37b20fac -r bbbbd8d43fa0dcd6da31876dec0c12e0f8a5c76a yt/fields/derived_field.py
--- a/yt/fields/derived_field.py
+++ b/yt/fields/derived_field.py
@@ -90,6 +90,15 @@
     dimensions : str or object from yt.units.dimensions
        The dimensions of the field, only needed if units="auto" and only used
        for error checking.
+    nodal_flag : array-like with three components
+       This describes how the field is centered within a cell. If nodal_flag
+       is [0, 0, 0], then the field is cell-centered. If any of the components
+       of nodal_flag are 1, then the field is nodal in that direction, meaning
+       it is defined at the lo and hi sides of the cell rather than at the center.
+       For example, a field with nodal_flag = [1, 0, 0] would be defined at the
+       middle of the 2 x-faces of each cell. nodal_flag = [0, 1, 1] would mean the
+       that the field defined at the centers of the 4 edges that are normal to the
+       x axis, while nodal_flag = [1, 1, 1] would be defined at the 8 cell corners.
     def __init__(self, name, sampling_type, function, units=None,
                  take_log=True, validators=None,

Changeset:   37ff7ec366ee
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2017-04-19 18:32:58+00:00
Summary:     fix test name.
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r bbbbd8d43fa0dcd6da31876dec0c12e0f8a5c76a -r 37ff7ec366ee14773a581197430d0b100344fe1e yt/visualization/tests/test_raw_field_slices.py
--- a/yt/visualization/tests/test_raw_field_slices.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/tests/test_raw_field_slices.py
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
                      ('raw', 'jy'),
                      ('raw', 'jz')]
-def test_tri2():
+def test_raw_field_slices():
     ds = data_dir_load(raw_fields)
     for field in _raw_field_names:
         yield compare(ds, field, "answers_raw_%s" % field[1])

Changeset:   101488ef5657
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2017-05-01 16:51:17+00:00
Summary:     add new tests to tests.yaml
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 37ff7ec366ee14773a581197430d0b100344fe1e -r 101488ef5657c9f943c4aa3107e3f71a4b2cfa3c tests/tests.yaml
--- a/tests/tests.yaml
+++ b/tests/tests.yaml
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
     - yt/visualization/tests/test_particle_plot.py:test_particle_projection_answers
     - yt/visualization/tests/test_particle_plot.py:test_particle_projection_filter
     - yt/visualization/tests/test_particle_plot.py:test_particle_phase_answers
+    - yt/visualization/tests/test_raw_field_slices.py:test_raw_field_slices
     - yt/frontends/tipsy/tests/test_outputs.py
@@ -77,6 +78,7 @@
     - yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py:test_CastroDataset
     - yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py:test_RT_particles
     - yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py:test_units_override
+    - yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py:test_raw_fields
     - yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py:test_LyA

Changeset:   94ba84bcd2fa
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2017-05-01 17:51:53+00:00
Summary:     Incrementing test numbers.
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 101488ef5657c9f943c4aa3107e3f71a4b2cfa3c -r 94ba84bcd2fa9183d7f996986e4827f0fe96759a tests/tests.yaml
--- a/tests/tests.yaml
+++ b/tests/tests.yaml
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
     - yt/frontends/owls/tests/test_outputs.py
-  local_pw_013:
+  local_pw_014:
     - yt/visualization/tests/test_plotwindow.py:test_attributes
     - yt/visualization/tests/test_plotwindow.py:test_attributes_wt
     - yt/visualization/tests/test_profile_plots.py:test_phase_plot_attributes
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
     - yt/visualization/tests/test_mesh_slices.py:test_quad2
     - yt/visualization/tests/test_mesh_slices.py:test_multi_region
-  local_boxlib_003:
+  local_boxlib_004:
     - yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py:test_radadvect
     - yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py:test_radtube
     - yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py:test_star

Changeset:   8f01bbe64d90
Branch:      yt
User:        xarthisius
Date:        2017-05-01 19:38:19+00:00
Summary:     Merged in atmyers/yt (pull request #2575)

Support face- and vertex- centered fields for WarpX datasets.

Approved-by: Nathan Goldbaum <ngoldbau at illinois.edu>
Approved-by: Michael  Zingale <michael.zingale at stonybrook.edu>
Approved-by: yt-fido <yt.fido at gmail.com>
Approved-by: Kacper Kowalik <xarthisius.kk at gmail.com>
Affected #:  15 files

diff -r 09d6e114abd2fed4d527359f6c9ed87a59a1e1ac -r 8f01bbe64d90b35ea7d65e2918791cdbec362ccb doc/source/examining/loading_data.rst
--- a/doc/source/examining/loading_data.rst
+++ b/doc/source/examining/loading_data.rst
@@ -325,6 +325,53 @@
   ``mach_number`` will always use the on-disk value, and not have yt
   derive it, due to the complex interplay of the base state velocity.
+Viewing raw fields in WarpX
+Most BoxLib codes output cell-centered data. If the underlying discretization
+is not cell-centered, then fields are typically averaged to cell centers before 
+they are written to plot files for visualization. WarpX, however, has the option
+to output the raw (i.e., not averaged to cell centers) data as well.  If you
+run your WarpX simulation with ``warpx.plot_raw_fields = 1`` in your inputs
+file, then you should get an additional ``raw_fields`` subdirectory inside your
+plot file. When you load this dataset, yt will have additional on-disk fields
+defined, with the "raw" field type:
+.. code-block:: python
+    import yt
+    ds = yt.load("Laser/plt00015/")
+    print(ds.field_list)
+The raw fields in WarpX are nodal in at least one direction. We define a field
+to be "nodal" in a given direction if the field data is defined at the "low"
+and "high" sides of the cell in that direction, rather than at the cell center.
+Instead of returning one field value per cell selected, nodal fields return a 
+number of values, depending on their centering. This centering is marked by
+a `nodal_flag` that describes whether the fields is nodal in each dimension.
+``nodal_flag = [0, 0, 0]`` means that the field is cell-centered, while 
+``nodal_flag = [0, 0, 1]`` means that the field is nodal in the z direction
+and cell centered in the others, i.e. it is defined on the z faces of each cell.
+``nodal_flag = [1, 1, 0]`` would mean that the field is centered in the z direction,
+but nodal in the other two, i.e. it lives on the four cell edges that are normal
+to the z direction.
+..code-block:: python
+    ad = ds.all_data()
+    print(ds.field_info[('raw', 'Ex')].nodal_flag)
+    print(ad['raw', 'Ex'].shape)
+    print(ds.field_info[('raw', 'Bx')].nodal_flag)
+    print(ad['raw', 'Bx'].shape)
+    print(ds.field_info[('boxlib', 'Bx')].nodal_flag)
+    print(ad['boxlib', 'Bx'].shape)
+Here, the field ``('raw', 'Ex')`` is nodal in two directions, so four values per cell
+are returned, corresponding to the four edges in each cell on which the variable
+is defined. ``('raw', 'Bx')`` is nodal in one direction, so two values are returned 
+per cell. The standard, averaged-to-cell-centers fields are still available.
+Currently, slices and data selection are implemented for nodal fields. Projections,
+volume rendering, and many of the analysis modules will not work.
 .. _loading-pluto-data:
 Pluto Data

diff -r 09d6e114abd2fed4d527359f6c9ed87a59a1e1ac -r 8f01bbe64d90b35ea7d65e2918791cdbec362ccb tests/tests.yaml
--- a/tests/tests.yaml
+++ b/tests/tests.yaml
@@ -42,13 +42,14 @@
     - yt/frontends/owls/tests/test_outputs.py
-  local_pw_013:
+  local_pw_014:
     - yt/visualization/tests/test_plotwindow.py:test_attributes
     - yt/visualization/tests/test_plotwindow.py:test_attributes_wt
     - yt/visualization/tests/test_profile_plots.py:test_phase_plot_attributes
     - yt/visualization/tests/test_particle_plot.py:test_particle_projection_answers
     - yt/visualization/tests/test_particle_plot.py:test_particle_projection_filter
     - yt/visualization/tests/test_particle_plot.py:test_particle_phase_answers
+    - yt/visualization/tests/test_raw_field_slices.py:test_raw_field_slices
     - yt/frontends/tipsy/tests/test_outputs.py
@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@
     - yt/visualization/tests/test_mesh_slices.py:test_quad2
     - yt/visualization/tests/test_mesh_slices.py:test_multi_region
-  local_boxlib_003:
+  local_boxlib_004:
     - yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py:test_radadvect
     - yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py:test_radtube
     - yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py:test_star
@@ -77,6 +78,7 @@
     - yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py:test_CastroDataset
     - yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py:test_RT_particles
     - yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py:test_units_override
+    - yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py:test_raw_fields
     - yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py:test_LyA

diff -r 09d6e114abd2fed4d527359f6c9ed87a59a1e1ac -r 8f01bbe64d90b35ea7d65e2918791cdbec362ccb yt/data_objects/construction_data_containers.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/construction_data_containers.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/construction_data_containers.py
@@ -260,6 +260,11 @@
         field = field or []
         field = self._determine_fields(ensure_list(field))
+        for f in field:
+            nodal_flag = self.ds._get_field_info(f).nodal_flag
+            if any(nodal_flag):
+                raise RuntimeError("Nodal fields are currently not supported for projections.")
         if not self.deserialize(field):

diff -r 09d6e114abd2fed4d527359f6c9ed87a59a1e1ac -r 8f01bbe64d90b35ea7d65e2918791cdbec362ccb yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
 from yt.utilities.lib.interpolators import \
+from yt.utilities.nodal_data_utils import \
+    get_nodal_slices
 class AMRGridPatch(YTSelectionContainer):
     _spatial = True
@@ -90,7 +92,9 @@
             return tr
         finfo = self.ds._get_field_info(*fields[0])
         if not finfo.particle_type:
-            return tr.reshape(self.ActiveDimensions)
+            num_nodes = 2**sum(finfo.nodal_flag)
+            new_shape = list(self.ActiveDimensions) + [num_nodes]
+            return np.squeeze(tr.reshape(new_shape))
         return tr
     def convert(self, datatype):
@@ -378,7 +382,13 @@
         mask = self._get_selector_mask(selector)
         count = self.count(selector)
         if count == 0: return 0
-        dest[offset:offset+count] = source[mask]
+        nodal_flag = source.shape - self.ActiveDimensions
+        if sum(nodal_flag) == 0:
+            dest[offset:offset+count] = source[mask]
+        else:
+            slices = get_nodal_slices(source.shape, nodal_flag)
+            for i , sl in enumerate(slices):
+                dest[offset:offset+count, i] = source[sl][mask]
         return count
     def count(self, selector):

diff -r 09d6e114abd2fed4d527359f6c9ed87a59a1e1ac -r 8f01bbe64d90b35ea7d65e2918791cdbec362ccb yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
     _top_node = "/Slices"
     _type_name = "slice"
     _con_args = ('axis', 'coord')
-    _container_fields = ("px", "py", "pdx", "pdy")
+    _container_fields = ("px", "py", "pz", "pdx", "pdy", "pdz")
     def __init__(self, axis, coord, center=None, ds=None,
                  field_parameters=None, data_source=None):
         YTSelectionContainer2D.__init__(self, axis, ds,
@@ -285,10 +285,14 @@
             return self._current_chunk.fcoords[:,xax]
         elif field == "py":
             return self._current_chunk.fcoords[:,yax]
+        elif field == "pz":
+            return self._current_chunk.fcoords[:,self.axis]
         elif field == "pdx":
             return self._current_chunk.fwidth[:,xax] * 0.5
         elif field == "pdy":
             return self._current_chunk.fwidth[:,yax] * 0.5
+        elif field == "pdz":
+            return self._current_chunk.fwidth[:,self.axis] * 0.5            
             raise KeyError(field)

diff -r 09d6e114abd2fed4d527359f6c9ed87a59a1e1ac -r 8f01bbe64d90b35ea7d65e2918791cdbec362ccb yt/fields/derived_field.py
--- a/yt/fields/derived_field.py
+++ b/yt/fields/derived_field.py
@@ -90,12 +90,21 @@
     dimensions : str or object from yt.units.dimensions
        The dimensions of the field, only needed if units="auto" and only used
        for error checking.
+    nodal_flag : array-like with three components
+       This describes how the field is centered within a cell. If nodal_flag
+       is [0, 0, 0], then the field is cell-centered. If any of the components
+       of nodal_flag are 1, then the field is nodal in that direction, meaning
+       it is defined at the lo and hi sides of the cell rather than at the center.
+       For example, a field with nodal_flag = [1, 0, 0] would be defined at the
+       middle of the 2 x-faces of each cell. nodal_flag = [0, 1, 1] would mean the
+       that the field defined at the centers of the 4 edges that are normal to the
+       x axis, while nodal_flag = [1, 1, 1] would be defined at the 8 cell corners.
     def __init__(self, name, sampling_type, function, units=None,
                  take_log=True, validators=None,
                  particle_type=None, vector_field=False, display_field=True,
                  not_in_all=False, display_name=None, output_units=None,
-                 dimensions=None, ds=None):
+                 dimensions=None, ds=None, nodal_flag=None):
         self.name = name
         self.take_log = take_log
         self.display_name = display_name
@@ -110,6 +119,11 @@
         self.vector_field = vector_field
         self.ds = ds
+        if nodal_flag is None:
+            self.nodal_flag = [0, 0, 0]
+        else:
+            self.nodal_flag = nodal_flag
         self._function = function
         if validators:

diff -r 09d6e114abd2fed4d527359f6c9ed87a59a1e1ac -r 8f01bbe64d90b35ea7d65e2918791cdbec362ccb yt/frontends/boxlib/data_structures.py
--- a/yt/frontends/boxlib/data_structures.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/boxlib/data_structures.py
@@ -1333,6 +1333,55 @@
     return vals
+def _read_raw_field_names(raw_file):
+    header_files = glob.glob(raw_file + "*_H")
+    return [hf.split("/")[-1][:-2] for hf in header_files]
+def _string_to_numpy_array(s):
+    return np.array([int(v) for v in s[1:-1].split(",")], dtype=np.int64)
+def _line_to_numpy_arrays(line):
+    lo_corner = _string_to_numpy_array(line[0][1:])
+    hi_corner = _string_to_numpy_array(line[1][:])
+    node_type = _string_to_numpy_array(line[2][:-1]) 
+    return lo_corner, hi_corner, node_type
+def _get_active_dimensions(box):
+    return box[1] - box[2] - box[0] + 1
+def _read_header(raw_file, field):
+    header_file = raw_file + field + "_H"
+    with open(header_file, "r") as f:
+        # skip the first five lines
+        for _ in range(5):
+            f.readline()
+        # read boxes
+        boxes = []
+        for line in f:
+            clean_line = line.strip().split()
+            if clean_line == [')']:
+                break
+            lo_corner, hi_corner, node_type = _line_to_numpy_arrays(clean_line)
+            boxes.append((lo_corner, hi_corner, node_type))
+        # read the file and offset position for the corresponding box
+        file_names = []
+        offsets = []
+        for line in f:
+            if line.startswith("FabOnDisk:"):
+                clean_line = line.strip().split()
+                file_names.append(clean_line[1])
+                offsets.append(int(clean_line[2]))
+    return boxes, file_names, offsets
 class WarpXHierarchy(BoxlibHierarchy):
     def __init__(self, ds, dataset_type="boxlib_native"):
@@ -1364,6 +1413,22 @@
                 line = f.readline()
                 species_id += 1
+    def _detect_output_fields(self):
+        super(WarpXHierarchy, self)._detect_output_fields()
+        # now detect the optional, non-cell-centered fields
+        self.raw_file = self.ds.output_dir + "/raw_fields/Level_0/"
+        self.ds.fluid_types += ("raw",)
+        self.raw_fields = _read_raw_field_names(self.raw_file)
+        self.field_list += [('raw', f) for f in self.raw_fields]
+        self.raw_field_map = {}
+        self.ds.nodal_flags = {}
+        for field_name in self.raw_fields:
+            boxes, file_names, offsets = _read_header(self.raw_file, field_name)
+            self.raw_field_map[field_name] = (boxes, file_names, offsets) 
+            self.ds.nodal_flags[field_name] = np.array(boxes[0][2])
 def _skip_line(line):
     if len(line) == 0:
         return True

diff -r 09d6e114abd2fed4d527359f6c9ed87a59a1e1ac -r 8f01bbe64d90b35ea7d65e2918791cdbec362ccb yt/frontends/boxlib/fields.py
--- a/yt/frontends/boxlib/fields.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/boxlib/fields.py
@@ -81,6 +81,14 @@
         ("", "particle_ones"),
+    def __init__(self, ds, field_list):
+        super(WarpXFieldInfo, self).__init__(ds, field_list)
+        # setup nodal flag information
+        for field in ds.index.raw_fields:
+            finfo = self.__getitem__(('raw', field))
+            finfo.nodal_flag = ds.nodal_flags[field]
     def setup_particle_fields(self, ptype):
         def get_mass(field, data):

diff -r 09d6e114abd2fed4d527359f6c9ed87a59a1e1ac -r 8f01bbe64d90b35ea7d65e2918791cdbec362ccb yt/frontends/boxlib/io.py
--- a/yt/frontends/boxlib/io.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/boxlib/io.py
@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@
 from yt.funcs import mylog
 from yt.frontends.chombo.io import parse_orion_sinks
+def _remove_raw(all_fields, raw_fields):
+    centered_fields = set(all_fields)
+    for raw in raw_fields:
+        centered_fields.discard(raw)
+    return list(centered_fields)
 class IOHandlerBoxlib(BaseIOHandler):
     _dataset_type = "boxlib_native"
@@ -31,25 +37,58 @@
     def _read_fluid_selection(self, chunks, selector, fields, size):
         chunks = list(chunks)
-        if any((ftype != "boxlib" for ftype, fname in fields)):
+        if any(( not (ftype == "boxlib" or ftype == 'raw') for ftype, fname in fields)):
             raise NotImplementedError
         rv = {}
+        raw_fields = []
         for field in fields:
-            rv[field] = np.empty(size, dtype="float64")
+            if field[0] == "raw":
+                nodal_flag = self.ds.nodal_flags[field[1]]
+                num_nodes = 2**sum(nodal_flag)
+                rv[field] = np.empty((size, num_nodes), dtype="float64")
+                raw_fields.append(field)
+            else:
+                rv[field] = np.empty(size, dtype="float64")
+        centered_fields = _remove_raw(fields, raw_fields)
         ng = sum(len(c.objs) for c in chunks)
         mylog.debug("Reading %s cells of %s fields in %s grids",
                     size, [f2 for f1, f2 in fields], ng)
         ind = 0
         for chunk in chunks:
-            data = self._read_chunk_data(chunk, fields)
+            data = self._read_chunk_data(chunk, centered_fields)
             for g in chunk.objs:
                 for field in fields:
-                    ds = data[g.id].pop(field)
+                    if field in centered_fields:
+                        ds = data[g.id].pop(field)
+                    else:
+                        ds = self._read_raw_field(g, field)
                     nd = g.select(selector, ds, rv[field], ind) # caches
                 ind += nd
         return rv
+    def _read_raw_field(self, grid, field):
+        field_name = field[1]
+        base_dir = self.ds.index.raw_file
+        box_list = self.ds.index.raw_field_map[field_name][0]
+        fn_list = self.ds.index.raw_field_map[field_name][1]
+        offset_list = self.ds.index.raw_field_map[field_name][2]
+        filename = base_dir + fn_list[grid.id]
+        offset = offset_list[grid.id]
+        box = box_list[grid.id]
+        lo = box[0]
+        hi = box[1]
+        shape = hi - lo + 1
+        with open(filename, "rb") as f:
+            f.seek(offset)
+            f.readline()  # always skip the first line
+            arr = np.fromfile(f, 'float64', np.product(shape))
+            arr = arr.reshape(shape, order='F')
+        return arr
     def _read_chunk_data(self, chunk, fields):
         data = {}
         grids_by_file = defaultdict(list)

diff -r 09d6e114abd2fed4d527359f6c9ed87a59a1e1ac -r 8f01bbe64d90b35ea7d65e2918791cdbec362ccb yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py
--- a/yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/boxlib/tests/test_outputs.py
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
 from yt.utilities.answer_testing.framework import \
     requires_ds, \
     small_patch_amr, \
-    data_dir_load
+    data_dir_load, \
+    GridValuesTest
 from yt.frontends.boxlib.api import \
     OrionDataset, \
     NyxDataset, \
@@ -205,6 +206,17 @@
     assert(np.all(np.logical_and(reg['particle_position_z'] <= right_edge[2], 
                                  reg['particle_position_z'] >= left_edge[2])))
+_raw_fields = [('raw', 'Bx'), ('raw', 'Ey'), ('raw', 'jz')]
+raw_fields = "Laser/plt00015"
+ at requires_ds(raw_fields)
+def test_raw_fields():
+    ds_fn = raw_fields
+    for field in _raw_fields:
+        yield GridValuesTest(ds_fn, field)
 def test_OrionDataset():
     assert isinstance(data_dir_load(rt), OrionDataset)

diff -r 09d6e114abd2fed4d527359f6c9ed87a59a1e1ac -r 8f01bbe64d90b35ea7d65e2918791cdbec362ccb yt/frontends/stream/io.py
--- a/yt/frontends/stream/io.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/stream/io.py
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
         rv = {}
         for field in fields:
             rv[field] = self.ds.arr(np.empty(size, dtype="float64"))
         ng = sum(len(c.objs) for c in chunks)
         mylog.debug("Reading %s cells of %s fields in %s blocks",
                     size, [f2 for f1, f2 in fields], ng)

diff -r 09d6e114abd2fed4d527359f6c9ed87a59a1e1ac -r 8f01bbe64d90b35ea7d65e2918791cdbec362ccb yt/geometry/coordinates/cartesian_coordinates.py
--- a/yt/geometry/coordinates/cartesian_coordinates.py
+++ b/yt/geometry/coordinates/cartesian_coordinates.py
@@ -24,8 +24,9 @@
 from yt.funcs import mylog
 from yt.utilities.lib.pixelization_routines import \
     pixelize_element_mesh, pixelize_off_axis_cartesian, \
-    pixelize_cartesian
+    pixelize_cartesian, pixelize_cartesian_nodal
 from yt.data_objects.unstructured_mesh import SemiStructuredMesh
+from yt.utilities.nodal_data_utils import get_nodal_data
 class CartesianCoordinateHandler(CoordinateHandler):
@@ -126,14 +127,27 @@
         period[1] = self.period[self.y_axis[dim]]
         if hasattr(period, 'in_units'):
             period = period.in_units("code_length").d
         buff = np.zeros((size[1], size[0]), dtype="f8")
-        pixelize_cartesian(buff, data_source['px'], data_source['py'],
-                             data_source['pdx'], data_source['pdy'],
-                             data_source[field],
-                             bounds, int(antialias),
-                             period, int(periodic))
+        finfo = self.ds._get_field_info(field)
+        nodal_flag = finfo.nodal_flag
+        if np.any(nodal_flag):
+            nodal_data = get_nodal_data(data_source, field)
+            coord = data_source.coord.d
+            pixelize_cartesian_nodal(buff, 
+                                     data_source['px'], data_source['py'], data_source['pz'],
+                                     data_source['pdx'], data_source['pdy'], data_source['pdz'],
+                                     nodal_data, coord, bounds, int(antialias),
+                                     period, int(periodic))
+        else:
+            pixelize_cartesian(buff, data_source['px'], data_source['py'],
+                               data_source['pdx'], data_source['pdy'],
+                               data_source[field],
+                               bounds, int(antialias),
+                               period, int(periodic))
         return buff
     def _oblique_pixelize(self, data_source, field, bounds, size, antialias):
         indices = np.argsort(data_source['pdx'])[::-1]
         buff = np.zeros((size[1], size[0]), dtype="f8")

diff -r 09d6e114abd2fed4d527359f6c9ed87a59a1e1ac -r 8f01bbe64d90b35ea7d65e2918791cdbec362ccb yt/utilities/lib/pixelization_routines.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/pixelization_routines.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/pixelization_routines.pyx
@@ -233,6 +233,171 @@
+def pixelize_cartesian_nodal(np.float64_t[:,:] buff,
+                             np.float64_t[:] px,
+                             np.float64_t[:] py,
+                             np.float64_t[:] pz,
+                             np.float64_t[:] pdx,
+                             np.float64_t[:] pdy,
+                             np.float64_t[:] pdz,
+                             np.float64_t[:, :] data,
+                             np.float64_t coord,
+                             bounds,
+                             int antialias = 1,
+                             period = None,
+                             int check_period = 1):
+    cdef np.float64_t x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max
+    cdef np.float64_t period_x = 0.0, period_y = 0.0
+    cdef np.float64_t width, height, px_dx, px_dy, ipx_dx, ipx_dy
+    cdef np.float64_t ld_x, ld_y, cx, cy, cz
+    cdef int i, j, p, xi, yi
+    cdef int lc, lr, rc, rr
+    cdef np.float64_t lypx, rypx, lxpx, rxpx, overlap1, overlap2
+    # These are the temp vars we get from the arrays
+    cdef np.float64_t oxsp, oysp, ozsp 
+    cdef np.float64_t xsp, ysp, zsp
+    cdef np.float64_t dxsp, dysp, dzsp
+    # Some periodicity helpers
+    cdef int xiter[2]
+    cdef int yiter[2]
+    cdef int ii, jj, kk, ind
+    cdef np.float64_t xiterv[2]
+    cdef np.float64_t yiterv[2]
+    if period is not None:
+        period_x = period[0]
+        period_y = period[1]
+    x_min = bounds[0]
+    x_max = bounds[1]
+    y_min = bounds[2]
+    y_max = bounds[3]
+    width = x_max - x_min
+    height = y_max - y_min
+    px_dx = width / (<np.float64_t> buff.shape[1])
+    px_dy = height / (<np.float64_t> buff.shape[0])
+    ipx_dx = 1.0 / px_dx
+    ipx_dy = 1.0 / px_dy
+    if px.shape[0] != py.shape[0] or \
+       px.shape[0] != pz.shape[0] or \
+       px.shape[0] != pdx.shape[0] or \
+       px.shape[0] != pdy.shape[0] or \
+       px.shape[0] != pdz.shape[0] or \
+       px.shape[0] != data.shape[0]:
+        raise YTPixelizeError("Arrays are not of correct shape.")
+    xiter[0] = yiter[0] = 0
+    xiterv[0] = yiterv[0] = 0.0
+    # Here's a basic outline of what we're going to do here.  The xiter and
+    # yiter variables govern whether or not we should check periodicity -- are
+    # we both close enough to the edge that it would be important *and* are we
+    # periodic?
+    #
+    # The other variables are all either pixel positions or data positions.
+    # Pixel positions will vary regularly from the left edge of the window to
+    # the right edge of the window; px_dx and px_dy are the dx (cell width, not
+    # half-width).  ipx_dx and ipx_dy are the inverse, for quick math.
+    #
+    # The values in xsp, dxsp, x_min and their y counterparts, are the
+    # data-space coordinates, and are related to the data fed in.  We make some
+    # modifications for periodicity.
+    #
+    # Inside the finest loop, we compute the "left column" (lc) and "lower row"
+    # (lr) and then iterate up to "right column" (rc) and "uppeR row" (rr),
+    # depositing into them the data value.  Overlap computes the relative
+    # overlap of a data value with a pixel.
+    # 
+    #
+    #   The way that images are plotting in matplotlib is somewhat different
+    #   from what most might expect.  The first axis of the array plotted is
+    #   what varies along the x axis.  So for instance, if you supply
+    #   origin='lower' and plot the results of an mgrid operation, at a fixed
+    #   'y' value you will see the results of that array held constant in the
+    #   first dimension.  Here is some example code:
+    #
+    #   import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+    #   import numpy as np
+    #   x, y = np.mgrid[0:1:100j,0:1:100j]
+    #   plt.imshow(x, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')
+    #   plt.imshow(y, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')
+    #
+    #   The values in the image:
+    #       lower left:  arr[0,0]
+    #       lower right: arr[0,-1]
+    #       upper left:  arr[-1,0]
+    #       upper right: arr[-1,-1]
+    #
+    #   So what we want here is to fill an array such that we fill:
+    #       first axis : y_min .. y_max
+    #       second axis: x_min .. x_max
+    with nogil:
+        for p in range(px.shape[0]):
+            xiter[1] = yiter[1] = 999
+            oxsp = px[p]
+            oysp = py[p]
+            ozsp = pz[p]
+            dxsp = pdx[p]
+            dysp = pdy[p]
+            dzsp = pdz[p]
+            if check_period == 1:
+                if (oxsp - dxsp < x_min):
+                    xiter[1] = +1
+                    xiterv[1] = period_x
+                elif (oxsp + dxsp > x_max):
+                    xiter[1] = -1
+                    xiterv[1] = -period_x
+                if (oysp - dysp < y_min):
+                    yiter[1] = +1
+                    yiterv[1] = period_y
+                elif (oysp + dysp > y_max):
+                    yiter[1] = -1
+                    yiterv[1] = -period_y
+            overlap1 = overlap2 = 1.0
+            zsp = ozsp
+            for xi in range(2):
+                if xiter[xi] == 999: continue
+                xsp = oxsp + xiterv[xi]
+                if (xsp + dxsp < x_min) or (xsp - dxsp > x_max): continue
+                for yi in range(2):
+                    if yiter[yi] == 999: continue
+                    ysp = oysp + yiterv[yi]
+                    if (ysp + dysp < y_min) or (ysp - dysp > y_max): continue
+                    lc = <int> fmax(((xsp-dxsp-x_min)*ipx_dx),0)
+                    lr = <int> fmax(((ysp-dysp-y_min)*ipx_dy),0)
+                    # NOTE: This is a different way of doing it than in the C
+                    # routines.  In C, we were implicitly casting the
+                    # initialization to int, but *not* the conditional, which
+                    # was allowed an extra value:
+                    #     for(j=lc;j<rc;j++)
+                    # here, when assigning lc (double) to j (int) it got
+                    # truncated, but no similar truncation was done in the
+                    # comparison of j to rc (double).  So give ourselves a
+                    # bonus row and bonus column here.
+                    rc = <int> fmin(((xsp+dxsp-x_min)*ipx_dx + 1), buff.shape[1])
+                    rr = <int> fmin(((ysp+dysp-y_min)*ipx_dy + 1), buff.shape[0])
+                    # Note that we're iterating here over *y* in the i
+                    # direction.  See the note above about this.
+                    for i in range(lr, rr):
+                        lypx = px_dy * i + y_min
+                        rypx = px_dy * (i+1) + y_min
+                        for j in range(lc, rc):
+                            lxpx = px_dx * j + x_min
+                            rxpx = px_dx * (j+1) + x_min
+                            cx = (rxpx+lxpx)*0.5
+                            cy = (rypx+lypx)*0.5
+                            cz = coord
+                            ii = <int> (cx - xsp + dxsp)
+                            jj = <int> (cy - ysp + dysp)
+                            kk = <int> (cz - zsp + dzsp)
+                            ind = 4*ii + 2*jj + kk
+                            buff[i,j] = data[p, ind]
+ at cython.cdivision(True)
+ at cython.boundscheck(False)
+ at cython.wraparound(False)
 def pixelize_off_axis_cartesian(
                        np.float64_t[:,:] buff,
                        np.float64_t[:] x,

diff -r 09d6e114abd2fed4d527359f6c9ed87a59a1e1ac -r 8f01bbe64d90b35ea7d65e2918791cdbec362ccb yt/utilities/nodal_data_utils.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/utilities/nodal_data_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import numpy as np    
+_index_map = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+                      [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1],
+                      [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1],
+                      [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3],
+                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+                      [0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3],
+                      [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3],
+                      [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]])
+def _get_linear_index(nodal_flag):
+    return 1*nodal_flag[2] + 2*nodal_flag[1] + 4*nodal_flag[0]
+def _get_indices(nodal_flag):
+    li = _get_linear_index(nodal_flag)
+    return _index_map[li]
+def get_nodal_data(data_source, field):
+    finfo = data_source.ds._get_field_info(field)
+    nodal_flag = finfo.nodal_flag
+    field_data = data_source[field]
+    inds = _get_indices(nodal_flag)
+    return field_data[:, inds]
+def get_nodal_slices(shape, nodal_flag):
+    slices = []
+    dir_slices = [[] for _ in range(3)]
+    for i in range(3):
+        if nodal_flag[i]:
+            dir_slices[i] = [slice(0, shape[i]-1), slice(1, shape[i])]
+        else:
+            dir_slices[i] = [slice(0, shape[i])]
+    for i, sl_i in enumerate(dir_slices[0]):
+        for j, sl_j in enumerate(dir_slices[1]):
+            for k, sl_k in enumerate(dir_slices[2]):
+                slices.append([sl_i, sl_j, sl_k])
+    return slices

diff -r 09d6e114abd2fed4d527359f6c9ed87a59a1e1ac -r 8f01bbe64d90b35ea7d65e2918791cdbec362ccb yt/visualization/tests/test_raw_field_slices.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/visualization/tests/test_raw_field_slices.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+Tests for making slices through raw fields
+# Copyright (c) 2017, yt Development Team.
+# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+import yt
+from yt.utilities.answer_testing.framework import \
+    requires_ds, \
+    data_dir_load, \
+    GenericImageTest
+def setup():
+    """Test specific setup."""
+    from yt.config import ytcfg
+    ytcfg["yt", "__withintesting"] = "True"
+def compare(ds, field, test_prefix, decimals=12):
+    def slice_image(filename_prefix):
+        sl = yt.SlicePlot(ds, 'z', field)
+        sl.set_log('all', False)
+        image_file = sl.save(filename_prefix)
+        return image_file
+    slice_image.__name__ = "slice_{}".format(test_prefix)
+    test = GenericImageTest(ds, slice_image, decimals)
+    test.prefix = test_prefix
+    return test
+raw_fields = "Laser/plt00015"
+_raw_field_names =  [('raw', 'Bx'),
+                     ('raw', 'By'),
+                     ('raw', 'Bz'),
+                     ('raw', 'Ex'),
+                     ('raw', 'Ey'),
+                     ('raw', 'Ez'),
+                     ('raw', 'jx'),
+                     ('raw', 'jy'),
+                     ('raw', 'jz')]
+ at requires_ds(raw_fields)
+def test_raw_field_slices():
+    ds = data_dir_load(raw_fields)
+    for field in _raw_field_names:
+        yield compare(ds, field, "answers_raw_%s" % field[1])

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