[yt-svn] commit/yt: MatthewTurk: Merged in ngoldbaum/yt (pull request #2428)

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Fri Nov 18 08:09:42 PST 2016

1 new commit in yt:

Changeset:   f89d0e732f1f
Branch:      yt
User:        MatthewTurk
Date:        2016-11-18 16:09:16+00:00
Summary:     Merged in ngoldbaum/yt (pull request #2428)

Make IOHandlerOWLS subclass IOHandlerGadgetHDF5. Closes #1294.
Affected #:  4 files

diff -r 76e74bb22aa019850724f490f23607d18dc628c0 -r f89d0e732f1f4f4d030fde1aca7e4ddff1500f7b yt/frontends/gadget/definitions.py
--- a/yt/frontends/gadget/definitions.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/gadget/definitions.py
@@ -84,3 +84,12 @@
                    ("StellarAge", "Stars")
+gadget_hdf5_ptypes  = (
+    "PartType0",
+    "PartType1",
+    "PartType2",
+    "PartType3",
+    "PartType4",
+    "PartType5"

diff -r 76e74bb22aa019850724f490f23607d18dc628c0 -r f89d0e732f1f4f4d030fde1aca7e4ddff1500f7b yt/frontends/gadget/io.py
--- a/yt/frontends/gadget/io.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/gadget/io.py
@@ -19,18 +19,191 @@
 import os
 from yt.extern.six import string_types
-from yt.frontends.owls.io import \
-    IOHandlerOWLS
 from yt.utilities.io_handler import \
 from yt.utilities.lib.geometry_utils import \
 from yt.utilities.logger import ytLogger as mylog
+from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _h5py as h5py
-from .data_structures import _get_gadget_format
+from .data_structures import \
+    _get_gadget_format
-class IOHandlerGadgetHDF5(IOHandlerOWLS):
+from .definitions import \
+    gadget_hdf5_ptypes
+class IOHandlerGadgetHDF5(BaseIOHandler):
     _dataset_type = "gadget_hdf5"
+    _vector_fields = ("Coordinates", "Velocity", "Velocities")
+    _known_ptypes = gadget_hdf5_ptypes
+    _var_mass = None
+    _element_names = ('Hydrogen', 'Helium', 'Carbon', 'Nitrogen', 'Oxygen',
+                       'Neon', 'Magnesium', 'Silicon', 'Iron' )
+    @property
+    def var_mass(self):
+        if self._var_mass is None:
+            vm = []
+            for i, v in enumerate(self.ds["Massarr"]):
+                if v == 0:
+                    vm.append(self._known_ptypes[i])
+            self._var_mass = tuple(vm)
+        return self._var_mass
+    def _read_fluid_selection(self, chunks, selector, fields, size):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def _read_particle_coords(self, chunks, ptf):
+        # This will read chunks and yield the results.
+        chunks = list(chunks)
+        data_files = set([])
+        for chunk in chunks:
+            for obj in chunk.objs:
+                data_files.update(obj.data_files)
+        for data_file in sorted(data_files, key=lambda x: x.filename):
+            f = h5py.File(data_file.filename, "r")
+            # This double-reads
+            for ptype, field_list in sorted(ptf.items()):
+                if data_file.total_particles[ptype] == 0:
+                    continue
+                x = f["/%s/Coordinates" % ptype][:,0].astype("float64")
+                y = f["/%s/Coordinates" % ptype][:,1].astype("float64")
+                z = f["/%s/Coordinates" % ptype][:,2].astype("float64")
+                yield ptype, (x, y, z)
+            f.close()
+    def _read_particle_fields(self, chunks, ptf, selector):
+        # Now we have all the sizes, and we can allocate
+        data_files = set([])
+        for chunk in chunks:
+            for obj in chunk.objs:
+                data_files.update(obj.data_files)
+        for data_file in sorted(data_files, key=lambda x: x.filename):
+            f = h5py.File(data_file.filename, "r")
+            for ptype, field_list in sorted(ptf.items()):
+                if data_file.total_particles[ptype] == 0:
+                    continue
+                g = f["/%s" % ptype]
+                coords = g["Coordinates"][:].astype("float64")
+                mask = selector.select_points(
+                            coords[:,0], coords[:,1], coords[:,2], 0.0)
+                del coords
+                if mask is None: continue
+                for field in field_list:
+                    if field in ("Mass", "Masses") and \
+                        ptype not in self.var_mass:
+                        data = np.empty(mask.sum(), dtype="float64")
+                        ind = self._known_ptypes.index(ptype)
+                        data[:] = self.ds["Massarr"][ind]
+                    elif field in self._element_names:
+                        rfield = 'ElementAbundance/' + field
+                        data = g[rfield][:][mask,...]
+                    elif field.startswith("Metallicity_"):
+                        col = int(field.rsplit("_", 1)[-1])
+                        data = g["Metallicity"][:,col][mask]
+                    elif field.startswith("Chemistry_"):
+                        col = int(field.rsplit("_", 1)[-1])
+                        data = g["ChemistryAbundances"][:,col][mask]
+                    else:
+                        data = g[field][:][mask,...]
+                    yield (ptype, field), data
+            f.close()
+    def _initialize_index(self, data_file, regions):
+        index_ptype = self.index_ptype
+        f = h5py.File(data_file.filename, "r")
+        if index_ptype == "all":
+            pcount = f["/Header"].attrs["NumPart_ThisFile"][:].sum()
+            keys = f.keys()
+        else:
+            pt = int(index_ptype[-1])
+            pcount = f["/Header"].attrs["NumPart_ThisFile"][pt]
+            keys = [index_ptype]
+        morton = np.empty(pcount, dtype='uint64')
+        ind = 0
+        for key in keys:
+            if not key.startswith("PartType"): continue
+            if "Coordinates" not in f[key]: continue
+            ds = f[key]["Coordinates"]
+            dt = ds.dtype.newbyteorder("N") # Native
+            pos = np.empty(ds.shape, dtype=dt)
+            pos[:] = ds
+            regions.add_data_file(pos, data_file.file_id,
+                                  data_file.ds.filter_bbox)
+            morton[ind:ind+pos.shape[0]] = compute_morton(
+                pos[:,0], pos[:,1], pos[:,2],
+                data_file.ds.domain_left_edge,
+                data_file.ds.domain_right_edge,
+                data_file.ds.filter_bbox)
+            ind += pos.shape[0]
+        f.close()
+        return morton
+    def _count_particles(self, data_file):
+        f = h5py.File(data_file.filename, "r")
+        pcount = f["/Header"].attrs["NumPart_ThisFile"][:]
+        f.close()
+        npart = dict(("PartType%s" % (i), v) for i, v in enumerate(pcount))
+        return npart
+    def _identify_fields(self, data_file):
+        f = h5py.File(data_file.filename, "r")
+        fields = []
+        cname = self.ds._particle_coordinates_name  # Coordinates
+        mname = self.ds._particle_mass_name  # Mass
+        # loop over all keys in OWLS hdf5 file
+        #--------------------------------------------------
+        for key in f.keys():
+            # only want particle data
+            #--------------------------------------
+            if not key.startswith("PartType"):
+                continue
+            # particle data group
+            #--------------------------------------
+            g = f[key]
+            if cname not in g:
+                continue
+            # note str => not unicode!
+            ptype = str(key)
+            if ptype not in self.var_mass:
+                fields.append((ptype, mname))
+            # loop over all keys in PartTypeX group
+            #----------------------------------------
+            for k in g.keys():
+                if k == 'ElementAbundance':
+                    gp = g[k]
+                    for j in gp.keys():
+                        kk = j
+                        fields.append((ptype, str(kk)))
+                elif k == 'Metallicity' and len(g[k].shape) > 1:
+                    # Vector of metallicity
+                    for i in range(g[k].shape[1]):
+                        fields.append((ptype, "Metallicity_%02i" % i))
+                elif k == "ChemistryAbundances" and len(g[k].shape) > 1:
+                    for i in range(g[k].shape[1]):
+                        fields.append((ptype, "Chemistry_%03i" % i))
+                else:
+                    kk = k
+                    if not hasattr(g[kk], "shape"):
+                        continue
+                    if len(g[kk].shape) > 1:
+                        self._vector_fields[kk] = g[kk].shape[1]
+                    fields.append((ptype, str(kk)))
+        f.close()
+        return fields, {}
 ZeroMass = object()

diff -r 76e74bb22aa019850724f490f23607d18dc628c0 -r f89d0e732f1f4f4d030fde1aca7e4ddff1500f7b yt/frontends/owls/definitions.py
--- a/yt/frontends/owls/definitions.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/owls/definitions.py
@@ -13,6 +13,3 @@
 # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
-ghdf5_ptypes  = ("PartType0", "PartType1", "PartType2", "PartType3",
-                 "PartType4", "PartType5")

diff -r 76e74bb22aa019850724f490f23607d18dc628c0 -r f89d0e732f1f4f4d030fde1aca7e4ddff1500f7b yt/frontends/owls/io.py
--- a/yt/frontends/owls/io.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/owls/io.py
@@ -15,198 +15,8 @@
 # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
-from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _h5py as h5py
-import numpy as np
-import os
-from yt.utilities.io_handler import \
-    BaseIOHandler
-from yt.utilities.lib.geometry_utils import \
-    compute_morton
-from .definitions import \
-    ghdf5_ptypes
-CHUNKSIZE = 10000000
-def _get_h5_handle(fn):
-    try:
-        f = h5py.File(fn, "r")
-    except IOError:
-        print("ERROR OPENING %s" % (fn))
-        if os.path.exists(fn):
-            print("FILENAME EXISTS")
-        else:
-            print("FILENAME DOES NOT EXIST")
-        raise
-    return f
-class IOHandlerOWLS(BaseIOHandler):
-    _dataset_type = "OWLS"
-    _vector_fields = ("Coordinates", "Velocity", "Velocities")
-    _known_ptypes = ghdf5_ptypes
-    _var_mass = None
-    _element_names = ('Hydrogen', 'Helium', 'Carbon', 'Nitrogen', 'Oxygen',
-                       'Neon', 'Magnesium', 'Silicon', 'Iron' )
-    @property
-    def var_mass(self):
-        if self._var_mass is None:
-            vm = []
-            for i, v in enumerate(self.ds["Massarr"]):
-                if v == 0:
-                    vm.append(self._known_ptypes[i])
-            self._var_mass = tuple(vm)
-        return self._var_mass
-    def _read_fluid_selection(self, chunks, selector, fields, size):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def _read_particle_coords(self, chunks, ptf):
-        # This will read chunks and yield the results.
-        chunks = list(chunks)
-        data_files = set([])
-        for chunk in chunks:
-            for obj in chunk.objs:
-                data_files.update(obj.data_files)
-        for data_file in sorted(data_files, key=lambda x: x.filename):
-            f = _get_h5_handle(data_file.filename)
-            # This double-reads
-            for ptype, field_list in sorted(ptf.items()):
-                if data_file.total_particles[ptype] == 0:
-                    continue
-                x = f["/%s/Coordinates" % ptype][:,0].astype("float64")
-                y = f["/%s/Coordinates" % ptype][:,1].astype("float64")
-                z = f["/%s/Coordinates" % ptype][:,2].astype("float64")
-                yield ptype, (x, y, z)
-            f.close()
-    def _read_particle_fields(self, chunks, ptf, selector):
-        # Now we have all the sizes, and we can allocate
-        data_files = set([])
-        for chunk in chunks:
-            for obj in chunk.objs:
-                data_files.update(obj.data_files)
-        for data_file in sorted(data_files, key=lambda x: x.filename):
-            f = _get_h5_handle(data_file.filename)
-            for ptype, field_list in sorted(ptf.items()):
-                if data_file.total_particles[ptype] == 0:
-                    continue
-                g = f["/%s" % ptype]
-                coords = g["Coordinates"][:].astype("float64")
-                mask = selector.select_points(
-                            coords[:,0], coords[:,1], coords[:,2], 0.0)
-                del coords
-                if mask is None: continue
-                for field in field_list:
-                    if field in ("Mass", "Masses") and \
-                        ptype not in self.var_mass:
-                        data = np.empty(mask.sum(), dtype="float64")
-                        ind = self._known_ptypes.index(ptype)
-                        data[:] = self.ds["Massarr"][ind]
+from yt.frontends.gadget.io import \
+    IOHandlerGadgetHDF5
-                    elif field in self._element_names:
-                        rfield = 'ElementAbundance/' + field
-                        data = g[rfield][:][mask,...]
-                    elif field.startswith("Metallicity_"):
-                        col = int(field.rsplit("_", 1)[-1])
-                        data = g["Metallicity"][:,col][mask]
-                    elif field.startswith("Chemistry_"):
-                        col = int(field.rsplit("_", 1)[-1])
-                        data = g["ChemistryAbundances"][:,col][mask]
-                    else:
-                        data = g[field][:][mask,...]
-                    yield (ptype, field), data
-            f.close()
-    def _initialize_index(self, data_file, regions):
-        index_ptype = self.index_ptype
-        f = _get_h5_handle(data_file.filename)
-        if index_ptype == "all":
-            pcount = f["/Header"].attrs["NumPart_ThisFile"][:].sum()
-            keys = f.keys()
-        else:
-            pt = int(index_ptype[-1])
-            pcount = f["/Header"].attrs["NumPart_ThisFile"][pt]
-            keys = [index_ptype]
-        morton = np.empty(pcount, dtype='uint64')
-        ind = 0
-        for key in keys:
-            if not key.startswith("PartType"): continue
-            if "Coordinates" not in f[key]: continue
-            ds = f[key]["Coordinates"]
-            dt = ds.dtype.newbyteorder("N") # Native
-            pos = np.empty(ds.shape, dtype=dt)
-            pos[:] = ds
-            regions.add_data_file(pos, data_file.file_id,
-                                  data_file.ds.filter_bbox)
-            morton[ind:ind+pos.shape[0]] = compute_morton(
-                pos[:,0], pos[:,1], pos[:,2],
-                data_file.ds.domain_left_edge,
-                data_file.ds.domain_right_edge,
-                data_file.ds.filter_bbox)
-            ind += pos.shape[0]
-        f.close()
-        return morton
-    def _count_particles(self, data_file):
-        f = _get_h5_handle(data_file.filename)
-        pcount = f["/Header"].attrs["NumPart_ThisFile"][:]
-        f.close()
-        npart = dict(("PartType%s" % (i), v) for i, v in enumerate(pcount))
-        return npart
-    def _identify_fields(self, data_file):
-        f = _get_h5_handle(data_file.filename)
-        fields = []
-        cname = self.ds._particle_coordinates_name  # Coordinates
-        mname = self.ds._particle_mass_name  # Mass
-        # loop over all keys in OWLS hdf5 file
-        #--------------------------------------------------
-        for key in f.keys():
-            # only want particle data
-            #--------------------------------------
-            if not key.startswith("PartType"): continue
-            # particle data group
-            #--------------------------------------
-            g = f[key]
-            if cname not in g: continue
-            # note str => not unicode!
-            #ptype = int(key[8:])
-            ptype = str(key)
-            if ptype not in self.var_mass:
-                fields.append((ptype, mname))
-            # loop over all keys in PartTypeX group
-            #----------------------------------------
-            for k in g.keys():
-                if k == 'ElementAbundance':
-                    gp = g[k]
-                    for j in gp.keys():
-                        kk = j
-                        fields.append((ptype, str(kk)))
-                elif k == 'Metallicity' and len(g[k].shape) > 1:
-                    # Vector of metallicity
-                    for i in range(g[k].shape[1]):
-                        fields.append((ptype, "Metallicity_%02i" % i))
-                elif k == "ChemistryAbundances" and len(g[k].shape)>1:
-                    for i in range(g[k].shape[1]):
-                        fields.append((ptype, "Chemistry_%03i" % i))
-                else:
-                    kk = k
-                    if not hasattr(g[kk], "shape"): continue
-                    fields.append((ptype, str(kk)))
-        f.close()
-        return fields, {}
+class IOHandlerOWLS(IOHandlerGadgetHDF5):
+    _dataset_type = "OWLS"

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