[yt-svn] commit/yt: 5 new changesets

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Sun Nov 13 08:15:40 PST 2016

5 new commits in yt:

Changeset:   d9e59553583f
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2016-09-30 21:55:00+00:00
Summary:     some docstrings for the primitives.pyx file
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 1d70bf4124996d584483c173e37f29670a73db99 -r d9e59553583f70d9c9e10dd971801502b8e35433 yt/utilities/lib/primitives.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/primitives.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/primitives.pyx
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+This file contains definitions of the various primitives that can be used
+by the Cython ray-tracer for unstructured mesh rendering. To define a new
+primitive type, you need to define a struct that represents it. You also
+need to provide three functions: 
+1. A function that computes the intersection between a given ray and a given primitive.
+2. A function that computes the centroid of the primitive type.
+3. A function that computes the axis-aligned bounding box of a given primitive.
 cimport cython
 import numpy as np
 cimport numpy as np
@@ -17,6 +30,13 @@
 cdef np.int64_t ray_bbox_intersect(Ray* ray, const BBox bbox) nogil:
+This returns an integer flag that indicates whether a ray and a bounding
+box intersect. It does not modify either either the ray or the box.
 # https://tavianator.com/fast-branchless-raybounding-box-intersections/
     cdef np.float64_t tmin = -INF
@@ -38,6 +58,16 @@
 cdef np.int64_t ray_triangle_intersect(const void* primitives,
                                        const np.int64_t item,
                                        Ray* ray) nogil:
+This returns an integer flag that indicates whether a triangle is the
+closest hit for the ray so far. If it is, the ray is updated to store the
+current triangle index and the distance to the first hit. The triangle used
+is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives.
 # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%B6ller%E2%80%93Trumbore_intersection_algorithm
     cdef Triangle tri = (<Triangle*> primitives)[item]
@@ -87,6 +117,13 @@
 cdef void triangle_centroid(const void *primitives,
                             const np.int64_t item,
                             np.float64_t[3] centroid) nogil:
+This computes the centroid of the input triangle. The triangle used
+is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives. The result
+will be stored in the numpy array passed in as "centroid".
     cdef Triangle tri = (<Triangle*> primitives)[item]
     cdef np.int64_t i
@@ -100,6 +137,13 @@
 cdef void triangle_bbox(const void *primitives,
                         const np.int64_t item,
                         BBox* bbox) nogil:
+This computes the bounding box of the input triangle. The triangle used
+is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives. The result
+will be stored in the input BBox.
     cdef Triangle tri = (<Triangle*> primitives)[item]
     cdef np.int64_t i
@@ -115,7 +159,16 @@
                            const cython.floating u, 
                            const cython.floating v,
                            cython.floating[3] S) nogil:
+This function is a parametric representation of the surface of a bi-quadratic
+patch. The inputs are the eight nodes that define a face of a 20-node hex element,
+and two parameters u and v that vary from -1 to 1 and tell you where you are on
+the surface of the patch. The output is the array 'S' that stores the physical
+(x, y, z) position of the corresponding point on the patch. This function is needed
+to compute the intersection of rays and bi-quadratic patches.
   cdef int i
   for i in range(3):
       S[i] = 0.25*(1.0 - u)*(1.0 - v)*(-u - v - 1)*verts[0][i] + \
@@ -134,7 +187,12 @@
 cdef void patchSurfaceDerivU(const cython.floating[8][3] verts,
                              const cython.floating u, 
                              const cython.floating v,
-                             cython.floating[3] Su) nogil: 
+                             cython.floating[3] Su) nogil:
+This function computes the derivative of the S(u, v) function w.r.t u. 
   cdef int i
   for i in range(3):
       Su[i] = (-0.25*(v - 1.0)*(u + v + 1) - 0.25*(u - 1.0)*(v - 1.0))*verts[0][i] + \
@@ -152,6 +210,11 @@
                              const cython.floating u, 
                              const cython.floating v,
                              cython.floating[3] Sv) nogil:
+This function computes the derivative of the S(u, v) function w.r.t v.
     cdef int i 
     for i in range(3):
         Sv[i] = (-0.25*(u - 1.0)*(u + v + 1) - 0.25*(u - 1.0)*(v - 1.0))*verts[0][i] + \
@@ -168,7 +231,13 @@
 cdef RayHitData compute_patch_hit(cython.floating[8][3] verts,
                                   cython.floating[3] ray_origin,
                                   cython.floating[3] ray_direction) nogil:
+This function iteratively computes whether the bi-quadratic patch defined by the
+eight input nodes intersects with the given ray. Either way, information about
+the potential hit is stored in the returned RayHitData.
     # first we compute the two planes that define the ray.
     cdef cython.floating[3] n, N1, N2
     cdef cython.floating A = dot(ray_direction, ray_direction)
@@ -243,7 +312,15 @@
 cdef np.int64_t ray_patch_intersect(const void* primitives,
                                     const np.int64_t item,
                                     Ray* ray) nogil:
+This returns an integer flag that indicates whether the given patch is the
+closest hit for the ray so far. If it is, the ray is updated to store the
+current primitive index and the distance to the first hit. The patch used
+is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives.
     cdef Patch patch = (<Patch*> primitives)[item]
     cdef RayHitData hd = compute_patch_hit(patch.v, ray.origin, ray.direction)
@@ -267,6 +344,13 @@
 cdef void patch_centroid(const void *primitives,
                          const np.int64_t item,
                          np.float64_t[3] centroid) nogil:
+This computes the centroid of the input patch. The patch used
+is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives. The result
+will be stored in the numpy array passed in as "centroid".
     cdef np.int64_t i, j
     cdef Patch patch = (<Patch*> primitives)[item]
@@ -289,6 +373,14 @@
                     const np.int64_t item,
                      BBox* bbox) nogil:
+This computes the bounding box of the input patch. The patch used
+is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives. The result
+will be stored in the input BBox.
     cdef np.int64_t i, j
     cdef Patch patch = (<Patch*> primitives)[item]

Changeset:   9300f4828598
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2016-09-30 22:06:31+00:00
Summary:     expanding on the BVH docstrings
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r d9e59553583f70d9c9e10dd971801502b8e35433 -r 9300f48285986db774572dbbde6dc7a27c483c11 yt/utilities/lib/bounding_volume_hierarchy.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/bounding_volume_hierarchy.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/bounding_volume_hierarchy.pyx
@@ -47,11 +47,25 @@
     This class implements a bounding volume hierarchy (BVH), a spatial acceleration
     structure for fast ray-tracing. A BVH is like a kd-tree, except that instead of 
     partitioning the *volume* of the parent to create the children, we partition the 
-    triangles themselves into 'left' or 'right' sub-trees. The bounding volume for a
-    node is then determined by computing the bounding volume of the triangles that
-    belong to it. This allows us to quickly discard triangles that are not close 
+    primitives themselves into 'left' or 'right' sub-trees. The bounding volume for a
+    node is then determined by computing the bounding volume of the primitives that
+    belong to it. This allows us to quickly discard primitives that are not close 
     to intersecting a given ray.
+    This class is currently used to provide software 3D rendering support for
+    finite element datasets. For 1st-order meshes, every element of the mesh is
+    triangulated, and this set of triangles forms the primitives that will be used
+    for the ray-trace. The BVH can then quickly determine which element is hit by
+    each ray associated with the image plane, and the appropriate interpolation can
+    be performed to sample the finite element solution at that hit position.
+    Currently, 2nd-order meshes are only supported for 20-node hexahedral elements.
+    There, the primitive type is a bi-quadratic patch instead of a triangle, and
+    each intersection involves computing a Netwon-Raphson solve.
+    See yt/utilities/lib/primitives.pyx for the definitions of both of these primitive
+    types.

Changeset:   764ccb01ba2c
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2016-09-30 22:14:21+00:00
Summary:     Some more docstrings for the unstructured mesh Cython.
Affected #:  4 files

diff -r 9300f48285986db774572dbbde6dc7a27c483c11 -r 764ccb01ba2ca820ff1c1102bd9b49955616a4dd yt/utilities/lib/mesh_construction.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/mesh_construction.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/mesh_construction.pyx
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 the interface between the internal representation of the mesh and the pyembree
+Note - this file is only used for the Embree-accelerated ray-tracer.

diff -r 9300f48285986db774572dbbde6dc7a27c483c11 -r 764ccb01ba2ca820ff1c1102bd9b49955616a4dd yt/utilities/lib/mesh_intersection.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/mesh_intersection.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/mesh_intersection.pyx
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-This file contains functions used for performing ray-tracing with 2nd-order Lagrange
+This file contains functions used for performing ray-tracing with Embree
+for 2nd-order Lagrange Elements.
+Note - this file is only used for the Embree-accelerated ray-tracer.

diff -r 9300f48285986db774572dbbde6dc7a27c483c11 -r 764ccb01ba2ca820ff1c1102bd9b49955616a4dd yt/utilities/lib/mesh_samplers.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/mesh_samplers.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/mesh_samplers.pyx
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 This file contains functions that sample a surface mesh at the point hit by
 a ray. These can be used with pyembree in the form of "filter feedback functions."
+Note - this file is only used for the Embree-accelerated ray-tracer.

diff -r 9300f48285986db774572dbbde6dc7a27c483c11 -r 764ccb01ba2ca820ff1c1102bd9b49955616a4dd yt/utilities/lib/mesh_triangulation.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/mesh_triangulation.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/mesh_triangulation.pyx
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+This file contains code for triangulating unstructured meshes. That is, for
+every element in the mesh, it breaks up the element into some number of
+triangles, returning a triangle mesh instead.
+It also contains code for removing duplicate triangles from the resulting
+mesh using a hash-table approach, so that we don't waste time rendering
+impossible-to-see triangles.
+This code is currently used by the OpenGL-accelerated unstructured mesh
+renderer, as well as when annotating mesh lines on regular slices.
 import numpy as np
 cimport numpy as np
 cimport cython

Changeset:   262a374c8774
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2016-10-05 17:26:53+00:00
Summary:     fixing docstring identation level
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 764ccb01ba2ca820ff1c1102bd9b49955616a4dd -r 262a374c8774befc9c9b41d84cbc89970eff1001 yt/utilities/lib/primitives.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/primitives.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/primitives.pyx
@@ -30,14 +30,14 @@
 cdef np.int64_t ray_bbox_intersect(Ray* ray, const BBox bbox) nogil:
+    '''
+    This returns an integer flag that indicates whether a ray and a bounding
+    box intersect. It does not modify either either the ray or the box.
+    '''
-This returns an integer flag that indicates whether a ray and a bounding
-box intersect. It does not modify either either the ray or the box.
-# https://tavianator.com/fast-branchless-raybounding-box-intersections/
+    # https://tavianator.com/fast-branchless-raybounding-box-intersections/
     cdef np.float64_t tmin = -INF
     cdef np.float64_t tmax =  INF
@@ -58,17 +58,17 @@
 cdef np.int64_t ray_triangle_intersect(const void* primitives,
                                        const np.int64_t item,
                                        Ray* ray) nogil:
+    '''
+    This returns an integer flag that indicates whether a triangle is the
+    closest hit for the ray so far. If it is, the ray is updated to store the
+    current triangle index and the distance to the first hit. The triangle used
+    is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives.
+    '''
-This returns an integer flag that indicates whether a triangle is the
-closest hit for the ray so far. If it is, the ray is updated to store the
-current triangle index and the distance to the first hit. The triangle used
-is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives.
-# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%B6ller%E2%80%93Trumbore_intersection_algorithm
+    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%B6ller%E2%80%93Trumbore_intersection_algorithm
     cdef Triangle tri = (<Triangle*> primitives)[item]
@@ -117,13 +117,13 @@
 cdef void triangle_centroid(const void *primitives,
                             const np.int64_t item,
                             np.float64_t[3] centroid) nogil:
-This computes the centroid of the input triangle. The triangle used
-is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives. The result
-will be stored in the numpy array passed in as "centroid".
+    '''
+    This computes the centroid of the input triangle. The triangle used
+    is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives. The result
+    will be stored in the numpy array passed in as "centroid".
+    '''
     cdef Triangle tri = (<Triangle*> primitives)[item]
     cdef np.int64_t i
@@ -137,14 +137,14 @@
 cdef void triangle_bbox(const void *primitives,
                         const np.int64_t item,
                         BBox* bbox) nogil:
-This computes the bounding box of the input triangle. The triangle used
-is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives. The result
-will be stored in the input BBox.
+    '''
+    This computes the bounding box of the input triangle. The triangle used
+    is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives. The result
+    will be stored in the input BBox.
+    '''
     cdef Triangle tri = (<Triangle*> primitives)[item]
     cdef np.int64_t i
     for i in range(3):
@@ -159,26 +159,26 @@
                            const cython.floating u, 
                            const cython.floating v,
                            cython.floating[3] S) nogil:
-This function is a parametric representation of the surface of a bi-quadratic
-patch. The inputs are the eight nodes that define a face of a 20-node hex element,
-and two parameters u and v that vary from -1 to 1 and tell you where you are on
-the surface of the patch. The output is the array 'S' that stores the physical
-(x, y, z) position of the corresponding point on the patch. This function is needed
-to compute the intersection of rays and bi-quadratic patches.
-  cdef int i
-  for i in range(3):
-      S[i] = 0.25*(1.0 - u)*(1.0 - v)*(-u - v - 1)*verts[0][i] + \
-             0.25*(1.0 + u)*(1.0 - v)*( u - v - 1)*verts[1][i] + \
-             0.25*(1.0 + u)*(1.0 + v)*( u + v - 1)*verts[2][i] + \
-             0.25*(1.0 - u)*(1.0 + v)*(-u + v - 1)*verts[3][i] + \
-             0.5*(1 - u)*(1 - v*v)*verts[4][i] + \
-             0.5*(1 - u*u)*(1 - v)*verts[5][i] + \
-             0.5*(1 + u)*(1 - v*v)*verts[6][i] + \
-             0.5*(1 - u*u)*(1 + v)*verts[7][i]
+    '''
+    This function is a parametric representation of the surface of a bi-quadratic
+    patch. The inputs are the eight nodes that define a face of a 20-node hex element,
+    and two parameters u and v that vary from -1 to 1 and tell you where you are on
+    the surface of the patch. The output is the array 'S' that stores the physical
+    (x, y, z) position of the corresponding point on the patch. This function is needed
+    to compute the intersection of rays and bi-quadratic patches.
+    '''
+    cdef int i
+    for i in range(3):
+        S[i] = 0.25*(1.0 - u)*(1.0 - v)*(-u - v - 1)*verts[0][i] + \
+               0.25*(1.0 + u)*(1.0 - v)*( u - v - 1)*verts[1][i] + \
+               0.25*(1.0 + u)*(1.0 + v)*( u + v - 1)*verts[2][i] + \
+               0.25*(1.0 - u)*(1.0 + v)*(-u + v - 1)*verts[3][i] + \
+               0.5*(1 - u)*(1 - v*v)*verts[4][i] + \
+               0.5*(1 - u*u)*(1 - v)*verts[5][i] + \
+               0.5*(1 + u)*(1 - v*v)*verts[6][i] + \
+               0.5*(1 - u*u)*(1 + v)*verts[7][i]
@@ -188,19 +188,19 @@
                              const cython.floating u, 
                              const cython.floating v,
                              cython.floating[3] Su) nogil:
-This function computes the derivative of the S(u, v) function w.r.t u. 
-  cdef int i
-  for i in range(3):
-      Su[i] = (-0.25*(v - 1.0)*(u + v + 1) - 0.25*(u - 1.0)*(v - 1.0))*verts[0][i] + \
-              (-0.25*(v - 1.0)*(u - v - 1) - 0.25*(u + 1.0)*(v - 1.0))*verts[1][i] + \
-              ( 0.25*(v + 1.0)*(u + v - 1) + 0.25*(u + 1.0)*(v + 1.0))*verts[2][i] + \
-              ( 0.25*(v + 1.0)*(u - v + 1) + 0.25*(u - 1.0)*(v + 1.0))*verts[3][i] + \
-              0.5*(v*v - 1.0)*verts[4][i] + u*(v - 1.0)*verts[5][i] - \
-              0.5*(v*v - 1.0)*verts[6][i] - u*(v + 1.0)*verts[7][i]
+    '''
+    This function computes the derivative of the S(u, v) function w.r.t u. 
+    '''
+    cdef int i
+    for i in range(3):
+        Su[i] = (-0.25*(v - 1.0)*(u + v + 1) - 0.25*(u - 1.0)*(v - 1.0))*verts[0][i] + \
+                (-0.25*(v - 1.0)*(u - v - 1) - 0.25*(u + 1.0)*(v - 1.0))*verts[1][i] + \
+                ( 0.25*(v + 1.0)*(u + v - 1) + 0.25*(u + 1.0)*(v + 1.0))*verts[2][i] + \
+                ( 0.25*(v + 1.0)*(u - v + 1) + 0.25*(u - 1.0)*(v + 1.0))*verts[3][i] + \
+                0.5*(v*v - 1.0)*verts[4][i] + u*(v - 1.0)*verts[5][i] - \
+                0.5*(v*v - 1.0)*verts[6][i] - u*(v + 1.0)*verts[7][i]
@@ -210,11 +210,11 @@
                              const cython.floating u, 
                              const cython.floating v,
                              cython.floating[3] Sv) nogil:
-This function computes the derivative of the S(u, v) function w.r.t v.
+    '''
+    This function computes the derivative of the S(u, v) function w.r.t v.
+    '''
     cdef int i 
     for i in range(3):
         Sv[i] = (-0.25*(u - 1.0)*(u + v + 1) - 0.25*(u - 1.0)*(v - 1.0))*verts[0][i] + \
@@ -231,13 +231,13 @@
 cdef RayHitData compute_patch_hit(cython.floating[8][3] verts,
                                   cython.floating[3] ray_origin,
                                   cython.floating[3] ray_direction) nogil:
-This function iteratively computes whether the bi-quadratic patch defined by the
-eight input nodes intersects with the given ray. Either way, information about
-the potential hit is stored in the returned RayHitData.
+    """
+    This function iteratively computes whether the bi-quadratic patch defined by the
+    eight input nodes intersects with the given ray. Either way, information about
+    the potential hit is stored in the returned RayHitData.
+    """
     # first we compute the two planes that define the ray.
     cdef cython.floating[3] n, N1, N2
     cdef cython.floating A = dot(ray_direction, ray_direction)
@@ -312,15 +312,15 @@
 cdef np.int64_t ray_patch_intersect(const void* primitives,
                                     const np.int64_t item,
                                     Ray* ray) nogil:
-This returns an integer flag that indicates whether the given patch is the
-closest hit for the ray so far. If it is, the ray is updated to store the
-current primitive index and the distance to the first hit. The patch used
-is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives.
+    '''
+    This returns an integer flag that indicates whether the given patch is the
+    closest hit for the ray so far. If it is, the ray is updated to store the
+    current primitive index and the distance to the first hit. The patch used
+    is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives.
+    '''
     cdef Patch patch = (<Patch*> primitives)[item]
     cdef RayHitData hd = compute_patch_hit(patch.v, ray.origin, ray.direction)
@@ -344,14 +344,14 @@
 cdef void patch_centroid(const void *primitives,
                          const np.int64_t item,
                          np.float64_t[3] centroid) nogil:
-This computes the centroid of the input patch. The patch used
-is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives. The result
-will be stored in the numpy array passed in as "centroid".
+    '''
+    This computes the centroid of the input patch. The patch used
+    is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives. The result
+    will be stored in the numpy array passed in as "centroid".
+    '''
     cdef np.int64_t i, j
     cdef Patch patch = (<Patch*> primitives)[item]
@@ -373,13 +373,13 @@
                     const np.int64_t item,
                      BBox* bbox) nogil:
-This computes the bounding box of the input patch. The patch used
-is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives. The result
-will be stored in the input BBox.
+    '''
+    This computes the bounding box of the input patch. The patch used
+    is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives. The result
+    will be stored in the input BBox.
+    '''
     cdef np.int64_t i, j
     cdef Patch patch = (<Patch*> primitives)[item]

Changeset:   5084dbec0f1d
Branch:      yt
User:        atmyers
Date:        2016-11-12 23:14:14+00:00
Summary:     merging with tip
Affected #:  6 files

diff -r 1a290fab65e430186f2c6e80ae19ae6084402dc4 -r 5084dbec0f1d46f3ea3782908daad4890a6adf68 yt/utilities/lib/bounding_volume_hierarchy.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/bounding_volume_hierarchy.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/bounding_volume_hierarchy.pyx
@@ -55,11 +55,25 @@
     This class implements a bounding volume hierarchy (BVH), a spatial acceleration
     structure for fast ray-tracing. A BVH is like a kd-tree, except that instead of
     partitioning the *volume* of the parent to create the children, we partition the
-    triangles themselves into 'left' or 'right' sub-trees. The bounding volume for a
-    node is then determined by computing the bounding volume of the triangles that
-    belong to it. This allows us to quickly discard triangles that are not close
+    primitives themselves into 'left' or 'right' sub-trees. The bounding volume for a
+    node is then determined by computing the bounding volume of the primitives that
+    belong to it. This allows us to quickly discard primitives that are not close
     to intersecting a given ray.
+    This class is currently used to provide software 3D rendering support for
+    finite element datasets. For 1st-order meshes, every element of the mesh is
+    triangulated, and this set of triangles forms the primitives that will be used
+    for the ray-trace. The BVH can then quickly determine which element is hit by
+    each ray associated with the image plane, and the appropriate interpolation can
+    be performed to sample the finite element solution at that hit position.
+    Currently, 2nd-order meshes are only supported for 20-node hexahedral elements.
+    There, the primitive type is a bi-quadratic patch instead of a triangle, and
+    each intersection involves computing a Netwon-Raphson solve.
+    See yt/utilities/lib/primitives.pyx for the definitions of both of these primitive
+    types.

diff -r 1a290fab65e430186f2c6e80ae19ae6084402dc4 -r 5084dbec0f1d46f3ea3782908daad4890a6adf68 yt/utilities/lib/mesh_construction.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/mesh_construction.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/mesh_construction.pyx
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 the interface between the internal representation of the mesh and the pyembree
+Note - this file is only used for the Embree-accelerated ray-tracer.

diff -r 1a290fab65e430186f2c6e80ae19ae6084402dc4 -r 5084dbec0f1d46f3ea3782908daad4890a6adf68 yt/utilities/lib/mesh_intersection.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/mesh_intersection.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/mesh_intersection.pyx
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-This file contains functions used for performing ray-tracing with 2nd-order Lagrange
+This file contains functions used for performing ray-tracing with Embree
+for 2nd-order Lagrange Elements.
+Note - this file is only used for the Embree-accelerated ray-tracer.

diff -r 1a290fab65e430186f2c6e80ae19ae6084402dc4 -r 5084dbec0f1d46f3ea3782908daad4890a6adf68 yt/utilities/lib/mesh_samplers.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/mesh_samplers.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/mesh_samplers.pyx
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 This file contains functions that sample a surface mesh at the point hit by
 a ray. These can be used with pyembree in the form of "filter feedback functions."
+Note - this file is only used for the Embree-accelerated ray-tracer.

diff -r 1a290fab65e430186f2c6e80ae19ae6084402dc4 -r 5084dbec0f1d46f3ea3782908daad4890a6adf68 yt/utilities/lib/mesh_triangulation.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/mesh_triangulation.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/mesh_triangulation.pyx
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+This file contains code for triangulating unstructured meshes. That is, for
+every element in the mesh, it breaks up the element into some number of
+triangles, returning a triangle mesh instead.
+It also contains code for removing duplicate triangles from the resulting
+mesh using a hash-table approach, so that we don't waste time rendering
+impossible-to-see triangles.
+This code is currently used by the OpenGL-accelerated unstructured mesh
+renderer, as well as when annotating mesh lines on regular slices.
 import numpy as np
 cimport numpy as np
 cimport cython

diff -r 1a290fab65e430186f2c6e80ae19ae6084402dc4 -r 5084dbec0f1d46f3ea3782908daad4890a6adf68 yt/utilities/lib/primitives.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/primitives.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/primitives.pyx
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+This file contains definitions of the various primitives that can be used
+by the Cython ray-tracer for unstructured mesh rendering. To define a new
+primitive type, you need to define a struct that represents it. You also
+need to provide three functions: 
+1. A function that computes the intersection between a given ray and a given primitive.
+2. A function that computes the centroid of the primitive type.
+3. A function that computes the axis-aligned bounding box of a given primitive.
 cimport cython
 import numpy as np
 cimport numpy as np
@@ -17,7 +30,14 @@
 cdef np.int64_t ray_bbox_intersect(Ray* ray, const BBox bbox) nogil:
-# https://tavianator.com/fast-branchless-raybounding-box-intersections/
+    '''
+    This returns an integer flag that indicates whether a ray and a bounding
+    box intersect. It does not modify either either the ray or the box.
+    '''
+    # https://tavianator.com/fast-branchless-raybounding-box-intersections/
     cdef np.float64_t tmin = -INF
     cdef np.float64_t tmax =  INF
@@ -38,7 +58,17 @@
 cdef np.int64_t ray_triangle_intersect(const void* primitives,
                                        const np.int64_t item,
                                        Ray* ray) nogil:
-# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%B6ller%E2%80%93Trumbore_intersection_algorithm
+    '''
+    This returns an integer flag that indicates whether a triangle is the
+    closest hit for the ray so far. If it is, the ray is updated to store the
+    current triangle index and the distance to the first hit. The triangle used
+    is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives.
+    '''
+    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%B6ller%E2%80%93Trumbore_intersection_algorithm
     cdef Triangle tri = (<Triangle*> primitives)[item]
@@ -87,6 +117,13 @@
 cdef void triangle_centroid(const void *primitives,
                             const np.int64_t item,
                             np.float64_t[3] centroid) nogil:
+    '''
+    This computes the centroid of the input triangle. The triangle used
+    is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives. The result
+    will be stored in the numpy array passed in as "centroid".
+    '''
     cdef Triangle tri = (<Triangle*> primitives)[item]
     cdef np.int64_t i
@@ -100,7 +137,14 @@
 cdef void triangle_bbox(const void *primitives,
                         const np.int64_t item,
                         BBox* bbox) nogil:
+    '''
+    This computes the bounding box of the input triangle. The triangle used
+    is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives. The result
+    will be stored in the input BBox.
+    '''
     cdef Triangle tri = (<Triangle*> primitives)[item]
     cdef np.int64_t i
     for i in range(3):
@@ -115,17 +159,26 @@
                            const cython.floating u,
                            const cython.floating v,
                            cython.floating[3] S) nogil:
-  cdef int i
-  for i in range(3):
-      S[i] = 0.25*(1.0 - u)*(1.0 - v)*(-u - v - 1)*verts[0][i] + \
-             0.25*(1.0 + u)*(1.0 - v)*( u - v - 1)*verts[1][i] + \
-             0.25*(1.0 + u)*(1.0 + v)*( u + v - 1)*verts[2][i] + \
-             0.25*(1.0 - u)*(1.0 + v)*(-u + v - 1)*verts[3][i] + \
-             0.5*(1 - u)*(1 - v*v)*verts[4][i] + \
-             0.5*(1 - u*u)*(1 - v)*verts[5][i] + \
-             0.5*(1 + u)*(1 - v*v)*verts[6][i] + \
-             0.5*(1 - u*u)*(1 + v)*verts[7][i]
+    '''
+    This function is a parametric representation of the surface of a bi-quadratic
+    patch. The inputs are the eight nodes that define a face of a 20-node hex element,
+    and two parameters u and v that vary from -1 to 1 and tell you where you are on
+    the surface of the patch. The output is the array 'S' that stores the physical
+    (x, y, z) position of the corresponding point on the patch. This function is needed
+    to compute the intersection of rays and bi-quadratic patches.
+    '''
+    cdef int i
+    for i in range(3):
+        S[i] = 0.25*(1.0 - u)*(1.0 - v)*(-u - v - 1)*verts[0][i] + \
+               0.25*(1.0 + u)*(1.0 - v)*( u - v - 1)*verts[1][i] + \
+               0.25*(1.0 + u)*(1.0 + v)*( u + v - 1)*verts[2][i] + \
+               0.25*(1.0 - u)*(1.0 + v)*(-u + v - 1)*verts[3][i] + \
+               0.5*(1 - u)*(1 - v*v)*verts[4][i] + \
+               0.5*(1 - u*u)*(1 - v)*verts[5][i] + \
+               0.5*(1 + u)*(1 - v*v)*verts[6][i] + \
+               0.5*(1 - u*u)*(1 + v)*verts[7][i]
@@ -135,14 +188,19 @@
                              const cython.floating u,
                              const cython.floating v,
                              cython.floating[3] Su) nogil:
-  cdef int i
-  for i in range(3):
-      Su[i] = (-0.25*(v - 1.0)*(u + v + 1) - 0.25*(u - 1.0)*(v - 1.0))*verts[0][i] + \
-              (-0.25*(v - 1.0)*(u - v - 1) - 0.25*(u + 1.0)*(v - 1.0))*verts[1][i] + \
-              ( 0.25*(v + 1.0)*(u + v - 1) + 0.25*(u + 1.0)*(v + 1.0))*verts[2][i] + \
-              ( 0.25*(v + 1.0)*(u - v + 1) + 0.25*(u - 1.0)*(v + 1.0))*verts[3][i] + \
-              0.5*(v*v - 1.0)*verts[4][i] + u*(v - 1.0)*verts[5][i] - \
-              0.5*(v*v - 1.0)*verts[6][i] - u*(v + 1.0)*verts[7][i]
+    '''
+    This function computes the derivative of the S(u, v) function w.r.t u. 
+    '''
+    cdef int i
+    for i in range(3):
+        Su[i] = (-0.25*(v - 1.0)*(u + v + 1) - 0.25*(u - 1.0)*(v - 1.0))*verts[0][i] + \
+                (-0.25*(v - 1.0)*(u - v - 1) - 0.25*(u + 1.0)*(v - 1.0))*verts[1][i] + \
+                ( 0.25*(v + 1.0)*(u + v - 1) + 0.25*(u + 1.0)*(v + 1.0))*verts[2][i] + \
+                ( 0.25*(v + 1.0)*(u - v + 1) + 0.25*(u - 1.0)*(v + 1.0))*verts[3][i] + \
+                0.5*(v*v - 1.0)*verts[4][i] + u*(v - 1.0)*verts[5][i] - \
+                0.5*(v*v - 1.0)*verts[6][i] - u*(v + 1.0)*verts[7][i]
@@ -152,6 +210,12 @@
                              const cython.floating u,
                              const cython.floating v,
                              cython.floating[3] Sv) nogil:
+    '''
+    This function computes the derivative of the S(u, v) function w.r.t v.
+    '''
     cdef int i
     for i in range(3):
         Sv[i] = (-0.25*(u - 1.0)*(u + v + 1) - 0.25*(u - 1.0)*(v - 1.0))*verts[0][i] + \
@@ -168,7 +232,13 @@
 cdef RayHitData compute_patch_hit(cython.floating[8][3] verts,
                                   cython.floating[3] ray_origin,
                                   cython.floating[3] ray_direction) nogil:
+    """
+    This function iteratively computes whether the bi-quadratic patch defined by the
+    eight input nodes intersects with the given ray. Either way, information about
+    the potential hit is stored in the returned RayHitData.
+    """
     # first we compute the two planes that define the ray.
     cdef cython.floating[3] n, N1, N2
     cdef cython.floating A = dot(ray_direction, ray_direction)
@@ -243,7 +313,15 @@
 cdef np.int64_t ray_patch_intersect(const void* primitives,
                                     const np.int64_t item,
                                     Ray* ray) nogil:
+    '''
+    This returns an integer flag that indicates whether the given patch is the
+    closest hit for the ray so far. If it is, the ray is updated to store the
+    current primitive index and the distance to the first hit. The patch used
+    is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives.
+    '''
     cdef Patch patch = (<Patch*> primitives)[item]
     cdef RayHitData hd = compute_patch_hit(patch.v, ray.origin, ray.direction)
@@ -267,7 +345,14 @@
 cdef void patch_centroid(const void *primitives,
                          const np.int64_t item,
                          np.float64_t[3] centroid) nogil:
+    '''
+    This computes the centroid of the input patch. The patch used
+    is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives. The result
+    will be stored in the numpy array passed in as "centroid".
+    '''
     cdef np.int64_t i, j
     cdef Patch patch = (<Patch*> primitives)[item]
@@ -289,6 +374,14 @@
                     const np.int64_t item,
                      BBox* bbox) nogil:
+    '''
+    This computes the bounding box of the input patch. The patch used
+    is the one indexed by "item" in the array of primitives. The result
+    will be stored in the input BBox.
+    '''
     cdef np.int64_t i, j
     cdef Patch patch = (<Patch*> primitives)[item]

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