[yt-svn] commit/yt: xarthisius: Merged in xarthisius/yt (pull request #2028)

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Wed Mar 16 20:57:36 PDT 2016

1 new commit in yt:

Changeset:   9d3023efc9e3
Branch:      yt
User:        xarthisius
Date:        2016-03-17 03:57:30+00:00
Summary:     Merged in xarthisius/yt (pull request #2028)

Pre-calculate the size of projection of rays onto image plane for perspective camera
Affected #:  7 files

diff -r 1cc2beb515d168c04a39df000d33bd4f06f987d4 -r 9d3023efc9e320ecc1cb048819162f701c9487ba setup.py
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -127,7 +127,9 @@
-              libraries=["m"], depends=["yt/utilities/lib/bounding_volume_hierarchy.pxd"]),
+              libraries=["m"],
+              depends=["yt/utilities/lib/bounding_volume_hierarchy.pxd",
+                       "yt/utilities/lib/vec3_ops.pxd"]),
@@ -177,7 +179,8 @@
-                       "yt/utilities/lib/field_interpolation_tables.pxd"]),
+                       "yt/utilities/lib/field_interpolation_tables.pxd",
+                       "yt/utilities/lib/vec3_ops.pxd"]),
               libraries=["m"], depends=["yt/utilities/lib/element_mappings.pxd"]),

diff -r 1cc2beb515d168c04a39df000d33bd4f06f987d4 -r 9d3023efc9e320ecc1cb048819162f701c9487ba yt/utilities/lib/bounding_volume_hierarchy.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/bounding_volume_hierarchy.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/bounding_volume_hierarchy.pyx
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 from libc.math cimport fabs, fmax, fmin
 from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
 from cython.parallel import parallel, prange
+from vec3_ops cimport dot, subtract, cross
 cdef extern from "mesh_construction.h":
@@ -15,35 +16,6 @@
 cdef np.float64_t INF = np.inf
 cdef np.int64_t   LEAF_SIZE = 16
- at cython.boundscheck(False)
- at cython.wraparound(False)
- at cython.cdivision(True)
-cdef inline np.float64_t dot(const np.float64_t a[3], 
-                             const np.float64_t b[3]) nogil:
-    return a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2] 
- at cython.boundscheck(False)
- at cython.wraparound(False)
- at cython.cdivision(True)
-cdef inline void cross(const np.float64_t a[3], 
-                       const np.float64_t b[3],
-                       np.float64_t c[3]) nogil:
-    c[0] = a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1]
-    c[1] = a[2]*b[0] - a[0]*b[2]
-    c[2] = a[0]*b[1] - a[1]*b[0]
- at cython.boundscheck(False)
- at cython.wraparound(False)
- at cython.cdivision(True)
-cdef inline void subtract(const np.float64_t a[3], 
-                          const np.float64_t b[3],
-                          np.float64_t c[3]) nogil:
-    c[0] = a[0] - b[0]
-    c[1] = a[1] - b[1]
-    c[2] = a[2] - b[2]

diff -r 1cc2beb515d168c04a39df000d33bd4f06f987d4 -r 9d3023efc9e320ecc1cb048819162f701c9487ba yt/utilities/lib/grid_traversal.pxd
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/grid_traversal.pxd
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/grid_traversal.pxd
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
     np.float64_t[:,:] zbuffer
     np.float64_t pdx, pdy
     np.float64_t bounds[4]
+    np.float64_t[:,:] camera_data   # position, width, unit_vec[0,2]
     int nv[2]
     np.float64_t *x_vec
     np.float64_t *y_vec

diff -r 1cc2beb515d168c04a39df000d33bd4f06f987d4 -r 9d3023efc9e320ecc1cb048819162f701c9487ba yt/utilities/lib/grid_traversal.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/grid_traversal.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/grid_traversal.pyx
@@ -17,9 +17,11 @@
 cimport numpy as np
 cimport cython
 #cimport healpix_interface
+cdef extern from "limits.h":
+    cdef int SHRT_MAX
 from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, calloc, free, abs
 from libc.math cimport exp, floor, log2, \
-    lrint, fabs, atan, atan2, asin, cos, sin, sqrt
+    lrint, fabs, atan, atan2, asin, cos, sin, sqrt, acos, M_PI
 from yt.utilities.lib.fp_utils cimport imax, fmax, imin, fmin, iclip, fclip, i64clip
 from field_interpolation_tables cimport \
     FieldInterpolationTable, FIT_initialize_table, FIT_eval_transfer,\
@@ -27,6 +29,7 @@
 from fixed_interpolator cimport *
 from cython.parallel import prange, parallel, threadid
+from vec3_ops cimport dot, subtract, L2_norm, fma
 DEF Nch = 4
@@ -210,6 +213,108 @@
     rv[2] = lrint((extrema[2] - cy - image.bounds[2])/image.pdy)
     rv[3] = rv[2] + lrint((extrema[3] - extrema[2])/image.pdy)
+ at cython.boundscheck(False)
+ at cython.wraparound(False)
+cdef void calculate_extent_perspective(ImageContainer *image,
+            VolumeContainer *vc, np.int64_t rv[4]) nogil:
+    cdef np.float64_t cam_pos[3]
+    cdef np.float64_t cam_width[3]
+    cdef np.float64_t north_vector[3]
+    cdef np.float64_t east_vector[3]
+    cdef np.float64_t normal_vector[3]
+    cdef np.float64_t vertex[3]
+    cdef np.float64_t pos1[3]
+    cdef np.float64_t sight_vector[3]
+    cdef np.float64_t sight_center[3]
+    cdef np.float64_t corners[3][8]
+    cdef float sight_vector_norm, sight_angle_cos, sight_length, dx, dy
+    cdef int i, iv, px, py
+    cdef int min_px, min_py, max_px, max_py
+    min_px = SHRT_MAX
+    min_py = SHRT_MAX
+    max_px = -SHRT_MAX
+    max_py = -SHRT_MAX
+    # calculate vertices for 8 corners of vc
+    corners[0][0] = vc.left_edge[0]
+    corners[0][1] = vc.right_edge[0]
+    corners[0][2] = vc.right_edge[0]
+    corners[0][3] = vc.left_edge[0]
+    corners[0][4] = vc.left_edge[0]
+    corners[0][5] = vc.right_edge[0]
+    corners[0][6] = vc.right_edge[0]
+    corners[0][7] = vc.left_edge[0]
+    corners[1][0] = vc.left_edge[1]
+    corners[1][1] = vc.left_edge[1]
+    corners[1][2] = vc.right_edge[1]
+    corners[1][3] = vc.right_edge[1]
+    corners[1][4] = vc.left_edge[1]
+    corners[1][5] = vc.left_edge[1]
+    corners[1][6] = vc.right_edge[1]
+    corners[1][7] = vc.right_edge[1]
+    corners[2][0] = vc.left_edge[2]
+    corners[2][1] = vc.left_edge[2]
+    corners[2][2] = vc.left_edge[2]
+    corners[2][3] = vc.left_edge[2]
+    corners[2][4] = vc.right_edge[2]
+    corners[2][5] = vc.right_edge[2]
+    corners[2][6] = vc.right_edge[2]
+    corners[2][7] = vc.right_edge[2]
+    # This code was ported from
+    #   yt.visualization.volume_rendering.lens.PerspectiveLens.project_to_plane()
+    for i in range(3):
+        cam_pos[i] = image.camera_data[0, i]
+        cam_width[i] = image.camera_data[1, i]
+        east_vector[i] = image.camera_data[2, i]
+        north_vector[i] = image.camera_data[3, i]
+        normal_vector[i] = image.camera_data[4, i]
+    for iv in range(8):
+        vertex[0] = corners[0][iv]
+        vertex[1] = corners[1][iv]
+        vertex[2] = corners[2][iv]
+        subtract(vertex, cam_pos, sight_vector)
+        fma(cam_width[2], normal_vector, cam_pos, sight_center)
+        sight_vector_norm = L2_norm(sight_vector)
+        if sight_vector_norm != 0:
+            for i in range(3):
+                sight_vector[i] /= sight_vector_norm
+        sight_angle_cos = dot(sight_vector, normal_vector)
+        sight_angle_cos = fclip(sight_angle_cos, -1.0, 1.0)
+        if acos(sight_angle_cos) < 0.5 * M_PI and sight_angle_cos != 0.0:
+            sight_length = cam_width[2] / sight_angle_cos
+        else:
+            sight_length = sqrt(cam_width[0]**2 + cam_width[1]**2)
+            sight_length = sight_length / sqrt(1.0 - sight_angle_cos**2)
+        fma(sight_length, sight_vector, cam_pos, pos1)
+        subtract(pos1, sight_center, pos1)
+        dx = dot(pos1, east_vector)
+        dy = dot(pos1, north_vector)
+        px = int(image.nv[0] * 0.5 + image.nv[0] / cam_width[0] * dx)
+        py = int(image.nv[1] * 0.5 + image.nv[1] / cam_width[1] * dy)
+        min_px = min(min_px, px)
+        max_px = max(max_px, px)
+        min_py = min(min_py, py)
+        max_py = max(max_py, py)
+    rv[0] = max(min_px, 0)
+    rv[1] = min(max_px, image.nv[0])
+    rv[2] = max(min_py, 0)
+    rv[3] = min(max_py, image.nv[1])
 # We do this for a bunch of lenses.  Fallback is to grab them from the vector
 # info supplied.
@@ -271,6 +376,13 @@
                   *args, **kwargs):
         self.image = <ImageContainer *> calloc(sizeof(ImageContainer), 1)
         cdef np.float64_t[:,:] zbuffer
+        cdef np.float64_t[:,:] camera_data
+        cdef int i
+        camera_data = kwargs.pop("camera_data", None)
+        if camera_data is not None:
+            self.image.camera_data = camera_data
         zbuffer = kwargs.pop("zbuffer", None)
         if zbuffer is None:
             zbuffer = np.ones((image.shape[0], image.shape[1]), "float64")
@@ -281,15 +393,19 @@
             if not (vp_pos.shape[0] == vp_dir.shape[0] == image.shape[0]) or \
                not (vp_pos.shape[1] == vp_dir.shape[1] == image.shape[1]):
-                msg = "Bad lens shape / direction for %s\n" % (self.lens_type)
+                msg = "Bad lense shape / direction for %s\n" % (self.lens_type)
                 msg += "Shapes: (%s - %s - %s) and (%s - %s - %s)" % (
                     vp_pos.shape[0], vp_dir.shape[0], image.shape[0],
                     vp_pos.shape[1], vp_dir.shape[1], image.shape[1])
                 raise RuntimeError(msg)
-            self.extent_function = calculate_extent_null
+            if camera_data is not None and "perspective" in self.lens_type:
+                self.extent_function = calculate_extent_perspective
+            else:
+                self.extent_function = calculate_extent_null
             self.vector_function = generate_vector_info_null
         self.sampler = NULL
-        cdef int i
         # These assignments are so we can track the objects and prevent their
         # de-allocation from reference counts.  Note that we do this to the
         # "atleast_3d" versions.  Also, note that we re-assign the input

diff -r 1cc2beb515d168c04a39df000d33bd4f06f987d4 -r 9d3023efc9e320ecc1cb048819162f701c9487ba yt/utilities/lib/vec3_ops.pxd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/vec3_ops.pxd
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+cimport cython 
+import numpy as np
+cimport numpy as np
+from libc.math cimport sqrt
+ at cython.boundscheck(False)
+ at cython.wraparound(False)
+ at cython.cdivision(True)
+cdef inline np.float64_t dot(const np.float64_t a[3], 
+                             const np.float64_t b[3]) nogil:
+    return a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2] 
+ at cython.boundscheck(False)
+ at cython.wraparound(False)
+ at cython.cdivision(True)
+cdef inline void cross(const np.float64_t a[3], 
+                       const np.float64_t b[3],
+                       np.float64_t c[3]) nogil:
+    c[0] = a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1]
+    c[1] = a[2]*b[0] - a[0]*b[2]
+    c[2] = a[0]*b[1] - a[1]*b[0]
+ at cython.boundscheck(False)
+ at cython.wraparound(False)
+ at cython.cdivision(True)
+cdef inline void subtract(const np.float64_t a[3], 
+                          const np.float64_t b[3],
+                          np.float64_t c[3]) nogil:
+    c[0] = a[0] - b[0]
+    c[1] = a[1] - b[1]
+    c[2] = a[2] - b[2]
+ at cython.boundscheck(False)
+ at cython.wraparound(False)
+ at cython.cdivision(True)
+cdef inline void fma(const np.float64_t f,
+                     const np.float64_t a[3], 
+                     const np.float64_t b[3],
+                     np.float64_t c[3]) nogil:
+    c[0] = f * a[0] + b[0]
+    c[1] = f * a[1] + b[1]
+    c[2] = f * a[2] + b[2]
+ at cython.boundscheck(False)
+ at cython.wraparound(False)
+ at cython.cdivision(True)
+cdef inline np.float64_t L2_norm(const np.float64_t a[3]) nogil:
+    return sqrt(a[0]*a[0] + a[1]*a[1] + a[2]*a[2])

diff -r 1cc2beb515d168c04a39df000d33bd4f06f987d4 -r 9d3023efc9e320ecc1cb048819162f701c9487ba yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
--- a/yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
@@ -280,6 +280,8 @@
     def _get_sampler_params(self, render_source):
         lens_params = self.lens._get_sampler_params(self, render_source)
+        lens_params.update(camera_data=np.vstack(
+            (self.position.d, self.width.d, self.unit_vectors.d)))
         return lens_params
     def set_lens(self, lens_type):

diff -r 1cc2beb515d168c04a39df000d33bd4f06f987d4 -r 9d3023efc9e320ecc1cb048819162f701c9487ba yt/visualization/volume_rendering/utils.py
--- a/yt/visualization/volume_rendering/utils.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/volume_rendering/utils.py
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
     kwargs = {'lens_type': params['lens_type']}
+    if "camera_data" in params:
+        kwargs['camera_data'] = params['camera_data']
     if render_source.zbuffer is not None:
         kwargs['zbuffer'] = render_source.zbuffer.z
         args[4][:] = np.reshape(render_source.zbuffer.rgba[:], \

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