[yt-svn] commit/yt: xarthisius: Merged in ngoldbaum/yt (pull request #2009)

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Wed Apr 20 11:04:03 PDT 2016

1 new commit in yt:

Changeset:   a474e0c679f8
Branch:      yt
User:        xarthisius
Date:        2016-04-20 18:03:47+00:00
Summary:     Merged in ngoldbaum/yt (pull request #2009)

merge get_yt.sh into install_script.sh, add install script tests
Affected #:  3 files

diff -r a3f0bf738e6566959d9144adc81c2a918099615b -r a474e0c679f8d38a8431115c80c784fce575a52c doc/get_yt.sh
--- a/doc/get_yt.sh
+++ b/doc/get_yt.sh
@@ -1,394 +1,4 @@
-# Hi there!  Welcome to the yt installation script.
-# This script is designed to create a fully isolated Python installation
-# with the dependencies you need to run yt.
-# This script is based on Conda, a distribution mechanism from Continuum
-# Analytics.  The process is as follows:
-#  1. Download the appropriate Conda installation package
-#  2. Install Conda into the specified directory
-#  3. Install yt-specific dependencies
-#  4. Install yt
-# There are a few options listed below, but by default, this will install
-# everything.  At the end, it will tell you what to do to use yt.
-# By default this will install yt from source.
-# If you experience problems, please visit the Help section at
-# http://yt-project.org.
-DEST_DIR="`pwd`/${DEST_SUFFIX/ /}"   # Installation location
-BRANCH="yt" # This is the branch to which we will forcibly update.
-INST_YT_SOURCE=1 # Do we do a source install of yt?
-INST_UNSTRUCTURED=1 # Do we want to build with unstructured mesh support?
-#                                                                #
-# You will likely not have to modify anything below this region. #
-#                                                                #
-# Here is the idiom for redirecting to the log file:
-# ( SOMECOMMAND 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit
-if [ $INST_UNSTRUCTURED -eq 1 ]
-  if [ $INST_YT_SOURCE -eq 0 ]
-  then
-      echo "yt must be compiled from source to use the unstructured mesh support."
-      echo "Please set INST_YT_SOURCE to 1 and re-run."
-      exit 1
-  fi
-  if [ `uname` = "Darwin" ]
-  then
-      EMBREE="embree-2.8.0.x86_64.macosx"
-      EMBREE_URL="https://github.com/embree/embree/releases/download/v2.8.0/$EMBREE.tar.gz"
-  else
-      EMBREE="embree-2.8.0.x86_64.linux"
-      EMBREE_URL="https://github.com/embree/embree/releases/download/v2.8.0/$EMBREE.tar.gz"
-  fi
-  PYEMBREE_URL="https://github.com/scopatz/pyembree/archive/master.zip"
-function do_exit
-    echo "********************************************"
-    echo "        FAILURE REPORT:"
-    echo "********************************************"
-    echo
-    tail -n 10 ${LOG_FILE}
-    echo
-    echo "********************************************"
-    echo "********************************************"
-    echo "Failure.  Check ${LOG_FILE}.  The last 10 lines are above."
-    exit 1
-function log_cmd
-    echo "EXECUTING:" >> ${LOG_FILE}
-    echo "  $*" >> ${LOG_FILE}
-    ( $* 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit
-# These are needed to prevent pushd and popd from printing to stdout
-function pushd () {
-    command pushd "$@" > /dev/null
-function popd () {
-    command popd "$@" > /dev/null
-function get_ytdata
-    echo "Downloading $1 from yt-project.org"
-    [ -e $1 ] && return
-    ${GETFILE} "http://yt-project.org/data/$1" || do_exit
-    ( ${SHASUM} -c $1.sha512 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit
-function get_ytrecipe {
-    RDIR=${DEST_DIR}/src/yt-recipes/$1
-    mkdir -p ${RDIR}
-    pushd ${RDIR}
-    log_cmd ${GETFILE} ${YT_RECIPE_REPO}/$1/meta.yaml
-    log_cmd ${GETFILE} ${YT_RECIPE_REPO}/$1/build.sh
-    NEW_PKG=`conda build --output ${RDIR}`
-    log_cmd conda build --no-binstar-upload ${RDIR}
-    log_cmd conda install ${NEW_PKG}
-    popd
-echo "========================================================================"
-echo "Hi there!  This is the yt installation script.  We're going to download"
-echo "some stuff and install it to create a self-contained, isolated"
-echo "environment for yt to run within."
-echo "This will install Miniconda from Continuum Analytics, the necessary"
-echo "packages to run yt, and create a self-contained environment for you to"
-echo "use yt.  Additionally, Conda itself provides the ability to install"
-echo "many other packages that can be used for other purposes using the"
-echo "'conda install' command."
-MYOS=`uname -s`       # A guess at the OS
-if [ $INST_YT_SOURCE -ne 0 ]
-    if [ "${MYOS##Darwin}" != "${MYOS}" ]
-    then
-        echo "Looks like you're running on Mac OSX."
-        echo
-        echo "NOTE: you must have the Xcode command line tools installed."
-        echo
-        echo "The instructions for obtaining these tools varies according"
-        echo "to your exact OS version.  On older versions of OS X, you"
-        echo "must register for an account on the apple developer tools"
-        echo "website: https://developer.apple.com/downloads to obtain the"
-        echo "download link."
-        echo
-        echo "We have gathered some additional instructions for each"
-        echo "version of OS X below. If you have trouble installing yt"
-        echo "after following these instructions, don't hesitate to contact"
-        echo "the yt user's e-mail list."
-        echo
-        echo "You can see which version of OSX you are running by clicking"
-        echo "'About This Mac' in the apple menu on the left hand side of"
-        echo "menu bar.  We're assuming that you've installed all operating"
-        echo "system updates; if you have an older version, we suggest"
-        echo "running software update and installing all available updates."
-        echo
-        echo "OS X 10.5.8: search for and download Xcode 3.1.4 from the"
-        echo "Apple developer tools website."
-        echo
-        echo "OS X 10.6.8: search for and download Xcode 3.2 from the Apple"
-        echo "developer tools website.  You can either download the"
-        echo "Xcode 3.2.2 Developer Tools package (744 MB) and then use"
-        echo "Software Update to update to XCode 3.2.6 or"
-        echo "alternatively, you can download the Xcode 3.2.6/iOS SDK"
-        echo "bundle (4.1 GB)."
-        echo
-        echo "OS X 10.7.5: download Xcode 4.2 from the mac app store"
-        echo "(search for Xcode)."
-        echo "Alternatively, download the Xcode command line tools from"
-        echo "the Apple developer tools website."
-        echo
-        echo "OS X 10.8.4, 10.9, 10.10, and 10.11:"
-        echo "download the appropriate version of Xcode from the"
-        echo "mac app store (search for Xcode)."
-        echo
-        echo "Additionally, you will have to manually install the Xcode"
-        echo "command line tools."
-        echo
-        echo "For OS X 10.8, see:"
-        echo "http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9353444"
-        echo
-        echo "For OS X 10.9 and newer the command line tools can be installed"
-        echo "with the following command:"
-        echo "    xcode-select --install"
-    fi
-    if [ "${MYOS##Linux}" != "${MYOS}" ]
-    then
-        echo "Looks like you're on Linux."
-        echo
-        echo "Please make sure you have the developer tools for your OS "
-        echo "installed."
-        echo
-        if [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ] && [ `grep --count SUSE /etc/SuSE-release` -gt 0 ]
-        then
-            echo "Looks like you're on an OpenSUSE-compatible machine."
-            echo
-            echo "You need to have these packages installed:"
-            echo
-            echo "  * devel_C_C++"
-            echo "  * libuuid-devel"
-            echo "  * gcc-c++"
-            echo "  * chrpath"
-            echo
-            echo "You can accomplish this by executing:"
-            echo
-            echo "$ sudo zypper install -t pattern devel_C_C++"
-            echo "$ sudo zypper install gcc-c++ libuuid-devel zip"
-            echo "$ sudo zypper install chrpath"
-        fi
-        if [ -f /etc/lsb-release ] && [ `grep --count buntu /etc/lsb-release` -gt 0 ]
-        then
-            echo "Looks like you're on an Ubuntu-compatible machine."
-            echo
-            echo "You need to have these packages installed:"
-            echo
-            echo "  * libssl-dev"
-            echo "  * build-essential"
-            echo "  * libncurses5"
-            echo "  * libncurses5-dev"
-            echo "  * uuid-dev"
-            echo "  * chrpath"
-            echo
-            echo "You can accomplish this by executing:"
-            echo
-            echo "$ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev build-essential libncurses5 libncurses5-dev zip uuid-dev chrpath"
-            echo
-        fi
-        echo
-        echo "If you are running on a supercomputer or other module-enabled"
-        echo "system, please make sure that the GNU module has been loaded."
-        echo
-    fi
-if [ "${MYOS##x86_64}" != "${MYOS}" ]
-    MINICONDA_OS="Linux-x86_64"
-elif [ "${MYOS##i386}" != "${MYOS}" ]
-    MINICONDA_OS="Linux-x86"
-elif [ "${MYOS##Darwin}" != "${MYOS}" ]
-     MINICONDA_OS="MacOSX-x86_64"
-    echo "Not sure which Linux distro you are running."
-    echo "Going with x86_64 architecture."
-    MINICONDA_OS="Linux-x86_64"
-echo "If you'd rather not continue, hit Ctrl-C."
-echo "========================================================================"
-read -p "[hit enter] "
-echo "Awesome!  Here we go."
-if type -P wget &>/dev/null
-    echo "Using wget"
-    export GETFILE="wget -nv -nc"
-    echo "Using curl"
-    export GETFILE="curl -sSO"
-echo "Downloading ${MINICONDA_URLBASE}/${MINICONDA_PKG}" >> ${LOG_FILE}
-echo "Installing the Miniconda python environment."
-log_cmd bash ./${MINICONDA_PKG} -b -p $DEST_DIR
-# This we *do* need.
-export PATH=${DEST_DIR}/bin:$PATH
-echo "Installing the necessary packages for yt."
-echo "This may take a while, but don't worry.  yt loves you."
-declare -a YT_DEPS
-if [ $INST_UNSTRUCTURED -eq 1 ]
-  YT_DEPS+=('netcdf4')
-# Here is our dependency list for yt
-log_cmd conda update --yes conda
-log_cmd echo "DEPENDENCIES" ${YT_DEPS[@]}
-for YT_DEP in "${YT_DEPS[@]}"; do
-    echo "Installing $YT_DEP"
-    log_cmd conda install --yes ${YT_DEP}
-if [ $INST_UNSTRUCTURED -eq 1 ]
-  echo "Installing embree"
-  mkdir ${DEST_DIR}/src
-  cd ${DEST_DIR}/src
-  ( ${GETFILE} "$EMBREE_URL" 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit
-  log_cmd tar xfz ${EMBREE}.tar.gz
-  log_cmd mv ${DEST_DIR}/src/${EMBREE}/include/embree2 ${DEST_DIR}/include
-  log_cmd mv ${DEST_DIR}/src/${EMBREE}/lib/lib*.* ${DEST_DIR}/lib
-  if [ `uname` = "Darwin" ]
-  then
-    ln -s ${DEST_DIR}/lib/libembree.2.dylib ${DEST_DIR}/lib/libembree.dylib
-    install_name_tool -id ${DEST_DIR}/lib/libembree.2.dylib ${DEST_DIR}/lib/libembree.2.dylib
-  else
-    ln -s ${DEST_DIR}/lib/libembree.so.2 ${DEST_DIR}/lib/libembree.so
-  fi
-  echo "Installing pyembree from source"
-  ( ${GETFILE} "$PYEMBREE_URL" 2>&1 ) 1>> ${LOG_FILE} || do_exit
-  log_cmd unzip ${DEST_DIR}/src/master.zip
-  pushd ${DEST_DIR}/src/pyembree-master
-  log_cmd python setup.py install build_ext -I${DEST_DIR}/include -L${DEST_DIR}/lib
-  popd
-if [ $INST_YT_SOURCE -eq 0 ]
-  echo "Installing yt"
-  log_cmd conda install --yes yt
-    # We do a source install.
-    echo "Installing yt from source"
-    YT_DIR="${DEST_DIR}/src/yt-hg"
-    log_cmd hg clone -r ${BRANCH} https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt ${YT_DIR}
-if [ $INST_UNSTRUCTURED -eq 1 ]
-    echo $DEST_DIR > ${YT_DIR}/embree.cfg
-    pushd ${YT_DIR}
-    log_cmd python setup.py develop
-    popd
-echo "========================================================================"
-echo "yt and the Conda system are now installed in $DEST_DIR ."
-echo "You must now modify your PATH variable by prepending:"
-echo "   $DEST_DIR/bin"
-echo "On Bash-style shells you can copy/paste the following command to "
-echo "temporarily activate the yt installation:"
-echo "    export PATH=$DEST_DIR/bin:\$PATH"
-echo "and on csh-style shells:"
-echo "    setenv PATH $DEST_DIR/bin:\$PATH"
-echo "You can also update the init file appropriate for your shell to include"
-echo "the same command."
-echo "To get started with yt, check out the orientation:"
-echo "    http://yt-project.org/doc/orientation/"
-echo "For support, see the website and join the mailing list:"
-echo "    http://yt-project.org/"
-echo "    http://yt-project.org/data/      (Sample data)"
-echo "    http://yt-project.org/doc/       (Docs)"
-echo "    http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-users-spacepope.org"
-echo "========================================================================"
-echo "Oh, look at me, still talking when there's science to do!"
-echo "Good luck, and email the user list if you run into any problems."
+echo "This script has been deprecated."
+echo "You can now create a conda-based build using install_script.sh"
+echo "Please download that script and run it"
+exit 0

This diff is so big that we needed to truncate the remainder.

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