[yt-svn] commit/yt: brittonsmith: Merged in jzuhone/yt (pull request #1786)

commits-noreply at bitbucket.org commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Mon Oct 12 11:39:14 PDT 2015

1 new commit in yt:

Changeset:   508299bf88f9
Branch:      yt
User:        brittonsmith
Date:        2015-10-12 18:39:03+00:00
Summary:     Merged in jzuhone/yt (pull request #1786)

[bugfix] Improvements/bugfixes for photon_simulator
Affected #:  2 files

diff -r 03e316bc6fddecfb4705d0f73754ce2553e45a3d -r 508299bf88f92f1191465d63e84a69eebd161954 yt/analysis_modules/photon_simulator/photon_simulator.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/photon_simulator/photon_simulator.py
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/photon_simulator/photon_simulator.py
@@ -536,6 +536,21 @@
         D_A0 = self.parameters["FiducialAngularDiameterDistance"]
         scale_factor = 1.0
+        # If we use an RMF, figure out where the response matrix actually is.
+        if "RMF" in parameters:
+            rmf = _astropy.pyfits.open(parameters["RMF"])
+            if "MATRIX" in rmf:
+                mat_key = "MATRIX"
+            elif "SPECRESP MATRIX" in rmf:
+                mat_key = "SPECRESP MATRIX"
+            else:
+                raise RuntimeError("Cannot find the response matrix in the RMF "
+                                   "file %s! " % parameters["RMF"]+"It should "
+                                   "be named \"MATRIX\" or \"SPECRESP MATRIX\".")
+            rmf.close()
+        else:
+            mat_key = None
         if (exp_time_new is None and area_new is None and
             redshift_new is None and dist_new is None):
             my_n_obs = n_ph_tot
@@ -552,11 +567,10 @@
                 if comm.rank == 0:
                     mylog.info("Using energy-dependent effective area: %s" % (parameters["ARF"]))
                 f = _astropy.pyfits.open(area_new)
-                elo = f["SPECRESP"].data.field("ENERG_LO")
-                ehi = f["SPECRESP"].data.field("ENERG_HI")
+                earf = 0.5*(f["SPECRESP"].data.field("ENERG_LO")+f["SPECRESP"].data.field("ENERG_HI"))
                 eff_area = np.nan_to_num(f["SPECRESP"].data.field("SPECRESP"))
                 if "RMF" in parameters:
-                    weights = self._normalize_arf(parameters["RMF"])
+                    weights = self._normalize_arf(parameters["RMF"], mat_key)
                     eff_area *= weights
                     mylog.warning("You specified an ARF but not an RMF. This is ok if the "+
@@ -583,7 +597,12 @@
             fak = Aratio*Tratio*Dratio
             if fak > 1:
-                raise ValueError("Spectrum scaling factor = %g, cannot be greater than unity." % fak)
+                raise ValueError("This combination of requested parameters results in "
+                                 "%g%% more photons collected than are " % (100.*(fak-1.)) +
+                                 "available in the sample. Please reduce the collecting "
+                                 "area, exposure time, or increase the distance/redshift "
+                                 "of the object. Alternatively, generate a larger sample "
+                                 "of photons.")
             my_n_obs = np.uint64(n_ph_tot*fak)
         n_obs_all = comm.mpi_allreduce(my_n_obs)
@@ -652,7 +671,6 @@
             detected = np.ones(eobs.shape, dtype='bool')
             mylog.info("Applying energy-dependent effective area.")
-            earf = 0.5*(elo+ehi)
             earea = np.interp(eobs, earf, eff_area, left=0.0, right=0.0)
             randvec = eff_area.max()*np.random.random(eobs.shape)
             detected = randvec < earea
@@ -676,11 +694,13 @@
         num_events = len(events["xpix"])
-        if comm.rank == 0: mylog.info("Total number of observed photons: %d" % num_events)
+        if comm.rank == 0:
+            mylog.info("Total number of observed photons: %d" % num_events)
         if "RMF" in parameters and convolve_energies:
-            events, info = self._convolve_with_rmf(parameters["RMF"], events)
-            for k, v in info.items(): parameters[k] = v
+            events, info = self._convolve_with_rmf(parameters["RMF"], events, mat_key)
+            for k, v in info.items():
+                parameters[k] = v
         if exp_time_new is None:
             parameters["ExposureTime"] = self.parameters["FiducialExposureTime"]
@@ -698,23 +718,22 @@
         return EventList(events, parameters)
-    def _normalize_arf(self, respfile):
+    def _normalize_arf(self, respfile, mat_key):
         rmf = _astropy.pyfits.open(respfile)
-        table = rmf["MATRIX"]
+        table = rmf[mat_key]
         weights = np.array([w.sum() for w in table.data["MATRIX"]])
         return weights
-    def _convolve_with_rmf(self, respfile, events):
+    def _convolve_with_rmf(self, respfile, events, mat_key):
         Convolve the events with a RMF file.
-        mylog.warning("This routine has not been tested to work with all RMFs. YMMV.")
         mylog.info("Reading response matrix file (RMF): %s" % (respfile))
         hdulist = _astropy.pyfits.open(respfile)
-        tblhdu = hdulist["MATRIX"]
+        tblhdu = hdulist[mat_key]
         n_de = len(tblhdu.data["ENERG_LO"])
         mylog.info("Number of energy bins in RMF: %d" % (n_de))
         mylog.info("Energy limits: %g %g" % (min(tblhdu.data["ENERG_LO"]),
@@ -727,21 +746,19 @@
         eidxs = np.argsort(events["eobs"])
         phEE = events["eobs"][eidxs].d
-        phXX = events["xpix"][eidxs]
-        phYY = events["ypix"][eidxs]
         detectedChannels = []
         # run through all photon energies and find which bin they go in
         k = 0
         fcurr = 0
-        last = len(phEE)-1
+        last = len(phEE)
-        pbar = get_pbar("Scattering energies with RMF:", n_de)
+        pbar = get_pbar("Scattering energies with RMF:", last)
         for low,high in zip(tblhdu.data["ENERG_LO"],tblhdu.data["ENERG_HI"]):
             # weight function for probabilities from RMF
-            weights = np.nan_to_num(tblhdu.data[k]["MATRIX"][:])
+            weights = np.nan_to_num(np.float64(tblhdu.data[k]["MATRIX"][:]))
             weights /= weights.sum()
             # build channel number list associated to array value,
             # there are groups of channels in rmfs with nonzero probabilities
@@ -764,18 +781,18 @@
                 for q in range(fcurr,last):
                     if phEE[q] >= low and phEE[q] < high:
                         channelInd = np.random.choice(len(weights), p=weights)
-                        fcurr +=1
+                        fcurr += 1
                     if phEE[q] >= high:
-            pbar.update(k)
-            k+=1
+            pbar.update(fcurr)
+            k += 1
         dchannel = np.array(detectedChannels)
-        events["xpix"] = phXX
-        events["ypix"] = phYY
+        events["xpix"] = events["xpix"][eidxs]
+        events["ypix"] = events["ypix"][eidxs]
         events["eobs"] = YTArray(phEE, "keV")
         events[tblhdu.header["CHANTYPE"]] = dchannel.astype(int)
@@ -790,7 +807,6 @@
 class EventList(object) :
     def __init__(self, events, parameters):
         self.events = events
         self.parameters = parameters
         self.num_events = events["xpix"].shape[0]
@@ -800,9 +816,6 @@
         self.wcs.wcs.cdelt = [-parameters["dtheta"].value, parameters["dtheta"].value]
         self.wcs.wcs.ctype = ["RA---TAN","DEC--TAN"]
         self.wcs.wcs.cunit = ["deg"]*2
-        x,y = self.wcs.wcs_pix2world(self.events["xpix"], self.events["ypix"], 1)
-        self.events["xsky"] = YTArray(x, "degree")
-        self.events["ysky"] = YTArray(y, "degree")
     def keys(self):
         return self.events.keys()
@@ -817,11 +830,19 @@
         return self.events.values()
     def __getitem__(self,key):
+        if key not in self.events:
+            if key == "xsky" or key == "ysky":
+                x,y = self.wcs.wcs_pix2world(self.events["xpix"], self.events["ypix"], 1)
+                self.events["xsky"] = YTArray(x, "degree")
+                self.events["ysky"] = YTArray(y, "degree")
         return self.events[key]
     def __repr__(self):
         return self.events.__repr__()
+    def __contains__(self, key):
+        return key in self.events
     def __add__(self, other):
         assert_same_wcs(self.wcs, other.wcs)
         keys1 = list(self.parameters.keys())
@@ -860,11 +881,11 @@
             reg = pyregion.parse(region)
         r = reg.as_imagecoord(header=self.wcs.to_header())
         f = r.get_filter()
-        idxs = f.inside_x_y(self.events["xpix"], self.events["ypix"])
+        idxs = f.inside_x_y(self["xpix"], self["ypix"])
         if idxs.sum() == 0:
             raise RuntimeError("No events are inside this region!")
         new_events = {}
-        for k, v in self.events.items():
+        for k, v in self.items():
             new_events[k] = v[idxs]
         return EventList(new_events, self.parameters)
@@ -964,28 +985,46 @@
         Set *clobber* to True if you need to overwrite a previous file.
         pyfits = _astropy.pyfits
+        Time = _astropy.time.Time
+        TimeDelta = _astropy.time.TimeDelta
+        exp_time = float(self.parameters["ExposureTime"])
+        t_begin = Time.now()
+        dt = TimeDelta(exp_time, format='sec')
+        t_end = t_begin + dt
         cols = []
-        col1 = pyfits.Column(name='ENERGY', format='E', unit='eV',
-                             array=self.events["eobs"].in_units("eV").d)
-        col2 = pyfits.Column(name='X', format='D', unit='pixel',
-                             array=self.events["xpix"])
-        col3 = pyfits.Column(name='Y', format='D', unit='pixel',
-                             array=self.events["ypix"])
+        col_e = pyfits.Column(name='ENERGY', format='E', unit='eV',
+                              array=self["eobs"].in_units("eV").d)
+        col_x = pyfits.Column(name='X', format='D', unit='pixel',
+                              array=self["xpix"])
+        col_y = pyfits.Column(name='Y', format='D', unit='pixel',
+                              array=self["ypix"])
-        cols = [col1, col2, col3]
+        cols = [col_e, col_x, col_y]
         if "ChannelType" in self.parameters:
              chantype = self.parameters["ChannelType"]
              if chantype == "PHA":
-                  cunit="adu"
+                  cunit = "adu"
              elif chantype == "PI":
-                  cunit="Chan"
-             col4 = pyfits.Column(name=chantype.upper(), format='1J',
-                                  unit=cunit, array=self.events[chantype])
-             cols.append(col4)
+                  cunit = "Chan"
+             col_ch = pyfits.Column(name=chantype.upper(), format='1J',
+                                    unit=cunit, array=self.events[chantype])
+             cols.append(col_ch)
+             mylog.info("Generating times for events assuming uniform time "
+                        "distribution. In future versions this will be made "
+                        "more general.")
+             time = np.random.uniform(size=self.num_events, low=0.0,
+                                      high=float(self.parameters["ExposureTime"]))
+             col_t = pyfits.Column(name="TIME", format='1D', unit='s', 
+                                   array=time)
+             cols.append(col_t)
         coldefs = pyfits.ColDefs(cols)
         tbhdu = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(coldefs)
@@ -1006,7 +1045,9 @@
         tbhdu.header["TLMIN3"] = 0.5
         tbhdu.header["TLMAX2"] = 2.*self.parameters["pix_center"][0]-0.5
         tbhdu.header["TLMAX3"] = 2.*self.parameters["pix_center"][1]-0.5
-        tbhdu.header["EXPOSURE"] = float(self.parameters["ExposureTime"])
+        tbhdu.header["EXPOSURE"] = exp_time
+        tbhdu.header["TSTART"] = 0.0
+        tbhdu.header["TSTOP"] = exp_time
         if isinstance(self.parameters["Area"], string_types):
             tbhdu.header["AREA"] = self.parameters["Area"]
@@ -1016,8 +1057,18 @@
         tbhdu.header["HDUVERS"] = "1.1.0"
         tbhdu.header["RADECSYS"] = "FK5"
         tbhdu.header["EQUINOX"] = 2000.0
+        tbhdu.header["HDUCLASS"] = "OGIP"
+        tbhdu.header["HDUCLAS1"] = "EVENTS"
+        tbhdu.header["HDUCLAS2"] = "ACCEPTED"
+        tbhdu.header["DATE"] = t_begin.tt.isot
+        tbhdu.header["DATE-OBS"] = t_begin.tt.isot
+        tbhdu.header["DATE-END"] = t_end.tt.isot
         if "RMF" in self.parameters:
             tbhdu.header["RESPFILE"] = self.parameters["RMF"]
+            f = pyfits.open(self.parameters["RMF"])
+            nchan = int(f["EBOUNDS"].header["DETCHANS"])
+            tbhdu.header["PHA_BINS"] = nchan
+            f.close()
         if "ARF" in self.parameters:
             tbhdu.header["ANCRFILE"] = self.parameters["ARF"]
         if "ChannelType" in self.parameters:
@@ -1029,7 +1080,30 @@
         if "Instrument" in self.parameters:
             tbhdu.header["INSTRUME"] = self.parameters["Instrument"]
-        tbhdu.writeto(fitsfile, clobber=clobber)
+        hdulist = [pyfits.PrimaryHDU(), tbhdu]
+        if "ChannelType" in self.parameters:
+            start = pyfits.Column(name='START', format='1D', unit='s',
+                                  array=np.array([0.0]))
+            stop = pyfits.Column(name='STOP', format='1D', unit='s',
+                                 array=np.array([exp_time]))
+            tbhdu_gti = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([start,stop])
+            tbhdu_gti.update_ext_name("STDGTI")
+            tbhdu_gti.header["TSTART"] = 0.0
+            tbhdu_gti.header["TSTOP"] = exp_time
+            tbhdu_gti.header["HDUCLASS"] = "OGIP"
+            tbhdu_gti.header["HDUCLAS1"] = "GTI"
+            tbhdu_gti.header["HDUCLAS2"] = "STANDARD"
+            tbhdu_gti.header["RADECSYS"] = "FK5"
+            tbhdu_gti.header["EQUINOX"] = 2000.0
+            tbhdu_gti.header["DATE"] = t_begin.tt.isot
+            tbhdu_gti.header["DATE-OBS"] = t_begin.tt.isot
+            tbhdu_gti.header["DATE-END"] = t_end.tt.isot
+            hdulist.append(tbhdu_gti)
+        pyfits.HDUList(hdulist).writeto(fitsfile, clobber=clobber)
     def write_simput_file(self, prefix, clobber=False, emin=None, emax=None):
@@ -1055,21 +1129,17 @@
              raise TypeError("Writing SIMPUT files is only supported if you didn't convolve with responses.")
         if emin is None:
-            emin = self.events["eobs"].min().value
+            emin = self["eobs"].min().value
         if emax is None:
-            emax = self.events["eobs"].max().value
+            emax = self["eobs"].max().value
-        idxs = np.logical_and(self.events["eobs"].d >= emin,
-                              self.events["eobs"].d <= emax)
-        flux = np.sum(self.events["eobs"][idxs].in_units("erg")) / \
+        idxs = np.logical_and(self["eobs"].d >= emin, self["eobs"].d <= emax)
+        flux = np.sum(self["eobs"][idxs].in_units("erg")) / \
-        col1 = pyfits.Column(name='ENERGY', format='E',
-                             array=self["eobs"].d)
-        col2 = pyfits.Column(name='DEC', format='D',
-                             array=self["ysky"].d)
-        col3 = pyfits.Column(name='RA', format='D',
-                             array=self["xsky"].d)
+        col1 = pyfits.Column(name='ENERGY', format='E', array=self["eobs"].d)
+        col2 = pyfits.Column(name='DEC', format='D', array=self["ysky"].d)
+        col3 = pyfits.Column(name='RA', format='D', array=self["xsky"].d)
         coldefs = pyfits.ColDefs([col1, col2, col3])
@@ -1147,15 +1217,15 @@
         if "Instrument" in self.parameters:
             f.create_dataset("/instrument", data=self.parameters["Instrument"])
-        f.create_dataset("/xpix", data=self.events["xpix"])
-        f.create_dataset("/ypix", data=self.events["ypix"])
-        f.create_dataset("/xsky", data=self.events["xsky"].d)
-        f.create_dataset("/ysky", data=self.events["ysky"].d)
-        f.create_dataset("/eobs", data=self.events["eobs"].d)
-        if "PI" in self.events:
-            f.create_dataset("/pi", data=self.events["PI"])
-        if "PHA" in self.events:
-            f.create_dataset("/pha", data=self.events["PHA"])                  
+        f.create_dataset("/xpix", data=self["xpix"])
+        f.create_dataset("/ypix", data=self["ypix"])
+        f.create_dataset("/xsky", data=self["xsky"].d)
+        f.create_dataset("/ysky", data=self["ysky"].d)
+        f.create_dataset("/eobs", data=self["eobs"].d)
+        if "PI" in self:
+            f.create_dataset("/pi", data=self["PI"])
+        if "PHA" in self:
+            f.create_dataset("/pha", data=self["PHA"])                  
         f.create_dataset("/sky_center", data=self.parameters["sky_center"].d)
         f.create_dataset("/pix_center", data=self.parameters["pix_center"])
         f.create_dataset("/dtheta", data=float(self.parameters["dtheta"]))
@@ -1181,13 +1251,13 @@
             The maximum energy of the photons to put in the image, in keV.
         if emin is None:
-            mask_emin = np.ones((self.num_events), dtype='bool')
+            mask_emin = np.ones(self.num_events, dtype='bool')
-            mask_emin = self.events["eobs"].d > emin
+            mask_emin = self["eobs"].d > emin
         if emax is None:
-            mask_emax = np.ones((self.num_events), dtype='bool')
+            mask_emax = np.ones(self.num_events, dtype='bool')
-            mask_emax = self.events["eobs"].d < emax
+            mask_emax = self["eobs"].d < emax
         mask = np.logical_and(mask_emin, mask_emax)
@@ -1197,8 +1267,8 @@
         xbins = np.linspace(0.5, float(nx)+0.5, nx+1, endpoint=True)
         ybins = np.linspace(0.5, float(ny)+0.5, ny+1, endpoint=True)
-        H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(self.events["xpix"][mask],
-                                           self.events["ypix"][mask],
+        H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(self["xpix"][mask],
+                                           self["ypix"][mask],
         hdu = _astropy.pyfits.PrimaryHDU(H.T)
@@ -1252,21 +1322,27 @@
         if bin_type == "channel" and "ChannelType" in self.parameters:
             spectype = self.parameters["ChannelType"]
             f = pyfits.open(self.parameters["RMF"])
-            nchan = int(f[1].header["DETCHANS"])
-            try:
-                cmin = int(f[1].header["TLMIN4"])
-            except KeyError:
+            nchan = int(f["EBOUNDS"].header["DETCHANS"])
+            num = 0
+            for i in range(1,len(f["EBOUNDS"].columns)+1):
+                if f["EBOUNDS"].header["TTYPE%d" % i] == "CHANNEL":
+                    num = i
+                    break
+            if num > 0:
+                tlmin = "TLMIN%d" % num
+                cmin = int(f["EBOUNDS"].header[tlmin])
+            else:
                 mylog.warning("Cannot determine minimum allowed value for channel. " +
                               "Setting to 0, which may be wrong.")
-                cmin = int(0)
+                cmin = 0
             minlength = nchan
             if cmin == 1: minlength += 1
-            spec = np.bincount(self.events[spectype],minlength=minlength)
+            spec = np.bincount(self[spectype],minlength=minlength)
             if cmin == 1: spec = spec[1:]
             bins = (np.arange(nchan)+cmin).astype("int32")
-            espec = self.events["eobs"].d
+            espec = self["eobs"].d
             erange = (emin, emax)
             spec, ee = np.histogram(espec, bins=nchan, range=erange)
             if bin_type == "energy":
@@ -1283,7 +1359,7 @@
         coldefs = pyfits.ColDefs([col1, col2, col3, col4])
-        tbhdu = pyfits.new_table(coldefs)
+        tbhdu = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(coldefs)
         tbhdu.header["DETCHANS"] = spec.shape[0]

diff -r 03e316bc6fddecfb4705d0f73754ce2553e45a3d -r 508299bf88f92f1191465d63e84a69eebd161954 yt/utilities/on_demand_imports.py
--- a/yt/utilities/on_demand_imports.py
+++ b/yt/utilities/on_demand_imports.py
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
         if self._units is None:
                 from astropy import units
+                self.log
             except ImportError:
                 units = NotAModule(self._name)
             self._units = units
@@ -84,6 +85,18 @@
             self._conv = conv
         return self._conv
+    _time = None
+    @property
+    def time(self):
+        if self._time is None:
+            try:
+                import astropy.time as time
+                self.log
+            except ImportError:
+                time = NotAModule(self._name)
+            self._time = time
+        return self._time
 _astropy = astropy_imports()
 class scipy_imports:

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