[yt-svn] commit/yt: jzuhone: Merged in ngoldbaum/yt (pull request #1717)

commits-noreply at bitbucket.org commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Mon Oct 5 11:44:03 PDT 2015

1 new commit in yt:

Changeset:   2e98bc17afff
Branch:      yt
User:        jzuhone
Date:        2015-10-05 18:43:51+00:00
Summary:     Merged in ngoldbaum/yt (pull request #1717)

Add pr backport script
Affected #:  6 files

diff -r 2f95674671178a4868f4f6aeff56b041127d189e -r 2e98bc17afff89f7b63aa763b45a82bb8b9fac97 MANIFEST.in
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 include yt/visualization/mapserver/html/leaflet/*.css
 include yt/visualization/mapserver/html/leaflet/*.js
 include yt/visualization/mapserver/html/leaflet/images/*.png
+exclude scripts/pr_backport.py
 recursive-include yt *.py *.pyx *.pxd *.h README* *.txt LICENSE* *.cu
 recursive-include doc *.rst *.txt *.py *.ipynb *.png *.jpg *.css *.html
 recursive-include doc *.h *.c *.sh *.svgz *.pdf *.svg *.pyx

diff -r 2f95674671178a4868f4f6aeff56b041127d189e -r 2e98bc17afff89f7b63aa763b45a82bb8b9fac97 doc/source/developing/index.rst
--- a/doc/source/developing/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/developing/index.rst
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
+   releasing

diff -r 2f95674671178a4868f4f6aeff56b041127d189e -r 2e98bc17afff89f7b63aa763b45a82bb8b9fac97 doc/source/developing/releasing.rst
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/developing/releasing.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+How to Do a Release
+Periodically, the yt development community issues new releases. Since yt follows
+`semantic versioning <http://semver.org/>`_, the type of release can be read off
+from the version number used. Version numbers should follow the scheme
+``MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH``. There are three kinds of possible releases:
+* Bugfix releases
+  These releases are regularly scheduled and will optimally happen approximately
+  once a month. These releases should contain only fixes for bugs discovered in
+  earlier releases and should not contain new features or API changes. Bugfix
+  releases should increment the ``PATCH`` version number. Bugfix releases should
+  *not* be generated by merging from the ``yt`` branch, instead bugfix pull
+  requests should be manually backported using the PR backport script, described
+  below. Version ``3.2.2`` is a bugfix release.
+* Minor releases
+  These releases happen when new features are deemed ready to be merged into the
+  ``stable`` branch and should not happen on a regular schedule. Minor releases
+  can also include fixes for bugs if the fix is determined to be too invasive
+  for a bugfix release. Minor releases should *not* inlucde
+  backwards-incompatible changes and should not change APIs.  If an API change
+  is deemed to be necessary, the old API should continue to function but might
+  trigger deprecation warnings. Minor releases should happen by merging the
+  ``yt`` branch into the ``stable`` branch. Minor releases should increment the
+  ``MINOR`` version number and reset the ``PATCH`` version number to zero.
+  Version ``3.3.0`` is a minor release.
+* Major releases
+  These releases happen when the development community decides to make major
+  backwards-incompatible changes. In principle a major version release could
+  include arbitrary changes to the library. Major version releases should only
+  happen after extensive discussion and vetting among the developer and user
+  community. Like minor releases, a major release should happen by merging the
+  ``yt`` branch into the ``stable`` branch. Major releases should increment the
+  ``MAJOR`` version number and reset the ``MINOR`` and ``PATCH`` version numbers
+  to zero. If it ever happens, version ``4.0.0`` will be a major release.
+The job of doing a release differs depending on the kind of release. Below, we
+describe the necessary steps for each kind of release in detail.
+Doing a Bugfix Release
+As described above, bugfix releases are regularly scheduled updates for minor
+releases to ensure fixes for bugs make their way out to users in a timely
+manner. Since bugfix releases should not include new features, we do not issue
+bugfix releases by simply merging from the development ``yt`` branch into the
+``stable`` branch.  Instead, we make use of the ``pr_backport.py`` script to
+manually cherry-pick bugfixes from the from ``yt`` branch onto the ``stable``
+The backport script issues interactive prompts to backport individual pull
+requests to the ``stable`` branch in a temporary clone of the main yt mercurial
+repository on bitbucket. The script is written this way to to avoid editing
+history in a clone of the repository that a developer uses for day-to-day work
+and to avoid mixing work-in-progress changes with changes that have made their
+way to the "canonical" yt repository on bitbucket.
+Rather than automatically manipulating the temporary repository by scripting
+mercurial commands using ``python-hglib``, the script must be "operated" by a
+human who is ready to think carefully about what the script is telling them
+to do. Most operations will merely require copy/pasting a suggested mercurial
+command. However, some changes will require manual backporting.
+To run the backport script, first open two terminal windows. The first window
+will be used to run the backport script. The second terminal will be used to
+manipulate a temporary clone of the yt mercurial repository. In the first
+window, navigate to the ``scripts`` directory at the root of the yt repository
+and run the backport script,
+.. code-block:: bash
+   $ cd $YT_HG/scripts
+   $ python pr_backport.py
+You will then need to wait for about a minute (depending on the speed of your
+internet connection and bitbucket's servers) while the script makes a clone of
+the main yt repository and then gathers information about pull requests that
+have been merged since the last tagged release. Once this step finishes, you
+will be prompted to navigate to the temporary folder in a new separate terminal
+session. Do so, and then hit the enter key in the original terminal session.
+For each pull request in the set of pull requests that were merged since the
+last tagged release that were pointed at the "main" line of development
+(e.g. not the ``experimental`` bookmark), you will be prompted by the script
+with the PR number, title, description, and a suggested mercurial
+command to use to backport the pull request. If the pull request consists of a
+single changeset, you will be prompted to use ``hg graft``. If it contains more
+than one changeset, you will be prompted to use ``hg rebase``. Note that
+``rebase`` is an optional extension for mercurial that is not turned on by
+default. To enable it, add a section like the following in your ``.hgrc`` file:
+.. code-block:: none
+   [extensions]
+   rebase=
+Since ``rebase`` is bundled with core mercurial, you do not need to specify a
+path to the rebase extension, just say ``rebase=`` and mercurial will find the
+version of ``rebase`` bundled with mercurial. Note also that mercurial does not
+automatically update to the tip of the rebased head after executing ``hg
+rebase`` so you will need to manually issue ``hg update stable`` to move your
+working directory to the new head of the stable branch. The backport script
+should prompt you with a suggestion to update as well.
+If the pull request contains merge commits, you must take care to *not* backport
+commits that merge with the main line of development on the ``yt`` branch. Doing
+so may bring unrelated changes, including new features, into a bugfix
+release. If the pull request you'd like to backport contains merge commits, the
+backport script should warn you to be extra careful.
+Once you've finished backporting, the script will let you know that you are done
+and warn you to push your work. The temporary repository you have been working
+with will be deleted as soon as the script exits, so take care to push your work
+on the ``stable`` branch to your fork on bitbucket. Once you've pushed to your
+fork, you will be able to issue a pull request containing the backported fixes
+just like any other yt pull request.
+Doing a Minor or Major Release
+This is much simpler than a bugfix release.  All that needs to happen is the
+``yt`` branch must get merged into the ``stable`` branch, and any conflicts that
+happen must be resolved, almost certainly in favor of the yt branch. This can
+happen either using a merge tool like ``vimdiff`` and ``kdiff3`` or by telling
+mercurial to write merge markers. If you prefer merge markers, the following
+configuration options should be turned on in your ``hgrc`` to get more detail
+during the merge:
+.. code-block:: none
+   [ui]
+   merge = internal:merge3
+   mergemarkers = detailed
+The first option tells mercurial to write merge markers that show the state of
+the conflicted region of the code on both sides of the merge as well as the
+"base" most recent common ancestor changeset. The second option tells mercurial
+to add extra information about the code near the merge markers.
+Incrementing Version Numbers and Tagging a Release
+Before creating the tag for the release, you must increment the version numbers
+that are hard-coded in a few files in the yt source so that version metadata
+for the code is generated correctly. This includes things like ``yt.__version__``
+and the version that gets read by the Python Package Index (PyPI) infrastructure.
+The paths relative to the root of the repository for the three files that need
+to be edited are:
+* ``doc/source/conf.py``
+  The ``version`` and ``release`` variables need to be updated.
+* ``setup.py``
+  The ``VERSION`` variable needs to be updated
+* ``yt/__init__.py``
+  The ``__version__`` variable must be updated.
+Once these files have been updated, commit these updates. This is the commit we
+will tag for the release.
+To actually create the tag, issue the following command:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   hg tag <tag-name>
+Where ``<tag-name>`` follows the project's naming scheme for tags
+(e.g. ``yt-3.2.1``). Commit the tag, and you should be ready to upload the
+release to pypi.
+If you are doing a minor or major version number release, you will also need to
+update back to the development branch and update the development version numbers
+in the same files.
+Uploading to PyPI
+To actually upload the release to the Python Package Index, you just need to
+issue the following command:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   python setup.py sdist upload -r https://pypi.python.org/pypi
+You will be prompted for your PyPI credentials and then the package should
+upload. Note that for this to complete successfully, you will need an account on
+PyPI and that account will need to be registered as an "owner" of the yt
+package. Right now there are three owners: Matt Turk, Britton Smith, and Nathan
+After the release is uploaded to PyPI, you should send out an announcement
+e-mail to the yt mailing lists as well as other possibly interested mailing
+lists for all but bugfix releases. In addition, you should contact John ZuHone
+about uploading binary wheels to PyPI for Windows and OS X users and contact
+Nathan Goldbaum about getting the Anaconda packages updated.

diff -r 2f95674671178a4868f4f6aeff56b041127d189e -r 2e98bc17afff89f7b63aa763b45a82bb8b9fac97 scripts/pr_backport.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/pr_backport.py
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+import hglib
+import requests
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+from datetime import datetime
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+from time import strptime, mktime
+MERGED_PR_ENDPOINT = ("http://bitbucket.org/api/2.0/repositories/yt_analysis/"
+                      "yt/pullrequests/?state=MERGED")
+YT_REPO = "https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt"
+def clone_new_repo(source=None):
+    """Clones a new copy of yt_analysis/yt and returns a path to it"""
+    path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    dest_repo_path = path+'/yt-backport'
+    if source is None:
+        source = YT_REPO
+    hglib.clone(source=source, dest=dest_repo_path)
+    with hglib.open(dest_repo_path) as client:
+        # Changesets that are on the yt branch but aren't topological ancestors
+        # of whichever changeset the experimental bookmark is pointing at
+        client.update('heads(branch(yt) - ::bookmark(experimental))')
+    return dest_repo_path
+def get_first_commit_after_last_major_release(repo_path):
+    """Returns the SHA1 hash of the first commit to the yt branch that wasn't
+    included in the last tagged release.
+    """
+    with hglib.open(repo_path) as client:
+        tags = client.log("reverse(tag())")
+        tags = sorted([LooseVersion(t[2]) for t in tags])
+        for t in tags[::-1]:
+            if t.version[0:2] != ['yt', '-']:
+                continue
+            if len(t.version) == 4 or t.version[4] == 0:
+                last_major_tag = t
+                break
+        last_before_release = client.log(
+            "last(ancestors(%s) and branch(yt))" % str(last_major_tag))
+        first_after_release = client.log(
+            "first(descendants(%s) and branch(yt) and not %s)"
+            % (last_before_release[0][1], last_before_release[0][1]))
+    return str(first_after_release[0][1][:12])
+def get_branch_tip(repo_path, branch, exclude=None):
+    """Returns the SHA1 hash of the most recent commit on the given branch"""
+    revset = "head() and branch(%s)" % branch
+    if exclude is not None:
+        revset += "and not %s" % exclude
+    with hglib.open(repo_path) as client:
+        change = client.log(revset)[0][1][:12]
+    return change
+def get_lineage_between_release_and_tip(repo_path, first, last):
+    """Returns the lineage of changesets that were at one point the public tip"""
+    with hglib.open(repo_path) as client:
+        lineage = client.log("'%s'::'%s' and p1('%s'::'%s') + '%s'"
+                             % (first, last, first, last, last))
+        return lineage
+def get_pull_requests_since_last_release(repo_path):
+    """Returns a list of pull requests made since the last tagged release"""
+    r = requests.get(MERGED_PR_ENDPOINT)
+    done = False
+    merged_prs = []
+    with hglib.open(repo_path) as client:
+        last_tag = client.log("reverse(tag())")[0]
+    while not done:
+        if r.status_code != 200:
+            raise RuntimeError
+        data = r.json()
+        prs = data['values']
+        for pr in prs:
+            activity = requests.get(pr['links']['activity']['href']).json()
+            merge_date = None
+            for action in activity['values']:
+                if 'update' in action and action['update']['state'] == 'MERGED':
+                    merge_date = action['update']['date']
+                    merge_date = merge_date.split('.')[0]
+                    timestamp = mktime(strptime(merge_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))
+                    merge_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
+                    break
+            if merge_date is None:
+                break
+            if merge_date < last_tag[6]:
+                done = True
+                break
+            merged_prs.append(pr)
+        r = requests.get(data['next'])
+    return merged_prs
+def cache_commit_data(prs):
+    """Avoid repeated calls to bitbucket API to get the list of commits per PR"""
+    commit_data = {}
+    for pr in prs:
+        data = requests.get(pr['links']['commits']['href']).json()
+        if data.keys() == [u'error']:
+            # this happens when commits have been stripped, e.g.
+            # https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/pull-requests/1641
+            continue
+        done = False
+        commits = []
+        while not done:
+            commits.extend(data['values'])
+            if 'next' not in data:
+                done = True
+            else:
+                data = requests.get(data['next']).json()
+        commit_data[pr['id']] = commits
+    return commit_data
+def find_commit_in_prs(needle, commit_data, prs):
+    """Finds the commit `needle` PR in the commit_data dictionary
+    If found, returns the pr the needle commit is in. If the commit was not
+    part of the PRs in the dictionary, returns None.
+    """
+    for pr_id in commit_data:
+        commits = commit_data[pr_id]
+        for commit in commits:
+            if commit['hash'] == needle[1]:
+                pr = [pr for pr in prs if pr['id'] == pr_id][0]
+                return pr
+    return None
+def find_merge_commit_in_prs(needle, prs):
+    """Find the merge commit `needle` in the list of `prs`
+    If found, returns the pr the merge commit comes from. If not found, return
+    None
+    """
+    for pr in prs[::-1]:
+        if pr['merge_commit'] is not None:
+            if pr['merge_commit']['hash'] == needle[1][:12]:
+                return pr
+    return None
+def create_commits_to_prs_mapping(linege, prs):
+    """create a mapping from commits to the pull requests that the commit is
+    part of
+    """
+    commits_to_prs = {}
+    # make a copy of this list to avoid side effects from calling this function
+    my_prs = list(prs)
+    commit_data = cache_commit_data(my_prs)
+    for commit in lineage:
+        cset_hash = commit[1]
+        message = commit[5]
+        if message.startswith('Merged in') and '(pull request #' in message:
+            pr = find_merge_commit_in_prs(commit, my_prs)
+            if pr is None:
+                continue
+            commits_to_prs[cset_hash] = pr
+            # Since we know this PR won't have another commit associated with it,
+            # remove from global list to reduce number of network accesses
+            my_prs.remove(commits_to_prs[cset_hash])
+        else:
+            pr = find_commit_in_prs(commit, commit_data, my_prs)
+            commits_to_prs[cset_hash] = pr
+    return commits_to_prs
+def invert_commits_to_prs_mapping(commits_to_prs):
+    """invert the mapping from individual commits to pull requests"""
+    inv_map = {}
+    for k, v in commits_to_prs.iteritems():
+        # can't save v itself in inv_map since it's an unhashable dictionary
+        if v is not None:
+            created_date = v['created_on'].split('.')[0]
+            timestamp = mktime(strptime(created_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))
+            created_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
+            pr_desc = (v['id'], v['title'], created_date,
+                       v['links']['html']['href'], v['description'])
+        else:
+            pr_desc = None
+        inv_map[pr_desc] = inv_map.get(pr_desc, [])
+        inv_map[pr_desc].append(k)
+    return inv_map
+def get_last_descendant(repo_path, commit):
+    """get the most recent descendant of a commit"""
+    with hglib.open(repo_path) as client:
+        com = client.log('last(%s::)' % commit)
+    return com[0][1][:12]
+def screen_already_backported(repo_path, inv_map):
+    with hglib.open(repo_path) as client:
+        tags = client.log("reverse(tag())")
+        major_tags = [t for t in tags if t[2].endswith('.0')]
+        most_recent_major_tag_name = major_tags[0][2]
+        lineage = client.log(
+            "descendants(%s) and branch(stable)" % most_recent_major_tag_name)
+        prs_to_screen = []
+        for pr in inv_map:
+            for commit in lineage:
+                if commit[5].startswith('Backporting PR #%s' % pr[0]):
+                    prs_to_screen.append(pr)
+        for pr in prs_to_screen:
+            del inv_map[pr]
+        return inv_map
+def commit_already_on_stable(repo_path, commit):
+    with hglib.open(repo_path) as client:
+        commit_info = client.log(commit)[0]
+        most_recent_tag_name = client.log("reverse(tag())")[0][2]
+        lineage = client.log(
+            "descendants(%s) and branch(stable)" % most_recent_tag_name)
+        # if there is a stable commit with the same commit message,
+        # it's been grafted
+        if any([commit_info[5] == c[5] for c in lineage]):
+            return True
+        return False
+def backport_pr_commits(repo_path, inv_map, last_stable, prs):
+    """backports pull requests to the stable branch.
+    Accepts a dictionary mapping pull requests to a list of commits that
+    are in the pull request.
+    """
+    pr_list = inv_map.keys()
+    pr_list = sorted(pr_list, key=lambda x: x[2])
+    for pr_desc in pr_list:
+        merge_warn = False
+        merge_commits = []
+        pr = [pr for pr in prs if pr['id'] == pr_desc[0]][0]
+        data = requests.get(pr['links']['commits']['href']).json()
+        commits = data['values']
+        while 'next' in data:
+            data = requests.get(data['next']).json()
+            commits.extend(data['values'])
+        commits = [com['hash'][:12] for com in commits]
+        with hglib.open(repo_path) as client:
+            for com in commits:
+                if client.log('merge() and %s' % com) != []:
+                    merge_warn = True
+                    merge_commits.append(com)
+        if len(commits) > 1:
+            revset = " | ".join(commits)
+            revset = '"%s"' % revset
+            message = "Backporting PR #%s %s" % \
+                (pr['id'], pr['links']['html']['href'])
+            dest = get_last_descendant(repo_path, last_stable)
+            message = \
+                "hg rebase -r %s --keep --collapse -m \"%s\" -d %s\n" % \
+                (revset, message, dest)
+            message += "hg update stable\n\n"
+            if merge_warn is True:
+                if len(merge_commits) > 1:
+                    merge_commits = ", ".join(merge_commits)
+                else:
+                    merge_commits = merge_commits[0]
+                message += \
+                message += \
+                    "Merge commits are %s\n\n" % merge_commits
+        else:
+            if commit_already_on_stable(repo_path, commits[0]) is True:
+                continue
+            message = "hg graft %s\n" % commits[0]
+        print "PR #%s\nTitle: %s\nCreated on: %s\nLink: %s\n%s" % pr_desc
+        print "To backport, issue the following command(s):\n"
+        print message
+        raw_input('Press any key to continue')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    print ""
+    print "Gathering PR information, this may take a minute."
+    print "Don't worry, yt loves you."
+    print ""
+    repo_path = clone_new_repo()
+    try:
+        last_major_release = get_first_commit_after_last_major_release(repo_path)
+        last_dev = get_branch_tip(repo_path, 'yt', 'experimental')
+        last_stable = get_branch_tip(repo_path, 'stable')
+        lineage = get_lineage_between_release_and_tip(
+            repo_path, last_major_release, last_dev)
+        prs = get_pull_requests_since_last_release(repo_path)
+        commits_to_prs = create_commits_to_prs_mapping(lineage, prs)
+        inv_map = invert_commits_to_prs_mapping(commits_to_prs)
+        # for now, ignore commits that aren't part of a pull request since
+        # the last bugfix release. These are mostly commits in pull requests
+        # from before the last bugfix release but might include commits that
+        # were pushed directly to the repo.
+        del inv_map[None]
+        inv_map = screen_already_backported(repo_path, inv_map)
+        print "In another terminal window, navigate to the following path:"
+        print "%s" % repo_path
+        raw_input("Press any key to continue")
+        backport_pr_commits(repo_path, inv_map, last_stable, prs)
+        raw_input(
+            "Now you need to push your backported changes. The temporary\n"
+            "repository currently being used will be deleted as soon as you\n"
+            "press any key.")
+    finally:
+        shutil.rmtree(repo_path)

diff -r 2f95674671178a4868f4f6aeff56b041127d189e -r 2e98bc17afff89f7b63aa763b45a82bb8b9fac97 scripts/yt_lodgeit.py
--- a/scripts/yt_lodgeit.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-    LodgeIt!
-    ~~~~~~~~
-    A script that pastes stuff into the yt-project pastebin on
-    paste.yt-project.org.
-    Modified (very, very slightly) from the original script by the authors
-    below.
-    .lodgeitrc / _lodgeitrc
-    -----------------------
-    Under UNIX create a file called ``~/.lodgeitrc``, under Windows
-    create a file ``%APPDATA%/_lodgeitrc`` to override defaults::
-        language=default_language
-        clipboard=true/false
-        open_browser=true/false
-        encoding=fallback_charset
-    :authors: 2007-2008 Georg Brandl <georg at python.org>,
-              2006 Armin Ronacher <armin.ronacher at active-4.com>,
-              2006 Matt Good <matt at matt-good.net>,
-              2005 Raphael Slinckx <raphael at slinckx.net>
-import os
-import sys
-from optparse import OptionParser
-SCRIPT_NAME = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
-VERSION = '0.3'
-SERVICE_URL = 'http://paste.yt-project.org/'
-SETTING_KEYS = ['author', 'title', 'language', 'private', 'clipboard',
-                'open_browser']
-# global server proxy
-_xmlrpc_service = None
-def fail(msg, code):
-    """Bail out with an error message."""
-    print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: %s' % msg
-    sys.exit(code)
-def load_default_settings():
-    """Load the defaults from the lodgeitrc file."""
-    settings = {
-        'language':     None,
-        'clipboard':    True,
-        'open_browser': False,
-        'encoding':     'iso-8859-15'
-    }
-    rcfile = None
-    if os.name == 'posix':
-        rcfile = os.path.expanduser('~/.lodgeitrc')
-    elif os.name == 'nt' and 'APPDATA' in os.environ:
-        rcfile = os.path.expandvars(r'$APPDATA\_lodgeitrc')
-    if rcfile:
-        try:
-            f = open(rcfile)
-            for line in f:
-                if line.strip()[:1] in '#;':
-                    continue
-                p = line.split('=', 1)
-                if len(p) == 2:
-                    key = p[0].strip().lower()
-                    if key in settings:
-                        if key in ('clipboard', 'open_browser'):
-                            settings[key] = p[1].strip().lower() in \
-                                            ('true', '1', 'on', 'yes')
-                        else:
-                            settings[key] = p[1].strip()
-            f.close()
-        except IOError:
-            pass
-    settings['tags'] = []
-    settings['title'] = None
-    return settings
-def make_utf8(text, encoding):
-    """Convert a text to UTF-8, brute-force."""
-    try:
-        u = unicode(text, 'utf-8')
-        uenc = 'utf-8'
-    except UnicodeError:
-        try:
-            u = unicode(text, encoding)
-            uenc = 'utf-8'
-        except UnicodeError:
-            u = unicode(text, 'iso-8859-15', 'ignore')
-            uenc = 'iso-8859-15'
-    try:
-        import chardet
-    except ImportError:
-        return u.encode('utf-8')
-    d = chardet.detect(text)
-    if d['encoding'] == uenc:
-        return u.encode('utf-8')
-    return unicode(text, d['encoding'], 'ignore').encode('utf-8')
-def get_xmlrpc_service():
-    """Create the XMLRPC server proxy and cache it."""
-    global _xmlrpc_service
-    import xmlrpclib
-    if _xmlrpc_service is None:
-        try:
-            _xmlrpc_service = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(SERVICE_URL + 'xmlrpc/',
-                                                    allow_none=True)
-        except Exception, err:
-            fail('Could not connect to Pastebin: %s' % err, -1)
-    return _xmlrpc_service
-def copy_url(url):
-    """Copy the url into the clipboard."""
-    # try windows first
-    try:
-        import win32clipboard
-    except ImportError:
-        # then give pbcopy a try.  do that before gtk because
-        # gtk might be installed on os x but nobody is interested
-        # in the X11 clipboard there.
-        from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-        try:
-            client = Popen(['pbcopy'], stdin=PIPE)
-        except OSError:
-            try:
-                import pygtk
-                pygtk.require('2.0')
-                import gtk
-                import gobject
-            except ImportError:
-                return
-            gtk.clipboard_get(gtk.gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD).set_text(url)
-            gobject.idle_add(gtk.main_quit)
-            gtk.main()
-        else:
-            client.stdin.write(url)
-            client.stdin.close()
-            client.wait()
-    else:
-        win32clipboard.OpenClipboard()
-        win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard()
-        win32clipboard.SetClipboardText(url)
-        win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
-def open_webbrowser(url):
-    """Open a new browser window."""
-    import webbrowser
-    webbrowser.open(url)
-def language_exists(language):
-    """Check if a language alias exists."""
-    xmlrpc = get_xmlrpc_service()
-    langs = xmlrpc.pastes.getLanguages()
-    return language in langs
-def get_mimetype(data, filename):
-    """Try to get MIME type from data."""
-    try:
-        import gnomevfs
-    except ImportError:
-        from mimetypes import guess_type
-        if filename:
-            return guess_type(filename)[0]
-    else:
-        if filename:
-            return gnomevfs.get_mime_type(os.path.abspath(filename))
-        return gnomevfs.get_mime_type_for_data(data)
-def print_languages():
-    """Print a list of all supported languages, with description."""
-    xmlrpc = get_xmlrpc_service()
-    languages = xmlrpc.pastes.getLanguages().items()
-    languages.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[1].lower(), b[1].lower()))
-    print 'Supported Languages:'
-    for alias, name in languages:
-        print '    %-30s%s' % (alias, name)
-def download_paste(uid):
-    """Download a paste given by ID."""
-    xmlrpc = get_xmlrpc_service()
-    paste = xmlrpc.pastes.getPaste(uid)
-    if not paste:
-        fail('Paste "%s" does not exist.' % uid, 5)
-    print paste['code'].encode('utf-8')
-def create_paste(code, language, filename, mimetype, private):
-    """Create a new paste."""
-    xmlrpc = get_xmlrpc_service()
-    rv = xmlrpc.pastes.newPaste(language, code, None, filename, mimetype,
-                                private)
-    if not rv:
-        fail('Could not create paste. Something went wrong '
-             'on the server side.', 4)
-    return rv
-def compile_paste(filenames, langopt):
-    """Create a single paste out of zero, one or multiple files."""
-    def read_file(f):
-        try:
-            return f.read()
-        finally:
-            f.close()
-    mime = ''
-    lang = langopt or ''
-    if not filenames:
-        data = read_file(sys.stdin)
-        if not langopt:
-            mime = get_mimetype(data, '') or ''
-        fname = ""
-    elif len(filenames) == 1:
-        fname = filenames[0]
-        data = read_file(open(filenames[0], 'rb'))
-        if not langopt:
-            mime = get_mimetype(data, filenames[0]) or ''
-    else:
-        result = []
-        for fname in filenames:
-            data = read_file(open(fname, 'rb'))
-            if langopt:
-                result.append('### %s [%s]\n\n' % (fname, langopt))
-            else:
-                result.append('### %s\n\n' % fname)
-            result.append(data)
-            result.append('\n\n')
-        data = ''.join(result)
-        lang = 'multi'
-    return data, lang, fname, mime
-def main():
-    """Main script entry point."""
-    usage = ('Usage: %%prog [options] [FILE ...]\n\n'
-             'Read the files and paste their contents to %s.\n'
-             'If no file is given, read from standard input.\n'
-             'If multiple files are given, they are put into a single paste.'
-             % SERVICE_URL)
-    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
-    settings = load_default_settings()
-    parser.add_option('-v', '--version', action='store_true',
-                      help='Print script version')
-    parser.add_option('-L', '--languages', action='store_true', default=False,
-                      help='Retrieve a list of supported languages')
-    parser.add_option('-l', '--language', default=settings['language'],
-                      help='Used syntax highlighter for the file')
-    parser.add_option('-e', '--encoding', default=settings['encoding'],
-                      help='Specify the encoding of a file (default is '
-                           'utf-8 or guessing if available)')
-    parser.add_option('-b', '--open-browser', dest='open_browser',
-                      action='store_true',
-                      default=settings['open_browser'],
-                      help='Open the paste in a web browser')
-    parser.add_option('-p', '--private', action='store_true', default=False,
-                      help='Paste as private')
-    parser.add_option('--no-clipboard', dest='clipboard',
-                      action='store_false',
-                      default=settings['clipboard'],
-                      help="Don't copy the url into the clipboard")
-    parser.add_option('--download', metavar='UID',
-                      help='Download a given paste')
-    opts, args = parser.parse_args()
-    # special modes of operation:
-    # - paste script version
-    if opts.version:
-        print '%s: version %s' % (SCRIPT_NAME, VERSION)
-        sys.exit()
-    # - print list of languages
-    elif opts.languages:
-        print_languages()
-        sys.exit()
-    # - download Paste
-    elif opts.download:
-        download_paste(opts.download)
-        sys.exit()
-    # check language if given
-    if opts.language and not language_exists(opts.language):
-        fail('Language %s is not supported.' % opts.language, 3)
-    # load file(s)
-    try:
-        data, language, filename, mimetype = compile_paste(args, opts.language)
-    except Exception, err:
-        fail('Error while reading the file(s): %s' % err, 2)
-    if not data:
-        fail('Aborted, no content to paste.', 4)
-    # create paste
-    code = make_utf8(data, opts.encoding)
-    pid = create_paste(code, language, filename, mimetype, opts.private)
-    url = '%sshow/%s/' % (SERVICE_URL, pid)
-    print url
-    if opts.open_browser:
-        open_webbrowser(url)
-    if opts.clipboard:
-        copy_url(url)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    sys.exit(main())

diff -r 2f95674671178a4868f4f6aeff56b041127d189e -r 2e98bc17afff89f7b63aa763b45a82bb8b9fac97 setup.py
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
     # config.make_svn_version_py()
     config.add_subpackage('yt', 'yt')
-    config.add_scripts("scripts/*")
+    config.add_scripts("scripts/iyt")
     return config

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