[yt-svn] commit/yt: 12 new changesets

commits-noreply at bitbucket.org commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Mon Nov 23 11:46:08 PST 2015

12 new commits in yt:

Changeset:   0680472b1643
Branch:      yt
User:        ngoldbaum
Date:        2015-11-18 03:42:14+00:00
Summary:     Moving the dev docs to a CONTRIBUTING file.
Affected #:  4 files

diff -r 90f900be7a36433fdd48941cae4bc91066ff5c76 -r 0680472b164304f6596dc04f5a6f37324a06236e CONTRIBUTING
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,732 @@
+How to Develop yt
+yt is a community project!
+We are very happy to accept patches, features, and bugfixes from any member of
+the community!  yt is developed using mercurial, primarily because it enables
+very easy and straightforward submission of changesets.  We're eager to hear
+from you, and if you are developing yt, we encourage you to subscribe to the
+`developer mailing list
+<http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org>`_. Please feel
+free to hack around, commit changes, and send them upstream.
+.. note:: If you already know how to use the `mercurial version control system
+   <http://mercurial-scm.org>`_ and are comfortable with handling it yourself,
+   the quickest way to contribute to yt is to `fork us on BitBucket
+   <http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/fork>`_, make your changes, push the
+   changes to your fork and issue a `pull request
+   <http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/pull-requests>`_.  The rest of this
+   document is just an explanation of how to do that.
+If you're new to Mercurial, these three resources are pretty great for learning
+the ins and outs:
+* http://hginit.com/
+* http://hgbook.red-bean.com/read/
+* http://mercurial.selenic.com/
+The commands that are essential for using mercurial include:
+* ``hg commit`` which commits changes in the working directory to the
+  repository, creating a new "changeset object."
+* ``hg add`` which adds a new file to be tracked by mercurial.  This does
+  not change the working directory.
+* ``hg pull`` which pulls (from an optional path specifier) changeset
+  objects from a remote source.  The working directory is not modified.
+* ``hg push`` which sends (to an optional path specifier) changeset objects
+  to a remote source.  The working directory is not modified.
+* ``hg log`` which shows a log of all changeset objects in the current
+  repository.  Use ``-G`` to show a graph of changeset objects and their
+  relationship.
+* ``hg update`` which (with an optional "revision" specifier) updates the
+  state of the working directory to match a changeset object in the
+  repository.
+* ``hg merge`` which combines two changesets to make a union of their lines
+  of development.  This updates the working directory.
+* ``hg help`` which provides help for any mercurial command. For example, you
+  can learn more about the ``log`` command by doing ``hg help log``. Other useful
+  topics to use with ``hg help`` are ``hg help glossary``, ``hg help config``, 
+  ``hg help extensions``, and ``hg help revsets``.
+See :ref:`code-style-guide` for more information about coding style in yt and
+:ref:`docstrings` for an example docstring.  Please read them before hacking on
+the codebase, and feel free to email any of the mailing lists for help with the
+Keep in touch, and happy hacking!
+.. _bootstrap-dev:
+Submitting Changes
+We provide a brief introduction to submitting changes here.  yt thrives on the
+strength of its communities ( http://arxiv.org/abs/1301.7064 has further
+discussion) and we encourage contributions from any user.  While we do not
+discuss in detail version control, mercurial or the advanced usage of
+BitBucket, we do provide an outline of how to submit changes and we are happy
+to provide further assistance or guidance.
+yt has, with the 2.6 release, been `relicensed
+<http://blog.yt-project.org/post/Relicensing.html>`_ under the BSD 3-clause
+license.  Previously versions were released under the GPLv3.
+All contributed code must be BSD-compatible.  If you'd rather not license in
+this manner, but still want to contribute, please consider creating an external
+package, which we'll happily link to.
+.. _requirements-for-code-submission:
+Requirements for Code Submission
+Modifications to the code typically fall into one of three categories, each of
+which have different requirements for acceptance into the code base.  These
+requirements are in place for a few reasons -- to make sure that the code is
+maintainable, testable, and that we can easily include information about
+changes in changelogs during the release procedure.  (See `YTEP-0008
+<https://ytep.readthedocs.org/en/latest/YTEPs/YTEP-0008.html>`_ for more
+* New Features
+  * New unit tests (possibly new answer tests) (See :ref:`testing`)
+  * Docstrings in the source code for the public API
+  * Addition of new feature to the narrative documentation (See :ref:`writing_documentation`)
+  * Addition of cookbook recipe (See :ref:`writing_documentation`) 
+  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
+* Extension or Breakage of API in Existing Features
+  * Update existing narrative docs and docstrings (See :ref:`writing_documentation`) 
+  * Update existing cookbook recipes (See :ref:`writing_documentation`) 
+  * Modify of create new unit tests (See :ref:`testing`)
+  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
+* Bug fixes
+  * Unit test is encouraged, to ensure breakage does not happen again in the
+    future. (See :ref:`testing`)
+  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
+When submitting, you will be asked to make sure that your changes meet all of
+these requirements.  They are pretty easy to meet, and we're also happy to help
+out with them.  In :ref:`code-style-guide` there is a list of handy tips for
+how to structure and write your code.
+.. _mercurial-with-yt:
+How to Use Mercurial with yt
+This document doesn't cover detailed mercurial use, but on IRC we are happy to
+walk you through any troubles you might have.  Here are some suggestions
+for using mercurial with yt:
+* Named branches are to be avoided.  Try using bookmarks (``hg bookmark``) to
+  track work.  (`More <http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Bookmarks>`_)
+* Make sure you set a username in your ``~/.hgrc`` before you commit any
+  changes!  All of the tutorials above will describe how to do this as one of
+  the very first steps.
+* When contributing changes, you might be asked to make a handful of
+  modifications to your source code.  We'll work through how to do this with
+  you, and try to make it as painless as possible.
+* Please avoid deleting your yt forks, as that eliminates the code review
+  process from BitBucket's website.
+* In all likelihood, you only need one fork.  To keep it in sync, you can
+  sync from the website.  (See Bitbucket's `Blog Post
+  <https://blog.bitbucket.org/2013/02/04/syncing-and-merging-come-to-bitbucket/>`_
+  about this.)
+* If you run into any troubles, stop by IRC (see :ref:`irc`) or the mailing
+  list.
+.. _building-yt:
+Building yt
+If you have made changes to any C or Cython (``.pyx``) modules, you have to
+rebuild yt.  If your changes have exclusively been to Python modules, you will
+not need to re-build, but (see below) you may need to re-install.  
+If you are running from a clone that is executable in-place (i.e., has been
+installed via the installation script or you have run ``setup.py develop``) you
+can rebuild these modules by executing:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ python2.7 setup.py develop
+If you have previously "installed" via ``setup.py install`` you have to
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ python2.7 setup.py install
+Only one of these two options is needed.
+.. _windows-developing:
+Developing yt on Windows
+If you plan to develop yt on Windows, it is necessary to use the `MinGW
+<http://www.mingw.org/>`_ gcc compiler that can be installed using the `Anaconda
+Python Distribution <https://store.continuum.io/cshop/anaconda/>`_. The libpython package must be
+installed from Anaconda as well. These can both be installed with a single command:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ conda install libpython mingw
+Additionally, the syntax for the setup command is slightly different; you must type:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ python2.7 setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 develop
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ python2.7 setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 install
+.. _sharing-changes:
+Making and Sharing Changes
+The simplest way to submit changes to yt is to do the following:
+* Build yt from the mercurial repository
+* Navigate to the root of the yt repository 
+* Make some changes and commit them
+* Fork the `yt repository on BitBucket <https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt>`_
+* Push the changesets to your fork
+* Issue a pull request.
+Here's a more detailed flowchart of how to submit changes.
+#. If you have used the installation script, the source code for yt can be
+   found in ``$YT_DEST/src/yt-hg``.  Alternatively see
+   :ref:`source-installation` for instructions on how to build yt from the
+   mercurial repository. (Below, in :ref:`reading-source`, we describe how to
+   find items of interest.)  
+#. Edit the source file you are interested in and
+   test your changes.  (See :ref:`testing` for more information.)
+#. Fork yt on BitBucket.  (This step only has to be done once.)  You can do
+   this at: https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/fork.  Call this repository
+   yt.
+#. Commit these changes, using ``hg commit``.  This can take an argument
+   which is a series of filenames, if you have some changes you do not want
+   to commit.
+#. Remember that this is a large development effort and to keep the code 
+   accessible to everyone, good documentation is a must.  Add in source code 
+   comments for what you are doing.  Add in docstrings
+   if you are adding a new function or class or keyword to a function.  
+   Add documentation to the appropriate section of the online docs so that
+   people other than yourself know how to use your new code.  
+#. If your changes include new functionality or cover an untested area of the
+   code, add a test.  (See :ref:`testing` for more information.)  Commit
+   these changes as well.
+#. Push your changes to your new fork using the command::
+      hg push -r . https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/
+   If you end up doing considerable development, you can set an alias in the
+   file ``.hg/hgrc`` to point to this path.
+   .. note::
+     Note that the above approach uses HTTPS as the transfer protocol
+     between your machine and BitBucket.  If you prefer to use SSH - or
+     perhaps you're behind a proxy that doesn't play well with SSL via
+     HTTPS - you may want to set up an `SSH key`_ on BitBucket.  Then, you use
+     the syntax ``ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt``, or equivalent, in
+     place of ``https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt`` in Mercurial commands.
+     For consistency, all commands we list in this document will use the HTTPS
+     protocol.
+     .. _SSH key: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Set+up+SSH+for+Mercurial
+#. Issue a pull request at
+   https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/pull-request/new
+   A pull request is essentially just asking people to review and accept the 
+   modifications you have made to your personal version of the code.
+During the course of your pull request you may be asked to make changes.  These
+changes may be related to style issues, correctness issues, or even requesting
+tests.  The process for responding to pull request code review is relatively
+#. Make requested changes, or leave a comment indicating why you don't think
+   they should be made.
+#. Commit those changes to your local repository.
+#. Push the changes to your fork:
+      hg push https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/
+#. Your pull request will be automatically updated.
+.. _multiple-PRs:
+Working with Multiple BitBucket Pull Requests
+Once you become active developing for yt, you may be working on
+various aspects of the code or bugfixes at the same time.  Currently,
+BitBucket's *modus operandi* for pull requests automatically updates
+your active pull request with every ``hg push`` of commits that are a
+descendant of the head of your pull request.  In a normal workflow,
+this means that if you have an active pull request, make some changes
+locally for, say, an unrelated bugfix, then push those changes back to
+your fork in the hopes of creating a *new* pull request, you'll
+actually end up updating your current pull request!
+There are a few ways around this feature of BitBucket that will allow
+for multiple pull requests to coexist; we outline one such method
+below.  We assume that you have a fork of yt at
+``http://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt`` (see
+:ref:`sharing-changes` for instructions on creating a fork) and that
+you have an active pull request to the main repository.
+The main issue with starting another pull request is to make sure that
+your push to BitBucket doesn't go to the same head as your
+existing pull request and trigger BitBucket's auto-update feature.
+Here's how to get your local repository away from your current pull
+request head using `revsets <http://www.selenic.com/hg/help/revsets>`_
+and your ``hgrc`` file:
+#. Set up a Mercurial path for the main yt repository (note this is a convenience
+   step and only needs to be done once).  Add the following to your
+   ``Your_yt/.hg/hgrc``::
+     [paths]
+     upstream = https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt
+   This will create a path called ``upstream`` that is aliased to the URL of the
+   main yt repository.
+#. Now we'll use revsets_ to update your local repository to the tip of the
+   ``upstream`` path:
+   .. code-block:: bash
+      $ hg pull upstream
+      $ hg update -r "remote(tip,'upstream')"
+After the above steps, your local repository should be at the tip of
+the main yt repository.  If you find yourself doing this a lot, it may
+be worth aliasing this task in your ``hgrc`` file by adding something like::
+  [alias]
+  myupdate = update -r "remote(tip,'upstream')"
+And then you can just issue ``hg myupdate`` to get at the tip of the main yt repository.
+Make sure you are on the branch you want to be on, and then you can
+make changes and ``hg commit`` them.  If you prefer working with
+`bookmarks <http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Bookmarks>`_, you may
+want to make a bookmark before committing your changes, such as ``hg
+bookmark mybookmark``.
+To push to your fork on BitBucket if you didn't use a bookmark, you issue the following:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ hg push -r . -f https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt
+The ``-r .`` means "push only the commit I'm standing on and any ancestors."  The
+``-f`` is to force Mecurial to do the push since we are creating a new remote head.
+Note that if you *did* use a bookmark, you don't have to force the push, but you do
+need to push the bookmark; in other words do the following instead of the above:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   $ hg push -B mybookmark https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt
+The ``-B`` means "publish my bookmark and any relevant changesets to the remote server."
+You can then go to the BitBucket interface and issue a new pull request based on
+your last changes, as usual.
+How To Get The Source Code For Editing
+yt is hosted on BitBucket, and you can see all of the yt repositories at
+http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/.  With the yt installation script you should have a
+copy of Mercurial for checking out pieces of code.  Make sure you have followed
+the steps above for bootstrapping your development (to assure you have a
+bitbucket account, etc.)
+In order to modify the source code for yt, we ask that you make a "fork" of the
+main yt repository on bitbucket.  A fork is simply an exact copy of the main
+repository (along with its history) that you will now own and can make
+modifications as you please.  You can create a personal fork by visiting the yt
+bitbucket webpage at https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/ .  After logging in,
+you should see an option near the top right labeled "fork".  Click this option,
+and then click the fork repository button on the subsequent page.  You now have
+a forked copy of the yt repository for your own personal modification.
+This forked copy exists on the bitbucket repository, so in order to access
+it locally, follow the instructions at the top of that webpage for that
+forked repository, namely run at a local command line:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   $ hg clone http://bitbucket.org/<USER>/<REPOSITORY_NAME>
+This downloads that new forked repository to your local machine, so that you
+can access it, read it, make modifications, etc.  It will put the repository in
+a local directory of the same name as the repository in the current working
+directory.  You can see any past state of the code by using the hg log command.
+For example, the following command would show you the last 5 changesets
+(modifications to the code) that were submitted to that repository.
+.. code-block:: bash
+   $ hg log -l 5
+Using the revision specifier (the number or hash identifier next to each
+changeset), you can update the local repository to any past state of the
+code (a previous changeset or version) by executing the command:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   $ hg up revision_specifier
+Lastly, if you want to use this new downloaded version of your yt repository as
+the *active* version of yt on your computer (i.e. the one which is executed when
+you run yt from the command line or the one that is loaded when you do ``import
+yt``), then you must "activate" it using the following commands from within the
+repository directory.
+.. code-block:: bash
+   $ python2.7 setup.py develop
+This will rebuild all C modules as well.
+.. _reading-source:
+How To Read The Source Code
+If you just want to *look* at the source code, you may already have it on your
+computer.  If you build yt using the install script, the source is available at
+``$YT_DEST/src/yt-hg``.  See :ref:`source-installation` for more details about
+to obtain the yt source code if you did not build yt using the install
+The root directory of the yt mercurial repository contains a number of
+subdirectories with different components of the code.  Most of the yt source
+code is contained in the yt subdirectory.  This directory its self contains
+the following subdirectories:
+   This is where interfaces to codes are created.  Within each subdirectory of
+   yt/frontends/ there must exist the following files, even if empty:
+   * ``data_structures.py``, where subclasses of AMRGridPatch, Dataset
+     and AMRHierarchy are defined.
+   * ``io.py``, where a subclass of IOHandler is defined.
+   * ``fields.py``, where fields we expect to find in datasets are defined
+   * ``misc.py``, where any miscellaneous functions or classes are defined.
+   * ``definitions.py``, where any definitions specific to the frontend are
+     defined.  (i.e., header formats, etc.)
+   This is where all of the derived fields that ship with yt are defined.
+   This is where geometric helpler routines are defined. Handlers
+   for grid and oct data, as well as helpers for coordinate transformations
+   can be found here.
+   This is where all visualization modules are stored.  This includes plot
+   collections, the volume rendering interface, and pixelization frontends.
+   All objects that handle data, processed or unprocessed, not explicitly
+   defined as visualization are located in here.  This includes the base
+   classes for data regions, covering grids, time series, and so on.  This
+   also includes derived fields and derived quantities.
+   This is where all mechanisms for processing data live.  This includes
+   things like clump finding, halo profiling, halo finding, and so on.  This
+   is something of a catchall, but it serves as a level of greater
+   abstraction that simply data selection and modification.
+   This is where all GUI components go.  Typically this will be some small
+   tool used for one or two things, which contains a launching mechanism on
+   the command line.
+   All broadly useful code that doesn't clearly fit in one of the other
+   categories goes here.
+   Bundled external modules (i.e. code that was not written by one of
+   the yt authors but that yt depends on) lives here.
+If you're looking for a specific file or function in the yt source code, use
+the unix find command:
+.. code-block:: bash
+The above command will find the FILENAME in any subdirectory in the
+DIRECTORY_TREE_TO_SEARCH.  Alternatively, if you're looking for a function
+call or a keyword in an unknown file in a directory tree, try:
+.. code-block:: bash
+This can be very useful for tracking down functions in the yt source.
+When adding new features or fixing bugs, please make sure that you add
+tests. When fixing bugs, this ensures the bug cannot reappear in the future, and
+also helps if we want to make major changes to yt internals. 
+To learn more details about yt tests, see `the yt testing guide
+.. _code-style-guide:
+Style Guide for Coding in yt
+Below are a list of rules for coding style in yt. Some of these rules are
+suggestions are not explicitly enforced, while some are enforced via automated
+testing. The yt project uses a subset of the rules checked by ``flake8`` to
+verify our code. The ``flake8`` tool is a combination of the ``pyflakes`` and
+``pep8`` tools. To check the coding style of your contributions locally you will
+need to install the ``flake8`` tool from ``pip``:
+    $ pip install flake8
+And then navigate to the root of the yt repository and run ``flake8`` on the
+``yt`` folder:
+    $ cd $YT_HG
+    $ flake8 ./yt
+This will print out any ``flake8`` errors or warnings that your newly added code
+triggers. The errors in your newly added code because we have already cleaned up
+the yt codebase. Note that this will only trigger a subset of the full
+``flake8`` error and warning list, since we explicitly blacklist a large number
+of the full list of rules that are checked by ``flake8`` by default.
+Coding Style Guide
+ * In general, follow PEP-8 guidelines.
+   http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
+ * Classes are ``ConjoinedCapitals``, methods and functions are
+   ``lowercase_with_underscores``.
+ * Use 4 spaces, not tabs, to represent indentation.
+ * Line widths should not be more than 80 characters.
+ * Do not use nested classes unless you have a very good reason to, such as
+   requiring a namespace or class-definition modification.  Classes should live
+   at the top level.  ``__metaclass__`` is exempt from this.
+ * Do not use unnecessary parenthesis in conditionals.  ``if((something) and
+   (something_else))`` should be rewritten as
+   ``if something and something_else``. Python is more forgiving than C.
+ * Avoid copying memory when possible. For example, don't do
+   ``a = a.reshape(3,4)`` when ``a.shape = (3,4)`` will do, and ``a = a * 3``
+   should be ``np.multiply(a, 3, a)``.
+ * In general, avoid all double-underscore method names: ``__something`` is
+   usually unnecessary.
+ * When writing a subclass, use the super built-in to access the super class,
+   rather than explicitly. Ex: ``super(SpecialGridSubclass, self).__init__()``
+   rather than ``SpecialGrid.__init__()``.
+ * Docstrings should describe input, output, behavior, and any state changes
+   that occur on an object.  See the file ``doc/docstring_example.txt`` for a
+   fiducial example of a docstring.
+ * Use only one top-level import per line. Unless there is a good reason not to,
+   imports should happen at the top of the file, after the copyright blurb.
+ * Never compare with ``True`` or ``False`` using ``==`` or ``!=``, always use
+   ``is`` or ``is not``.
+ * If you are comparing with a numpy boolean array, just refer to the array.
+   Ex: do ``np.all(array)`` instead of ``np.all(array == True)``.
+ * Never comapre with None using ``==`` or ``!=``, use ``is None`` or
+   ``is not None``.
+ * Use ``statement is not True`` instead of ``not statement is True``
+ * Only one statement per line, do not use semicolons to put two or more
+   statements on a single line.
+ * Only declare local variables if they will be used later. If you do not use the
+   return value of a function, do not store it in a variable.
+ * Add tests for new functionality. When fixing a bug, consider adding a test to
+   prevent the bug from recurring.
+API Guide
+ * Do not use ``from some_module import *``
+ * Internally, only import from source files directly -- instead of:
+     ``from yt.visualization.api import ProjectionPlot``
+   do:
+     ``from yt.visualization.plot_window import ProjectionPlot``
+ * Import symbols from the module where they are defined, avoid transitive
+   imports.
+ * Import standard library modules, functions, and classes from builtins, do not
+   import them from other yt files.
+ * Numpy is to be imported as ``np``.
+ * Do not use too many keyword arguments.  If you have a lot of keyword
+   arguments, then you are doing too much in ``__init__`` and not enough via
+   parameter setting.
+ * In function arguments, place spaces before commas.  ``def something(a,b,c)``
+   should be ``def something(a, b, c)``.
+ * Don't create a new class to replicate the functionality of an old class --
+   replace the old class.  Too many options makes for a confusing user
+   experience.
+ * Parameter files external to yt are a last resort.
+ * The usage of the ``**kwargs`` construction should be avoided.  If they cannot
+   be avoided, they must be explained, even if they are only to be passed on to
+   a nested function.
+.. _docstrings
+The following is an example docstring. You can use it as a template for
+docstrings in your code and as a guide for how we expect docstrings to look and
+the level of detail we are looking for. Note that we use NumPy style docstrings
+written in `Sphinx restructured text format <http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html>`_.
+    r"""A one-line summary that does not use variable names or the
+    function name.
+    Several sentences providing an extended description. Refer to
+    variables using back-ticks, e.g. ``var``.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    var1 : array_like
+        Array_like means all those objects -- lists, nested lists, etc. --
+        that can be converted to an array.  We can also refer to
+        variables like `var1`.
+    var2 : int
+        The type above can either refer to an actual Python type
+        (e.g. ``int``), or describe the type of the variable in more
+        detail, e.g. ``(N,) ndarray`` or ``array_like``.
+    Long_variable_name : {'hi', 'ho'}, optional
+        Choices in brackets, default first when optional.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    describe : type
+        Explanation
+    output : type
+        Explanation
+    tuple : type
+        Explanation
+    items : type
+        even more explaining
+    Other Parameters
+    ----------------
+    only_seldom_used_keywords : type
+        Explanation
+    common_parameters_listed_above : type
+        Explanation
+    Raises
+    ------
+    BadException
+        Because you shouldn't have done that.
+    See Also
+    --------
+    otherfunc : relationship (optional)
+    newfunc : Relationship (optional), which could be fairly long, in which
+              case the line wraps here.
+    thirdfunc, fourthfunc, fifthfunc
+    Notes
+    -----
+    Notes about the implementation algorithm (if needed).
+    This can have multiple paragraphs.
+    You may include some math:
+    .. math:: X(e^{j\omega } ) = x(n)e^{ - j\omega n}
+    And even use a greek symbol like :math:`omega` inline.
+    References
+    ----------
+    Cite the relevant literature, e.g. [1]_.  You may also cite these
+    references in the notes section above.
+    .. [1] O. McNoleg, "The integration of GIS, remote sensing,
+       expert systems and adaptive co-kriging for environmental habitat
+       modelling of the Highland Haggis using object-oriented, fuzzy-logic
+       and neural-network techniques," Computers & Geosciences, vol. 22,
+       pp. 585-588, 1996.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    These are written in doctest format, and should illustrate how to
+    use the function.  Use the variables 'ds' for the dataset, 'pc' for
+    a plot collection, 'c' for a center, and 'L' for a vector. 
+    >>> a=[1,2,3]
+    >>> print [x + 3 for x in a]
+    [4, 5, 6]
+    >>> print "a\n\nb"
+    a
+    b
+    """
+Variable Names and Enzo-isms
+Avoid Enzo-isms.  This includes but is not limited to:
+ * Hard-coding parameter names that are the same as those in Enzo.  The
+   following translation table should be of some help.  Note that the
+   parameters are now properties on a ``Dataset`` subclass: you access them
+   like ds.refine_by .
+    - ``RefineBy `` => `` refine_by``
+    - ``TopGridRank `` => `` dimensionality``
+    - ``TopGridDimensions `` => `` domain_dimensions``
+    - ``InitialTime `` => `` current_time``
+    - ``DomainLeftEdge `` => `` domain_left_edge``
+    - ``DomainRightEdge `` => `` domain_right_edge``
+    - ``CurrentTimeIdentifier `` => `` unique_identifier``
+    - ``CosmologyCurrentRedshift `` => `` current_redshift``
+    - ``ComovingCoordinates `` => `` cosmological_simulation``
+    - ``CosmologyOmegaMatterNow `` => `` omega_matter``
+    - ``CosmologyOmegaLambdaNow `` => `` omega_lambda``
+    - ``CosmologyHubbleConstantNow `` => `` hubble_constant``
+ * Do not assume that the domain runs from 0 .. 1.  This is not true
+   everywhere.
+ * Variable names should be short but descriptive.
+ * No globals!

diff -r 90f900be7a36433fdd48941cae4bc91066ff5c76 -r 0680472b164304f6596dc04f5a6f37324a06236e coding_styleguide.txt
--- a/coding_styleguide.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-Style Guide for Coding in yt
-Coding Style Guide
- * In general, follow PEP-8 guidelines.
-   http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
- * Classes are ``ConjoinedCapitals``, methods and functions are
-   ``lowercase_with_underscores``.
- * Use 4 spaces, not tabs, to represent indentation.
- * Line widths should not be more than 80 characters.
- * Do not use nested classes unless you have a very good reason to, such as
-   requiring a namespace or class-definition modification.  Classes should live
-   at the top level.  ``__metaclass__`` is exempt from this.
- * Do not use unnecessary parenthesis in conditionals.  ``if((something) and
-   (something_else))`` should be rewritten as
-   ``if something and something_else``. Python is more forgiving than C.
- * Avoid copying memory when possible. For example, don't do
-   ``a = a.reshape(3,4)`` when ``a.shape = (3,4)`` will do, and ``a = a * 3``
-   should be ``np.multiply(a, 3, a)``.
- * In general, avoid all double-underscore method names: ``__something`` is
-   usually unnecessary.
- * When writing a subclass, use the super built-in to access the super class,
-   rather than explicitly. Ex: ``super(SpecialGridSubclass, self).__init__()``
-   rather than ``SpecialGrid.__init__()``.
- * Docstrings should describe input, output, behavior, and any state changes
-   that occur on an object.  See the file ``doc/docstring_example.txt`` for a
-   fiducial example of a docstring.
- * Use only one top-level import per line. Unless there is a good reason not to,
-   imports should happen at the top of the file, after the copyright blurb.
- * Never compare with ``True`` or ``False`` using ``==`` or ``!=``, always use
-   ``is`` or ``is not``.
- * If you are comparing with a numpy boolean array, just refer to the array.
-   Ex: do ``np.all(array)`` instead of ``np.all(array == True)``.
- * Never comapre with None using ``==`` or ``!=``, use ``is None`` or
-   ``is not None``.
- * Use ``statement is not True`` instead of ``not statement is True``
- * Only one statement per line, do not use semicolons to put two or more
-   statements on a single line.
- * Only declare local variables if they will be used later. If you do not use the
-   return value of a function, do not store it in a variable.
- * Add tests for new functionality. When fixing a bug, consider adding a test to
-   prevent the bug from recurring.
-API Guide
- * Do not use ``from some_module import *``
- * Internally, only import from source files directly -- instead of:
-     ``from yt.visualization.api import ProjectionPlot``
-   do:
-     ``from yt.visualization.plot_window import ProjectionPlot``
- * Import symbols from the module where they are defined, avoid transitive
-   imports.
- * Import standard library modules, functions, and classes from builtins, do not
-   import them from other yt files.
- * Numpy is to be imported as ``np``.
- * Do not use too many keyword arguments.  If you have a lot of keyword
-   arguments, then you are doing too much in ``__init__`` and not enough via
-   parameter setting.
- * In function arguments, place spaces before commas.  ``def something(a,b,c)``
-   should be ``def something(a, b, c)``.
- * Don't create a new class to replicate the functionality of an old class --
-   replace the old class.  Too many options makes for a confusing user
-   experience.
- * Parameter files external to yt are a last resort.
- * The usage of the ``**kwargs`` construction should be avoided.  If they cannot
-   be avoided, they must be explained, even if they are only to be passed on to
-   a nested function.
-Variable Names and Enzo-isms
-Avoid Enzo-isms.  This includes but is not limited to:
- * Hard-coding parameter names that are the same as those in Enzo.  The
-   following translation table should be of some help.  Note that the
-   parameters are now properties on a ``Dataset`` subclass: you access them
-   like ds.refine_by .
-    - ``RefineBy `` => `` refine_by``
-    - ``TopGridRank `` => `` dimensionality``
-    - ``TopGridDimensions `` => `` domain_dimensions``
-    - ``InitialTime `` => `` current_time``
-    - ``DomainLeftEdge `` => `` domain_left_edge``
-    - ``DomainRightEdge `` => `` domain_right_edge``
-    - ``CurrentTimeIdentifier `` => `` unique_identifier``
-    - ``CosmologyCurrentRedshift `` => `` current_redshift``
-    - ``ComovingCoordinates `` => `` cosmological_simulation``
-    - ``CosmologyOmegaMatterNow `` => `` omega_matter``
-    - ``CosmologyOmegaLambdaNow `` => `` omega_lambda``
-    - ``CosmologyHubbleConstantNow `` => `` hubble_constant``
- * Do not assume that the domain runs from 0 .. 1.  This is not true
-   everywhere.
- * Variable names should be short but descriptive.
- * No globals!

diff -r 90f900be7a36433fdd48941cae4bc91066ff5c76 -r 0680472b164304f6596dc04f5a6f37324a06236e doc/docstring_example.txt
--- a/doc/docstring_example.txt
+++ b/doc/docstring_example.txt
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-    r"""A one-line summary that does not use variable names or the
-    function name.
-    Several sentences providing an extended description. Refer to
-    variables using back-ticks, e.g. `var`.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    var1 : array_like
-        Array_like means all those objects -- lists, nested lists, etc. --
-        that can be converted to an array.  We can also refer to
-        variables like `var1`.
-    var2 : int
-        The type above can either refer to an actual Python type
-        (e.g. ``int``), or describe the type of the variable in more
-        detail, e.g. ``(N,) ndarray`` or ``array_like``.
-    Long_variable_name : {'hi', 'ho'}, optional
-        Choices in brackets, default first when optional.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    describe : type
-        Explanation
-    output : type
-        Explanation
-    tuple : type
-        Explanation
-    items : type
-        even more explaining
-    Other Parameters
-    ----------------
-    only_seldom_used_keywords : type
-        Explanation
-    common_parameters_listed_above : type
-        Explanation
-    Raises
-    ------
-    BadException
-        Because you shouldn't have done that.
-    See Also
-    --------
-    otherfunc : relationship (optional)
-    newfunc : Relationship (optional), which could be fairly long, in which
-              case the line wraps here.
-    thirdfunc, fourthfunc, fifthfunc
-    Notes
-    -----
-    Notes about the implementation algorithm (if needed).
-    This can have multiple paragraphs.
-    You may include some math:
-    .. math:: X(e^{j\omega } ) = x(n)e^{ - j\omega n}
-    And even use a greek symbol like :math:`omega` inline.
-    References
-    ----------
-    Cite the relevant literature, e.g. [1]_.  You may also cite these
-    references in the notes section above.
-    .. [1] O. McNoleg, "The integration of GIS, remote sensing,
-       expert systems and adaptive co-kriging for environmental habitat
-       modelling of the Highland Haggis using object-oriented, fuzzy-logic
-       and neural-network techniques," Computers & Geosciences, vol. 22,
-       pp. 585-588, 1996.
-    Examples
-    --------
-    These are written in doctest format, and should illustrate how to
-    use the function.  Use the variables 'ds' for the dataset, 'pc' for
-    a plot collection, 'c' for a center, and 'L' for a vector. 
-    >>> a=[1,2,3]
-    >>> print [x + 3 for x in a]
-    [4, 5, 6]
-    >>> print "a\n\nb"
-    a
-    b
-    """

diff -r 90f900be7a36433fdd48941cae4bc91066ff5c76 -r 0680472b164304f6596dc04f5a6f37324a06236e doc/source/developing/developing.rst
--- a/doc/source/developing/developing.rst
+++ b/doc/source/developing/developing.rst
@@ -1,497 +1,3 @@
 .. _contributing-code:
-How to Develop yt
-.. note:: If you already know how to use version control and are comfortable
-   with handling it yourself, the quickest way to contribute to yt is to `fork
-   us on BitBucket <http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/fork>`_, `make your changes
-   <http://mercurial.selenic.com/>`_, and issue a `pull request
-   <http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/pull-requests>`_.  The rest of this document is just an
-   explanation of how to do that.
-yt is a community project!
-We are very happy to accept patches, features, and bugfixes from any member of
-the community!  yt is developed using mercurial, primarily because it enables
-very easy and straightforward submission of changesets.  We're eager to hear
-from you, and if you are developing yt, we encourage you to subscribe to the
-`developer mailing list
-Please feel free to hack around, commit changes, and send them upstream.  If
-you're new to Mercurial, these three resources are pretty great for learning
-the ins and outs:
-* http://hginit.com/
-* http://hgbook.red-bean.com/read/
-* http://mercurial.selenic.com/
-The commands that are essential for using mercurial include:
-* ``hg commit`` which commits changes in the working directory to the
-  repository, creating a new "changeset object."
-* ``hg add`` which adds a new file to be tracked by mercurial.  This does
-  not change the working directory.
-* ``hg pull`` which pulls (from an optional path specifier) changeset
-  objects from a remote source.  The working directory is not modified.
-* ``hg push`` which sends (to an optional path specifier) changeset objects
-  to a remote source.  The working directory is not modified.
-* ``hg log`` which shows a log of all changeset objects in the current
-  repository.  Use ``-g`` to show a graph of changeset objects and their
-  relationship.
-* ``hg update`` which (with an optional "revision" specifier) updates the
-  state of the working directory to match a changeset object in the
-  repository.
-* ``hg merge`` which combines two changesets to make a union of their lines
-  of development.  This updates the working directory.
-Keep in touch, and happy hacking!  We also provide `doc/coding_styleguide.txt`
-and an example of a fiducial docstring in `doc/docstring_example.txt`.  Please
-read them before hacking on the codebase, and feel free to email any of the
-mailing lists for help with the codebase.
-.. _bootstrap-dev:
-Submitting Changes
-We provide a brief introduction to submitting changes here.  yt thrives on the
-strength of its communities ( http://arxiv.org/abs/1301.7064 has further
-discussion) and we encourage contributions from any user.  While we do not
-discuss in detail version control, mercurial or the advanced usage of
-BitBucket, we do provide an outline of how to submit changes and we are happy
-to provide further assistance or guidance.
-yt has, with the 2.6 release, been `relicensed
-<http://blog.yt-project.org/post/Relicensing.html>`_ under the BSD 3-clause
-license.  Previously versions were released under the GPLv3.
-All contributed code must be BSD-compatible.  If you'd rather not license in
-this manner, but still want to contribute, please consider creating an external
-package, which we'll happily link to.
-.. _requirements-for-code-submission:
-Requirements for Code Submission
-Modifications to the code typically fall into one of three categories, each of
-which have different requirements for acceptance into the code base.  These
-requirements are in place for a few reasons -- to make sure that the code is
-maintainable, testable, and that we can easily include information about
-changes in changelogs during the release procedure.  (See `YTEP-0008
-<https://ytep.readthedocs.org/en/latest/YTEPs/YTEP-0008.html>`_ for more
-* New Features
-  * New unit tests (possibly new answer tests) (See :ref:`testing`)
-  * Docstrings in the source code for the public API
-  * Addition of new feature to the narrative documentation (See :ref:`writing_documentation`)
-  * Addition of cookbook recipe (See :ref:`writing_documentation`) 
-  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
-* Extension or Breakage of API in Existing Features
-  * Update existing narrative docs and docstrings (See :ref:`writing_documentation`) 
-  * Update existing cookbook recipes (See :ref:`writing_documentation`) 
-  * Modify of create new unit tests (See :ref:`testing`)
-  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
-* Bug fixes
-  * Unit test is encouraged, to ensure breakage does not happen again in the
-    future. (See :ref:`testing`)
-  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
-When submitting, you will be asked to make sure that your changes meet all of
-these requirements.  They are pretty easy to meet, and we're also happy to help
-out with them.  In :ref:`code-style-guide` there is a list of handy tips for
-how to structure and write your code.
-.. _mercurial-with-yt:
-How to Use Mercurial with yt
-This document doesn't cover detailed mercurial use, but on IRC we are happy to
-walk you through any troubles you might have.  Here are some suggestions
-for using mercurial with yt:
-* Named branches are to be avoided.  Try using bookmarks (``hg bookmark``) to
-  track work.  (`More <http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Bookmarks>`_)
-* Make sure you set a username in your ``~/.hgrc`` before you commit any
-  changes!  All of the tutorials above will describe how to do this as one of
-  the very first steps.
-* When contributing changes, you might be asked to make a handful of
-  modifications to your source code.  We'll work through how to do this with
-  you, and try to make it as painless as possible.
-* Please avoid deleting your yt forks, as that eliminates the code review
-  process from BitBucket's website.
-* In all likelihood, you only need one fork.  To keep it in sync, you can
-  sync from the website.  (See Bitbucket's `Blog Post
-  <https://blog.bitbucket.org/2013/02/04/syncing-and-merging-come-to-bitbucket/>`_
-  about this.)
-* If you run into any troubles, stop by IRC (see :ref:`irc`) or the mailing
-  list.
-.. _building-yt:
-Building yt
-If you have made changes to any C or Cython (``.pyx``) modules, you have to
-rebuild yt.  If your changes have exclusively been to Python modules, you will
-not need to re-build, but (see below) you may need to re-install.  
-If you are running from a clone that is executable in-place (i.e., has been
-installed via the installation script or you have run ``setup.py develop``) you
-can rebuild these modules by executing:
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ python2.7 setup.py develop
-If you have previously "installed" via ``setup.py install`` you have to
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ python2.7 setup.py install
-Only one of these two options is needed.
-.. _windows-developing:
-Developing yt on Windows
-If you plan to develop yt on Windows, it is necessary to use the `MinGW
-<http://www.mingw.org/>`_ gcc compiler that can be installed using the `Anaconda
-Python Distribution <https://store.continuum.io/cshop/anaconda/>`_. The libpython package must be
-installed from Anaconda as well. These can both be installed with a single command:
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ conda install libpython mingw
-Additionally, the syntax for the setup command is slightly different; you must type:
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ python2.7 setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 develop
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ python2.7 setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 install
-.. _sharing-changes:
-Making and Sharing Changes
-The simplest way to submit changes to yt is to do the following:
-* Build yt from the mercurial repository
-* Navigate to the root of the yt repository 
-* Make some changes and commit them
-* Fork the `yt repository on BitBucket <https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt>`_
-* Push the changesets to your fork
-* Issue a pull request.
-Here's a more detailed flowchart of how to submit changes.
-#. If you have used the installation script, the source code for yt can be
-   found in ``$YT_DEST/src/yt-hg``.  Alternatively see
-   :ref:`source-installation` for instructions on how to build yt from the
-   mercurial repository. (Below, in :ref:`reading-source`, we describe how to
-   find items of interest.)  
-#. Edit the source file you are interested in and
-   test your changes.  (See :ref:`testing` for more information.)
-#. Fork yt on BitBucket.  (This step only has to be done once.)  You can do
-   this at: https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/fork.  Call this repository
-   yt.
-#. Commit these changes, using ``hg commit``.  This can take an argument
-   which is a series of filenames, if you have some changes you do not want
-   to commit.
-#. Remember that this is a large development effort and to keep the code 
-   accessible to everyone, good documentation is a must.  Add in source code 
-   comments for what you are doing.  Add in docstrings
-   if you are adding a new function or class or keyword to a function.  
-   Add documentation to the appropriate section of the online docs so that
-   people other than yourself know how to use your new code.  
-#. If your changes include new functionality or cover an untested area of the
-   code, add a test.  (See :ref:`testing` for more information.)  Commit
-   these changes as well.
-#. Push your changes to your new fork using the command::
-      hg push -r . https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/
-   If you end up doing considerable development, you can set an alias in the
-   file ``.hg/hgrc`` to point to this path.
-   .. note::
-     Note that the above approach uses HTTPS as the transfer protocol
-     between your machine and BitBucket.  If you prefer to use SSH - or
-     perhaps you're behind a proxy that doesn't play well with SSL via
-     HTTPS - you may want to set up an `SSH key`_ on BitBucket.  Then, you use
-     the syntax ``ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt``, or equivalent, in
-     place of ``https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt`` in Mercurial commands.
-     For consistency, all commands we list in this document will use the HTTPS
-     protocol.
-     .. _SSH key: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Set+up+SSH+for+Mercurial
-#. Issue a pull request at
-   https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/pull-request/new
-   A pull request is essentially just asking people to review and accept the 
-   modifications you have made to your personal version of the code.
-During the course of your pull request you may be asked to make changes.  These
-changes may be related to style issues, correctness issues, or even requesting
-tests.  The process for responding to pull request code review is relatively
-#. Make requested changes, or leave a comment indicating why you don't think
-   they should be made.
-#. Commit those changes to your local repository.
-#. Push the changes to your fork:
-      hg push https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/
-#. Your pull request will be automatically updated.
-.. _multiple-PRs:
-Working with Multiple BitBucket Pull Requests
-Once you become active developing for yt, you may be working on
-various aspects of the code or bugfixes at the same time.  Currently,
-BitBucket's *modus operandi* for pull requests automatically updates
-your active pull request with every ``hg push`` of commits that are a
-descendant of the head of your pull request.  In a normal workflow,
-this means that if you have an active pull request, make some changes
-locally for, say, an unrelated bugfix, then push those changes back to
-your fork in the hopes of creating a *new* pull request, you'll
-actually end up updating your current pull request!
-There are a few ways around this feature of BitBucket that will allow
-for multiple pull requests to coexist; we outline one such method
-below.  We assume that you have a fork of yt at
-``http://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt`` (see
-:ref:`sharing-changes` for instructions on creating a fork) and that
-you have an active pull request to the main repository.
-The main issue with starting another pull request is to make sure that
-your push to BitBucket doesn't go to the same head as your
-existing pull request and trigger BitBucket's auto-update feature.
-Here's how to get your local repository away from your current pull
-request head using `revsets <http://www.selenic.com/hg/help/revsets>`_
-and your ``hgrc`` file:
-#. Set up a Mercurial path for the main yt repository (note this is a convenience
-   step and only needs to be done once).  Add the following to your
-   ``Your_yt/.hg/hgrc``::
-     [paths]
-     upstream = https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt
-   This will create a path called ``upstream`` that is aliased to the URL of the
-   main yt repository.
-#. Now we'll use revsets_ to update your local repository to the tip of the
-   ``upstream`` path:
-   .. code-block:: bash
-      $ hg pull upstream
-      $ hg update -r "remote(tip,'upstream')"
-After the above steps, your local repository should be at the tip of
-the main yt repository.  If you find yourself doing this a lot, it may
-be worth aliasing this task in your ``hgrc`` file by adding something like::
-  [alias]
-  myupdate = update -r "remote(tip,'upstream')"
-And then you can just issue ``hg myupdate`` to get at the tip of the main yt repository.
-Make sure you are on the branch you want to be on, and then you can
-make changes and ``hg commit`` them.  If you prefer working with
-`bookmarks <http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Bookmarks>`_, you may
-want to make a bookmark before committing your changes, such as ``hg
-bookmark mybookmark``.
-To push to your fork on BitBucket if you didn't use a bookmark, you issue the following:
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ hg push -r . -f https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt
-The ``-r .`` means "push only the commit I'm standing on and any ancestors."  The
-``-f`` is to force Mecurial to do the push since we are creating a new remote head.
-Note that if you *did* use a bookmark, you don't have to force the push, but you do
-need to push the bookmark; in other words do the following instead of the above:
-.. code-block:: bash
-   $ hg push -B mybookmark https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt
-The ``-B`` means "publish my bookmark and any relevant changesets to the remote server."
-You can then go to the BitBucket interface and issue a new pull request based on
-your last changes, as usual.
-How To Get The Source Code For Editing
-yt is hosted on BitBucket, and you can see all of the yt repositories at
-http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/.  With the yt installation script you should have a
-copy of Mercurial for checking out pieces of code.  Make sure you have followed
-the steps above for bootstrapping your development (to assure you have a
-bitbucket account, etc.)
-In order to modify the source code for yt, we ask that you make a "fork" of the
-main yt repository on bitbucket.  A fork is simply an exact copy of the main
-repository (along with its history) that you will now own and can make
-modifications as you please.  You can create a personal fork by visiting the yt
-bitbucket webpage at https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/ .  After logging in,
-you should see an option near the top right labeled "fork".  Click this option,
-and then click the fork repository button on the subsequent page.  You now have
-a forked copy of the yt repository for your own personal modification.
-This forked copy exists on the bitbucket repository, so in order to access
-it locally, follow the instructions at the top of that webpage for that
-forked repository, namely run at a local command line:
-.. code-block:: bash
-   $ hg clone http://bitbucket.org/<USER>/<REPOSITORY_NAME>
-This downloads that new forked repository to your local machine, so that you
-can access it, read it, make modifications, etc.  It will put the repository in
-a local directory of the same name as the repository in the current working
-directory.  You can see any past state of the code by using the hg log command.
-For example, the following command would show you the last 5 changesets
-(modifications to the code) that were submitted to that repository.
-.. code-block:: bash
-   $ hg log -l 5
-Using the revision specifier (the number or hash identifier next to each
-changeset), you can update the local repository to any past state of the
-code (a previous changeset or version) by executing the command:
-.. code-block:: bash
-   $ hg up revision_specifier
-Lastly, if you want to use this new downloaded version of your yt repository as
-the *active* version of yt on your computer (i.e. the one which is executed when
-you run yt from the command line or the one that is loaded when you do ``import
-yt``), then you must "activate" it using the following commands from within the
-repository directory.
-.. code-block:: bash
-   $ python2.7 setup.py develop
-This will rebuild all C modules as well.
-.. _reading-source:
-How To Read The Source Code
-If you just want to *look* at the source code, you may already have it on your
-computer.  If you build yt using the install script, the source is available at
-``$YT_DEST/src/yt-hg``.  See :ref:`source-installation` for more details about
-to obtain the yt source code if you did not build yt using the install
-The root directory of the yt mercurial repository contains a number of
-subdirectories with different components of the code.  Most of the yt source
-code is contained in the yt subdirectory.  This directory its self contains
-the following subdirectories:
-   This is where interfaces to codes are created.  Within each subdirectory of
-   yt/frontends/ there must exist the following files, even if empty:
-   * ``data_structures.py``, where subclasses of AMRGridPatch, Dataset
-     and AMRHierarchy are defined.
-   * ``io.py``, where a subclass of IOHandler is defined.
-   * ``fields.py``, where fields we expect to find in datasets are defined
-   * ``misc.py``, where any miscellaneous functions or classes are defined.
-   * ``definitions.py``, where any definitions specific to the frontend are
-     defined.  (i.e., header formats, etc.)
-   This is where all of the derived fields that ship with yt are defined.
-   This is where geometric helpler routines are defined. Handlers
-   for grid and oct data, as well as helpers for coordinate transformations
-   can be found here.
-   This is where all visualization modules are stored.  This includes plot
-   collections, the volume rendering interface, and pixelization frontends.
-   All objects that handle data, processed or unprocessed, not explicitly
-   defined as visualization are located in here.  This includes the base
-   classes for data regions, covering grids, time series, and so on.  This
-   also includes derived fields and derived quantities.
-   This is where all mechanisms for processing data live.  This includes
-   things like clump finding, halo profiling, halo finding, and so on.  This
-   is something of a catchall, but it serves as a level of greater
-   abstraction that simply data selection and modification.
-   This is where all GUI components go.  Typically this will be some small
-   tool used for one or two things, which contains a launching mechanism on
-   the command line.
-   All broadly useful code that doesn't clearly fit in one of the other
-   categories goes here.
-   Bundled external modules (i.e. code that was not written by one of
-   the yt authors but that yt depends on) lives here.
-If you're looking for a specific file or function in the yt source code, use
-the unix find command:
-.. code-block:: bash
-The above command will find the FILENAME in any subdirectory in the
-DIRECTORY_TREE_TO_SEARCH.  Alternatively, if you're looking for a function
-call or a keyword in an unknown file in a directory tree, try:
-.. code-block:: bash
-This can be very useful for tracking down functions in the yt source.
-.. _code-style-guide:
-.. include:: ../../../coding_styleguide.txt
+.. include:: ../../../CONTRIBUTING

Changeset:   be81f861fd94
Branch:      yt
User:        ngoldbaum
Date:        2015-11-18 16:15:52+00:00
Summary:     Rearranging and small updates for instructions on mercurial for yt development
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 0680472b164304f6596dc04f5a6f37324a06236e -r be81f861fd94f5f9142f1052695b098e15e4a382 CONTRIBUTING
@@ -19,36 +19,6 @@
    <http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/pull-requests>`_.  The rest of this
    document is just an explanation of how to do that.
-If you're new to Mercurial, these three resources are pretty great for learning
-the ins and outs:
-* http://hginit.com/
-* http://hgbook.red-bean.com/read/
-* http://mercurial.selenic.com/
-The commands that are essential for using mercurial include:
-* ``hg commit`` which commits changes in the working directory to the
-  repository, creating a new "changeset object."
-* ``hg add`` which adds a new file to be tracked by mercurial.  This does
-  not change the working directory.
-* ``hg pull`` which pulls (from an optional path specifier) changeset
-  objects from a remote source.  The working directory is not modified.
-* ``hg push`` which sends (to an optional path specifier) changeset objects
-  to a remote source.  The working directory is not modified.
-* ``hg log`` which shows a log of all changeset objects in the current
-  repository.  Use ``-G`` to show a graph of changeset objects and their
-  relationship.
-* ``hg update`` which (with an optional "revision" specifier) updates the
-  state of the working directory to match a changeset object in the
-  repository.
-* ``hg merge`` which combines two changesets to make a union of their lines
-  of development.  This updates the working directory.
-* ``hg help`` which provides help for any mercurial command. For example, you
-  can learn more about the ``log`` command by doing ``hg help log``. Other useful
-  topics to use with ``hg help`` are ``hg help glossary``, ``hg help config``, 
-  ``hg help extensions``, and ``hg help revsets``.
 See :ref:`code-style-guide` for more information about coding style in yt and
 :ref:`docstrings` for an example docstring.  Please read them before hacking on
 the codebase, and feel free to email any of the mailing lists for help with the
@@ -123,12 +93,43 @@
 How to Use Mercurial with yt
-This document doesn't cover detailed mercurial use, but on IRC we are happy to
-walk you through any troubles you might have.  Here are some suggestions
-for using mercurial with yt:
+If you're new to Mercurial, these three resources are pretty great for learning
+the ins and outs:
+* http://hginit.com/
+* http://hgbook.red-bean.com/read/
+* http://mercurial-scm.org/
+* http://mercurial-scm.org/wiki
+The commands that are essential for using mercurial include:
+* ``hg commit`` which commits changes in the working directory to the
+  repository, creating a new "changeset object."
+* ``hg add`` which adds a new file to be tracked by mercurial.  This does
+  not change the working directory.
+* ``hg pull`` which pulls (from an optional path specifier) changeset
+  objects from a remote source.  The working directory is not modified.
+* ``hg push`` which sends (to an optional path specifier) changeset objects
+  to a remote source.  The working directory is not modified.
+* ``hg log`` which shows a log of all changeset objects in the current
+  repository.  Use ``-G`` to show a graph of changeset objects and their
+  relationship.
+* ``hg update`` which (with an optional "revision" specifier) updates the
+  state of the working directory to match a changeset object in the
+  repository.
+* ``hg merge`` which combines two changesets to make a union of their lines
+  of development.  This updates the working directory.
+* ``hg help`` which provides help for any mercurial command. For example, you
+  can learn more about the ``log`` command by doing ``hg help log``. Other useful
+  topics to use with ``hg help`` are ``hg help glossary``, ``hg help config``, 
+  ``hg help extensions``, and ``hg help revsets``.
+We are happy to asnswers questions about mercurial use on our IRC or slack
+channels or on the mailing list to walk you through any troubles you might have.
+Here are some general suggestions for using mercurial with yt:
 * Named branches are to be avoided.  Try using bookmarks (``hg bookmark``) to
-  track work.  (`More <http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Bookmarks>`_)
+  track work.  (`More <http://mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Bookmarks>`_)
 * Make sure you set a username in your ``~/.hgrc`` before you commit any
   changes!  All of the tutorials above will describe how to do this as one of
   the very first steps.
@@ -317,22 +318,23 @@
    .. code-block:: bash
       $ hg pull upstream
-      $ hg update -r "remote(tip,'upstream')"
+      $ hg update -r "remote(yt, 'upstream')"
-After the above steps, your local repository should be at the tip of
-the main yt repository.  If you find yourself doing this a lot, it may
-be worth aliasing this task in your ``hgrc`` file by adding something like::
+After the above steps, your local repository should be at the current head of
+the ``yt`` branch in the main yt repository.  If you find yourself doing this a
+lot, it may be worth aliasing this task in your ``hgrc`` file by adding
+something like::
-  myupdate = update -r "remote(tip,'upstream')"
+  ytupdate = update -r "remote(yt, 'upstream')"
-And then you can just issue ``hg myupdate`` to get at the tip of the main yt repository.
+And then you can just issue ``hg ytupdate`` to get at the current head of the
+``yt`` branch on main yt repository.
-Make sure you are on the branch you want to be on, and then you can
-make changes and ``hg commit`` them.  If you prefer working with
-`bookmarks <http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Bookmarks>`_, you may
-want to make a bookmark before committing your changes, such as ``hg
-bookmark mybookmark``.
+Make sure you are on the branch you want to be on, and then you can make changes
+and ``hg commit`` them.  If you prefer working with `bookmarks
+<http://mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Bookmarks>`_, you may want to make a bookmark
+before committing your changes, such as ``hg bookmark mybookmark``.
 To push to your fork on BitBucket if you didn't use a bookmark, you issue the following:

Changeset:   a7cfcf5ed9e1
Branch:      yt
User:        ngoldbaum
Date:        2015-11-18 16:49:16+00:00
Summary:     Adding a summary of the code of conduct
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r be81f861fd94f5f9142f1052695b098e15e4a382 -r a7cfcf5ed9e1bec7992d6b900b867a7e29e38049 CONTRIBUTING
@@ -26,6 +26,29 @@
 Keep in touch, and happy hacking!
+Code of Conduct
+All contributors to yt are bound by the yt community `code of conduct
+The code code of conduct recognizes that open source Scientific projects are made
+up of members from around the globe with a diverse set of skills, personalities,
+and experiences. It is through these differences that our community experiences
+success and continued growth. We expect everyone in our community to follow
+the code of conduct when interacting with others both inside and outside of our
+community. Our goal is to keep ours a positive, inclusive, successful, and
+growing community.
+Harrassment of any kind for any reason is expressly forbidden. All community
+interactions should be done with a tone of respect and while acknowledging that
+contributors come from diverse backgrounds. Criticism about code must never be
+personal and must be done with respect.
+If you feel that the code of conduct has been violated, please send an e-mail to
+confidential at yt-project.org, where we will begin a formal process to resolve the
 .. _bootstrap-dev:
 Submitting Changes

Changeset:   8ed1165917d7
Branch:      yt
User:        ngoldbaum
Date:        2015-11-21 04:13:31+00:00
Summary:     Moving developer guide into into CONTRIBUTING as well
Affected #:  4 files

diff -r a7cfcf5ed9e1bec7992d6b900b867a7e29e38049 -r 8ed1165917d7a1ca16d011e7b05f4e5bc7a28506 CONTRIBUTING
@@ -1,3 +1,208 @@
+.. This document is rendered in HTML with cross-reference links filled in at
+   http://yt-project.org/doc/developing/
+.. _getting-involved:
+Getting Involved
+There are *lots* of ways to get involved with yt, as a community and as a
+technical system -- not all of them just contributing code, but also
+participating in the community, helping us with designing the websites, adding
+documentation, and sharing your scripts with others.
+Coding is only one way to be involved!
+Communication Channels
+There are four main communication channels for yt:
+ * We have an IRC channel, on ``irc.freenode.net`` in ``#yt``.
+   You can connect through our web
+   gateway without any special client, at http://yt-project.org/irc.html .
+   *IRC is the first stop for conversation!*
+ * `yt-users <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-users-spacepope.org>`_
+   is a relatively high-traffic mailing list where people are encouraged to ask
+   questions about the code, figure things out and so on.
+ * `yt-dev <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org>`_ is
+   a much lower-traffic mailing list designed to focus on discussions of
+   improvements to the code, ideas about planning, development issues, and so
+   on.
+ * Many yt developers participate in the yt Slack community. Slack is a free chat   service that many teams use to organize development. You can get an
+   invite to yt's Slack organization by clicking the "Join us @ Slack" button
+   on this page: http://yt-project.org/community.html
+ * `yt-svn <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-svn-spacepope.org>`_ is
+   the (now-inaccurately titled) mailing list where all pushes to the primary
+   repository are sent.
+The easiest way to get involved with yt is to read the mailing lists, hang out
+in IRC or slack chat, and participate.  If someone asks a question you know the
+answer to (or have your own question about!) write back and answer it.
+If you have an idea about something, suggest it!  We not only welcome
+participation, we encourage it.
+The yt documentation is constantly being updated, and it is a task we would very
+much appreciate assistance with.  Whether that is adding a section, updating an
+outdated section, contributing typo or grammatical fixes, adding a FAQ, or
+increasing coverage of functionality, it would be very helpful if you wanted to
+help out.
+The easiest way to help out is to fork the main yt repository (where the
+documentation lives in the ``doc`` directory in the root of the yt mercurial
+repository) and then make your changes in your own fork.  When you are done,
+issue a pull request through the website for your new fork, and we can comment
+back and forth and eventually accept your changes. See :ref:`sharing-changes` for
+more information about contributing your changes to yt on bitbucket.
+Gallery Images and Videos
+If you have an image or video you'd like to display in the image or video
+galleries, getting it included it easy!  You can either fork the `yt homepage
+repository <http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/website>`_ and add it there, or
+email it to us and we'll add it to the `Gallery
+We're eager to show off the images and movies you make with yt, so please feel
+free to drop `us <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org>`_
+a line and let us know if you've got something great!
+Technical Contributions
+Contributing code is another excellent way to participate -- whether it's
+bug fixes, new features, analysis modules, or a new code frontend.  See
+:ref:`creating_frontend` for more details.
+The process is pretty simple: fork on BitBucket, make changes, issue a pull
+request.  We can then go back and forth with comments in the pull request, but
+usually we end up accepting.
+For more information, see :ref:`contributing-code`, where we spell out how to
+get up and running with a development environment, how to commit, and how to
+use BitBucket.
+Online Presence
+Some of these fall under the other items, but if you'd like to help out with
+the website or any of the other ways yt is presented online, please feel free!
+Almost everything is kept in hg repositories on BitBucket, and it is very easy
+to fork and contribute back changes.
+Please feel free to dig in and contribute changes.
+Word of Mouth
+If you're using yt and it has increased your productivity, please feel
+encouraged to share that information.  Cite our `paper
+<http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011ApJS..192....9T>`_, tell your colleagues,
+and just spread word of mouth.  By telling people about your successes, you'll
+help bring more eyes and hands to the table -- in this manner, by increasing
+participation, collaboration, and simply spreading the limits of what the code
+is asked to do, we hope to help scale the utility and capability of yt with the
+community size.
+Feel free to `blog <http://blog.yt-project.org/>`_ about, `tweet
+<http://twitter.com/yt_astro>`_ about and talk about what you are up to!
+Long-Term Projects
+There are some wild-eyed, out-there ideas that have been bandied about for the
+future directions of yt -- some of them even written into the mission
+statement.  The ultimate goal is to move past simple analysis and visualization
+of data and begin to approach it from the other side, of generating data,
+running solvers.  We also hope to increase its ability to act as an in situ
+analysis code, by presenting a unified protocol.  Other projects include
+interfacing with ParaView and VisIt, creating a web GUI for running
+simulations, creating a run-tracker that follows simulations in progress, a
+federated database for simulation outputs, and so on and so forth.
+yt is an ambitious project.  Let's be ambitious together.
+yt Community Code of Conduct
+The community of participants in open source
+Scientific projects is made up of members from around the
+globe with a diverse set of skills, personalities, and
+experiences. It is through these differences that our
+community experiences success and continued growth. We
+expect everyone in our community to follow these guidelines
+when interacting with others both inside and outside of our
+community. Our goal is to keep ours a positive, inclusive,
+successful, and growing community.
+As members of the community,
+- We pledge to treat all people with respect and
+  provide a harassment- and bullying-free environment,
+  regardless of sex, sexual orientation and/or gender
+  identity, disability, physical appearance, body size,
+  race, nationality, ethnicity, and religion. In
+  particular, sexual language and imagery, sexist,
+  racist, or otherwise exclusionary jokes are not
+  appropriate.
+- We pledge to respect the work of others by
+  recognizing acknowledgment/citation requests of
+  original authors. As authors, we pledge to be explicit
+  about how we want our own work to be cited or
+  acknowledged.
+- We pledge to welcome those interested in joining the
+  community, and realize that including people with a
+  variety of opinions and backgrounds will only serve to
+  enrich our community. In particular, discussions
+  relating to pros/cons of various technologies,
+  programming languages, and so on are welcome, but
+  these should be done with respect, taking proactive
+  measure to ensure that all participants are heard and
+  feel confident that they can freely express their
+  opinions.
+- We pledge to welcome questions and answer them
+  respectfully, paying particular attention to those new
+  to the community. We pledge to provide respectful
+  criticisms and feedback in forums, especially in
+  discussion threads resulting from code
+  contributions.
+- We pledge to be conscientious of the perceptions of
+  the wider community and to respond to criticism
+  respectfully. We will strive to model behaviors that
+  encourage productive debate and disagreement, both
+  within our community and where we are criticized. We
+  will treat those outside our community with the same
+  respect as people within our community.
+- We pledge to help the entire community follow the
+  code of conduct, and to not remain silent when we see
+  violations of the code of conduct. We will take action
+  when members of our community violate this code such as
+  contacting confidential at yt-project.org (all emails sent to
+  this address will be treated with the strictest
+  confidence) or talking privately with the person.
+This code of conduct applies to all
+community situations online and offline, including mailing
+lists, forums, social media, conferences, meetings,
+associated social events, and one-to-one interactions.
+The yt Community Code of Conduct was adapted from the
+`Astropy Community Code of Conduct
+which was partially inspired by the PSF code of conduct.
+.. _contributing-code:
 How to Develop yt

diff -r a7cfcf5ed9e1bec7992d6b900b867a7e29e38049 -r 8ed1165917d7a1ca16d011e7b05f4e5bc7a28506 doc/source/developing/developing.rst
--- a/doc/source/developing/developing.rst
+++ b/doc/source/developing/developing.rst
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@
-.. _contributing-code:
 .. include:: ../../../CONTRIBUTING

diff -r a7cfcf5ed9e1bec7992d6b900b867a7e29e38049 -r 8ed1165917d7a1ca16d011e7b05f4e5bc7a28506 doc/source/developing/index.rst
--- a/doc/source/developing/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/developing/index.rst
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
-   intro

diff -r a7cfcf5ed9e1bec7992d6b900b867a7e29e38049 -r 8ed1165917d7a1ca16d011e7b05f4e5bc7a28506 doc/source/developing/intro.rst
--- a/doc/source/developing/intro.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-.. _getting-involved:
-Getting Involved
-There are *lots* of ways to get involved with yt, as a community and as a
-technical system -- not all of them just contributing code, but also
-participating in the community, helping us with designing the websites, adding
-documentation, and sharing your scripts with others.
-Coding is only one way to be involved!
-Communication Channels
-There are four main communication channels for yt:
- * We have an IRC channel, on ``irc.freenode.net`` in ``#yt``.
-   You can connect through our web
-   gateway without any special client, at http://yt-project.org/irc.html .
-   *IRC is the first stop for conversation!*
- * `yt-users <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-users-spacepope.org>`_
-   is a relatively high-traffic mailing list where people are encouraged to ask
-   questions about the code, figure things out and so on.
- * `yt-dev <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org>`_ is
-   a much lower-traffic mailing list designed to focus on discussions of
-   improvements to the code, ideas about planning, development issues, and so
-   on.
- * `yt-svn <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-svn-spacepope.org>`_ is
-   the (now-inaccurately titled) mailing list where all pushes to the primary
-   repository are sent.
-The easiest way to get involved with yt is to read the mailing lists, hang out
-in IRC, and participate.  If someone asks a question you know the answer to (or
-have your own question about!) write back and answer it.
-If you have an idea about something, suggest it!  We not only welcome
-participation, we encourage it.
-.. _share-your-scripts:
-Share Your Scripts
-.. warning:: The yt Hub is currently offline due to some hosting problems.  We
-             hope to have it back up online soon.
-The next easiest way to get involved with yt is to participate in the `yt Hub
-<http://hub.yt-project.org/>`_.  This is a place where scripts, paper
-repositories, documents and so on can be submitted to share with the broader
-If you have a repository on `BitBucket <https://bitbucket.org/>`_ then you can
-simply submit it through the ytHub submit link.   Otherwise, we provide the
-``yt hubsubmit`` command, which will guide you through the process of creating
-a mercurial repository, uploading it to BitBucket, and then submitting it
-directly to the Hub.
-This is one of the best ways to get involved in the community!  We would love
-to have more examples that show complex or advanced behavior -- and if you have
-used such scripts to write a paper, that too would be an amazing contribution.
-The yt documentation -- which you are reading right now -- is constantly being
-updated, and it is a task we would very much appreciate assistance with.
-Whether that is adding a section, updating an outdated section, contributing
-typo or grammatical fixes, adding a FAQ, or increasing coverage of
-functionality, it would be very helpful if you wanted to help out.
-The easiest way to help out is to fork the main yt repository (where the
-documentation lives in the ``doc`` directory in the root of the yt mercurial
-repository) and then make your changes in your own fork.  When you are done,
-issue a pull request through the website for your new fork, and we can comment
-back and forth and eventually accept your changes.
-Gallery Images and Videos
-If you have an image or video you'd like to display in the image or video
-galleries, getting it included it easy!  You can either fork the `yt homepage
-repository <http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/website>`_ and add it there, or
-email it to us and we'll add it to the `Gallery
-We're eager to show off the images and movies you make with yt, so please feel 
-free to drop `us <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org>`_ 
-a line and let us know if you've got something great!
-Technical Contributions
-Contributing code is another excellent way to participate -- whether it's
-bug fixes, new features, analysis modules, or a new code frontend.  See 
-:ref:`creating_frontend` for more details.
-The process is pretty simple: fork on BitBucket, make changes, issue a pull
-request.  We can then go back and forth with comments in the pull request, but
-usually we end up accepting.
-For more information, see :ref:`contributing-code`, where we spell out how to
-get up and running with a development environment, how to commit, and how to
-use BitBucket.
-Online Presence
-Some of these fall under the other items, but if you'd like to help out with
-the website or any of the other ways yt is presented online, please feel free!
-Almost everything is kept in hg repositories on BitBucket, and it is very easy
-to fork and contribute back changes.
-Please feel free to dig in and contribute changes.
-Word of Mouth
-If you're using yt and it has increased your productivity, please feel
-encouraged to share that information.  Cite our `paper
-<http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011ApJS..192....9T>`_, tell your colleagues,
-and just spread word of mouth.  By telling people about your successes, you'll
-help bring more eyes and hands to the table -- in this manner, by increasing
-participation, collaboration, and simply spreading the limits of what the code
-is asked to do, we hope to help scale the utility and capability of yt with the
-community size.
-Feel free to `blog <http://blog.yt-project.org/>`_ about, `tweet
-<http://twitter.com/yt_astro>`_ about and talk about what you are up to!
-Long-Term Projects
-There are some wild-eyed, out-there ideas that have been bandied about for the
-future directions of yt -- some of them even written into the mission
-statement.  The ultimate goal is to move past simple analysis and visualization
-of data and begin to approach it from the other side, of generating data,
-running solvers.  We also hope to increase its ability to act as an in situ
-analysis code, by presenting a unified protocol.  Other projects include
-interfacing with ParaView and VisIt, creating a web GUI for running
-simulations, creating a run-tracker that follows simulations in progress, a
-federated database for simulation outputs, and so on and so forth.
-yt is an ambitious project.  Let's be ambitious together.
-yt Community Code of Conduct
-The community of participants in open source 
-Scientific projects is made up of members from around the
-globe with a diverse set of skills, personalities, and
-experiences. It is through these differences that our
-community experiences success and continued growth. We
-expect everyone in our community to follow these guidelines
-when interacting with others both inside and outside of our
-community. Our goal is to keep ours a positive, inclusive,
-successful, and growing community.
-As members of the community,
-- We pledge to treat all people with respect and
-  provide a harassment- and bullying-free environment,
-  regardless of sex, sexual orientation and/or gender
-  identity, disability, physical appearance, body size,
-  race, nationality, ethnicity, and religion. In
-  particular, sexual language and imagery, sexist,
-  racist, or otherwise exclusionary jokes are not
-  appropriate.
-- We pledge to respect the work of others by
-  recognizing acknowledgment/citation requests of
-  original authors. As authors, we pledge to be explicit
-  about how we want our own work to be cited or
-  acknowledged.
-- We pledge to welcome those interested in joining the
-  community, and realize that including people with a
-  variety of opinions and backgrounds will only serve to
-  enrich our community. In particular, discussions
-  relating to pros/cons of various technologies,
-  programming languages, and so on are welcome, but
-  these should be done with respect, taking proactive
-  measure to ensure that all participants are heard and
-  feel confident that they can freely express their
-  opinions.
-- We pledge to welcome questions and answer them
-  respectfully, paying particular attention to those new
-  to the community. We pledge to provide respectful
-  criticisms and feedback in forums, especially in
-  discussion threads resulting from code
-  contributions.
-- We pledge to be conscientious of the perceptions of
-  the wider community and to respond to criticism
-  respectfully. We will strive to model behaviors that
-  encourage productive debate and disagreement, both
-  within our community and where we are criticized. We
-  will treat those outside our community with the same
-  respect as people within our community.
-- We pledge to help the entire community follow the
-  code of conduct, and to not remain silent when we see
-  violations of the code of conduct. We will take action
-  when members of our community violate this code such as
-  contacting confidential at yt-project.org (all emails sent to
-  this address will be treated with the strictest
-  confidence) or talking privately with the person.
-This code of conduct applies to all
-community situations online and offline, including mailing
-lists, forums, social media, conferences, meetings,
-associated social events, and one-to-one interactions.
-The yt Community Code of Conduct was adapted from the 
-`Astropy Community Code of Conduct 
-which was partially inspired by the PSF code of conduct.

Changeset:   ddee190fe850
Branch:      yt
User:        ngoldbaum
Date:        2015-11-21 04:13:49+00:00
Summary:     Rearranging, adding some discussion of open issues, and updating mercurial command advice.
Affected #:  2 files

diff -r 8ed1165917d7a1ca16d011e7b05f4e5bc7a28506 -r ddee190fe850bbb6212683091e687c8a6e89f9ff CONTRIBUTING
@@ -231,362 +231,42 @@
 Keep in touch, and happy hacking!
-Code of Conduct
+.. _open-issues:
-All contributors to yt are bound by the yt community `code of conduct
+Open Issues
-The code code of conduct recognizes that open source Scientific projects are made
-up of members from around the globe with a diverse set of skills, personalities,
-and experiences. It is through these differences that our community experiences
-success and continued growth. We expect everyone in our community to follow
-the code of conduct when interacting with others both inside and outside of our
-community. Our goal is to keep ours a positive, inclusive, successful, and
-growing community.
-Harrassment of any kind for any reason is expressly forbidden. All community
-interactions should be done with a tone of respect and while acknowledging that
-contributors come from diverse backgrounds. Criticism about code must never be
-personal and must be done with respect.
-If you feel that the code of conduct has been violated, please send an e-mail to
-confidential at yt-project.org, where we will begin a formal process to resolve the
-.. _bootstrap-dev:
+If you're interested in participating in yt development, take a look at the
+`issue tracker on bitbucket
+Issues are marked with a milestone of "easy", "moderate", or "difficult"
+depending on the estimated level of difficulty for fixing the issue. While we
+try to triage the issue tracker regularly, it may be the case that issues marked
+"moderate" are actually easier than their milestone label indicates since that
+is the default value.
 Submitting Changes
 We provide a brief introduction to submitting changes here.  yt thrives on the
-strength of its communities ( http://arxiv.org/abs/1301.7064 has further
+strength of its communities (http://arxiv.org/abs/1301.7064 has further
 discussion) and we encourage contributions from any user.  While we do not
-discuss in detail version control, mercurial or the advanced usage of
-BitBucket, we do provide an outline of how to submit changes and we are happy
-to provide further assistance or guidance.
+discuss version control, mercurial or the advanced usage of BitBucket in detail
+here, we do provide an outline of how to submit changes and we are happy to
+provide further assistance or guidance.
-yt has, with the 2.6 release, been `relicensed
-<http://blog.yt-project.org/post/Relicensing.html>`_ under the BSD 3-clause
-license.  Previously versions were released under the GPLv3.
+yt is `licensed <http://blog.yt-project.org/post/Relicensing.html>`_ under the
+BSD 3-clause license.  Versions previous to yt-2.6 were released under the GPLv3.
 All contributed code must be BSD-compatible.  If you'd rather not license in
 this manner, but still want to contribute, please consider creating an external
 package, which we'll happily link to.
-.. _requirements-for-code-submission:
-Requirements for Code Submission
-Modifications to the code typically fall into one of three categories, each of
-which have different requirements for acceptance into the code base.  These
-requirements are in place for a few reasons -- to make sure that the code is
-maintainable, testable, and that we can easily include information about
-changes in changelogs during the release procedure.  (See `YTEP-0008
-<https://ytep.readthedocs.org/en/latest/YTEPs/YTEP-0008.html>`_ for more
-* New Features
-  * New unit tests (possibly new answer tests) (See :ref:`testing`)
-  * Docstrings in the source code for the public API
-  * Addition of new feature to the narrative documentation (See :ref:`writing_documentation`)
-  * Addition of cookbook recipe (See :ref:`writing_documentation`) 
-  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
-* Extension or Breakage of API in Existing Features
-  * Update existing narrative docs and docstrings (See :ref:`writing_documentation`) 
-  * Update existing cookbook recipes (See :ref:`writing_documentation`) 
-  * Modify of create new unit tests (See :ref:`testing`)
-  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
-* Bug fixes
-  * Unit test is encouraged, to ensure breakage does not happen again in the
-    future. (See :ref:`testing`)
-  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
-When submitting, you will be asked to make sure that your changes meet all of
-these requirements.  They are pretty easy to meet, and we're also happy to help
-out with them.  In :ref:`code-style-guide` there is a list of handy tips for
-how to structure and write your code.
-.. _mercurial-with-yt:
-How to Use Mercurial with yt
-If you're new to Mercurial, these three resources are pretty great for learning
-the ins and outs:
-* http://hginit.com/
-* http://hgbook.red-bean.com/read/
-* http://mercurial-scm.org/
-* http://mercurial-scm.org/wiki
-The commands that are essential for using mercurial include:
-* ``hg commit`` which commits changes in the working directory to the
-  repository, creating a new "changeset object."
-* ``hg add`` which adds a new file to be tracked by mercurial.  This does
-  not change the working directory.
-* ``hg pull`` which pulls (from an optional path specifier) changeset
-  objects from a remote source.  The working directory is not modified.
-* ``hg push`` which sends (to an optional path specifier) changeset objects
-  to a remote source.  The working directory is not modified.
-* ``hg log`` which shows a log of all changeset objects in the current
-  repository.  Use ``-G`` to show a graph of changeset objects and their
-  relationship.
-* ``hg update`` which (with an optional "revision" specifier) updates the
-  state of the working directory to match a changeset object in the
-  repository.
-* ``hg merge`` which combines two changesets to make a union of their lines
-  of development.  This updates the working directory.
-* ``hg help`` which provides help for any mercurial command. For example, you
-  can learn more about the ``log`` command by doing ``hg help log``. Other useful
-  topics to use with ``hg help`` are ``hg help glossary``, ``hg help config``, 
-  ``hg help extensions``, and ``hg help revsets``.
-We are happy to asnswers questions about mercurial use on our IRC or slack
-channels or on the mailing list to walk you through any troubles you might have.
-Here are some general suggestions for using mercurial with yt:
-* Named branches are to be avoided.  Try using bookmarks (``hg bookmark``) to
-  track work.  (`More <http://mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Bookmarks>`_)
-* Make sure you set a username in your ``~/.hgrc`` before you commit any
-  changes!  All of the tutorials above will describe how to do this as one of
-  the very first steps.
-* When contributing changes, you might be asked to make a handful of
-  modifications to your source code.  We'll work through how to do this with
-  you, and try to make it as painless as possible.
-* Please avoid deleting your yt forks, as that eliminates the code review
-  process from BitBucket's website.
-* In all likelihood, you only need one fork.  To keep it in sync, you can
-  sync from the website.  (See Bitbucket's `Blog Post
-  <https://blog.bitbucket.org/2013/02/04/syncing-and-merging-come-to-bitbucket/>`_
-  about this.)
-* If you run into any troubles, stop by IRC (see :ref:`irc`) or the mailing
-  list.
-.. _building-yt:
-Building yt
-If you have made changes to any C or Cython (``.pyx``) modules, you have to
-rebuild yt.  If your changes have exclusively been to Python modules, you will
-not need to re-build, but (see below) you may need to re-install.  
-If you are running from a clone that is executable in-place (i.e., has been
-installed via the installation script or you have run ``setup.py develop``) you
-can rebuild these modules by executing:
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ python2.7 setup.py develop
-If you have previously "installed" via ``setup.py install`` you have to
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ python2.7 setup.py install
-Only one of these two options is needed.
-.. _windows-developing:
-Developing yt on Windows
-If you plan to develop yt on Windows, it is necessary to use the `MinGW
-<http://www.mingw.org/>`_ gcc compiler that can be installed using the `Anaconda
-Python Distribution <https://store.continuum.io/cshop/anaconda/>`_. The libpython package must be
-installed from Anaconda as well. These can both be installed with a single command:
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ conda install libpython mingw
-Additionally, the syntax for the setup command is slightly different; you must type:
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ python2.7 setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 develop
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ python2.7 setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 install
-.. _sharing-changes:
-Making and Sharing Changes
-The simplest way to submit changes to yt is to do the following:
-* Build yt from the mercurial repository
-* Navigate to the root of the yt repository 
-* Make some changes and commit them
-* Fork the `yt repository on BitBucket <https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt>`_
-* Push the changesets to your fork
-* Issue a pull request.
-Here's a more detailed flowchart of how to submit changes.
-#. If you have used the installation script, the source code for yt can be
-   found in ``$YT_DEST/src/yt-hg``.  Alternatively see
-   :ref:`source-installation` for instructions on how to build yt from the
-   mercurial repository. (Below, in :ref:`reading-source`, we describe how to
-   find items of interest.)  
-#. Edit the source file you are interested in and
-   test your changes.  (See :ref:`testing` for more information.)
-#. Fork yt on BitBucket.  (This step only has to be done once.)  You can do
-   this at: https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/fork.  Call this repository
-   yt.
-#. Commit these changes, using ``hg commit``.  This can take an argument
-   which is a series of filenames, if you have some changes you do not want
-   to commit.
-#. Remember that this is a large development effort and to keep the code 
-   accessible to everyone, good documentation is a must.  Add in source code 
-   comments for what you are doing.  Add in docstrings
-   if you are adding a new function or class or keyword to a function.  
-   Add documentation to the appropriate section of the online docs so that
-   people other than yourself know how to use your new code.  
-#. If your changes include new functionality or cover an untested area of the
-   code, add a test.  (See :ref:`testing` for more information.)  Commit
-   these changes as well.
-#. Push your changes to your new fork using the command::
-      hg push -r . https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/
-   If you end up doing considerable development, you can set an alias in the
-   file ``.hg/hgrc`` to point to this path.
-   .. note::
-     Note that the above approach uses HTTPS as the transfer protocol
-     between your machine and BitBucket.  If you prefer to use SSH - or
-     perhaps you're behind a proxy that doesn't play well with SSL via
-     HTTPS - you may want to set up an `SSH key`_ on BitBucket.  Then, you use
-     the syntax ``ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt``, or equivalent, in
-     place of ``https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt`` in Mercurial commands.
-     For consistency, all commands we list in this document will use the HTTPS
-     protocol.
-     .. _SSH key: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Set+up+SSH+for+Mercurial
-#. Issue a pull request at
-   https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/pull-request/new
-   A pull request is essentially just asking people to review and accept the 
-   modifications you have made to your personal version of the code.
-During the course of your pull request you may be asked to make changes.  These
-changes may be related to style issues, correctness issues, or even requesting
-tests.  The process for responding to pull request code review is relatively
-#. Make requested changes, or leave a comment indicating why you don't think
-   they should be made.
-#. Commit those changes to your local repository.
-#. Push the changes to your fork:
-      hg push https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/
-#. Your pull request will be automatically updated.
-.. _multiple-PRs:
-Working with Multiple BitBucket Pull Requests
-Once you become active developing for yt, you may be working on
-various aspects of the code or bugfixes at the same time.  Currently,
-BitBucket's *modus operandi* for pull requests automatically updates
-your active pull request with every ``hg push`` of commits that are a
-descendant of the head of your pull request.  In a normal workflow,
-this means that if you have an active pull request, make some changes
-locally for, say, an unrelated bugfix, then push those changes back to
-your fork in the hopes of creating a *new* pull request, you'll
-actually end up updating your current pull request!
-There are a few ways around this feature of BitBucket that will allow
-for multiple pull requests to coexist; we outline one such method
-below.  We assume that you have a fork of yt at
-``http://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt`` (see
-:ref:`sharing-changes` for instructions on creating a fork) and that
-you have an active pull request to the main repository.
-The main issue with starting another pull request is to make sure that
-your push to BitBucket doesn't go to the same head as your
-existing pull request and trigger BitBucket's auto-update feature.
-Here's how to get your local repository away from your current pull
-request head using `revsets <http://www.selenic.com/hg/help/revsets>`_
-and your ``hgrc`` file:
-#. Set up a Mercurial path for the main yt repository (note this is a convenience
-   step and only needs to be done once).  Add the following to your
-   ``Your_yt/.hg/hgrc``::
-     [paths]
-     upstream = https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt
-   This will create a path called ``upstream`` that is aliased to the URL of the
-   main yt repository.
-#. Now we'll use revsets_ to update your local repository to the tip of the
-   ``upstream`` path:
-   .. code-block:: bash
-      $ hg pull upstream
-      $ hg update -r "remote(yt, 'upstream')"
-After the above steps, your local repository should be at the current head of
-the ``yt`` branch in the main yt repository.  If you find yourself doing this a
-lot, it may be worth aliasing this task in your ``hgrc`` file by adding
-something like::
-  [alias]
-  ytupdate = update -r "remote(yt, 'upstream')"
-And then you can just issue ``hg ytupdate`` to get at the current head of the
-``yt`` branch on main yt repository.
-Make sure you are on the branch you want to be on, and then you can make changes
-and ``hg commit`` them.  If you prefer working with `bookmarks
-<http://mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Bookmarks>`_, you may want to make a bookmark
-before committing your changes, such as ``hg bookmark mybookmark``.
-To push to your fork on BitBucket if you didn't use a bookmark, you issue the following:
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ hg push -r . -f https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt
-The ``-r .`` means "push only the commit I'm standing on and any ancestors."  The
-``-f`` is to force Mecurial to do the push since we are creating a new remote head.
-Note that if you *did* use a bookmark, you don't have to force the push, but you do
-need to push the bookmark; in other words do the following instead of the above:
-.. code-block:: bash
-   $ hg push -B mybookmark https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt
-The ``-B`` means "publish my bookmark and any relevant changesets to the remote server."
-You can then go to the BitBucket interface and issue a new pull request based on
-your last changes, as usual.
 How To Get The Source Code For Editing
 yt is hosted on BitBucket, and you can see all of the yt repositories at
 http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/.  With the yt installation script you should have a
@@ -647,13 +327,13 @@
 .. _reading-source:
 How To Read The Source Code
 If you just want to *look* at the source code, you may already have it on your
 computer.  If you build yt using the install script, the source is available at
 ``$YT_DEST/src/yt-hg``.  See :ref:`source-installation` for more details about
 to obtain the yt source code if you did not build yt using the install
 The root directory of the yt mercurial repository contains a number of
 subdirectories with different components of the code.  Most of the yt source
@@ -675,7 +355,7 @@
    This is where all of the derived fields that ship with yt are defined.
    This is where geometric helpler routines are defined. Handlers
    for grid and oct data, as well as helpers for coordinate transformations
    can be found here.
@@ -705,7 +385,7 @@
    All broadly useful code that doesn't clearly fit in one of the other
    categories goes here.
    Bundled external modules (i.e. code that was not written by one of
    the yt authors but that yt depends on) lives here.
@@ -727,20 +407,334 @@
 This can be very useful for tracking down functions in the yt source.
+.. _building-yt:
-When adding new features or fixing bugs, please make sure that you add
-tests. When fixing bugs, this ensures the bug cannot reappear in the future, and
-also helps if we want to make major changes to yt internals. 
+Building yt
-To learn more details about yt tests, see `the yt testing guide
+If you have made changes to any C or Cython (``.pyx``) modules, you have to
+rebuild yt.  If your changes have exclusively been to Python modules, you will
+not need to re-build, but (see below) you may need to re-install.
+If you are running from a clone that is executable in-place (i.e., has been
+installed via the installation script or you have run ``setup.py develop``) you
+can rebuild these modules by executing:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ python2.7 setup.py develop
+If you have previously "installed" via ``setup.py install`` you have to
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ python2.7 setup.py install
+Only one of these two options is needed.
+.. _windows-developing:
+Developing yt on Windows
+If you plan to develop yt on Windows, it is necessary to use the `MinGW
+<http://www.mingw.org/>`_ gcc compiler that can be installed using the `Anaconda
+Python Distribution <https://store.continuum.io/cshop/anaconda/>`_. The libpython package must be
+installed from Anaconda as well. These can both be installed with a single command:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ conda install libpython mingw
+Additionally, the syntax for the setup command is slightly different; you must type:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ python2.7 setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 develop
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ python2.7 setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 install
+.. _requirements-for-code-submission:
+Requirements for Code Submission
+Modifications to the code typically fall into one of three categories, each of
+which have different requirements for acceptance into the code base.  These
+requirements are in place for a few reasons -- to make sure that the code is
+maintainable, testable, and that we can easily include information about
+changes in changelogs during the release procedure.  (See `YTEP-0008
+<https://ytep.readthedocs.org/en/latest/YTEPs/YTEP-0008.html>`_ for more
+* New Features
+  * New unit tests (possibly new answer tests) (See :ref:`testing`)
+  * Docstrings in the source code for the public API
+  * Addition of new feature to the narrative documentation (See :ref:`writing_documentation`)
+  * Addition of cookbook recipe (See :ref:`writing_documentation`)
+  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
+* Extension or Breakage of API in Existing Features
+  * Update existing narrative docs and docstrings (See :ref:`writing_documentation`)
+  * Update existing cookbook recipes (See :ref:`writing_documentation`)
+  * Modify of create new unit tests (See :ref:`testing`)
+  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
+* Bug fixes
+  * Unit test is encouraged, to ensure breakage does not happen again in the
+    future. (See :ref:`testing`)
+  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
+When submitting, you will be asked to make sure that your changes meet all of
+these requirements.  They are pretty easy to meet, and we're also happy to help
+out with them.  In :ref:`code-style-guide` there is a list of handy tips for
+how to structure and write your code.
+.. _mercurial-with-yt:
+How to Use Mercurial with yt
+If you're new to Mercurial, these three resources are pretty great for learning
+the ins and outs:
+* http://hginit.com/
+* http://hgbook.red-bean.com/read/
+* http://mercurial-scm.org/
+* http://mercurial-scm.org/wiki
+The commands that are essential for using mercurial include:
+* ``hg help`` which provides help for any mercurial command. For example, you
+  can learn more about the ``log`` command by doing ``hg help log``. Other useful
+  topics to use with ``hg help`` are ``hg help glossary``, ``hg help config``,
+  ``hg help extensions``, and ``hg help revsets``.
+* ``hg commit`` which commits changes in the working directory to the
+  repository, creating a new "changeset object."
+* ``hg add`` which adds a new file to be tracked by mercurial.  This does
+  not change the working directory.
+* ``hg pull`` which pulls (from an optional path specifier) changeset
+  objects from a remote source.  The working directory is not modified.
+* ``hg push`` which sends (to an optional path specifier) changeset objects
+  to a remote source.  The working directory is not modified.
+* ``hg log`` which shows a log of all changeset objects in the current
+  repository.  Use ``-G`` to show a graph of changeset objects and their
+  relationship.
+* ``hg update`` which (with an optional "revision" specifier) updates the
+  state of the working directory to match a changeset object in the
+  repository.
+* ``hg merge`` which combines two changesets to make a union of their lines
+  of development.  This updates the working directory.
+We are happy to asnswers questions about mercurial use on our IRC, slack
+chat or on the mailing list to walk you through any troubles you might have.
+Here are some general suggestions for using mercurial with yt:
+* Named branches are to be avoided.  Try using bookmarks (``see hg help
+  bookmark``) to track work.  (`More info about bookmarks is available on the
+  mercurial wiki <http://mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Bookmarks>`_)
+* Make sure you set a username in your ``~/.hgrc`` before you commit any
+  changes!  All of the tutorials above will describe how to do this as one of
+  the very first steps.
+* When contributing changes, you might be asked to make a handful of
+  modifications to your source code.  We'll work through how to do this with
+  you, and try to make it as painless as possible.
+* Your test may fail automated style checks. See :ref:`code-style-guide` for
+  more information about automatically verifying your code style.
+* Please avoid deleting your yt forks, as that deletes the pull request
+  discussion from process from BitBucket's website, even if your pull request
+  is merged.
+* You should only need one fork.  To keep it in sync, you can sync from the
+  website. See Bitbucket's `Blog Post
+  <https://blog.bitbucket.org/2013/02/04/syncing-and-merging-come-to-bitbucket/>`_
+  about this. See :ref:`sharing-changes` for a description of the basic workflow
+  and :ref:`multiple-PRs` for a discussion about what to do when you want to
+  have multiple open pull requests at the same time.
+* If you run into any troubles, stop by IRC (see :ref:`irc`) or the mailing
+  list.
+.. _sharing-changes:
+Making and Sharing Changes
+The simplest way to submit changes to yt is to do the following:
+* Build yt from the mercurial repository
+* Navigate to the root of the yt repository
+* Make some changes and commit them
+* Fork the `yt repository on BitBucket <https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt>`_
+* Push the changesets to your fork
+* Issue a pull request.
+Here's a more detailed flowchart of how to submit changes.
+#. If you have used the installation script, the source code for yt can be
+   found in ``$YT_DEST/src/yt-hg``.  Alternatively see
+   :ref:`source-installation` for instructions on how to build yt from the
+   mercurial repository. (Below, in :ref:`reading-source`, we describe how to
+   find items of interest.)
+#. Edit the source file you are interested in and
+   test your changes.  (See :ref:`testing` for more information.)
+#. Fork yt on BitBucket.  (This step only has to be done once.)  You can do
+   this at: https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/fork.  Call this repository
+   yt.
+#. Create a bookmark to track your work. For example: ``hg bookmark
+   my-first-pull-request``
+#. Commit these changes, using ``hg commit``.  This can take an argument
+   which is a series of filenames, if you have some changes you do not want
+   to commit.
+#. Remember that this is a large development effort and to keep the code
+   accessible to everyone, good documentation is a must.  Add in source code
+   comments for what you are doing.  Add in docstrings
+   if you are adding a new function or class or keyword to a function.
+   Add documentation to the appropriate section of the online docs so that
+   people other than yourself know how to use your new code.
+#. If your changes include new functionality or cover an untested area of the
+   code, add a test.  (See :ref:`testing` for more information.)  Commit
+   these changes as well.
+#. Push your changes to your new fork using the command::
+      hg push -B my-first-pull-request https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/
+   Where you should substitute the name of the bookmark you are working on for
+   ``my-first-pull-request``. If you end up doing considerable development, you
+   can set an alias in the file ``.hg/hgrc`` to point to this path.
+   .. note::
+     Note that the above approach uses HTTPS as the transfer protocol
+     between your machine and BitBucket.  If you prefer to use SSH - or
+     perhaps you're behind a proxy that doesn't play well with SSL via
+     HTTPS - you may want to set up an `SSH key`_ on BitBucket.  Then, you use
+     the syntax ``ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt``, or equivalent, in
+     place of ``https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt`` in Mercurial commands.
+     For consistency, all commands we list in this document will use the HTTPS
+     protocol.
+     .. _SSH key: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Set+up+SSH+for+Mercurial
+#. Issue a pull request at
+   https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/pull-request/new
+   A pull request is essentially just asking people to review and accept the
+   modifications you have made to your personal version of the code.
+During the course of your pull request you may be asked to make changes.  These
+changes may be related to style issues, correctness issues, or even requesting
+tests.  The process for responding to pull request code review is relatively
+#. Make requested changes, or leave a comment indicating why you don't think
+   they should be made.
+#. Commit those changes to your local repository.
+#. Push the changes to your fork:
+      hg push https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/
+#. Your pull request will be automatically updated.
+.. _multiple-PRs:
+Working with Multiple BitBucket Pull Requests
+Once you become active developing for yt, you may be working on
+various aspects of the code or bugfixes at the same time.  Currently,
+BitBucket's *modus operandi* for pull requests automatically updates
+your active pull request with every ``hg push`` of commits that are a
+descendant of the head of your pull request.  In a normal workflow,
+this means that if you have an active pull request, make some changes
+locally for, say, an unrelated bugfix, then push those changes back to
+your fork in the hopes of creating a *new* pull request, you'll
+actually end up updating your current pull request!
+There are a few ways around this feature of BitBucket that will allow
+for multiple pull requests to coexist; we outline one such method
+below.  We assume that you have a fork of yt at
+``http://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt`` (see
+:ref:`sharing-changes` for instructions on creating a fork) and that
+you have an active pull request to the main repository.
+The main issue with starting another pull request is to make sure that
+your push to BitBucket doesn't go to the same head as your
+existing pull request and trigger BitBucket's auto-update feature.
+Here's how to get your local repository away from your current pull
+request head using `revsets <http://www.selenic.com/hg/help/revsets>`_
+and your ``hgrc`` file:
+#. Set up a Mercurial path for the main yt repository (note this is a convenience
+   step and only needs to be done once).  Add the following to your
+   ``Your_yt/.hg/hgrc``::
+     [paths]
+     upstream = https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt
+   This will create a path called ``upstream`` that is aliased to the URL of the
+   main yt repository.
+#. Now we'll use revsets_ to update your local repository to the tip of the
+   ``upstream`` path:
+   .. code-block:: bash
+      $ hg pull upstream
+      $ hg update -r "remote(yt, 'upstream')"
+After the above steps, your local repository should be at the current head of
+the ``yt`` branch in the main yt repository.  If you find yourself doing this a
+lot, it may be worth aliasing this task in your ``hgrc`` file by adding
+something like::
+  [alias]
+  ytupdate = update -r "remote(yt, 'upstream')"
+And then you can just issue ``hg ytupdate`` to get at the current head of the
+``yt`` branch on main yt repository.
+Make sure you are on the branch you want to be on, and then you can make changes
+and ``hg commit`` them.  If you prefer working with `bookmarks
+<http://mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Bookmarks>`_, you may want to make a bookmark
+before committing your changes, such as ``hg bookmark mybookmark``.
+To push your changes on a bookmark to bitbucket, you can issue the following
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ hg push -B myfeature https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt
+The ``-B`` means "publish my bookmark, the changeset the bookmark is pointing
+at, and any ancestors of that changeset that aren't already on the remote
+To push to your fork on BitBucket if you didn't use a bookmark, you issue the
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ hg push -r . -f https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt
+The ``-r .`` means "push only the commit I'm standing on and any ancestors."
+The ``-f`` is to force Mecurial to do the push since we are creating a new
+remote head without a bookmark.
+You can then go to the BitBucket interface and issue a new pull request based on
+your last changes, as usual.
 .. _code-style-guide:
-Style Guide for Coding in yt
+Coding Style Guide
+Automatically checking code style
 Below are a list of rules for coding style in yt. Some of these rules are
 suggestions are not explicitly enforced, while some are enforced via automated
@@ -758,13 +752,15 @@
     $ flake8 ./yt
 This will print out any ``flake8`` errors or warnings that your newly added code
-triggers. The errors in your newly added code because we have already cleaned up
-the yt codebase. Note that this will only trigger a subset of the full
-``flake8`` error and warning list, since we explicitly blacklist a large number
-of the full list of rules that are checked by ``flake8`` by default.
+triggers. The errors will be in your newly added code because we have already
+cleaned up the rest of the yt codebase of the errors and warnings detected by
+the `flake8` tool. Note that this will only trigger a subset of the `full flake8
+error and warning list<http://flake8.readthedocs.org/en/latest/warnings.html>`_,
+since we explicitly blacklist a large number of the full list of rules that are
+checked by ``flake8`` by default.
-Coding Style Guide
+Source code style guide
  * In general, follow PEP-8 guidelines.
@@ -805,8 +801,8 @@
  * Add tests for new functionality. When fixing a bug, consider adding a test to
    prevent the bug from recurring.
-API Guide
+API Style Guide
  * Do not use ``from some_module import *``
  * Internally, only import from source files directly -- instead of:
@@ -921,7 +917,7 @@
     These are written in doctest format, and should illustrate how to
     use the function.  Use the variables 'ds' for the dataset, 'pc' for
-    a plot collection, 'c' for a center, and 'L' for a vector. 
+    a plot collection, 'c' for a center, and 'L' for a vector.
     >>> a=[1,2,3]
     >>> print [x + 3 for x in a]
@@ -932,7 +928,6 @@
 Variable Names and Enzo-isms
 Avoid Enzo-isms.  This includes but is not limited to:
@@ -959,4 +954,3 @@
  * Variable names should be short but descriptive.
  * No globals!

diff -r 8ed1165917d7a1ca16d011e7b05f4e5bc7a28506 -r ddee190fe850bbb6212683091e687c8a6e89f9ff doc/source/reference/changelog.rst
--- a/doc/source/reference/changelog.rst
+++ b/doc/source/reference/changelog.rst
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@
  * libconfig is now included
  * SQLite3 and Forthon now included by default in the install script
  * Development guide has been lengthened substantially and a development
-   bootstrap script (:ref:`bootstrap-dev`) is now included.
+   bootstrap script is now included.
  * Installation script now installs Python 2.7 and HDF5 1.8.6
  * iyt now tab-completes field names
  * Halos can now be stored on-disk much more easily between HaloFinding runs.

Changeset:   32e3c2c88c1a
Branch:      yt
User:        ngoldbaum
Date:        2015-11-21 04:22:19+00:00
Summary:     Break up long line
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r ddee190fe850bbb6212683091e687c8a6e89f9ff -r 32e3c2c88c1a10ea99510dcb82d7c3903a692467 CONTRIBUTING
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@
    a much lower-traffic mailing list designed to focus on discussions of
    improvements to the code, ideas about planning, development issues, and so
- * Many yt developers participate in the yt Slack community. Slack is a free chat   service that many teams use to organize development. You can get an
+ * Many yt developers participate in the yt Slack community. Slack is a free 
+   chat service that many teams use to organize development. You can get an
    invite to yt's Slack organization by clicking the "Join us @ Slack" button
    on this page: http://yt-project.org/community.html
  * `yt-svn <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-svn-spacepope.org>`_ is

Changeset:   9eaf54810bd4
Branch:      yt
User:        ngoldbaum
Date:        2015-11-21 04:48:06+00:00
Summary:     Adding sample issue searches
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 32e3c2c88c1a10ea99510dcb82d7c3903a692467 -r 9eaf54810bd4d8c8c1167d835162a81a3f4ce373 CONTRIBUTING
@@ -246,6 +246,12 @@
 "moderate" are actually easier than their milestone label indicates since that
 is the default value.
+Here are some predefined issue searches that might be useful:
+* Unresolved issues `marked "easy" <https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/issues?milestone=easy&status=open&status=new>`_.
+* Unresolved issues `marked "easy" or "moderate" <https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/issues?milestone=easy&milestone=moderate&status=open&status=new>`_
+* `All unresolved issues <https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/issues?status=open&status=new>`_
 Submitting Changes

Changeset:   c8987be5e1e2
Branch:      yt
User:        ngoldbaum
Date:        2015-11-23 18:53:54+00:00
Summary:     Fixing link formatting.
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 9eaf54810bd4d8c8c1167d835162a81a3f4ce373 -r c8987be5e1e249812640e474363cea5894b18685 CONTRIBUTING
@@ -762,9 +762,10 @@
 triggers. The errors will be in your newly added code because we have already
 cleaned up the rest of the yt codebase of the errors and warnings detected by
 the `flake8` tool. Note that this will only trigger a subset of the `full flake8
-error and warning list<http://flake8.readthedocs.org/en/latest/warnings.html>`_,
-since we explicitly blacklist a large number of the full list of rules that are
-checked by ``flake8`` by default.
+error and warning list
+<http://flake8.readthedocs.org/en/latest/warnings.html>`_, since we explicitly
+blacklist a large number of the full list of rules that are checked by
+``flake8`` by default.
 Source code style guide

Changeset:   46d68d42bf02
Branch:      yt
User:        ngoldbaum
Date:        2015-11-23 18:58:26+00:00
Summary:     Correcting number of communication channels
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r c8987be5e1e249812640e474363cea5894b18685 -r 46d68d42bf02fcd336aa5db0f9ea964b1099648a CONTRIBUTING
@@ -16,12 +16,16 @@
 Communication Channels
-There are four main communication channels for yt:
+There are five main communication channels for yt:
  * We have an IRC channel, on ``irc.freenode.net`` in ``#yt``.
    You can connect through our web
    gateway without any special client, at http://yt-project.org/irc.html .
    *IRC is the first stop for conversation!*
+ * Many yt developers participate in the yt Slack community. Slack is a free 
+   chat service that many teams use to organize their work. You can get an
+   invite to yt's Slack organization by clicking the "Join us @ Slack" button
+   on this page: http://yt-project.org/community.html
  * `yt-users <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-users-spacepope.org>`_
    is a relatively high-traffic mailing list where people are encouraged to ask
    questions about the code, figure things out and so on.
@@ -29,10 +33,6 @@
    a much lower-traffic mailing list designed to focus on discussions of
    improvements to the code, ideas about planning, development issues, and so
- * Many yt developers participate in the yt Slack community. Slack is a free 
-   chat service that many teams use to organize development. You can get an
-   invite to yt's Slack organization by clicking the "Join us @ Slack" button
-   on this page: http://yt-project.org/community.html
  * `yt-svn <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-svn-spacepope.org>`_ is
    the (now-inaccurately titled) mailing list where all pushes to the primary
    repository are sent.

Changeset:   bf6e64cbf700
Branch:      yt
User:        ngoldbaum
Date:        2015-11-23 19:28:40+00:00
Summary:     Making the contributing file an rst file
Affected #:  3 files

diff -r 46d68d42bf02fcd336aa5db0f9ea964b1099648a -r bf6e64cbf7006f9e20136bd440bad66372cf26b0 CONTRIBUTING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,964 +0,0 @@
-.. This document is rendered in HTML with cross-reference links filled in at
-   http://yt-project.org/doc/developing/
-.. _getting-involved:
-Getting Involved
-There are *lots* of ways to get involved with yt, as a community and as a
-technical system -- not all of them just contributing code, but also
-participating in the community, helping us with designing the websites, adding
-documentation, and sharing your scripts with others.
-Coding is only one way to be involved!
-Communication Channels
-There are five main communication channels for yt:
- * We have an IRC channel, on ``irc.freenode.net`` in ``#yt``.
-   You can connect through our web
-   gateway without any special client, at http://yt-project.org/irc.html .
-   *IRC is the first stop for conversation!*
- * Many yt developers participate in the yt Slack community. Slack is a free 
-   chat service that many teams use to organize their work. You can get an
-   invite to yt's Slack organization by clicking the "Join us @ Slack" button
-   on this page: http://yt-project.org/community.html
- * `yt-users <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-users-spacepope.org>`_
-   is a relatively high-traffic mailing list where people are encouraged to ask
-   questions about the code, figure things out and so on.
- * `yt-dev <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org>`_ is
-   a much lower-traffic mailing list designed to focus on discussions of
-   improvements to the code, ideas about planning, development issues, and so
-   on.
- * `yt-svn <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-svn-spacepope.org>`_ is
-   the (now-inaccurately titled) mailing list where all pushes to the primary
-   repository are sent.
-The easiest way to get involved with yt is to read the mailing lists, hang out
-in IRC or slack chat, and participate.  If someone asks a question you know the
-answer to (or have your own question about!) write back and answer it.
-If you have an idea about something, suggest it!  We not only welcome
-participation, we encourage it.
-The yt documentation is constantly being updated, and it is a task we would very
-much appreciate assistance with.  Whether that is adding a section, updating an
-outdated section, contributing typo or grammatical fixes, adding a FAQ, or
-increasing coverage of functionality, it would be very helpful if you wanted to
-help out.
-The easiest way to help out is to fork the main yt repository (where the
-documentation lives in the ``doc`` directory in the root of the yt mercurial
-repository) and then make your changes in your own fork.  When you are done,
-issue a pull request through the website for your new fork, and we can comment
-back and forth and eventually accept your changes. See :ref:`sharing-changes` for
-more information about contributing your changes to yt on bitbucket.
-Gallery Images and Videos
-If you have an image or video you'd like to display in the image or video
-galleries, getting it included it easy!  You can either fork the `yt homepage
-repository <http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/website>`_ and add it there, or
-email it to us and we'll add it to the `Gallery
-We're eager to show off the images and movies you make with yt, so please feel
-free to drop `us <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org>`_
-a line and let us know if you've got something great!
-Technical Contributions
-Contributing code is another excellent way to participate -- whether it's
-bug fixes, new features, analysis modules, or a new code frontend.  See
-:ref:`creating_frontend` for more details.
-The process is pretty simple: fork on BitBucket, make changes, issue a pull
-request.  We can then go back and forth with comments in the pull request, but
-usually we end up accepting.
-For more information, see :ref:`contributing-code`, where we spell out how to
-get up and running with a development environment, how to commit, and how to
-use BitBucket.
-Online Presence
-Some of these fall under the other items, but if you'd like to help out with
-the website or any of the other ways yt is presented online, please feel free!
-Almost everything is kept in hg repositories on BitBucket, and it is very easy
-to fork and contribute back changes.
-Please feel free to dig in and contribute changes.
-Word of Mouth
-If you're using yt and it has increased your productivity, please feel
-encouraged to share that information.  Cite our `paper
-<http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011ApJS..192....9T>`_, tell your colleagues,
-and just spread word of mouth.  By telling people about your successes, you'll
-help bring more eyes and hands to the table -- in this manner, by increasing
-participation, collaboration, and simply spreading the limits of what the code
-is asked to do, we hope to help scale the utility and capability of yt with the
-community size.
-Feel free to `blog <http://blog.yt-project.org/>`_ about, `tweet
-<http://twitter.com/yt_astro>`_ about and talk about what you are up to!
-Long-Term Projects
-There are some wild-eyed, out-there ideas that have been bandied about for the
-future directions of yt -- some of them even written into the mission
-statement.  The ultimate goal is to move past simple analysis and visualization
-of data and begin to approach it from the other side, of generating data,
-running solvers.  We also hope to increase its ability to act as an in situ
-analysis code, by presenting a unified protocol.  Other projects include
-interfacing with ParaView and VisIt, creating a web GUI for running
-simulations, creating a run-tracker that follows simulations in progress, a
-federated database for simulation outputs, and so on and so forth.
-yt is an ambitious project.  Let's be ambitious together.
-yt Community Code of Conduct
-The community of participants in open source
-Scientific projects is made up of members from around the
-globe with a diverse set of skills, personalities, and
-experiences. It is through these differences that our
-community experiences success and continued growth. We
-expect everyone in our community to follow these guidelines
-when interacting with others both inside and outside of our
-community. Our goal is to keep ours a positive, inclusive,
-successful, and growing community.
-As members of the community,
-- We pledge to treat all people with respect and
-  provide a harassment- and bullying-free environment,
-  regardless of sex, sexual orientation and/or gender
-  identity, disability, physical appearance, body size,
-  race, nationality, ethnicity, and religion. In
-  particular, sexual language and imagery, sexist,
-  racist, or otherwise exclusionary jokes are not
-  appropriate.
-- We pledge to respect the work of others by
-  recognizing acknowledgment/citation requests of
-  original authors. As authors, we pledge to be explicit
-  about how we want our own work to be cited or
-  acknowledged.
-- We pledge to welcome those interested in joining the
-  community, and realize that including people with a
-  variety of opinions and backgrounds will only serve to
-  enrich our community. In particular, discussions
-  relating to pros/cons of various technologies,
-  programming languages, and so on are welcome, but
-  these should be done with respect, taking proactive
-  measure to ensure that all participants are heard and
-  feel confident that they can freely express their
-  opinions.
-- We pledge to welcome questions and answer them
-  respectfully, paying particular attention to those new
-  to the community. We pledge to provide respectful
-  criticisms and feedback in forums, especially in
-  discussion threads resulting from code
-  contributions.
-- We pledge to be conscientious of the perceptions of
-  the wider community and to respond to criticism
-  respectfully. We will strive to model behaviors that
-  encourage productive debate and disagreement, both
-  within our community and where we are criticized. We
-  will treat those outside our community with the same
-  respect as people within our community.
-- We pledge to help the entire community follow the
-  code of conduct, and to not remain silent when we see
-  violations of the code of conduct. We will take action
-  when members of our community violate this code such as
-  contacting confidential at yt-project.org (all emails sent to
-  this address will be treated with the strictest
-  confidence) or talking privately with the person.
-This code of conduct applies to all
-community situations online and offline, including mailing
-lists, forums, social media, conferences, meetings,
-associated social events, and one-to-one interactions.
-The yt Community Code of Conduct was adapted from the
-`Astropy Community Code of Conduct
-which was partially inspired by the PSF code of conduct.
-.. _contributing-code:
-How to Develop yt
-yt is a community project!
-We are very happy to accept patches, features, and bugfixes from any member of
-the community!  yt is developed using mercurial, primarily because it enables
-very easy and straightforward submission of changesets.  We're eager to hear
-from you, and if you are developing yt, we encourage you to subscribe to the
-`developer mailing list
-<http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org>`_. Please feel
-free to hack around, commit changes, and send them upstream.
-.. note:: If you already know how to use the `mercurial version control system
-   <http://mercurial-scm.org>`_ and are comfortable with handling it yourself,
-   the quickest way to contribute to yt is to `fork us on BitBucket
-   <http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/fork>`_, make your changes, push the
-   changes to your fork and issue a `pull request
-   <http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/pull-requests>`_.  The rest of this
-   document is just an explanation of how to do that.
-See :ref:`code-style-guide` for more information about coding style in yt and
-:ref:`docstrings` for an example docstring.  Please read them before hacking on
-the codebase, and feel free to email any of the mailing lists for help with the
-Keep in touch, and happy hacking!
-.. _open-issues:
-Open Issues
-If you're interested in participating in yt development, take a look at the
-`issue tracker on bitbucket
-Issues are marked with a milestone of "easy", "moderate", or "difficult"
-depending on the estimated level of difficulty for fixing the issue. While we
-try to triage the issue tracker regularly, it may be the case that issues marked
-"moderate" are actually easier than their milestone label indicates since that
-is the default value.
-Here are some predefined issue searches that might be useful:
-* Unresolved issues `marked "easy" <https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/issues?milestone=easy&status=open&status=new>`_.
-* Unresolved issues `marked "easy" or "moderate" <https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/issues?milestone=easy&milestone=moderate&status=open&status=new>`_
-* `All unresolved issues <https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/issues?status=open&status=new>`_
-Submitting Changes
-We provide a brief introduction to submitting changes here.  yt thrives on the
-strength of its communities (http://arxiv.org/abs/1301.7064 has further
-discussion) and we encourage contributions from any user.  While we do not
-discuss version control, mercurial or the advanced usage of BitBucket in detail
-here, we do provide an outline of how to submit changes and we are happy to
-provide further assistance or guidance.
-yt is `licensed <http://blog.yt-project.org/post/Relicensing.html>`_ under the
-BSD 3-clause license.  Versions previous to yt-2.6 were released under the GPLv3.
-All contributed code must be BSD-compatible.  If you'd rather not license in
-this manner, but still want to contribute, please consider creating an external
-package, which we'll happily link to.
-How To Get The Source Code For Editing
-yt is hosted on BitBucket, and you can see all of the yt repositories at
-http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/.  With the yt installation script you should have a
-copy of Mercurial for checking out pieces of code.  Make sure you have followed
-the steps above for bootstrapping your development (to assure you have a
-bitbucket account, etc.)
-In order to modify the source code for yt, we ask that you make a "fork" of the
-main yt repository on bitbucket.  A fork is simply an exact copy of the main
-repository (along with its history) that you will now own and can make
-modifications as you please.  You can create a personal fork by visiting the yt
-bitbucket webpage at https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/ .  After logging in,
-you should see an option near the top right labeled "fork".  Click this option,
-and then click the fork repository button on the subsequent page.  You now have
-a forked copy of the yt repository for your own personal modification.
-This forked copy exists on the bitbucket repository, so in order to access
-it locally, follow the instructions at the top of that webpage for that
-forked repository, namely run at a local command line:
-.. code-block:: bash
-   $ hg clone http://bitbucket.org/<USER>/<REPOSITORY_NAME>
-This downloads that new forked repository to your local machine, so that you
-can access it, read it, make modifications, etc.  It will put the repository in
-a local directory of the same name as the repository in the current working
-directory.  You can see any past state of the code by using the hg log command.
-For example, the following command would show you the last 5 changesets
-(modifications to the code) that were submitted to that repository.
-.. code-block:: bash
-   $ hg log -l 5
-Using the revision specifier (the number or hash identifier next to each
-changeset), you can update the local repository to any past state of the
-code (a previous changeset or version) by executing the command:
-.. code-block:: bash
-   $ hg up revision_specifier
-Lastly, if you want to use this new downloaded version of your yt repository as
-the *active* version of yt on your computer (i.e. the one which is executed when
-you run yt from the command line or the one that is loaded when you do ``import
-yt``), then you must "activate" it using the following commands from within the
-repository directory.
-.. code-block:: bash
-   $ python2.7 setup.py develop
-This will rebuild all C modules as well.
-.. _reading-source:
-How To Read The Source Code
-If you just want to *look* at the source code, you may already have it on your
-computer.  If you build yt using the install script, the source is available at
-``$YT_DEST/src/yt-hg``.  See :ref:`source-installation` for more details about
-to obtain the yt source code if you did not build yt using the install
-The root directory of the yt mercurial repository contains a number of
-subdirectories with different components of the code.  Most of the yt source
-code is contained in the yt subdirectory.  This directory its self contains
-the following subdirectories:
-   This is where interfaces to codes are created.  Within each subdirectory of
-   yt/frontends/ there must exist the following files, even if empty:
-   * ``data_structures.py``, where subclasses of AMRGridPatch, Dataset
-     and AMRHierarchy are defined.
-   * ``io.py``, where a subclass of IOHandler is defined.
-   * ``fields.py``, where fields we expect to find in datasets are defined
-   * ``misc.py``, where any miscellaneous functions or classes are defined.
-   * ``definitions.py``, where any definitions specific to the frontend are
-     defined.  (i.e., header formats, etc.)
-   This is where all of the derived fields that ship with yt are defined.
-   This is where geometric helpler routines are defined. Handlers
-   for grid and oct data, as well as helpers for coordinate transformations
-   can be found here.
-   This is where all visualization modules are stored.  This includes plot
-   collections, the volume rendering interface, and pixelization frontends.
-   All objects that handle data, processed or unprocessed, not explicitly
-   defined as visualization are located in here.  This includes the base
-   classes for data regions, covering grids, time series, and so on.  This
-   also includes derived fields and derived quantities.
-   This is where all mechanisms for processing data live.  This includes
-   things like clump finding, halo profiling, halo finding, and so on.  This
-   is something of a catchall, but it serves as a level of greater
-   abstraction that simply data selection and modification.
-   This is where all GUI components go.  Typically this will be some small
-   tool used for one or two things, which contains a launching mechanism on
-   the command line.
-   All broadly useful code that doesn't clearly fit in one of the other
-   categories goes here.
-   Bundled external modules (i.e. code that was not written by one of
-   the yt authors but that yt depends on) lives here.
-If you're looking for a specific file or function in the yt source code, use
-the unix find command:
-.. code-block:: bash
-The above command will find the FILENAME in any subdirectory in the
-DIRECTORY_TREE_TO_SEARCH.  Alternatively, if you're looking for a function
-call or a keyword in an unknown file in a directory tree, try:
-.. code-block:: bash
-This can be very useful for tracking down functions in the yt source.
-.. _building-yt:
-Building yt
-If you have made changes to any C or Cython (``.pyx``) modules, you have to
-rebuild yt.  If your changes have exclusively been to Python modules, you will
-not need to re-build, but (see below) you may need to re-install.
-If you are running from a clone that is executable in-place (i.e., has been
-installed via the installation script or you have run ``setup.py develop``) you
-can rebuild these modules by executing:
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ python2.7 setup.py develop
-If you have previously "installed" via ``setup.py install`` you have to
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ python2.7 setup.py install
-Only one of these two options is needed.
-.. _windows-developing:
-Developing yt on Windows
-If you plan to develop yt on Windows, it is necessary to use the `MinGW
-<http://www.mingw.org/>`_ gcc compiler that can be installed using the `Anaconda
-Python Distribution <https://store.continuum.io/cshop/anaconda/>`_. The libpython package must be
-installed from Anaconda as well. These can both be installed with a single command:
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ conda install libpython mingw
-Additionally, the syntax for the setup command is slightly different; you must type:
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ python2.7 setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 develop
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ python2.7 setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 install
-.. _requirements-for-code-submission:
-Requirements for Code Submission
-Modifications to the code typically fall into one of three categories, each of
-which have different requirements for acceptance into the code base.  These
-requirements are in place for a few reasons -- to make sure that the code is
-maintainable, testable, and that we can easily include information about
-changes in changelogs during the release procedure.  (See `YTEP-0008
-<https://ytep.readthedocs.org/en/latest/YTEPs/YTEP-0008.html>`_ for more
-* New Features
-  * New unit tests (possibly new answer tests) (See :ref:`testing`)
-  * Docstrings in the source code for the public API
-  * Addition of new feature to the narrative documentation (See :ref:`writing_documentation`)
-  * Addition of cookbook recipe (See :ref:`writing_documentation`)
-  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
-* Extension or Breakage of API in Existing Features
-  * Update existing narrative docs and docstrings (See :ref:`writing_documentation`)
-  * Update existing cookbook recipes (See :ref:`writing_documentation`)
-  * Modify of create new unit tests (See :ref:`testing`)
-  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
-* Bug fixes
-  * Unit test is encouraged, to ensure breakage does not happen again in the
-    future. (See :ref:`testing`)
-  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
-When submitting, you will be asked to make sure that your changes meet all of
-these requirements.  They are pretty easy to meet, and we're also happy to help
-out with them.  In :ref:`code-style-guide` there is a list of handy tips for
-how to structure and write your code.
-.. _mercurial-with-yt:
-How to Use Mercurial with yt
-If you're new to Mercurial, these three resources are pretty great for learning
-the ins and outs:
-* http://hginit.com/
-* http://hgbook.red-bean.com/read/
-* http://mercurial-scm.org/
-* http://mercurial-scm.org/wiki
-The commands that are essential for using mercurial include:
-* ``hg help`` which provides help for any mercurial command. For example, you
-  can learn more about the ``log`` command by doing ``hg help log``. Other useful
-  topics to use with ``hg help`` are ``hg help glossary``, ``hg help config``,
-  ``hg help extensions``, and ``hg help revsets``.
-* ``hg commit`` which commits changes in the working directory to the
-  repository, creating a new "changeset object."
-* ``hg add`` which adds a new file to be tracked by mercurial.  This does
-  not change the working directory.
-* ``hg pull`` which pulls (from an optional path specifier) changeset
-  objects from a remote source.  The working directory is not modified.
-* ``hg push`` which sends (to an optional path specifier) changeset objects
-  to a remote source.  The working directory is not modified.
-* ``hg log`` which shows a log of all changeset objects in the current
-  repository.  Use ``-G`` to show a graph of changeset objects and their
-  relationship.
-* ``hg update`` which (with an optional "revision" specifier) updates the
-  state of the working directory to match a changeset object in the
-  repository.
-* ``hg merge`` which combines two changesets to make a union of their lines
-  of development.  This updates the working directory.
-We are happy to asnswers questions about mercurial use on our IRC, slack
-chat or on the mailing list to walk you through any troubles you might have.
-Here are some general suggestions for using mercurial with yt:
-* Named branches are to be avoided.  Try using bookmarks (``see hg help
-  bookmark``) to track work.  (`More info about bookmarks is available on the
-  mercurial wiki <http://mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Bookmarks>`_)
-* Make sure you set a username in your ``~/.hgrc`` before you commit any
-  changes!  All of the tutorials above will describe how to do this as one of
-  the very first steps.
-* When contributing changes, you might be asked to make a handful of
-  modifications to your source code.  We'll work through how to do this with
-  you, and try to make it as painless as possible.
-* Your test may fail automated style checks. See :ref:`code-style-guide` for
-  more information about automatically verifying your code style.
-* Please avoid deleting your yt forks, as that deletes the pull request
-  discussion from process from BitBucket's website, even if your pull request
-  is merged.
-* You should only need one fork.  To keep it in sync, you can sync from the
-  website. See Bitbucket's `Blog Post
-  <https://blog.bitbucket.org/2013/02/04/syncing-and-merging-come-to-bitbucket/>`_
-  about this. See :ref:`sharing-changes` for a description of the basic workflow
-  and :ref:`multiple-PRs` for a discussion about what to do when you want to
-  have multiple open pull requests at the same time.
-* If you run into any troubles, stop by IRC (see :ref:`irc`) or the mailing
-  list.
-.. _sharing-changes:
-Making and Sharing Changes
-The simplest way to submit changes to yt is to do the following:
-* Build yt from the mercurial repository
-* Navigate to the root of the yt repository
-* Make some changes and commit them
-* Fork the `yt repository on BitBucket <https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt>`_
-* Push the changesets to your fork
-* Issue a pull request.
-Here's a more detailed flowchart of how to submit changes.
-#. If you have used the installation script, the source code for yt can be
-   found in ``$YT_DEST/src/yt-hg``.  Alternatively see
-   :ref:`source-installation` for instructions on how to build yt from the
-   mercurial repository. (Below, in :ref:`reading-source`, we describe how to
-   find items of interest.)
-#. Edit the source file you are interested in and
-   test your changes.  (See :ref:`testing` for more information.)
-#. Fork yt on BitBucket.  (This step only has to be done once.)  You can do
-   this at: https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/fork.  Call this repository
-   yt.
-#. Create a bookmark to track your work. For example: ``hg bookmark
-   my-first-pull-request``
-#. Commit these changes, using ``hg commit``.  This can take an argument
-   which is a series of filenames, if you have some changes you do not want
-   to commit.
-#. Remember that this is a large development effort and to keep the code
-   accessible to everyone, good documentation is a must.  Add in source code
-   comments for what you are doing.  Add in docstrings
-   if you are adding a new function or class or keyword to a function.
-   Add documentation to the appropriate section of the online docs so that
-   people other than yourself know how to use your new code.
-#. If your changes include new functionality or cover an untested area of the
-   code, add a test.  (See :ref:`testing` for more information.)  Commit
-   these changes as well.
-#. Push your changes to your new fork using the command::
-      hg push -B my-first-pull-request https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/
-   Where you should substitute the name of the bookmark you are working on for
-   ``my-first-pull-request``. If you end up doing considerable development, you
-   can set an alias in the file ``.hg/hgrc`` to point to this path.
-   .. note::
-     Note that the above approach uses HTTPS as the transfer protocol
-     between your machine and BitBucket.  If you prefer to use SSH - or
-     perhaps you're behind a proxy that doesn't play well with SSL via
-     HTTPS - you may want to set up an `SSH key`_ on BitBucket.  Then, you use
-     the syntax ``ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt``, or equivalent, in
-     place of ``https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt`` in Mercurial commands.
-     For consistency, all commands we list in this document will use the HTTPS
-     protocol.
-     .. _SSH key: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Set+up+SSH+for+Mercurial
-#. Issue a pull request at
-   https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/pull-request/new
-   A pull request is essentially just asking people to review and accept the
-   modifications you have made to your personal version of the code.
-During the course of your pull request you may be asked to make changes.  These
-changes may be related to style issues, correctness issues, or even requesting
-tests.  The process for responding to pull request code review is relatively
-#. Make requested changes, or leave a comment indicating why you don't think
-   they should be made.
-#. Commit those changes to your local repository.
-#. Push the changes to your fork:
-      hg push https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/
-#. Your pull request will be automatically updated.
-.. _multiple-PRs:
-Working with Multiple BitBucket Pull Requests
-Once you become active developing for yt, you may be working on
-various aspects of the code or bugfixes at the same time.  Currently,
-BitBucket's *modus operandi* for pull requests automatically updates
-your active pull request with every ``hg push`` of commits that are a
-descendant of the head of your pull request.  In a normal workflow,
-this means that if you have an active pull request, make some changes
-locally for, say, an unrelated bugfix, then push those changes back to
-your fork in the hopes of creating a *new* pull request, you'll
-actually end up updating your current pull request!
-There are a few ways around this feature of BitBucket that will allow
-for multiple pull requests to coexist; we outline one such method
-below.  We assume that you have a fork of yt at
-``http://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt`` (see
-:ref:`sharing-changes` for instructions on creating a fork) and that
-you have an active pull request to the main repository.
-The main issue with starting another pull request is to make sure that
-your push to BitBucket doesn't go to the same head as your
-existing pull request and trigger BitBucket's auto-update feature.
-Here's how to get your local repository away from your current pull
-request head using `revsets <http://www.selenic.com/hg/help/revsets>`_
-and your ``hgrc`` file:
-#. Set up a Mercurial path for the main yt repository (note this is a convenience
-   step and only needs to be done once).  Add the following to your
-   ``Your_yt/.hg/hgrc``::
-     [paths]
-     upstream = https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt
-   This will create a path called ``upstream`` that is aliased to the URL of the
-   main yt repository.
-#. Now we'll use revsets_ to update your local repository to the tip of the
-   ``upstream`` path:
-   .. code-block:: bash
-      $ hg pull upstream
-      $ hg update -r "remote(yt, 'upstream')"
-After the above steps, your local repository should be at the current head of
-the ``yt`` branch in the main yt repository.  If you find yourself doing this a
-lot, it may be worth aliasing this task in your ``hgrc`` file by adding
-something like::
-  [alias]
-  ytupdate = update -r "remote(yt, 'upstream')"
-And then you can just issue ``hg ytupdate`` to get at the current head of the
-``yt`` branch on main yt repository.
-Make sure you are on the branch you want to be on, and then you can make changes
-and ``hg commit`` them.  If you prefer working with `bookmarks
-<http://mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Bookmarks>`_, you may want to make a bookmark
-before committing your changes, such as ``hg bookmark mybookmark``.
-To push your changes on a bookmark to bitbucket, you can issue the following
-.. code-block:: bash
-    $ hg push -B myfeature https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt
-The ``-B`` means "publish my bookmark, the changeset the bookmark is pointing
-at, and any ancestors of that changeset that aren't already on the remote
-To push to your fork on BitBucket if you didn't use a bookmark, you issue the
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ hg push -r . -f https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt
-The ``-r .`` means "push only the commit I'm standing on and any ancestors."
-The ``-f`` is to force Mecurial to do the push since we are creating a new
-remote head without a bookmark.
-You can then go to the BitBucket interface and issue a new pull request based on
-your last changes, as usual.
-.. _code-style-guide:
-Coding Style Guide
-Automatically checking code style
-Below are a list of rules for coding style in yt. Some of these rules are
-suggestions are not explicitly enforced, while some are enforced via automated
-testing. The yt project uses a subset of the rules checked by ``flake8`` to
-verify our code. The ``flake8`` tool is a combination of the ``pyflakes`` and
-``pep8`` tools. To check the coding style of your contributions locally you will
-need to install the ``flake8`` tool from ``pip``:
-    $ pip install flake8
-And then navigate to the root of the yt repository and run ``flake8`` on the
-``yt`` folder:
-    $ cd $YT_HG
-    $ flake8 ./yt
-This will print out any ``flake8`` errors or warnings that your newly added code
-triggers. The errors will be in your newly added code because we have already
-cleaned up the rest of the yt codebase of the errors and warnings detected by
-the `flake8` tool. Note that this will only trigger a subset of the `full flake8
-error and warning list
-<http://flake8.readthedocs.org/en/latest/warnings.html>`_, since we explicitly
-blacklist a large number of the full list of rules that are checked by
-``flake8`` by default.
-Source code style guide
- * In general, follow PEP-8 guidelines.
-   http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
- * Classes are ``ConjoinedCapitals``, methods and functions are
-   ``lowercase_with_underscores``.
- * Use 4 spaces, not tabs, to represent indentation.
- * Line widths should not be more than 80 characters.
- * Do not use nested classes unless you have a very good reason to, such as
-   requiring a namespace or class-definition modification.  Classes should live
-   at the top level.  ``__metaclass__`` is exempt from this.
- * Do not use unnecessary parenthesis in conditionals.  ``if((something) and
-   (something_else))`` should be rewritten as
-   ``if something and something_else``. Python is more forgiving than C.
- * Avoid copying memory when possible. For example, don't do
-   ``a = a.reshape(3,4)`` when ``a.shape = (3,4)`` will do, and ``a = a * 3``
-   should be ``np.multiply(a, 3, a)``.
- * In general, avoid all double-underscore method names: ``__something`` is
-   usually unnecessary.
- * When writing a subclass, use the super built-in to access the super class,
-   rather than explicitly. Ex: ``super(SpecialGridSubclass, self).__init__()``
-   rather than ``SpecialGrid.__init__()``.
- * Docstrings should describe input, output, behavior, and any state changes
-   that occur on an object.  See the file ``doc/docstring_example.txt`` for a
-   fiducial example of a docstring.
- * Use only one top-level import per line. Unless there is a good reason not to,
-   imports should happen at the top of the file, after the copyright blurb.
- * Never compare with ``True`` or ``False`` using ``==`` or ``!=``, always use
-   ``is`` or ``is not``.
- * If you are comparing with a numpy boolean array, just refer to the array.
-   Ex: do ``np.all(array)`` instead of ``np.all(array == True)``.
- * Never comapre with None using ``==`` or ``!=``, use ``is None`` or
-   ``is not None``.
- * Use ``statement is not True`` instead of ``not statement is True``
- * Only one statement per line, do not use semicolons to put two or more
-   statements on a single line.
- * Only declare local variables if they will be used later. If you do not use the
-   return value of a function, do not store it in a variable.
- * Add tests for new functionality. When fixing a bug, consider adding a test to
-   prevent the bug from recurring.
-API Style Guide
- * Do not use ``from some_module import *``
- * Internally, only import from source files directly -- instead of:
-     ``from yt.visualization.api import ProjectionPlot``
-   do:
-     ``from yt.visualization.plot_window import ProjectionPlot``
- * Import symbols from the module where they are defined, avoid transitive
-   imports.
- * Import standard library modules, functions, and classes from builtins, do not
-   import them from other yt files.
- * Numpy is to be imported as ``np``.
- * Do not use too many keyword arguments.  If you have a lot of keyword
-   arguments, then you are doing too much in ``__init__`` and not enough via
-   parameter setting.
- * In function arguments, place spaces before commas.  ``def something(a,b,c)``
-   should be ``def something(a, b, c)``.
- * Don't create a new class to replicate the functionality of an old class --
-   replace the old class.  Too many options makes for a confusing user
-   experience.
- * Parameter files external to yt are a last resort.
- * The usage of the ``**kwargs`` construction should be avoided.  If they cannot
-   be avoided, they must be explained, even if they are only to be passed on to
-   a nested function.
-.. _docstrings
-The following is an example docstring. You can use it as a template for
-docstrings in your code and as a guide for how we expect docstrings to look and
-the level of detail we are looking for. Note that we use NumPy style docstrings
-written in `Sphinx restructured text format <http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html>`_.
-    r"""A one-line summary that does not use variable names or the
-    function name.
-    Several sentences providing an extended description. Refer to
-    variables using back-ticks, e.g. ``var``.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    var1 : array_like
-        Array_like means all those objects -- lists, nested lists, etc. --
-        that can be converted to an array.  We can also refer to
-        variables like `var1`.
-    var2 : int
-        The type above can either refer to an actual Python type
-        (e.g. ``int``), or describe the type of the variable in more
-        detail, e.g. ``(N,) ndarray`` or ``array_like``.
-    Long_variable_name : {'hi', 'ho'}, optional
-        Choices in brackets, default first when optional.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    describe : type
-        Explanation
-    output : type
-        Explanation
-    tuple : type
-        Explanation
-    items : type
-        even more explaining
-    Other Parameters
-    ----------------
-    only_seldom_used_keywords : type
-        Explanation
-    common_parameters_listed_above : type
-        Explanation
-    Raises
-    ------
-    BadException
-        Because you shouldn't have done that.
-    See Also
-    --------
-    otherfunc : relationship (optional)
-    newfunc : Relationship (optional), which could be fairly long, in which
-              case the line wraps here.
-    thirdfunc, fourthfunc, fifthfunc
-    Notes
-    -----
-    Notes about the implementation algorithm (if needed).
-    This can have multiple paragraphs.
-    You may include some math:
-    .. math:: X(e^{j\omega } ) = x(n)e^{ - j\omega n}
-    And even use a greek symbol like :math:`omega` inline.
-    References
-    ----------
-    Cite the relevant literature, e.g. [1]_.  You may also cite these
-    references in the notes section above.
-    .. [1] O. McNoleg, "The integration of GIS, remote sensing,
-       expert systems and adaptive co-kriging for environmental habitat
-       modelling of the Highland Haggis using object-oriented, fuzzy-logic
-       and neural-network techniques," Computers & Geosciences, vol. 22,
-       pp. 585-588, 1996.
-    Examples
-    --------
-    These are written in doctest format, and should illustrate how to
-    use the function.  Use the variables 'ds' for the dataset, 'pc' for
-    a plot collection, 'c' for a center, and 'L' for a vector.
-    >>> a=[1,2,3]
-    >>> print [x + 3 for x in a]
-    [4, 5, 6]
-    >>> print "a\n\nb"
-    a
-    b
-    """
-Variable Names and Enzo-isms
-Avoid Enzo-isms.  This includes but is not limited to:
- * Hard-coding parameter names that are the same as those in Enzo.  The
-   following translation table should be of some help.  Note that the
-   parameters are now properties on a ``Dataset`` subclass: you access them
-   like ds.refine_by .
-    - ``RefineBy `` => `` refine_by``
-    - ``TopGridRank `` => `` dimensionality``
-    - ``TopGridDimensions `` => `` domain_dimensions``
-    - ``InitialTime `` => `` current_time``
-    - ``DomainLeftEdge `` => `` domain_left_edge``
-    - ``DomainRightEdge `` => `` domain_right_edge``
-    - ``CurrentTimeIdentifier `` => `` unique_identifier``
-    - ``CosmologyCurrentRedshift `` => `` current_redshift``
-    - ``ComovingCoordinates `` => `` cosmological_simulation``
-    - ``CosmologyOmegaMatterNow `` => `` omega_matter``
-    - ``CosmologyOmegaLambdaNow `` => `` omega_lambda``
-    - ``CosmologyHubbleConstantNow `` => `` hubble_constant``
- * Do not assume that the domain runs from 0 .. 1.  This is not true
-   everywhere.
- * Variable names should be short but descriptive.
- * No globals!

diff -r 46d68d42bf02fcd336aa5db0f9ea964b1099648a -r bf6e64cbf7006f9e20136bd440bad66372cf26b0 CONTRIBUTING.rst
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,964 @@
+.. This document is rendered in HTML with cross-reference links filled in at
+   http://yt-project.org/doc/developing/
+.. _getting-involved:
+Getting Involved
+There are *lots* of ways to get involved with yt, as a community and as a
+technical system -- not all of them just contributing code, but also
+participating in the community, helping us with designing the websites, adding
+documentation, and sharing your scripts with others.
+Coding is only one way to be involved!
+Communication Channels
+There are five main communication channels for yt:
+ * We have an IRC channel, on ``irc.freenode.net`` in ``#yt``.
+   You can connect through our web
+   gateway without any special client, at http://yt-project.org/irc.html .
+   *IRC is the first stop for conversation!*
+ * Many yt developers participate in the yt Slack community. Slack is a free 
+   chat service that many teams use to organize their work. You can get an
+   invite to yt's Slack organization by clicking the "Join us @ Slack" button
+   on this page: http://yt-project.org/community.html
+ * `yt-users <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-users-spacepope.org>`_
+   is a relatively high-traffic mailing list where people are encouraged to ask
+   questions about the code, figure things out and so on.
+ * `yt-dev <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org>`_ is
+   a much lower-traffic mailing list designed to focus on discussions of
+   improvements to the code, ideas about planning, development issues, and so
+   on.
+ * `yt-svn <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-svn-spacepope.org>`_ is
+   the (now-inaccurately titled) mailing list where all pushes to the primary
+   repository are sent.
+The easiest way to get involved with yt is to read the mailing lists, hang out
+in IRC or slack chat, and participate.  If someone asks a question you know the
+answer to (or have your own question about!) write back and answer it.
+If you have an idea about something, suggest it!  We not only welcome
+participation, we encourage it.
+The yt documentation is constantly being updated, and it is a task we would very
+much appreciate assistance with.  Whether that is adding a section, updating an
+outdated section, contributing typo or grammatical fixes, adding a FAQ, or
+increasing coverage of functionality, it would be very helpful if you wanted to
+help out.
+The easiest way to help out is to fork the main yt repository (where the
+documentation lives in the ``doc`` directory in the root of the yt mercurial
+repository) and then make your changes in your own fork.  When you are done,
+issue a pull request through the website for your new fork, and we can comment
+back and forth and eventually accept your changes. See :ref:`sharing-changes` for
+more information about contributing your changes to yt on bitbucket.
+Gallery Images and Videos
+If you have an image or video you'd like to display in the image or video
+galleries, getting it included it easy!  You can either fork the `yt homepage
+repository <http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/website>`_ and add it there, or
+email it to us and we'll add it to the `Gallery
+We're eager to show off the images and movies you make with yt, so please feel
+free to drop `us <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org>`_
+a line and let us know if you've got something great!
+Technical Contributions
+Contributing code is another excellent way to participate -- whether it's
+bug fixes, new features, analysis modules, or a new code frontend.  See
+:ref:`creating_frontend` for more details.
+The process is pretty simple: fork on BitBucket, make changes, issue a pull
+request.  We can then go back and forth with comments in the pull request, but
+usually we end up accepting.
+For more information, see :ref:`contributing-code`, where we spell out how to
+get up and running with a development environment, how to commit, and how to
+use BitBucket.
+Online Presence
+Some of these fall under the other items, but if you'd like to help out with
+the website or any of the other ways yt is presented online, please feel free!
+Almost everything is kept in hg repositories on BitBucket, and it is very easy
+to fork and contribute back changes.
+Please feel free to dig in and contribute changes.
+Word of Mouth
+If you're using yt and it has increased your productivity, please feel
+encouraged to share that information.  Cite our `paper
+<http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011ApJS..192....9T>`_, tell your colleagues,
+and just spread word of mouth.  By telling people about your successes, you'll
+help bring more eyes and hands to the table -- in this manner, by increasing
+participation, collaboration, and simply spreading the limits of what the code
+is asked to do, we hope to help scale the utility and capability of yt with the
+community size.
+Feel free to `blog <http://blog.yt-project.org/>`_ about, `tweet
+<http://twitter.com/yt_astro>`_ about and talk about what you are up to!
+Long-Term Projects
+There are some wild-eyed, out-there ideas that have been bandied about for the
+future directions of yt -- some of them even written into the mission
+statement.  The ultimate goal is to move past simple analysis and visualization
+of data and begin to approach it from the other side, of generating data,
+running solvers.  We also hope to increase its ability to act as an in situ
+analysis code, by presenting a unified protocol.  Other projects include
+interfacing with ParaView and VisIt, creating a web GUI for running
+simulations, creating a run-tracker that follows simulations in progress, a
+federated database for simulation outputs, and so on and so forth.
+yt is an ambitious project.  Let's be ambitious together.
+yt Community Code of Conduct
+The community of participants in open source
+Scientific projects is made up of members from around the
+globe with a diverse set of skills, personalities, and
+experiences. It is through these differences that our
+community experiences success and continued growth. We
+expect everyone in our community to follow these guidelines
+when interacting with others both inside and outside of our
+community. Our goal is to keep ours a positive, inclusive,
+successful, and growing community.
+As members of the community,
+- We pledge to treat all people with respect and
+  provide a harassment- and bullying-free environment,
+  regardless of sex, sexual orientation and/or gender
+  identity, disability, physical appearance, body size,
+  race, nationality, ethnicity, and religion. In
+  particular, sexual language and imagery, sexist,
+  racist, or otherwise exclusionary jokes are not
+  appropriate.
+- We pledge to respect the work of others by
+  recognizing acknowledgment/citation requests of
+  original authors. As authors, we pledge to be explicit
+  about how we want our own work to be cited or
+  acknowledged.
+- We pledge to welcome those interested in joining the
+  community, and realize that including people with a
+  variety of opinions and backgrounds will only serve to
+  enrich our community. In particular, discussions
+  relating to pros/cons of various technologies,
+  programming languages, and so on are welcome, but
+  these should be done with respect, taking proactive
+  measure to ensure that all participants are heard and
+  feel confident that they can freely express their
+  opinions.
+- We pledge to welcome questions and answer them
+  respectfully, paying particular attention to those new
+  to the community. We pledge to provide respectful
+  criticisms and feedback in forums, especially in
+  discussion threads resulting from code
+  contributions.
+- We pledge to be conscientious of the perceptions of
+  the wider community and to respond to criticism
+  respectfully. We will strive to model behaviors that
+  encourage productive debate and disagreement, both
+  within our community and where we are criticized. We
+  will treat those outside our community with the same
+  respect as people within our community.
+- We pledge to help the entire community follow the
+  code of conduct, and to not remain silent when we see
+  violations of the code of conduct. We will take action
+  when members of our community violate this code such as
+  contacting confidential at yt-project.org (all emails sent to
+  this address will be treated with the strictest
+  confidence) or talking privately with the person.
+This code of conduct applies to all
+community situations online and offline, including mailing
+lists, forums, social media, conferences, meetings,
+associated social events, and one-to-one interactions.
+The yt Community Code of Conduct was adapted from the
+`Astropy Community Code of Conduct
+which was partially inspired by the PSF code of conduct.
+.. _contributing-code:
+How to Develop yt
+yt is a community project!
+We are very happy to accept patches, features, and bugfixes from any member of
+the community!  yt is developed using mercurial, primarily because it enables
+very easy and straightforward submission of changesets.  We're eager to hear
+from you, and if you are developing yt, we encourage you to subscribe to the
+`developer mailing list
+<http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org>`_. Please feel
+free to hack around, commit changes, and send them upstream.
+.. note:: If you already know how to use the `mercurial version control system
+   <http://mercurial-scm.org>`_ and are comfortable with handling it yourself,
+   the quickest way to contribute to yt is to `fork us on BitBucket
+   <http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/fork>`_, make your changes, push the
+   changes to your fork and issue a `pull request
+   <http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/pull-requests>`_.  The rest of this
+   document is just an explanation of how to do that.
+See :ref:`code-style-guide` for more information about coding style in yt and
+:ref:`docstrings` for an example docstring.  Please read them before hacking on
+the codebase, and feel free to email any of the mailing lists for help with the
+Keep in touch, and happy hacking!
+.. _open-issues:
+Open Issues
+If you're interested in participating in yt development, take a look at the
+`issue tracker on bitbucket
+Issues are marked with a milestone of "easy", "moderate", or "difficult"
+depending on the estimated level of difficulty for fixing the issue. While we
+try to triage the issue tracker regularly, it may be the case that issues marked
+"moderate" are actually easier than their milestone label indicates since that
+is the default value.
+Here are some predefined issue searches that might be useful:
+* Unresolved issues `marked "easy" <https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/issues?milestone=easy&status=open&status=new>`_.
+* Unresolved issues `marked "easy" or "moderate" <https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/issues?milestone=easy&milestone=moderate&status=open&status=new>`_
+* `All unresolved issues <https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/issues?status=open&status=new>`_
+Submitting Changes
+We provide a brief introduction to submitting changes here.  yt thrives on the
+strength of its communities (http://arxiv.org/abs/1301.7064 has further
+discussion) and we encourage contributions from any user.  While we do not
+discuss version control, mercurial or the advanced usage of BitBucket in detail
+here, we do provide an outline of how to submit changes and we are happy to
+provide further assistance or guidance.
+yt is `licensed <http://blog.yt-project.org/post/Relicensing.html>`_ under the
+BSD 3-clause license.  Versions previous to yt-2.6 were released under the GPLv3.
+All contributed code must be BSD-compatible.  If you'd rather not license in
+this manner, but still want to contribute, please consider creating an external
+package, which we'll happily link to.
+How To Get The Source Code For Editing
+yt is hosted on BitBucket, and you can see all of the yt repositories at
+http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/.  With the yt installation script you should have a
+copy of Mercurial for checking out pieces of code.  Make sure you have followed
+the steps above for bootstrapping your development (to assure you have a
+bitbucket account, etc.)
+In order to modify the source code for yt, we ask that you make a "fork" of the
+main yt repository on bitbucket.  A fork is simply an exact copy of the main
+repository (along with its history) that you will now own and can make
+modifications as you please.  You can create a personal fork by visiting the yt
+bitbucket webpage at https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/ .  After logging in,
+you should see an option near the top right labeled "fork".  Click this option,
+and then click the fork repository button on the subsequent page.  You now have
+a forked copy of the yt repository for your own personal modification.
+This forked copy exists on the bitbucket repository, so in order to access
+it locally, follow the instructions at the top of that webpage for that
+forked repository, namely run at a local command line:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   $ hg clone http://bitbucket.org/<USER>/<REPOSITORY_NAME>
+This downloads that new forked repository to your local machine, so that you
+can access it, read it, make modifications, etc.  It will put the repository in
+a local directory of the same name as the repository in the current working
+directory.  You can see any past state of the code by using the hg log command.
+For example, the following command would show you the last 5 changesets
+(modifications to the code) that were submitted to that repository.
+.. code-block:: bash
+   $ hg log -l 5
+Using the revision specifier (the number or hash identifier next to each
+changeset), you can update the local repository to any past state of the
+code (a previous changeset or version) by executing the command:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   $ hg up revision_specifier
+Lastly, if you want to use this new downloaded version of your yt repository as
+the *active* version of yt on your computer (i.e. the one which is executed when
+you run yt from the command line or the one that is loaded when you do ``import
+yt``), then you must "activate" it using the following commands from within the
+repository directory.
+.. code-block:: bash
+   $ python2.7 setup.py develop
+This will rebuild all C modules as well.
+.. _reading-source:
+How To Read The Source Code
+If you just want to *look* at the source code, you may already have it on your
+computer.  If you build yt using the install script, the source is available at
+``$YT_DEST/src/yt-hg``.  See :ref:`source-installation` for more details about
+to obtain the yt source code if you did not build yt using the install
+The root directory of the yt mercurial repository contains a number of
+subdirectories with different components of the code.  Most of the yt source
+code is contained in the yt subdirectory.  This directory its self contains
+the following subdirectories:
+   This is where interfaces to codes are created.  Within each subdirectory of
+   yt/frontends/ there must exist the following files, even if empty:
+   * ``data_structures.py``, where subclasses of AMRGridPatch, Dataset
+     and AMRHierarchy are defined.
+   * ``io.py``, where a subclass of IOHandler is defined.
+   * ``fields.py``, where fields we expect to find in datasets are defined
+   * ``misc.py``, where any miscellaneous functions or classes are defined.
+   * ``definitions.py``, where any definitions specific to the frontend are
+     defined.  (i.e., header formats, etc.)
+   This is where all of the derived fields that ship with yt are defined.
+   This is where geometric helpler routines are defined. Handlers
+   for grid and oct data, as well as helpers for coordinate transformations
+   can be found here.
+   This is where all visualization modules are stored.  This includes plot
+   collections, the volume rendering interface, and pixelization frontends.
+   All objects that handle data, processed or unprocessed, not explicitly
+   defined as visualization are located in here.  This includes the base
+   classes for data regions, covering grids, time series, and so on.  This
+   also includes derived fields and derived quantities.
+   This is where all mechanisms for processing data live.  This includes
+   things like clump finding, halo profiling, halo finding, and so on.  This
+   is something of a catchall, but it serves as a level of greater
+   abstraction that simply data selection and modification.
+   This is where all GUI components go.  Typically this will be some small
+   tool used for one or two things, which contains a launching mechanism on
+   the command line.
+   All broadly useful code that doesn't clearly fit in one of the other
+   categories goes here.
+   Bundled external modules (i.e. code that was not written by one of
+   the yt authors but that yt depends on) lives here.
+If you're looking for a specific file or function in the yt source code, use
+the unix find command:
+.. code-block:: bash
+The above command will find the FILENAME in any subdirectory in the
+DIRECTORY_TREE_TO_SEARCH.  Alternatively, if you're looking for a function
+call or a keyword in an unknown file in a directory tree, try:
+.. code-block:: bash
+This can be very useful for tracking down functions in the yt source.
+.. _building-yt:
+Building yt
+If you have made changes to any C or Cython (``.pyx``) modules, you have to
+rebuild yt.  If your changes have exclusively been to Python modules, you will
+not need to re-build, but (see below) you may need to re-install.
+If you are running from a clone that is executable in-place (i.e., has been
+installed via the installation script or you have run ``setup.py develop``) you
+can rebuild these modules by executing:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ python2.7 setup.py develop
+If you have previously "installed" via ``setup.py install`` you have to
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ python2.7 setup.py install
+Only one of these two options is needed.
+.. _windows-developing:
+Developing yt on Windows
+If you plan to develop yt on Windows, it is necessary to use the `MinGW
+<http://www.mingw.org/>`_ gcc compiler that can be installed using the `Anaconda
+Python Distribution <https://store.continuum.io/cshop/anaconda/>`_. The libpython package must be
+installed from Anaconda as well. These can both be installed with a single command:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ conda install libpython mingw
+Additionally, the syntax for the setup command is slightly different; you must type:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ python2.7 setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 develop
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ python2.7 setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 install
+.. _requirements-for-code-submission:
+Requirements for Code Submission
+Modifications to the code typically fall into one of three categories, each of
+which have different requirements for acceptance into the code base.  These
+requirements are in place for a few reasons -- to make sure that the code is
+maintainable, testable, and that we can easily include information about
+changes in changelogs during the release procedure.  (See `YTEP-0008
+<https://ytep.readthedocs.org/en/latest/YTEPs/YTEP-0008.html>`_ for more
+* New Features
+  * New unit tests (possibly new answer tests) (See :ref:`testing`)
+  * Docstrings in the source code for the public API
+  * Addition of new feature to the narrative documentation (See :ref:`writing_documentation`)
+  * Addition of cookbook recipe (See :ref:`writing_documentation`)
+  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
+* Extension or Breakage of API in Existing Features
+  * Update existing narrative docs and docstrings (See :ref:`writing_documentation`)
+  * Update existing cookbook recipes (See :ref:`writing_documentation`)
+  * Modify of create new unit tests (See :ref:`testing`)
+  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
+* Bug fixes
+  * Unit test is encouraged, to ensure breakage does not happen again in the
+    future. (See :ref:`testing`)
+  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
+When submitting, you will be asked to make sure that your changes meet all of
+these requirements.  They are pretty easy to meet, and we're also happy to help
+out with them.  In :ref:`code-style-guide` there is a list of handy tips for
+how to structure and write your code.
+.. _mercurial-with-yt:
+How to Use Mercurial with yt
+If you're new to Mercurial, these three resources are pretty great for learning
+the ins and outs:
+* http://hginit.com/
+* http://hgbook.red-bean.com/read/
+* http://mercurial-scm.org/
+* http://mercurial-scm.org/wiki
+The commands that are essential for using mercurial include:
+* ``hg help`` which provides help for any mercurial command. For example, you
+  can learn more about the ``log`` command by doing ``hg help log``. Other useful
+  topics to use with ``hg help`` are ``hg help glossary``, ``hg help config``,
+  ``hg help extensions``, and ``hg help revsets``.
+* ``hg commit`` which commits changes in the working directory to the
+  repository, creating a new "changeset object."
+* ``hg add`` which adds a new file to be tracked by mercurial.  This does
+  not change the working directory.
+* ``hg pull`` which pulls (from an optional path specifier) changeset
+  objects from a remote source.  The working directory is not modified.
+* ``hg push`` which sends (to an optional path specifier) changeset objects
+  to a remote source.  The working directory is not modified.
+* ``hg log`` which shows a log of all changeset objects in the current
+  repository.  Use ``-G`` to show a graph of changeset objects and their
+  relationship.
+* ``hg update`` which (with an optional "revision" specifier) updates the
+  state of the working directory to match a changeset object in the
+  repository.
+* ``hg merge`` which combines two changesets to make a union of their lines
+  of development.  This updates the working directory.
+We are happy to asnswers questions about mercurial use on our IRC, slack
+chat or on the mailing list to walk you through any troubles you might have.
+Here are some general suggestions for using mercurial with yt:
+* Named branches are to be avoided.  Try using bookmarks (``see hg help
+  bookmark``) to track work.  (`More info about bookmarks is available on the
+  mercurial wiki <http://mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Bookmarks>`_)
+* Make sure you set a username in your ``~/.hgrc`` before you commit any
+  changes!  All of the tutorials above will describe how to do this as one of
+  the very first steps.
+* When contributing changes, you might be asked to make a handful of
+  modifications to your source code.  We'll work through how to do this with
+  you, and try to make it as painless as possible.
+* Your test may fail automated style checks. See :ref:`code-style-guide` for
+  more information about automatically verifying your code style.
+* Please avoid deleting your yt forks, as that deletes the pull request
+  discussion from process from BitBucket's website, even if your pull request
+  is merged.
+* You should only need one fork.  To keep it in sync, you can sync from the
+  website. See Bitbucket's `Blog Post
+  <https://blog.bitbucket.org/2013/02/04/syncing-and-merging-come-to-bitbucket/>`_
+  about this. See :ref:`sharing-changes` for a description of the basic workflow
+  and :ref:`multiple-PRs` for a discussion about what to do when you want to
+  have multiple open pull requests at the same time.
+* If you run into any troubles, stop by IRC (see :ref:`irc`) or the mailing
+  list.
+.. _sharing-changes:
+Making and Sharing Changes
+The simplest way to submit changes to yt is to do the following:
+* Build yt from the mercurial repository
+* Navigate to the root of the yt repository
+* Make some changes and commit them
+* Fork the `yt repository on BitBucket <https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt>`_
+* Push the changesets to your fork
+* Issue a pull request.
+Here's a more detailed flowchart of how to submit changes.
+#. If you have used the installation script, the source code for yt can be
+   found in ``$YT_DEST/src/yt-hg``.  Alternatively see
+   :ref:`source-installation` for instructions on how to build yt from the
+   mercurial repository. (Below, in :ref:`reading-source`, we describe how to
+   find items of interest.)
+#. Edit the source file you are interested in and
+   test your changes.  (See :ref:`testing` for more information.)
+#. Fork yt on BitBucket.  (This step only has to be done once.)  You can do
+   this at: https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/fork.  Call this repository
+   yt.
+#. Create a bookmark to track your work. For example: ``hg bookmark
+   my-first-pull-request``
+#. Commit these changes, using ``hg commit``.  This can take an argument
+   which is a series of filenames, if you have some changes you do not want
+   to commit.
+#. Remember that this is a large development effort and to keep the code
+   accessible to everyone, good documentation is a must.  Add in source code
+   comments for what you are doing.  Add in docstrings
+   if you are adding a new function or class or keyword to a function.
+   Add documentation to the appropriate section of the online docs so that
+   people other than yourself know how to use your new code.
+#. If your changes include new functionality or cover an untested area of the
+   code, add a test.  (See :ref:`testing` for more information.)  Commit
+   these changes as well.
+#. Push your changes to your new fork using the command::
+      hg push -B my-first-pull-request https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/
+   Where you should substitute the name of the bookmark you are working on for
+   ``my-first-pull-request``. If you end up doing considerable development, you
+   can set an alias in the file ``.hg/hgrc`` to point to this path.
+   .. note::
+     Note that the above approach uses HTTPS as the transfer protocol
+     between your machine and BitBucket.  If you prefer to use SSH - or
+     perhaps you're behind a proxy that doesn't play well with SSL via
+     HTTPS - you may want to set up an `SSH key`_ on BitBucket.  Then, you use
+     the syntax ``ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt``, or equivalent, in
+     place of ``https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt`` in Mercurial commands.
+     For consistency, all commands we list in this document will use the HTTPS
+     protocol.
+     .. _SSH key: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Set+up+SSH+for+Mercurial
+#. Issue a pull request at
+   https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/pull-request/new
+   A pull request is essentially just asking people to review and accept the
+   modifications you have made to your personal version of the code.
+During the course of your pull request you may be asked to make changes.  These
+changes may be related to style issues, correctness issues, or even requesting
+tests.  The process for responding to pull request code review is relatively
+#. Make requested changes, or leave a comment indicating why you don't think
+   they should be made.
+#. Commit those changes to your local repository.
+#. Push the changes to your fork:
+      hg push https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/
+#. Your pull request will be automatically updated.
+.. _multiple-PRs:
+Working with Multiple BitBucket Pull Requests
+Once you become active developing for yt, you may be working on
+various aspects of the code or bugfixes at the same time.  Currently,
+BitBucket's *modus operandi* for pull requests automatically updates
+your active pull request with every ``hg push`` of commits that are a
+descendant of the head of your pull request.  In a normal workflow,
+this means that if you have an active pull request, make some changes
+locally for, say, an unrelated bugfix, then push those changes back to
+your fork in the hopes of creating a *new* pull request, you'll
+actually end up updating your current pull request!
+There are a few ways around this feature of BitBucket that will allow
+for multiple pull requests to coexist; we outline one such method
+below.  We assume that you have a fork of yt at
+``http://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt`` (see
+:ref:`sharing-changes` for instructions on creating a fork) and that
+you have an active pull request to the main repository.
+The main issue with starting another pull request is to make sure that
+your push to BitBucket doesn't go to the same head as your
+existing pull request and trigger BitBucket's auto-update feature.
+Here's how to get your local repository away from your current pull
+request head using `revsets <http://www.selenic.com/hg/help/revsets>`_
+and your ``hgrc`` file:
+#. Set up a Mercurial path for the main yt repository (note this is a convenience
+   step and only needs to be done once).  Add the following to your
+   ``Your_yt/.hg/hgrc``::
+     [paths]
+     upstream = https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt
+   This will create a path called ``upstream`` that is aliased to the URL of the
+   main yt repository.
+#. Now we'll use revsets_ to update your local repository to the tip of the
+   ``upstream`` path:
+   .. code-block:: bash
+      $ hg pull upstream
+      $ hg update -r "remote(yt, 'upstream')"
+After the above steps, your local repository should be at the current head of
+the ``yt`` branch in the main yt repository.  If you find yourself doing this a
+lot, it may be worth aliasing this task in your ``hgrc`` file by adding
+something like::
+  [alias]
+  ytupdate = update -r "remote(yt, 'upstream')"
+And then you can just issue ``hg ytupdate`` to get at the current head of the
+``yt`` branch on main yt repository.
+Make sure you are on the branch you want to be on, and then you can make changes
+and ``hg commit`` them.  If you prefer working with `bookmarks
+<http://mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Bookmarks>`_, you may want to make a bookmark
+before committing your changes, such as ``hg bookmark mybookmark``.
+To push your changes on a bookmark to bitbucket, you can issue the following
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ hg push -B myfeature https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt
+The ``-B`` means "publish my bookmark, the changeset the bookmark is pointing
+at, and any ancestors of that changeset that aren't already on the remote
+To push to your fork on BitBucket if you didn't use a bookmark, you issue the
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ hg push -r . -f https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt
+The ``-r .`` means "push only the commit I'm standing on and any ancestors."
+The ``-f`` is to force Mecurial to do the push since we are creating a new
+remote head without a bookmark.
+You can then go to the BitBucket interface and issue a new pull request based on
+your last changes, as usual.
+.. _code-style-guide:
+Coding Style Guide
+Automatically checking code style
+Below are a list of rules for coding style in yt. Some of these rules are
+suggestions are not explicitly enforced, while some are enforced via automated
+testing. The yt project uses a subset of the rules checked by ``flake8`` to
+verify our code. The ``flake8`` tool is a combination of the ``pyflakes`` and
+``pep8`` tools. To check the coding style of your contributions locally you will
+need to install the ``flake8`` tool from ``pip``:
+    $ pip install flake8
+And then navigate to the root of the yt repository and run ``flake8`` on the
+``yt`` folder:
+    $ cd $YT_HG
+    $ flake8 ./yt
+This will print out any ``flake8`` errors or warnings that your newly added code
+triggers. The errors will be in your newly added code because we have already
+cleaned up the rest of the yt codebase of the errors and warnings detected by
+the `flake8` tool. Note that this will only trigger a subset of the `full flake8
+error and warning list
+<http://flake8.readthedocs.org/en/latest/warnings.html>`_, since we explicitly
+blacklist a large number of the full list of rules that are checked by
+``flake8`` by default.
+Source code style guide
+ * In general, follow PEP-8 guidelines.
+   http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
+ * Classes are ``ConjoinedCapitals``, methods and functions are
+   ``lowercase_with_underscores``.
+ * Use 4 spaces, not tabs, to represent indentation.
+ * Line widths should not be more than 80 characters.
+ * Do not use nested classes unless you have a very good reason to, such as
+   requiring a namespace or class-definition modification.  Classes should live
+   at the top level.  ``__metaclass__`` is exempt from this.
+ * Do not use unnecessary parenthesis in conditionals.  ``if((something) and
+   (something_else))`` should be rewritten as
+   ``if something and something_else``. Python is more forgiving than C.
+ * Avoid copying memory when possible. For example, don't do
+   ``a = a.reshape(3,4)`` when ``a.shape = (3,4)`` will do, and ``a = a * 3``
+   should be ``np.multiply(a, 3, a)``.
+ * In general, avoid all double-underscore method names: ``__something`` is
+   usually unnecessary.
+ * When writing a subclass, use the super built-in to access the super class,
+   rather than explicitly. Ex: ``super(SpecialGridSubclass, self).__init__()``
+   rather than ``SpecialGrid.__init__()``.
+ * Docstrings should describe input, output, behavior, and any state changes
+   that occur on an object.  See the file ``doc/docstring_example.txt`` for a
+   fiducial example of a docstring.
+ * Use only one top-level import per line. Unless there is a good reason not to,
+   imports should happen at the top of the file, after the copyright blurb.
+ * Never compare with ``True`` or ``False`` using ``==`` or ``!=``, always use
+   ``is`` or ``is not``.
+ * If you are comparing with a numpy boolean array, just refer to the array.
+   Ex: do ``np.all(array)`` instead of ``np.all(array == True)``.
+ * Never comapre with None using ``==`` or ``!=``, use ``is None`` or
+   ``is not None``.
+ * Use ``statement is not True`` instead of ``not statement is True``
+ * Only one statement per line, do not use semicolons to put two or more
+   statements on a single line.
+ * Only declare local variables if they will be used later. If you do not use the
+   return value of a function, do not store it in a variable.
+ * Add tests for new functionality. When fixing a bug, consider adding a test to
+   prevent the bug from recurring.
+API Style Guide
+ * Do not use ``from some_module import *``
+ * Internally, only import from source files directly -- instead of:
+     ``from yt.visualization.api import ProjectionPlot``
+   do:
+     ``from yt.visualization.plot_window import ProjectionPlot``
+ * Import symbols from the module where they are defined, avoid transitive
+   imports.
+ * Import standard library modules, functions, and classes from builtins, do not
+   import them from other yt files.
+ * Numpy is to be imported as ``np``.
+ * Do not use too many keyword arguments.  If you have a lot of keyword
+   arguments, then you are doing too much in ``__init__`` and not enough via
+   parameter setting.
+ * In function arguments, place spaces before commas.  ``def something(a,b,c)``
+   should be ``def something(a, b, c)``.
+ * Don't create a new class to replicate the functionality of an old class --
+   replace the old class.  Too many options makes for a confusing user
+   experience.
+ * Parameter files external to yt are a last resort.
+ * The usage of the ``**kwargs`` construction should be avoided.  If they cannot
+   be avoided, they must be explained, even if they are only to be passed on to
+   a nested function.
+.. _docstrings
+The following is an example docstring. You can use it as a template for
+docstrings in your code and as a guide for how we expect docstrings to look and
+the level of detail we are looking for. Note that we use NumPy style docstrings
+written in `Sphinx restructured text format <http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html>`_.
+    r"""A one-line summary that does not use variable names or the
+    function name.
+    Several sentences providing an extended description. Refer to
+    variables using back-ticks, e.g. ``var``.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    var1 : array_like
+        Array_like means all those objects -- lists, nested lists, etc. --
+        that can be converted to an array.  We can also refer to
+        variables like `var1`.
+    var2 : int
+        The type above can either refer to an actual Python type
+        (e.g. ``int``), or describe the type of the variable in more
+        detail, e.g. ``(N,) ndarray`` or ``array_like``.
+    Long_variable_name : {'hi', 'ho'}, optional
+        Choices in brackets, default first when optional.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    describe : type
+        Explanation
+    output : type
+        Explanation
+    tuple : type
+        Explanation
+    items : type
+        even more explaining
+    Other Parameters
+    ----------------
+    only_seldom_used_keywords : type
+        Explanation
+    common_parameters_listed_above : type
+        Explanation
+    Raises
+    ------
+    BadException
+        Because you shouldn't have done that.
+    See Also
+    --------
+    otherfunc : relationship (optional)
+    newfunc : Relationship (optional), which could be fairly long, in which
+              case the line wraps here.
+    thirdfunc, fourthfunc, fifthfunc
+    Notes
+    -----
+    Notes about the implementation algorithm (if needed).
+    This can have multiple paragraphs.
+    You may include some math:
+    .. math:: X(e^{j\omega } ) = x(n)e^{ - j\omega n}
+    And even use a greek symbol like :math:`omega` inline.
+    References
+    ----------
+    Cite the relevant literature, e.g. [1]_.  You may also cite these
+    references in the notes section above.
+    .. [1] O. McNoleg, "The integration of GIS, remote sensing,
+       expert systems and adaptive co-kriging for environmental habitat
+       modelling of the Highland Haggis using object-oriented, fuzzy-logic
+       and neural-network techniques," Computers & Geosciences, vol. 22,
+       pp. 585-588, 1996.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    These are written in doctest format, and should illustrate how to
+    use the function.  Use the variables 'ds' for the dataset, 'pc' for
+    a plot collection, 'c' for a center, and 'L' for a vector.
+    >>> a=[1,2,3]
+    >>> print [x + 3 for x in a]
+    [4, 5, 6]
+    >>> print "a\n\nb"
+    a
+    b
+    """
+Variable Names and Enzo-isms
+Avoid Enzo-isms.  This includes but is not limited to:
+ * Hard-coding parameter names that are the same as those in Enzo.  The
+   following translation table should be of some help.  Note that the
+   parameters are now properties on a ``Dataset`` subclass: you access them
+   like ds.refine_by .
+    - ``RefineBy `` => `` refine_by``
+    - ``TopGridRank `` => `` dimensionality``
+    - ``TopGridDimensions `` => `` domain_dimensions``
+    - ``InitialTime `` => `` current_time``
+    - ``DomainLeftEdge `` => `` domain_left_edge``
+    - ``DomainRightEdge `` => `` domain_right_edge``
+    - ``CurrentTimeIdentifier `` => `` unique_identifier``
+    - ``CosmologyCurrentRedshift `` => `` current_redshift``
+    - ``ComovingCoordinates `` => `` cosmological_simulation``
+    - ``CosmologyOmegaMatterNow `` => `` omega_matter``
+    - ``CosmologyOmegaLambdaNow `` => `` omega_lambda``
+    - ``CosmologyHubbleConstantNow `` => `` hubble_constant``
+ * Do not assume that the domain runs from 0 .. 1.  This is not true
+   everywhere.
+ * Variable names should be short but descriptive.
+ * No globals!

diff -r 46d68d42bf02fcd336aa5db0f9ea964b1099648a -r bf6e64cbf7006f9e20136bd440bad66372cf26b0 doc/source/developing/developing.rst
--- a/doc/source/developing/developing.rst
+++ b/doc/source/developing/developing.rst
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-.. include:: ../../../CONTRIBUTING
+.. include:: ../../../CONTRIBUTING.rst

Changeset:   94b347d82a50
Branch:      yt
User:        ngoldbaum
Date:        2015-11-23 19:44:58+00:00
Summary:     Minor updates for formatting in CONTRIBUTING file
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r bf6e64cbf7006f9e20136bd440bad66372cf26b0 -r 94b347d82a50422c74a5d6a54fb105ce248d045d CONTRIBUTING.rst
@@ -750,11 +750,15 @@
 ``pep8`` tools. To check the coding style of your contributions locally you will
 need to install the ``flake8`` tool from ``pip``:
+.. code-block:: bash
     $ pip install flake8
 And then navigate to the root of the yt repository and run ``flake8`` on the
 ``yt`` folder:
+.. code-block:: bash
     $ cd $YT_HG
     $ flake8 ./yt
@@ -849,6 +853,8 @@
 the level of detail we are looking for. Note that we use NumPy style docstrings
 written in `Sphinx restructured text format <http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html>`_.
+.. code-block:: rest
     r"""A one-line summary that does not use variable names or the
     function name.
@@ -860,7 +866,7 @@
     var1 : array_like
         Array_like means all those objects -- lists, nested lists, etc. --
         that can be converted to an array.  We can also refer to
-        variables like `var1`.
+        variables like ``var1``.
     var2 : int
         The type above can either refer to an actual Python type
         (e.g. ``int``), or describe the type of the variable in more

Changeset:   5b5389c150b9
Branch:      yt
User:        ngoldbaum
Date:        2015-11-23 19:46:00+00:00
Summary:     Merged in ngoldbaum/yt (pull request #1878)

Developer guide updates
Affected #:  7 files

diff -r 057c8b0cf0634b0d010426b23f7275ab84d67fe9 -r 5b5389c150b9d9ae33a8e36b03f6626f78b8da53 CONTRIBUTING.rst
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,970 @@
+.. This document is rendered in HTML with cross-reference links filled in at
+   http://yt-project.org/doc/developing/
+.. _getting-involved:
+Getting Involved
+There are *lots* of ways to get involved with yt, as a community and as a
+technical system -- not all of them just contributing code, but also
+participating in the community, helping us with designing the websites, adding
+documentation, and sharing your scripts with others.
+Coding is only one way to be involved!
+Communication Channels
+There are five main communication channels for yt:
+ * We have an IRC channel, on ``irc.freenode.net`` in ``#yt``.
+   You can connect through our web
+   gateway without any special client, at http://yt-project.org/irc.html .
+   *IRC is the first stop for conversation!*
+ * Many yt developers participate in the yt Slack community. Slack is a free 
+   chat service that many teams use to organize their work. You can get an
+   invite to yt's Slack organization by clicking the "Join us @ Slack" button
+   on this page: http://yt-project.org/community.html
+ * `yt-users <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-users-spacepope.org>`_
+   is a relatively high-traffic mailing list where people are encouraged to ask
+   questions about the code, figure things out and so on.
+ * `yt-dev <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org>`_ is
+   a much lower-traffic mailing list designed to focus on discussions of
+   improvements to the code, ideas about planning, development issues, and so
+   on.
+ * `yt-svn <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-svn-spacepope.org>`_ is
+   the (now-inaccurately titled) mailing list where all pushes to the primary
+   repository are sent.
+The easiest way to get involved with yt is to read the mailing lists, hang out
+in IRC or slack chat, and participate.  If someone asks a question you know the
+answer to (or have your own question about!) write back and answer it.
+If you have an idea about something, suggest it!  We not only welcome
+participation, we encourage it.
+The yt documentation is constantly being updated, and it is a task we would very
+much appreciate assistance with.  Whether that is adding a section, updating an
+outdated section, contributing typo or grammatical fixes, adding a FAQ, or
+increasing coverage of functionality, it would be very helpful if you wanted to
+help out.
+The easiest way to help out is to fork the main yt repository (where the
+documentation lives in the ``doc`` directory in the root of the yt mercurial
+repository) and then make your changes in your own fork.  When you are done,
+issue a pull request through the website for your new fork, and we can comment
+back and forth and eventually accept your changes. See :ref:`sharing-changes` for
+more information about contributing your changes to yt on bitbucket.
+Gallery Images and Videos
+If you have an image or video you'd like to display in the image or video
+galleries, getting it included it easy!  You can either fork the `yt homepage
+repository <http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/website>`_ and add it there, or
+email it to us and we'll add it to the `Gallery
+We're eager to show off the images and movies you make with yt, so please feel
+free to drop `us <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org>`_
+a line and let us know if you've got something great!
+Technical Contributions
+Contributing code is another excellent way to participate -- whether it's
+bug fixes, new features, analysis modules, or a new code frontend.  See
+:ref:`creating_frontend` for more details.
+The process is pretty simple: fork on BitBucket, make changes, issue a pull
+request.  We can then go back and forth with comments in the pull request, but
+usually we end up accepting.
+For more information, see :ref:`contributing-code`, where we spell out how to
+get up and running with a development environment, how to commit, and how to
+use BitBucket.
+Online Presence
+Some of these fall under the other items, but if you'd like to help out with
+the website or any of the other ways yt is presented online, please feel free!
+Almost everything is kept in hg repositories on BitBucket, and it is very easy
+to fork and contribute back changes.
+Please feel free to dig in and contribute changes.
+Word of Mouth
+If you're using yt and it has increased your productivity, please feel
+encouraged to share that information.  Cite our `paper
+<http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011ApJS..192....9T>`_, tell your colleagues,
+and just spread word of mouth.  By telling people about your successes, you'll
+help bring more eyes and hands to the table -- in this manner, by increasing
+participation, collaboration, and simply spreading the limits of what the code
+is asked to do, we hope to help scale the utility and capability of yt with the
+community size.
+Feel free to `blog <http://blog.yt-project.org/>`_ about, `tweet
+<http://twitter.com/yt_astro>`_ about and talk about what you are up to!
+Long-Term Projects
+There are some wild-eyed, out-there ideas that have been bandied about for the
+future directions of yt -- some of them even written into the mission
+statement.  The ultimate goal is to move past simple analysis and visualization
+of data and begin to approach it from the other side, of generating data,
+running solvers.  We also hope to increase its ability to act as an in situ
+analysis code, by presenting a unified protocol.  Other projects include
+interfacing with ParaView and VisIt, creating a web GUI for running
+simulations, creating a run-tracker that follows simulations in progress, a
+federated database for simulation outputs, and so on and so forth.
+yt is an ambitious project.  Let's be ambitious together.
+yt Community Code of Conduct
+The community of participants in open source
+Scientific projects is made up of members from around the
+globe with a diverse set of skills, personalities, and
+experiences. It is through these differences that our
+community experiences success and continued growth. We
+expect everyone in our community to follow these guidelines
+when interacting with others both inside and outside of our
+community. Our goal is to keep ours a positive, inclusive,
+successful, and growing community.
+As members of the community,
+- We pledge to treat all people with respect and
+  provide a harassment- and bullying-free environment,
+  regardless of sex, sexual orientation and/or gender
+  identity, disability, physical appearance, body size,
+  race, nationality, ethnicity, and religion. In
+  particular, sexual language and imagery, sexist,
+  racist, or otherwise exclusionary jokes are not
+  appropriate.
+- We pledge to respect the work of others by
+  recognizing acknowledgment/citation requests of
+  original authors. As authors, we pledge to be explicit
+  about how we want our own work to be cited or
+  acknowledged.
+- We pledge to welcome those interested in joining the
+  community, and realize that including people with a
+  variety of opinions and backgrounds will only serve to
+  enrich our community. In particular, discussions
+  relating to pros/cons of various technologies,
+  programming languages, and so on are welcome, but
+  these should be done with respect, taking proactive
+  measure to ensure that all participants are heard and
+  feel confident that they can freely express their
+  opinions.
+- We pledge to welcome questions and answer them
+  respectfully, paying particular attention to those new
+  to the community. We pledge to provide respectful
+  criticisms and feedback in forums, especially in
+  discussion threads resulting from code
+  contributions.
+- We pledge to be conscientious of the perceptions of
+  the wider community and to respond to criticism
+  respectfully. We will strive to model behaviors that
+  encourage productive debate and disagreement, both
+  within our community and where we are criticized. We
+  will treat those outside our community with the same
+  respect as people within our community.
+- We pledge to help the entire community follow the
+  code of conduct, and to not remain silent when we see
+  violations of the code of conduct. We will take action
+  when members of our community violate this code such as
+  contacting confidential at yt-project.org (all emails sent to
+  this address will be treated with the strictest
+  confidence) or talking privately with the person.
+This code of conduct applies to all
+community situations online and offline, including mailing
+lists, forums, social media, conferences, meetings,
+associated social events, and one-to-one interactions.
+The yt Community Code of Conduct was adapted from the
+`Astropy Community Code of Conduct
+which was partially inspired by the PSF code of conduct.
+.. _contributing-code:
+How to Develop yt
+yt is a community project!
+We are very happy to accept patches, features, and bugfixes from any member of
+the community!  yt is developed using mercurial, primarily because it enables
+very easy and straightforward submission of changesets.  We're eager to hear
+from you, and if you are developing yt, we encourage you to subscribe to the
+`developer mailing list
+<http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org>`_. Please feel
+free to hack around, commit changes, and send them upstream.
+.. note:: If you already know how to use the `mercurial version control system
+   <http://mercurial-scm.org>`_ and are comfortable with handling it yourself,
+   the quickest way to contribute to yt is to `fork us on BitBucket
+   <http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/fork>`_, make your changes, push the
+   changes to your fork and issue a `pull request
+   <http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/pull-requests>`_.  The rest of this
+   document is just an explanation of how to do that.
+See :ref:`code-style-guide` for more information about coding style in yt and
+:ref:`docstrings` for an example docstring.  Please read them before hacking on
+the codebase, and feel free to email any of the mailing lists for help with the
+Keep in touch, and happy hacking!
+.. _open-issues:
+Open Issues
+If you're interested in participating in yt development, take a look at the
+`issue tracker on bitbucket
+Issues are marked with a milestone of "easy", "moderate", or "difficult"
+depending on the estimated level of difficulty for fixing the issue. While we
+try to triage the issue tracker regularly, it may be the case that issues marked
+"moderate" are actually easier than their milestone label indicates since that
+is the default value.
+Here are some predefined issue searches that might be useful:
+* Unresolved issues `marked "easy" <https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/issues?milestone=easy&status=open&status=new>`_.
+* Unresolved issues `marked "easy" or "moderate" <https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/issues?milestone=easy&milestone=moderate&status=open&status=new>`_
+* `All unresolved issues <https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/issues?status=open&status=new>`_
+Submitting Changes
+We provide a brief introduction to submitting changes here.  yt thrives on the
+strength of its communities (http://arxiv.org/abs/1301.7064 has further
+discussion) and we encourage contributions from any user.  While we do not
+discuss version control, mercurial or the advanced usage of BitBucket in detail
+here, we do provide an outline of how to submit changes and we are happy to
+provide further assistance or guidance.
+yt is `licensed <http://blog.yt-project.org/post/Relicensing.html>`_ under the
+BSD 3-clause license.  Versions previous to yt-2.6 were released under the GPLv3.
+All contributed code must be BSD-compatible.  If you'd rather not license in
+this manner, but still want to contribute, please consider creating an external
+package, which we'll happily link to.
+How To Get The Source Code For Editing
+yt is hosted on BitBucket, and you can see all of the yt repositories at
+http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/.  With the yt installation script you should have a
+copy of Mercurial for checking out pieces of code.  Make sure you have followed
+the steps above for bootstrapping your development (to assure you have a
+bitbucket account, etc.)
+In order to modify the source code for yt, we ask that you make a "fork" of the
+main yt repository on bitbucket.  A fork is simply an exact copy of the main
+repository (along with its history) that you will now own and can make
+modifications as you please.  You can create a personal fork by visiting the yt
+bitbucket webpage at https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/ .  After logging in,
+you should see an option near the top right labeled "fork".  Click this option,
+and then click the fork repository button on the subsequent page.  You now have
+a forked copy of the yt repository for your own personal modification.
+This forked copy exists on the bitbucket repository, so in order to access
+it locally, follow the instructions at the top of that webpage for that
+forked repository, namely run at a local command line:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   $ hg clone http://bitbucket.org/<USER>/<REPOSITORY_NAME>
+This downloads that new forked repository to your local machine, so that you
+can access it, read it, make modifications, etc.  It will put the repository in
+a local directory of the same name as the repository in the current working
+directory.  You can see any past state of the code by using the hg log command.
+For example, the following command would show you the last 5 changesets
+(modifications to the code) that were submitted to that repository.
+.. code-block:: bash
+   $ hg log -l 5
+Using the revision specifier (the number or hash identifier next to each
+changeset), you can update the local repository to any past state of the
+code (a previous changeset or version) by executing the command:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   $ hg up revision_specifier
+Lastly, if you want to use this new downloaded version of your yt repository as
+the *active* version of yt on your computer (i.e. the one which is executed when
+you run yt from the command line or the one that is loaded when you do ``import
+yt``), then you must "activate" it using the following commands from within the
+repository directory.
+.. code-block:: bash
+   $ python2.7 setup.py develop
+This will rebuild all C modules as well.
+.. _reading-source:
+How To Read The Source Code
+If you just want to *look* at the source code, you may already have it on your
+computer.  If you build yt using the install script, the source is available at
+``$YT_DEST/src/yt-hg``.  See :ref:`source-installation` for more details about
+to obtain the yt source code if you did not build yt using the install
+The root directory of the yt mercurial repository contains a number of
+subdirectories with different components of the code.  Most of the yt source
+code is contained in the yt subdirectory.  This directory its self contains
+the following subdirectories:
+   This is where interfaces to codes are created.  Within each subdirectory of
+   yt/frontends/ there must exist the following files, even if empty:
+   * ``data_structures.py``, where subclasses of AMRGridPatch, Dataset
+     and AMRHierarchy are defined.
+   * ``io.py``, where a subclass of IOHandler is defined.
+   * ``fields.py``, where fields we expect to find in datasets are defined
+   * ``misc.py``, where any miscellaneous functions or classes are defined.
+   * ``definitions.py``, where any definitions specific to the frontend are
+     defined.  (i.e., header formats, etc.)
+   This is where all of the derived fields that ship with yt are defined.
+   This is where geometric helpler routines are defined. Handlers
+   for grid and oct data, as well as helpers for coordinate transformations
+   can be found here.
+   This is where all visualization modules are stored.  This includes plot
+   collections, the volume rendering interface, and pixelization frontends.
+   All objects that handle data, processed or unprocessed, not explicitly
+   defined as visualization are located in here.  This includes the base
+   classes for data regions, covering grids, time series, and so on.  This
+   also includes derived fields and derived quantities.
+   This is where all mechanisms for processing data live.  This includes
+   things like clump finding, halo profiling, halo finding, and so on.  This
+   is something of a catchall, but it serves as a level of greater
+   abstraction that simply data selection and modification.
+   This is where all GUI components go.  Typically this will be some small
+   tool used for one or two things, which contains a launching mechanism on
+   the command line.
+   All broadly useful code that doesn't clearly fit in one of the other
+   categories goes here.
+   Bundled external modules (i.e. code that was not written by one of
+   the yt authors but that yt depends on) lives here.
+If you're looking for a specific file or function in the yt source code, use
+the unix find command:
+.. code-block:: bash
+The above command will find the FILENAME in any subdirectory in the
+DIRECTORY_TREE_TO_SEARCH.  Alternatively, if you're looking for a function
+call or a keyword in an unknown file in a directory tree, try:
+.. code-block:: bash
+This can be very useful for tracking down functions in the yt source.
+.. _building-yt:
+Building yt
+If you have made changes to any C or Cython (``.pyx``) modules, you have to
+rebuild yt.  If your changes have exclusively been to Python modules, you will
+not need to re-build, but (see below) you may need to re-install.
+If you are running from a clone that is executable in-place (i.e., has been
+installed via the installation script or you have run ``setup.py develop``) you
+can rebuild these modules by executing:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ python2.7 setup.py develop
+If you have previously "installed" via ``setup.py install`` you have to
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ python2.7 setup.py install
+Only one of these two options is needed.
+.. _windows-developing:
+Developing yt on Windows
+If you plan to develop yt on Windows, it is necessary to use the `MinGW
+<http://www.mingw.org/>`_ gcc compiler that can be installed using the `Anaconda
+Python Distribution <https://store.continuum.io/cshop/anaconda/>`_. The libpython package must be
+installed from Anaconda as well. These can both be installed with a single command:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ conda install libpython mingw
+Additionally, the syntax for the setup command is slightly different; you must type:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ python2.7 setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 develop
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ python2.7 setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 install
+.. _requirements-for-code-submission:
+Requirements for Code Submission
+Modifications to the code typically fall into one of three categories, each of
+which have different requirements for acceptance into the code base.  These
+requirements are in place for a few reasons -- to make sure that the code is
+maintainable, testable, and that we can easily include information about
+changes in changelogs during the release procedure.  (See `YTEP-0008
+<https://ytep.readthedocs.org/en/latest/YTEPs/YTEP-0008.html>`_ for more
+* New Features
+  * New unit tests (possibly new answer tests) (See :ref:`testing`)
+  * Docstrings in the source code for the public API
+  * Addition of new feature to the narrative documentation (See :ref:`writing_documentation`)
+  * Addition of cookbook recipe (See :ref:`writing_documentation`)
+  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
+* Extension or Breakage of API in Existing Features
+  * Update existing narrative docs and docstrings (See :ref:`writing_documentation`)
+  * Update existing cookbook recipes (See :ref:`writing_documentation`)
+  * Modify of create new unit tests (See :ref:`testing`)
+  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
+* Bug fixes
+  * Unit test is encouraged, to ensure breakage does not happen again in the
+    future. (See :ref:`testing`)
+  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
+When submitting, you will be asked to make sure that your changes meet all of
+these requirements.  They are pretty easy to meet, and we're also happy to help
+out with them.  In :ref:`code-style-guide` there is a list of handy tips for
+how to structure and write your code.
+.. _mercurial-with-yt:
+How to Use Mercurial with yt
+If you're new to Mercurial, these three resources are pretty great for learning
+the ins and outs:
+* http://hginit.com/
+* http://hgbook.red-bean.com/read/
+* http://mercurial-scm.org/
+* http://mercurial-scm.org/wiki
+The commands that are essential for using mercurial include:
+* ``hg help`` which provides help for any mercurial command. For example, you
+  can learn more about the ``log`` command by doing ``hg help log``. Other useful
+  topics to use with ``hg help`` are ``hg help glossary``, ``hg help config``,
+  ``hg help extensions``, and ``hg help revsets``.
+* ``hg commit`` which commits changes in the working directory to the
+  repository, creating a new "changeset object."
+* ``hg add`` which adds a new file to be tracked by mercurial.  This does
+  not change the working directory.
+* ``hg pull`` which pulls (from an optional path specifier) changeset
+  objects from a remote source.  The working directory is not modified.
+* ``hg push`` which sends (to an optional path specifier) changeset objects
+  to a remote source.  The working directory is not modified.
+* ``hg log`` which shows a log of all changeset objects in the current
+  repository.  Use ``-G`` to show a graph of changeset objects and their
+  relationship.
+* ``hg update`` which (with an optional "revision" specifier) updates the
+  state of the working directory to match a changeset object in the
+  repository.
+* ``hg merge`` which combines two changesets to make a union of their lines
+  of development.  This updates the working directory.
+We are happy to asnswers questions about mercurial use on our IRC, slack
+chat or on the mailing list to walk you through any troubles you might have.
+Here are some general suggestions for using mercurial with yt:
+* Named branches are to be avoided.  Try using bookmarks (``see hg help
+  bookmark``) to track work.  (`More info about bookmarks is available on the
+  mercurial wiki <http://mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Bookmarks>`_)
+* Make sure you set a username in your ``~/.hgrc`` before you commit any
+  changes!  All of the tutorials above will describe how to do this as one of
+  the very first steps.
+* When contributing changes, you might be asked to make a handful of
+  modifications to your source code.  We'll work through how to do this with
+  you, and try to make it as painless as possible.
+* Your test may fail automated style checks. See :ref:`code-style-guide` for
+  more information about automatically verifying your code style.
+* Please avoid deleting your yt forks, as that deletes the pull request
+  discussion from process from BitBucket's website, even if your pull request
+  is merged.
+* You should only need one fork.  To keep it in sync, you can sync from the
+  website. See Bitbucket's `Blog Post
+  <https://blog.bitbucket.org/2013/02/04/syncing-and-merging-come-to-bitbucket/>`_
+  about this. See :ref:`sharing-changes` for a description of the basic workflow
+  and :ref:`multiple-PRs` for a discussion about what to do when you want to
+  have multiple open pull requests at the same time.
+* If you run into any troubles, stop by IRC (see :ref:`irc`) or the mailing
+  list.
+.. _sharing-changes:
+Making and Sharing Changes
+The simplest way to submit changes to yt is to do the following:
+* Build yt from the mercurial repository
+* Navigate to the root of the yt repository
+* Make some changes and commit them
+* Fork the `yt repository on BitBucket <https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt>`_
+* Push the changesets to your fork
+* Issue a pull request.
+Here's a more detailed flowchart of how to submit changes.
+#. If you have used the installation script, the source code for yt can be
+   found in ``$YT_DEST/src/yt-hg``.  Alternatively see
+   :ref:`source-installation` for instructions on how to build yt from the
+   mercurial repository. (Below, in :ref:`reading-source`, we describe how to
+   find items of interest.)
+#. Edit the source file you are interested in and
+   test your changes.  (See :ref:`testing` for more information.)
+#. Fork yt on BitBucket.  (This step only has to be done once.)  You can do
+   this at: https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/fork.  Call this repository
+   yt.
+#. Create a bookmark to track your work. For example: ``hg bookmark
+   my-first-pull-request``
+#. Commit these changes, using ``hg commit``.  This can take an argument
+   which is a series of filenames, if you have some changes you do not want
+   to commit.
+#. Remember that this is a large development effort and to keep the code
+   accessible to everyone, good documentation is a must.  Add in source code
+   comments for what you are doing.  Add in docstrings
+   if you are adding a new function or class or keyword to a function.
+   Add documentation to the appropriate section of the online docs so that
+   people other than yourself know how to use your new code.
+#. If your changes include new functionality or cover an untested area of the
+   code, add a test.  (See :ref:`testing` for more information.)  Commit
+   these changes as well.
+#. Push your changes to your new fork using the command::
+      hg push -B my-first-pull-request https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/
+   Where you should substitute the name of the bookmark you are working on for
+   ``my-first-pull-request``. If you end up doing considerable development, you
+   can set an alias in the file ``.hg/hgrc`` to point to this path.
+   .. note::
+     Note that the above approach uses HTTPS as the transfer protocol
+     between your machine and BitBucket.  If you prefer to use SSH - or
+     perhaps you're behind a proxy that doesn't play well with SSL via
+     HTTPS - you may want to set up an `SSH key`_ on BitBucket.  Then, you use
+     the syntax ``ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt``, or equivalent, in
+     place of ``https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt`` in Mercurial commands.
+     For consistency, all commands we list in this document will use the HTTPS
+     protocol.
+     .. _SSH key: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Set+up+SSH+for+Mercurial
+#. Issue a pull request at
+   https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/pull-request/new
+   A pull request is essentially just asking people to review and accept the
+   modifications you have made to your personal version of the code.
+During the course of your pull request you may be asked to make changes.  These
+changes may be related to style issues, correctness issues, or even requesting
+tests.  The process for responding to pull request code review is relatively
+#. Make requested changes, or leave a comment indicating why you don't think
+   they should be made.
+#. Commit those changes to your local repository.
+#. Push the changes to your fork:
+      hg push https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/
+#. Your pull request will be automatically updated.
+.. _multiple-PRs:
+Working with Multiple BitBucket Pull Requests
+Once you become active developing for yt, you may be working on
+various aspects of the code or bugfixes at the same time.  Currently,
+BitBucket's *modus operandi* for pull requests automatically updates
+your active pull request with every ``hg push`` of commits that are a
+descendant of the head of your pull request.  In a normal workflow,
+this means that if you have an active pull request, make some changes
+locally for, say, an unrelated bugfix, then push those changes back to
+your fork in the hopes of creating a *new* pull request, you'll
+actually end up updating your current pull request!
+There are a few ways around this feature of BitBucket that will allow
+for multiple pull requests to coexist; we outline one such method
+below.  We assume that you have a fork of yt at
+``http://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt`` (see
+:ref:`sharing-changes` for instructions on creating a fork) and that
+you have an active pull request to the main repository.
+The main issue with starting another pull request is to make sure that
+your push to BitBucket doesn't go to the same head as your
+existing pull request and trigger BitBucket's auto-update feature.
+Here's how to get your local repository away from your current pull
+request head using `revsets <http://www.selenic.com/hg/help/revsets>`_
+and your ``hgrc`` file:
+#. Set up a Mercurial path for the main yt repository (note this is a convenience
+   step and only needs to be done once).  Add the following to your
+   ``Your_yt/.hg/hgrc``::
+     [paths]
+     upstream = https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt
+   This will create a path called ``upstream`` that is aliased to the URL of the
+   main yt repository.
+#. Now we'll use revsets_ to update your local repository to the tip of the
+   ``upstream`` path:
+   .. code-block:: bash
+      $ hg pull upstream
+      $ hg update -r "remote(yt, 'upstream')"
+After the above steps, your local repository should be at the current head of
+the ``yt`` branch in the main yt repository.  If you find yourself doing this a
+lot, it may be worth aliasing this task in your ``hgrc`` file by adding
+something like::
+  [alias]
+  ytupdate = update -r "remote(yt, 'upstream')"
+And then you can just issue ``hg ytupdate`` to get at the current head of the
+``yt`` branch on main yt repository.
+Make sure you are on the branch you want to be on, and then you can make changes
+and ``hg commit`` them.  If you prefer working with `bookmarks
+<http://mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Bookmarks>`_, you may want to make a bookmark
+before committing your changes, such as ``hg bookmark mybookmark``.
+To push your changes on a bookmark to bitbucket, you can issue the following
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ hg push -B myfeature https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt
+The ``-B`` means "publish my bookmark, the changeset the bookmark is pointing
+at, and any ancestors of that changeset that aren't already on the remote
+To push to your fork on BitBucket if you didn't use a bookmark, you issue the
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ hg push -r . -f https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt
+The ``-r .`` means "push only the commit I'm standing on and any ancestors."
+The ``-f`` is to force Mecurial to do the push since we are creating a new
+remote head without a bookmark.
+You can then go to the BitBucket interface and issue a new pull request based on
+your last changes, as usual.
+.. _code-style-guide:
+Coding Style Guide
+Automatically checking code style
+Below are a list of rules for coding style in yt. Some of these rules are
+suggestions are not explicitly enforced, while some are enforced via automated
+testing. The yt project uses a subset of the rules checked by ``flake8`` to
+verify our code. The ``flake8`` tool is a combination of the ``pyflakes`` and
+``pep8`` tools. To check the coding style of your contributions locally you will
+need to install the ``flake8`` tool from ``pip``:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ pip install flake8
+And then navigate to the root of the yt repository and run ``flake8`` on the
+``yt`` folder:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ cd $YT_HG
+    $ flake8 ./yt
+This will print out any ``flake8`` errors or warnings that your newly added code
+triggers. The errors will be in your newly added code because we have already
+cleaned up the rest of the yt codebase of the errors and warnings detected by
+the `flake8` tool. Note that this will only trigger a subset of the `full flake8
+error and warning list
+<http://flake8.readthedocs.org/en/latest/warnings.html>`_, since we explicitly
+blacklist a large number of the full list of rules that are checked by
+``flake8`` by default.
+Source code style guide
+ * In general, follow PEP-8 guidelines.
+   http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
+ * Classes are ``ConjoinedCapitals``, methods and functions are
+   ``lowercase_with_underscores``.
+ * Use 4 spaces, not tabs, to represent indentation.
+ * Line widths should not be more than 80 characters.
+ * Do not use nested classes unless you have a very good reason to, such as
+   requiring a namespace or class-definition modification.  Classes should live
+   at the top level.  ``__metaclass__`` is exempt from this.
+ * Do not use unnecessary parenthesis in conditionals.  ``if((something) and
+   (something_else))`` should be rewritten as
+   ``if something and something_else``. Python is more forgiving than C.
+ * Avoid copying memory when possible. For example, don't do
+   ``a = a.reshape(3,4)`` when ``a.shape = (3,4)`` will do, and ``a = a * 3``
+   should be ``np.multiply(a, 3, a)``.
+ * In general, avoid all double-underscore method names: ``__something`` is
+   usually unnecessary.
+ * When writing a subclass, use the super built-in to access the super class,
+   rather than explicitly. Ex: ``super(SpecialGridSubclass, self).__init__()``
+   rather than ``SpecialGrid.__init__()``.
+ * Docstrings should describe input, output, behavior, and any state changes
+   that occur on an object.  See the file ``doc/docstring_example.txt`` for a
+   fiducial example of a docstring.
+ * Use only one top-level import per line. Unless there is a good reason not to,
+   imports should happen at the top of the file, after the copyright blurb.
+ * Never compare with ``True`` or ``False`` using ``==`` or ``!=``, always use
+   ``is`` or ``is not``.
+ * If you are comparing with a numpy boolean array, just refer to the array.
+   Ex: do ``np.all(array)`` instead of ``np.all(array == True)``.
+ * Never comapre with None using ``==`` or ``!=``, use ``is None`` or
+   ``is not None``.
+ * Use ``statement is not True`` instead of ``not statement is True``
+ * Only one statement per line, do not use semicolons to put two or more
+   statements on a single line.
+ * Only declare local variables if they will be used later. If you do not use the
+   return value of a function, do not store it in a variable.
+ * Add tests for new functionality. When fixing a bug, consider adding a test to
+   prevent the bug from recurring.
+API Style Guide
+ * Do not use ``from some_module import *``
+ * Internally, only import from source files directly -- instead of:
+     ``from yt.visualization.api import ProjectionPlot``
+   do:
+     ``from yt.visualization.plot_window import ProjectionPlot``
+ * Import symbols from the module where they are defined, avoid transitive
+   imports.
+ * Import standard library modules, functions, and classes from builtins, do not
+   import them from other yt files.
+ * Numpy is to be imported as ``np``.
+ * Do not use too many keyword arguments.  If you have a lot of keyword
+   arguments, then you are doing too much in ``__init__`` and not enough via
+   parameter setting.
+ * In function arguments, place spaces before commas.  ``def something(a,b,c)``
+   should be ``def something(a, b, c)``.
+ * Don't create a new class to replicate the functionality of an old class --
+   replace the old class.  Too many options makes for a confusing user
+   experience.
+ * Parameter files external to yt are a last resort.
+ * The usage of the ``**kwargs`` construction should be avoided.  If they cannot
+   be avoided, they must be explained, even if they are only to be passed on to
+   a nested function.
+.. _docstrings
+The following is an example docstring. You can use it as a template for
+docstrings in your code and as a guide for how we expect docstrings to look and
+the level of detail we are looking for. Note that we use NumPy style docstrings
+written in `Sphinx restructured text format <http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html>`_.
+.. code-block:: rest
+    r"""A one-line summary that does not use variable names or the
+    function name.
+    Several sentences providing an extended description. Refer to
+    variables using back-ticks, e.g. ``var``.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    var1 : array_like
+        Array_like means all those objects -- lists, nested lists, etc. --
+        that can be converted to an array.  We can also refer to
+        variables like ``var1``.
+    var2 : int
+        The type above can either refer to an actual Python type
+        (e.g. ``int``), or describe the type of the variable in more
+        detail, e.g. ``(N,) ndarray`` or ``array_like``.
+    Long_variable_name : {'hi', 'ho'}, optional
+        Choices in brackets, default first when optional.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    describe : type
+        Explanation
+    output : type
+        Explanation
+    tuple : type
+        Explanation
+    items : type
+        even more explaining
+    Other Parameters
+    ----------------
+    only_seldom_used_keywords : type
+        Explanation
+    common_parameters_listed_above : type
+        Explanation
+    Raises
+    ------
+    BadException
+        Because you shouldn't have done that.
+    See Also
+    --------
+    otherfunc : relationship (optional)
+    newfunc : Relationship (optional), which could be fairly long, in which
+              case the line wraps here.
+    thirdfunc, fourthfunc, fifthfunc
+    Notes
+    -----
+    Notes about the implementation algorithm (if needed).
+    This can have multiple paragraphs.
+    You may include some math:
+    .. math:: X(e^{j\omega } ) = x(n)e^{ - j\omega n}
+    And even use a greek symbol like :math:`omega` inline.
+    References
+    ----------
+    Cite the relevant literature, e.g. [1]_.  You may also cite these
+    references in the notes section above.
+    .. [1] O. McNoleg, "The integration of GIS, remote sensing,
+       expert systems and adaptive co-kriging for environmental habitat
+       modelling of the Highland Haggis using object-oriented, fuzzy-logic
+       and neural-network techniques," Computers & Geosciences, vol. 22,
+       pp. 585-588, 1996.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    These are written in doctest format, and should illustrate how to
+    use the function.  Use the variables 'ds' for the dataset, 'pc' for
+    a plot collection, 'c' for a center, and 'L' for a vector.
+    >>> a=[1,2,3]
+    >>> print [x + 3 for x in a]
+    [4, 5, 6]
+    >>> print "a\n\nb"
+    a
+    b
+    """
+Variable Names and Enzo-isms
+Avoid Enzo-isms.  This includes but is not limited to:
+ * Hard-coding parameter names that are the same as those in Enzo.  The
+   following translation table should be of some help.  Note that the
+   parameters are now properties on a ``Dataset`` subclass: you access them
+   like ds.refine_by .
+    - ``RefineBy `` => `` refine_by``
+    - ``TopGridRank `` => `` dimensionality``
+    - ``TopGridDimensions `` => `` domain_dimensions``
+    - ``InitialTime `` => `` current_time``
+    - ``DomainLeftEdge `` => `` domain_left_edge``
+    - ``DomainRightEdge `` => `` domain_right_edge``
+    - ``CurrentTimeIdentifier `` => `` unique_identifier``
+    - ``CosmologyCurrentRedshift `` => `` current_redshift``
+    - ``ComovingCoordinates `` => `` cosmological_simulation``
+    - ``CosmologyOmegaMatterNow `` => `` omega_matter``
+    - ``CosmologyOmegaLambdaNow `` => `` omega_lambda``
+    - ``CosmologyHubbleConstantNow `` => `` hubble_constant``
+ * Do not assume that the domain runs from 0 .. 1.  This is not true
+   everywhere.
+ * Variable names should be short but descriptive.
+ * No globals!

diff -r 057c8b0cf0634b0d010426b23f7275ab84d67fe9 -r 5b5389c150b9d9ae33a8e36b03f6626f78b8da53 coding_styleguide.txt
--- a/coding_styleguide.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-Style Guide for Coding in yt
-Coding Style Guide
- * In general, follow PEP-8 guidelines.
-   http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
- * Classes are ``ConjoinedCapitals``, methods and functions are
-   ``lowercase_with_underscores``.
- * Use 4 spaces, not tabs, to represent indentation.
- * Line widths should not be more than 80 characters.
- * Do not use nested classes unless you have a very good reason to, such as
-   requiring a namespace or class-definition modification.  Classes should live
-   at the top level.  ``__metaclass__`` is exempt from this.
- * Do not use unnecessary parenthesis in conditionals.  ``if((something) and
-   (something_else))`` should be rewritten as
-   ``if something and something_else``. Python is more forgiving than C.
- * Avoid copying memory when possible. For example, don't do
-   ``a = a.reshape(3,4)`` when ``a.shape = (3,4)`` will do, and ``a = a * 3``
-   should be ``np.multiply(a, 3, a)``.
- * In general, avoid all double-underscore method names: ``__something`` is
-   usually unnecessary.
- * When writing a subclass, use the super built-in to access the super class,
-   rather than explicitly. Ex: ``super(SpecialGridSubclass, self).__init__()``
-   rather than ``SpecialGrid.__init__()``.
- * Docstrings should describe input, output, behavior, and any state changes
-   that occur on an object.  See the file ``doc/docstring_example.txt`` for a
-   fiducial example of a docstring.
- * Use only one top-level import per line. Unless there is a good reason not to,
-   imports should happen at the top of the file, after the copyright blurb.
- * Never compare with ``True`` or ``False`` using ``==`` or ``!=``, always use
-   ``is`` or ``is not``.
- * If you are comparing with a numpy boolean array, just refer to the array.
-   Ex: do ``np.all(array)`` instead of ``np.all(array == True)``.
- * Never comapre with None using ``==`` or ``!=``, use ``is None`` or
-   ``is not None``.
- * Use ``statement is not True`` instead of ``not statement is True``
- * Only one statement per line, do not use semicolons to put two or more
-   statements on a single line.
- * Only declare local variables if they will be used later. If you do not use the
-   return value of a function, do not store it in a variable.
- * Add tests for new functionality. When fixing a bug, consider adding a test to
-   prevent the bug from recurring.
-API Guide
- * Do not use ``from some_module import *``
- * Internally, only import from source files directly -- instead of:
-     ``from yt.visualization.api import ProjectionPlot``
-   do:
-     ``from yt.visualization.plot_window import ProjectionPlot``
- * Import symbols from the module where they are defined, avoid transitive
-   imports.
- * Import standard library modules, functions, and classes from builtins, do not
-   import them from other yt files.
- * Numpy is to be imported as ``np``.
- * Do not use too many keyword arguments.  If you have a lot of keyword
-   arguments, then you are doing too much in ``__init__`` and not enough via
-   parameter setting.
- * In function arguments, place spaces before commas.  ``def something(a,b,c)``
-   should be ``def something(a, b, c)``.
- * Don't create a new class to replicate the functionality of an old class --
-   replace the old class.  Too many options makes for a confusing user
-   experience.
- * Parameter files external to yt are a last resort.
- * The usage of the ``**kwargs`` construction should be avoided.  If they cannot
-   be avoided, they must be explained, even if they are only to be passed on to
-   a nested function.
-Variable Names and Enzo-isms
-Avoid Enzo-isms.  This includes but is not limited to:
- * Hard-coding parameter names that are the same as those in Enzo.  The
-   following translation table should be of some help.  Note that the
-   parameters are now properties on a ``Dataset`` subclass: you access them
-   like ds.refine_by .
-    - ``RefineBy `` => `` refine_by``
-    - ``TopGridRank `` => `` dimensionality``
-    - ``TopGridDimensions `` => `` domain_dimensions``
-    - ``InitialTime `` => `` current_time``
-    - ``DomainLeftEdge `` => `` domain_left_edge``
-    - ``DomainRightEdge `` => `` domain_right_edge``
-    - ``CurrentTimeIdentifier `` => `` unique_identifier``
-    - ``CosmologyCurrentRedshift `` => `` current_redshift``
-    - ``ComovingCoordinates `` => `` cosmological_simulation``
-    - ``CosmologyOmegaMatterNow `` => `` omega_matter``
-    - ``CosmologyOmegaLambdaNow `` => `` omega_lambda``
-    - ``CosmologyHubbleConstantNow `` => `` hubble_constant``
- * Do not assume that the domain runs from 0 .. 1.  This is not true
-   everywhere.
- * Variable names should be short but descriptive.
- * No globals!

diff -r 057c8b0cf0634b0d010426b23f7275ab84d67fe9 -r 5b5389c150b9d9ae33a8e36b03f6626f78b8da53 doc/docstring_example.txt
--- a/doc/docstring_example.txt
+++ b/doc/docstring_example.txt
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-    r"""A one-line summary that does not use variable names or the
-    function name.
-    Several sentences providing an extended description. Refer to
-    variables using back-ticks, e.g. `var`.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    var1 : array_like
-        Array_like means all those objects -- lists, nested lists, etc. --
-        that can be converted to an array.  We can also refer to
-        variables like `var1`.
-    var2 : int
-        The type above can either refer to an actual Python type
-        (e.g. ``int``), or describe the type of the variable in more
-        detail, e.g. ``(N,) ndarray`` or ``array_like``.
-    Long_variable_name : {'hi', 'ho'}, optional
-        Choices in brackets, default first when optional.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    describe : type
-        Explanation
-    output : type
-        Explanation
-    tuple : type
-        Explanation
-    items : type
-        even more explaining
-    Other Parameters
-    ----------------
-    only_seldom_used_keywords : type
-        Explanation
-    common_parameters_listed_above : type
-        Explanation
-    Raises
-    ------
-    BadException
-        Because you shouldn't have done that.
-    See Also
-    --------
-    otherfunc : relationship (optional)
-    newfunc : Relationship (optional), which could be fairly long, in which
-              case the line wraps here.
-    thirdfunc, fourthfunc, fifthfunc
-    Notes
-    -----
-    Notes about the implementation algorithm (if needed).
-    This can have multiple paragraphs.
-    You may include some math:
-    .. math:: X(e^{j\omega } ) = x(n)e^{ - j\omega n}
-    And even use a greek symbol like :math:`omega` inline.
-    References
-    ----------
-    Cite the relevant literature, e.g. [1]_.  You may also cite these
-    references in the notes section above.
-    .. [1] O. McNoleg, "The integration of GIS, remote sensing,
-       expert systems and adaptive co-kriging for environmental habitat
-       modelling of the Highland Haggis using object-oriented, fuzzy-logic
-       and neural-network techniques," Computers & Geosciences, vol. 22,
-       pp. 585-588, 1996.
-    Examples
-    --------
-    These are written in doctest format, and should illustrate how to
-    use the function.  Use the variables 'ds' for the dataset, 'pc' for
-    a plot collection, 'c' for a center, and 'L' for a vector. 
-    >>> a=[1,2,3]
-    >>> print [x + 3 for x in a]
-    [4, 5, 6]
-    >>> print "a\n\nb"
-    a
-    b
-    """

diff -r 057c8b0cf0634b0d010426b23f7275ab84d67fe9 -r 5b5389c150b9d9ae33a8e36b03f6626f78b8da53 doc/source/developing/developing.rst
--- a/doc/source/developing/developing.rst
+++ b/doc/source/developing/developing.rst
@@ -1,497 +1,1 @@
-.. _contributing-code:
-How to Develop yt
-.. note:: If you already know how to use version control and are comfortable
-   with handling it yourself, the quickest way to contribute to yt is to `fork
-   us on BitBucket <http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/fork>`_, `make your changes
-   <http://mercurial.selenic.com/>`_, and issue a `pull request
-   <http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/pull-requests>`_.  The rest of this document is just an
-   explanation of how to do that.
-yt is a community project!
-We are very happy to accept patches, features, and bugfixes from any member of
-the community!  yt is developed using mercurial, primarily because it enables
-very easy and straightforward submission of changesets.  We're eager to hear
-from you, and if you are developing yt, we encourage you to subscribe to the
-`developer mailing list
-Please feel free to hack around, commit changes, and send them upstream.  If
-you're new to Mercurial, these three resources are pretty great for learning
-the ins and outs:
-* http://hginit.com/
-* http://hgbook.red-bean.com/read/
-* http://mercurial.selenic.com/
-The commands that are essential for using mercurial include:
-* ``hg commit`` which commits changes in the working directory to the
-  repository, creating a new "changeset object."
-* ``hg add`` which adds a new file to be tracked by mercurial.  This does
-  not change the working directory.
-* ``hg pull`` which pulls (from an optional path specifier) changeset
-  objects from a remote source.  The working directory is not modified.
-* ``hg push`` which sends (to an optional path specifier) changeset objects
-  to a remote source.  The working directory is not modified.
-* ``hg log`` which shows a log of all changeset objects in the current
-  repository.  Use ``-g`` to show a graph of changeset objects and their
-  relationship.
-* ``hg update`` which (with an optional "revision" specifier) updates the
-  state of the working directory to match a changeset object in the
-  repository.
-* ``hg merge`` which combines two changesets to make a union of their lines
-  of development.  This updates the working directory.
-Keep in touch, and happy hacking!  We also provide `doc/coding_styleguide.txt`
-and an example of a fiducial docstring in `doc/docstring_example.txt`.  Please
-read them before hacking on the codebase, and feel free to email any of the
-mailing lists for help with the codebase.
-.. _bootstrap-dev:
-Submitting Changes
-We provide a brief introduction to submitting changes here.  yt thrives on the
-strength of its communities ( http://arxiv.org/abs/1301.7064 has further
-discussion) and we encourage contributions from any user.  While we do not
-discuss in detail version control, mercurial or the advanced usage of
-BitBucket, we do provide an outline of how to submit changes and we are happy
-to provide further assistance or guidance.
-yt has, with the 2.6 release, been `relicensed
-<http://blog.yt-project.org/post/Relicensing.html>`_ under the BSD 3-clause
-license.  Previously versions were released under the GPLv3.
-All contributed code must be BSD-compatible.  If you'd rather not license in
-this manner, but still want to contribute, please consider creating an external
-package, which we'll happily link to.
-.. _requirements-for-code-submission:
-Requirements for Code Submission
-Modifications to the code typically fall into one of three categories, each of
-which have different requirements for acceptance into the code base.  These
-requirements are in place for a few reasons -- to make sure that the code is
-maintainable, testable, and that we can easily include information about
-changes in changelogs during the release procedure.  (See `YTEP-0008
-<https://ytep.readthedocs.org/en/latest/YTEPs/YTEP-0008.html>`_ for more
-* New Features
-  * New unit tests (possibly new answer tests) (See :ref:`testing`)
-  * Docstrings in the source code for the public API
-  * Addition of new feature to the narrative documentation (See :ref:`writing_documentation`)
-  * Addition of cookbook recipe (See :ref:`writing_documentation`) 
-  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
-* Extension or Breakage of API in Existing Features
-  * Update existing narrative docs and docstrings (See :ref:`writing_documentation`) 
-  * Update existing cookbook recipes (See :ref:`writing_documentation`) 
-  * Modify of create new unit tests (See :ref:`testing`)
-  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
-* Bug fixes
-  * Unit test is encouraged, to ensure breakage does not happen again in the
-    future. (See :ref:`testing`)
-  * Issue created on issue tracker, to ensure this is added to the changelog
-When submitting, you will be asked to make sure that your changes meet all of
-these requirements.  They are pretty easy to meet, and we're also happy to help
-out with them.  In :ref:`code-style-guide` there is a list of handy tips for
-how to structure and write your code.
-.. _mercurial-with-yt:
-How to Use Mercurial with yt
-This document doesn't cover detailed mercurial use, but on IRC we are happy to
-walk you through any troubles you might have.  Here are some suggestions
-for using mercurial with yt:
-* Named branches are to be avoided.  Try using bookmarks (``hg bookmark``) to
-  track work.  (`More <http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Bookmarks>`_)
-* Make sure you set a username in your ``~/.hgrc`` before you commit any
-  changes!  All of the tutorials above will describe how to do this as one of
-  the very first steps.
-* When contributing changes, you might be asked to make a handful of
-  modifications to your source code.  We'll work through how to do this with
-  you, and try to make it as painless as possible.
-* Please avoid deleting your yt forks, as that eliminates the code review
-  process from BitBucket's website.
-* In all likelihood, you only need one fork.  To keep it in sync, you can
-  sync from the website.  (See Bitbucket's `Blog Post
-  <https://blog.bitbucket.org/2013/02/04/syncing-and-merging-come-to-bitbucket/>`_
-  about this.)
-* If you run into any troubles, stop by IRC (see :ref:`irc`) or the mailing
-  list.
-.. _building-yt:
-Building yt
-If you have made changes to any C or Cython (``.pyx``) modules, you have to
-rebuild yt.  If your changes have exclusively been to Python modules, you will
-not need to re-build, but (see below) you may need to re-install.  
-If you are running from a clone that is executable in-place (i.e., has been
-installed via the installation script or you have run ``setup.py develop``) you
-can rebuild these modules by executing:
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ python2.7 setup.py develop
-If you have previously "installed" via ``setup.py install`` you have to
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ python2.7 setup.py install
-Only one of these two options is needed.
-.. _windows-developing:
-Developing yt on Windows
-If you plan to develop yt on Windows, it is necessary to use the `MinGW
-<http://www.mingw.org/>`_ gcc compiler that can be installed using the `Anaconda
-Python Distribution <https://store.continuum.io/cshop/anaconda/>`_. The libpython package must be
-installed from Anaconda as well. These can both be installed with a single command:
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ conda install libpython mingw
-Additionally, the syntax for the setup command is slightly different; you must type:
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ python2.7 setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 develop
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ python2.7 setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 install
-.. _sharing-changes:
-Making and Sharing Changes
-The simplest way to submit changes to yt is to do the following:
-* Build yt from the mercurial repository
-* Navigate to the root of the yt repository 
-* Make some changes and commit them
-* Fork the `yt repository on BitBucket <https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt>`_
-* Push the changesets to your fork
-* Issue a pull request.
-Here's a more detailed flowchart of how to submit changes.
-#. If you have used the installation script, the source code for yt can be
-   found in ``$YT_DEST/src/yt-hg``.  Alternatively see
-   :ref:`source-installation` for instructions on how to build yt from the
-   mercurial repository. (Below, in :ref:`reading-source`, we describe how to
-   find items of interest.)  
-#. Edit the source file you are interested in and
-   test your changes.  (See :ref:`testing` for more information.)
-#. Fork yt on BitBucket.  (This step only has to be done once.)  You can do
-   this at: https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/fork.  Call this repository
-   yt.
-#. Commit these changes, using ``hg commit``.  This can take an argument
-   which is a series of filenames, if you have some changes you do not want
-   to commit.
-#. Remember that this is a large development effort and to keep the code 
-   accessible to everyone, good documentation is a must.  Add in source code 
-   comments for what you are doing.  Add in docstrings
-   if you are adding a new function or class or keyword to a function.  
-   Add documentation to the appropriate section of the online docs so that
-   people other than yourself know how to use your new code.  
-#. If your changes include new functionality or cover an untested area of the
-   code, add a test.  (See :ref:`testing` for more information.)  Commit
-   these changes as well.
-#. Push your changes to your new fork using the command::
-      hg push -r . https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/
-   If you end up doing considerable development, you can set an alias in the
-   file ``.hg/hgrc`` to point to this path.
-   .. note::
-     Note that the above approach uses HTTPS as the transfer protocol
-     between your machine and BitBucket.  If you prefer to use SSH - or
-     perhaps you're behind a proxy that doesn't play well with SSL via
-     HTTPS - you may want to set up an `SSH key`_ on BitBucket.  Then, you use
-     the syntax ``ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt``, or equivalent, in
-     place of ``https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt`` in Mercurial commands.
-     For consistency, all commands we list in this document will use the HTTPS
-     protocol.
-     .. _SSH key: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Set+up+SSH+for+Mercurial
-#. Issue a pull request at
-   https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/pull-request/new
-   A pull request is essentially just asking people to review and accept the 
-   modifications you have made to your personal version of the code.
-During the course of your pull request you may be asked to make changes.  These
-changes may be related to style issues, correctness issues, or even requesting
-tests.  The process for responding to pull request code review is relatively
-#. Make requested changes, or leave a comment indicating why you don't think
-   they should be made.
-#. Commit those changes to your local repository.
-#. Push the changes to your fork:
-      hg push https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/yt/
-#. Your pull request will be automatically updated.
-.. _multiple-PRs:
-Working with Multiple BitBucket Pull Requests
-Once you become active developing for yt, you may be working on
-various aspects of the code or bugfixes at the same time.  Currently,
-BitBucket's *modus operandi* for pull requests automatically updates
-your active pull request with every ``hg push`` of commits that are a
-descendant of the head of your pull request.  In a normal workflow,
-this means that if you have an active pull request, make some changes
-locally for, say, an unrelated bugfix, then push those changes back to
-your fork in the hopes of creating a *new* pull request, you'll
-actually end up updating your current pull request!
-There are a few ways around this feature of BitBucket that will allow
-for multiple pull requests to coexist; we outline one such method
-below.  We assume that you have a fork of yt at
-``http://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt`` (see
-:ref:`sharing-changes` for instructions on creating a fork) and that
-you have an active pull request to the main repository.
-The main issue with starting another pull request is to make sure that
-your push to BitBucket doesn't go to the same head as your
-existing pull request and trigger BitBucket's auto-update feature.
-Here's how to get your local repository away from your current pull
-request head using `revsets <http://www.selenic.com/hg/help/revsets>`_
-and your ``hgrc`` file:
-#. Set up a Mercurial path for the main yt repository (note this is a convenience
-   step and only needs to be done once).  Add the following to your
-   ``Your_yt/.hg/hgrc``::
-     [paths]
-     upstream = https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt
-   This will create a path called ``upstream`` that is aliased to the URL of the
-   main yt repository.
-#. Now we'll use revsets_ to update your local repository to the tip of the
-   ``upstream`` path:
-   .. code-block:: bash
-      $ hg pull upstream
-      $ hg update -r "remote(tip,'upstream')"
-After the above steps, your local repository should be at the tip of
-the main yt repository.  If you find yourself doing this a lot, it may
-be worth aliasing this task in your ``hgrc`` file by adding something like::
-  [alias]
-  myupdate = update -r "remote(tip,'upstream')"
-And then you can just issue ``hg myupdate`` to get at the tip of the main yt repository.
-Make sure you are on the branch you want to be on, and then you can
-make changes and ``hg commit`` them.  If you prefer working with
-`bookmarks <http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Bookmarks>`_, you may
-want to make a bookmark before committing your changes, such as ``hg
-bookmark mybookmark``.
-To push to your fork on BitBucket if you didn't use a bookmark, you issue the following:
-.. code-block:: bash
-  $ hg push -r . -f https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt
-The ``-r .`` means "push only the commit I'm standing on and any ancestors."  The
-``-f`` is to force Mecurial to do the push since we are creating a new remote head.
-Note that if you *did* use a bookmark, you don't have to force the push, but you do
-need to push the bookmark; in other words do the following instead of the above:
-.. code-block:: bash
-   $ hg push -B mybookmark https://bitbucket.org/YourUsername/Your_yt
-The ``-B`` means "publish my bookmark and any relevant changesets to the remote server."
-You can then go to the BitBucket interface and issue a new pull request based on
-your last changes, as usual.
-How To Get The Source Code For Editing
-yt is hosted on BitBucket, and you can see all of the yt repositories at
-http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/.  With the yt installation script you should have a
-copy of Mercurial for checking out pieces of code.  Make sure you have followed
-the steps above for bootstrapping your development (to assure you have a
-bitbucket account, etc.)
-In order to modify the source code for yt, we ask that you make a "fork" of the
-main yt repository on bitbucket.  A fork is simply an exact copy of the main
-repository (along with its history) that you will now own and can make
-modifications as you please.  You can create a personal fork by visiting the yt
-bitbucket webpage at https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/ .  After logging in,
-you should see an option near the top right labeled "fork".  Click this option,
-and then click the fork repository button on the subsequent page.  You now have
-a forked copy of the yt repository for your own personal modification.
-This forked copy exists on the bitbucket repository, so in order to access
-it locally, follow the instructions at the top of that webpage for that
-forked repository, namely run at a local command line:
-.. code-block:: bash
-   $ hg clone http://bitbucket.org/<USER>/<REPOSITORY_NAME>
-This downloads that new forked repository to your local machine, so that you
-can access it, read it, make modifications, etc.  It will put the repository in
-a local directory of the same name as the repository in the current working
-directory.  You can see any past state of the code by using the hg log command.
-For example, the following command would show you the last 5 changesets
-(modifications to the code) that were submitted to that repository.
-.. code-block:: bash
-   $ hg log -l 5
-Using the revision specifier (the number or hash identifier next to each
-changeset), you can update the local repository to any past state of the
-code (a previous changeset or version) by executing the command:
-.. code-block:: bash
-   $ hg up revision_specifier
-Lastly, if you want to use this new downloaded version of your yt repository as
-the *active* version of yt on your computer (i.e. the one which is executed when
-you run yt from the command line or the one that is loaded when you do ``import
-yt``), then you must "activate" it using the following commands from within the
-repository directory.
-.. code-block:: bash
-   $ python2.7 setup.py develop
-This will rebuild all C modules as well.
-.. _reading-source:
-How To Read The Source Code
-If you just want to *look* at the source code, you may already have it on your
-computer.  If you build yt using the install script, the source is available at
-``$YT_DEST/src/yt-hg``.  See :ref:`source-installation` for more details about
-to obtain the yt source code if you did not build yt using the install
-The root directory of the yt mercurial repository contains a number of
-subdirectories with different components of the code.  Most of the yt source
-code is contained in the yt subdirectory.  This directory its self contains
-the following subdirectories:
-   This is where interfaces to codes are created.  Within each subdirectory of
-   yt/frontends/ there must exist the following files, even if empty:
-   * ``data_structures.py``, where subclasses of AMRGridPatch, Dataset
-     and AMRHierarchy are defined.
-   * ``io.py``, where a subclass of IOHandler is defined.
-   * ``fields.py``, where fields we expect to find in datasets are defined
-   * ``misc.py``, where any miscellaneous functions or classes are defined.
-   * ``definitions.py``, where any definitions specific to the frontend are
-     defined.  (i.e., header formats, etc.)
-   This is where all of the derived fields that ship with yt are defined.
-   This is where geometric helpler routines are defined. Handlers
-   for grid and oct data, as well as helpers for coordinate transformations
-   can be found here.
-   This is where all visualization modules are stored.  This includes plot
-   collections, the volume rendering interface, and pixelization frontends.
-   All objects that handle data, processed or unprocessed, not explicitly
-   defined as visualization are located in here.  This includes the base
-   classes for data regions, covering grids, time series, and so on.  This
-   also includes derived fields and derived quantities.
-   This is where all mechanisms for processing data live.  This includes
-   things like clump finding, halo profiling, halo finding, and so on.  This
-   is something of a catchall, but it serves as a level of greater
-   abstraction that simply data selection and modification.
-   This is where all GUI components go.  Typically this will be some small
-   tool used for one or two things, which contains a launching mechanism on
-   the command line.
-   All broadly useful code that doesn't clearly fit in one of the other
-   categories goes here.
-   Bundled external modules (i.e. code that was not written by one of
-   the yt authors but that yt depends on) lives here.
-If you're looking for a specific file or function in the yt source code, use
-the unix find command:
-.. code-block:: bash
-The above command will find the FILENAME in any subdirectory in the
-DIRECTORY_TREE_TO_SEARCH.  Alternatively, if you're looking for a function
-call or a keyword in an unknown file in a directory tree, try:
-.. code-block:: bash
-This can be very useful for tracking down functions in the yt source.
-.. _code-style-guide:
-.. include:: ../../../coding_styleguide.txt
+.. include:: ../../../CONTRIBUTING.rst

diff -r 057c8b0cf0634b0d010426b23f7275ab84d67fe9 -r 5b5389c150b9d9ae33a8e36b03f6626f78b8da53 doc/source/developing/index.rst
--- a/doc/source/developing/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/developing/index.rst
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
-   intro

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--- a/doc/source/developing/intro.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-.. _getting-involved:
-Getting Involved
-There are *lots* of ways to get involved with yt, as a community and as a
-technical system -- not all of them just contributing code, but also
-participating in the community, helping us with designing the websites, adding
-documentation, and sharing your scripts with others.
-Coding is only one way to be involved!
-Communication Channels
-There are four main communication channels for yt:
- * We have an IRC channel, on ``irc.freenode.net`` in ``#yt``.
-   You can connect through our web
-   gateway without any special client, at http://yt-project.org/irc.html .
-   *IRC is the first stop for conversation!*
- * `yt-users <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-users-spacepope.org>`_
-   is a relatively high-traffic mailing list where people are encouraged to ask
-   questions about the code, figure things out and so on.
- * `yt-dev <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org>`_ is
-   a much lower-traffic mailing list designed to focus on discussions of
-   improvements to the code, ideas about planning, development issues, and so
-   on.
- * `yt-svn <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-svn-spacepope.org>`_ is
-   the (now-inaccurately titled) mailing list where all pushes to the primary
-   repository are sent.
-The easiest way to get involved with yt is to read the mailing lists, hang out
-in IRC, and participate.  If someone asks a question you know the answer to (or
-have your own question about!) write back and answer it.
-If you have an idea about something, suggest it!  We not only welcome
-participation, we encourage it.
-.. _share-your-scripts:
-Share Your Scripts
-.. warning:: The yt Hub is currently offline due to some hosting problems.  We
-             hope to have it back up online soon.
-The next easiest way to get involved with yt is to participate in the `yt Hub
-<http://hub.yt-project.org/>`_.  This is a place where scripts, paper
-repositories, documents and so on can be submitted to share with the broader
-If you have a repository on `BitBucket <https://bitbucket.org/>`_ then you can
-simply submit it through the ytHub submit link.   Otherwise, we provide the
-``yt hubsubmit`` command, which will guide you through the process of creating
-a mercurial repository, uploading it to BitBucket, and then submitting it
-directly to the Hub.
-This is one of the best ways to get involved in the community!  We would love
-to have more examples that show complex or advanced behavior -- and if you have
-used such scripts to write a paper, that too would be an amazing contribution.
-The yt documentation -- which you are reading right now -- is constantly being
-updated, and it is a task we would very much appreciate assistance with.
-Whether that is adding a section, updating an outdated section, contributing
-typo or grammatical fixes, adding a FAQ, or increasing coverage of
-functionality, it would be very helpful if you wanted to help out.
-The easiest way to help out is to fork the main yt repository (where the
-documentation lives in the ``doc`` directory in the root of the yt mercurial
-repository) and then make your changes in your own fork.  When you are done,
-issue a pull request through the website for your new fork, and we can comment
-back and forth and eventually accept your changes.
-Gallery Images and Videos
-If you have an image or video you'd like to display in the image or video
-galleries, getting it included it easy!  You can either fork the `yt homepage
-repository <http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/website>`_ and add it there, or
-email it to us and we'll add it to the `Gallery
-We're eager to show off the images and movies you make with yt, so please feel 
-free to drop `us <http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org>`_ 
-a line and let us know if you've got something great!
-Technical Contributions
-Contributing code is another excellent way to participate -- whether it's
-bug fixes, new features, analysis modules, or a new code frontend.  See 
-:ref:`creating_frontend` for more details.
-The process is pretty simple: fork on BitBucket, make changes, issue a pull
-request.  We can then go back and forth with comments in the pull request, but
-usually we end up accepting.
-For more information, see :ref:`contributing-code`, where we spell out how to
-get up and running with a development environment, how to commit, and how to
-use BitBucket.
-Online Presence
-Some of these fall under the other items, but if you'd like to help out with
-the website or any of the other ways yt is presented online, please feel free!
-Almost everything is kept in hg repositories on BitBucket, and it is very easy
-to fork and contribute back changes.
-Please feel free to dig in and contribute changes.
-Word of Mouth
-If you're using yt and it has increased your productivity, please feel
-encouraged to share that information.  Cite our `paper
-<http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011ApJS..192....9T>`_, tell your colleagues,
-and just spread word of mouth.  By telling people about your successes, you'll
-help bring more eyes and hands to the table -- in this manner, by increasing
-participation, collaboration, and simply spreading the limits of what the code
-is asked to do, we hope to help scale the utility and capability of yt with the
-community size.
-Feel free to `blog <http://blog.yt-project.org/>`_ about, `tweet
-<http://twitter.com/yt_astro>`_ about and talk about what you are up to!
-Long-Term Projects
-There are some wild-eyed, out-there ideas that have been bandied about for the
-future directions of yt -- some of them even written into the mission
-statement.  The ultimate goal is to move past simple analysis and visualization
-of data and begin to approach it from the other side, of generating data,
-running solvers.  We also hope to increase its ability to act as an in situ
-analysis code, by presenting a unified protocol.  Other projects include
-interfacing with ParaView and VisIt, creating a web GUI for running
-simulations, creating a run-tracker that follows simulations in progress, a
-federated database for simulation outputs, and so on and so forth.
-yt is an ambitious project.  Let's be ambitious together.
-yt Community Code of Conduct
-The community of participants in open source 
-Scientific projects is made up of members from around the
-globe with a diverse set of skills, personalities, and
-experiences. It is through these differences that our
-community experiences success and continued growth. We
-expect everyone in our community to follow these guidelines
-when interacting with others both inside and outside of our
-community. Our goal is to keep ours a positive, inclusive,
-successful, and growing community.
-As members of the community,
-- We pledge to treat all people with respect and
-  provide a harassment- and bullying-free environment,
-  regardless of sex, sexual orientation and/or gender
-  identity, disability, physical appearance, body size,
-  race, nationality, ethnicity, and religion. In
-  particular, sexual language and imagery, sexist,
-  racist, or otherwise exclusionary jokes are not
-  appropriate.
-- We pledge to respect the work of others by
-  recognizing acknowledgment/citation requests of
-  original authors. As authors, we pledge to be explicit
-  about how we want our own work to be cited or
-  acknowledged.
-- We pledge to welcome those interested in joining the
-  community, and realize that including people with a
-  variety of opinions and backgrounds will only serve to
-  enrich our community. In particular, discussions
-  relating to pros/cons of various technologies,
-  programming languages, and so on are welcome, but
-  these should be done with respect, taking proactive
-  measure to ensure that all participants are heard and
-  feel confident that they can freely express their
-  opinions.
-- We pledge to welcome questions and answer them
-  respectfully, paying particular attention to those new
-  to the community. We pledge to provide respectful
-  criticisms and feedback in forums, especially in
-  discussion threads resulting from code
-  contributions.
-- We pledge to be conscientious of the perceptions of
-  the wider community and to respond to criticism
-  respectfully. We will strive to model behaviors that
-  encourage productive debate and disagreement, both
-  within our community and where we are criticized. We
-  will treat those outside our community with the same
-  respect as people within our community.
-- We pledge to help the entire community follow the
-  code of conduct, and to not remain silent when we see
-  violations of the code of conduct. We will take action
-  when members of our community violate this code such as
-  contacting confidential at yt-project.org (all emails sent to
-  this address will be treated with the strictest
-  confidence) or talking privately with the person.
-This code of conduct applies to all
-community situations online and offline, including mailing
-lists, forums, social media, conferences, meetings,
-associated social events, and one-to-one interactions.
-The yt Community Code of Conduct was adapted from the 
-`Astropy Community Code of Conduct 
-which was partially inspired by the PSF code of conduct.

diff -r 057c8b0cf0634b0d010426b23f7275ab84d67fe9 -r 5b5389c150b9d9ae33a8e36b03f6626f78b8da53 doc/source/reference/changelog.rst
--- a/doc/source/reference/changelog.rst
+++ b/doc/source/reference/changelog.rst
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@
  * libconfig is now included
  * SQLite3 and Forthon now included by default in the install script
  * Development guide has been lengthened substantially and a development
-   bootstrap script (:ref:`bootstrap-dev`) is now included.
+   bootstrap script is now included.
  * Installation script now installs Python 2.7 and HDF5 1.8.6
  * iyt now tab-completes field names
  * Halos can now be stored on-disk much more easily between HaloFinding runs.

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/


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