[yt-svn] commit/yt: jzuhone: Fixing width for off-axis SZ projections. Adding units when writing the SZ images to HDF5. Adding no_ghost and north_vector to the off_axis method.

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Mon Nov 2 11:17:07 PST 2015

1 new commit in yt:

Changeset:   811884bbb9f9
Branch:      yt
User:        jzuhone
Date:        2015-10-28 04:06:47+00:00
Summary:     Fixing width for off-axis SZ projections. Adding units when writing the SZ images to HDF5. Adding no_ghost and north_vector to the off_axis method.
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 9a49e5d6da9fc23bc7a2858bb5a304b9c4f5537b -r 811884bbb9f9ba343af6aaa2e2a178fde02a3453 yt/analysis_modules/sunyaev_zeldovich/projection.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/sunyaev_zeldovich/projection.py
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/sunyaev_zeldovich/projection.py
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
         self.display_names["Tau"] = r"$\mathrm{\tau}$"
         for f, field in zip(self.freqs, self.freq_fields):
-            self.display_names[field] = r"$\mathrm{\Delta{I}_{%d\ GHz}}$" % (int(f))
+            self.display_names[field] = r"$\mathrm{\Delta{I}_{%d\ GHz}}$" % int(f)
     def on_axis(self, axis, center="c", width=(1, "unitary"), nx=800, source=None):
         r""" Make an on-axis projection of the SZ signal.
@@ -125,9 +125,26 @@
             as a tuple containing a coordinate and string unit name or by passing
             in a YTArray. If a list or unitless array is supplied, code units are
-        width : float, tuple, or YTQuantity.
-            The width of the projection. A float will assume the width is in code units.
-            A (value, unit) tuple or YTQuantity allows for the units of the width to be specified.
+        width : tuple or a float.
+            Width can have four different formats to support windows with variable
+            x and y widths.  They are:
+            ==================================     =======================
+            format                                 example
+            ==================================     =======================
+            (float, string)                        (10,'kpc')
+            ((float, string), (float, string))     ((10,'kpc'),(15,'kpc'))
+            float                                  0.2
+            (float, float)                         (0.2, 0.3)
+            ==================================     =======================
+            For example, (10, 'kpc') requests a plot window that is 10 kiloparsecs
+            wide in the x and y directions, ((10,'kpc'),(15,'kpc')) requests a
+            window that is 10 kiloparsecs wide along the x axis and 15
+            kiloparsecs wide along the y axis.  In the other two examples, code
+            units are assumed, for example (0.2, 0.3) requests a plot that has an
+            x width of 0.2 and a y width of 0.3 in code units.  If units are
+            provided the resulting plot axis labels will use the supplied units.
         nx : integer, optional
             The dimensions on a side of the projection image.
         source : yt.data_objects.data_containers.YTSelectionContainer, optional
@@ -141,7 +158,7 @@
         ctr, dctr = self.ds.coordinates.sanitize_center(center, axis)
         width = self.ds.coordinates.sanitize_width(axis, width, None)
-        L = np.zeros((3))
+        L = np.zeros(3)
         L[axis] = 1.0
         beta_par = generate_beta_par(L)
@@ -174,7 +191,8 @@
-    def off_axis(self, L, center="c", width=(1, "unitary"), nx=800, source=None):
+    def off_axis(self, L, center="c", width=(1.0, "unitary"), depth=(1.0,"unitary"),
+                 nx=800, nz=800, north_vector=None, no_ghost=False, source=None):
         r""" Make an off-axis projection of the SZ signal.
@@ -191,11 +209,46 @@
             as a tuple containing a coordinate and string unit name or by passing
             in a YTArray. If a list or unitless array is supplied, code units are
-        width : float, tuple, or YTQuantity.
-            The width of the projection. A float will assume the width is in code units.
-            A (value, unit) tuple or YTQuantity allows for the units of the width to be specified.
+        width : tuple or a float.
+            Width can have four different formats to support windows with variable
+            x and y widths.  They are:
+            ==================================     =======================
+            format                                 example
+            ==================================     =======================
+            (float, string)                        (10,'kpc')
+            ((float, string), (float, string))     ((10,'kpc'),(15,'kpc'))
+            float                                  0.2
+            (float, float)                         (0.2, 0.3)
+            ==================================     =======================
+            For example, (10, 'kpc') requests a plot window that is 10 kiloparsecs
+            wide in the x and y directions, ((10,'kpc'),(15,'kpc')) requests a
+            window that is 10 kiloparsecs wide along the x axis and 15
+            kiloparsecs wide along the y axis.  In the other two examples, code
+            units are assumed, for example (0.2, 0.3) requests a plot that has an
+            x width of 0.2 and a y width of 0.3 in code units.  If units are
+            provided the resulting plot axis labels will use the supplied units.
+        depth : A tuple or a float
+            A tuple containing the depth to project through and the string
+            key of the unit: (width, 'unit').  If set to a float, code units
+            are assumed
         nx : integer, optional
             The dimensions on a side of the projection image.
+        nz : integer, optional
+            The number of elements along the integration path length.
+        north_vector : a sequence of floats
+            A vector defining the 'up' direction in the plot.  This
+            option sets the orientation of the slicing plane.  If not
+            set, an arbitrary grid-aligned north-vector is chosen.
+        no_ghost: bool, optional
+            Optimization option for off-axis cases. If True, homogenized bricks will
+            extrapolate out from grid instead of interpolating from
+            ghost zones that have to first be calculated.  This can
+            lead to large speed improvements, but at a loss of
+            accuracy/smoothness in resulting image.  The effects are
+            less notable when the transfer function is smooth and
+            broad. Default: True
         source : yt.data_objects.data_containers.YTSelectionContainer, optional
             If specified, this will be the data source used for selecting regions to project.
             Currently unsupported in yt 2.x.
@@ -205,13 +258,10 @@
         >>> L = np.array([0.5, 1.0, 0.75])
         >>> szprj.off_axis(L, center="c", width=(2.0, "Mpc"))
-        if iterable(width):
-            w = self.ds.quan(width[0], width[1]).in_units("code_length").value
-        elif isinstance(width, YTQuantity):
-            w = width.in_units("code_length").value
-        else:
-            w = width
+        wd = self.ds.coordinates.sanitize_width(L, width, depth)
+        w = tuple(el.in_units('code_length').v for el in wd)
         ctr, dctr = self.ds.coordinates.sanitize_center(center, L)
+        res = (nx, nx, nz)
         if source is not None:
             mylog.error("Source argument is not currently supported for off-axis S-Z projections.")
@@ -221,16 +271,23 @@
         self.ds.add_field(("gas","beta_par"), function=beta_par, units="g/cm**3")
-        dens    = off_axis_projection(self.ds, ctr, L, w, nx, "density")
-        Te      = off_axis_projection(self.ds, ctr, L, w, nx, "t_sz")/dens
-        bpar    = off_axis_projection(self.ds, ctr, L, w, nx, "beta_par")/dens
-        omega1  = off_axis_projection(self.ds, ctr, L, w, nx, "t_squared")/dens
-        omega1  = omega1/(Te*Te) - 1.
+        dens = off_axis_projection(self.ds, ctr, L, w, res, "density",
+                                   north_vector=north_vector, no_ghost=no_ghost)
+        Te = off_axis_projection(self.ds, ctr, L, w, res, "t_sz",
+                                 north_vector=north_vector, no_ghost=no_ghost)/dens
+        bpar = off_axis_projection(self.ds, ctr, L, w, res, "beta_par",
+                                   north_vector=north_vector, no_ghost=no_ghost)/dens
+        omega1 = off_axis_projection(self.ds, ctr, L, w, res, "t_squared",
+                                     north_vector=north_vector, no_ghost=no_ghost)/dens
+        omega1 = omega1/(Te*Te) - 1.
         if self.high_order:
-            bperp2  = off_axis_projection(self.ds, ctr, L, w, nx, "beta_perp_squared")/dens
-            sigma1  = off_axis_projection(self.ds, ctr, L, w, nx, "t_beta_par")/dens
-            sigma1  = sigma1/Te - bpar
-            kappa1  = off_axis_projection(self.ds, ctr, L, w, nx, "beta_par_squared")/dens
+            bperp2 = off_axis_projection(self.ds, ctr, L, w, res, "beta_perp_squared", 
+                                         north_vector=north_vector, no_ghost=no_ghost)/dens
+            sigma1 = off_axis_projection(self.ds, ctr, L, w, res, "t_beta_par", 
+                                         north_vector=north_vector, no_ghost=no_ghost)/dens
+            sigma1 = sigma1/Te - bpar
+            kappa1 = off_axis_projection(self.ds, ctr, L, w, res, "beta_par_squared", 
+                                         north_vector=north_vector, no_ghost=no_ghost)/dens
             kappa1 -= bpar
             bperp2 = np.zeros((nx,nx))
@@ -238,9 +295,9 @@
             kappa1 = np.zeros((nx,nx))
         tau = sigma_thompson*dens*self.mueinv/mh
-        self.bounds = np.array([-0.5*w, 0.5*w, -0.5*w, 0.5*w])
-        self.dx = w/nx
-        self.dy = w/nx
+        self.bounds = (-0.5*wd[0], 0.5*wd[0], -0.5*wd[1], 0.5*wd[1])
+        self.dx = wd[0]/nx
+        self.dy = wd[1]/nx
         self.nx = nx
         self._compute_intensity(np.array(tau), np.array(Te), np.array(bpar),
@@ -332,7 +389,7 @@
         if sky_scale is not None and sky_center is not None:
             fib.create_sky_wcs(sky_center, sky_scale)
         fib.writeto(filename, clobber=clobber)
     def write_png(self, filename_prefix, cmap_name="algae",
                   axes_units="kpc", log_fields=None):
@@ -362,13 +419,13 @@
             crossover = False
             if vmin < 0 and vmax < 0:
                 data *= -1
-                negative = True                                        
+                negative = True
             if field in log_fields:
                 log_field = log_fields[field]
                 log_field = True
             if log_field:
-                formatter = matplotlib.ticker.LogFormatterMathtext()        
+                formatter = matplotlib.ticker.LogFormatterMathtext()
                 norm = matplotlib.colors.LogNorm()
                 if vmin < 0 and vmax > 0:
                     crossover = True
@@ -385,13 +442,13 @@
                 cbar_label += r'$\ \ ('+units+r')$'
             fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10.0,8.0))
             ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-            cax = ax.imshow(data.ndarray_view(), norm=norm, extent=extent, cmap=cmap_name, origin="lower")
+            cax = ax.imshow(data.d, norm=norm, extent=extent, cmap=cmap_name, origin="lower")
             for label in ax.get_xticklabels():
             for label in ax.get_yticklabels():
-                label.set_fontproperties(ticks_font)                      
-            ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{x\ (%s)}$" % (axes_units), fontsize=16)
-            ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{y\ (%s)}$" % (axes_units), fontsize=16)
+                label.set_fontproperties(ticks_font)
+            ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{x\ (%s)}$" % axes_units, fontsize=16)
+            ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{y\ (%s)}$" % axes_units, fontsize=16)
             cbar = fig.colorbar(cax, format=formatter)
             cbar.ax.set_ylabel(cbar_label, fontsize=16)
             if negative:
@@ -404,10 +461,10 @@
             for label in cbar.ax.get_yticklabels():
-                label.set_fontproperties(ticks_font)                 
+                label.set_fontproperties(ticks_font)
     def write_hdf5(self, filename):
         r"""Export the set of S-Z fields to a set of HDF5 datasets.
@@ -421,11 +478,8 @@
         >>> szprj.write_hdf5("SZsloshing.h5")
-        import h5py
-        f = h5py.File(filename, "w")
         for field, data in self.items():
-            f.create_dataset(field,data=data.ndarray_view())
-        f.close()
+            data.write_hdf5(filename, dataset_name=field)
     def keys(self):
         return self.data.keys()

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