[yt-svn] commit/yt: xarthisius: Merged in cosmosquark/yt (pull request #1585)

commits-noreply at bitbucket.org commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Wed Jun 3 09:39:52 PDT 2015

1 new commit in yt:

Changeset:   8d3663ac217d
Branch:      yt
User:        xarthisius
Date:        2015-06-03 16:39:43+00:00
Summary:     Merged in cosmosquark/yt (pull request #1585)

[bugfix][improvement] Specific Angular Momentum [xyz] computed relative to a normal vector and some bug fixes
Affected #:  3 files

diff -r f000bf5609433df69390a45396dc3fe60c87b0b5 -r 8d3663ac217ddab3405fc79be7e7b299aa09bbd0 yt/fields/particle_fields.py
--- a/yt/fields/particle_fields.py
+++ b/yt/fields/particle_fields.py
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
 from yt.units.yt_array import \
-    uconcatenate
+    uconcatenate, \
+    ucross
 from yt.utilities.math_utils import \
     get_sph_r_component, \
@@ -118,10 +119,8 @@
              units = "g")
     def particle_density(field, data):
-        pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
-        mass = data[ptype, mass_name]
-        pos.convert_to_units("code_length")
-        mass.convert_to_units("code_mass")
+        pos = data[ptype, coord_name].convert_to_units("code_length")
+        mass = data[ptype, mass_name].convert_to_units("code_mass")
         d = data.deposit(pos, [data[ptype, mass_name]], method = "sum")
         d = data.ds.arr(d, "code_mass")
         d /= data["index", "cell_volume"]
@@ -244,17 +243,26 @@
                        units = "cm / s",
+def get_angular_momentum_components(ptype, data, spos, svel):
+    if data.has_field_parameter("normal"):
+        normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
+    else:
+        normal = data.ds.arr([0.0,0.0,1.0],"code_length") # default to simulation axis
+    bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
+    pos = data.ds.arr([data[ptype, spos % ax] for ax in "xyz"]).T
+    vel = data.ds.arr([data[ptype, svel % ax] - bv[iax] for iax, ax in enumerate("xyz")]).T
+    return pos, vel, normal, bv
 def standard_particle_fields(registry, ptype,
                              spos = "particle_position_%s",
                              svel = "particle_velocity_%s"):
     # This function will set things up based on the scalar fields and standard
     # yt field names.
+    # data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity") defaults to YTArray([0,0,0] cm/s)
     def _particle_velocity_magnitude(field, data):
         """ M{|v|} """
         bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        if bulk_velocity is None:
-            bulk_velocity = np.zeros(3)
         return np.sqrt((data[ptype, svel % 'x'] - bulk_velocity[0])**2
                      + (data[ptype, svel % 'y'] - bulk_velocity[1])**2
                      + (data[ptype, svel % 'z'] - bulk_velocity[2])**2 )
@@ -270,19 +278,13 @@
         Calculate the angular of a particle velocity.  Returns a vector for each
-        if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-            bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        else: bv = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)
-        xv = data[ptype, svel % 'x'] - bv[0]
-        yv = data[ptype, svel % 'y'] - bv[1]
-        zv = data[ptype, svel % 'z'] - bv[2]
         center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        coords = self.ds.arr([data[ptype, spos % d] for d in 'xyz'],
-                             dtype=np.float64, units='cm')
-        new_shape = tuple([3] + [1]*(len(coords.shape)-1))
-        r_vec = coords - np.reshape(center,new_shape)
-        v_vec = self.ds.arr([xv,yv,zv], dtype=np.float64, units='cm/s')
-        return np.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0).T
+        pos, vel, normal, bv = get_angular_momentum_components(ptype, data, spos, svel)
+        L, r_vec, v_vec = modify_reference_frame(center, normal, P=pos, V=vel)
+        # adding in the unit registry allows us to have a reference to the dataset
+        # and thus we will always get the correct units after applying the cross product.
+        return -ucross(r_vec, v_vec, registry=data.ds.unit_registry)
     registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum"),
@@ -290,87 +292,29 @@
-    def _particle_specific_angular_momentum_x(field, data):
-        if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-            bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        else: bv = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)
-        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        y = data[ptype, spos % "y"] - center[1]
-        z = data[ptype, spos % "z"] - center[2]
-        yv = data[ptype, svel % "y"] - bv[1]
-        zv = data[ptype, svel % "z"] - bv[2]
-        return yv*z - zv*y
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum_x"),
-              function=_particle_specific_angular_momentum_x,
-              particle_type=True,
-              units="cm**2/s",
-              validators=[ValidateParameter("center")])
-    def _particle_specific_angular_momentum_y(field, data):
-        if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-            bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        else: bv = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)
-        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        x = data[ptype, spos % "x"] - center[0]
-        z = data[ptype, spos % "z"] - center[2]
-        xv = data[ptype, svel % "x"] - bv[0]
-        zv = data[ptype, svel % "z"] - bv[2]
-        return -(xv*z - zv*x)
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum_y"),
-              function=_particle_specific_angular_momentum_y,
-              particle_type=True,
-              units="cm**2/s",
-              validators=[ValidateParameter("center")])
-    def _particle_specific_angular_momentum_z(field, data):
-        if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-            bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        else: bv = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)
-        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        x = data[ptype, spos % "x"] - center[0]
-        y = data[ptype, spos % "y"] - center[1]
-        xv = data[ptype, svel % "x"] - bv[0]
-        yv = data[ptype, svel % "y"] - bv[1]
-        return xv*y - yv*x
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum_z"),
-              function=_particle_specific_angular_momentum_z,
-              particle_type=True,
-              units="cm**2/s",
-              validators=[ValidateParameter("center")])
-    create_magnitude_field(registry, "particle_specific_angular_momentum",
-                           "cm**2/s", ftype=ptype, particle_type=True)
-    def _particle_angular_momentum_x(field, data):
-        return data[ptype, "particle_mass"] * \
-               data[ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum_x"]
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_angular_momentum_x"),
-             function=_particle_angular_momentum_x,
-             units="g*cm**2/s", particle_type=True,
-             validators=[ValidateParameter('center')])
-    def _particle_angular_momentum_y(field, data):
-        return data[ptype, "particle_mass"] * \
-               data[ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum_y"]
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_angular_momentum_y"),
-             function=_particle_angular_momentum_y,
-             units="g*cm**2/s", particle_type=True,
-             validators=[ValidateParameter('center')])
-    def _particle_angular_momentum_z(field, data):
-        return data[ptype, "particle_mass"] * \
-               data[ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum_z"]
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_angular_momentum_z"),
-             function=_particle_angular_momentum_z,
-             units="g*cm**2/s", particle_type=True,
-             validators=[ValidateParameter('center')])
+    def _get_spec_ang_mom_comp(axi, ax, _ptype):
+        def _particle_specific_angular_momentum_component(field, data):
+            return data[_ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum"][:, axi]
+        def _particle_angular_momentum_component(field, data):
+            return data[_ptype, "particle_mass"] * \
+                data[ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum_%s" % ax]
+        return _particle_specific_angular_momentum_component, \
+            _particle_angular_momentum_component
+    for axi, ax in enumerate("xyz"):
+        f, v = _get_spec_ang_mom_comp(axi, ax, ptype)
+        registry.add_field(
+            (ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum_%s" % ax),
+            particle_type = True, function=f, units="cm**2/s",
+            validators=[ValidateParameter("center")]
+        )
+        registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_angular_momentum_%s" % ax),
+            function=v, units="g*cm**2/s", particle_type=True,
+            validators=[ValidateParameter('center')])
     def _particle_angular_momentum(field, data):
-        return (data[ptype, "particle_mass"] *
-                data[ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum"].T).T
+        am = data[ptype, "particle_mass"] * data[ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum"].T
+        return am.T
     registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_angular_momentum"),
@@ -405,9 +349,7 @@
         normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
         center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        pos = spos
-        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, pos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        pos = pos.T
+        pos = data.ds.arr([data[ptype, spos % ax] for ax in "xyz"]).T
         L, pos = modify_reference_frame(center, normal, P=pos)
         return pos
@@ -418,81 +360,6 @@
         validators=[ValidateParameter("normal"), ValidateParameter("center")])
-    def _particle_position_relative_x(field, data):
-        """The x component of the  particle positions in a rotated reference
-        frame
-        Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector and
-        *center* field parameters.
-        Note that the orientation of the x and y axes are arbitrary.
-        """
-        normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
-        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        pos = spos
-        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, pos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        pos = pos.T
-        L, pos, = modify_reference_frame(center, normal, P=pos)
-        pos = pos.T
-        return pos[0]
-    registry.add_field(
-        (ptype, "particle_position_relative_x"),
-        function=_particle_position_relative_x,
-        particle_type=True,
-        units="cm",
-        validators=[ValidateParameter("normal"), ValidateParameter("center")])
-    def _particle_position_relative_y(field, data):
-        """The y component of the  particle positions in a rotated reference
-        frame
-        Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector and
-        *center* field parameters.
-        Note that the orientation of the x and y axes are arbitrary.
-        """
-        normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
-        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        pos = spos
-        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, pos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        pos = pos.T
-        L, pos = modify_reference_frame(center, normal, P=pos)
-        pos = pos.T
-        return pos[1]
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_position_relative_y"),
-              function=_particle_position_relative_y,
-              particle_type=True, units="cm",
-              validators=[ValidateParameter("normal"),
-                          ValidateParameter("center")])
-    def _particle_position_relative_z(field, data):
-        """The z component of the  particle positions in a rotated reference
-        frame
-        Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector and
-        *center* field parameters.
-        Note that the orientation of the x and y axes are arbitrary.
-        """
-        normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
-        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        pos = spos
-        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, pos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        pos = pos.T
-        L, pos = modify_reference_frame(center, normal, P=pos)
-        pos = pos.T
-        return pos[2]
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_position_relative_z"),
-              function=_particle_position_relative_z,
-              particle_type=True, units="cm",
-              validators=[ValidateParameter("normal"),
-                          ValidateParameter("center")])
     def _particle_velocity_relative(field, data):
         """The vector particle velocities in an arbitrary coordinate system
@@ -504,10 +371,7 @@
         normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
         center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
         bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        vel = svel
-        vel = YTArray([data[ptype, vel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        vel = vel - np.reshape(bv, (3, 1))
-        vel = vel.T
+        vel = data.ds.arr([data[ptype, svel % ax] - bv[iax] for iax, ax in enumerate("xyz")]).T
         L, vel = modify_reference_frame(center, normal, V=vel)
         return vel
@@ -517,83 +381,22 @@
-    def _particle_velocity_relative_x(field, data):
-        """The x component of the particle velocities in an arbitrary coordinate
-        system
-        Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
-        *bulk_velocity* vector and *center* field parameters.
+    def _get_coord_funcs_relative(axi, _ptype):
+        def _particle_pos_rel(field, data):
+            return data[_ptype, "particle_position_relative"][:, axi]
+        def _particle_vel_rel(field, data):
+            return data[_ptype, "particle_velocity_relative"][:, axi]
+        return _particle_vel_rel, _particle_pos_rel
+    for axi, ax in enumerate("xyz"):
+        v, p = _get_coord_funcs_relative(axi, ptype)
+        registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_velocity_relative_%s" % ax),
+            particle_type = True, function = v,
+            units = "code_velocity")
+        registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_position_relative_%s" % ax),
+            particle_type = True, function = p,
+            units = "code_length")
-        Note that the orientation of the x and y axes are arbitrary.
-        """
-        normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
-        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        vel = svel
-        vel = YTArray([data[ptype, vel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        vel = vel - np.reshape(bv, (3, 1))
-        vel = vel.T
-        L, vel = modify_reference_frame(center, normal, V=vel)
-        vel = vel.T
-        return vel[0]
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_velocity_relative_x"),
-              function=_particle_velocity_relative_x,
-              particle_type=True, units="cm/s",
-              validators=[ValidateParameter("normal"),
-                          ValidateParameter("center")])
-    def _particle_velocity_relative_y(field, data):
-        """The y component of the particle velocities in an arbitrary coordinate
-        system
-        Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
-        *bulk_velocity* vector and *center* field parameters.
-        Note that the orientation of the x and y axes are arbitrary.
-        """
-        normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
-        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        bv = data.get_field_parameter('bulk_velocity')
-        vel = svel
-        vel = YTArray([data[ptype, vel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        vel = vel - np.reshape(bv, (3, 1))
-        vel = vel.T
-        L, vel = modify_reference_frame(center, normal, V=vel)
-        vel = vel.T
-        return vel[1]
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_velocity_relative_y"),
-              function=_particle_velocity_relative_y,
-              particle_type=True, units="cm/s",
-              validators=[ValidateParameter("normal"),
-                          ValidateParameter("center")])
-    def _particle_velocity_relative_z(field, data):
-        """The z component of the particle velocities in an arbitrary coordinate
-        system
-        Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector,
-        *bulk_velocity* vector and *center* field parameters.
-        Note that the orientation of the x and y axes are arbitrary.
-        """
-        normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
-        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        vel = svel
-        vel = YTArray([data[ptype, vel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        bv = vel - np.reshape(bv, (3, 1))
-        vel = vel.T
-        L, vel = modify_reference_frame(center, normal, V=vel)
-        vel = vel.T
-        return vel[2]
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_velocity_relative_z"),
-              function=_particle_velocity_relative_z,
-              particle_type=True, units="cm/s",
-              validators=[ValidateParameter("normal"),
-                          ValidateParameter("center")])
     # this is just particle radius but we add it with an alias for the sake of
     # consistent naming
@@ -621,8 +424,7 @@
         normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
         center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-        pos = spos
-        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, pos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        pos = data.ds.arr([data[ptype, spos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
         pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
         return data.ds.arr(get_sph_theta(pos, normal), "")
@@ -651,8 +453,7 @@
         normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
         center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-        pos = spos
-        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, pos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        pos = data.ds.arr([data[ptype, spos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
         pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
         return data.ds.arr(get_sph_phi(pos, normal), "")
@@ -683,10 +484,8 @@
         normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
         center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
         bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        pos = spos
-        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, pos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        vel = svel
-        vel = YTArray([data[ptype, vel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        pos = data.ds.arr([data[ptype, spos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        vel = data.ds.arr([data[ptype, svel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
         theta = get_sph_theta(pos, center)
         phi = get_sph_phi(pos, center)
         pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
@@ -728,10 +527,8 @@
         normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
         center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
         bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        pos = spos
-        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, pos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        vel = svel
-        vel = YTArray([data[ptype, vel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        pos = data.ds.arr([data[ptype, spos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        vel = data.ds.arr([data[ptype, svel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
         theta = get_sph_theta(pos, center)
         phi = get_sph_phi(pos, center)
         pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
@@ -765,8 +562,8 @@
         normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
         center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
         bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, spos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        vel = YTArray([data[ptype, svel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        pos = data.ds.arr([data[ptype, spos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        vel = data.ds.arr([data[ptype, svel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
         phi = get_sph_phi(pos, center)
         pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
         vel = vel - np.reshape(bv, (3, 1))
@@ -798,7 +595,7 @@
         normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
         center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, spos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        pos = data.ds.arr([data[ptype, spos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
         pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
         return data.ds.arr(get_cyl_r(pos, normal),
@@ -818,7 +615,7 @@
         normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
         center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, spos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        pos = data.ds.arr([data[ptype, spos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
         pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
         return data.ds.arr(get_cyl_theta(pos, normal), "")
@@ -837,7 +634,7 @@
         normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal")
         center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, spos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        pos = data.ds.arr([data[ptype, spos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
         pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
         return data.ds.arr(get_cyl_z(pos, normal),
@@ -858,10 +655,8 @@
         normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
         center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
         bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        pos = spos
-        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, pos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        vel = svel
-        vel = YTArray([data[ptype, vel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        pos = data.ds.arr([data[ptype, spos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        vel = data.ds.arr([data[ptype, svel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
         theta = get_cyl_theta(pos, center)
         pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
         vel = vel - np.reshape(bv, (3, 1))
@@ -884,10 +679,8 @@
         normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
         center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
         bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        pos = spos
-        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, pos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        vel = svel
-        vel = YTArray([data[ptype, vel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        pos = data.ds.arr([data[ptype, spos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        vel = data.ds.arr([data[ptype, svel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
         theta = get_cyl_theta(pos, center)
         pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
         vel = vel - np.reshape(bv, (3, 1))
@@ -920,10 +713,8 @@
         normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
         center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
         bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        pos = spos
-        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, pos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        vel = svel
-        vel = YTArray([data[ptype, vel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        pos = data.ds.arr([data[ptype, spos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        vel = data.ds.arr([data[ptype, svel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
         pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
         vel = vel - np.reshape(bv, (3, 1))
         cylz = get_cyl_z_component(vel, normal)
@@ -1044,3 +835,4 @@
                        units = "g/cm**3")
     return [field_name]

diff -r f000bf5609433df69390a45396dc3fe60c87b0b5 -r 8d3663ac217ddab3405fc79be7e7b299aa09bbd0 yt/units/yt_array.py
--- a/yt/units/yt_array.py
+++ b/yt/units/yt_array.py
@@ -1224,6 +1224,19 @@
     v = validate_numpy_wrapper_units(v, arrs)
     return v
+def ucross(arr1,arr2, registry=None):
+    """Applies the cross product to two YT arrays.
+    This wrapper around numpy.cross preserves units.  
+    See the documentation of numpy.cross for full
+    details.
+    """
+    v = np.cross(arr1,arr2)
+    units = arr1.units * arr2.units
+    arr = YTArray(v,units, registry=registry)
+    return arr
 def uintersect1d(arr1, arr2, assume_unique=False):
     """Find the sorted unique elements of the two input arrays.

diff -r f000bf5609433df69390a45396dc3fe60c87b0b5 -r 8d3663ac217ddab3405fc79be7e7b299aa09bbd0 yt/utilities/math_utils.py
--- a/yt/utilities/math_utils.py
+++ b/yt/utilities/math_utils.py
@@ -301,22 +301,37 @@
            [  0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00]])
-    if (L == np.array([0, 0, 1.])).all():
-        # Whew! Nothing to do!
-        if V is None:
+    # First translate the positions to center of mass reference frame.
+    if P is not None:
+        P = P - CoM
+    # is the L vector pointing in the Z direction?
+    if np.inner(L[:2], L[:2]) == 0.0:
+        # the reason why we need to explicitly check for the above
+        # is that formula is used in denominator
+        # this just checks if we need to flip the z axis or not
+        if L[2] < 0.0:
+            # this is just a simple flip in direction of the z axis
+            if P is not None:
+                P = -P
+            if V is not None:
+                V = -V
+        # return the values
+        if V is None and P is not None:
             return L, P
-        if P is None:
+        elif P is None and V is not None:
             return L, V
             return L, P, V
-    # First translate the positions to center of mass reference frame.
-    if P is not None:
-        P = P - CoM
+    # Normal vector is not aligned with simulation Z axis
+    # Therefore we are going to have to apply a rotation
     # Now find the angle between modified L and the x-axis.
     LL = L.copy()
-    LL[2] = 0.
-    theta = np.arccos(np.inner(LL, [1.,0,0])/np.inner(LL,LL)**.5)
-    if L[1] < 0:
+    LL[2] = 0.0
+    theta = np.arccos(np.inner(LL, [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) / np.inner(LL, LL) ** 0.5)
+    if L[1] < 0.0:
         theta = -theta
     # Now rotate all the position, velocity, and L vectors by this much around
     # the z axis.
@@ -326,16 +341,18 @@
         V = rotate_vector_3D(V, 2, theta)
     L = rotate_vector_3D(L, 2, theta)
     # Now find the angle between L and the z-axis.
-    theta = np.arccos(np.inner(L, [0,0,1])/np.inner(L,L)**.5)
+    theta = np.arccos(np.inner(L, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) / np.inner(L, L) ** 0.5)
     # This time we rotate around the y axis.
     if P is not None:
         P = rotate_vector_3D(P, 1, theta)
     if V is not None:
         V = rotate_vector_3D(V, 1, theta)
     L = rotate_vector_3D(L, 1, theta)
-    if V is None:
+    # return the values
+    if V is None and P is not None:
         return L, P
-    if P is None:
+    elif P is None and V is not None:
         return L, V
         return L, P, V

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