[yt-svn] commit/yt: 9 new changesets

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Thu Jul 16 10:08:51 PDT 2015

9 new commits in yt:

Changeset:   08dd5da61eb6
Branch:      yt
User:        RicardaBeckmann
Date:        2015-06-05 11:09:07+00:00
Summary:     updated .hgignore
Affected #:  14 files

diff -r ab1bd145878fe53d71c4d000422c9b7723af8c99 -r 08dd5da61eb6a1fd145a1f4046cb63269a142e40 .hgignore
--- a/.hgignore
+++ b/.hgignore
@@ -63,3 +63,6 @@

diff -r ab1bd145878fe53d71c4d000422c9b7723af8c99 -r 08dd5da61eb6a1fd145a1f4046cb63269a142e40 yt/fields/particle_fields.py~
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/fields/particle_fields.py~
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+These are common particle fields.
+# Copyright (c) 2013, yt Development Team.
+# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+import numpy as np
+from yt.funcs import *
+from yt.units.yt_array import YTArray
+from yt.fields.derived_field import \
+    ValidateParameter, \
+    ValidateSpatial
+from yt.utilities.physical_constants import \
+    mass_hydrogen_cgs, \
+    mass_sun_cgs, \
+    mh
+from yt.units.yt_array import \
+    uconcatenate
+from yt.utilities.math_utils import \
+    get_sph_r_component, \
+    get_sph_theta_component, \
+    get_sph_phi_component, \
+    get_cyl_r_component, \
+    get_cyl_z_component, \
+    get_cyl_theta_component, \
+    get_cyl_r, get_cyl_theta, \
+    get_cyl_z, get_sph_r, \
+    get_sph_theta, get_sph_phi, \
+    periodic_dist, euclidean_dist
+from .vector_operations import \
+     create_magnitude_field
+def _field_concat(fname):
+    def _AllFields(field, data):
+        v = []
+        for ptype in data.ds.particle_types:
+            data.ds._last_freq = (ptype, None)
+            if ptype == "all" or \
+                ptype in data.ds.known_filters:
+                  continue
+            v.append(data[ptype, fname].copy())
+        rv = uconcatenate(v, axis=0)
+        return rv
+    return _AllFields
+def _field_concat_slice(fname, axi):
+    def _AllFields(field, data):
+        v = []
+        for ptype in data.ds.particle_types:
+            data.ds._last_freq = (ptype, None)
+            if ptype == "all" or \
+                ptype in data.ds.known_filters:
+                  continue
+            v.append(data[ptype, fname][:,axi])
+        rv = uconcatenate(v, axis=0)
+        return rv
+    return _AllFields
+def particle_deposition_functions(ptype, coord_name, mass_name, registry):
+    orig = set(registry.keys())
+    ptype_dn = ptype.replace("_","\/").title()
+    def particle_count(field, data):
+        pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
+        d = data.deposit(pos, method = "count")
+        d = data.ds.arr(d, input_units = "cm**-3")
+        return data.apply_units(d, field.units)
+    registry.add_field(("deposit", "%s_count" % ptype),
+             function = particle_count,
+             validators = [ValidateSpatial()],
+             display_name = "\\mathrm{%s Count}" % ptype_dn)
+    def particle_mass(field, data):
+        pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
+        pmass = data[ptype, mass_name].in_units(field.units)
+        d = data.deposit(pos, [pmass], method = "sum")
+        return data.apply_units(d, field.units)
+    registry.add_field(("deposit", "%s_mass" % ptype),
+             function = particle_mass,
+             validators = [ValidateSpatial()],
+             display_name = "\\mathrm{%s Mass}" % ptype_dn,
+             units = "g")
+    def particle_density(field, data):
+        pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
+        mass = data[ptype, mass_name]
+        pos.convert_to_units("code_length")
+        mass.convert_to_units("code_mass")
+        d = data.deposit(pos, [data[ptype, mass_name]], method = "sum")
+        d = data.ds.arr(d, "code_mass")
+        d /= data["index", "cell_volume"]
+        return d
+    registry.add_field(("deposit", "%s_density" % ptype),
+             function = particle_density,
+             validators = [ValidateSpatial()],
+             display_name = "\\mathrm{%s Density}" % ptype_dn,
+             units = "g/cm**3")
+    def particle_cic(field, data):
+        pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
+        d = data.deposit(pos, [data[ptype, mass_name]], method = "cic")
+        d = data.apply_units(d, data[ptype, mass_name].units)
+        d /= data["index", "cell_volume"]
+        return d
+    registry.add_field(("deposit", "%s_cic" % ptype),
+             function = particle_cic,
+             validators = [ValidateSpatial()],
+             display_name = "\\mathrm{%s CIC Density}" % ptype_dn,
+             units = "g/cm**3")
+    def _get_density_weighted_deposit_field(fname, units, method):
+        def _deposit_field(field, data):
+            """
+            Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle
+            mass, using cloud-in-cell deposit.
+            """
+            pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
+            # Get back into density
+            pden = data[ptype, 'particle_mass']
+            top = data.deposit(pos, [data[(ptype, fname)]*pden], method=method)
+            bottom = data.deposit(pos, [pden], method=method)
+            top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
+            bnz = bottom.nonzero()
+            top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
+            d = data.ds.arr(top, input_units=units)
+            return d
+        return _deposit_field
+    for ax in 'xyz':
+        for method, name in zip(("cic", "sum"), ("cic", "nn")):
+            function = _get_density_weighted_deposit_field(
+                "particle_velocity_%s" % ax, "cm/s", method)
+            registry.add_field(
+                ("deposit", ("%s_"+name+"_velocity_%s") % (ptype, ax)),
+                function=function, units="cm/s", take_log=False,
+                validators=[ValidateSpatial(0)])
+    # Now some translation functions.
+    def particle_ones(field, data):
+        v = np.ones(data[ptype, mass_name].shape, dtype="float64")
+        return data.apply_units(v, field.units)
+    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_ones"),
+                       function = particle_ones,
+                       particle_type = True,
+                       units = "")
+    def particle_mesh_ids(field, data):
+        pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
+        ids = np.zeros(pos.shape[0], dtype="float64") - 1
+        # This is float64 in name only.  It will be properly cast inside the
+        # deposit operation.
+        #_ids = ids.view("float64")
+        data.deposit(pos, [ids], method = "mesh_id")
+        return data.apply_units(ids, "")
+    registry.add_field((ptype, "mesh_id"),
+            function = particle_mesh_ids,
+            validators = [ValidateSpatial()],
+            particle_type = True)
+    return list(set(registry.keys()).difference(orig))
+def particle_scalar_functions(ptype, coord_name, vel_name, registry):
+    # Now we have to set up the various velocity and coordinate things.  In the
+    # future, we'll actually invert this and use the 3-component items
+    # elsewhere, and stop using these.
+    # Note that we pass in _ptype here so that it's defined inside the closure.
+    def _get_coord_funcs(axi, _ptype):
+        def _particle_velocity(field, data):
+            return data[_ptype, vel_name][:,axi]
+        def _particle_position(field, data):
+            return data[_ptype, coord_name][:,axi]
+        return _particle_velocity, _particle_position
+    for axi, ax in enumerate("xyz"):
+        v, p = _get_coord_funcs(axi, ptype)
+        registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_velocity_%s" % ax),
+            particle_type = True, function = v,
+            units = "code_velocity")
+        registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_position_%s" % ax),
+            particle_type = True, function = p,
+            units = "code_length")
+def particle_vector_functions(ptype, coord_names, vel_names, registry):
+    # This will column_stack a set of scalars to create vector fields.
+    def _get_vec_func(_ptype, names):
+        def particle_vectors(field, data):
+            v = [data[_ptype, name].in_units(field.units)
+                  for name in names]
+            c = np.column_stack(v)
+            return data.apply_units(c, field.units)
+        return particle_vectors
+    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_position"),
+                       function=_get_vec_func(ptype, coord_names),
+                       units = "code_length",
+                       particle_type=True)
+    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_velocity"),
+                       function=_get_vec_func(ptype, vel_names),
+                       units = "cm / s",
+                       particle_type=True)
+def standard_particle_fields(registry, ptype,
+                             spos = "particle_position_%s",
+                             svel = "particle_velocity_%s"):
+    # This function will set things up based on the scalar fields and standard
+    # yt field names.
+    def _particle_velocity_magnitude(field, data):
+        """ M{|v|} """
+        bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
+        if bulk_velocity is None:
+            bulk_velocity = np.zeros(3)
+        return np.sqrt((data[ptype, svel % 'x'] - bulk_velocity[0])**2
+                     + (data[ptype, svel % 'y'] - bulk_velocity[1])**2
+                     + (data[ptype, svel % 'z'] - bulk_velocity[2])**2 )
+    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_velocity_magnitude"),
+                  function=_particle_velocity_magnitude,
+                  particle_type=True,
+                  take_log=False,
+                  units="cm/s")
+    def _particle_specific_angular_momentum(field, data):
+        """
+        Calculate the angular of a particle velocity.  Returns a vector for each
+        particle.
+        """
+        if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
+            bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
+        else: bv = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)
+        xv = data[ptype, svel % 'x'] - bv[0]
+        yv = data[ptype, svel % 'y'] - bv[1]
+        zv = data[ptype, svel % 'z'] - bv[2]
+        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
+        coords = YTArray([data[ptype, spos % 'x'],
+                           data[ptype, spos % 'y'],
+                           data[ptype, spos % 'z']], dtype=np.float64)
+        new_shape = tuple([3] + [1]*(len(coords.shape)-1))
+        r_vec = coords - np.reshape(center,new_shape)
+        v_vec = YTArray([xv,yv,zv], dtype=np.float64)
+        return np.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
+    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum"),
+              function=_particle_specific_angular_momentum,
+              particle_type=True,
+              units="cm**2/s",
+              validators=[ValidateParameter("center")])
+    def _particle_specific_angular_momentum_x(field, data):
+        if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
+            bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
+        else: bv = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)
+        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
+        y = data[ptype, spos % "y"] - center[1]
+        z = data[ptype, spos % "z"] - center[2]
+        yv = data[ptype, svel % "y"] - bv[1]
+        zv = data[ptype, svel % "z"] - bv[2]
+        return yv*z - zv*y
+    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum_x"),
+              function=_particle_specific_angular_momentum_x,
+              particle_type=True,
+              units="cm**2/s",
+              validators=[ValidateParameter("center")])
+    def _particle_specific_angular_momentum_y(field, data):
+        if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
+            bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
+        else: bv = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)
+        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
+        x = data[ptype, spos % "x"] - center[0]
+        z = data[ptype, spos % "z"] - center[2]
+        xv = data[ptype, svel % "x"] - bv[0]
+        zv = data[ptype, svel % "z"] - bv[2]
+        return -(xv*z - zv*x)
+    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum_y"),
+              function=_particle_specific_angular_momentum_y,
+              particle_type=True,
+              units="cm**2/s",
+              validators=[ValidateParameter("center")])
+    def _particle_specific_angular_momentum_z(field, data):
+        if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
+            bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
+        else: bv = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)
+        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
+        x = data[ptype, spos % "x"] - center[0]
+        y = data[ptype, spos % "y"] - center[1]
+        xv = data[ptype, svel % "x"] - bv[0]
+        yv = data[ptype, svel % "y"] - bv[1]
+        return xv*y - yv*x
+    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum_z"),
+              function=_particle_specific_angular_momentum_z,
+              particle_type=True,
+              units="cm**2/s",
+              validators=[ValidateParameter("center")])
+    create_magnitude_field(registry, "particle_specific_angular_momentum",
+                           "cm**2/s", ftype=ptype, particle_type=True)
+    def _particle_angular_momentum_x(field, data):
+        return data[ptype, "particle_mass"] * \
+               data[ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum_x"]
+    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_angular_momentum_x"),
+             function=_particle_angular_momentum_x,
+             units="g*cm**2/s", particle_type=True,
+             validators=[ValidateParameter('center')])
+    def _particle_angular_momentum_y(field, data):
+        return data[ptype, "particle_mass"] * \
+               data[ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum_y"]
+    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_angular_momentum_y"),
+             function=_particle_angular_momentum_y,
+             units="g*cm**2/s", particle_type=True,
+             validators=[ValidateParameter('center')])
+    def _particle_angular_momentum_z(field, data):
+        return data[ptype, "particle_mass"] * \
+               data[ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum_z"]
+    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_angular_momentum_z"),
+             function=_particle_angular_momentum_z,
+             units="g*cm**2/s", particle_type=True,
+             validators=[ValidateParameter('center')])
+    def _particle_angular_momentum(field, data):
+        return data[ptype, "particle_mass"] \
+            * data[ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum"]
+    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_angular_momentum"),
+              function=_particle_angular_momentum,
+              particle_type=True,
+              units="g*cm**2/s",
+              validators=[ValidateParameter("center")])
+    create_magnitude_field(registry, "particle_angular_momentum",
+                           "g*cm**2/s", ftype=ptype, particle_type=True)
+    from .field_functions import \
+        get_radius
+    def _particle_radius(field, data):
+        return get_radius(data, "particle_position_")
+    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_radius"),
+              function=_particle_radius,
+              validators=[ValidateParameter("center")],
+              units="cm", particle_type = True,
+              display_name = "Particle Radius")
+    def _particle_spherical_position_radius(field, data):
+        """
+        Radial component of the particles' position vectors in spherical coords
+        on the provided field parameters for 'normal', 'center', and 
+        'bulk_velocity', 
+        """
+        normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
+        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
+        bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
+        pos = spos
+        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, pos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        theta = get_sph_theta(pos, center)
+        phi = get_sph_phi(pos, center)
+        pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
+        sphr = get_sph_r_component(pos, theta, phi, normal)
+        return sphr
+    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_spherical_position_radius"),
+              function=_particle_spherical_position_radius,
+              particle_type=True, units="cm",
+              validators=[ValidateParameter("normal"), 
+                          ValidateParameter("center")])
+    def _particle_spherical_position_theta(field, data):
+        """
+        Theta component of the particles' position vectors in spherical coords
+        on the provided field parameters for 'normal', 'center', and 
+        'bulk_velocity', 
+        """
+        normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
+        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
+        bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
+        pos = spos
+        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, pos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        theta = get_sph_theta(pos, center)
+        phi = get_sph_phi(pos, center)
+        pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
+        spht = get_sph_theta_component(pos, theta, phi, normal)
+        return spht
+    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_spherical_position_theta"),
+              function=_particle_spherical_position_theta,
+              particle_type=True, units="cm",
+              validators=[ValidateParameter("normal"), 
+                          ValidateParameter("center")])
+    def _particle_spherical_position_phi(field, data):
+        """
+        Phi component of the particles' position vectors in spherical coords
+        on the provided field parameters for 'normal', 'center', and 
+        'bulk_velocity', 
+        """
+        normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
+        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
+        bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
+        pos = spos
+        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, pos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        theta = get_sph_theta(pos, center)
+        phi = get_sph_phi(pos, center)
+        pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
+        sphp = get_sph_phi_component(pos, phi, normal)
+        return sphp
+    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_spherical_position_phi"),
+              function=_particle_spherical_position_phi,
+              particle_type=True, units="cm",
+              validators=[ValidateParameter("normal"), 
+                          ValidateParameter("center")])
+    def _particle_spherical_velocity_radius(field, data):
+        """
+        Radial component of the particles' velocity vectors in spherical coords
+        based on the provided field parameters for 'normal', 'center', and 
+        'bulk_velocity', 
+        """
+        normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
+        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
+        bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
+        pos = spos
+        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, pos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        vel = svel
+        vel = YTArray([data[ptype, vel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        theta = get_sph_theta(pos, center)
+        phi = get_sph_phi(pos, center)
+        pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
+        vel = vel - np.reshape(bv, (3, 1))
+        sphr = get_sph_r_component(vel, theta, phi, normal)
+        return sphr
+    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_spherical_velocity_radius"),
+              function=_particle_spherical_velocity_radius,
+              particle_type=True, units="cm/s",
+              validators=[ValidateParameter("normal"), 
+                          ValidateParameter("center")])
+    # This is simply aliased to "particle_spherical_velocity_radius"
+    # for ease of use.
+    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_radial_velocity"),
+              function=_particle_spherical_velocity_radius,
+              particle_type=True, units="cm/s",
+              validators=[ValidateParameter("normal"), 
+                          ValidateParameter("center")])
+    def _particle_spherical_velocity_theta(field, data):
+        """
+        Theta component of the particles' velocity vectors in spherical coords
+        based on the provided field parameters for 'normal', 'center', and 
+        'bulk_velocity', 
+        """
+        normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
+        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
+        bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
+        pos = spos
+        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, pos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        vel = svel
+        vel = YTArray([data[ptype, vel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        theta = get_sph_theta(pos, center)
+        phi = get_sph_phi(pos, center)
+        pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
+        vel = vel - np.reshape(bv, (3, 1))
+        spht = get_sph_theta_component(vel, theta, phi, normal)
+        return spht
+    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_spherical_velocity_theta"),
+              function=_particle_spherical_velocity_theta,
+              particle_type=True, units="cm/s",
+              validators=[ValidateParameter("normal"), 
+                          ValidateParameter("center")])
+    def _particle_spherical_velocity_phi(field, data):
+        """
+        Phi component of the particles' velocity vectors in spherical coords
+        based on the provided field parameters for 'normal', 'center', and 
+        'bulk_velocity', 
+        """
+        normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
+        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
+        bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
+        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, spos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        vel = YTArray([data[ptype, svel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
+        theta = get_sph_theta(pos, center)
+        phi = get_sph_phi(pos, center)
+        pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
+        vel = vel - np.reshape(bv, (3, 1))
+        sphp = get_sph_phi_component(vel, phi, normal)
+        return sphp
+    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_spherical_velocity_phi"),
+              function=_particle_spherical_velocity_phi,
+              particle_type=True, units="cm/s",
+              validators=[ValidateParameter("normal"), 
+                          ValidateParameter("center")])
+def add_particle_average(registry, ptype, field_name, 
+                         weight = "particle_mass",
+                         density = True):
+    field_units = registry[ptype, field_name].units
+    def _pfunc_avg(field, data):
+        pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
+        f = data[ptype, field_name]
+        wf = data[ptype, weight]
+        f *= wf
+        v = data.deposit(pos, [f], method = "sum")
+        w = data.deposit(pos, [wf], method = "sum")
+        v /= w
+        if density: v /= data["index", "cell_volume"]
+        v[np.isnan(v)] = 0.0
+        return v
+    fn = ("deposit", "%s_avg_%s" % (ptype, field_name))
+    registry.add_field(fn, function=_pfunc_avg,
+                       validators = [ValidateSpatial(0)],
+                       particle_type = False,
+                       units = field_units)
+    return fn
+def add_volume_weighted_smoothed_field(ptype, coord_name, mass_name,
+        smoothing_length_name, density_name, smoothed_field, registry,
+        nneighbors = None):
+    field_name = ("deposit", "%s_smoothed_%s" % (ptype, smoothed_field))
+    field_units = registry[ptype, smoothed_field].units
+    def _vol_weight(field, data):
+        pos = data[ptype, coord_name].in_units("code_length")
+        mass = data[ptype, mass_name].in_cgs()
+        dens = data[ptype, density_name].in_cgs()
+        quan = data[ptype, smoothed_field].in_units(field_units)
+        if smoothing_length_name is None:
+            hsml = np.zeros(quan.shape, dtype='float64') - 1
+            hsml = data.apply_units(hsml, "code_length")
+        else:
+            hsml = data[ptype, smoothing_length_name].in_units("code_length")
+        kwargs = {}
+        if nneighbors:
+            kwargs['nneighbors'] = nneighbors
+        rv = data.smooth(pos, [mass, hsml, dens, quan],
+                         method="volume_weighted",
+                         create_octree = True)[0]
+        rv[np.isnan(rv)] = 0.0
+        # Now some quick unit conversions.
+        rv = data.apply_units(rv, field_units)
+        return rv
+    registry.add_field(field_name, function = _vol_weight,
+                       validators = [ValidateSpatial(0)],
+                       units = field_units)
+    return [field_name]

diff -r ab1bd145878fe53d71c4d000422c9b7723af8c99 -r 08dd5da61eb6a1fd145a1f4046cb63269a142e40 yt/frontends/ramses/data_structures.py
--- a/yt/frontends/ramses/data_structures.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/ramses/data_structures.py
@@ -491,13 +491,21 @@
         Generates the conversion to various physical _units based on the parameter file
-        # Note that unit_l *already* converts to proper!
-        # Also note that unit_l must be multiplied by the boxlen parameter to
-        # ensure we are correctly set up for the current domain.
-        length_unit = self.parameters['unit_l']
-        boxlen = self.parameters['boxlen']
-        density_unit = self.parameters['unit_d']
-        mass_unit = density_unit * (length_unit * boxlen)**3
+        #Please note that for all units given in the info file, the boxlen
+        #still needs to be folded in, as shown below!
+        length_unit = self.parameters['unit_l'] * self.parameters['boxlen']
+        rho_u = self.parameters['unit_d']/ self.parameters['boxlen']**3
+        # In the mass unit, the factors of boxlen cancel back out, so this 
+        #is equivalent to unit_d*unit_l**3
+        mass_unit = rho_u * length_unit**3
+        # Cosmological runs are done in lookback conformal time. 
+        # To convert to proper time, the time unit is calculated from 
+        # the expansion factor. This is not yet  done here!
         time_unit = self.parameters['unit_t']
         magnetic_unit = np.sqrt(4*np.pi * mass_unit /
                                 (time_unit**2 * length_unit))

diff -r ab1bd145878fe53d71c4d000422c9b7723af8c99 -r 08dd5da61eb6a1fd145a1f4046cb63269a142e40 yt/frontends/ramses/data_structures.py.orig
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/frontends/ramses/data_structures.py.orig
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+RAMSES-specific data structures
+# Copyright (c) 2013, yt Development Team.
+# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+import os
+import numpy as np
+import stat
+import weakref
+import cStringIO
+<<<<<<< local
+import scipy.integrate
+>>>>>>> other
+from yt.funcs import *
+from yt.geometry.oct_geometry_handler import \
+    OctreeIndex
+from yt.geometry.geometry_handler import \
+    Index, YTDataChunk
+from yt.data_objects.static_output import \
+    Dataset
+from yt.data_objects.octree_subset import \
+    OctreeSubset
+from .definitions import ramses_header, field_aliases
+from yt.utilities.lib.misc_utilities import \
+    get_box_grids_level
+from yt.utilities.io_handler import \
+    io_registry
+from yt.utilities.physical_constants import mp, kb
+from .fields import \
+    RAMSESFieldInfo, _X
+import yt.utilities.fortran_utils as fpu
+from yt.geometry.oct_container import \
+    RAMSESOctreeContainer
+from yt.fields.particle_fields import \
+    standard_particle_fields
+class RAMSESDomainFile(object):
+    _last_mask = None
+    _last_selector_id = None
+    def __init__(self, ds, domain_id):
+        self.ds = ds
+        self.domain_id = domain_id
+        self.nvar = 0 # Set this later!
+        num = os.path.basename(ds.parameter_filename).split("."
+                )[0].split("_")[1]
+        basename = "%s/%%s_%s.out%05i" % (
+            os.path.abspath(
+              os.path.dirname(ds.parameter_filename)),
+            num, domain_id)
+        for t in ['grav', 'hydro', 'part', 'amr']:
+            setattr(self, "%s_fn" % t, basename % t)
+        self._read_amr_header()
+        self._read_hydro_header()
+        self._read_particle_header()
+        self._read_amr()
+    _hydro_offset = None
+    _level_count = None
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "RAMSESDomainFile: %i" % self.domain_id
+    def _is_hydro(self):
+        '''
+        Does the output include hydro?
+        '''
+        return os.path.exists(self.hydro_fn)
+    @property
+    def level_count(self):
+        if self._level_count is not None: return self._level_count
+        self.hydro_offset
+        return self._level_count
+    @property
+    def hydro_offset(self):
+        if self._hydro_offset is not None: return self._hydro_offset
+        # We now have to open the file and calculate it
+        f = open(self.hydro_fn, "rb")
+        fpu.skip(f, 6)
+        # It goes: level, CPU, 8-variable
+        min_level = self.ds.min_level
+        n_levels = self.amr_header['nlevelmax'] - min_level
+        hydro_offset = np.zeros(n_levels, dtype='int64')
+        hydro_offset -= 1
+        level_count = np.zeros(n_levels, dtype='int64')
+        skipped = []
+        for level in range(self.amr_header['nlevelmax']):
+            for cpu in range(self.amr_header['nboundary'] +
+                             self.amr_header['ncpu']):
+                header = ( ('file_ilevel', 1, 'I'),
+                           ('file_ncache', 1, 'I') )
+                try:
+                    hvals = fpu.read_attrs(f, header, "=")
+                except AssertionError:
+                    print "You are running with the wrong number of fields."
+                    print "If you specified these in the load command, check the array length."
+                    print "In this file there are %s hydro fields." % skipped
+                    #print "The last set of field sizes was: %s" % skipped
+                    raise
+                if hvals['file_ncache'] == 0: continue
+                assert(hvals['file_ilevel'] == level+1)
+                if cpu + 1 == self.domain_id and level >= min_level:
+                    hydro_offset[level - min_level] = f.tell()
+                    level_count[level - min_level] = hvals['file_ncache']
+                skipped = fpu.skip(f, 8 * self.nvar)
+        self._hydro_offset = hydro_offset
+        self._level_count = level_count
+        return self._hydro_offset
+    def _read_hydro_header(self):
+        # If no hydro file is found, return
+        if not self._is_hydro():
+            return
+        if self.nvar > 0: return self.nvar
+        # Read the number of hydro  variables
+        f = open(self.hydro_fn, "rb")
+        fpu.skip(f, 1)
+        self.nvar = fpu.read_vector(f, "i")[0]
+    def _read_particle_header(self):
+        if not os.path.exists(self.part_fn):
+            self.local_particle_count = 0
+            self.particle_field_offsets = {}
+            return
+        f = open(self.part_fn, "rb")
+        f.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
+        flen = f.tell()
+        f.seek(0)
+        hvals = {}
+        attrs = ( ('ncpu', 1, 'I'),
+                  ('ndim', 1, 'I'),
+                  ('npart', 1, 'I') )
+        hvals.update(fpu.read_attrs(f, attrs))
+        fpu.read_vector(f, 'I')
+        attrs = ( ('nstar_tot', 1, 'I'),
+                  ('mstar_tot', 1, 'd'),
+                  ('mstar_lost', 1, 'd'),
+                  ('nsink', 1, 'I') )
+        hvals.update(fpu.read_attrs(f, attrs))
+        self.particle_header = hvals
+        self.local_particle_count = hvals['npart']
+        particle_fields = [
+                ("particle_position_x", "d"),
+                ("particle_position_y", "d"),
+                ("particle_position_z", "d"),
+                ("particle_velocity_x", "d"),
+                ("particle_velocity_y", "d"),
+                ("particle_velocity_z", "d"),
+                ("particle_mass", "d"),
+                ("particle_identifier", "I"),
+                ("particle_refinement_level", "I")]
+        if hvals["nstar_tot"] > 0:
+            particle_fields += [("particle_age", "d"),
+                                ("particle_metallicity", "d")]
+        field_offsets = {}
+        _pfields = {}
+        for field, vtype in particle_fields:
+            if f.tell() >= flen: break
+            field_offsets["io", field] = f.tell()
+            _pfields["io", field] = vtype
+            fpu.skip(f, 1)
+        self.particle_field_offsets = field_offsets
+        self.particle_field_types = _pfields
+        self.particle_types = self.particle_types_raw = ("io",)
+    def _read_amr_header(self):
+        hvals = {}
+        f = open(self.amr_fn, "rb")
+        for header in ramses_header(hvals):
+            hvals.update(fpu.read_attrs(f, header))
+        # That's the header, now we skip a few.
+        hvals['numbl'] = np.array(hvals['numbl']).reshape(
+            (hvals['nlevelmax'], hvals['ncpu']))
+        fpu.skip(f)
+        if hvals['nboundary'] > 0:
+            fpu.skip(f, 2)
+            self.ngridbound = fpu.read_vector(f, 'i').astype("int64")
+        else:
+            self.ngridbound = np.zeros(hvals['nlevelmax'], dtype='int64')
+        free_mem = fpu.read_attrs(f, (('free_mem', 5, 'i'), ) )
+        ordering = fpu.read_vector(f, 'c')
+        fpu.skip(f, 4)
+        # Now we're at the tree itself
+        # Now we iterate over each level and each CPU.
+        self.amr_header = hvals
+        self.amr_offset = f.tell()
+        self.local_oct_count = hvals['numbl'][self.ds.min_level:, self.domain_id - 1].sum()
+        self.total_oct_count = hvals['numbl'][self.ds.min_level:,:].sum(axis=0)
+    def _read_amr(self):
+        """Open the oct file, read in octs level-by-level.
+           For each oct, only the position, index, level and domain 
+           are needed - its position in the octree is found automatically.
+           The most important is finding all the information to feed
+           oct_handler.add
+        """
+        self.oct_handler = RAMSESOctreeContainer(self.ds.domain_dimensions/2,
+                self.ds.domain_left_edge, self.ds.domain_right_edge)
+        root_nodes = self.amr_header['numbl'][self.ds.min_level,:].sum()
+        self.oct_handler.allocate_domains(self.total_oct_count, root_nodes)
+        fb = open(self.amr_fn, "rb")
+        fb.seek(self.amr_offset)
+        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
+        f.write(fb.read())
+        f.seek(0)
+        mylog.debug("Reading domain AMR % 4i (%0.3e, %0.3e)",
+            self.domain_id, self.total_oct_count.sum(), self.ngridbound.sum())
+        def _ng(c, l):
+            if c < self.amr_header['ncpu']:
+                ng = self.amr_header['numbl'][l, c]
+            else:
+                ng = self.ngridbound[c - self.amr_header['ncpu'] +
+                                self.amr_header['nboundary']*l]
+            return ng
+        min_level = self.ds.min_level
+        # yt max level is not the same as the RAMSES one.
+        # yt max level is the maximum number of additional refinement levels
+        # so for a uni grid run with no refinement, it would be 0. 
+        # So we initially assume that.
+        max_level = 0
+        nx, ny, nz = (((i-1.0)/2.0) for i in self.amr_header['nx'])
+        for level in range(self.amr_header['nlevelmax']):
+            # Easier if do this 1-indexed
+            for cpu in range(self.amr_header['nboundary'] + self.amr_header['ncpu']):
+                #ng is the number of octs on this level on this domain
+                ng = _ng(cpu, level)
+                if ng == 0: continue
+                ind = fpu.read_vector(f, "I").astype("int64")
+                fpu.skip(f, 2)
+                pos = np.empty((ng, 3), dtype='float64')
+                pos[:,0] = fpu.read_vector(f, "d") - nx
+                pos[:,1] = fpu.read_vector(f, "d") - ny
+                pos[:,2] = fpu.read_vector(f, "d") - nz
+                #pos *= self.ds.domain_width
+                #pos += self.dataset.domain_left_edge
+                fpu.skip(f, 31)
+                #parents = fpu.read_vector(f, "I")
+                #fpu.skip(f, 6)
+                #children = np.empty((ng, 8), dtype='int64')
+                #for i in range(8):
+                #    children[:,i] = fpu.read_vector(f, "I")
+                #cpu_map = np.empty((ng, 8), dtype="int64")
+                #for i in range(8):
+                #    cpu_map[:,i] = fpu.read_vector(f, "I")
+                #rmap = np.empty((ng, 8), dtype="int64")
+                #for i in range(8):
+                #    rmap[:,i] = fpu.read_vector(f, "I")
+                # We don't want duplicate grids.
+                # Note that we're adding *grids*, not individual cells.
+                if level >= min_level:
+                    assert(pos.shape[0] == ng)
+                    n = self.oct_handler.add(cpu + 1, level - min_level, pos,
+                                count_boundary = 1)
+                    self._error_check(cpu, level, pos, n, ng, (nx, ny, nz))
+                    if n > 0: max_level = max(level - min_level, max_level)
+        self.max_level = max_level
+        self.oct_handler.finalize()
+    def _error_check(self, cpu, level, pos, n, ng, nn):
+        # NOTE: We have the second conditional here because internally, it will
+        # not add any octs in that case.
+        if n == ng or cpu + 1 > self.oct_handler.num_domains:
+            return
+        # This is where we now check for issues with creating the new octs, and
+        # we attempt to determine what precisely is going wrong.
+        # These are all print statements.
+        print "We have detected an error with the construction of the Octree."
+        print "  The number of Octs to be added :  %s" % ng
+        print "  The number of Octs added       :  %s" % n
+        print "  Level                          :  %s" % level
+        print "  CPU Number (0-indexed)         :  %s" % cpu
+        for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
+            print "  extent [%s]                     :  %s %s" % \
+            (ax, pos[:,i].min(), pos[:,i].max())
+        print "  domain left                    :  %s" % \
+            (self.ds.domain_left_edge,)
+        print "  domain right                   :  %s" % \
+            (self.ds.domain_right_edge,)
+        print "  offset applied                 :  %s %s %s" % \
+            (nn[0], nn[1], nn[2])
+        print "AMR Header:"
+        for key in sorted(self.amr_header):
+            print "   %-30s: %s" % (key, self.amr_header[key])
+        raise RuntimeError
+    def included(self, selector):
+        if getattr(selector, "domain_id", None) is not None:
+            return selector.domain_id == self.domain_id
+        domain_ids = self.oct_handler.domain_identify(selector)
+        return self.domain_id in domain_ids
+class RAMSESDomainSubset(OctreeSubset):
+    _domain_offset = 1
+    def fill(self, content, fields, selector):
+        # Here we get a copy of the file, which we skip through and read the
+        # bits we want.
+        oct_handler = self.oct_handler
+        all_fields = self.domain.ds.index.fluid_field_list
+        fields = [f for ft, f in fields]
+        tr = {}
+        cell_count = selector.count_oct_cells(self.oct_handler, self.domain_id)
+        levels, cell_inds, file_inds = self.oct_handler.file_index_octs(
+            selector, self.domain_id, cell_count)
+        for field in fields:
+            tr[field] = np.zeros(cell_count, 'float64')
+        for level, offset in enumerate(self.domain.hydro_offset):
+            if offset == -1: continue
+            content.seek(offset)
+            nc = self.domain.level_count[level]
+            temp = {}
+            for field in all_fields:
+                temp[field] = np.empty((nc, 8), dtype="float64")
+            for i in range(8):
+                for field in all_fields:
+                    if field not in fields:
+                        fpu.skip(content)
+                    else:
+                        temp[field][:,i] = fpu.read_vector(content, 'd') # cell 1
+            oct_handler.fill_level(level, levels, cell_inds, file_inds, tr, temp)
+        return tr
+class RAMSESIndex(OctreeIndex):
+    def __init__(self, ds, dataset_type='ramses'):
+        self.fluid_field_list = ds._fields_in_file
+        self.dataset_type = dataset_type
+        self.dataset = weakref.proxy(ds)
+        self.index_filename = self.dataset.parameter_filename
+        self.directory = os.path.dirname(self.index_filename)
+        self.max_level = None
+        self.float_type = np.float64
+        super(RAMSESIndex, self).__init__(ds, dataset_type)
+    def _initialize_oct_handler(self):
+        self.domains = [RAMSESDomainFile(self.dataset, i + 1)
+                        for i in range(self.dataset['ncpu'])]
+        total_octs = sum(dom.local_oct_count #+ dom.ngridbound.sum()
+                         for dom in self.domains)
+        self.max_level = max(dom.max_level for dom in self.domains)
+        self.num_grids = total_octs
+    def _detect_output_fields(self):
+        # Do we want to attempt to figure out what the fields are in the file?
+        dsl = set([])
+        if self.fluid_field_list is None or len(self.fluid_field_list) <= 0:
+            self._setup_auto_fields()
+        for domain in self.domains:
+            dsl.update(set(domain.particle_field_offsets.keys()))
+        self.particle_field_list = list(dsl)
+        self.field_list = [("ramses", f) for f in self.fluid_field_list] \
+                        + self.particle_field_list
+    def _setup_auto_fields(self):
+        '''
+        If no fluid fields are set, the code tries to set up a fluids array by hand
+        '''
+        # Find nvar
+        # TODO: copy/pasted from DomainFile; needs refactoring!
+        num = os.path.basename(self.dataset.parameter_filename).split("."
+                )[0].split("_")[1]
+        testdomain = 1 # Just pick the first domain file to read
+        basename = "%s/%%s_%s.out%05i" % (
+            os.path.abspath(
+              os.path.dirname(self.dataset.parameter_filename)),
+            num, testdomain)
+        hydro_fn = basename % "hydro"
+        # Do we have a hydro file?
+        if not os.path.exists(hydro_fn):
+            self.fluid_field_list = []
+            return
+        # Read the number of hydro  variables
+        f = open(hydro_fn, "rb")
+        hydro_header = ( ('ncpu', 1, 'i'),
+                         ('nvar', 1, 'i'),
+                         ('ndim', 1, 'i'),
+                         ('nlevelmax', 1, 'i'),
+                         ('nboundary', 1, 'i'),
+                         ('gamma', 1, 'd')
+                         )
+        hvals = fpu.read_attrs(f, hydro_header)
+        self.ds.gamma = hvals['gamma']
+        nvar = hvals['nvar']
+        # OK, we got NVAR, now set up the arrays depending on what NVAR is
+        # Allow some wiggle room for users to add too many variables
+        if nvar < 5:
+            mylog.debug("nvar=%s is too small! YT doesn't currently support 1D/2D runs in RAMSES %s")
+            raise ValueError
+        # Basic hydro runs
+        if nvar == 5:
+            fields = ["Density", 
+                      "x-velocity", "y-velocity", "z-velocity", 
+                      "Pressure"]
+        if nvar > 5 and nvar < 11:
+            fields = ["Density", 
+                      "x-velocity", "y-velocity", "z-velocity", 
+                      "Pressure", "Metallicity"]
+        if nvar == 11:
+            fields = ["Density", 
+                      "x-velocity", "y-velocity", "z-velocity", 
+                      "x-Bfield-left", "y-Bfield-left", "z-Bfield-left", 
+                      "x-Bfield-right", "y-Bfield-right", "z-Bfield-right", 
+                      "Pressure"]
+        if nvar > 11:
+            fields = ["Density", 
+                      "x-velocity", "y-velocity", "z-velocity", 
+                      "x-Bfield-left", "y-Bfield-left", "z-Bfield-left", 
+                      "x-Bfield-right", "y-Bfield-right", "z-Bfield-right", 
+                      "Pressure","Metallicity"]
+        while len(fields) < nvar:
+            fields.append("var"+str(len(fields)))
+        mylog.debug("No fields specified by user; automatically setting fields array to %s", str(fields))
+        self.fluid_field_list = fields
+    def _identify_base_chunk(self, dobj):
+        if getattr(dobj, "_chunk_info", None) is None:
+            domains = [dom for dom in self.domains if
+                       dom.included(dobj.selector)]
+            base_region = getattr(dobj, "base_region", dobj)
+            if len(domains) > 1:
+                mylog.debug("Identified %s intersecting domains", len(domains))
+            subsets = [RAMSESDomainSubset(base_region, domain, self.dataset)
+                       for domain in domains]
+            dobj._chunk_info = subsets
+        dobj._current_chunk = list(self._chunk_all(dobj))[0]
+    def _chunk_all(self, dobj):
+        oobjs = getattr(dobj._current_chunk, "objs", dobj._chunk_info)
+        yield YTDataChunk(dobj, "all", oobjs, None)
+    def _chunk_spatial(self, dobj, ngz, sort = None, preload_fields = None):
+        sobjs = getattr(dobj._current_chunk, "objs", dobj._chunk_info)
+        for i,og in enumerate(sobjs):
+            if ngz > 0:
+                g = og.retrieve_ghost_zones(ngz, [], smoothed=True)
+            else:
+                g = og
+            yield YTDataChunk(dobj, "spatial", [g], None)
+    def _chunk_io(self, dobj, cache = True, local_only = False):
+        oobjs = getattr(dobj._current_chunk, "objs", dobj._chunk_info)
+        for subset in oobjs:
+            yield YTDataChunk(dobj, "io", [subset], None, cache = cache)
+class RAMSESDataset(Dataset):
+    _index_class = RAMSESIndex
+    _field_info_class = RAMSESFieldInfo
+    gamma = 1.4 # This will get replaced on hydro_fn open
+    def __init__(self, filename, dataset_type='ramses',
+                 fields = None, storage_filename = None,
+                 units_override=None):
+        # Here we want to initiate a traceback, if the reader is not built.
+        if isinstance(fields, types.StringTypes):
+            fields = field_aliases[fields]
+        '''
+        fields: An array of hydro variable fields in order of position in the hydro_XXXXX.outYYYYY file
+                If set to None, will try a default set of fields
+        '''
+        self.fluid_types += ("ramses",)
+        self._fields_in_file = fields
+        Dataset.__init__(self, filename, dataset_type, units_override=units_override)
+        self.storage_filename = storage_filename
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.basename.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
+    def _set_code_unit_attributes(self):
+        """
+        Generates the conversion to various physical _units based on the parameter file
+        """
+        # Note that unit_l *already* converts to proper!
+        # Also note that unit_l must be multiplied by the boxlen parameter to
+        # ensure we are correctly set up for the current domain.
+<<<<<<< local
+        length_unit = self.parameters['unit_l'] * self.parameters['boxlen']
+        rho_u = self.parameters['unit_d']/ self.parameters['boxlen']**3
+        # We're not multiplying by the boxlength here.
+        mass_unit = rho_u * length_unit**3
+        # Cosmological runs are done in lookback conformal time. 
+        #To convert to proper time, the time unit is calculated from 
+        # the expansion factor.
+        length_unit = self.parameters['unit_l']
+        boxlen = self.parameters['boxlen']
+        density_unit = self.parameters['unit_d']
+        mass_unit = density_unit * (length_unit * boxlen)**3
+>>>>>>> other
+        time_unit = self.parameters['unit_t']
+        magnetic_unit = np.sqrt(4*np.pi * mass_unit /
+                                (time_unit**2 * length_unit))
+        pressure_unit = density_unit * (length_unit / time_unit)**2
+        # TODO:
+        # Generalize the temperature field to account for ionization
+        # For now assume an atomic ideal gas with cosmic abundances (x_H = 0.76)
+        mean_molecular_weight_factor = _X**-1
+        self.density_unit = self.quan(density_unit, 'g/cm**3')
+        self.magnetic_unit = self.quan(magnetic_unit, "gauss")
+        self.length_unit = self.quan(length_unit * boxlen, "cm")
+        self.mass_unit = self.quan(mass_unit, "g")
+        self.time_unit = self.quan(time_unit, "s")
+        self.velocity_unit = self.quan(length_unit, 'cm') / self.time_unit
+        self.temperature_unit = (self.velocity_unit**2 * mp *
+                                 mean_molecular_weight_factor / kb)
+        self.pressure_unit = self.quan(pressure_unit, 'dyne/cm**2')
+    def _parse_parameter_file(self):
+        # hardcoded for now
+        # These should be explicitly obtained from the file, but for now that
+        # will wait until a reorganization of the source tree and better
+        # generalization.
+        self.dimensionality = 3
+        self.refine_by = 2
+        self.parameters["HydroMethod"] = 'ramses'
+        self.parameters["Time"] = 1. # default unit is 1...
+        self.unique_identifier = \
+            int(os.stat(self.parameter_filename)[stat.ST_CTIME])
+        # We now execute the same logic Oliver's code does
+        rheader = {}
+        f = open(self.parameter_filename)
+        def read_rhs(cast):
+            line = f.readline()
+            p, v = line.split("=")
+            rheader[p.strip()] = cast(v)
+        for i in range(6): read_rhs(int)
+        f.readline()
+        for i in range(11): read_rhs(float)
+        f.readline()
+        read_rhs(str)
+        # This next line deserves some comment.  We specify a min_level that
+        # corresponds to the minimum level in the RAMSES simulation.  RAMSES is
+        # one-indexed, but it also does refer to the *oct* dimensions -- so
+        # this means that a levelmin of 1 would have *1* oct in it.  So a
+        # levelmin of 2 would have 8 octs at the root mesh level.
+        self.min_level = rheader['levelmin'] - 1
+        # Now we read the hilbert indices
+        self.hilbert_indices = {}
+        if rheader['ordering type'] == "hilbert":
+            f.readline() # header
+            for n in range(rheader['ncpu']):
+                dom, mi, ma = f.readline().split()
+                self.hilbert_indices[int(dom)] = (float(mi), float(ma))
+        self.parameters.update(rheader)
+        self.current_time = self.parameters['time'] 
+        self.domain_left_edge = np.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
+        self.domain_dimensions = np.ones(3, dtype='int32') * \
+                        2**(self.min_level+1)
+        self.domain_right_edge = np.ones(3, dtype='float64')
+        # This is likely not true, but it's not clear how to determine the boundary conditions
+        self.periodicity = (True, True, True)
+        # These conditions seem to always be true for non-cosmological datasets
+        if rheader["time"] > 0 and rheader["H0"] == 1 and rheader["aexp"] == 1:
+            self.cosmological_simulation = 0
+            self.current_redshift = 0
+            self.hubble_constant = 0
+            self.omega_matter = 0
+            self.omega_lambda = 0
+        else:
+            self.cosmological_simulation = 1
+            self.current_redshift = (1.0 / rheader["aexp"]) - 1.0
+            self.omega_lambda = rheader["omega_l"]
+            self.omega_matter = rheader["omega_m"]
+            self.hubble_constant = rheader["H0"] / 100.0 # This is H100
+        self.max_level = rheader['levelmax'] - self.min_level - 1
+        f.close()
+    @classmethod
+    def _is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        if not os.path.basename(args[0]).startswith("info_"): return False
+        fn = args[0].replace("info_", "amr_").replace(".txt", ".out00001")
+        return os.path.exists(fn)

diff -r ab1bd145878fe53d71c4d000422c9b7723af8c99 -r 08dd5da61eb6a1fd145a1f4046cb63269a142e40 yt/frontends/ramses/data_structures.py~
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/frontends/ramses/data_structures.py~
@@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
+RAMSES-specific data structures
+# Copyright (c) 2013, yt Development Team.
+# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+import os
+import numpy as np
+import stat
+import weakref
+import cStringIO
+import scipy.integrate
+from yt.funcs import *
+from yt.geometry.oct_geometry_handler import \
+    OctreeIndex
+from yt.geometry.geometry_handler import \
+    Index, YTDataChunk
+from yt.data_objects.static_output import \
+    Dataset
+from yt.data_objects.octree_subset import \
+    OctreeSubset
+from .definitions import ramses_header, field_aliases
+from yt.utilities.lib.misc_utilities import \
+    get_box_grids_level
+from yt.utilities.io_handler import \
+    io_registry
+from .fields import \
+    RAMSESFieldInfo
+import yt.utilities.fortran_utils as fpu
+from yt.geometry.oct_container import \
+    RAMSESOctreeContainer
+from yt.fields.particle_fields import \
+    standard_particle_fields
+class RAMSESDomainFile(object):
+    _last_mask = None
+    _last_selector_id = None
+    def __init__(self, ds, domain_id):
+        self.ds = ds
+        self.domain_id = domain_id
+        self.nvar = 0 # Set this later!
+        num = os.path.basename(ds.parameter_filename).split("."
+                )[0].split("_")[1]
+        basename = "%s/%%s_%s.out%05i" % (
+            os.path.abspath(
+              os.path.dirname(ds.parameter_filename)),
+            num, domain_id)
+        for t in ['grav', 'hydro', 'part', 'amr']:
+            setattr(self, "%s_fn" % t, basename % t)
+        self._read_amr_header()
+        self._read_hydro_header()
+        self._read_particle_header()
+        self._read_amr()
+    _hydro_offset = None
+    _level_count = None
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "RAMSESDomainFile: %i" % self.domain_id
+    def _is_hydro(self):
+        '''
+        Does the output include hydro?
+        '''
+        return os.path.exists(self.hydro_fn)
+    @property
+    def level_count(self):
+        if self._level_count is not None: return self._level_count
+        self.hydro_offset
+        return self._level_count
+    @property
+    def hydro_offset(self):
+        if self._hydro_offset is not None: return self._hydro_offset
+        # We now have to open the file and calculate it
+        f = open(self.hydro_fn, "rb")
+        fpu.skip(f, 6)
+        # It goes: level, CPU, 8-variable
+        min_level = self.ds.min_level
+        n_levels = self.amr_header['nlevelmax'] - min_level
+        hydro_offset = np.zeros(n_levels, dtype='int64')
+        hydro_offset -= 1
+        level_count = np.zeros(n_levels, dtype='int64')
+        skipped = []
+        for level in range(self.amr_header['nlevelmax']):
+            for cpu in range(self.amr_header['nboundary'] +
+                             self.amr_header['ncpu']):
+                header = ( ('file_ilevel', 1, 'I'),
+                           ('file_ncache', 1, 'I') )
+                try:
+                    hvals = fpu.read_attrs(f, header, "=")
+                except AssertionError:
+                    print "You are running with the wrong number of fields."
+                    print "If you specified these in the load command, check the array length."
+                    print "In this file there are %s hydro fields." % skipped
+                    #print "The last set of field sizes was: %s" % skipped
+                    raise
+                if hvals['file_ncache'] == 0: continue
+                assert(hvals['file_ilevel'] == level+1)
+                if cpu + 1 == self.domain_id and level >= min_level:
+                    hydro_offset[level - min_level] = f.tell()
+                    level_count[level - min_level] = hvals['file_ncache']
+                skipped = fpu.skip(f, 8 * self.nvar)
+        self._hydro_offset = hydro_offset
+        self._level_count = level_count
+        return self._hydro_offset
+    def _read_hydro_header(self):
+        # If no hydro file is found, return
+        if not self._is_hydro():
+            return
+        if self.nvar > 0: return self.nvar
+        # Read the number of hydro  variables
+        f = open(self.hydro_fn, "rb")
+        fpu.skip(f, 1)
+        self.nvar = fpu.read_vector(f, "i")[0]
+    def _read_particle_header(self):
+        if not os.path.exists(self.part_fn):
+            self.local_particle_count = 0
+            self.particle_field_offsets = {}
+            return
+        f = open(self.part_fn, "rb")
+        f.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
+        flen = f.tell()
+        f.seek(0)
+        hvals = {}
+        attrs = ( ('ncpu', 1, 'I'),
+                  ('ndim', 1, 'I'),
+                  ('npart', 1, 'I') )
+        hvals.update(fpu.read_attrs(f, attrs))
+        fpu.read_vector(f, 'I')
+        attrs = ( ('nstar_tot', 1, 'I'),
+                  ('mstar_tot', 1, 'd'),
+                  ('mstar_lost', 1, 'd'),
+                  ('nsink', 1, 'I') )
+        hvals.update(fpu.read_attrs(f, attrs))
+        self.particle_header = hvals
+        self.local_particle_count = hvals['npart']
+        particle_fields = [
+                ("particle_position_x", "d"),
+                ("particle_position_y", "d"),
+                ("particle_position_z", "d"),
+                ("particle_velocity_x", "d"),
+                ("particle_velocity_y", "d"),
+                ("particle_velocity_z", "d"),
+                ("particle_mass", "d"),
+                ("particle_identifier", "I"),
+                ("particle_refinement_level", "I")]
+        if hvals["nstar_tot"] > 0:
+            particle_fields += [("particle_age", "d"),
+                                ("particle_metallicity", "d")]
+        field_offsets = {}
+        _pfields = {}
+        for field, vtype in particle_fields:
+            if f.tell() >= flen: break
+            field_offsets["io", field] = f.tell()
+            _pfields["io", field] = vtype
+            fpu.skip(f, 1)
+        self.particle_field_offsets = field_offsets
+        self.particle_field_types = _pfields
+        self.particle_types = self.particle_types_raw = ("io",)
+    def _read_amr_header(self):
+        hvals = {}
+        f = open(self.amr_fn, "rb")
+        for header in ramses_header(hvals):
+            hvals.update(fpu.read_attrs(f, header))
+        # That's the header, now we skip a few.
+        hvals['numbl'] = np.array(hvals['numbl']).reshape(
+            (hvals['nlevelmax'], hvals['ncpu']))
+        fpu.skip(f)
+        if hvals['nboundary'] > 0:
+            fpu.skip(f, 2)
+            self.ngridbound = fpu.read_vector(f, 'i').astype("int64")
+        else:
+            self.ngridbound = np.zeros(hvals['nlevelmax'], dtype='int64')
+        free_mem = fpu.read_attrs(f, (('free_mem', 5, 'i'), ) )
+        ordering = fpu.read_vector(f, 'c')
+        fpu.skip(f, 4)
+        # Now we're at the tree itself
+        # Now we iterate over each level and each CPU.
+        self.amr_header = hvals
+        self.amr_offset = f.tell()
+        self.local_oct_count = hvals['numbl'][self.ds.min_level:, self.domain_id - 1].sum()
+        self.total_oct_count = hvals['numbl'][self.ds.min_level:,:].sum(axis=0)
+    def _read_amr(self):
+        """Open the oct file, read in octs level-by-level.
+           For each oct, only the position, index, level and domain 
+           are needed - its position in the octree is found automatically.
+           The most important is finding all the information to feed
+           oct_handler.add
+        """
+        self.oct_handler = RAMSESOctreeContainer(self.ds.domain_dimensions/2,
+                self.ds.domain_left_edge, self.ds.domain_right_edge)
+        root_nodes = self.amr_header['numbl'][self.ds.min_level,:].sum()
+        self.oct_handler.allocate_domains(self.total_oct_count, root_nodes)
+        fb = open(self.amr_fn, "rb")
+        fb.seek(self.amr_offset)
+        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
+        f.write(fb.read())
+        f.seek(0)
+        mylog.debug("Reading domain AMR % 4i (%0.3e, %0.3e)",
+            self.domain_id, self.total_oct_count.sum(), self.ngridbound.sum())
+        def _ng(c, l):
+            if c < self.amr_header['ncpu']:
+                ng = self.amr_header['numbl'][l, c]
+            else:
+                ng = self.ngridbound[c - self.amr_header['ncpu'] +
+                                self.amr_header['nboundary']*l]
+            return ng
+        min_level = self.ds.min_level
+        max_level = min_level
+        nx, ny, nz = (((i-1.0)/2.0) for i in self.amr_header['nx'])
+        for level in range(self.amr_header['nlevelmax']):
+            # Easier if do this 1-indexed
+            for cpu in range(self.amr_header['nboundary'] + self.amr_header['ncpu']):
+                #ng is the number of octs on this level on this domain
+                ng = _ng(cpu, level)
+                if ng == 0: continue
+                ind = fpu.read_vector(f, "I").astype("int64")
+                fpu.skip(f, 2)
+                pos = np.empty((ng, 3), dtype='float64')
+                pos[:,0] = fpu.read_vector(f, "d") - nx
+                pos[:,1] = fpu.read_vector(f, "d") - ny
+                pos[:,2] = fpu.read_vector(f, "d") - nz
+                #pos *= self.ds.domain_width
+                #pos += self.dataset.domain_left_edge
+                fpu.skip(f, 31)
+                #parents = fpu.read_vector(f, "I")
+                #fpu.skip(f, 6)
+                #children = np.empty((ng, 8), dtype='int64')
+                #for i in range(8):
+                #    children[:,i] = fpu.read_vector(f, "I")
+                #cpu_map = np.empty((ng, 8), dtype="int64")
+                #for i in range(8):
+                #    cpu_map[:,i] = fpu.read_vector(f, "I")
+                #rmap = np.empty((ng, 8), dtype="int64")
+                #for i in range(8):
+                #    rmap[:,i] = fpu.read_vector(f, "I")
+                # We don't want duplicate grids.
+                # Note that we're adding *grids*, not individual cells.
+                if level >= min_level:
+                    assert(pos.shape[0] == ng)
+                    n = self.oct_handler.add(cpu + 1, level - min_level, pos,
+                                count_boundary = 1)
+                    self._error_check(cpu, level, pos, n, ng, (nx, ny, nz))
+                    if n > 0: max_level = max(level - min_level, max_level)
+        self.max_level = max_level
+        self.oct_handler.finalize()
+    def _error_check(self, cpu, level, pos, n, ng, nn):
+        # NOTE: We have the second conditional here because internally, it will
+        # not add any octs in that case.
+        if n == ng or cpu + 1 > self.oct_handler.num_domains:
+            return
+        # This is where we now check for issues with creating the new octs, and
+        # we attempt to determine what precisely is going wrong.
+        # These are all print statements.
+        print "We have detected an error with the construction of the Octree."
+        print "  The number of Octs to be added :  %s" % ng
+        print "  The number of Octs added       :  %s" % n
+        print "  Level                          :  %s" % level
+        print "  CPU Number (0-indexed)         :  %s" % cpu
+        for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
+            print "  extent [%s]                     :  %s %s" % \
+            (ax, pos[:,i].min(), pos[:,i].max())
+        print "  domain left                    :  %s" % \
+            (self.ds.domain_left_edge,)
+        print "  domain right                   :  %s" % \
+            (self.ds.domain_right_edge,)
+        print "  offset applied                 :  %s %s %s" % \
+            (nn[0], nn[1], nn[2])
+        print "AMR Header:"
+        for key in sorted(self.amr_header):
+            print "   %-30s: %s" % (key, self.amr_header[key])
+        raise RuntimeError
+    def included(self, selector):
+        if getattr(selector, "domain_id", None) is not None:
+            return selector.domain_id == self.domain_id
+        domain_ids = self.oct_handler.domain_identify(selector)
+        return self.domain_id in domain_ids
+class RAMSESDomainSubset(OctreeSubset):
+    _domain_offset = 1
+    def fill(self, content, fields, selector):
+        # Here we get a copy of the file, which we skip through and read the
+        # bits we want.
+        oct_handler = self.oct_handler
+        all_fields = self.domain.ds.index.fluid_field_list
+        fields = [f for ft, f in fields]
+        tr = {}
+        cell_count = selector.count_oct_cells(self.oct_handler, self.domain_id)
+        levels, cell_inds, file_inds = self.oct_handler.file_index_octs(
+            selector, self.domain_id, cell_count)
+        for field in fields:
+            tr[field] = np.zeros(cell_count, 'float64')
+        for level, offset in enumerate(self.domain.hydro_offset):
+            if offset == -1: continue
+            content.seek(offset)
+            nc = self.domain.level_count[level]
+            temp = {}
+            for field in all_fields:
+                temp[field] = np.empty((nc, 8), dtype="float64")
+            for i in range(8):
+                for field in all_fields:
+                    if field not in fields:
+                        fpu.skip(content)
+                    else:
+                        temp[field][:,i] = fpu.read_vector(content, 'd') # cell 1
+            oct_handler.fill_level(level, levels, cell_inds, file_inds, tr, temp)
+        return tr
+class RAMSESIndex(OctreeIndex):
+    def __init__(self, ds, dataset_type='ramses'):
+        self._ds = ds # TODO: Figure out the class composition better!
+        self.fluid_field_list = ds._fields_in_file
+        self.dataset_type = dataset_type
+        self.dataset = weakref.proxy(ds)
+        self.index_filename = self.dataset.parameter_filename
+        self.directory = os.path.dirname(self.index_filename)
+        self.max_level = None
+        self.float_type = np.float64
+        super(RAMSESIndex, self).__init__(ds, dataset_type)
+    def _initialize_oct_handler(self):
+        self.domains = [RAMSESDomainFile(self.dataset, i + 1)
+                        for i in range(self.dataset['ncpu'])]
+        total_octs = sum(dom.local_oct_count #+ dom.ngridbound.sum()
+                         for dom in self.domains)
+        self.max_level = max(dom.max_level for dom in self.domains)
+        self.num_grids = total_octs
+    def _detect_output_fields(self):
+        # Do we want to attempt to figure out what the fields are in the file?
+        dsl = set([])
+        if self.fluid_field_list is None or len(self.fluid_field_list) <= 0:
+            self._setup_auto_fields()
+        for domain in self.domains:
+            dsl.update(set(domain.particle_field_offsets.keys()))
+        self.particle_field_list = list(dsl)
+        self.field_list = [("ramses", f) for f in self.fluid_field_list] \
+                        + self.particle_field_list
+    def _setup_auto_fields(self):
+        '''
+        If no fluid fields are set, the code tries to set up a fluids array by hand
+        '''
+        # Find nvar
+        # TODO: copy/pasted from DomainFile; needs refactoring!
+        num = os.path.basename(self._ds.parameter_filename).split("."
+                )[0].split("_")[1]
+        testdomain = 1 # Just pick the first domain file to read
+        basename = "%s/%%s_%s.out%05i" % (
+            os.path.abspath(
+              os.path.dirname(self._ds.parameter_filename)),
+            num, testdomain)
+        hydro_fn = basename % "hydro"
+        # Do we have a hydro file?
+        if not os.path.exists(hydro_fn):
+            self.fluid_field_list = []
+            return
+        # Read the number of hydro  variables
+        f = open(hydro_fn, "rb")
+        hydro_header = ( ('ncpu', 1, 'i'),
+                         ('nvar', 1, 'i'),
+                         ('ndim', 1, 'i'),
+                         ('nlevelmax', 1, 'i'),
+                         ('nboundary', 1, 'i'),
+                         ('gamma', 1, 'd')
+                         )
+        hvals = fpu.read_attrs(f, hydro_header)
+        self.ds.gamma = hvals['gamma']
+        nvar = hvals['nvar']
+        # OK, we got NVAR, now set up the arrays depending on what NVAR is
+        # Allow some wiggle room for users to add too many variables
+        if nvar < 5:
+            mylog.debug("nvar=%s is too small! YT doesn't currently support 1D/2D runs in RAMSES %s")
+            raise ValueError
+        # Basic hydro runs
+        if nvar == 5:
+            fields = ["Density", 
+                      "x-velocity", "y-velocity", "z-velocity", 
+                      "Pressure"]
+        if nvar > 5 and nvar < 11:
+            fields = ["Density", 
+                      "x-velocity", "y-velocity", "z-velocity", 
+                      "Pressure", "Metallicity"]
+        if nvar == 11:
+            fields = ["Density", 
+                      "x-velocity", "y-velocity", "z-velocity", 
+                      "x-Bfield-left", "y-Bfield-left", "z-Bfield-left", 
+                      "x-Bfield-right", "y-Bfield-right", "z-Bfield-right", 
+                      "Pressure"]
+        if nvar > 11:
+            fields = ["Density", 
+                      "x-velocity", "y-velocity", "z-velocity", 
+                      "x-Bfield-left", "y-Bfield-left", "z-Bfield-left", 
+                      "x-Bfield-right", "y-Bfield-right", "z-Bfield-right", 
+                      "Pressure","Metallicity"]
+        while len(fields) < nvar:
+            fields.append("var"+str(len(fields)))
+        mylog.debug("No fields specified by user; automatically setting fields array to %s", str(fields))
+        self.fluid_field_list = fields
+    def _identify_base_chunk(self, dobj):
+        if getattr(dobj, "_chunk_info", None) is None:
+            domains = [dom for dom in self.domains if
+                       dom.included(dobj.selector)]
+            base_region = getattr(dobj, "base_region", dobj)
+            if len(domains) > 1:
+                mylog.debug("Identified %s intersecting domains", len(domains))
+            subsets = [RAMSESDomainSubset(base_region, domain, self.dataset)
+                       for domain in domains]
+            dobj._chunk_info = subsets
+        dobj._current_chunk = list(self._chunk_all(dobj))[0]
+    def _chunk_all(self, dobj):
+        oobjs = getattr(dobj._current_chunk, "objs", dobj._chunk_info)
+        yield YTDataChunk(dobj, "all", oobjs, None)
+    def _chunk_spatial(self, dobj, ngz, sort = None, preload_fields = None):
+        sobjs = getattr(dobj._current_chunk, "objs", dobj._chunk_info)
+        for i,og in enumerate(sobjs):
+            if ngz > 0:
+                g = og.retrieve_ghost_zones(ngz, [], smoothed=True)
+            else:
+                g = og
+            yield YTDataChunk(dobj, "spatial", [g], None)
+    def _chunk_io(self, dobj, cache = True, local_only = False):
+        oobjs = getattr(dobj._current_chunk, "objs", dobj._chunk_info)
+        for subset in oobjs:
+            yield YTDataChunk(dobj, "io", [subset], None, cache = cache)
+class RAMSESDataset(Dataset):
+    _index_class = RAMSESIndex
+    _field_info_class = RAMSESFieldInfo
+    gamma = 1.4 # This will get replaced on hydro_fn open
+    def __init__(self, filename, dataset_type='ramses',
+                 fields = None, storage_filename = None):
+        # Here we want to initiate a traceback, if the reader is not built.
+        if isinstance(fields, types.StringTypes):
+            fields = field_aliases[fields]
+        '''
+        fields: An array of hydro variable fields in order of position in the hydro_XXXXX.outYYYYY file
+                If set to None, will try a default set of fields
+        '''
+        self.fluid_types += ("ramses",)
+        self._fields_in_file = fields
+        Dataset.__init__(self, filename, dataset_type)
+        self.storage_filename = storage_filename
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.basename.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
+    def _set_code_unit_attributes(self):
+        """
+        Generates the conversion to various physical _units based on the parameter file
+        """
+        # Note that unit_l *already* converts to proper!
+        # Also note that unit_l must be multiplied by the boxlen parameter to
+        # ensure we are correctly set up for the current domain.
+        length_unit = self.parameters['unit_l'] * self.parameters['boxlen']
+        rho_u = self.parameters['unit_d']/ self.parameters['boxlen']**3
+        # We're not multiplying by the boxlength here.
+        mass_unit = rho_u * self.parameters['unit_l']**3
+        # Cosmological runs are done in lookback conformal time. 
+        #To convert to proper time, the time unit is calculated from 
+        # the expansion factor.
+        time_unit = self.parameters['unit_t']
+        magnetic_unit = np.sqrt(4*np.pi * mass_unit /
+                                (time_unit**2 * length_unit))
+        self.magnetic_unit = self.quan(magnetic_unit, "gauss")
+        self.length_unit = self.quan(length_unit, "cm")
+        self.mass_unit = self.quan(mass_unit, "g")
+        self.time_unit = self.quan(time_unit, "s")
+        self.velocity_unit = self.length_unit / self.time_unit
+    def _parse_parameter_file(self):
+        # hardcoded for now
+        # These should be explicitly obtained from the file, but for now that
+        # will wait until a reorganization of the source tree and better
+        # generalization.
+        self.dimensionality = 3
+        self.refine_by = 2
+        self.parameters["HydroMethod"] = 'ramses'
+        self.parameters["Time"] = 1. # default unit is 1...
+        self.unique_identifier = \
+            int(os.stat(self.parameter_filename)[stat.ST_CTIME])
+        # We now execute the same logic Oliver's code does
+        rheader = {}
+        f = open(self.parameter_filename)
+        def read_rhs(cast):
+            line = f.readline()
+            p, v = line.split("=")
+            rheader[p.strip()] = cast(v)
+        for i in range(6): read_rhs(int)
+        f.readline()
+        for i in range(11): read_rhs(float)
+        f.readline()
+        read_rhs(str)
+        # This next line deserves some comment.  We specify a min_level that
+        # corresponds to the minimum level in the RAMSES simulation.  RAMSES is
+        # one-indexed, but it also does refer to the *oct* dimensions -- so
+        # this means that a levelmin of 1 would have *1* oct in it.  So a
+        # levelmin of 2 would have 8 octs at the root mesh level.
+        self.min_level = rheader['levelmin'] - 1
+        # Now we read the hilbert indices
+        self.hilbert_indices = {}
+        if rheader['ordering type'] == "hilbert":
+            f.readline() # header
+            for n in range(rheader['ncpu']):
+                dom, mi, ma = f.readline().split()
+                self.hilbert_indices[int(dom)] = (float(mi), float(ma))
+        self.parameters.update(rheader)
+        self.current_time = self.parameters['time'] 
+        self.domain_left_edge = np.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
+        self.domain_dimensions = np.ones(3, dtype='int32') * \
+                        2**(self.min_level+1)
+        self.domain_right_edge = np.ones(3, dtype='float64')
+        # This is likely not true, but I am not sure how to otherwise
+        # distinguish them.
+        mylog.warning("RAMSES frontend assumes all simulations are cosmological!")
+        self.cosmological_simulation = 1
+        self.periodicity = (True, True, True)
+        self.current_redshift = (1.0 / rheader["aexp"]) - 1.0
+        self.omega_lambda = rheader["omega_l"]
+        self.omega_matter = rheader["omega_m"]
+        self.hubble_constant = rheader["H0"] / 100.0 # This is H100
+        self.max_level = rheader['levelmax'] - self.min_level
+    @classmethod
+    def _is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        if not os.path.basename(args[0]).startswith("info_"): return False
+        fn = args[0].replace("info_", "amr_").replace(".txt", ".out00001")
+        return os.path.exists(fn)

This diff is so big that we needed to truncate the remainder.

Changeset:   1c83632dd94f
Branch:      yt
User:        RicardaBeckmann
Date:        2015-06-05 23:27:58+00:00
Summary:     fix bugs in unit handling for ramses
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 08dd5da61eb6a1fd145a1f4046cb63269a142e40 -r 1c83632dd94f97b2eb05f4f41d64ff14ece34ffa yt/frontends/ramses/data_structures.py
--- a/yt/frontends/ramses/data_structures.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/ramses/data_structures.py
@@ -494,13 +494,14 @@
         #Please note that for all units given in the info file, the boxlen
         #still needs to be folded in, as shown below!
-        length_unit = self.parameters['unit_l'] * self.parameters['boxlen']
-        rho_u = self.parameters['unit_d']/ self.parameters['boxlen']**3
+        boxlen=self.parameters['boxlen']
+        length_unit = self.parameters['unit_l'] * boxlen
+        density_unit = self.parameters['unit_d']/ boxlen**3
         # In the mass unit, the factors of boxlen cancel back out, so this 
         #is equivalent to unit_d*unit_l**3
-        mass_unit = rho_u * length_unit**3
+        mass_unit = density_unit * length_unit**3
         # Cosmological runs are done in lookback conformal time. 
         # To convert to proper time, the time unit is calculated from 

Changeset:   62ee0fcb0c7b
Branch:      yt
User:        RicardaBeckmann
Date:        2015-06-05 23:35:17+00:00
Summary:     deleted accidentally tracked files
Affected #:  10 files

diff -r 1c83632dd94f97b2eb05f4f41d64ff14ece34ffa -r 62ee0fcb0c7bc9acdc32370c18ff3967527bf33b yt/fields/particle_fields.py~
--- a/yt/fields/particle_fields.py~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,576 +0,0 @@
-These are common particle fields.
-# Copyright (c) 2013, yt Development Team.
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
-# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
-import numpy as np
-from yt.funcs import *
-from yt.units.yt_array import YTArray
-from yt.fields.derived_field import \
-    ValidateParameter, \
-    ValidateSpatial
-from yt.utilities.physical_constants import \
-    mass_hydrogen_cgs, \
-    mass_sun_cgs, \
-    mh
-from yt.units.yt_array import \
-    uconcatenate
-from yt.utilities.math_utils import \
-    get_sph_r_component, \
-    get_sph_theta_component, \
-    get_sph_phi_component, \
-    get_cyl_r_component, \
-    get_cyl_z_component, \
-    get_cyl_theta_component, \
-    get_cyl_r, get_cyl_theta, \
-    get_cyl_z, get_sph_r, \
-    get_sph_theta, get_sph_phi, \
-    periodic_dist, euclidean_dist
-from .vector_operations import \
-     create_magnitude_field
-def _field_concat(fname):
-    def _AllFields(field, data):
-        v = []
-        for ptype in data.ds.particle_types:
-            data.ds._last_freq = (ptype, None)
-            if ptype == "all" or \
-                ptype in data.ds.known_filters:
-                  continue
-            v.append(data[ptype, fname].copy())
-        rv = uconcatenate(v, axis=0)
-        return rv
-    return _AllFields
-def _field_concat_slice(fname, axi):
-    def _AllFields(field, data):
-        v = []
-        for ptype in data.ds.particle_types:
-            data.ds._last_freq = (ptype, None)
-            if ptype == "all" or \
-                ptype in data.ds.known_filters:
-                  continue
-            v.append(data[ptype, fname][:,axi])
-        rv = uconcatenate(v, axis=0)
-        return rv
-    return _AllFields
-def particle_deposition_functions(ptype, coord_name, mass_name, registry):
-    orig = set(registry.keys())
-    ptype_dn = ptype.replace("_","\/").title()
-    def particle_count(field, data):
-        pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
-        d = data.deposit(pos, method = "count")
-        d = data.ds.arr(d, input_units = "cm**-3")
-        return data.apply_units(d, field.units)
-    registry.add_field(("deposit", "%s_count" % ptype),
-             function = particle_count,
-             validators = [ValidateSpatial()],
-             display_name = "\\mathrm{%s Count}" % ptype_dn)
-    def particle_mass(field, data):
-        pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
-        pmass = data[ptype, mass_name].in_units(field.units)
-        d = data.deposit(pos, [pmass], method = "sum")
-        return data.apply_units(d, field.units)
-    registry.add_field(("deposit", "%s_mass" % ptype),
-             function = particle_mass,
-             validators = [ValidateSpatial()],
-             display_name = "\\mathrm{%s Mass}" % ptype_dn,
-             units = "g")
-    def particle_density(field, data):
-        pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
-        mass = data[ptype, mass_name]
-        pos.convert_to_units("code_length")
-        mass.convert_to_units("code_mass")
-        d = data.deposit(pos, [data[ptype, mass_name]], method = "sum")
-        d = data.ds.arr(d, "code_mass")
-        d /= data["index", "cell_volume"]
-        return d
-    registry.add_field(("deposit", "%s_density" % ptype),
-             function = particle_density,
-             validators = [ValidateSpatial()],
-             display_name = "\\mathrm{%s Density}" % ptype_dn,
-             units = "g/cm**3")
-    def particle_cic(field, data):
-        pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
-        d = data.deposit(pos, [data[ptype, mass_name]], method = "cic")
-        d = data.apply_units(d, data[ptype, mass_name].units)
-        d /= data["index", "cell_volume"]
-        return d
-    registry.add_field(("deposit", "%s_cic" % ptype),
-             function = particle_cic,
-             validators = [ValidateSpatial()],
-             display_name = "\\mathrm{%s CIC Density}" % ptype_dn,
-             units = "g/cm**3")
-    def _get_density_weighted_deposit_field(fname, units, method):
-        def _deposit_field(field, data):
-            """
-            Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle
-            mass, using cloud-in-cell deposit.
-            """
-            pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
-            # Get back into density
-            pden = data[ptype, 'particle_mass']
-            top = data.deposit(pos, [data[(ptype, fname)]*pden], method=method)
-            bottom = data.deposit(pos, [pden], method=method)
-            top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
-            bnz = bottom.nonzero()
-            top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
-            d = data.ds.arr(top, input_units=units)
-            return d
-        return _deposit_field
-    for ax in 'xyz':
-        for method, name in zip(("cic", "sum"), ("cic", "nn")):
-            function = _get_density_weighted_deposit_field(
-                "particle_velocity_%s" % ax, "cm/s", method)
-            registry.add_field(
-                ("deposit", ("%s_"+name+"_velocity_%s") % (ptype, ax)),
-                function=function, units="cm/s", take_log=False,
-                validators=[ValidateSpatial(0)])
-    # Now some translation functions.
-    def particle_ones(field, data):
-        v = np.ones(data[ptype, mass_name].shape, dtype="float64")
-        return data.apply_units(v, field.units)
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_ones"),
-                       function = particle_ones,
-                       particle_type = True,
-                       units = "")
-    def particle_mesh_ids(field, data):
-        pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
-        ids = np.zeros(pos.shape[0], dtype="float64") - 1
-        # This is float64 in name only.  It will be properly cast inside the
-        # deposit operation.
-        #_ids = ids.view("float64")
-        data.deposit(pos, [ids], method = "mesh_id")
-        return data.apply_units(ids, "")
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "mesh_id"),
-            function = particle_mesh_ids,
-            validators = [ValidateSpatial()],
-            particle_type = True)
-    return list(set(registry.keys()).difference(orig))
-def particle_scalar_functions(ptype, coord_name, vel_name, registry):
-    # Now we have to set up the various velocity and coordinate things.  In the
-    # future, we'll actually invert this and use the 3-component items
-    # elsewhere, and stop using these.
-    # Note that we pass in _ptype here so that it's defined inside the closure.
-    def _get_coord_funcs(axi, _ptype):
-        def _particle_velocity(field, data):
-            return data[_ptype, vel_name][:,axi]
-        def _particle_position(field, data):
-            return data[_ptype, coord_name][:,axi]
-        return _particle_velocity, _particle_position
-    for axi, ax in enumerate("xyz"):
-        v, p = _get_coord_funcs(axi, ptype)
-        registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_velocity_%s" % ax),
-            particle_type = True, function = v,
-            units = "code_velocity")
-        registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_position_%s" % ax),
-            particle_type = True, function = p,
-            units = "code_length")
-def particle_vector_functions(ptype, coord_names, vel_names, registry):
-    # This will column_stack a set of scalars to create vector fields.
-    def _get_vec_func(_ptype, names):
-        def particle_vectors(field, data):
-            v = [data[_ptype, name].in_units(field.units)
-                  for name in names]
-            c = np.column_stack(v)
-            return data.apply_units(c, field.units)
-        return particle_vectors
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_position"),
-                       function=_get_vec_func(ptype, coord_names),
-                       units = "code_length",
-                       particle_type=True)
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_velocity"),
-                       function=_get_vec_func(ptype, vel_names),
-                       units = "cm / s",
-                       particle_type=True)
-def standard_particle_fields(registry, ptype,
-                             spos = "particle_position_%s",
-                             svel = "particle_velocity_%s"):
-    # This function will set things up based on the scalar fields and standard
-    # yt field names.
-    def _particle_velocity_magnitude(field, data):
-        """ M{|v|} """
-        bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        if bulk_velocity is None:
-            bulk_velocity = np.zeros(3)
-        return np.sqrt((data[ptype, svel % 'x'] - bulk_velocity[0])**2
-                     + (data[ptype, svel % 'y'] - bulk_velocity[1])**2
-                     + (data[ptype, svel % 'z'] - bulk_velocity[2])**2 )
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_velocity_magnitude"),
-                  function=_particle_velocity_magnitude,
-                  particle_type=True,
-                  take_log=False,
-                  units="cm/s")
-    def _particle_specific_angular_momentum(field, data):
-        """
-        Calculate the angular of a particle velocity.  Returns a vector for each
-        particle.
-        """
-        if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-            bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        else: bv = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)
-        xv = data[ptype, svel % 'x'] - bv[0]
-        yv = data[ptype, svel % 'y'] - bv[1]
-        zv = data[ptype, svel % 'z'] - bv[2]
-        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        coords = YTArray([data[ptype, spos % 'x'],
-                           data[ptype, spos % 'y'],
-                           data[ptype, spos % 'z']], dtype=np.float64)
-        new_shape = tuple([3] + [1]*(len(coords.shape)-1))
-        r_vec = coords - np.reshape(center,new_shape)
-        v_vec = YTArray([xv,yv,zv], dtype=np.float64)
-        return np.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum"),
-              function=_particle_specific_angular_momentum,
-              particle_type=True,
-              units="cm**2/s",
-              validators=[ValidateParameter("center")])
-    def _particle_specific_angular_momentum_x(field, data):
-        if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-            bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        else: bv = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)
-        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        y = data[ptype, spos % "y"] - center[1]
-        z = data[ptype, spos % "z"] - center[2]
-        yv = data[ptype, svel % "y"] - bv[1]
-        zv = data[ptype, svel % "z"] - bv[2]
-        return yv*z - zv*y
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum_x"),
-              function=_particle_specific_angular_momentum_x,
-              particle_type=True,
-              units="cm**2/s",
-              validators=[ValidateParameter("center")])
-    def _particle_specific_angular_momentum_y(field, data):
-        if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-            bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        else: bv = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)
-        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        x = data[ptype, spos % "x"] - center[0]
-        z = data[ptype, spos % "z"] - center[2]
-        xv = data[ptype, svel % "x"] - bv[0]
-        zv = data[ptype, svel % "z"] - bv[2]
-        return -(xv*z - zv*x)
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum_y"),
-              function=_particle_specific_angular_momentum_y,
-              particle_type=True,
-              units="cm**2/s",
-              validators=[ValidateParameter("center")])
-    def _particle_specific_angular_momentum_z(field, data):
-        if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-            bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        else: bv = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)
-        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        x = data[ptype, spos % "x"] - center[0]
-        y = data[ptype, spos % "y"] - center[1]
-        xv = data[ptype, svel % "x"] - bv[0]
-        yv = data[ptype, svel % "y"] - bv[1]
-        return xv*y - yv*x
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum_z"),
-              function=_particle_specific_angular_momentum_z,
-              particle_type=True,
-              units="cm**2/s",
-              validators=[ValidateParameter("center")])
-    create_magnitude_field(registry, "particle_specific_angular_momentum",
-                           "cm**2/s", ftype=ptype, particle_type=True)
-    def _particle_angular_momentum_x(field, data):
-        return data[ptype, "particle_mass"] * \
-               data[ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum_x"]
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_angular_momentum_x"),
-             function=_particle_angular_momentum_x,
-             units="g*cm**2/s", particle_type=True,
-             validators=[ValidateParameter('center')])
-    def _particle_angular_momentum_y(field, data):
-        return data[ptype, "particle_mass"] * \
-               data[ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum_y"]
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_angular_momentum_y"),
-             function=_particle_angular_momentum_y,
-             units="g*cm**2/s", particle_type=True,
-             validators=[ValidateParameter('center')])
-    def _particle_angular_momentum_z(field, data):
-        return data[ptype, "particle_mass"] * \
-               data[ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum_z"]
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_angular_momentum_z"),
-             function=_particle_angular_momentum_z,
-             units="g*cm**2/s", particle_type=True,
-             validators=[ValidateParameter('center')])
-    def _particle_angular_momentum(field, data):
-        return data[ptype, "particle_mass"] \
-            * data[ptype, "particle_specific_angular_momentum"]
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_angular_momentum"),
-              function=_particle_angular_momentum,
-              particle_type=True,
-              units="g*cm**2/s",
-              validators=[ValidateParameter("center")])
-    create_magnitude_field(registry, "particle_angular_momentum",
-                           "g*cm**2/s", ftype=ptype, particle_type=True)
-    from .field_functions import \
-        get_radius
-    def _particle_radius(field, data):
-        return get_radius(data, "particle_position_")
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_radius"),
-              function=_particle_radius,
-              validators=[ValidateParameter("center")],
-              units="cm", particle_type = True,
-              display_name = "Particle Radius")
-    def _particle_spherical_position_radius(field, data):
-        """
-        Radial component of the particles' position vectors in spherical coords
-        on the provided field parameters for 'normal', 'center', and 
-        'bulk_velocity', 
-        """
-        normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
-        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        pos = spos
-        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, pos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        theta = get_sph_theta(pos, center)
-        phi = get_sph_phi(pos, center)
-        pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
-        sphr = get_sph_r_component(pos, theta, phi, normal)
-        return sphr
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_spherical_position_radius"),
-              function=_particle_spherical_position_radius,
-              particle_type=True, units="cm",
-              validators=[ValidateParameter("normal"), 
-                          ValidateParameter("center")])
-    def _particle_spherical_position_theta(field, data):
-        """
-        Theta component of the particles' position vectors in spherical coords
-        on the provided field parameters for 'normal', 'center', and 
-        'bulk_velocity', 
-        """
-        normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
-        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        pos = spos
-        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, pos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        theta = get_sph_theta(pos, center)
-        phi = get_sph_phi(pos, center)
-        pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
-        spht = get_sph_theta_component(pos, theta, phi, normal)
-        return spht
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_spherical_position_theta"),
-              function=_particle_spherical_position_theta,
-              particle_type=True, units="cm",
-              validators=[ValidateParameter("normal"), 
-                          ValidateParameter("center")])
-    def _particle_spherical_position_phi(field, data):
-        """
-        Phi component of the particles' position vectors in spherical coords
-        on the provided field parameters for 'normal', 'center', and 
-        'bulk_velocity', 
-        """
-        normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
-        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        pos = spos
-        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, pos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        theta = get_sph_theta(pos, center)
-        phi = get_sph_phi(pos, center)
-        pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
-        sphp = get_sph_phi_component(pos, phi, normal)
-        return sphp
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_spherical_position_phi"),
-              function=_particle_spherical_position_phi,
-              particle_type=True, units="cm",
-              validators=[ValidateParameter("normal"), 
-                          ValidateParameter("center")])
-    def _particle_spherical_velocity_radius(field, data):
-        """
-        Radial component of the particles' velocity vectors in spherical coords
-        based on the provided field parameters for 'normal', 'center', and 
-        'bulk_velocity', 
-        """
-        normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
-        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        pos = spos
-        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, pos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        vel = svel
-        vel = YTArray([data[ptype, vel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        theta = get_sph_theta(pos, center)
-        phi = get_sph_phi(pos, center)
-        pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
-        vel = vel - np.reshape(bv, (3, 1))
-        sphr = get_sph_r_component(vel, theta, phi, normal)
-        return sphr
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_spherical_velocity_radius"),
-              function=_particle_spherical_velocity_radius,
-              particle_type=True, units="cm/s",
-              validators=[ValidateParameter("normal"), 
-                          ValidateParameter("center")])
-    # This is simply aliased to "particle_spherical_velocity_radius"
-    # for ease of use.
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_radial_velocity"),
-              function=_particle_spherical_velocity_radius,
-              particle_type=True, units="cm/s",
-              validators=[ValidateParameter("normal"), 
-                          ValidateParameter("center")])
-    def _particle_spherical_velocity_theta(field, data):
-        """
-        Theta component of the particles' velocity vectors in spherical coords
-        based on the provided field parameters for 'normal', 'center', and 
-        'bulk_velocity', 
-        """
-        normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
-        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        pos = spos
-        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, pos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        vel = svel
-        vel = YTArray([data[ptype, vel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        theta = get_sph_theta(pos, center)
-        phi = get_sph_phi(pos, center)
-        pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
-        vel = vel - np.reshape(bv, (3, 1))
-        spht = get_sph_theta_component(vel, theta, phi, normal)
-        return spht
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_spherical_velocity_theta"),
-              function=_particle_spherical_velocity_theta,
-              particle_type=True, units="cm/s",
-              validators=[ValidateParameter("normal"), 
-                          ValidateParameter("center")])
-    def _particle_spherical_velocity_phi(field, data):
-        """
-        Phi component of the particles' velocity vectors in spherical coords
-        based on the provided field parameters for 'normal', 'center', and 
-        'bulk_velocity', 
-        """
-        normal = data.get_field_parameter('normal')
-        center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-        bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-        pos = YTArray([data[ptype, spos % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        vel = YTArray([data[ptype, svel % ax] for ax in "xyz"])
-        theta = get_sph_theta(pos, center)
-        phi = get_sph_phi(pos, center)
-        pos = pos - np.reshape(center, (3, 1))
-        vel = vel - np.reshape(bv, (3, 1))
-        sphp = get_sph_phi_component(vel, phi, normal)
-        return sphp
-    registry.add_field((ptype, "particle_spherical_velocity_phi"),
-              function=_particle_spherical_velocity_phi,
-              particle_type=True, units="cm/s",
-              validators=[ValidateParameter("normal"), 
-                          ValidateParameter("center")])
-def add_particle_average(registry, ptype, field_name, 
-                         weight = "particle_mass",
-                         density = True):
-    field_units = registry[ptype, field_name].units
-    def _pfunc_avg(field, data):
-        pos = data[ptype, "particle_position"]
-        f = data[ptype, field_name]
-        wf = data[ptype, weight]
-        f *= wf
-        v = data.deposit(pos, [f], method = "sum")
-        w = data.deposit(pos, [wf], method = "sum")
-        v /= w
-        if density: v /= data["index", "cell_volume"]
-        v[np.isnan(v)] = 0.0
-        return v
-    fn = ("deposit", "%s_avg_%s" % (ptype, field_name))
-    registry.add_field(fn, function=_pfunc_avg,
-                       validators = [ValidateSpatial(0)],
-                       particle_type = False,
-                       units = field_units)
-    return fn
-def add_volume_weighted_smoothed_field(ptype, coord_name, mass_name,
-        smoothing_length_name, density_name, smoothed_field, registry,
-        nneighbors = None):
-    field_name = ("deposit", "%s_smoothed_%s" % (ptype, smoothed_field))
-    field_units = registry[ptype, smoothed_field].units
-    def _vol_weight(field, data):
-        pos = data[ptype, coord_name].in_units("code_length")
-        mass = data[ptype, mass_name].in_cgs()
-        dens = data[ptype, density_name].in_cgs()
-        quan = data[ptype, smoothed_field].in_units(field_units)
-        if smoothing_length_name is None:
-            hsml = np.zeros(quan.shape, dtype='float64') - 1
-            hsml = data.apply_units(hsml, "code_length")
-        else:
-            hsml = data[ptype, smoothing_length_name].in_units("code_length")
-        kwargs = {}
-        if nneighbors:
-            kwargs['nneighbors'] = nneighbors
-        rv = data.smooth(pos, [mass, hsml, dens, quan],
-                         method="volume_weighted",
-                         create_octree = True)[0]
-        rv[np.isnan(rv)] = 0.0
-        # Now some quick unit conversions.
-        rv = data.apply_units(rv, field_units)
-        return rv
-    registry.add_field(field_name, function = _vol_weight,
-                       validators = [ValidateSpatial(0)],
-                       units = field_units)
-    return [field_name]

diff -r 1c83632dd94f97b2eb05f4f41d64ff14ece34ffa -r 62ee0fcb0c7bc9acdc32370c18ff3967527bf33b yt/frontends/ramses/data_structures.py.orig
--- a/yt/frontends/ramses/data_structures.py.orig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,596 +0,0 @@
-RAMSES-specific data structures
-# Copyright (c) 2013, yt Development Team.
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
-# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
-import os
-import numpy as np
-import stat
-import weakref
-import cStringIO
-<<<<<<< local
-import scipy.integrate
->>>>>>> other
-from yt.funcs import *
-from yt.geometry.oct_geometry_handler import \
-    OctreeIndex
-from yt.geometry.geometry_handler import \
-    Index, YTDataChunk
-from yt.data_objects.static_output import \
-    Dataset
-from yt.data_objects.octree_subset import \
-    OctreeSubset
-from .definitions import ramses_header, field_aliases
-from yt.utilities.lib.misc_utilities import \
-    get_box_grids_level
-from yt.utilities.io_handler import \
-    io_registry
-from yt.utilities.physical_constants import mp, kb
-from .fields import \
-    RAMSESFieldInfo, _X
-import yt.utilities.fortran_utils as fpu
-from yt.geometry.oct_container import \
-    RAMSESOctreeContainer
-from yt.fields.particle_fields import \
-    standard_particle_fields
-class RAMSESDomainFile(object):
-    _last_mask = None
-    _last_selector_id = None
-    def __init__(self, ds, domain_id):
-        self.ds = ds
-        self.domain_id = domain_id
-        self.nvar = 0 # Set this later!
-        num = os.path.basename(ds.parameter_filename).split("."
-                )[0].split("_")[1]
-        basename = "%s/%%s_%s.out%05i" % (
-            os.path.abspath(
-              os.path.dirname(ds.parameter_filename)),
-            num, domain_id)
-        for t in ['grav', 'hydro', 'part', 'amr']:
-            setattr(self, "%s_fn" % t, basename % t)
-        self._read_amr_header()
-        self._read_hydro_header()
-        self._read_particle_header()
-        self._read_amr()
-    _hydro_offset = None
-    _level_count = None
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "RAMSESDomainFile: %i" % self.domain_id
-    def _is_hydro(self):
-        '''
-        Does the output include hydro?
-        '''
-        return os.path.exists(self.hydro_fn)
-    @property
-    def level_count(self):
-        if self._level_count is not None: return self._level_count
-        self.hydro_offset
-        return self._level_count
-    @property
-    def hydro_offset(self):
-        if self._hydro_offset is not None: return self._hydro_offset
-        # We now have to open the file and calculate it
-        f = open(self.hydro_fn, "rb")
-        fpu.skip(f, 6)
-        # It goes: level, CPU, 8-variable
-        min_level = self.ds.min_level
-        n_levels = self.amr_header['nlevelmax'] - min_level
-        hydro_offset = np.zeros(n_levels, dtype='int64')
-        hydro_offset -= 1
-        level_count = np.zeros(n_levels, dtype='int64')
-        skipped = []
-        for level in range(self.amr_header['nlevelmax']):
-            for cpu in range(self.amr_header['nboundary'] +
-                             self.amr_header['ncpu']):
-                header = ( ('file_ilevel', 1, 'I'),
-                           ('file_ncache', 1, 'I') )
-                try:
-                    hvals = fpu.read_attrs(f, header, "=")
-                except AssertionError:
-                    print "You are running with the wrong number of fields."
-                    print "If you specified these in the load command, check the array length."
-                    print "In this file there are %s hydro fields." % skipped
-                    #print "The last set of field sizes was: %s" % skipped
-                    raise
-                if hvals['file_ncache'] == 0: continue
-                assert(hvals['file_ilevel'] == level+1)
-                if cpu + 1 == self.domain_id and level >= min_level:
-                    hydro_offset[level - min_level] = f.tell()
-                    level_count[level - min_level] = hvals['file_ncache']
-                skipped = fpu.skip(f, 8 * self.nvar)
-        self._hydro_offset = hydro_offset
-        self._level_count = level_count
-        return self._hydro_offset
-    def _read_hydro_header(self):
-        # If no hydro file is found, return
-        if not self._is_hydro():
-            return
-        if self.nvar > 0: return self.nvar
-        # Read the number of hydro  variables
-        f = open(self.hydro_fn, "rb")
-        fpu.skip(f, 1)
-        self.nvar = fpu.read_vector(f, "i")[0]
-    def _read_particle_header(self):
-        if not os.path.exists(self.part_fn):
-            self.local_particle_count = 0
-            self.particle_field_offsets = {}
-            return
-        f = open(self.part_fn, "rb")
-        f.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
-        flen = f.tell()
-        f.seek(0)
-        hvals = {}
-        attrs = ( ('ncpu', 1, 'I'),
-                  ('ndim', 1, 'I'),
-                  ('npart', 1, 'I') )
-        hvals.update(fpu.read_attrs(f, attrs))
-        fpu.read_vector(f, 'I')
-        attrs = ( ('nstar_tot', 1, 'I'),
-                  ('mstar_tot', 1, 'd'),
-                  ('mstar_lost', 1, 'd'),
-                  ('nsink', 1, 'I') )
-        hvals.update(fpu.read_attrs(f, attrs))
-        self.particle_header = hvals
-        self.local_particle_count = hvals['npart']
-        particle_fields = [
-                ("particle_position_x", "d"),
-                ("particle_position_y", "d"),
-                ("particle_position_z", "d"),
-                ("particle_velocity_x", "d"),
-                ("particle_velocity_y", "d"),
-                ("particle_velocity_z", "d"),
-                ("particle_mass", "d"),
-                ("particle_identifier", "I"),
-                ("particle_refinement_level", "I")]
-        if hvals["nstar_tot"] > 0:
-            particle_fields += [("particle_age", "d"),
-                                ("particle_metallicity", "d")]
-        field_offsets = {}
-        _pfields = {}
-        for field, vtype in particle_fields:
-            if f.tell() >= flen: break
-            field_offsets["io", field] = f.tell()
-            _pfields["io", field] = vtype
-            fpu.skip(f, 1)
-        self.particle_field_offsets = field_offsets
-        self.particle_field_types = _pfields
-        self.particle_types = self.particle_types_raw = ("io",)
-    def _read_amr_header(self):
-        hvals = {}
-        f = open(self.amr_fn, "rb")
-        for header in ramses_header(hvals):
-            hvals.update(fpu.read_attrs(f, header))
-        # That's the header, now we skip a few.
-        hvals['numbl'] = np.array(hvals['numbl']).reshape(
-            (hvals['nlevelmax'], hvals['ncpu']))
-        fpu.skip(f)
-        if hvals['nboundary'] > 0:
-            fpu.skip(f, 2)
-            self.ngridbound = fpu.read_vector(f, 'i').astype("int64")
-        else:
-            self.ngridbound = np.zeros(hvals['nlevelmax'], dtype='int64')
-        free_mem = fpu.read_attrs(f, (('free_mem', 5, 'i'), ) )
-        ordering = fpu.read_vector(f, 'c')
-        fpu.skip(f, 4)
-        # Now we're at the tree itself
-        # Now we iterate over each level and each CPU.
-        self.amr_header = hvals
-        self.amr_offset = f.tell()
-        self.local_oct_count = hvals['numbl'][self.ds.min_level:, self.domain_id - 1].sum()
-        self.total_oct_count = hvals['numbl'][self.ds.min_level:,:].sum(axis=0)
-    def _read_amr(self):
-        """Open the oct file, read in octs level-by-level.
-           For each oct, only the position, index, level and domain 
-           are needed - its position in the octree is found automatically.
-           The most important is finding all the information to feed
-           oct_handler.add
-        """
-        self.oct_handler = RAMSESOctreeContainer(self.ds.domain_dimensions/2,
-                self.ds.domain_left_edge, self.ds.domain_right_edge)
-        root_nodes = self.amr_header['numbl'][self.ds.min_level,:].sum()
-        self.oct_handler.allocate_domains(self.total_oct_count, root_nodes)
-        fb = open(self.amr_fn, "rb")
-        fb.seek(self.amr_offset)
-        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
-        f.write(fb.read())
-        f.seek(0)
-        mylog.debug("Reading domain AMR % 4i (%0.3e, %0.3e)",
-            self.domain_id, self.total_oct_count.sum(), self.ngridbound.sum())
-        def _ng(c, l):
-            if c < self.amr_header['ncpu']:
-                ng = self.amr_header['numbl'][l, c]
-            else:
-                ng = self.ngridbound[c - self.amr_header['ncpu'] +
-                                self.amr_header['nboundary']*l]
-            return ng
-        min_level = self.ds.min_level
-        # yt max level is not the same as the RAMSES one.
-        # yt max level is the maximum number of additional refinement levels
-        # so for a uni grid run with no refinement, it would be 0. 
-        # So we initially assume that.
-        max_level = 0
-        nx, ny, nz = (((i-1.0)/2.0) for i in self.amr_header['nx'])
-        for level in range(self.amr_header['nlevelmax']):
-            # Easier if do this 1-indexed
-            for cpu in range(self.amr_header['nboundary'] + self.amr_header['ncpu']):
-                #ng is the number of octs on this level on this domain
-                ng = _ng(cpu, level)
-                if ng == 0: continue
-                ind = fpu.read_vector(f, "I").astype("int64")
-                fpu.skip(f, 2)
-                pos = np.empty((ng, 3), dtype='float64')
-                pos[:,0] = fpu.read_vector(f, "d") - nx
-                pos[:,1] = fpu.read_vector(f, "d") - ny
-                pos[:,2] = fpu.read_vector(f, "d") - nz
-                #pos *= self.ds.domain_width
-                #pos += self.dataset.domain_left_edge
-                fpu.skip(f, 31)
-                #parents = fpu.read_vector(f, "I")
-                #fpu.skip(f, 6)
-                #children = np.empty((ng, 8), dtype='int64')
-                #for i in range(8):
-                #    children[:,i] = fpu.read_vector(f, "I")
-                #cpu_map = np.empty((ng, 8), dtype="int64")
-                #for i in range(8):
-                #    cpu_map[:,i] = fpu.read_vector(f, "I")
-                #rmap = np.empty((ng, 8), dtype="int64")
-                #for i in range(8):
-                #    rmap[:,i] = fpu.read_vector(f, "I")
-                # We don't want duplicate grids.
-                # Note that we're adding *grids*, not individual cells.
-                if level >= min_level:
-                    assert(pos.shape[0] == ng)
-                    n = self.oct_handler.add(cpu + 1, level - min_level, pos,
-                                count_boundary = 1)
-                    self._error_check(cpu, level, pos, n, ng, (nx, ny, nz))
-                    if n > 0: max_level = max(level - min_level, max_level)
-        self.max_level = max_level
-        self.oct_handler.finalize()
-    def _error_check(self, cpu, level, pos, n, ng, nn):
-        # NOTE: We have the second conditional here because internally, it will
-        # not add any octs in that case.
-        if n == ng or cpu + 1 > self.oct_handler.num_domains:
-            return
-        # This is where we now check for issues with creating the new octs, and
-        # we attempt to determine what precisely is going wrong.
-        # These are all print statements.
-        print "We have detected an error with the construction of the Octree."
-        print "  The number of Octs to be added :  %s" % ng
-        print "  The number of Octs added       :  %s" % n
-        print "  Level                          :  %s" % level
-        print "  CPU Number (0-indexed)         :  %s" % cpu
-        for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-            print "  extent [%s]                     :  %s %s" % \
-            (ax, pos[:,i].min(), pos[:,i].max())
-        print "  domain left                    :  %s" % \
-            (self.ds.domain_left_edge,)
-        print "  domain right                   :  %s" % \
-            (self.ds.domain_right_edge,)
-        print "  offset applied                 :  %s %s %s" % \
-            (nn[0], nn[1], nn[2])
-        print "AMR Header:"
-        for key in sorted(self.amr_header):
-            print "   %-30s: %s" % (key, self.amr_header[key])
-        raise RuntimeError
-    def included(self, selector):
-        if getattr(selector, "domain_id", None) is not None:
-            return selector.domain_id == self.domain_id
-        domain_ids = self.oct_handler.domain_identify(selector)
-        return self.domain_id in domain_ids
-class RAMSESDomainSubset(OctreeSubset):
-    _domain_offset = 1
-    def fill(self, content, fields, selector):
-        # Here we get a copy of the file, which we skip through and read the
-        # bits we want.
-        oct_handler = self.oct_handler
-        all_fields = self.domain.ds.index.fluid_field_list
-        fields = [f for ft, f in fields]
-        tr = {}
-        cell_count = selector.count_oct_cells(self.oct_handler, self.domain_id)
-        levels, cell_inds, file_inds = self.oct_handler.file_index_octs(
-            selector, self.domain_id, cell_count)
-        for field in fields:
-            tr[field] = np.zeros(cell_count, 'float64')
-        for level, offset in enumerate(self.domain.hydro_offset):
-            if offset == -1: continue
-            content.seek(offset)
-            nc = self.domain.level_count[level]
-            temp = {}
-            for field in all_fields:
-                temp[field] = np.empty((nc, 8), dtype="float64")
-            for i in range(8):
-                for field in all_fields:
-                    if field not in fields:
-                        fpu.skip(content)
-                    else:
-                        temp[field][:,i] = fpu.read_vector(content, 'd') # cell 1
-            oct_handler.fill_level(level, levels, cell_inds, file_inds, tr, temp)
-        return tr
-class RAMSESIndex(OctreeIndex):
-    def __init__(self, ds, dataset_type='ramses'):
-        self.fluid_field_list = ds._fields_in_file
-        self.dataset_type = dataset_type
-        self.dataset = weakref.proxy(ds)
-        self.index_filename = self.dataset.parameter_filename
-        self.directory = os.path.dirname(self.index_filename)
-        self.max_level = None
-        self.float_type = np.float64
-        super(RAMSESIndex, self).__init__(ds, dataset_type)
-    def _initialize_oct_handler(self):
-        self.domains = [RAMSESDomainFile(self.dataset, i + 1)
-                        for i in range(self.dataset['ncpu'])]
-        total_octs = sum(dom.local_oct_count #+ dom.ngridbound.sum()
-                         for dom in self.domains)
-        self.max_level = max(dom.max_level for dom in self.domains)
-        self.num_grids = total_octs
-    def _detect_output_fields(self):
-        # Do we want to attempt to figure out what the fields are in the file?
-        dsl = set([])
-        if self.fluid_field_list is None or len(self.fluid_field_list) <= 0:
-            self._setup_auto_fields()
-        for domain in self.domains:
-            dsl.update(set(domain.particle_field_offsets.keys()))
-        self.particle_field_list = list(dsl)
-        self.field_list = [("ramses", f) for f in self.fluid_field_list] \
-                        + self.particle_field_list
-    def _setup_auto_fields(self):
-        '''
-        If no fluid fields are set, the code tries to set up a fluids array by hand
-        '''
-        # Find nvar
-        # TODO: copy/pasted from DomainFile; needs refactoring!
-        num = os.path.basename(self.dataset.parameter_filename).split("."
-                )[0].split("_")[1]
-        testdomain = 1 # Just pick the first domain file to read
-        basename = "%s/%%s_%s.out%05i" % (
-            os.path.abspath(
-              os.path.dirname(self.dataset.parameter_filename)),
-            num, testdomain)
-        hydro_fn = basename % "hydro"
-        # Do we have a hydro file?
-        if not os.path.exists(hydro_fn):
-            self.fluid_field_list = []
-            return
-        # Read the number of hydro  variables
-        f = open(hydro_fn, "rb")
-        hydro_header = ( ('ncpu', 1, 'i'),
-                         ('nvar', 1, 'i'),
-                         ('ndim', 1, 'i'),
-                         ('nlevelmax', 1, 'i'),
-                         ('nboundary', 1, 'i'),
-                         ('gamma', 1, 'd')
-                         )
-        hvals = fpu.read_attrs(f, hydro_header)
-        self.ds.gamma = hvals['gamma']
-        nvar = hvals['nvar']
-        # OK, we got NVAR, now set up the arrays depending on what NVAR is
-        # Allow some wiggle room for users to add too many variables
-        if nvar < 5:
-            mylog.debug("nvar=%s is too small! YT doesn't currently support 1D/2D runs in RAMSES %s")
-            raise ValueError
-        # Basic hydro runs
-        if nvar == 5:
-            fields = ["Density", 
-                      "x-velocity", "y-velocity", "z-velocity", 
-                      "Pressure"]
-        if nvar > 5 and nvar < 11:
-            fields = ["Density", 
-                      "x-velocity", "y-velocity", "z-velocity", 
-                      "Pressure", "Metallicity"]
-        if nvar == 11:
-            fields = ["Density", 
-                      "x-velocity", "y-velocity", "z-velocity", 
-                      "x-Bfield-left", "y-Bfield-left", "z-Bfield-left", 
-                      "x-Bfield-right", "y-Bfield-right", "z-Bfield-right", 
-                      "Pressure"]
-        if nvar > 11:
-            fields = ["Density", 
-                      "x-velocity", "y-velocity", "z-velocity", 
-                      "x-Bfield-left", "y-Bfield-left", "z-Bfield-left", 
-                      "x-Bfield-right", "y-Bfield-right", "z-Bfield-right", 
-                      "Pressure","Metallicity"]
-        while len(fields) < nvar:
-            fields.append("var"+str(len(fields)))
-        mylog.debug("No fields specified by user; automatically setting fields array to %s", str(fields))
-        self.fluid_field_list = fields
-    def _identify_base_chunk(self, dobj):
-        if getattr(dobj, "_chunk_info", None) is None:
-            domains = [dom for dom in self.domains if
-                       dom.included(dobj.selector)]
-            base_region = getattr(dobj, "base_region", dobj)
-            if len(domains) > 1:
-                mylog.debug("Identified %s intersecting domains", len(domains))
-            subsets = [RAMSESDomainSubset(base_region, domain, self.dataset)
-                       for domain in domains]
-            dobj._chunk_info = subsets
-        dobj._current_chunk = list(self._chunk_all(dobj))[0]
-    def _chunk_all(self, dobj):
-        oobjs = getattr(dobj._current_chunk, "objs", dobj._chunk_info)
-        yield YTDataChunk(dobj, "all", oobjs, None)
-    def _chunk_spatial(self, dobj, ngz, sort = None, preload_fields = None):
-        sobjs = getattr(dobj._current_chunk, "objs", dobj._chunk_info)
-        for i,og in enumerate(sobjs):
-            if ngz > 0:
-                g = og.retrieve_ghost_zones(ngz, [], smoothed=True)
-            else:
-                g = og
-            yield YTDataChunk(dobj, "spatial", [g], None)
-    def _chunk_io(self, dobj, cache = True, local_only = False):
-        oobjs = getattr(dobj._current_chunk, "objs", dobj._chunk_info)
-        for subset in oobjs:
-            yield YTDataChunk(dobj, "io", [subset], None, cache = cache)
-class RAMSESDataset(Dataset):
-    _index_class = RAMSESIndex
-    _field_info_class = RAMSESFieldInfo
-    gamma = 1.4 # This will get replaced on hydro_fn open
-    def __init__(self, filename, dataset_type='ramses',
-                 fields = None, storage_filename = None,
-                 units_override=None):
-        # Here we want to initiate a traceback, if the reader is not built.
-        if isinstance(fields, types.StringTypes):
-            fields = field_aliases[fields]
-        '''
-        fields: An array of hydro variable fields in order of position in the hydro_XXXXX.outYYYYY file
-                If set to None, will try a default set of fields
-        '''
-        self.fluid_types += ("ramses",)
-        self._fields_in_file = fields
-        Dataset.__init__(self, filename, dataset_type, units_override=units_override)
-        self.storage_filename = storage_filename
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return self.basename.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
-    def _set_code_unit_attributes(self):
-        """
-        Generates the conversion to various physical _units based on the parameter file
-        """
-        # Note that unit_l *already* converts to proper!
-        # Also note that unit_l must be multiplied by the boxlen parameter to
-        # ensure we are correctly set up for the current domain.
-<<<<<<< local
-        length_unit = self.parameters['unit_l'] * self.parameters['boxlen']
-        rho_u = self.parameters['unit_d']/ self.parameters['boxlen']**3
-        # We're not multiplying by the boxlength here.
-        mass_unit = rho_u * length_unit**3
-        # Cosmological runs are done in lookback conformal time. 
-        #To convert to proper time, the time unit is calculated from 
-        # the expansion factor.
-        length_unit = self.parameters['unit_l']
-        boxlen = self.parameters['boxlen']
-        density_unit = self.parameters['unit_d']
-        mass_unit = density_unit * (length_unit * boxlen)**3
->>>>>>> other
-        time_unit = self.parameters['unit_t']
-        magnetic_unit = np.sqrt(4*np.pi * mass_unit /
-                                (time_unit**2 * length_unit))
-        pressure_unit = density_unit * (length_unit / time_unit)**2
-        # TODO:
-        # Generalize the temperature field to account for ionization
-        # For now assume an atomic ideal gas with cosmic abundances (x_H = 0.76)
-        mean_molecular_weight_factor = _X**-1
-        self.density_unit = self.quan(density_unit, 'g/cm**3')
-        self.magnetic_unit = self.quan(magnetic_unit, "gauss")
-        self.length_unit = self.quan(length_unit * boxlen, "cm")
-        self.mass_unit = self.quan(mass_unit, "g")
-        self.time_unit = self.quan(time_unit, "s")
-        self.velocity_unit = self.quan(length_unit, 'cm') / self.time_unit
-        self.temperature_unit = (self.velocity_unit**2 * mp *
-                                 mean_molecular_weight_factor / kb)
-        self.pressure_unit = self.quan(pressure_unit, 'dyne/cm**2')
-    def _parse_parameter_file(self):
-        # hardcoded for now
-        # These should be explicitly obtained from the file, but for now that
-        # will wait until a reorganization of the source tree and better
-        # generalization.
-        self.dimensionality = 3
-        self.refine_by = 2
-        self.parameters["HydroMethod"] = 'ramses'
-        self.parameters["Time"] = 1. # default unit is 1...
-        self.unique_identifier = \
-            int(os.stat(self.parameter_filename)[stat.ST_CTIME])
-        # We now execute the same logic Oliver's code does
-        rheader = {}
-        f = open(self.parameter_filename)
-        def read_rhs(cast):
-            line = f.readline()
-            p, v = line.split("=")
-            rheader[p.strip()] = cast(v)
-        for i in range(6): read_rhs(int)
-        f.readline()
-        for i in range(11): read_rhs(float)
-        f.readline()
-        read_rhs(str)
-        # This next line deserves some comment.  We specify a min_level that
-        # corresponds to the minimum level in the RAMSES simulation.  RAMSES is
-        # one-indexed, but it also does refer to the *oct* dimensions -- so
-        # this means that a levelmin of 1 would have *1* oct in it.  So a
-        # levelmin of 2 would have 8 octs at the root mesh level.
-        self.min_level = rheader['levelmin'] - 1
-        # Now we read the hilbert indices
-        self.hilbert_indices = {}
-        if rheader['ordering type'] == "hilbert":
-            f.readline() # header
-            for n in range(rheader['ncpu']):
-                dom, mi, ma = f.readline().split()
-                self.hilbert_indices[int(dom)] = (float(mi), float(ma))
-        self.parameters.update(rheader)
-        self.current_time = self.parameters['time'] 
-        self.domain_left_edge = np.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-        self.domain_dimensions = np.ones(3, dtype='int32') * \
-                        2**(self.min_level+1)
-        self.domain_right_edge = np.ones(3, dtype='float64')
-        # This is likely not true, but it's not clear how to determine the boundary conditions
-        self.periodicity = (True, True, True)
-        # These conditions seem to always be true for non-cosmological datasets
-        if rheader["time"] > 0 and rheader["H0"] == 1 and rheader["aexp"] == 1:
-            self.cosmological_simulation = 0
-            self.current_redshift = 0
-            self.hubble_constant = 0
-            self.omega_matter = 0
-            self.omega_lambda = 0
-        else:
-            self.cosmological_simulation = 1
-            self.current_redshift = (1.0 / rheader["aexp"]) - 1.0
-            self.omega_lambda = rheader["omega_l"]
-            self.omega_matter = rheader["omega_m"]
-            self.hubble_constant = rheader["H0"] / 100.0 # This is H100
-        self.max_level = rheader['levelmax'] - self.min_level - 1
-        f.close()
-    @classmethod
-    def _is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        if not os.path.basename(args[0]).startswith("info_"): return False
-        fn = args[0].replace("info_", "amr_").replace(".txt", ".out00001")
-        return os.path.exists(fn)

diff -r 1c83632dd94f97b2eb05f4f41d64ff14ece34ffa -r 62ee0fcb0c7bc9acdc32370c18ff3967527bf33b yt/frontends/ramses/data_structures.py~
--- a/yt/frontends/ramses/data_structures.py~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
-RAMSES-specific data structures
-# Copyright (c) 2013, yt Development Team.
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
-# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
-import os
-import numpy as np
-import stat
-import weakref
-import cStringIO
-import scipy.integrate
-from yt.funcs import *
-from yt.geometry.oct_geometry_handler import \
-    OctreeIndex
-from yt.geometry.geometry_handler import \
-    Index, YTDataChunk
-from yt.data_objects.static_output import \
-    Dataset
-from yt.data_objects.octree_subset import \
-    OctreeSubset
-from .definitions import ramses_header, field_aliases
-from yt.utilities.lib.misc_utilities import \
-    get_box_grids_level
-from yt.utilities.io_handler import \
-    io_registry
-from .fields import \
-    RAMSESFieldInfo
-import yt.utilities.fortran_utils as fpu
-from yt.geometry.oct_container import \
-    RAMSESOctreeContainer
-from yt.fields.particle_fields import \
-    standard_particle_fields
-class RAMSESDomainFile(object):
-    _last_mask = None
-    _last_selector_id = None
-    def __init__(self, ds, domain_id):
-        self.ds = ds
-        self.domain_id = domain_id
-        self.nvar = 0 # Set this later!
-        num = os.path.basename(ds.parameter_filename).split("."
-                )[0].split("_")[1]
-        basename = "%s/%%s_%s.out%05i" % (
-            os.path.abspath(
-              os.path.dirname(ds.parameter_filename)),
-            num, domain_id)
-        for t in ['grav', 'hydro', 'part', 'amr']:
-            setattr(self, "%s_fn" % t, basename % t)
-        self._read_amr_header()
-        self._read_hydro_header()
-        self._read_particle_header()
-        self._read_amr()
-    _hydro_offset = None
-    _level_count = None
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "RAMSESDomainFile: %i" % self.domain_id
-    def _is_hydro(self):
-        '''
-        Does the output include hydro?
-        '''
-        return os.path.exists(self.hydro_fn)
-    @property
-    def level_count(self):
-        if self._level_count is not None: return self._level_count
-        self.hydro_offset
-        return self._level_count
-    @property
-    def hydro_offset(self):
-        if self._hydro_offset is not None: return self._hydro_offset
-        # We now have to open the file and calculate it
-        f = open(self.hydro_fn, "rb")
-        fpu.skip(f, 6)
-        # It goes: level, CPU, 8-variable
-        min_level = self.ds.min_level
-        n_levels = self.amr_header['nlevelmax'] - min_level
-        hydro_offset = np.zeros(n_levels, dtype='int64')
-        hydro_offset -= 1
-        level_count = np.zeros(n_levels, dtype='int64')
-        skipped = []
-        for level in range(self.amr_header['nlevelmax']):
-            for cpu in range(self.amr_header['nboundary'] +
-                             self.amr_header['ncpu']):
-                header = ( ('file_ilevel', 1, 'I'),
-                           ('file_ncache', 1, 'I') )
-                try:
-                    hvals = fpu.read_attrs(f, header, "=")
-                except AssertionError:
-                    print "You are running with the wrong number of fields."
-                    print "If you specified these in the load command, check the array length."
-                    print "In this file there are %s hydro fields." % skipped
-                    #print "The last set of field sizes was: %s" % skipped
-                    raise
-                if hvals['file_ncache'] == 0: continue
-                assert(hvals['file_ilevel'] == level+1)
-                if cpu + 1 == self.domain_id and level >= min_level:
-                    hydro_offset[level - min_level] = f.tell()
-                    level_count[level - min_level] = hvals['file_ncache']
-                skipped = fpu.skip(f, 8 * self.nvar)
-        self._hydro_offset = hydro_offset
-        self._level_count = level_count
-        return self._hydro_offset
-    def _read_hydro_header(self):
-        # If no hydro file is found, return
-        if not self._is_hydro():
-            return
-        if self.nvar > 0: return self.nvar
-        # Read the number of hydro  variables
-        f = open(self.hydro_fn, "rb")
-        fpu.skip(f, 1)
-        self.nvar = fpu.read_vector(f, "i")[0]
-    def _read_particle_header(self):
-        if not os.path.exists(self.part_fn):
-            self.local_particle_count = 0
-            self.particle_field_offsets = {}
-            return
-        f = open(self.part_fn, "rb")
-        f.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
-        flen = f.tell()
-        f.seek(0)
-        hvals = {}
-        attrs = ( ('ncpu', 1, 'I'),
-                  ('ndim', 1, 'I'),
-                  ('npart', 1, 'I') )
-        hvals.update(fpu.read_attrs(f, attrs))
-        fpu.read_vector(f, 'I')
-        attrs = ( ('nstar_tot', 1, 'I'),
-                  ('mstar_tot', 1, 'd'),
-                  ('mstar_lost', 1, 'd'),
-                  ('nsink', 1, 'I') )
-        hvals.update(fpu.read_attrs(f, attrs))
-        self.particle_header = hvals
-        self.local_particle_count = hvals['npart']
-        particle_fields = [
-                ("particle_position_x", "d"),
-                ("particle_position_y", "d"),
-                ("particle_position_z", "d"),
-                ("particle_velocity_x", "d"),
-                ("particle_velocity_y", "d"),
-                ("particle_velocity_z", "d"),
-                ("particle_mass", "d"),
-                ("particle_identifier", "I"),
-                ("particle_refinement_level", "I")]
-        if hvals["nstar_tot"] > 0:
-            particle_fields += [("particle_age", "d"),
-                                ("particle_metallicity", "d")]
-        field_offsets = {}
-        _pfields = {}
-        for field, vtype in particle_fields:
-            if f.tell() >= flen: break
-            field_offsets["io", field] = f.tell()
-            _pfields["io", field] = vtype
-            fpu.skip(f, 1)
-        self.particle_field_offsets = field_offsets
-        self.particle_field_types = _pfields
-        self.particle_types = self.particle_types_raw = ("io",)
-    def _read_amr_header(self):
-        hvals = {}
-        f = open(self.amr_fn, "rb")
-        for header in ramses_header(hvals):
-            hvals.update(fpu.read_attrs(f, header))
-        # That's the header, now we skip a few.
-        hvals['numbl'] = np.array(hvals['numbl']).reshape(
-            (hvals['nlevelmax'], hvals['ncpu']))
-        fpu.skip(f)
-        if hvals['nboundary'] > 0:
-            fpu.skip(f, 2)
-            self.ngridbound = fpu.read_vector(f, 'i').astype("int64")
-        else:
-            self.ngridbound = np.zeros(hvals['nlevelmax'], dtype='int64')
-        free_mem = fpu.read_attrs(f, (('free_mem', 5, 'i'), ) )
-        ordering = fpu.read_vector(f, 'c')
-        fpu.skip(f, 4)
-        # Now we're at the tree itself
-        # Now we iterate over each level and each CPU.
-        self.amr_header = hvals
-        self.amr_offset = f.tell()
-        self.local_oct_count = hvals['numbl'][self.ds.min_level:, self.domain_id - 1].sum()
-        self.total_oct_count = hvals['numbl'][self.ds.min_level:,:].sum(axis=0)
-    def _read_amr(self):
-        """Open the oct file, read in octs level-by-level.
-           For each oct, only the position, index, level and domain 
-           are needed - its position in the octree is found automatically.
-           The most important is finding all the information to feed
-           oct_handler.add
-        """
-        self.oct_handler = RAMSESOctreeContainer(self.ds.domain_dimensions/2,
-                self.ds.domain_left_edge, self.ds.domain_right_edge)
-        root_nodes = self.amr_header['numbl'][self.ds.min_level,:].sum()
-        self.oct_handler.allocate_domains(self.total_oct_count, root_nodes)
-        fb = open(self.amr_fn, "rb")
-        fb.seek(self.amr_offset)
-        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
-        f.write(fb.read())
-        f.seek(0)
-        mylog.debug("Reading domain AMR % 4i (%0.3e, %0.3e)",
-            self.domain_id, self.total_oct_count.sum(), self.ngridbound.sum())
-        def _ng(c, l):
-            if c < self.amr_header['ncpu']:
-                ng = self.amr_header['numbl'][l, c]
-            else:
-                ng = self.ngridbound[c - self.amr_header['ncpu'] +
-                                self.amr_header['nboundary']*l]
-            return ng
-        min_level = self.ds.min_level
-        max_level = min_level
-        nx, ny, nz = (((i-1.0)/2.0) for i in self.amr_header['nx'])
-        for level in range(self.amr_header['nlevelmax']):
-            # Easier if do this 1-indexed
-            for cpu in range(self.amr_header['nboundary'] + self.amr_header['ncpu']):
-                #ng is the number of octs on this level on this domain
-                ng = _ng(cpu, level)
-                if ng == 0: continue
-                ind = fpu.read_vector(f, "I").astype("int64")
-                fpu.skip(f, 2)
-                pos = np.empty((ng, 3), dtype='float64')
-                pos[:,0] = fpu.read_vector(f, "d") - nx
-                pos[:,1] = fpu.read_vector(f, "d") - ny
-                pos[:,2] = fpu.read_vector(f, "d") - nz
-                #pos *= self.ds.domain_width
-                #pos += self.dataset.domain_left_edge
-                fpu.skip(f, 31)
-                #parents = fpu.read_vector(f, "I")
-                #fpu.skip(f, 6)
-                #children = np.empty((ng, 8), dtype='int64')
-                #for i in range(8):
-                #    children[:,i] = fpu.read_vector(f, "I")
-                #cpu_map = np.empty((ng, 8), dtype="int64")
-                #for i in range(8):
-                #    cpu_map[:,i] = fpu.read_vector(f, "I")
-                #rmap = np.empty((ng, 8), dtype="int64")
-                #for i in range(8):
-                #    rmap[:,i] = fpu.read_vector(f, "I")
-                # We don't want duplicate grids.
-                # Note that we're adding *grids*, not individual cells.
-                if level >= min_level:
-                    assert(pos.shape[0] == ng)
-                    n = self.oct_handler.add(cpu + 1, level - min_level, pos,
-                                count_boundary = 1)
-                    self._error_check(cpu, level, pos, n, ng, (nx, ny, nz))
-                    if n > 0: max_level = max(level - min_level, max_level)
-        self.max_level = max_level
-        self.oct_handler.finalize()
-    def _error_check(self, cpu, level, pos, n, ng, nn):
-        # NOTE: We have the second conditional here because internally, it will
-        # not add any octs in that case.
-        if n == ng or cpu + 1 > self.oct_handler.num_domains:
-            return
-        # This is where we now check for issues with creating the new octs, and
-        # we attempt to determine what precisely is going wrong.
-        # These are all print statements.
-        print "We have detected an error with the construction of the Octree."
-        print "  The number of Octs to be added :  %s" % ng
-        print "  The number of Octs added       :  %s" % n
-        print "  Level                          :  %s" % level
-        print "  CPU Number (0-indexed)         :  %s" % cpu
-        for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-            print "  extent [%s]                     :  %s %s" % \
-            (ax, pos[:,i].min(), pos[:,i].max())
-        print "  domain left                    :  %s" % \
-            (self.ds.domain_left_edge,)
-        print "  domain right                   :  %s" % \
-            (self.ds.domain_right_edge,)
-        print "  offset applied                 :  %s %s %s" % \
-            (nn[0], nn[1], nn[2])
-        print "AMR Header:"
-        for key in sorted(self.amr_header):
-            print "   %-30s: %s" % (key, self.amr_header[key])
-        raise RuntimeError
-    def included(self, selector):
-        if getattr(selector, "domain_id", None) is not None:
-            return selector.domain_id == self.domain_id
-        domain_ids = self.oct_handler.domain_identify(selector)
-        return self.domain_id in domain_ids
-class RAMSESDomainSubset(OctreeSubset):
-    _domain_offset = 1
-    def fill(self, content, fields, selector):
-        # Here we get a copy of the file, which we skip through and read the
-        # bits we want.
-        oct_handler = self.oct_handler
-        all_fields = self.domain.ds.index.fluid_field_list
-        fields = [f for ft, f in fields]
-        tr = {}
-        cell_count = selector.count_oct_cells(self.oct_handler, self.domain_id)
-        levels, cell_inds, file_inds = self.oct_handler.file_index_octs(
-            selector, self.domain_id, cell_count)
-        for field in fields:
-            tr[field] = np.zeros(cell_count, 'float64')
-        for level, offset in enumerate(self.domain.hydro_offset):
-            if offset == -1: continue
-            content.seek(offset)
-            nc = self.domain.level_count[level]
-            temp = {}
-            for field in all_fields:
-                temp[field] = np.empty((nc, 8), dtype="float64")
-            for i in range(8):
-                for field in all_fields:
-                    if field not in fields:
-                        fpu.skip(content)
-                    else:
-                        temp[field][:,i] = fpu.read_vector(content, 'd') # cell 1
-            oct_handler.fill_level(level, levels, cell_inds, file_inds, tr, temp)
-        return tr
-class RAMSESIndex(OctreeIndex):
-    def __init__(self, ds, dataset_type='ramses'):
-        self._ds = ds # TODO: Figure out the class composition better!
-        self.fluid_field_list = ds._fields_in_file
-        self.dataset_type = dataset_type
-        self.dataset = weakref.proxy(ds)
-        self.index_filename = self.dataset.parameter_filename
-        self.directory = os.path.dirname(self.index_filename)
-        self.max_level = None
-        self.float_type = np.float64
-        super(RAMSESIndex, self).__init__(ds, dataset_type)
-    def _initialize_oct_handler(self):
-        self.domains = [RAMSESDomainFile(self.dataset, i + 1)
-                        for i in range(self.dataset['ncpu'])]
-        total_octs = sum(dom.local_oct_count #+ dom.ngridbound.sum()
-                         for dom in self.domains)
-        self.max_level = max(dom.max_level for dom in self.domains)
-        self.num_grids = total_octs
-    def _detect_output_fields(self):
-        # Do we want to attempt to figure out what the fields are in the file?
-        dsl = set([])
-        if self.fluid_field_list is None or len(self.fluid_field_list) <= 0:
-            self._setup_auto_fields()
-        for domain in self.domains:
-            dsl.update(set(domain.particle_field_offsets.keys()))
-        self.particle_field_list = list(dsl)
-        self.field_list = [("ramses", f) for f in self.fluid_field_list] \
-                        + self.particle_field_list
-    def _setup_auto_fields(self):
-        '''
-        If no fluid fields are set, the code tries to set up a fluids array by hand
-        '''
-        # Find nvar
-        # TODO: copy/pasted from DomainFile; needs refactoring!
-        num = os.path.basename(self._ds.parameter_filename).split("."
-                )[0].split("_")[1]
-        testdomain = 1 # Just pick the first domain file to read
-        basename = "%s/%%s_%s.out%05i" % (
-            os.path.abspath(
-              os.path.dirname(self._ds.parameter_filename)),
-            num, testdomain)
-        hydro_fn = basename % "hydro"
-        # Do we have a hydro file?
-        if not os.path.exists(hydro_fn):
-            self.fluid_field_list = []
-            return
-        # Read the number of hydro  variables
-        f = open(hydro_fn, "rb")
-        hydro_header = ( ('ncpu', 1, 'i'),
-                         ('nvar', 1, 'i'),
-                         ('ndim', 1, 'i'),
-                         ('nlevelmax', 1, 'i'),
-                         ('nboundary', 1, 'i'),
-                         ('gamma', 1, 'd')
-                         )
-        hvals = fpu.read_attrs(f, hydro_header)
-        self.ds.gamma = hvals['gamma']
-        nvar = hvals['nvar']
-        # OK, we got NVAR, now set up the arrays depending on what NVAR is
-        # Allow some wiggle room for users to add too many variables
-        if nvar < 5:
-            mylog.debug("nvar=%s is too small! YT doesn't currently support 1D/2D runs in RAMSES %s")
-            raise ValueError
-        # Basic hydro runs
-        if nvar == 5:
-            fields = ["Density", 
-                      "x-velocity", "y-velocity", "z-velocity", 
-                      "Pressure"]
-        if nvar > 5 and nvar < 11:
-            fields = ["Density", 
-                      "x-velocity", "y-velocity", "z-velocity", 
-                      "Pressure", "Metallicity"]
-        if nvar == 11:
-            fields = ["Density", 
-                      "x-velocity", "y-velocity", "z-velocity", 
-                      "x-Bfield-left", "y-Bfield-left", "z-Bfield-left", 
-                      "x-Bfield-right", "y-Bfield-right", "z-Bfield-right", 
-                      "Pressure"]
-        if nvar > 11:
-            fields = ["Density", 
-                      "x-velocity", "y-velocity", "z-velocity", 
-                      "x-Bfield-left", "y-Bfield-left", "z-Bfield-left", 
-                      "x-Bfield-right", "y-Bfield-right", "z-Bfield-right", 
-                      "Pressure","Metallicity"]
-        while len(fields) < nvar:
-            fields.append("var"+str(len(fields)))
-        mylog.debug("No fields specified by user; automatically setting fields array to %s", str(fields))
-        self.fluid_field_list = fields
-    def _identify_base_chunk(self, dobj):
-        if getattr(dobj, "_chunk_info", None) is None:
-            domains = [dom for dom in self.domains if
-                       dom.included(dobj.selector)]
-            base_region = getattr(dobj, "base_region", dobj)
-            if len(domains) > 1:
-                mylog.debug("Identified %s intersecting domains", len(domains))
-            subsets = [RAMSESDomainSubset(base_region, domain, self.dataset)
-                       for domain in domains]
-            dobj._chunk_info = subsets
-        dobj._current_chunk = list(self._chunk_all(dobj))[0]
-    def _chunk_all(self, dobj):
-        oobjs = getattr(dobj._current_chunk, "objs", dobj._chunk_info)
-        yield YTDataChunk(dobj, "all", oobjs, None)
-    def _chunk_spatial(self, dobj, ngz, sort = None, preload_fields = None):
-        sobjs = getattr(dobj._current_chunk, "objs", dobj._chunk_info)
-        for i,og in enumerate(sobjs):
-            if ngz > 0:
-                g = og.retrieve_ghost_zones(ngz, [], smoothed=True)
-            else:
-                g = og
-            yield YTDataChunk(dobj, "spatial", [g], None)
-    def _chunk_io(self, dobj, cache = True, local_only = False):
-        oobjs = getattr(dobj._current_chunk, "objs", dobj._chunk_info)
-        for subset in oobjs:
-            yield YTDataChunk(dobj, "io", [subset], None, cache = cache)
-class RAMSESDataset(Dataset):
-    _index_class = RAMSESIndex
-    _field_info_class = RAMSESFieldInfo
-    gamma = 1.4 # This will get replaced on hydro_fn open
-    def __init__(self, filename, dataset_type='ramses',
-                 fields = None, storage_filename = None):
-        # Here we want to initiate a traceback, if the reader is not built.
-        if isinstance(fields, types.StringTypes):
-            fields = field_aliases[fields]
-        '''
-        fields: An array of hydro variable fields in order of position in the hydro_XXXXX.outYYYYY file
-                If set to None, will try a default set of fields
-        '''
-        self.fluid_types += ("ramses",)
-        self._fields_in_file = fields
-        Dataset.__init__(self, filename, dataset_type)
-        self.storage_filename = storage_filename
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return self.basename.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
-    def _set_code_unit_attributes(self):
-        """
-        Generates the conversion to various physical _units based on the parameter file
-        """
-        # Note that unit_l *already* converts to proper!
-        # Also note that unit_l must be multiplied by the boxlen parameter to
-        # ensure we are correctly set up for the current domain.
-        length_unit = self.parameters['unit_l'] * self.parameters['boxlen']
-        rho_u = self.parameters['unit_d']/ self.parameters['boxlen']**3
-        # We're not multiplying by the boxlength here.
-        mass_unit = rho_u * self.parameters['unit_l']**3
-        # Cosmological runs are done in lookback conformal time. 
-        #To convert to proper time, the time unit is calculated from 
-        # the expansion factor.
-        time_unit = self.parameters['unit_t']
-        magnetic_unit = np.sqrt(4*np.pi * mass_unit /
-                                (time_unit**2 * length_unit))
-        self.magnetic_unit = self.quan(magnetic_unit, "gauss")
-        self.length_unit = self.quan(length_unit, "cm")
-        self.mass_unit = self.quan(mass_unit, "g")
-        self.time_unit = self.quan(time_unit, "s")
-        self.velocity_unit = self.length_unit / self.time_unit
-    def _parse_parameter_file(self):
-        # hardcoded for now
-        # These should be explicitly obtained from the file, but for now that
-        # will wait until a reorganization of the source tree and better
-        # generalization.
-        self.dimensionality = 3
-        self.refine_by = 2
-        self.parameters["HydroMethod"] = 'ramses'
-        self.parameters["Time"] = 1. # default unit is 1...
-        self.unique_identifier = \
-            int(os.stat(self.parameter_filename)[stat.ST_CTIME])
-        # We now execute the same logic Oliver's code does
-        rheader = {}
-        f = open(self.parameter_filename)
-        def read_rhs(cast):
-            line = f.readline()
-            p, v = line.split("=")
-            rheader[p.strip()] = cast(v)
-        for i in range(6): read_rhs(int)
-        f.readline()
-        for i in range(11): read_rhs(float)
-        f.readline()
-        read_rhs(str)
-        # This next line deserves some comment.  We specify a min_level that
-        # corresponds to the minimum level in the RAMSES simulation.  RAMSES is
-        # one-indexed, but it also does refer to the *oct* dimensions -- so
-        # this means that a levelmin of 1 would have *1* oct in it.  So a
-        # levelmin of 2 would have 8 octs at the root mesh level.
-        self.min_level = rheader['levelmin'] - 1
-        # Now we read the hilbert indices
-        self.hilbert_indices = {}
-        if rheader['ordering type'] == "hilbert":
-            f.readline() # header
-            for n in range(rheader['ncpu']):
-                dom, mi, ma = f.readline().split()
-                self.hilbert_indices[int(dom)] = (float(mi), float(ma))
-        self.parameters.update(rheader)
-        self.current_time = self.parameters['time'] 
-        self.domain_left_edge = np.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-        self.domain_dimensions = np.ones(3, dtype='int32') * \
-                        2**(self.min_level+1)
-        self.domain_right_edge = np.ones(3, dtype='float64')
-        # This is likely not true, but I am not sure how to otherwise
-        # distinguish them.
-        mylog.warning("RAMSES frontend assumes all simulations are cosmological!")
-        self.cosmological_simulation = 1
-        self.periodicity = (True, True, True)
-        self.current_redshift = (1.0 / rheader["aexp"]) - 1.0
-        self.omega_lambda = rheader["omega_l"]
-        self.omega_matter = rheader["omega_m"]
-        self.hubble_constant = rheader["H0"] / 100.0 # This is H100
-        self.max_level = rheader['levelmax'] - self.min_level
-    @classmethod
-    def _is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        if not os.path.basename(args[0]).startswith("info_"): return False
-        fn = args[0].replace("info_", "amr_").replace(".txt", ".out00001")
-        return os.path.exists(fn)

diff -r 1c83632dd94f97b2eb05f4f41d64ff14ece34ffa -r 62ee0fcb0c7bc9acdc32370c18ff3967527bf33b yt/geometry/#oct_geometry_handler.py#
--- a/yt/geometry/#oct_geometry_handler.py#
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-Octree geometry handler
-# Copyright (c) 2013, yt Development Team.
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
-# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
-import h5py
-import numpy as np
-import string, re, gc, time, cPickle
-import weakref
-from itertools import chain, izip
-from yt.funcs import *
-from yt.utilities.logger import ytLogger as mylog
-from yt.arraytypes import blankRecordArray
-from yt.config import ytcfg
-from yt.fields.field_info_container import NullFunc
-from yt.geometry.geometry_handler import Index, YTDataChunk
-from yt.utilities.definitions import MAXLEVEL
-from yt.utilities.io_handler import io_registry
-from yt.utilities.parallel_tools.parallel_analysis_interface import \
-    ParallelAnalysisInterface
-from yt.data_objects.data_containers import data_object_registry
-class OctreeIndex(Index):
-    """The Index subclass for oct AMR datasets"""
-    def _setup_geometry(self):
-        mylog.debug("Initializing Octree Geometry Handler.")
-        self._initialize_oct_handler()
-    def get_smallest_dx(self):
-        """
-        Returns (in code units) the smallest cell size in the simulation.
-        """
-        return (self.dataset.domain_width /
-                (self.dataset.domain_dimensions * 2**(self.max_level))).min()
->>>>>>> other
-    def convert(self, unit):
-        return self.dataset.conversion_factors[unit]

diff -r 1c83632dd94f97b2eb05f4f41d64ff14ece34ffa -r 62ee0fcb0c7bc9acdc32370c18ff3967527bf33b yt/geometry/oct_geometry_handler.py.orig
--- a/yt/geometry/oct_geometry_handler.py.orig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-Octree geometry handler
-# Copyright (c) 2013, yt Development Team.
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
-# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
-import h5py
-import numpy as np
-import string, re, gc, time, cPickle
-import weakref
-from itertools import chain, izip
-from yt.funcs import *
-from yt.utilities.logger import ytLogger as mylog
-from yt.arraytypes import blankRecordArray
-from yt.config import ytcfg
-from yt.fields.field_info_container import NullFunc
-from yt.geometry.geometry_handler import Index, YTDataChunk
-from yt.utilities.definitions import MAXLEVEL
-from yt.utilities.io_handler import io_registry
-from yt.utilities.parallel_tools.parallel_analysis_interface import \
-    ParallelAnalysisInterface
-from yt.data_objects.data_containers import data_object_registry
-class OctreeIndex(Index):
-    """The Index subclass for oct AMR datasets"""
-    def _setup_geometry(self):
-        mylog.debug("Initializing Octree Geometry Handler.")
-        self._initialize_oct_handler()
-    def get_smallest_dx(self):
-        """
-        Returns (in code units) the smallest cell size in the simulation.
-        """
-        return (self.dataset.domain_width /
-<<<<<<< local
-                (2**(self.dataset.max_level+1))).min()
-                (self.dataset.domain_dimensions * 2**(self.max_level))).min()
->>>>>>> other
-    def convert(self, unit):
-        return self.dataset.conversion_factors[unit]

diff -r 1c83632dd94f97b2eb05f4f41d64ff14ece34ffa -r 62ee0fcb0c7bc9acdc32370c18ff3967527bf33b yt/geometry/oct_geometry_handler.py~
--- a/yt/geometry/oct_geometry_handler.py~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-Octree geometry handler
-# Copyright (c) 2013, yt Development Team.
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
-# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
-import h5py
-import numpy as np
-import string, re, gc, time, cPickle
-import weakref
-from itertools import chain, izip
-from yt.funcs import *
-from yt.utilities.logger import ytLogger as mylog
-from yt.arraytypes import blankRecordArray
-from yt.config import ytcfg
-from yt.fields.field_info_container import NullFunc
-from yt.geometry.geometry_handler import Index, YTDataChunk
-from yt.utilities.definitions import MAXLEVEL
-from yt.utilities.io_handler import io_registry
-from yt.utilities.parallel_tools.parallel_analysis_interface import \
-    ParallelAnalysisInterface
-from yt.data_objects.data_containers import data_object_registry
-class OctreeIndex(Index):
-    """The Index subclass for oct AMR datasets"""
-    def _setup_geometry(self):
-        mylog.debug("Initializing Octree Geometry Handler.")
-        self._initialize_oct_handler()
-    def get_smallest_dx(self):
-        """
-        Returns (in code units) the smallest cell size in the simulation.
-        """
-        return (self.dataset.domain_width /
-                (2**(self.max_level+1))).min()
-    def convert(self, unit):
-        return self.dataset.conversion_factors[unit]

This diff is so big that we needed to truncate the remainder.

Changeset:   ae8049bb94b6
Branch:      yt
User:        RicardaBeckmann
Date:        2015-06-05 23:36:51+00:00
Summary:     updated hgignore again
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 62ee0fcb0c7bc9acdc32370c18ff3967527bf33b -r ae8049bb94b68b6e11eefc3ad183fdfe2335ba07 .hgignore
--- a/.hgignore
+++ b/.hgignore
@@ -66,3 +66,4 @@

Changeset:   abe8e5733051
Branch:      yt
User:        RicardaBeckmann
Date:        2015-06-06 13:14:16+00:00
Summary:     deleted accidental .c files, updated hgignore
Affected #:  3 files

diff -r ae8049bb94b68b6e11eefc3ad183fdfe2335ba07 -r abe8e5733051854223390cd462f23f3f3f4821f6 .hgignore
--- a/.hgignore
+++ b/.hgignore
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@
@@ -66,4 +68,3 @@

This diff is so big that we needed to truncate the remainder.

Changeset:   33761abb4c1f
Branch:      yt
User:        RicardaBeckmann
Date:        2015-06-07 10:21:01+00:00
Summary:     updated hgignore again
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r abe8e5733051854223390cd462f23f3f3f4821f6 -r 33761abb4c1f871e8fdd3b2339352b09ac7de329 .hgignore
--- a/.hgignore
+++ b/.hgignore
@@ -65,6 +65,4 @@

Changeset:   0b129f7d5fcf
Branch:      yt
User:        RicardaBeckmann
Date:        2015-06-07 10:26:19+00:00
Summary:     .hgignore edited online with Bitbucket
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 33761abb4c1f871e8fdd3b2339352b09ac7de329 -r 0b129f7d5fcf2d3918daa7f91cf164bb2deb5bb3 .hgignore
--- a/.hgignore
+++ b/.hgignore
@@ -65,4 +65,3 @@

Changeset:   bf0e6d76f16a
Branch:      yt
User:        RicardaBeckmann
Date:        2015-07-14 09:30:46+00:00
Summary:     Merged yt_analysis/yt into yt
Affected #:  66 files

diff -r 0b129f7d5fcf2d3918daa7f91cf164bb2deb5bb3 -r bf0e6d76f16abba06749e4167aedee5adf56628a doc/README
--- a/doc/README
+++ b/doc/README
@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
 Because the documentation requires a number of dependencies, we provide
 pre-built versions online, accessible here:

diff -r 0b129f7d5fcf2d3918daa7f91cf164bb2deb5bb3 -r bf0e6d76f16abba06749e4167aedee5adf56628a doc/helper_scripts/run_recipes.py
--- a/doc/helper_scripts/run_recipes.py
+++ b/doc/helper_scripts/run_recipes.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 from yt.config import ytcfg
 FPATTERNS = ['*.png', '*.txt', '*.h5', '*.dat']
-DPATTERNS = ['LC*', 'LR', 'DD0046', 'halo_analysis']
+DPATTERNS = ['LC*', 'LR', 'DD0046']
 BADF = ['cloudy_emissivity.h5', 'apec_emissivity.h5',
         'xray_emissivity.h5', 'AMRGridData_Slice_x_density.png']
 CWD = os.getcwd()

diff -r 0b129f7d5fcf2d3918daa7f91cf164bb2deb5bb3 -r bf0e6d76f16abba06749e4167aedee5adf56628a doc/source/analyzing/analysis_modules/photon_simulator.rst
--- a/doc/source/analyzing/analysis_modules/photon_simulator.rst
+++ b/doc/source/analyzing/analysis_modules/photon_simulator.rst
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
 simulated X-ray photon lists of events from datasets that yt is able
 to read. The simulated events then can be exported to X-ray telescope
 simulators to produce realistic observations or can be analyzed in-line.
+For detailed information about the design of the algorithm in yt, check 
+out `the SciPy 2014 Proceedings. <http://conference.scipy.org/proceedings/scipy2014/zuhone.html>`_.
 The algorithm is based off of that implemented in
 `PHOX <http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~kdolag/Phox/>`_ for SPH datasets
 by Veronica Biffi and Klaus Dolag. There are two relevant papers:
@@ -139,6 +143,12 @@
 the optional keyword ``thermal_broad`` is set to ``True``, the spectral
 lines will be thermally broadened.
+.. note:: 
+   ``SpectralModel`` objects based on XSPEC models (both the thermal 
+   emission and Galactic absorption models mentioned below) only work 
+   in Python 2.7, since currently PyXspec only works with Python 2.x. 
 Now that we have our ``SpectralModel`` that gives us a spectrum, we need
 to connect this model to a ``PhotonModel`` that will connect the field
 data in the ``data_source`` to the spectral model to actually generate
@@ -148,7 +158,8 @@
 .. code:: python
     thermal_model = ThermalPhotonModel(apec_model, X_H=0.75, Zmet=0.3,
-                                       photons_per_chunk=100000000)
+                                       photons_per_chunk=100000000,
+                                       method="invert_cdf")
 Where we pass in the ``SpectralModel``, and can optionally set values for
 the hydrogen mass fraction ``X_H`` and metallicity ``Z_met``. If
@@ -165,6 +176,18 @@
 this parameter needs to be set higher, or if you are looking to decrease memory
 usage, you might set this parameter lower.
+The ``method`` keyword argument is also optional, and determines how the individual
+photon energies are generated from the spectrum. It may be set to one of two values:
+* ``method="invert_cdf"``: Construct the cumulative distribution function of the spectrum and invert
+  it, using uniformly drawn random numbers to determine the photon energies (fast, but relies
+  on construction of the CDF and interpolation between the points, so for some spectra it
+  may not be accurate enough). 
+* ``method="accept_reject"``: Generate the photon energies from the spectrum using an acceptance-rejection
+  technique (accurate, but likely to be slow). 
+``method="invert_cdf"`` (the default) should be sufficient for most cases. 
 Next, we need to specify "fiducial" values for the telescope collecting
 area, exposure time, and cosmological redshift. Remember, the initial
 photon generation will act as a source for Monte-Carlo sampling for more
@@ -191,12 +214,29 @@
 By default, the angular diameter distance to the object is determined
 from the ``cosmology`` and the cosmological ``redshift``. If a
 ``Cosmology`` instance is not provided, one will be made from the
-default cosmological parameters. If your source is local to the galaxy,
-you can set its distance directly, using a tuple, e.g.
-``dist=(30, "kpc")``. In this case, the ``redshift`` and ``cosmology``
-will be ignored. Finally, if the photon generating function accepts any
-parameters, they can be passed to ``from_scratch`` via a ``parameters``
+default cosmological parameters. The ``center`` keyword argument specifies
+the center of the photon distribution, and the photon positions will be 
+rescaled with this value as the origin. This argument accepts the following
+* A NumPy array or list corresponding to the coordinates of the center in
+  units of code length. 
+* A ``YTArray`` corresponding to the coordinates of the center in some
+  length units. 
+* ``"center"`` or ``"c"`` corresponds to the domain center. 
+* ``"max"`` or ``"m"`` corresponds to the location of the maximum gas density. 
+* A two-element tuple specifying the max or min of a specific field, e.g.,
+  ``("min","gravitational_potential")``, ``("max","dark_matter_density")``
+If ``center`` is not specified, ``from_scratch`` will attempt to use the 
+``"center"`` field parameter of the ``data_source``. 
+``from_scratch`` takes a few other optional keyword arguments. If your 
+source is local to the galaxy, you can set its distance directly, using 
+a tuple, e.g. ``dist=(30, "kpc")``. In this case, the ``redshift`` and 
+``cosmology`` will be ignored. Finally, if the photon generating 
+function accepts any parameters, they can be passed to ``from_scratch`` 
+via a ``parameters`` dictionary.
 At this point, the ``photons`` are distributed in the three-dimensional
 space of the ``data_source``, with energies in the rest frame of the
@@ -265,7 +305,7 @@
     abs_model = TableAbsorbModel("tbabs_table.h5", 0.1)
 Now we're ready to project the photons. First, we choose a line-of-sight
-vector ``L``. Second, we'll adjust the exposure time and the redshift.
+vector ``normal``. Second, we'll adjust the exposure time and the redshift.
 Third, we'll pass in the absorption ``SpectrumModel``. Fourth, we'll
 specify a ``sky_center`` in RA,DEC on the sky in degrees.
@@ -274,26 +314,40 @@
 course far short of a full simulation of a telescope ray-trace, but it's
 a quick-and-dirty way to get something close to the real thing. We'll
 discuss how to get your simulated events into a format suitable for
-reading by telescope simulation codes later.
+reading by telescope simulation codes later. If you just want to convolve 
+the photons with an ARF, you may specify that as the only response, but some
+ARFs are unnormalized and still require the RMF for normalization. Check with
+the documentation associated with these files for details. If we are using the
+RMF to convolve energies, we must set ``convolve_energies=True``. 
 .. code:: python
     ARF = "chandra_ACIS-S3_onaxis_arf.fits"
     RMF = "chandra_ACIS-S3_onaxis_rmf.fits"
-    L = [0.0,0.0,1.0]
-    events = photons.project_photons(L, exp_time_new=2.0e5, redshift_new=0.07, absorb_model=abs_model,
-                                     sky_center=(187.5,12.333), responses=[ARF,RMF])
+    normal = [0.0,0.0,1.0]
+    events = photons.project_photons(normal, exp_time_new=2.0e5, redshift_new=0.07, dist_new=None, 
+                                     absorb_model=abs_model, sky_center=(187.5,12.333), responses=[ARF,RMF], 
+                                     convolve_energies=True, no_shifting=False, north_vector=None,
+                                     psf_sigma=None)
-Also, the optional keyword ``psf_sigma`` specifies a Gaussian standard
-deviation to scatter the photon sky positions around with, providing a
-crude representation of a PSF.
+In this case, we chose a three-vector ``normal`` to specify an arbitrary 
+line-of-sight, but ``"x"``, ``"y"``, or ``"z"`` could also be chosen to 
+project along one of those axes. 
-.. warning::
+``project_photons`` takes several other optional keyword arguments. 
-   The binned images that result, even if you convolve with responses,
-   are still of the same resolution as the finest cell size of the
-   simulation dataset. If you want a more accurate simulation of a
-   particular X-ray telescope, you should check out `Storing events for future use and for reading-in by telescope simulators`_.
+* ``no_shifting`` (default ``False``) controls whether or not Doppler 
+  shifting of photon energies is turned on. 
+* ``dist_new`` is a (value, unit) tuple that is used to set a new
+  angular diameter distance by hand instead of having it determined
+  by the cosmology and the value of the redshift. Should only be used
+  for simulations of nearby objects. 
+* For off-axis ``normal`` vectors,  the ``north_vector`` argument can 
+  be used to control what vector corresponds to the "up" direction in 
+  the resulting event list. 
+* ``psf_sigma`` may be specified to provide a crude representation of 
+  a PSF, and corresponds to the standard deviation (in degress) of a 
+  Gaussian PSF model. 
 Let's just take a quick look at the raw events object:
@@ -343,19 +397,27 @@
 Which is starting to look like a real observation!
+.. warning::
+   The binned images that result, even if you convolve with responses,
+   are still of the same resolution as the finest cell size of the
+   simulation dataset. If you want a more accurate simulation of a
+   particular X-ray telescope, you should check out `Storing events for future use and for reading-in by telescope simulators`_.
 We can also bin up the spectrum into energy bins, and write it to a FITS
 table file. This is an example where we've binned up the spectrum
 according to the unconvolved photon energy:
 .. code:: python
-    events.write_spectrum("virgo_spec.fits", energy_bins=True, emin=0.1, emax=10.0, nchan=2000, clobber=True)
+    events.write_spectrum("virgo_spec.fits", bin_type="energy", emin=0.1, emax=10.0, nchan=2000, clobber=True)
-If we don't set ``energy_bins=True``, and we have convolved our events
+We can also set ``bin_type="channel"``. If we have convolved our events
 with response files, then any other keywords will be ignored and it will
 try to make a spectrum from the channel information that is contained
-within the RMF, suitable for analyzing in XSPEC. For now, we'll stick
-with the energy spectrum, and plot it up:
+within the RMF. Otherwise, the channels will be determined from the ``emin``, 
+``emax``, and ``nchan`` keywords, and will be numbered from 1 to ``nchan``. 
+For now, we'll stick with the energy spectrum, and plot it up:
 .. code:: python

diff -r 0b129f7d5fcf2d3918daa7f91cf164bb2deb5bb3 -r bf0e6d76f16abba06749e4167aedee5adf56628a doc/source/analyzing/fields.rst
--- a/doc/source/analyzing/fields.rst
+++ b/doc/source/analyzing/fields.rst
@@ -271,6 +271,29 @@
 For a practical application of this, see :ref:`cookbook-radial-velocity`.
+Gradient Fields
+yt provides a way to compute gradients of spatial fields using the
+method. If you have a spatially-based field such as density or temperature, 
+and want to calculate the gradient of that field, you can do it like so:
+.. code-block:: python
+    ds = yt.load("GasSloshing/sloshing_nomag2_hdf5_plt_cnt_0150")
+    grad_fields = ds.add_gradient_fields(("gas","temperature"))
+where the ``grad_fields`` list will now have a list of new field names that can be used
+in calculations, representing the 3 different components of the field and the magnitude
+of the gradient, e.g., ``"temperature_gradient_x"``, ``"temperature_gradient_y"``,
+``"temperature_gradient_z"``, and ``"temperature_gradient_magnitude"``. To see an example
+of how to create and use these fields, see :ref:`cookbook-complicated-derived-fields`.
+.. note::
+    ``add_gradient_fields`` currently only supports Cartesian geometries!
 General Particle Fields

diff -r 0b129f7d5fcf2d3918daa7f91cf164bb2deb5bb3 -r bf0e6d76f16abba06749e4167aedee5adf56628a doc/source/cookbook/calculating_information.rst
--- a/doc/source/cookbook/calculating_information.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cookbook/calculating_information.rst
@@ -82,6 +82,17 @@
 .. yt_cookbook:: derived_field.py
+.. _cookbook-complicated-derived-fields:
+Complicated Derived Fields
+This recipe demonstrates how to use the 
+:meth:`~yt.frontends.flash.data_structures.FLASHDataset.add_gradient_fields` method
+to generate gradient fields and use them in a more complex derived field. 
+.. yt_cookbook:: hse_field.py
 Using Particle Filters to Calculate Star Formation Rates

diff -r 0b129f7d5fcf2d3918daa7f91cf164bb2deb5bb3 -r bf0e6d76f16abba06749e4167aedee5adf56628a doc/source/cookbook/hse_field.py
--- a/doc/source/cookbook/hse_field.py
+++ b/doc/source/cookbook/hse_field.py
@@ -1,44 +1,32 @@
 import numpy as np
 import yt
-from yt.fields.field_plugin_registry import \
-    register_field_plugin
-from yt.fields.fluid_fields import \
-    setup_gradient_fields
-# Define the components of the gravitational acceleration vector field by
-# taking the gradient of the gravitational potential
- at register_field_plugin
-def setup_my_fields(registry, ftype="gas", slice_info=None):
-    setup_gradient_fields(registry, (ftype, "gravitational_potential"),
-                          "cm ** 2 / s ** 2", slice_info)
-# Define the "degree of hydrostatic equilibrium" field
- at yt.derived_field(name='HSE', units=None, take_log=False,
-                  display_name='Hydrostatic Equilibrium')
-def HSE(field, data):
-    gx = data["density"] * data["gravitational_potential_gradient_x"]
-    gy = data["density"] * data["gravitational_potential_gradient_y"]
-    gz = data["density"] * data["gravitational_potential_gradient_z"]
-    hx = data["pressure_gradient_x"] - gx
-    hy = data["pressure_gradient_y"] - gy
-    hz = data["pressure_gradient_z"] - gz
-    h = np.sqrt((hx * hx + hy * hy + hz * hz) / (gx * gx + gy * gy + gz * gz))
-    return h
 # Open a dataset from when there's a lot of sloshing going on.
 ds = yt.load("GasSloshingLowRes/sloshing_low_res_hdf5_plt_cnt_0350")
-# gradient operator requires periodic boundaries.  This dataset has
+# Define the components of the gravitational acceleration vector field by
+# taking the gradient of the gravitational potential
+grad_fields = ds.add_gradient_fields(("gas","gravitational_potential"))
+# We don't need to do the same for the pressure field because yt already
+# has pressure gradient fields. Now, define the "degree of hydrostatic 
+# equilibrium" field.
+def _hse(field, data):
+    # Remember that g is the negative of the potential gradient
+    gx = -data["density"] * data["gravitational_potential_gradient_x"]
+    gy = -data["density"] * data["gravitational_potential_gradient_y"]
+    gz = -data["density"] * data["gravitational_potential_gradient_z"]
+    hx = data["pressure_gradient_x"] - gx
+    hy = data["pressure_gradient_y"] - gy
+    hz = data["pressure_gradient_z"] - gz
+    h = np.sqrt((hx * hx + hy * hy + hz * hz) / (gx * gx + gy * gy + gz * gz))
+    return h
+ds.add_field(('gas','HSE'), function=_hse, units="", take_log=False,
+             display_name='Hydrostatic Equilibrium')
+# The gradient operator requires periodic boundaries.  This dataset has
 # open boundary conditions.  We need to hack it for now (this will be fixed
 # in future version of yt)
 ds.periodicity = (True, True, True)

diff -r 0b129f7d5fcf2d3918daa7f91cf164bb2deb5bb3 -r bf0e6d76f16abba06749e4167aedee5adf56628a doc/source/examining/loading_data.rst
--- a/doc/source/examining/loading_data.rst
+++ b/doc/source/examining/loading_data.rst
@@ -104,7 +104,11 @@
 Athena 4.x VTK data is *mostly* supported and cared for by John
-ZuHone. Both uniform grid and SMR datasets are supported.
+ZuHone. Both uniform grid and SMR datasets are supported. 
+.. note: 
+   yt also recognizes Fargo3D data written to VTK files as 
+   Athena data, but support for Fargo3D data is preliminary. 
 Loading Athena datasets is slightly different depending on whether
 your dataset came from a serial or a parallel run. If the data came

diff -r 0b129f7d5fcf2d3918daa7f91cf164bb2deb5bb3 -r bf0e6d76f16abba06749e4167aedee5adf56628a doc/source/installing.rst
--- a/doc/source/installing.rst
+++ b/doc/source/installing.rst
@@ -39,6 +39,28 @@
   have the the necessary compilers installed (e.g. the ``build-essentials``
   package on debian and ubuntu).
+.. _branches-of-yt:
+Branches of yt: ``yt``, ``stable``, and ``yt-2.x``
+Before you install yt, you must decide which branch (i.e. version) of the code 
+you prefer to use:
+* ``yt`` -- The most up-to-date *development* version with the most current features but sometimes unstable (yt-3.x)
+* ``stable`` -- The latest stable release of yt-3.x
+* ``yt-2.x`` -- The latest stable release of yt-2.x
+If this is your first time using the code, we recommend using ``stable``, 
+unless you specifically need some piece of brand-new functionality only 
+available in ``yt`` or need to run an old script developed for ``yt-2.x``.
+There were major API and functionality changes made in yt after version 2.7
+in moving to version 3.0.  For a detailed description of the changes
+between versions 2.x (e.g. branch ``yt-2.x``) and 3.x (e.g. branches ``yt`` and 
+``stable``) see :ref:`yt3differences`.  Lastly, don't feel like you're locked 
+into one branch when you install yt, because you can easily change the active
+branch by following the instructions in :ref:`switching-between-yt-versions`.
 .. _install-script:
 All-in-One Installation Script
@@ -60,16 +82,22 @@
 its dependencies will be removed from your system (no scattered files remaining
 throughout your system).
+.. _installing-yt:
 Running the Install Script
-To get the installation script, download it from:
+To get the installation script for the ``stable`` branch of the code, 
+download it from:
 .. code-block:: bash
   wget http://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/raw/stable/doc/install_script.sh
-.. _installing-yt:
+If you wish to install a different version of yt (see 
+:ref:`above <branches-of-yt>`), replace ``stable`` with the appropriate 
+branch name (e.g. ``yt``, ``yt-2.x``) in the path above to get the correct 
+install script.
 By default, the bash install script will install an array of items, but there
 are additional packages that can be downloaded and installed (e.g. SciPy, enzo,
@@ -329,8 +357,8 @@
 .. _switching-between-yt-versions:
-Switching between yt-2.x and yt-3.x
+Switching versions of yt: yt-2.x, yt-3.x, stable, and dev
 With the release of version 3.0 of yt, development of the legacy yt 2.x series
 has been relegated to bugfixes.  That said, we will continue supporting the 2.x
@@ -356,12 +384,8 @@
   hg update <desired-version>
   python setup.py develop
-Valid versions to jump to are:
+Valid versions to jump to are described in :ref:`branches-of-yt`).
-* ``yt`` -- The latest *dev* changes in yt-3.x (can be unstable)
-* ``stable`` -- The latest stable release of yt-3.x
-* ``yt-2.x`` -- The latest stable release of yt-2.x
 You can check which version of yt you have installed by invoking ``yt version``
 at the command line.  If you encounter problems, see :ref:`update-errors`.
@@ -387,11 +411,7 @@
   hg update <desired-version>
   python setup.py install --user --prefix=
-Valid versions to jump to are:
-* ``yt`` -- The latest *dev* changes in yt-3.x (can be unstable)
-* ``stable`` -- The latest stable release of yt-3.x
-* ``yt-2.x`` -- The latest stable release of yt-2.x
+Valid versions to jump to are described in :ref:`branches-of-yt`).
 You can check which version of yt you have installed by invoking ``yt version``
 at the command line.  If you encounter problems, see :ref:`update-errors`.

diff -r 0b129f7d5fcf2d3918daa7f91cf164bb2deb5bb3 -r bf0e6d76f16abba06749e4167aedee5adf56628a doc/source/reference/api/api.rst
--- a/doc/source/reference/api/api.rst
+++ b/doc/source/reference/api/api.rst
@@ -227,8 +227,6 @@
-   ~yt.frontends.chombo.io.IOHandlerChombo2DHDF5
-   ~yt.frontends.chombo.io.IOHandlerChombo1DHDF5

diff -r 0b129f7d5fcf2d3918daa7f91cf164bb2deb5bb3 -r bf0e6d76f16abba06749e4167aedee5adf56628a doc/source/visualizing/FITSImageBuffer.ipynb
--- a/doc/source/visualizing/FITSImageBuffer.ipynb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
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-      "yt has capabilities for writing 2D and 3D uniformly gridded data generated from datasets to FITS files. This is via the `FITSImageBuffer` class, which has subclasses `FITSSlice` and `FITSProjection` to write slices and projections directly to FITS. We'll test this out on an Athena dataset."
-     ]
-    },
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-     "cell_type": "code",
-     "collapsed": false,
-     "input": [
-      "%matplotlib inline\n",
-      "import yt\n",
-      "from yt.utilities.fits_image import FITSImageBuffer, FITSSlice, FITSProjection"
-     ],
-     "language": "python",
-     "metadata": {},
-     "outputs": []
-    },
-    {
-     "cell_type": "code",
-     "collapsed": false,
-     "input": [
-      "ds = yt.load(\"MHDSloshing/virgo_low_res.0054.vtk\", parameters={\"length_unit\":(1.0,\"Mpc\"),\n",
-      "                                                               \"mass_unit\":(1.0e14,\"Msun\"),\n",
-      "                                                               \"time_unit\":(1.0,\"Myr\")})"
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-      "To demonstrate a useful example of creating a FITS file, let's first make a `ProjectionPlot`:"
-     ]
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-     "cell_type": "code",
-     "collapsed": false,
-     "input": [
-      "prj = yt.ProjectionPlot(ds, \"z\", [\"temperature\"], weight_field=\"density\", width=(500.,\"kpc\"))\n",
-      "prj.show()"
-     ],
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-      "Suppose that we wanted to write this projection to a FITS file for analysis and visualization in other programs, such as ds9. We can do that using `FITSProjection`:"
-     ]
-    },
-    {
-     "cell_type": "code",
-     "collapsed": false,
-     "input": [
-      "prj_fits = FITSProjection(ds, \"z\", [\"temperature\"], weight_field=\"density\")"
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-     "metadata": {},
-     "outputs": []
-    },
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-      "which took the same parameters as `ProjectionPlot` except the width, because `FITSProjection` and `FITSSlice` always make slices and projections of the width of the domain size, at the finest resolution available in the simulation, in a unit determined to be appropriate for the physical size of the dataset. `prj_fits` is a full-fledged FITS file in memory, specifically an [AstroPy `HDUList`](http://astropy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/io/fits/api/hdulists.html) object. This means that we can use all of the methods inherited from `HDUList`:"
-     ]
-    },
-    {
-     "cell_type": "code",
-     "collapsed": false,
-     "input": [
-      "prj_fits.info()"
-     ],
-     "language": "python",
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-     "outputs": []
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-    {
-     "cell_type": "markdown",
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-     "source": [
-      "`info` shows us the contents of the virtual FITS file. We can also look at the header for the `\"temperature\"` image, like so:"
-     ]
-    },
-    {
-     "cell_type": "code",
-     "collapsed": false,
-     "input": [
-      "prj_fits[\"temperature\"].header"
-     ],
-     "language": "python",
-     "metadata": {},
-     "outputs": []
-    },
-    {
-     "cell_type": "markdown",
-     "metadata": {},
-     "source": [
-      "where we can see that the temperature units are in Kelvin and the cell widths are in kiloparsecs. The projection can be written to disk using the `writeto` method:"
-     ]
-    },
-    {
-     "cell_type": "code",
-     "collapsed": false,
-     "input": [
-      "prj_fits.writeto(\"sloshing.fits\", clobber=True)"
-     ],
-     "language": "python",
-     "metadata": {},
-     "outputs": []
-    },
-    {
-     "cell_type": "markdown",
-     "metadata": {},
-     "source": [
-      "Since yt can read FITS image files, it can be loaded up just like any other dataset:"
-     ]
-    },
-    {
-     "cell_type": "code",
-     "collapsed": false,
-     "input": [
-      "ds2 = yt.load(\"sloshing.fits\")"
-     ],
-     "language": "python",
-     "metadata": {},
-     "outputs": []
-    },
-    {
-     "cell_type": "markdown",
-     "metadata": {},
-     "source": [
-      "and we can make a `SlicePlot` of the 2D image, which shows the same data as the previous image:"
-     ]
-    },
-    {
-     "cell_type": "code",
-     "collapsed": false,
-     "input": [
-      "slc2 = yt.SlicePlot(ds2, \"z\", [\"temperature\"], width=(500.,\"kpc\"))\n",
-      "slc2.set_log(\"temperature\", True)\n",
-      "slc2.show()"
-     ],
-     "language": "python",
-     "metadata": {},
-     "outputs": []
-    },
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-     "source": [
-      "If you want more fine-grained control over what goes into the FITS file, you can call `FITSImageBuffer` directly, with various kinds of inputs. For example, you could use a `FixedResolutionBuffer`, and specify you want the units in parsecs instead:"
-     ]
-    },
-    {
-     "cell_type": "code",
-     "collapsed": false,
-     "input": [
-      "slc3 = ds.slice(0, 0.0)\n",
-      "frb = slc3.to_frb((500.,\"kpc\"), 800)\n",
-      "fib = FITSImageBuffer(frb, fields=[\"density\",\"temperature\"], units=\"pc\")"
-     ],
-     "language": "python",
-     "metadata": {},
-     "outputs": []
-    },
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-      "Finally, a 3D FITS cube can be created from a covering grid:"
-     ]
-    },
-    {
-     "cell_type": "code",
-     "collapsed": false,
-     "input": [
-      "cvg = ds.covering_grid(ds.index.max_level, [-0.5,-0.5,-0.5], [64, 64, 64], fields=[\"density\",\"temperature\"])\n",
-      "fib = FITSImageBuffer(cvg, fields=[\"density\",\"temperature\"], units=\"Mpc\")"
-     ],
-     "language": "python",
-     "metadata": {},
-     "outputs": []
-    }
-   ],
-   "metadata": {}
-  }
- ]
\ No newline at end of file

diff -r 0b129f7d5fcf2d3918daa7f91cf164bb2deb5bb3 -r bf0e6d76f16abba06749e4167aedee5adf56628a doc/source/visualizing/FITSImageData.ipynb
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+++ b/doc/source/visualizing/FITSImageData.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
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+      "yt has capabilities for writing 2D and 3D uniformly gridded data generated from datasets to FITS files. This is via the `FITSImageData` class. We'll test these capabilities out on an Athena dataset."
+     ]
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+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "import yt\n",
+      "from yt.utilities.fits_image import FITSImageData, FITSProjection"
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+     "cell_type": "code",
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+      "ds = yt.load(\"MHDSloshing/virgo_low_res.0054.vtk\", parameters={\"length_unit\":(1.0,\"Mpc\"),\n",
+      "                                                               \"mass_unit\":(1.0e14,\"Msun\"),\n",
+      "                                                               \"time_unit\":(1.0,\"Myr\")})"
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+      "Creating FITS images from Slices and Projections"
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+      "There are several ways to make a `FITSImageData` instance. The most intuitive ways are to use the `FITSSlice`, `FITSProjection`, `FITSOffAxisSlice`, and `FITSOffAxisProjection` classes to write slices and projections directly to FITS. To demonstrate a useful example of creating a FITS file, let's first make a `ProjectionPlot`:"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "prj = yt.ProjectionPlot(ds, \"z\", [\"temperature\"], weight_field=\"density\", width=(500.,\"kpc\"))\n",
+      "prj.show()"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": []
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+      "Suppose that we wanted to write this projection to a FITS file for analysis and visualization in other programs, such as ds9. We can do that using `FITSProjection`:"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "prj_fits = FITSProjection(ds, \"z\", [\"temperature\"], weight_field=\"density\")"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": []
+    },
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+      "which took the same parameters as `ProjectionPlot` except the width, because `FITSProjection` and `FITSSlice` always make slices and projections of the width of the domain size, at the finest resolution available in the simulation, in a unit determined to be appropriate for the physical size of the dataset."
+     ]
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+     "source": [
+      "Because `FITSImageData` inherits from the [AstroPy `HDUList`](http://astropy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/io/fits/api/hdulists.html) class, we can call its methods. For example, `info` shows us the contents of the virtual FITS file:"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "prj_fits.info()"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": []
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "We can also look at the header for a particular field:"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "prj_fits[\"temperature\"].header"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": []
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "where we can see that the temperature units are in Kelvin and the cell widths are in kiloparsecs. If we want the raw image data with units, we can call `get_data`:"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "prj_fits.get_data(\"temperature\")"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": []
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "We can use the `set_unit` method to change the units of a particular field:"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "prj_fits.set_unit(\"temperature\",\"R\")\n",
+      "prj_fits.get_data(\"temperature\")"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": []
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "The image can be written to disk using the `writeto` method:"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "prj_fits.writeto(\"sloshing.fits\", clobber=True)"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": []
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "Since yt can read FITS image files, it can be loaded up just like any other dataset:"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "ds2 = yt.load(\"sloshing.fits\")"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": []
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "and we can make a `SlicePlot` of the 2D image, which shows the same data as the previous image:"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "slc2 = yt.SlicePlot(ds2, \"z\", [\"temperature\"], width=(500.,\"kpc\"))\n",
+      "slc2.set_log(\"temperature\", True)\n",
+      "slc2.show()"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": []
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "heading",
+     "level": 2,
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "Using `FITSImageData` directly"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "If you want more fine-grained control over what goes into the FITS file, you can call `FITSImageData` directly, with various kinds of inputs. For example, you could use a `FixedResolutionBuffer`, and specify you want the units in parsecs instead:"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "slc3 = ds.slice(0, 0.0)\n",
+      "frb = slc3.to_frb((500.,\"kpc\"), 800)\n",
+      "fid_frb = FITSImageData(frb, fields=[\"density\",\"temperature\"], units=\"pc\")"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": []
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "A 3D FITS cube can also be created from a covering grid:"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "cvg = ds.covering_grid(ds.index.max_level, [-0.5,-0.5,-0.5], [64, 64, 64], fields=[\"density\",\"temperature\"])\n",
+      "fid_cvg = FITSImageData(cvg, fields=[\"density\",\"temperature\"], units=\"Mpc\")"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": []
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "heading",
+     "level": 2,
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "Other `FITSImageData` Methods"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "A `FITSImageData` instance can be generated from one previously written to disk using the `from_file` classmethod:"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "fid = FITSImageData.from_file(\"sloshing.fits\")\n",
+      "fid.info()"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": []
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "Multiple `FITSImageData` can be combined to create a new one, provided that the coordinate information is the same:"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "prj_fits2 = FITSProjection(ds, \"z\", [\"density\"])\n",
+      "prj_fits3 = FITSImageData.from_images([prj_fits, prj_fits2])\n",
+      "prj_fits3.info()"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": []
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "Alternatively, individual fields can be popped as well:"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "dens_fits = prj_fits3.pop(\"density\")"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": []
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "dens_fits.info()"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": []
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "prj_fits3.info()"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": []
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "So far, the FITS images we have shown have linear spatial coordinates. One may want to take a projection of an object and make a crude mock observation out of it, with celestial coordinates. For this, we can use the `create_sky_wcs` method. Specify a center (RA, Dec) coordinate in degrees, as well as a linear scale in terms of angle per distance:"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "sky_center = [30.,45.] # in degrees\n",
+      "sky_scale = (2.5, \"arcsec/kpc\") # could also use a YTQuantity\n",
+      "prj_fits.create_sky_wcs(sky_center, sky_scale, ctype=[\"RA---TAN\",\"DEC--TAN\"])"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": []
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "By the default, a tangent RA/Dec projection is used, but one could also use another projection using the `ctype` keyword. We can now look at the header and see it has the appropriate WCS:"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "prj_fits[\"temperature\"].header"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": []
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "markdown",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "source": [
+      "Finally, we can add header keywords to a single field or for all fields in the FITS image using `update_header`:"
+     ]
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "fid_frb.update_header(\"all\", \"time\", 0.1) # Update all the fields\n",
+      "fid_frb.update_header(\"temperature\", \"scale\", \"Rankine\") # Update just one field"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": []
+    },
+    {
+     "cell_type": "code",
+     "collapsed": false,
+     "input": [
+      "print fid_frb[\"density\"].header[\"time\"]\n",
+      "print fid_frb[\"temperature\"].header[\"scale\"]"
+     ],
+     "language": "python",
+     "metadata": {},
+     "outputs": []
+    }
+   ],
+   "metadata": {}
+  }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file

diff -r 0b129f7d5fcf2d3918daa7f91cf164bb2deb5bb3 -r bf0e6d76f16abba06749e4167aedee5adf56628a doc/source/visualizing/callbacks.rst
--- a/doc/source/visualizing/callbacks.rst
+++ b/doc/source/visualizing/callbacks.rst
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@
    import yt
    ds = yt.load("IsolatedGalaxy/galaxy0030/galaxy0030")
    s = yt.SlicePlot(ds, 'z', 'density', center='max', width=(10, 'kpc'))
-   s.annotate_text((2, 2), coord_system='plot', 'Galaxy!')
+   s.annotate_text((2, 2), 'Galaxy!', coord_system='plot')
 .. _annotate-title:

diff -r 0b129f7d5fcf2d3918daa7f91cf164bb2deb5bb3 -r bf0e6d76f16abba06749e4167aedee5adf56628a doc/source/visualizing/manual_plotting.rst
--- a/doc/source/visualizing/manual_plotting.rst
+++ b/doc/source/visualizing/manual_plotting.rst
@@ -66,6 +66,57 @@
 setting up multiple axes with colorbars easier than it would be using only
 matplotlib can be found in the :ref:`advanced-multi-panel` cookbook recipe.
+.. _frb-filters:
+Fixed Resolution Buffer Filters
+The FRB can be modified by using set of predefined filters in order to e.g.
+create realistically looking, mock observation images out of simulation data.
+Applying filter is an irreversible operation, hence the order in which you are
+using them matters.
+.. python-script::
+   import matplotlib
+   matplotlib.use('Agg')
+   from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+   import yt
+   ds = yt.load('IsolatedGalaxy/galaxy0030/galaxy0030')
+   slc = ds.slice('z', 0.5)
+   frb = slc.to_frb((20, 'kpc'), 512)
+   frb.apply_gauss_beam(nbeam=30, sigma=2.0)
+   frb.apply_white_noise(5e-23)
+   plt.imshow(frb['density'].d)
+   plt.savefig('frb_filters.png')
+Currently available filters:
+Gaussian Smoothing
+.. function:: apply_gauss_beam(self, nbeam=30, sigma=2.0)
+   (This is a proxy for
+   :class:`~yt.visualization.fixed_resolution_filters.FixedResolutionBufferGaussBeamFilter`.)
+    This filter convolves the FRB with 2d Gaussian that is "nbeam" pixel wide
+    and has standard deviation "sigma".
+White Noise
+.. function:: apply_white_noise(self, bg_lvl=None)
+   (This is a proxy for
+   :class:`~yt.visualization.fixed_resolution_filters.FixedResolutionBufferWhiteNoiseFilter`.)
+    This filter adds white noise with the amplitude "bg_lvl" to the FRB.
+    If "bg_lvl" is not present, 10th percentile of the FRB's values is used
+    instead.
 .. _manual-line-plots:
 Line Plots

diff -r 0b129f7d5fcf2d3918daa7f91cf164bb2deb5bb3 -r bf0e6d76f16abba06749e4167aedee5adf56628a doc/source/visualizing/writing_fits_images.rst
--- a/doc/source/visualizing/writing_fits_images.rst
+++ b/doc/source/visualizing/writing_fits_images.rst
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
 Writing FITS Images
-.. notebook:: FITSImageBuffer.ipynb
\ No newline at end of file
+.. notebook:: FITSImageData.ipynb
\ No newline at end of file

diff -r 0b129f7d5fcf2d3918daa7f91cf164bb2deb5bb3 -r bf0e6d76f16abba06749e4167aedee5adf56628a setup.py
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -49,19 +49,18 @@
     REASON_FILES.append((dir_name, files))
 # Verify that we have Cython installed
+REQ_CYTHON = '0.22'
     import Cython
-    if version.LooseVersion(Cython.__version__) < version.LooseVersion('0.16'):
-        needs_cython = True
-    else:
-        needs_cython = False
+    needs_cython = \
+        version.LooseVersion(Cython.__version__) < version.LooseVersion(REQ_CYTHON)
 except ImportError as e:
     needs_cython = True
 if needs_cython:
     print("Cython is a build-time requirement for the source tree of yt.")
     print("Please either install yt from a provided, release tarball,")
-    print("or install Cython (version 0.16 or higher).")
+    print("or install Cython (version %s or higher)." % REQ_CYTHON)
     print("You may be able to accomplish this by typing:")
     print("     pip install -U Cython")

diff -r 0b129f7d5fcf2d3918daa7f91cf164bb2deb5bb3 -r bf0e6d76f16abba06749e4167aedee5adf56628a yt/analysis_modules/absorption_spectrum/absorption_line.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/absorption_spectrum/absorption_line.py
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/absorption_spectrum/absorption_line.py
@@ -18,8 +18,16 @@
     charge_proton_cgs, \
     mass_electron_cgs, \
+from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _scipy, NotAModule
-def voigt(a,u):
+special = _scipy.special
+def voigt_scipy(a, u):
+    x = np.asarray(u).astype(np.float64)
+    y = np.asarray(a).astype(np.float64)
+    return special.wofz(x + 1j * y).real
+def voigt_old(a, u):
@@ -209,3 +217,8 @@
     tauphi = (tau0 * phi).in_units("")               # profile scaled with tau0
     return (lambda_bins, tauphi)
+if isinstance(special, NotAModule):
+    voigt = voigt_old
+    voigt = voigt_scipy

diff -r 0b129f7d5fcf2d3918daa7f91cf164bb2deb5bb3 -r bf0e6d76f16abba06749e4167aedee5adf56628a yt/analysis_modules/absorption_spectrum/absorption_spectrum.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/absorption_spectrum/absorption_spectrum.py
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/absorption_spectrum/absorption_spectrum.py
@@ -274,8 +274,8 @@
                                                     'b_thermal': thermal_b[lixel],
                                                     'redshift': field_data['redshift'][lixel],
                                                     'v_pec': peculiar_velocity})
-                    pbar.update(i)
-                pbar.finish()
+                pbar.update(i)
+            pbar.finish()
             del column_density, delta_lambda, thermal_b, \
                 center_bins, width_ratio, left_index, right_index

diff -r 0b129f7d5fcf2d3918daa7f91cf164bb2deb5bb3 -r bf0e6d76f16abba06749e4167aedee5adf56628a yt/analysis_modules/absorption_spectrum/tests/test_absorption_spectrum.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/absorption_spectrum/tests/test_absorption_spectrum.py
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/absorption_spectrum/tests/test_absorption_spectrum.py
@@ -10,8 +10,11 @@
 # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
-import yt
-from yt.testing import *
+import numpy as np
+from yt.testing import \
+    assert_allclose, requires_file, requires_module
+from yt.analysis_modules.absorption_spectrum.absorption_line import \
+    voigt_old, voigt_scipy
 from yt.analysis_modules.absorption_spectrum.api import AbsorptionSpectrum
 from yt.analysis_modules.cosmological_observation.api import LightRay
 import tempfile
@@ -20,6 +23,7 @@
 COSMO_PLUS = "enzo_cosmology_plus/AMRCosmology.enzo"
 def test_absorption_spectrum():
@@ -44,22 +48,24 @@
     my_label = 'HI Lya'
     field = 'H_number_density'
-    wavelength = 1215.6700 # Angstromss
+    wavelength = 1215.6700  # Angstromss
     f_value = 4.164E-01
     gamma = 6.265e+08
     mass = 1.00794
-    sp.add_line(my_label, field, wavelength, f_value, gamma, mass, label_threshold=1.e10)
+    sp.add_line(my_label, field, wavelength, f_value,
+                gamma, mass, label_threshold=1.e10)
     my_label = 'HI Lya'
     field = 'H_number_density'
-    wavelength = 912.323660 # Angstroms
+    wavelength = 912.323660  # Angstroms
     normalization = 1.6e17
     index = 3.0
     sp.add_continuum(my_label, field, wavelength, normalization, index)
-    wavelength, flux = sp.make_spectrum('lightray.h5', output_file='spectrum.txt',
+    wavelength, flux = sp.make_spectrum('lightray.h5',
+                                        output_file='spectrum.txt',
@@ -93,25 +99,34 @@
     my_label = 'HI Lya'
     field = 'H_number_density'
-    wavelength = 1215.6700 # Angstromss
+    wavelength = 1215.6700  # Angstromss
     f_value = 4.164E-01
     gamma = 6.265e+08
     mass = 1.00794
-    sp.add_line(my_label, field, wavelength, f_value, gamma, mass, label_threshold=1.e10)
+    sp.add_line(my_label, field, wavelength, f_value,
+                gamma, mass, label_threshold=1.e10)
     my_label = 'HI Lya'
     field = 'H_number_density'
-    wavelength = 912.323660 # Angstroms
+    wavelength = 912.323660  # Angstroms
     normalization = 1.6e17
     index = 3.0
     sp.add_continuum(my_label, field, wavelength, normalization, index)
-    wavelength, flux = sp.make_spectrum('lightray.h5', output_file='spectrum.fits',
+    wavelength, flux = sp.make_spectrum('lightray.h5',
+                                        output_file='spectrum.fits',
     # clean up
+ at requires_module("scipy")
+def test_voigt_profiles():
+    a = 1.7e-4
+    x = np.linspace(5.0, -3.6, 60)
+    yield assert_allclose, voigt_old(a, x), voigt_scipy(a, x), 1e-8

diff -r 0b129f7d5fcf2d3918daa7f91cf164bb2deb5bb3 -r bf0e6d76f16abba06749e4167aedee5adf56628a yt/analysis_modules/halo_analysis/halo_callbacks.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/halo_analysis/halo_callbacks.py
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/halo_analysis/halo_callbacks.py
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@
         The field used as the overdensity from which interpolation is done to 
         calculate virial quantities.
         Default: ("gas", "overdensity")
-    critical_density : float
+    critical_overdensity : float
         The value of the overdensity at which to evaulate the virial quantities.  
         Overdensity is with respect to the critical density.
         Default: 200

diff -r 0b129f7d5fcf2d3918daa7f91cf164bb2deb5bb3 -r bf0e6d76f16abba06749e4167aedee5adf56628a yt/analysis_modules/photon_simulator/photon_models.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/photon_simulator/photon_models.py
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/photon_simulator/photon_models.py
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 from yt.extern.six import string_types
 import numpy as np
 from yt.funcs import *
-from yt.utilities.physical_constants import mp, kboltz
+from yt.utilities.physical_constants import mp
 from yt.utilities.parallel_tools.parallel_analysis_interface import \
 from yt.units.yt_array import uconcatenate
@@ -34,6 +34,12 @@
 kT_min = 8.08e-2
 kT_max = 50.
+photon_units = {"Energy":"keV",
+                "dx":"kpc"}
+for ax in "xyz":
+    photon_units[ax] = "kpc"
+    photon_units["v"+ax] = "km/s"
 class PhotonModel(object):
     def __init__(self):
@@ -46,7 +52,7 @@
 class ThermalPhotonModel(PhotonModel):
     Initialize a ThermalPhotonModel from a thermal spectrum. 
@@ -61,30 +67,37 @@
     photons_per_chunk : integer
         The maximum number of photons that are allocated per chunk. Increase or decrease
         as needed.
+    method : string, optional
+        The method used to generate the photon energies from the spectrum:
+        "invert_cdf": Invert the cumulative distribution function of the spectrum.
+        "accept_reject": Acceptance-rejection method using the spectrum. 
+        The first method should be sufficient for most cases. 
-    def __init__(self, spectral_model, X_H=0.75, Zmet=0.3, photons_per_chunk=10000000):
+    def __init__(self, spectral_model, X_H=0.75, Zmet=0.3, 
+                 photons_per_chunk=10000000, method="invert_cdf"):
         self.X_H = X_H
         self.Zmet = Zmet
         self.spectral_model = spectral_model
         self.photons_per_chunk = photons_per_chunk
+        self.method = method
     def __call__(self, data_source, parameters):
         ds = data_source.ds
         exp_time = parameters["FiducialExposureTime"]
         area = parameters["FiducialArea"]
         redshift = parameters["FiducialRedshift"]
         D_A = parameters["FiducialAngularDiameterDistance"].in_cgs()
-        dist_fac = 1.0/(4.*np.pi*D_A.value*D_A.value*(1.+redshift)**3)
+        dist_fac = 1.0/(4.*np.pi*D_A.value*D_A.value*(1.+redshift)**2)
         src_ctr = parameters["center"]
-        vol_scale = 1.0/np.prod(ds.domain_width.in_cgs().to_ndarray())
         my_kT_min, my_kT_max = data_source.quantities.extrema("kT")
-        self.spectral_model.prepare()
-        energy = self.spectral_model.ebins
+        self.spectral_model.prepare_spectrum(redshift)
+        emid = self.spectral_model.emid
+        ebins = self.spectral_model.ebins
+        nchan = len(emid)
         citer = data_source.chunks([], "io")
@@ -99,7 +112,13 @@
         photons["Energy"] = []
         photons["NumberOfPhotons"] = []
-        spectral_norm = area.v*exp_time.v*dist_fac/vol_scale
+        spectral_norm = area.v*exp_time.v*dist_fac
+        tot_num_cells = data_source.ires.shape[0]
+        pbar = get_pbar("Generating photons ", tot_num_cells)
+        cell_counter = 0
         for chunk in parallel_objects(citer):
@@ -114,7 +133,7 @@
             if isinstance(self.Zmet, string_types):
                 metalZ = chunk[self.Zmet].v
-                metalZ = self.Zmet
+                metalZ = self.Zmet*np.ones(num_cells)
             idxs = np.argsort(kT)
@@ -133,7 +152,7 @@
                 n += bcount
             kT_idxs = np.unique(kT_idxs)
-            cell_em = EM[idxs]*vol_scale
+            cell_em = EM[idxs]*spectral_norm
             number_of_photons = np.zeros(num_cells, dtype="uint64")
             energies = np.zeros(self.photons_per_chunk)
@@ -141,8 +160,6 @@
             start_e = 0
             end_e = 0
-            pbar = get_pbar("Generating photons for chunk ", num_cells)
             for ibegin, iend, ikT in zip(bcell, ecell, kT_idxs):
                 kT = kT_bins[ikT] + 0.5*dkT
@@ -151,58 +168,57 @@
                 cem = cell_em[ibegin:iend]
-                em_sum_c = cem.sum()
-                if isinstance(self.Zmet, string_types):
-                    em_sum_m = (metalZ[ibegin:iend]*cem).sum()
-                else:
-                    em_sum_m = metalZ*em_sum_c
                 cspec, mspec = self.spectral_model.get_spectrum(kT)
-                cumspec_c = np.cumsum(cspec.d)
-                tot_ph_c = cumspec_c[-1]*spectral_norm*em_sum_c
-                cumspec_c /= cumspec_c[-1]
-                cumspec_c = np.insert(cumspec_c, 0, 0.0)
-                cumspec_m = np.cumsum(mspec.d)
-                tot_ph_m = cumspec_m[-1]*spectral_norm*em_sum_m
-                cumspec_m /= cumspec_m[-1]
-                cumspec_m = np.insert(cumspec_m, 0, 0.0)
+                tot_ph_c = cspec.d.sum()
+                tot_ph_m = mspec.d.sum()
                 u = np.random.random(size=n_current)
-                cell_norm_c = tot_ph_c*cem/em_sum_c
-                cell_n_c = np.uint64(cell_norm_c) + np.uint64(np.modf(cell_norm_c)[0] >= u)
-                if isinstance(self.Zmet, string_types):
-                    cell_norm_m = tot_ph_m*metalZ[ibegin:iend]*cem/em_sum_m
-                else:
-                    cell_norm_m = tot_ph_m*metalZ*cem/em_sum_m
-                cell_n_m = np.uint64(cell_norm_m) + np.uint64(np.modf(cell_norm_m)[0] >= u)
-                number_of_photons[ibegin:iend] = cell_n_c + cell_n_m
+                cell_norm_c = tot_ph_c*cem
+                cell_norm_m = tot_ph_m*metalZ[ibegin:iend]*cem
+                cell_norm = np.modf(cell_norm_c + cell_norm_m)
+                cell_n = np.uint64(cell_norm[1]) + np.uint64(cell_norm[0] >= u)
-                end_e += int((cell_n_c+cell_n_m).sum())
+                number_of_photons[ibegin:iend] = cell_n
+                end_e += int(cell_n.sum())
                 if end_e > self.photons_per_chunk:
                     raise RuntimeError("Number of photons generated for this chunk "+
                                        "exceeds photons_per_chunk (%d)! " % self.photons_per_chunk +
                                        "Increase photons_per_chunk!")
-                energies[start_e:end_e] = _generate_energies(cell_n_c, cell_n_m, cumspec_c, cumspec_m, energy)
+                if self.method == "invert_cdf":
+                    cumspec_c = np.cumsum(cspec.d)
+                    cumspec_m = np.cumsum(mspec.d)
+                    cumspec_c = np.insert(cumspec_c, 0, 0.0)
+                    cumspec_m = np.insert(cumspec_m, 0, 0.0)
+                ei = start_e
+                for cn, Z in zip(number_of_photons[ibegin:iend], metalZ[ibegin:iend]):
+                    if cn == 0: continue
+                    if self.method == "invert_cdf":
+                        cumspec = cumspec_c + Z*cumspec_m
+                        cumspec /= cumspec[-1]
+                        randvec = np.random.uniform(size=cn)
+                        randvec.sort()
+                        cell_e = np.interp(randvec, cumspec, ebins)
+                    elif self.method == "accept_reject":
+                        tot_spec = cspec.d+Z*mspec.d
+                        tot_spec /= tot_spec.sum()
+                        eidxs = np.random.choice(nchan, size=cn, p=tot_spec)
+                        cell_e = emid[eidxs]
+                    energies[ei:ei+cn] = cell_e
+                    cell_counter += 1
+                    pbar.update(cell_counter)
+                    ei += cn
                 start_e = end_e
-                pbar.update(iend)
-            pbar.finish()
             active_cells = number_of_photons > 0
             idxs = idxs[active_cells]
-            mylog.info("Number of photons generated for this chunk: %d" % int(number_of_photons.sum()))
-            mylog.info("Number of cells with photons: %d" % int(active_cells.sum()))
             photons["Energy"].append(ds.arr(energies[:end_e].copy(), "keV"))
@@ -213,23 +229,17 @@
+        pbar.finish()
         for key in photons:
             if len(photons[key]) > 0:
                 photons[key] = uconcatenate(photons[key])
+            elif key == "NumberOfPhotons":
+                photons[key] = np.array([])
+            else:
+                photons[key] = YTArray([], photon_units[key])
+        mylog.info("Number of photons generated: %d" % int(np.sum(photons["NumberOfPhotons"])))
+        mylog.info("Number of cells with photons: %d" % len(photons["x"]))
         return photons
-def _generate_energies(cell_n_c, cell_n_m, counts_c, counts_m, energy):
-    energies = np.array([])
-    for cn_c, cn_m in zip(cell_n_c, cell_n_m):
-        if cn_c > 0:
-            randvec_c = np.random.uniform(size=cn_c)
-            randvec_c.sort()
-            cell_e_c = np.interp(randvec_c, counts_c, energy)
-            energies = np.append(energies, cell_e_c)
-        if cn_m > 0: 
-            randvec_m = np.random.uniform(size=cn_m)
-            randvec_m.sort()
-            cell_e_m = np.interp(randvec_m, counts_m, energy)
-            energies = np.append(energies, cell_e_m)
-    return energies

This diff is so big that we needed to truncate the remainder.

Changeset:   989be30f7b70
Branch:      yt
User:        chummels
Date:        2015-07-16 17:08:41+00:00
Summary:     Merged in RicardaBeckmann/yt (pull request #1610)

Updating units for ramses runs when boxlength matters
Affected #:  2 files

diff -r 7709f96fe34aabce6ade8b00bac40e866d218c08 -r 989be30f7b70fc8e144581d1882c1dac913b25f9 .hgignore
--- a/.hgignore
+++ b/.hgignore
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@

diff -r 7709f96fe34aabce6ade8b00bac40e866d218c08 -r 989be30f7b70fc8e144581d1882c1dac913b25f9 yt/frontends/ramses/data_structures.py
--- a/yt/frontends/ramses/data_structures.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/ramses/data_structures.py
@@ -491,13 +491,22 @@
         Generates the conversion to various physical _units based on the parameter file
-        # Note that unit_l *already* converts to proper!
-        # Also note that unit_l must be multiplied by the boxlen parameter to
-        # ensure we are correctly set up for the current domain.
-        length_unit = self.parameters['unit_l']
-        boxlen = self.parameters['boxlen']
-        density_unit = self.parameters['unit_d']
-        mass_unit = density_unit * (length_unit * boxlen)**3
+        #Please note that for all units given in the info file, the boxlen
+        #still needs to be folded in, as shown below!
+        boxlen=self.parameters['boxlen']
+        length_unit = self.parameters['unit_l'] * boxlen
+        density_unit = self.parameters['unit_d']/ boxlen**3
+        # In the mass unit, the factors of boxlen cancel back out, so this 
+        #is equivalent to unit_d*unit_l**3
+        mass_unit = density_unit * length_unit**3
+        # Cosmological runs are done in lookback conformal time. 
+        # To convert to proper time, the time unit is calculated from 
+        # the expansion factor. This is not yet  done here!
         time_unit = self.parameters['unit_t']
         magnetic_unit = np.sqrt(4*np.pi * mass_unit /
                                 (time_unit**2 * length_unit))

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/


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