[yt-svn] commit/yt: 12 new changesets

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Thu Aug 20 09:17:23 PDT 2015

12 new commits in yt:

Changeset:   ee9401b188eb
Branch:      yt
User:        jisuoqing
Date:        2015-08-17 08:53:18+00:00
Summary:     Add line integral convolution for plot modification callback
Affected #:  6 files

diff -r bc21601eb3e3d89810ca3b5e914797f934fe1ef8 -r ee9401b188eb934abceb245013796fbfd6db38ed doc/source/visualizing/callbacks.rst
--- a/doc/source/visualizing/callbacks.rst
+++ b/doc/source/visualizing/callbacks.rst
@@ -463,6 +463,34 @@
    s.annotate_streamlines('velocity_x', 'velocity_y')
+.. _annotate-line-integral-convolution:
+Overplot Line Integral Convolution
+.. function:: annotate_line_integral_convolution(self, field_x, field_y, \
+                                                 texture=None, kernellen=50., \
+                                                 lim=(0.5,0.6), cmap='binary', \
+                                                 const_alpha=False, alpha=None)
+   (This is a proxy for
+   :class:`~yt.visualization.plot_modifications.LineIntegralConvolutionCallback`.)
+   Add line integral convolution to any plot, using the ``field_x`` and ``field_y`` 
+   from the associated data. A white noise background will be used for ``texture`` 
+   as default. Adjust ``lim`` to change the visibility of line integral convolution
+   plot. When ``const_alpha=False``, spatially varying alpha based on the values of 
+   line integral convolution will be applied; otherwise a constant value of alpha 
+   should be provided.
+.. python-script::
+   import yt
+   ds = yt.load("IsolatedGalaxy/galaxy0030/galaxy0030")
+   s = yt.SlicePlot(ds, 'z', 'density', center='c', width=(20, 'kpc'))
+   s.annotate_line_integral_convolution('velocity_x', 'velocity_y',lim=(0.5,0.65))
+   s.save()
 .. _annotate-text:
 Overplot Text

diff -r bc21601eb3e3d89810ca3b5e914797f934fe1ef8 -r ee9401b188eb934abceb245013796fbfd6db38ed yt/utilities/lib/api.py
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/api.py
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/api.py
@@ -29,3 +29,4 @@
 from .write_array import *
 from .mesh_utilities import *
 from .ContourFinding import *
+from .line_integral_convolution import *

diff -r bc21601eb3e3d89810ca3b5e914797f934fe1ef8 -r ee9401b188eb934abceb245013796fbfd6db38ed yt/utilities/lib/line_integral_convolution.pyx
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/line_integral_convolution.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+Utilities for line integral convolution annotation
+# Copyright (c) 2015, yt Development Team.
+# Code originally from Scipy Cookbook (http://wiki.scipy.org/Cookbook/LineIntegralConvolution),
+# with bug fixed which leads to crash when non equal-size vector field in two
+# dimensions is provided.
+# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+import numpy as np
+cimport numpy as np
+cdef void _advance_2d(double vx, double vy,
+                     int* x, int* y,
+                     double* fx, double* fy,
+                     int w, int h):
+    cdef double tx, ty
+    if vx>=0:
+        tx = (1-fx[0])/vx
+    else:
+        tx = -fx[0]/vx
+    if vy>=0:
+        ty = (1-fy[0])/vy
+    else:
+        ty = -fy[0]/vy
+    if tx<ty:
+        if vx>=0:
+            x[0]+=1
+            fx[0]=0
+        else:
+            x[0]-=1
+            fx[0]=1
+        fy[0]+=tx*vy
+    else:
+        if vy>=0:
+            y[0]+=1
+            fy[0]=0
+        else:
+            y[0]-=1
+            fy[0]=1
+        fx[0]+=ty*vx
+    if x[0]>=w:
+        x[0]=w-1
+    if x[0]<0:
+        x[0]=0
+    if y[0]<0:
+        y[0]=0
+    if y[0]>=h:
+        y[0]=h-1
+def line_integral_convolution_2d(
+        np.ndarray[double, ndim=3] vectors,
+        np.ndarray[double, ndim=2] texture,
+        np.ndarray[double, ndim=1] kernel):
+    cdef int i,j,l,x,y
+    cdef int h,w,kernellen
+    cdef int t
+    cdef double fx, fy, tx, ty
+    cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=2] result
+    w = vectors.shape[0]
+    h = vectors.shape[1]
+    t = vectors.shape[2]
+    kernellen = kernel.shape[0]
+    result = np.zeros((w,h),dtype=np.double)
+    temp = np.copy(vectors[...,0])
+    vectors[...,0] = vectors[...,1]
+    vectors[...,1] = temp
+    for i in range(w):
+        for j in range(h):
+            x = i
+            y = j
+            fx = 0.5
+            fy = 0.5
+            l = kernellen//2
+            result[i,j] += kernel[l]*texture[x,y]
+            while l<kernellen-1:
+                _advance_2d(vectors[x,y,0],vectors[x,y,1],
+                        &x, &y, &fx, &fy, w, h)
+                l+=1
+                result[i,j] += kernel[l]*texture[x,y]
+            x = i
+            y = j
+            fx = 0.5
+            fy = 0.5
+            while l>0:
+                _advance_2d(-vectors[x,y,0],-vectors[x,y,1],
+                        &x, &y, &fx, &fy, w, h)
+                l-=1
+                result[i,j] += kernel[l]*texture[x,y]
+    return result

diff -r bc21601eb3e3d89810ca3b5e914797f934fe1ef8 -r ee9401b188eb934abceb245013796fbfd6db38ed yt/utilities/lib/setup.py
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/setup.py
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/setup.py
@@ -155,6 +155,8 @@
                          libraries=["m"], depends=["yt/utilities/lib/fp_utils.pxd"])
+    config.add_extension("line_integral_convolution",
+                         ["yt/utilities/lib/line_integral_convolution.pyx"])
     if os.environ.get("GPERFTOOLS", "no").upper() != "NO":

diff -r bc21601eb3e3d89810ca3b5e914797f934fe1ef8 -r ee9401b188eb934abceb245013796fbfd6db38ed yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
--- a/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 from matplotlib.patches import Circle
 from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter
+from matplotlib import cm
 from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.anchored_artists import AnchoredSizeBar
 from yt.funcs import *
@@ -37,6 +38,8 @@
 from yt.utilities.lib.geometry_utils import triangle_plane_intersect
 from yt.analysis_modules.cosmological_observation.light_ray.light_ray \
      import periodic_ray
+from yt.utilities.lib.line_integral_convolution \
+     import line_integral_convolution_2d
 import warnings
 from . import _MPL
@@ -2055,3 +2058,126 @@
         return plot
+class LineIntegralConvolutionCallback(PlotCallback):
+    """
+    annotate_line_integral_convolution(field_x, field_y, texture=None, 
+                                       kernellen=50., lim=(0.5,0.6), 
+                                       cmap='binary', const_alpha=False, 
+                                       alpha=None):
+    Add the line integral convolution to the plot for vector fields 
+    visualization. Two component of vector fields needed to be provided
+    (i.e., velocity_x and velocity_y, magentic_field_x and magnetic_field_y).
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    field_x, field_y : string
+        The names of two components of vector field which will be visualized
+    texture : 2-d array, optional
+        Texture will be convolved when computing line integral convolution.
+        A white noise background will be used as default.
+    kernellen : float, optional
+        The lens of kernel for convolution.
+    lim : 2-element tuple, list, or array, optional
+        The value of line integral convolution will be clipped to the range 
+        of lim, which will enhance the visibility of the plot.
+    cmap : float, optional
+        The name of colormap for line integral convolution plot.
+    const_alpha : boolean, optional
+        If set to False (by default), spatially varying alpha based on the 
+        values of line integral convolution will be applied; otherwise a
+        constant value of alpha is used.
+    alpha : float, optional
+        The alpha value for line integral convolution plot. Will be ignored
+        when const_alpha = False.
+    Example
+    -------
+    >>> import yt
+    >>> ds = yt.load('Enzo_64/DD0020/data0020')
+    >>> s = yt.SlicePlot(ds, 'z', 'density')
+    >>> s.annotate_line_integral_convolution('velocity_x','velocity_y')
+    """
+    _type_name = "line_integral_convolution"
+    def __init__(self, field_x, field_y, texture=None, kernellen=50.,
+                 lim=(0.5,0.6), cmap='binary', const_alpha=False, alpha=None):
+        PlotCallback.__init__(self)
+        self.field_x = field_x
+        self.field_y = field_y
+        self.texture = texture
+        self.kernellen = kernellen
+        self.lim = lim
+        self.cmap = cmap
+        self.const_alpha = const_alpha
+        self.alpha = alpha
+    def __call__(self, plot):
+        x0, x1 = plot.xlim
+        y0, y1 = plot.ylim
+        xx0, xx1 = plot._axes.get_xlim()
+        yy0, yy1 = plot._axes.get_ylim()
+        extent = [xx0,xx1,yy0,yy1]
+        plot._axes.hold(True)
+        nx = plot.image._A.shape[0]
+        ny = plot.image._A.shape[1]
+        pixX = _MPL.Pixelize(plot.data['px'],
+                             plot.data['py'],
+                             plot.data['pdx'],
+                             plot.data['pdy'],
+                             plot.data[self.field_x],
+                             int(nx), int(ny),
+                             (x0, x1, y0, y1),).transpose()
+        pixY = _MPL.Pixelize(plot.data['px'],
+                             plot.data['py'],
+                             plot.data['pdx'],
+                             plot.data['pdy'],
+                             plot.data[self.field_y],
+                             int(nx), int(ny),
+                             (x0, x1, y0, y1),).transpose()
+        vectors = np.concatenate((pixX[...,np.newaxis],
+                                  pixY[...,np.newaxis]),axis=2)
+        if self.texture == None:
+            self.texture = np.random.rand(nx,ny).astype(np.double)
+        elif self.texture.shape != (nx,ny):
+            raise SyntaxError("'texture' must have the same shape "
+                              "with that of output image (%d, %d)" % (nx,ny))
+        kernel = np.sin(np.arange(self.kernellen)*np.pi/self.kernellen)
+        kernel = kernel.astype(np.double)
+        lic_data = line_integral_convolution_2d(vectors,self.texture,kernel)
+        lic_data = np.flipud(lic_data / lic_data.max())
+        lic_data_clip = np.clip(lic_data,self.lim[0],self.lim[1])
+        if self.const_alpha:
+            if self.alpha == None:
+                self.alpha = 0.8
+                print("'const_alpha' is set to True but the value of alpha "
+                      "is not provided; will use alpha = %f as default" 
+                      % self.alpha)
+            plot._axes.imshow(lic_data_clip, extent=extent, cmap=self.cmap, 
+                              alpha=self.alpha)
+        else:
+            if self.alpha != None:
+                print("The provided alpha value %f will be ignored when "
+                      "'const_alpha' is set to False" % self.alpha)
+            lic_data_rgba = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=None, cmap=self.cmap).\
+                        to_rgba(lic_data_clip)
+            lic_data_clip_rescale = (lic_data_clip - self.lim[0]) \
+                                    / (self.lim[1]-self.lim[0])
+            lic_data_rgba[...,3] = lic_data_clip_rescale
+            plot._axes.imshow(lic_data_rgba, extent=extent)
+        plot._axes.hold(False)
+        return plot
\ No newline at end of file

diff -r bc21601eb3e3d89810ca3b5e914797f934fe1ef8 -r ee9401b188eb934abceb245013796fbfd6db38ed yt/visualization/tests/test_callbacks.py
--- a/yt/visualization/tests/test_callbacks.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/tests/test_callbacks.py
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 #  X scale
 #    material_boundary
 #  X ray
+#  X 
 def _cleanup_fname():
@@ -326,3 +327,25 @@
             max_level=3, cmap="gist_stern")
+def test_line_integral_convolution_callback():
+    with _cleanup_fname() as prefix:
+        ds = fake_amr_ds(fields =
+            ("density", "velocity_x", "velocity_y", "velocity_z"))
+        for ax in 'xyz':
+            p = ProjectionPlot(ds, ax, "density")
+            p.annotate_line_integral_convolution("velocity_x", "velocity_y")
+            yield assert_fname, p.save(prefix)[0]
+            p = ProjectionPlot(ds, ax, "density", weight_field="density")
+            p.annotate_line_integral_convolution("velocity_x", "velocity_y")
+            yield assert_fname, p.save(prefix)[0]
+            p = SlicePlot(ds, ax, "density")
+            p.annotate_line_integral_convolution("velocity_x", "velocity_y")
+            yield assert_fname, p.save(prefix)[0]
+        # Now we'll check a few additional minor things
+        p = SlicePlot(ds, "x", "density")
+        p.annotate_line_integral_convolution("velocity_x", "velocity_y", 
+                                             kernellen=100., lim=(0.4,0.7),
+                                             cmap='algae', const_alpha=True,
+                                             alpha=0.9)
+        p.save(prefix)

Changeset:   f1e72eef2dc5
Branch:      yt
User:        jisuoqing
Date:        2015-08-17 08:55:52+00:00
Summary:     A minor fix
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r ee9401b188eb934abceb245013796fbfd6db38ed -r f1e72eef2dc5f16021c5e43451755a227c41d83a yt/visualization/tests/test_callbacks.py
--- a/yt/visualization/tests/test_callbacks.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/tests/test_callbacks.py
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 #  X scale
 #    material_boundary
 #  X ray
-#  X 
+#  X line_integral_convolution
 def _cleanup_fname():

Changeset:   e13cac97d439
Branch:      yt
User:        jisuoqing
Date:        2015-08-17 09:13:17+00:00
Summary:     Minor change
Affected #:  2 files

diff -r f1e72eef2dc5f16021c5e43451755a227c41d83a -r e13cac97d43965661cc29cc845738b879ac30d1c doc/source/visualizing/callbacks.rst
--- a/doc/source/visualizing/callbacks.rst
+++ b/doc/source/visualizing/callbacks.rst
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@
    import yt
    ds = yt.load("IsolatedGalaxy/galaxy0030/galaxy0030")
    s = yt.SlicePlot(ds, 'z', 'density', center='c', width=(20, 'kpc'))
-   s.annotate_line_integral_convolution('velocity_x', 'velocity_y',lim=(0.5,0.65))
+   s.annotate_line_integral_convolution('velocity_x', 'velocity_y', lim=(0.5,0.65))
 .. _annotate-text:

diff -r f1e72eef2dc5f16021c5e43451755a227c41d83a -r e13cac97d43965661cc29cc845738b879ac30d1c yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
--- a/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
@@ -2105,7 +2105,8 @@
     >>> import yt
     >>> ds = yt.load('Enzo_64/DD0020/data0020')
     >>> s = yt.SlicePlot(ds, 'z', 'density')
-    >>> s.annotate_line_integral_convolution('velocity_x','velocity_y')
+    >>> s.annotate_line_integral_convolution('velocity_x', 'velocity_y',\
+                                             lim=(0.5,0.65))
     _type_name = "line_integral_convolution"
     def __init__(self, field_x, field_y, texture=None, kernellen=50.,
@@ -2180,4 +2181,4 @@
             plot._axes.imshow(lic_data_rgba, extent=extent)
-        return plot
\ No newline at end of file
+        return plot

Changeset:   cdeea919652c
Branch:      yt
User:        jisuoqing
Date:        2015-08-17 09:39:53+00:00
Summary:     Enhance the flexibility of varying alpha option
Affected #:  2 files

diff -r e13cac97d43965661cc29cc845738b879ac30d1c -r cdeea919652cb4f5b7ec955187f28f8f0e7a5449 doc/source/visualizing/callbacks.rst
--- a/doc/source/visualizing/callbacks.rst
+++ b/doc/source/visualizing/callbacks.rst
@@ -471,17 +471,18 @@
 .. function:: annotate_line_integral_convolution(self, field_x, field_y, \
                                                  texture=None, kernellen=50., \
                                                  lim=(0.5,0.6), cmap='binary', \
-                                                 const_alpha=False, alpha=None)
+                                                 alpha=0.8, const_alpha=False)
    (This is a proxy for
    Add line integral convolution to any plot, using the ``field_x`` and ``field_y`` 
    from the associated data. A white noise background will be used for ``texture`` 
-   as default. Adjust ``lim`` to change the visibility of line integral convolution
-   plot. When ``const_alpha=False``, spatially varying alpha based on the values of 
-   line integral convolution will be applied; otherwise a constant value of alpha 
-   should be provided.
+   as default. Adjust the bounds of ``lim`` in the range of ``[0, 1]`` which applies 
+   upper and lower bounds to the values of line integral convolution and enhance 
+   the visibility of plots. When ``const_alpha=False``, alpha will be weighted 
+   spatially by the values of line integral convolution; otherwise a constant value 
+   of the given alpha is used.
 .. python-script::

diff -r e13cac97d43965661cc29cc845738b879ac30d1c -r cdeea919652cb4f5b7ec955187f28f8f0e7a5449 yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
--- a/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
@@ -2061,10 +2061,10 @@
 class LineIntegralConvolutionCallback(PlotCallback):
-    annotate_line_integral_convolution(field_x, field_y, texture=None, 
-                                       kernellen=50., lim=(0.5,0.6), 
-                                       cmap='binary', const_alpha=False, 
-                                       alpha=None):
+    annotate_line_integral_convolution(field_x, field_y, texture=None,
+                                       kernellen=50., lim=(0.5,0.6),
+                                       cmap='binary', alpha=0.8,
+                                       const_alpha=False):
     Add the line integral convolution to the plot for vector fields 
     visualization. Two component of vector fields needed to be provided
@@ -2084,20 +2084,21 @@
         The lens of kernel for convolution.
     lim : 2-element tuple, list, or array, optional
-        The value of line integral convolution will be clipped to the range 
-        of lim, which will enhance the visibility of the plot.
+        The value of line integral convolution will be clipped to the range
+        of lim, which applies upper and lower bounds to the values of line
+        integral convolution and enhance the visibility of plots. Each element
+        should be in the range of [0,1].
     cmap : float, optional
         The name of colormap for line integral convolution plot.
+    alpha : float, optional
+        The alpha value for line integral convolution plot.
     const_alpha : boolean, optional
-        If set to False (by default), spatially varying alpha based on the 
-        values of line integral convolution will be applied; otherwise a
-        constant value of alpha is used.
-    alpha : float, optional
-        The alpha value for line integral convolution plot. Will be ignored
-        when const_alpha = False.
+        If set to False (by default), alpha will be weighted spatially by
+        the values of line integral convolution; otherwise a constant value
+        of the given alpha is used.
@@ -2110,7 +2111,7 @@
     _type_name = "line_integral_convolution"
     def __init__(self, field_x, field_y, texture=None, kernellen=50.,
-                 lim=(0.5,0.6), cmap='binary', const_alpha=False, alpha=None):
+                 lim=(0.5,0.6), cmap='binary', alpha=0.8, const_alpha=False):
         self.field_x = field_x
         self.field_y = field_y
@@ -2118,8 +2119,8 @@
         self.kernellen = kernellen
         self.lim = lim
         self.cmap = cmap
+        self.alpha = alpha
         self.const_alpha = const_alpha
-        self.alpha = alpha
     def __call__(self, plot):
         x0, x1 = plot.xlim
@@ -2162,22 +2163,14 @@
         lic_data_clip = np.clip(lic_data,self.lim[0],self.lim[1])
         if self.const_alpha:
-            if self.alpha == None:
-                self.alpha = 0.8
-                print("'const_alpha' is set to True but the value of alpha "
-                      "is not provided; will use alpha = %f as default" 
-                      % self.alpha)
             plot._axes.imshow(lic_data_clip, extent=extent, cmap=self.cmap, 
-            if self.alpha != None:
-                print("The provided alpha value %f will be ignored when "
-                      "'const_alpha' is set to False" % self.alpha)
             lic_data_rgba = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=None, cmap=self.cmap).\
             lic_data_clip_rescale = (lic_data_clip - self.lim[0]) \
                                     / (self.lim[1]-self.lim[0])
-            lic_data_rgba[...,3] = lic_data_clip_rescale
+            lic_data_rgba[...,3] = lic_data_clip_rescale * self.alpha
             plot._axes.imshow(lic_data_rgba, extent=extent)

Changeset:   4aa017ec1039
Branch:      yt
User:        jisuoqing
Date:        2015-08-17 09:46:10+00:00
Summary:     Minor change in test script
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r cdeea919652cb4f5b7ec955187f28f8f0e7a5449 -r 4aa017ec10390ac2fcb865b4910b4cc90281d4a8 yt/visualization/tests/test_callbacks.py
--- a/yt/visualization/tests/test_callbacks.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/tests/test_callbacks.py
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
         p = SlicePlot(ds, "x", "density")
         p.annotate_line_integral_convolution("velocity_x", "velocity_y", 
                                              kernellen=100., lim=(0.4,0.7),
-                                             cmap='algae', const_alpha=True,
-                                             alpha=0.9)
+                                             cmap='algae', alpha=0.9,
+                                             const_alpha=True)

Changeset:   066585a9e095
Branch:      yt
User:        jisuoqing
Date:        2015-08-17 18:19:25+00:00
Summary:     Minor fix on Docs
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 4aa017ec10390ac2fcb865b4910b4cc90281d4a8 -r 066585a9e095de8c7924f1c975140f3d8e7ff69f doc/source/visualizing/callbacks.rst
--- a/doc/source/visualizing/callbacks.rst
+++ b/doc/source/visualizing/callbacks.rst
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@
 .. _annotate-line-integral-convolution:
 Overplot Line Integral Convolution
 .. function:: annotate_line_integral_convolution(self, field_x, field_y, \
                                                  texture=None, kernellen=50., \

Changeset:   67235bf40559
Branch:      yt
User:        jisuoqing
Date:        2015-08-17 18:51:37+00:00
Summary:     Typo fixed
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 066585a9e095de8c7924f1c975140f3d8e7ff69f -r 67235bf40559cf2b38f11f73b57b15b03074c02b yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
--- a/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
@@ -2089,7 +2089,7 @@
         integral convolution and enhance the visibility of plots. Each element
         should be in the range of [0,1].
-    cmap : float, optional
+    cmap : string, optional
         The name of colormap for line integral convolution plot.
     alpha : float, optional

Changeset:   6df0176fd795
Branch:      yt
User:        jisuoqing
Date:        2015-08-17 20:40:03+00:00
Summary:     Switched to ds.coordinates.pixelize
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 67235bf40559cf2b38f11f73b57b15b03074c02b -r 6df0176fd79552e3fed92344f01c64e394b382c2 yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
--- a/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
@@ -2127,25 +2127,23 @@
         y0, y1 = plot.ylim
         xx0, xx1 = plot._axes.get_xlim()
         yy0, yy1 = plot._axes.get_ylim()
+        bounds = [x0,x1,y0,y1]
         extent = [xx0,xx1,yy0,yy1]
         nx = plot.image._A.shape[0]
         ny = plot.image._A.shape[1]
-        pixX = _MPL.Pixelize(plot.data['px'],
-                             plot.data['py'],
-                             plot.data['pdx'],
-                             plot.data['pdy'],
-                             plot.data[self.field_x],
-                             int(nx), int(ny),
-                             (x0, x1, y0, y1),).transpose()
-        pixY = _MPL.Pixelize(plot.data['px'],
-                             plot.data['py'],
-                             plot.data['pdx'],
-                             plot.data['pdy'],
-                             plot.data[self.field_y],
-                             int(nx), int(ny),
-                             (x0, x1, y0, y1),).transpose()
+        pixX = plot.data.ds.coordinates.pixelize(plot.data.axis,
+                                                 plot.data,
+                                                 self.field_x,
+                                                 bounds,
+                                                 (nx,ny))
+        pixY = plot.data.ds.coordinates.pixelize(plot.data.axis,
+                                                 plot.data,
+                                                 self.field_y,
+                                                 bounds,
+                                                 (nx,ny))
         vectors = np.concatenate((pixX[...,np.newaxis],

Changeset:   206e32b3c6bb
Branch:      yt
User:        jisuoqing
Date:        2015-08-17 23:07:26+00:00
Summary:     Update docstring
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 6df0176fd79552e3fed92344f01c64e394b382c2 -r 206e32b3c6bb4193124ae96995f42460474db95d yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
--- a/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
@@ -2076,12 +2076,14 @@
     field_x, field_y : string
         The names of two components of vector field which will be visualized
-    texture : 2-d array, optional
+    texture : 2-d array with the same shape of image, optional
         Texture will be convolved when computing line integral convolution.
         A white noise background will be used as default.
     kernellen : float, optional
-        The lens of kernel for convolution.
+        The lens of kernel for convolution, which is the length over which the
+        convolution will be performed. For longer kernellen, longer streamline
+        structure will appear.
     lim : 2-element tuple, list, or array, optional
         The value of line integral convolution will be clipped to the range
@@ -2167,7 +2169,7 @@
             lic_data_rgba = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=None, cmap=self.cmap).\
             lic_data_clip_rescale = (lic_data_clip - self.lim[0]) \
-                                    / (self.lim[1]-self.lim[0])
+                                    / (self.lim[1] - self.lim[0])
             lic_data_rgba[...,3] = lic_data_clip_rescale * self.alpha
             plot._axes.imshow(lic_data_rgba, extent=extent)

Changeset:   4daf3abec54c
Branch:      yt
User:        jisuoqing
Date:        2015-08-19 18:20:08+00:00
Summary:     Minor changes
Affected #:  2 files

diff -r 206e32b3c6bb4193124ae96995f42460474db95d -r 4daf3abec54c1bb12f415741c238367b56ffa690 yt/utilities/lib/line_integral_convolution.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/line_integral_convolution.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/line_integral_convolution.pyx
@@ -20,7 +20,9 @@
 import numpy as np
 cimport numpy as np
+cimport cython
+ at cython.cdivision(True)
 cdef void _advance_2d(double vx, double vy,
                      int* x, int* y,
                      double* fx, double* fy,
@@ -76,9 +78,7 @@
     kernellen = kernel.shape[0]
     result = np.zeros((w,h),dtype=np.double)
-    temp = np.copy(vectors[...,0])
-    vectors[...,0] = vectors[...,1]
-    vectors[...,1] = temp
+    vectors = vectors[...,::-1].copy()
     for i in range(w):
         for j in range(h):

diff -r 206e32b3c6bb4193124ae96995f42460474db95d -r 4daf3abec54c1bb12f415741c238367b56ffa690 yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
--- a/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
@@ -2167,7 +2167,7 @@
             lic_data_rgba = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=None, cmap=self.cmap).\
-                        to_rgba(lic_data_clip)
+                            to_rgba(lic_data_clip)
             lic_data_clip_rescale = (lic_data_clip - self.lim[0]) \
                                     / (self.lim[1] - self.lim[0])
             lic_data_rgba[...,3] = lic_data_clip_rescale * self.alpha

Changeset:   d2e9e1f113a4
Branch:      yt
User:        jisuoqing
Date:        2015-08-20 00:13:50+00:00
Summary:     Merged yt_analysis/yt into yt
Affected #:  12 files

diff -r 4daf3abec54c1bb12f415741c238367b56ffa690 -r d2e9e1f113a46b53c031f109eb2003fc0f748d4f doc/source/examining/loading_data.rst
--- a/doc/source/examining/loading_data.rst
+++ b/doc/source/examining/loading_data.rst
@@ -771,7 +771,7 @@
 .. code-block:: python
-   from yt.frontends.sph.definitions import gadget_field_specs
+   from yt.frontends.gadget.definitions import gadget_field_specs
    gadget_field_specs["my_field_def"] = my_field_def
 Please also feel free to issue a pull request with any new field
@@ -871,7 +871,7 @@
 See :ref:`loading-numpy-array` and
-:func:`~yt.frontends.sph.data_structures.load_amr_grids` for more detail.
+:func:`~yt.frontends.stream.data_structures.load_amr_grids` for more detail.
 It is possible to create native yt dataset from Python's dictionary
 that describes set of rectangular patches of data of possibly varying

diff -r 4daf3abec54c1bb12f415741c238367b56ffa690 -r d2e9e1f113a46b53c031f109eb2003fc0f748d4f yt/data_objects/construction_data_containers.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/construction_data_containers.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/construction_data_containers.py
@@ -682,11 +682,13 @@
     def RightEdge(self):
         return self.right_edge
-    def deposit(self, positions, fields = None, method = None):
+    def deposit(self, positions, fields = None, method = None,
+                kernel_name = 'cubic'):
         cls = getattr(particle_deposit, "deposit_%s" % method, None)
         if cls is None:
             raise YTParticleDepositionNotImplemented(method)
-        op = cls(self.ActiveDimensions.prod()) # We allocate number of zones, not number of octs
+        # We allocate number of zones, not number of octs
+        op = cls(self.ActiveDimensions.prod(), kernel_name)
         op.process_grid(self, positions, fields)
         vals = op.finalize()
@@ -1787,5 +1789,3 @@
             mylog.error("Problem uploading.")
         return upload_id

diff -r 4daf3abec54c1bb12f415741c238367b56ffa690 -r d2e9e1f113a46b53c031f109eb2003fc0f748d4f yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
@@ -330,12 +330,14 @@
     def particle_operation(self, *args, **kwargs):
         raise NotImplementedError
-    def deposit(self, positions, fields = None, method = None):
+    def deposit(self, positions, fields = None, method = None,
+                kernel_name = 'cubic'):
         # Here we perform our particle deposition.
         cls = getattr(particle_deposit, "deposit_%s" % method, None)
         if cls is None:
             raise YTParticleDepositionNotImplemented(method)
-        op = cls(self.ActiveDimensions.prod()) # We allocate number of zones, not number of octs
+        # We allocate number of zones, not number of octs
+        op = cls(self.ActiveDimensions.prod(), kernel_name)
         op.process_grid(self, positions, fields)
         vals = op.finalize()

diff -r 4daf3abec54c1bb12f415741c238367b56ffa690 -r d2e9e1f113a46b53c031f109eb2003fc0f748d4f yt/data_objects/octree_subset.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/octree_subset.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/octree_subset.py
@@ -141,7 +141,8 @@
             self._domain_ind = di
         return self._domain_ind
-    def deposit(self, positions, fields = None, method = None):
+    def deposit(self, positions, fields = None, method = None,
+                kernel_name='cubic'):
         r"""Operate on the mesh, in a particle-against-mesh fashion, with
         exclusively local input.
@@ -176,7 +177,8 @@
             raise YTParticleDepositionNotImplemented(method)
         nz = self.nz
         nvals = (nz, nz, nz, (self.domain_ind >= 0).sum())
-        op = cls(nvals) # We allocate number of zones, not number of octs
+        # We allocate number of zones, not number of octs
+        op = cls(nvals, kernel_name)
         mylog.debug("Depositing %s (%s^3) particles into %s Octs",
             positions.shape[0], positions.shape[0]**0.3333333, nvals[-1])
@@ -192,7 +194,8 @@
         return np.asfortranarray(vals)
     def smooth(self, positions, fields = None, index_fields = None,
-               method = None, create_octree = False, nneighbors = 64):
+               method = None, create_octree = False, nneighbors = 64,
+               kernel_name = 'cubic'):
         r"""Operate on the mesh, in a particle-against-mesh fashion, with
         non-local input.
@@ -258,7 +261,7 @@
         nz = self.nz
         mdom_ind = self.domain_ind
         nvals = (nz, nz, nz, (mdom_ind >= 0).sum())
-        op = cls(nvals, len(fields), nneighbors)
+        op = cls(nvals, len(fields), nneighbors, kernel_name)
         mylog.debug("Smoothing %s particles into %s Octs",
             positions.shape[0], nvals[-1])
@@ -280,7 +283,7 @@
         return vals
     def particle_operation(self, positions, fields = None,
-            method = None, nneighbors = 64):
+            method = None, nneighbors = 64, kernel_name = 'cubic'):
         r"""Operate on particles, in a particle-against-particle fashion.
         This uses the octree indexing system to call a "smoothing" operation
@@ -335,7 +338,7 @@
         nz = self.nz
         mdom_ind = self.domain_ind
         nvals = (nz, nz, nz, (mdom_ind >= 0).sum())
-        op = cls(nvals, len(fields), nneighbors)
+        op = cls(nvals, len(fields), nneighbors, kernel_name)
         mylog.debug("Smoothing %s particles into %s Octs",
             positions.shape[0], nvals[-1])

diff -r 4daf3abec54c1bb12f415741c238367b56ffa690 -r d2e9e1f113a46b53c031f109eb2003fc0f748d4f yt/data_objects/unstructured_mesh.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/unstructured_mesh.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/unstructured_mesh.py
@@ -105,13 +105,15 @@
     def select_tcoords(self, dobj):
         raise NotImplementedError
-    def deposit(self, positions, fields = None, method = None):
+    def deposit(self, positions, fields = None, method = None,
+                kernel_name = 'cubic'):
         raise NotImplementedError
         # Here we perform our particle deposition.
         cls = getattr(particle_deposit, "deposit_%s" % method, None)
         if cls is None:
             raise YTParticleDepositionNotImplemented(method)
-        op = cls(self.ActiveDimensions.prod()) # We allocate number of zones, not number of octs
+        # We allocate number of zones, not number of octs
+        op = cls(self.ActiveDimensions.prod(), kernel_name)
         op.process_grid(self, positions, fields)
         vals = op.finalize()
@@ -200,4 +202,3 @@
                 self._last_count = mask.sum()
         return mask

diff -r 4daf3abec54c1bb12f415741c238367b56ffa690 -r d2e9e1f113a46b53c031f109eb2003fc0f748d4f yt/fields/particle_fields.py
--- a/yt/fields/particle_fields.py
+++ b/yt/fields/particle_fields.py
@@ -766,8 +766,12 @@
 def add_volume_weighted_smoothed_field(ptype, coord_name, mass_name,
         smoothing_length_name, density_name, smoothed_field, registry,
-        nneighbors = None):
-    field_name = ("deposit", "%s_smoothed_%s" % (ptype, smoothed_field))
+        nneighbors = None, kernel_name = 'cubic'):
+    if kernel_name == 'cubic':
+        field_name = ("deposit", "%s_smoothed_%s" % (ptype, smoothed_field))
+    else:
+        field_name = ("deposit", "%s_%s_smoothed_%s" % (ptype, kernel_name,
+                      smoothed_field))
     field_units = registry[ptype, smoothed_field].units
     def _vol_weight(field, data):
         pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
@@ -789,7 +793,8 @@
         # volume_weighted smooth operations return lists of length 1.
         rv = data.smooth(pos, [mass, hsml, dens, quan],
-                         create_octree=True)[0]
+                         create_octree=True,
+                         kernel_name=kernel_name)[0]
         rv[np.isnan(rv)] = 0.0
         # Now some quick unit conversions.
         rv = data.apply_units(rv, field_units)
@@ -816,8 +821,12 @@
                        units = "code_length")
     return [field_name]
-def add_density_kernel(ptype, coord_name, mass_name, registry, nneighbors = 64):
-    field_name = (ptype, "smoothed_density")
+def add_density_kernel(ptype, coord_name, mass_name, registry, nneighbors = 64,
+                       kernel_name = 'cubic'):
+    if kernel_name == 'cubic':
+        field_name = (ptype, "smoothed_density")
+    else:
+        field_name = (ptype, "%s_smoothed_density" % (kernel_name))
     field_units = registry[ptype, mass_name].units
     def _nth_neighbor(field, data):
         pos = data[ptype, coord_name]
@@ -827,7 +836,8 @@
         densities = mass * 0.0
         data.particle_operation(pos, [mass, densities],
-                         nneighbors = nneighbors)
+                         nneighbors = nneighbors,
+                         kernel_name = kernel_name)
         ones = pos.prod(axis=1) # Get us in code_length**3
         ones[:] = 1.0
         densities /= ones

diff -r 4daf3abec54c1bb12f415741c238367b56ffa690 -r d2e9e1f113a46b53c031f109eb2003fc0f748d4f yt/frontends/artio/data_structures.py
--- a/yt/frontends/artio/data_structures.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/artio/data_structures.py
@@ -133,7 +133,8 @@
         tr = dict((field, v) for field, v in zip(fields, tr))
         return tr
-    def deposit(self, positions, fields = None, method = None):
+    def deposit(self, positions, fields = None, method = None,
+                kernel_name = 'cubic'):
         # Here we perform our particle deposition.
         if fields is None: fields = []
         cls = getattr(particle_deposit, "deposit_%s" % method, None)
@@ -141,7 +142,8 @@
             raise YTParticleDepositionNotImplemented(method)
         nz = self.nz
         nvals = (nz, nz, nz, self.ires.size)
-        op = cls(nvals) # We allocate number of zones, not number of octs
+        # We allocate number of zones, not number of octs
+        op = cls(nvals, kernel_name)
         mylog.debug("Depositing %s (%s^3) particles into %s Root Mesh",
             positions.shape[0], positions.shape[0]**0.3333333, nvals[-1])

diff -r 4daf3abec54c1bb12f415741c238367b56ffa690 -r d2e9e1f113a46b53c031f109eb2003fc0f748d4f yt/frontends/artio/setup.py
--- a/yt/frontends/artio/setup.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/artio/setup.py
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
                          depends=artio_sources + 
-                                  "yt/geometry/selection_routines.pxd"])
+                                  "yt/geometry/selection_routines.pxd",
+                                  "yt/geometry/particle_deposit.pxd"])
     config.make_config_py()  # installs __config__.py
     return config

diff -r 4daf3abec54c1bb12f415741c238367b56ffa690 -r d2e9e1f113a46b53c031f109eb2003fc0f748d4f yt/geometry/particle_deposit.pxd
--- a/yt/geometry/particle_deposit.pxd
+++ b/yt/geometry/particle_deposit.pxd
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 # Standard SPH kernel for use with the Grid method #
-cdef inline np.float64_t sph_kernel(np.float64_t x) nogil:
+cdef inline np.float64_t sph_kernel_cubic(np.float64_t x) nogil:
     cdef np.float64_t kernel
     if x <= 0.5:
         kernel = 1.-6.*x*x*(1.-x)
@@ -48,8 +48,55 @@
         kernel = 0.
     return kernel
+# Alternative SPH kernels for use with the Grid method #
+# quartic spline
+cdef inline np.float64_t sph_kernel_quartic(np.float64_t x):
+    cdef np.float64_t kernel
+    cdef np.float64_t C = 5.**6/512/np.pi
+    if x < 1:
+        kernel = (1.-x)**4
+        if x < 3./5:
+            kernel -= 5*(3./5-x)**4
+            if x < 1./5:
+                kernel += 10*(1./5-x)**4
+    else:
+        kernel = 0.
+    return kernel * C
+# quintic spline
+cdef inline np.float64_t sph_kernel_quintic(np.float64_t x):
+    cdef np.float64_t kernel
+    cdef np.float64_t C = 3.**7/40/np.pi
+    if x < 1:
+        kernel = (1.-x)**5
+        if x < 2./3:
+            kernel -= 6*(2./3-x)**5
+            if x < 1./3:
+                kernel += 15*(1./3-x)**5
+    else:
+        kernel = 0.
+    return kernel * C
+# I don't know the way to use a dict in a cdef class.
+# So in order to mimic a registry functionality,
+# I manually created a function to lookup the kernel functions.
+ctypedef np.float64_t (*kernel_func) (np.float64_t)
+cdef inline kernel_func get_kernel_func(str kernel_name):
+    if kernel_name == 'cubic':
+        return sph_kernel_cubic
+    elif kernel_name == 'quartic':
+        return sph_kernel_quartic
+    elif kernel_name == 'quintic':
+        return sph_kernel_quintic
+    else:
+        raise NotImplementedError
 cdef class ParticleDepositOperation:
     # We assume each will allocate and define their own temporary storage
+    cdef kernel_func sph_kernel
     cdef public object nvals
     cdef public int update_values
     cdef void process(self, int dim[3], np.float64_t left_edge[3],

diff -r 4daf3abec54c1bb12f415741c238367b56ffa690 -r d2e9e1f113a46b53c031f109eb2003fc0f748d4f yt/geometry/particle_deposit.pyx
--- a/yt/geometry/particle_deposit.pyx
+++ b/yt/geometry/particle_deposit.pyx
@@ -25,9 +25,10 @@
     OctreeContainer, OctInfo
 cdef class ParticleDepositOperation:
-    def __init__(self, nvals):
+    def __init__(self, nvals, kernel_name):
         self.nvals = nvals
         self.update_values = 0 # This is the default
+        self.sph_kernel = get_kernel_func(kernel_name)
     def initialize(self, *args):
         raise NotImplementedError
@@ -227,7 +228,7 @@
                     dist = idist[0] + idist[1] + idist[2]
                     # Calculate distance in multiples of the smoothing length
                     dist = sqrt(dist) / fields[0]
-                    self.temp[gind(i,j,k,dim) + offset] = sph_kernel(dist)
+                    self.temp[gind(i,j,k,dim) + offset] = self.sph_kernel(dist)
                     kernel_sum += self.temp[gind(i,j,k,dim) + offset]
         # Having found the kernel, deposit accordingly into gdata
         for i from ib0[0] <= i <= ib1[0]:
@@ -493,4 +494,3 @@
         return self.onnfield
 deposit_nearest = NNParticleField

diff -r 4daf3abec54c1bb12f415741c238367b56ffa690 -r d2e9e1f113a46b53c031f109eb2003fc0f748d4f yt/geometry/particle_smooth.pxd
--- a/yt/geometry/particle_smooth.pxd
+++ b/yt/geometry/particle_smooth.pxd
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 from fp_utils cimport *
 from oct_container cimport Oct, OctAllocationContainer, OctreeContainer
-from .particle_deposit cimport sph_kernel, gind
+from .particle_deposit cimport kernel_func, get_kernel_func, gind
 cdef extern from "platform_dep.h":
     void *alloca(int)
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 cdef class ParticleSmoothOperation:
     # We assume each will allocate and define their own temporary storage
+    cdef kernel_func sph_kernel
     cdef public object nvals
     cdef np.float64_t DW[3]
     cdef int nfields

diff -r 4daf3abec54c1bb12f415741c238367b56ffa690 -r d2e9e1f113a46b53c031f109eb2003fc0f748d4f yt/geometry/particle_smooth.pyx
--- a/yt/geometry/particle_smooth.pyx
+++ b/yt/geometry/particle_smooth.pyx
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
     opos[2] = ipos[2]
 cdef class ParticleSmoothOperation:
-    def __init__(self, nvals, nfields, max_neighbors):
+    def __init__(self, nvals, nfields, max_neighbors, kernel_name):
         # This is the set of cells, in grids, blocks or octs, we are handling.
         cdef int i
         self.nvals = nvals
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
         self.neighbors = <NeighborList *> malloc(
             sizeof(NeighborList) * self.maxn)
+        self.sph_kernel = get_kernel_func(kernel_name)
     def initialize(self, *args):
         raise NotImplementedError
@@ -630,7 +631,7 @@
             # Usually this density has been computed
             dens = fields[2][pn]
             if dens == 0.0: continue
-            weight = mass * sph_kernel(sqrt(r2) / hsml) / dens
+            weight = mass * self.sph_kernel(sqrt(r2) / hsml) / dens
             # Mass of the particle times the value
             for fi in range(self.nfields - 3):
                 val = fields[fi + 3][pn]
@@ -756,7 +757,7 @@
         for pn in range(self.curn):
             mass = fields[0][self.neighbors[pn].pn]
             r2 = self.neighbors[pn].r2
-            lw = sph_kernel(sqrt(r2) / hsml)
+            lw = self.sph_kernel(sqrt(r2) / hsml)
             dens += mass * lw
         weight = (4.0/3.0) * 3.1415926 * hsml**3
         fields[1][offset] = dens/weight

Changeset:   98b9f2c2d791
Branch:      yt
User:        MatthewTurk
Date:        2015-08-20 16:17:12+00:00
Summary:     Merged in jisuoqing/yt (pull request #1702)

[NEW] [DOCS] Add line integral convolution for plot modification callback
Affected #:  6 files

diff -r 1e76952e015dfb14db5d97333c182edc658d4aaa -r 98b9f2c2d791d921eccc8e2edc419d863eb14650 doc/source/visualizing/callbacks.rst
--- a/doc/source/visualizing/callbacks.rst
+++ b/doc/source/visualizing/callbacks.rst
@@ -463,6 +463,35 @@
    s.annotate_streamlines('velocity_x', 'velocity_y')
+.. _annotate-line-integral-convolution:
+Overplot Line Integral Convolution
+.. function:: annotate_line_integral_convolution(self, field_x, field_y, \
+                                                 texture=None, kernellen=50., \
+                                                 lim=(0.5,0.6), cmap='binary', \
+                                                 alpha=0.8, const_alpha=False)
+   (This is a proxy for
+   :class:`~yt.visualization.plot_modifications.LineIntegralConvolutionCallback`.)
+   Add line integral convolution to any plot, using the ``field_x`` and ``field_y`` 
+   from the associated data. A white noise background will be used for ``texture`` 
+   as default. Adjust the bounds of ``lim`` in the range of ``[0, 1]`` which applies 
+   upper and lower bounds to the values of line integral convolution and enhance 
+   the visibility of plots. When ``const_alpha=False``, alpha will be weighted 
+   spatially by the values of line integral convolution; otherwise a constant value 
+   of the given alpha is used.
+.. python-script::
+   import yt
+   ds = yt.load("IsolatedGalaxy/galaxy0030/galaxy0030")
+   s = yt.SlicePlot(ds, 'z', 'density', center='c', width=(20, 'kpc'))
+   s.annotate_line_integral_convolution('velocity_x', 'velocity_y', lim=(0.5,0.65))
+   s.save()
 .. _annotate-text:
 Overplot Text

diff -r 1e76952e015dfb14db5d97333c182edc658d4aaa -r 98b9f2c2d791d921eccc8e2edc419d863eb14650 yt/utilities/lib/api.py
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/api.py
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/api.py
@@ -29,3 +29,4 @@
 from .write_array import *
 from .mesh_utilities import *
 from .ContourFinding import *
+from .line_integral_convolution import *

diff -r 1e76952e015dfb14db5d97333c182edc658d4aaa -r 98b9f2c2d791d921eccc8e2edc419d863eb14650 yt/utilities/lib/line_integral_convolution.pyx
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/line_integral_convolution.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+Utilities for line integral convolution annotation
+# Copyright (c) 2015, yt Development Team.
+# Code originally from Scipy Cookbook (http://wiki.scipy.org/Cookbook/LineIntegralConvolution),
+# with bug fixed which leads to crash when non equal-size vector field in two
+# dimensions is provided.
+# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+import numpy as np
+cimport numpy as np
+cimport cython
+ at cython.cdivision(True)
+cdef void _advance_2d(double vx, double vy,
+                     int* x, int* y,
+                     double* fx, double* fy,
+                     int w, int h):
+    cdef double tx, ty
+    if vx>=0:
+        tx = (1-fx[0])/vx
+    else:
+        tx = -fx[0]/vx
+    if vy>=0:
+        ty = (1-fy[0])/vy
+    else:
+        ty = -fy[0]/vy
+    if tx<ty:
+        if vx>=0:
+            x[0]+=1
+            fx[0]=0
+        else:
+            x[0]-=1
+            fx[0]=1
+        fy[0]+=tx*vy
+    else:
+        if vy>=0:
+            y[0]+=1
+            fy[0]=0
+        else:
+            y[0]-=1
+            fy[0]=1
+        fx[0]+=ty*vx
+    if x[0]>=w:
+        x[0]=w-1
+    if x[0]<0:
+        x[0]=0
+    if y[0]<0:
+        y[0]=0
+    if y[0]>=h:
+        y[0]=h-1
+def line_integral_convolution_2d(
+        np.ndarray[double, ndim=3] vectors,
+        np.ndarray[double, ndim=2] texture,
+        np.ndarray[double, ndim=1] kernel):
+    cdef int i,j,l,x,y
+    cdef int h,w,kernellen
+    cdef int t
+    cdef double fx, fy, tx, ty
+    cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=2] result
+    w = vectors.shape[0]
+    h = vectors.shape[1]
+    t = vectors.shape[2]
+    kernellen = kernel.shape[0]
+    result = np.zeros((w,h),dtype=np.double)
+    vectors = vectors[...,::-1].copy()
+    for i in range(w):
+        for j in range(h):
+            x = i
+            y = j
+            fx = 0.5
+            fy = 0.5
+            l = kernellen//2
+            result[i,j] += kernel[l]*texture[x,y]
+            while l<kernellen-1:
+                _advance_2d(vectors[x,y,0],vectors[x,y,1],
+                        &x, &y, &fx, &fy, w, h)
+                l+=1
+                result[i,j] += kernel[l]*texture[x,y]
+            x = i
+            y = j
+            fx = 0.5
+            fy = 0.5
+            while l>0:
+                _advance_2d(-vectors[x,y,0],-vectors[x,y,1],
+                        &x, &y, &fx, &fy, w, h)
+                l-=1
+                result[i,j] += kernel[l]*texture[x,y]
+    return result

diff -r 1e76952e015dfb14db5d97333c182edc658d4aaa -r 98b9f2c2d791d921eccc8e2edc419d863eb14650 yt/utilities/lib/setup.py
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/setup.py
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/setup.py
@@ -155,6 +155,8 @@
                          libraries=["m"], depends=["yt/utilities/lib/fp_utils.pxd"])
+    config.add_extension("line_integral_convolution",
+                         ["yt/utilities/lib/line_integral_convolution.pyx"])
     if os.environ.get("GPERFTOOLS", "no").upper() != "NO":

diff -r 1e76952e015dfb14db5d97333c182edc658d4aaa -r 98b9f2c2d791d921eccc8e2edc419d863eb14650 yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
--- a/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 from matplotlib.patches import Circle
 from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter
+from matplotlib import cm
 from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.anchored_artists import AnchoredSizeBar
 from yt.funcs import *
@@ -37,6 +38,8 @@
 from yt.utilities.lib.geometry_utils import triangle_plane_intersect
 from yt.analysis_modules.cosmological_observation.light_ray.light_ray \
      import periodic_ray
+from yt.utilities.lib.line_integral_convolution \
+     import line_integral_convolution_2d
 import warnings
 from . import _MPL
@@ -2055,3 +2058,120 @@
         return plot
+class LineIntegralConvolutionCallback(PlotCallback):
+    """
+    annotate_line_integral_convolution(field_x, field_y, texture=None,
+                                       kernellen=50., lim=(0.5,0.6),
+                                       cmap='binary', alpha=0.8,
+                                       const_alpha=False):
+    Add the line integral convolution to the plot for vector fields 
+    visualization. Two component of vector fields needed to be provided
+    (i.e., velocity_x and velocity_y, magentic_field_x and magnetic_field_y).
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    field_x, field_y : string
+        The names of two components of vector field which will be visualized
+    texture : 2-d array with the same shape of image, optional
+        Texture will be convolved when computing line integral convolution.
+        A white noise background will be used as default.
+    kernellen : float, optional
+        The lens of kernel for convolution, which is the length over which the
+        convolution will be performed. For longer kernellen, longer streamline
+        structure will appear.
+    lim : 2-element tuple, list, or array, optional
+        The value of line integral convolution will be clipped to the range
+        of lim, which applies upper and lower bounds to the values of line
+        integral convolution and enhance the visibility of plots. Each element
+        should be in the range of [0,1].
+    cmap : string, optional
+        The name of colormap for line integral convolution plot.
+    alpha : float, optional
+        The alpha value for line integral convolution plot.
+    const_alpha : boolean, optional
+        If set to False (by default), alpha will be weighted spatially by
+        the values of line integral convolution; otherwise a constant value
+        of the given alpha is used.
+    Example
+    -------
+    >>> import yt
+    >>> ds = yt.load('Enzo_64/DD0020/data0020')
+    >>> s = yt.SlicePlot(ds, 'z', 'density')
+    >>> s.annotate_line_integral_convolution('velocity_x', 'velocity_y',\
+                                             lim=(0.5,0.65))
+    """
+    _type_name = "line_integral_convolution"
+    def __init__(self, field_x, field_y, texture=None, kernellen=50.,
+                 lim=(0.5,0.6), cmap='binary', alpha=0.8, const_alpha=False):
+        PlotCallback.__init__(self)
+        self.field_x = field_x
+        self.field_y = field_y
+        self.texture = texture
+        self.kernellen = kernellen
+        self.lim = lim
+        self.cmap = cmap
+        self.alpha = alpha
+        self.const_alpha = const_alpha
+    def __call__(self, plot):
+        x0, x1 = plot.xlim
+        y0, y1 = plot.ylim
+        xx0, xx1 = plot._axes.get_xlim()
+        yy0, yy1 = plot._axes.get_ylim()
+        bounds = [x0,x1,y0,y1]
+        extent = [xx0,xx1,yy0,yy1]
+        plot._axes.hold(True)
+        nx = plot.image._A.shape[0]
+        ny = plot.image._A.shape[1]
+        pixX = plot.data.ds.coordinates.pixelize(plot.data.axis,
+                                                 plot.data,
+                                                 self.field_x,
+                                                 bounds,
+                                                 (nx,ny))
+        pixY = plot.data.ds.coordinates.pixelize(plot.data.axis,
+                                                 plot.data,
+                                                 self.field_y,
+                                                 bounds,
+                                                 (nx,ny))
+        vectors = np.concatenate((pixX[...,np.newaxis],
+                                  pixY[...,np.newaxis]),axis=2)
+        if self.texture == None:
+            self.texture = np.random.rand(nx,ny).astype(np.double)
+        elif self.texture.shape != (nx,ny):
+            raise SyntaxError("'texture' must have the same shape "
+                              "with that of output image (%d, %d)" % (nx,ny))
+        kernel = np.sin(np.arange(self.kernellen)*np.pi/self.kernellen)
+        kernel = kernel.astype(np.double)
+        lic_data = line_integral_convolution_2d(vectors,self.texture,kernel)
+        lic_data = np.flipud(lic_data / lic_data.max())
+        lic_data_clip = np.clip(lic_data,self.lim[0],self.lim[1])
+        if self.const_alpha:
+            plot._axes.imshow(lic_data_clip, extent=extent, cmap=self.cmap, 
+                              alpha=self.alpha)
+        else:
+            lic_data_rgba = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=None, cmap=self.cmap).\
+                            to_rgba(lic_data_clip)
+            lic_data_clip_rescale = (lic_data_clip - self.lim[0]) \
+                                    / (self.lim[1] - self.lim[0])
+            lic_data_rgba[...,3] = lic_data_clip_rescale * self.alpha
+            plot._axes.imshow(lic_data_rgba, extent=extent)
+        plot._axes.hold(False)
+        return plot

diff -r 1e76952e015dfb14db5d97333c182edc658d4aaa -r 98b9f2c2d791d921eccc8e2edc419d863eb14650 yt/visualization/tests/test_callbacks.py
--- a/yt/visualization/tests/test_callbacks.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/tests/test_callbacks.py
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 #  X scale
 #    material_boundary
 #  X ray
+#  X line_integral_convolution
 def _cleanup_fname():
@@ -326,3 +327,25 @@
             max_level=3, cmap="gist_stern")
+def test_line_integral_convolution_callback():
+    with _cleanup_fname() as prefix:
+        ds = fake_amr_ds(fields =
+            ("density", "velocity_x", "velocity_y", "velocity_z"))
+        for ax in 'xyz':
+            p = ProjectionPlot(ds, ax, "density")
+            p.annotate_line_integral_convolution("velocity_x", "velocity_y")
+            yield assert_fname, p.save(prefix)[0]
+            p = ProjectionPlot(ds, ax, "density", weight_field="density")
+            p.annotate_line_integral_convolution("velocity_x", "velocity_y")
+            yield assert_fname, p.save(prefix)[0]
+            p = SlicePlot(ds, ax, "density")
+            p.annotate_line_integral_convolution("velocity_x", "velocity_y")
+            yield assert_fname, p.save(prefix)[0]
+        # Now we'll check a few additional minor things
+        p = SlicePlot(ds, "x", "density")
+        p.annotate_line_integral_convolution("velocity_x", "velocity_y", 
+                                             kernellen=100., lim=(0.4,0.7),
+                                             cmap='algae', alpha=0.9,
+                                             const_alpha=True)
+        p.save(prefix)

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