[yt-svn] commit/yt: 3 new changesets

commits-noreply at bitbucket.org commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Tue Apr 15 07:50:39 PDT 2014

3 new commits in yt:

Changeset:   5424a1e92573
Branch:      yt-3.0
User:        MatthewTurk
Date:        2014-04-15 16:12:39
Summary:     Removing obsolete callbacks.
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r ccc6fa58a190eae2451ea7cf813ecee94e38ca61 -r 5424a1e925736f967fcf62eae07e2c86560a544e yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
--- a/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
@@ -523,66 +523,6 @@
     if good_u is None : good_u = 'cm'
     return good_u
-class UnitBoundaryCallback(PlotCallback):
-    """
-    Add on a plot indicating where *factor*s of *unit* are shown.
-    Optionally *text_annotate* on the *text_which*-indexed box on display.
-    """
-    _type_name = "units"
-    def __init__(self, unit = "au", factor=4, text_annotate=True, text_which=-2):
-        PlotCallback.__init__(self)
-        self.unit = unit
-        self.factor = factor
-        self.text_annotate = text_annotate
-        self.text_which = -2
-    def __call__(self, plot):
-        x0, x1 = plot.xlim
-        y0, y1 = plot.ylim
-        l, b, width, height = mpl_get_bounds(plot._axes.bbox)
-        xi = x_dict[plot.data.axis]
-        yi = y_dict[plot.data.axis]
-        dx = plot.image._A.shape[0] / (x1-x0)
-        dy = plot.image._A.shape[1] / (y1-y0)
-        center = plot.data.center
-        min_dx = plot.data['pdx'].min()
-        max_dx = plot.data['pdx'].max()
-        w_min_x = 250.0 * min_dx
-        w_max_x = 1.0 / self.factor
-        min_exp_x = np.ceil(np.log10(w_min_x*plot.data.pf[self.unit])
-                           /np.log10(self.factor))
-        max_exp_x = np.floor(np.log10(w_max_x*plot.data.pf[self.unit])
-                            /np.log10(self.factor))
-        n_x = max_exp_x - min_exp_x + 1
-        widths = np.logspace(min_exp_x, max_exp_x, num = n_x, base=self.factor)
-        widths /= plot.data.pf[self.unit]
-        left_edge_px = (center[xi] - widths/2.0 - x0)*dx
-        left_edge_py = (center[yi] - widths/2.0 - y0)*dy
-        right_edge_px = (center[xi] + widths/2.0 - x0)*dx
-        right_edge_py = (center[yi] + widths/2.0 - y0)*dy
-        verts = np.array(
-                [(left_edge_px, left_edge_px, right_edge_px, right_edge_px),
-                 (left_edge_py, right_edge_py, right_edge_py, left_edge_py)])
-        visible =  ( right_edge_px - left_edge_px > 25 ) & \
-                   ( right_edge_px - left_edge_px > 25 ) & \
-                   ( (right_edge_px < width) & (left_edge_px > 0) ) & \
-                   ( (right_edge_py < height) & (left_edge_py > 0) )
-        verts=verts.transpose()[visible,:,:]
-        grid_collection = matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection(
-                verts, facecolors="none",
-                       edgecolors=(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0),
-                       linewidths=2.5)
-        plot._axes.hold(True)
-        plot._axes.add_collection(grid_collection)
-        if self.text_annotate:
-            ti = max(self.text_which, -1*len(widths[visible]))
-            if ti < len(widths[visible]): 
-                w = widths[visible][ti]
-                good_u = get_smallest_appropriate_unit(w, plot.data.pf)
-                w *= plot.data.pf[good_u]
-                plot._axes.annotate("%0.3e %s" % (w,good_u), verts[ti,1,:]+5)
-        plot._axes.hold(False)
 class LinePlotCallback(PlotCallback):
     annotate_line(x, y, plot_args = None)
@@ -980,73 +920,6 @@
-class CoordAxesCallback(PlotCallback):
-    """
-    Creates x and y axes for a VMPlot. In the future, it will
-    attempt to guess the proper units to use.
-    """
-    _type_name = "coord_axes"
-    def __init__(self,unit=None,coords=False):
-        PlotCallback.__init__(self)
-        self.unit = unit
-        self.coords = coords
-    def __call__(self,plot):
-        # 1. find out what the domain is
-        # 2. pick a unit for it
-        # 3. run self._axes.set_xlabel & self._axes.set_ylabel to actually lay things down.
-        # 4. adjust extent information to make sure labels are visable.
-        # put the plot into data coordinates
-        nx,ny = plot.image._A.shape
-        dx = (plot.xlim[1] - plot.xlim[0])/nx
-        dy = (plot.ylim[1] - plot.ylim[0])/ny
-        unit_conversion = plot.pf[plot.im["Unit"]]
-        aspect = (plot.xlim[1]-plot.xlim[0])/(plot.ylim[1]-plot.ylim[0])
-        print "aspect ratio = ", aspect
-        # if coords is False, label axes relative to the center of the
-        # display. if coords is True, label axes with the absolute
-        # coordinates of the region.
-        xcenter = 0.
-        ycenter = 0.
-        if not self.coords:
-            center = plot.data.center
-            if plot.data.axis == 0:
-                xcenter = center[1]
-                ycenter = center[2]
-            elif plot.data.axis == 1:
-                xcenter = center[0]
-                ycenter = center[2]
-            else:
-                xcenter = center[0]
-                ycenter = center[1]
-            xformat_function = lambda a,b: '%7.1e' %((a*dx + plot.xlim[0] - xcenter)*unit_conversion)
-            yformat_function = lambda a,b: '%7.1e' %((a*dy + plot.ylim[0] - ycenter)*unit_conversion)
-        else:
-            xformat_function = lambda a,b: '%7.1e' %((a*dx + plot.xlim[0])*unit_conversion)
-            yformat_function = lambda a,b: '%7.1e' %((a*dy + plot.ylim[0])*unit_conversion)
-        xticker = matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(xformat_function)
-        yticker = matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(yformat_function)
-        plot._axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(xticker)
-        plot._axes.yaxis.set_major_formatter(yticker)
-        xlabel = '%s (%s)' % (axis_labels[plot.data.axis][0],plot.im["Unit"])
-        ylabel = '%s (%s)' % (axis_labels[plot.data.axis][1],plot.im["Unit"])
-        xticksize = nx/4.
-        yticksize = ny/4.
-        plot._axes.xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.FixedLocator([i*xticksize for i in range(0,5)]))
-        plot._axes.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.FixedLocator([i*yticksize for i in range(0,5)]))
-        plot._axes.set_xlabel(xlabel,visible=True)
-        plot._axes.set_ylabel(ylabel,visible=True)
-        plot._figure.subplots_adjust(left=0.1,right=0.8)
 class TextLabelCallback(PlotCallback):
     annotate_text(pos, text, data_coords=False, text_args = None)

Changeset:   0f6e889a4e0e
Branch:      yt-3.0
User:        MatthewTurk
Date:        2014-04-15 16:13:33
Summary:     Removing hierarchy_subset, and with it, a TMBG easter egg.
Affected #:  7 files

diff -r 5424a1e925736f967fcf62eae07e2c86560a544e -r 0f6e889a4e0e239458e78372227475fd609c21e2 doc/source/reference/api/api.rst
--- a/doc/source/reference/api/api.rst
+++ b/doc/source/reference/api/api.rst
@@ -709,8 +709,6 @@
-   ~yt.analysis_modules.hierarchy_subset.hierarchy_subset.ConstructedRootGrid
-   ~yt.analysis_modules.hierarchy_subset.hierarchy_subset.ExtractedHierarchy
 Testing Infrastructure

diff -r 5424a1e925736f967fcf62eae07e2c86560a544e -r 0f6e889a4e0e239458e78372227475fd609c21e2 yt/analysis_modules/api.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/api.py
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/api.py
@@ -63,12 +63,6 @@
     HaloProfiler, \
-from .hierarchy_subset.api import \
-    ConstructedRootGrid, \
-    AMRExtractedGridProxy, \
-    ExtractedHierarchy, \
-    ExtractedParameterFile
 from .level_sets.api import \
     identify_contours, \
     Clump, \

diff -r 5424a1e925736f967fcf62eae07e2c86560a544e -r 0f6e889a4e0e239458e78372227475fd609c21e2 yt/analysis_modules/hierarchy_subset/api.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/hierarchy_subset/api.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-API for hierarchy_subset
-# Copyright (c) 2013, yt Development Team.
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
-# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
-from .hierarchy_subset import \
-    ConstructedRootGrid, \
-    AMRExtractedGridProxy, \
-    ExtractedHierarchy, \
-    ExtractedParameterFile

diff -r 5424a1e925736f967fcf62eae07e2c86560a544e -r 0f6e889a4e0e239458e78372227475fd609c21e2 yt/analysis_modules/hierarchy_subset/hierarchy_subset.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/hierarchy_subset/hierarchy_subset.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-A means of extracting a subset of the index
-# Copyright (c) 2013, yt Development Team.
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
-# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
-import h5py, os.path
-import numpy as np
-from yt.funcs import *
-from yt.data_objects.data_containers import YTFieldData
-from yt.data_objects.grid_patch import \
-    AMRGridPatch
-from yt.data_objects.static_output import \
-    Dataset
-from yt.geometry.grid_geometry_handler import \
-    GridIndex
-class DummyHierarchy(object):
-    pass
-class ConstructedRootGrid(AMRGridPatch):
-    __slots__ = ['base_grid', 'id', 'base_pf']
-    _id_offset = 1
-    def __init__(self, base_pf, pf, index, level, left_edge, right_edge):
-        """
-        This is a fake root grid, constructed by creating a
-        :class:`yt.data_objects.api.CoveringGridBase` at a given *level* between
-        *left_edge* and *right_edge*.
-        """
-        self.pf = pf
-        self.base_pf = base_pf
-        self.field_parameters = {}
-        self.NumberOfParticles = 0
-        self.id = 1
-        self.index = index
-        self._child_mask = self._child_indices = self._child_index_mask = None
-        self.Level = level
-        self.LeftEdge = left_edge
-        self.RightEdge = right_edge
-        self.start_index = np.min([grid.get_global_startindex() for grid in
-                             base_pf.h.select_grids(level)], axis=0).astype('int64')
-        self.dds = base_pf.h.select_grids(level)[0].dds.copy()
-        dims = (self.RightEdge-self.LeftEdge)/self.dds
-        self.ActiveDimensions = dims
-        print "Constructing base grid of size %s" % (self.ActiveDimensions)
-        self.base_grid = base_pf.smoothed_covering_grid(level, self.LeftEdge,
-                        self.RightEdge, dims=dims)
-        self.base_grid.Level = self.base_grid.level
-        self.field_data = YTFieldData()
-        #self._calculate_child_masks()
-        self.Parent = None
-        self.Children = []
-    def get_vertex_centered_data(self, field, smoothed=True):
-        vc = self.base_pf.smoothed_covering_grid(self.base_grid.Level,
-                self.base_grid.LeftEdge - self.base_grid.dds*0.5,
-                self.base_grid.RightEdge + self.base_grid.dds*0.5,
-                dims = self.ActiveDimensions + 1)
-        return vc[field]
-class AMRExtractedGridProxy(AMRGridPatch):
-    __slots__ = ['base_grid']
-    _id_offset = 1
-    def __init__(self, grid_id, base_grid, index):
-        # We make a little birdhouse in our soul for the base_grid
-        # (they're the only bee in our bonnet!)
-        self.base_grid = base_grid
-        AMRGridPatch.__init__(self, grid_id, filename = None, index=index)
-        self.Parent = None
-        self.Children = []
-        self.Level = -1
-    def get_vertex_centered_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        return self.base_grid.get_vertex_centered_data(*args, **kwargs)
-class OldExtractedHierarchy(object):
-    def __init__(self, pf, min_level, max_level = -1, offset = None,
-                 always_copy=False):
-        """
-        This is a class that extracts a index from another index,
-        filling in regions as necessary.  It accepts a parameter file (*pf*), a
-        *min_level*, a *max_level*, and alternately an *offset*.  This class is
-        typically or exclusively used to extract for the purposes of visualization.
-        """
-        self.pf = pf
-        self.always_copy = always_copy
-        self.min_level = min_level
-        self.int_offset = np.min([grid.get_global_startindex() for grid in
-                             pf.h.select_grids(min_level)], axis=0).astype('float64')
-        min_left = np.min([grid.LeftEdge for grid in
-                           pf.h.select_grids(min_level)], axis=0).astype('float64')
-        max_right = np.max([grid.RightEdge for grid in 
-                                   pf.h.select_grids(min_level)], axis=0).astype('float64')
-        if offset is None: offset = (max_right + min_left)/2.0
-        self.left_edge_offset = offset
-        self.mult_factor = 2**min_level
-        self.min_left_edge = self._convert_coords(min_left)
-        self.max_right_edge = self._convert_coords(max_right)
-        if max_level == -1: max_level = pf.h.max_level
-        self.max_level = min(max_level, pf.h.max_level)
-        self.final_level = self.max_level - self.min_level
-        if len(self.pf.h.select_grids(self.min_level)) > 0:
-            self._base_grid = ConstructedRootGrid(self.pf, self.min_level,
-                               min_left, max_right)
-        else: self._base_grid = None
-    def select_level(self, level):
-        if level == 0 and self._base_grid is not None:
-            return [self._base_grid]
-        return self.pf.h.select_grids(self.min_level + level)
-    def export_output(self, afile, n, field):
-        # I prefer dict access, but tables doesn't.
-        # But h5py does!
-        time_node = afile.create_group("/time-%s" % n)
-        time_node.attrs['time'] = self.pf.current_time
-        time_node.attrs['numLevels'] = self.pf.h.max_level+1-self.min_level
-        # Can take a while, so let's get a progressbar
-        self._export_all_levels(afile, time_node, field)
-    def _export_all_levels(self, afile, time_node, field):
-        pbar = yt.funcs.get_pbar("Exporting levels", self.final_level+1)
-        for i,grid_set in enumerate(self.get_levels()):
-            pbar.update(i)
-            self.export_level(afile, time_node, i, field, grid_set)
-        pbar.finish()
-    def export_level(self, afile, time_node, level, field, grids = None):
-        level_node = afile.create_group("%s/level-%s" % (time_node,level))
-        # Grid objects on this level...
-        if grids is None: grids = self.pf.h.select_grids(level+self.min_level)
-        level_node.attrs['delta'] = grids[0].dds*self.mult_factor
-        level_node.attrs['relativeRefinementFactor'] = np.array([2]*3, dtype='int32')
-        level_node.attrs['numGrids'] = len(grids)
-        for i,g in enumerate(grids):
-            self.export_grid(afile, level_node, g, i, field)
-    def _convert_grid(self, grid):
-        int_origin = (grid.get_global_startindex() \
-                    - self.int_offset*2**(grid.Level-self.min_level)).astype('int64')
-        level_int_origin = (grid.LeftEdge - self.left_edge_offset)/grid.dds
-        origin = self._convert_coords(grid.LeftEdge)
-        dds = grid.dds * self.mult_factor
-        return int_origin, level_int_origin, origin, dds
-    def export_grid(self, afile, level_node, grid, i, field):
-        grid_node = afile.create_group("%s/grid-%s" % (level_node,i))
-        int_origin, lint, origin, dds = self._convert_grid(grid)
-        grid_node.attrs['integerOrigin'] = int_origin
-        grid_node.attrs['origin'] = origin
-        grid_node.attrs['ghostzoneFlags'] = np.zeros(6, dtype='int32')
-        grid_node.attrs['numGhostzones'] = np.zeros(3, dtype='int32')
-        grid_node.attrs['dims'] = grid.ActiveDimensions[::-1].astype('int32')
-        if not self.always_copy and self.pf.h.dataset_type == 6 \
-           and field in self.pf.field_list:
-            if grid.index.dataset_type == -1: # constructed grid
-                # if we can get conversion in amira we won't need to do this
-                ff = grid[field].astype('float32')
-                ff /= self.pf.conversion_factors.get(field, 1.0)
-                afile.create_dataset("%s/grid-data" % grid_node, data=ff.swapaxes(0,2))
-            else:
-                tfn = os.path.abspath(afile.filename)
-                gfn = os.path.abspath(grid.filename)
-                fpn = os.path.commonprefix([tfn, grid.filename])
-                fn = grid.filename[len(os.path.commonprefix([tfn, grid.filename])):]
-                grid_node.attrs['referenceFileName'] = fn
-                grid_node.attrs['referenceDataPath'] = \
-                    "/Grid%08i/%s" % (grid.id, field)
-        else:
-            # Export our array
-            afile.create_dataset("%s/grid-data" % grid_node, 
-                                 data = grid[field].astype('float32').swapaxes(0,2))
-    def _convert_coords(self, val):
-        return (val - self.left_edge_offset)*self.mult_factor
-class ExtractedHierarchy(GridIndex):
-    grid = AMRExtractedGridProxy
-    def __init__(self, pf, dataset_type):
-        # First we set up our translation between original and extracted
-        self.dataset_type = dataset_type
-        self.min_level = pf.min_level
-        self.int_offset = np.min([grid.get_global_startindex() for grid in
-                           pf.base_pf.h.select_grids(pf.min_level)], axis=0).astype('float64')
-        min_left = np.min([grid.LeftEdge for grid in
-                           pf.base_pf.h.select_grids(pf.min_level)], axis=0).astype('float64')
-        max_right = np.max([grid.RightEdge for grid in 
-                           pf.base_pf.h.select_grids(pf.min_level)], axis=0).astype('float64')
-        level_dx = pf.base_pf.h.select_grids(pf.min_level)[0].dds[0]
-        dims = ((max_right-min_left)/level_dx)
-        max_right += (dims.max() - dims) * level_dx
-        offset = pf.offset
-        if offset is None: offset = min_left
-        self.left_edge_offset = offset
-        pf.offset = offset
-        self.mult_factor = 2**pf.min_level
-        self.min_left_edge = self._convert_coords(min_left)
-        self.max_right_edge = self._convert_coords(max_right)
-        self.min_left, self.max_right = min_left, max_right
-        max_level = pf.max_level
-        if max_level == -1: max_level = pf.base_pf.h.max_level
-        self.max_level = min(max_level, pf.base_pf.h.max_level)
-        self.final_level = self.max_level - self.min_level
-        # Now we utilize the existing machinery for generating the appropriate
-        # arrays of grids, etc etc.
-        self.base_pf = pf.base_pf
-        GridIndex.__init__(self, pf, dataset_type)
-        # Now a few cleanups
-        self.pf.override["DomainRightEdge"] = self.max_right_edge
-        self.pf.override["DomainLeftEdge"] = self.min_left_edge
-        for u,v in self.base_pf.units.items():
-            self.pf.override[u] = v / self.mult_factor
-        self.pf.override['unitary'] = 1.0 / (self.pf.domain_right_edge -
-                                             self.pf.domain_left_edge).max()
-    def _count_grids(self):
-        self.num_grids = 1 + sum( ( # 1 is the base grid
-            len(self.base_pf.h.select_grids(level)) 
-                for level in range(self.min_level+1, self.max_level)) )
-    def _parse_index(self):
-        # Here we need to set up the grid info, which for the Enzo index
-        # is done like:
-        # self.grid_dimensions.flat[:] = ei
-        # self.grid_dimensions -= np.array(si, self.float_type)
-        # self.grid_dimensions += 1
-        # self.grid_left_edge.flat[:] = LE
-        # self.grid_right_edge.flat[:] = RE
-        # self.grid_particle_count.flat[:] = np
-        # self.grids = np.array(self.grids, dtype='object')
-        #
-        # For now, we make the presupposition that all of our grids are
-        # strictly nested and we are not doing any cuts.  However, we do
-        # construct a root grid!
-        root_level_grids = self.base_pf.h.select_grids(self.min_level)
-        base_grid = ConstructedRootGrid(self.base_pf, self.pf, self,
-                        self.min_level, self.min_left, self.max_right)
-        self._fill_grid_arrays(base_grid, 0)
-        grids = [base_grid]
-        # We need to ensure we have the correct parentage relationships
-        # However, we want the parent/child to be to the new proxy grids
-        # so we need to map between the old ids and the new ids
-        self.id_map = {}
-        grid_id = 2 # id 0 is the base grid
-        for level in range(self.min_level+1, self.max_level):
-            for grid in self.base_pf.h.select_grids(level):
-                # This next little bit will have to be changed if we ever move to
-                # not-strictly-nested AMR hierarchies
-                parent = self.id_map.get(grid.Parent.id, base_grid)
-                grids.append(self.grid(grid_id, grid, self))
-                parent.Children.append(grids[-1])
-                grids[-1].Parent = parent
-                self.id_map[grid.id] = grids[-1]
-                # Now we fill in our arrays of values -- note that we
-                # are filling in values from the base grids, not the newly
-                # extracted grids.  We will perform bulk changes after we
-                # finish.
-                self._fill_grid_arrays(grid, grid_id-1)
-                grid_id += 1
-        self.grid_left_edge = self._convert_coords(self.grid_left_edge)
-        self.grid_right_edge = self._convert_coords(self.grid_right_edge)
-        self.grids = np.array(grids, dtype='object')
-    def _fill_grid_arrays(self, grid, i):
-        # This just fills in the grid arrays for a single grid --
-        # note that we presuppose here that we are being handed a grid object
-        # that has these defined; this means we are being handed the *base*
-        # grid, not the newly extracted one
-        self.grid_dimensions[i,:] = grid.ActiveDimensions
-        self.grid_left_edge[i,:] = grid.LeftEdge
-        self.grid_right_edge[i,:] = grid.RightEdge
-        self.grid_particle_count[i] = grid.NumberOfParticles
-    def _populate_grid_objects(self):
-        for grid in self.grids:
-            grid.Level = grid.base_grid.Level - self.pf.min_level
-            grid._prepare_grid()
-            grid._setup_dx()
-            grid.start_index = None
-        self.max_level -= self.pf.min_level
-        print "New max level:", self.max_level
-    def _convert_coords(self, val):
-        return (val - self.left_edge_offset)*self.mult_factor
-    def _detect_output_fields(self):
-        self.field_list = self.base_pf.field_list[:]
-    def _setup_unknown_fields(self):
-        pass # Done in the base_h
-    def _setup_derived_fields(self):
-        self.derived_field_list = self.base_pf.derived_field_list[:]
-    def _initialize_data_storage(self):
-        self._data_file = None
-class ExtractedParameterFile(Dataset):
-    _index_class = ExtractedHierarchy
-    dataset_type = "extracted"
-    def __init__(self, base_pf, min_level, max_level = -1, offset = None):
-        self.base_pf = base_pf
-        self.min_level = min_level
-        self.max_level = max_level
-        self.offset = offset
-        self.override = {}
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "extracted_%s" % self.base_pf
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        # This won't get called if 'name' is found already
-        # and we'd like it to raise AttributeError if it's not anywhere
-        if name in ['h', 'index']:
-            return Dataset._get_index(self)
-        return getattr(self.base_pf, name)
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        if key not in self.override:
-            return self.base_pf[key]
-        return self.override[key]

diff -r 5424a1e925736f967fcf62eae07e2c86560a544e -r 0f6e889a4e0e239458e78372227475fd609c21e2 yt/analysis_modules/hierarchy_subset/setup.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/hierarchy_subset/setup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import setuptools
-import os
-import sys
-import os.path
-def configuration(parent_package='', top_path=None):
-    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
-    config = Configuration('hierarchy_subset', parent_package, top_path)
-    config.make_config_py()  # installs __config__.py
-    #config.make_svn_version_py()
-    return config

diff -r 5424a1e925736f967fcf62eae07e2c86560a544e -r 0f6e889a4e0e239458e78372227475fd609c21e2 yt/analysis_modules/setup.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/setup.py
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/setup.py
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
-    config.add_subpackage("hierarchy_subset")

Changeset:   8c3d54b7ef01
Branch:      yt-3.0
User:        MatthewTurk
Date:        2014-04-15 16:17:35
Summary:     Fixing error if astropy not installed.
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 0f6e889a4e0e239458e78372227475fd609c21e2 -r 8c3d54b7ef018f70667fa928f34208cd13f5dbf7 yt/analysis_modules/sunyaev_zeldovich/projection.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/sunyaev_zeldovich/projection.py
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/sunyaev_zeldovich/projection.py
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 from yt.utilities.physical_constants import sigma_thompson, clight, hcgs, kboltz, mh, Tcmb
-from yt.utilities.fits_image import FITSImageBuffer
 from yt.fields.local_fields import add_field, derived_field
 from yt.data_objects.image_array import ImageArray
 from yt.funcs import fix_axis, mylog, iterable, get_pbar
@@ -320,6 +319,7 @@
             units = "deg"
             deltas *= sky_scale
+        from yt.utilities.fits_image import FITSImageBuffer
         fib = FITSImageBuffer(self.data, fields=self.data.keys(),
                               center=center, units=units,

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