[yt-svn] commit/yt: MatthewTurk: Merged in brittonsmith/yt/yt-3.0 (pull request #833)

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Sat Apr 19 04:59:13 PDT 2014

1 new commit in yt:

Changeset:   6a60b95383d0
Branch:      yt-3.0
User:        MatthewTurk
Date:        2014-04-19 13:59:06
Summary:     Merged in brittonsmith/yt/yt-3.0 (pull request #833)

Adding Halo Finder Registry and Subhalo Filter
Affected #:  6 files

diff -r 7de0dd178c22e32b843a58494d5bd6b1ffc2112c -r 6a60b95383d0ec478a532354de02dac6a62451d8 yt/analysis_modules/halo_analysis/api.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/halo_analysis/api.py
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/halo_analysis/api.py
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
 from .halo_callbacks import \
+from .halo_finding_methods import \
+     add_finding_method
 from .halo_filters import \

diff -r 7de0dd178c22e32b843a58494d5bd6b1ffc2112c -r 6a60b95383d0ec478a532354de02dac6a62451d8 yt/analysis_modules/halo_analysis/finding_methods.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/halo_analysis/finding_methods.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Halo Finding methods
-# Copyright (c) 2013, yt Development Team.
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
-# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
-from .operator_registry import \
-    hf_registry
-class HaloFindingMethod(object):
-    pass

diff -r 7de0dd178c22e32b843a58494d5bd6b1ffc2112c -r 6a60b95383d0ec478a532354de02dac6a62451d8 yt/analysis_modules/halo_analysis/halo_catalog.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/halo_analysis/halo_catalog.py
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/halo_analysis/halo_catalog.py
@@ -30,20 +30,9 @@
 from .operator_registry import \
      callback_registry, \
      filter_registry, \
-     hf_registry, \
+     finding_method_registry, \
-from yt.analysis_modules.halo_finding.halo_objects import \
-    FOFHaloFinder, HOPHaloFinder
-from yt.frontends.halo_catalogs.halo_catalog.data_structures import \
-    HaloCatalogDataset
-from yt.frontends.stream.data_structures import \
-    load_particles
-from yt.frontends.halo_catalogs.rockstar.data_structures import \
-    RockstarDataset
-from yt.analysis_modules.halo_finding.rockstar.api import \
-    RockstarHaloFinder
 class HaloCatalog(ParallelAnalysisInterface):
     r"""Create a HaloCatalog: an object that allows for the creation and association
     of data with a set of halo objects.
@@ -103,7 +92,7 @@
     See Also
-    add_callback, add_filter, add_quantity
+    add_callback, add_filter, add_finding_method, add_quantity
@@ -113,7 +102,6 @@
         self.halos_pf = halos_pf
         self.data_pf = data_pf
-        self.finder_method = finder_method
         self.output_dir = ensure_dir(output_dir)
         if os.path.basename(self.output_dir) != ".":
             self.output_prefix = os.path.basename(self.output_dir)
@@ -133,6 +121,10 @@
                 data_source = data_pf.h.all_data()
         self.data_source = data_source
+        if finder_method is not None:
+            finder_method = finding_method_registry.find(finder_method)
+        self.finder_method = finder_method            
         # all of the analysis actions to be performed: callbacks, filters, and quantities
         self.actions = []
         # fields to be written to the halo catalog
@@ -358,16 +350,14 @@
         if self.halos_pf is None:
             # Find the halos and make a dataset of them
-            particles_pf = self.find_halos()
+            self.halos_pf = self.finder_method(self.data_pf)
             # Assign pf and data sources appropriately
-            self.halos_pf = particles_pf
-            self.data_source = particles_pf.all_data()
+            self.data_source = self.halos_pf.all_data()
             # Add all of the default quantities that all halos must have
         my_index = np.argsort(self.data_source["particle_identifier"])
         for i in parallel_objects(my_index, njobs=njobs, dynamic=dynamic):
             new_halo = Halo(self)
@@ -400,80 +390,6 @@
         if save_catalog:
-    def find_halos(self):
-        finder_method = (self.finder_method).lower()
-        if finder_method == "hop":
-            halo_list = HOPHaloFinder(self.data_pf)
-            halos_pf = self._parse_old_halo_list(halo_list)
-        elif finder_method == "fof":
-            halo_list = FOFHaloFinder(self.data_pf)
-            halos_pf = self._parse_old_halo_list(halo_list)
-        elif finder_method == 'rockstar':
-            rh = RockstarHaloFinder(self.data_pf, 
-                outbase='{0}/rockstar_halos'.format(self.output_prefix))
-            rh.run()
-            halos_pf = RockstarDataset('{0}/rockstar_halos/halos_0.0.bin'.format(self.output_prefix))
-            halos_pf.create_field_info()
-        else:
-            raise RuntimeError("finder_method must be 'fof', 'hop', or 'rockstar'")
-        for attr in ["current_redshift", "current_time",
-                     "domain_dimensions",
-                     "cosmological_simulation", "omega_lambda",
-                     "omega_matter", "hubble_constant"]:
-            attr_val = getattr(self.data_pf, attr)
-            setattr(halos_pf, attr, attr_val)
-        halos_pf.current_time = halos_pf.current_time.in_cgs()
-        return halos_pf
-    def _parse_old_halo_list(self, halo_list):
-        data_pf = self.data_pf
-        num_halos = len(halo_list)
-        # Set up fields that we want to pull from identified halos and their units
-        new_fields = ['particle_identifier', 'particle_mass', 'particle_position_x', 
-            'particle_position_y','particle_position_z',
-            'virial_radius']
-        new_units = [ '', 'g', 'cm', 'cm','cm','cm']
-        # Set up a dictionary based on those fields 
-        # with empty arrays where we will fill in their values
-        halo_properties = { f : (np.zeros(num_halos),unit) \
-            for f, unit in zip(new_fields,new_units)}
-        # Iterate through the halos pulling out their positions and virial quantities
-        # and filling in the properties dictionary
-        for i,halo in enumerate(halo_list):
-            halo_properties['particle_identifier'][0][i] = i
-            halo_properties['particle_mass'][0][i] = halo.virial_mass().in_cgs()
-            halo_properties['virial_radius'][0][i] = halo.virial_radius().in_cgs()
-            com = halo.center_of_mass().in_cgs()
-            halo_properties['particle_position_x'][0][i] = com[0]
-            halo_properties['particle_position_y'][0][i] = com[1]
-            halo_properties['particle_position_z'][0][i] = com[2]
-        # Define a bounding box based on original data pf
-        bbox = np.array([data_pf.domain_left_edge.in_cgs(),
-                data_pf.domain_right_edge.in_cgs()]).T
-        # Create a pf with the halos as particles
-        particle_pf = load_particles(halo_properties, 
-                bbox=bbox, length_unit = 1, mass_unit=1)
-        # Create the field info dictionary so we can reference those fields
-        particle_pf.create_field_info()
-        return particle_pf
     def save_catalog(self):
         "Write out hdf5 file with all halo quantities."
@@ -513,4 +429,3 @@
         self.add_quantity("particle_position_z", field_type=field_type)
         self.add_quantity("virial_radius", field_type=field_type)

diff -r 7de0dd178c22e32b843a58494d5bd6b1ffc2112c -r 6a60b95383d0ec478a532354de02dac6a62451d8 yt/analysis_modules/halo_analysis/halo_filters.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/halo_analysis/halo_filters.py
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/halo_analysis/halo_filters.py
@@ -13,6 +13,10 @@
 # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+import numpy as np
+from yt.utilities.spatial import KDTree
 from .halo_callbacks import HaloCallback
 from .operator_registry import filter_registry
@@ -58,3 +62,44 @@
     return eval("%s %s %s" % (h_value, operator, value))
 add_filter("quantity_value", quantity_value)
+def _not_subhalo(halo, field_type="halos"):
+    """
+    Only return true if this halo is not a subhalo.
+    This is used for halo finders such as Rockstar that output parent
+    and subhalos together.
+    """
+    if not hasattr(halo.halo_catalog, "parent_dict"):
+        halo.halo_catalog.parent_dict = \
+          create_parent_dict(halo.halo_catalog.data_source, ptype=field_type)
+    return halo.halo_catalog.parent_dict[int(halo.quantities["particle_identifier"])] == -1
+add_filter("not_subhalo", _not_subhalo)
+def create_parent_dict(data_source, ptype="halos"):
+    """
+    Create a dictionary of halo parents to allow for filtering of subhalos.
+    For a pair of halos whose distance is smaller than the radius of at least 
+    one of the halos, the parent is defined as the halo with the larger radius.
+    Parent halos (halos with no parents of their own) have parent index values of -1.
+    """
+    pos = np.rollaxis(
+        np.array([data_source[ptype, "particle_position_x"].in_units("Mpc"),
+                  data_source[ptype, "particle_position_y"].in_units("Mpc"),
+                  data_source[ptype, "particle_position_z"].in_units("Mpc")]), 1)
+    rad = data_source[ptype, "virial_radius"].in_units("Mpc").to_ndarray()
+    ids = data_source[ptype, "particle_identifier"].to_ndarray().astype("int")
+    parents = -1 * np.ones_like(ids, dtype="int")
+    my_tree = KDTree(pos)
+    for i in xrange(ids.size):
+        neighbors = np.array(
+            my_tree.query_ball_point(pos[i], rad[i], p=2))
+        if neighbors.size > 1:
+            parents[neighbors] = ids[neighbors[np.argmax(rad[neighbors])]]
+    parents[ids == parents] = -1
+    parent_dict = dict(zip(ids, parents))
+    return parent_dict

diff -r 7de0dd178c22e32b843a58494d5bd6b1ffc2112c -r 6a60b95383d0ec478a532354de02dac6a62451d8 yt/analysis_modules/halo_analysis/halo_finding_methods.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/halo_analysis/halo_finding_methods.py
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+Halo Finding methods
+# Copyright (c) 2013, yt Development Team.
+# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+import numpy as np
+from yt.analysis_modules.halo_finding.halo_objects import \
+    FOFHaloFinder, HOPHaloFinder
+from yt.frontends.halo_catalogs.halo_catalog.data_structures import \
+    HaloCatalogDataset
+from yt.frontends.stream.data_structures import \
+    load_particles
+from .operator_registry import \
+    finding_method_registry
+def add_finding_method(name, function):
+    finding_method_registry[name] = HaloFindingMethod(function)
+class HaloFindingMethod(object):
+    r"""
+    A halo finding method is a callback that performs halo finding on a 
+    dataset and returns a new dataset that is the loaded halo finder output.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, function, args=None, kwargs=None):
+        self.function = function
+        self.args = args
+        if self.args is None: self.args = []
+        self.kwargs = kwargs
+        if self.kwargs is None: self.kwargs = {}
+    def __call__(self, ds):
+        return self.function(ds, *self.args, **self.kwargs)
+def _hop_method(pf):
+    r"""
+    Run the Hop halo finding method.
+    """
+    halo_list = HOPHaloFinder(pf)
+    halos_pf = _parse_old_halo_list(pf, halo_list)
+    return halos_pf
+add_finding_method("hop", _hop_method)
+def _fof_method(pf):
+    r"""
+    Run the FoF halo finding method.
+    """
+    halo_list = FOFHaloFinder(pf)
+    halos_pf = _parse_old_halo_list(pf, halo_list)
+    return halos_pf
+add_finding_method("fof", _fof_method)
+def _rockstar_method(pf):
+    r"""
+    Run the Rockstar halo finding method.
+    """
+    from yt.frontends.halo_catalogs.rockstar.data_structures import \
+     RockstarDataset
+    from yt.analysis_modules.halo_finding.rockstar.api import \
+     RockstarHaloFinder
+    rh = RockstarHaloFinder(pf)
+    rh.run()
+    halos_pf = RockstarDataset("rockstar_halos/halos_0.0.bin")
+    halos_pf.create_field_info()
+    return halos_pf
+add_finding_method("rockstar", _rockstar_method)
+def _parse_old_halo_list(data_pf, halo_list):
+    r"""
+    Convert the halo list into a loaded dataset.
+    """
+    num_halos = len(halo_list)
+    # Set up fields that we want to pull from identified halos and their units
+    new_fields = ['particle_identifier', 'particle_mass', 'particle_position_x', 
+        'particle_position_y','particle_position_z',
+        'virial_radius']
+    new_units = [ '', 'g', 'cm', 'cm','cm','cm']
+    # Set up a dictionary based on those fields 
+    # with empty arrays where we will fill in their values
+    halo_properties = { f : (np.zeros(num_halos),unit) \
+        for f, unit in zip(new_fields,new_units)}
+    # Iterate through the halos pulling out their positions and virial quantities
+    # and filling in the properties dictionary
+    for i,halo in enumerate(halo_list):
+        halo_properties['particle_identifier'][0][i] = i
+        halo_properties['particle_mass'][0][i] = halo.virial_mass().in_cgs()
+        halo_properties['virial_radius'][0][i] = halo.virial_radius().in_cgs()
+        com = halo.center_of_mass().in_cgs()
+        halo_properties['particle_position_x'][0][i] = com[0]
+        halo_properties['particle_position_y'][0][i] = com[1]
+        halo_properties['particle_position_z'][0][i] = com[2]
+    # Define a bounding box based on original data pf
+    bbox = np.array([data_pf.domain_left_edge.in_cgs(),
+            data_pf.domain_right_edge.in_cgs()]).T
+    # Create a pf with the halos as particles
+    particle_pf = load_particles(halo_properties, 
+            bbox=bbox, length_unit = 1, mass_unit=1)
+    # Create the field info dictionary so we can reference those fields
+    particle_pf.create_field_info()
+    for attr in ["current_redshift", "current_time",
+                 "domain_dimensions",
+                 "cosmological_simulation", "omega_lambda",
+                 "omega_matter", "hubble_constant"]:
+        attr_val = getattr(data_pf, attr)
+        setattr(particle_pf, attr, attr_val)
+    particle_pf.current_time = particle_pf.current_time.in_cgs()
+    return particle_pf

diff -r 7de0dd178c22e32b843a58494d5bd6b1ffc2112c -r 6a60b95383d0ec478a532354de02dac6a62451d8 yt/analysis_modules/halo_analysis/operator_registry.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/halo_analysis/operator_registry.py
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/halo_analysis/operator_registry.py
@@ -27,5 +27,5 @@
 callback_registry = OperatorRegistry()
 filter_registry = OperatorRegistry()
-hf_registry = OperatorRegistry()
+finding_method_registry = OperatorRegistry()
 quantity_registry = OperatorRegistry()

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