[yt-svn] commit/yt-3.0: 3 new changesets

commits-noreply at bitbucket.org commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Wed Sep 25 14:39:01 PDT 2013

3 new commits in yt-3.0:

Changeset:   374af9f92c7d
Branch:      yt-3.0
User:        MatthewTurk
Date:        2013-09-18 22:49:58
Summary:     Removing unused functions and unsupported data objects.
Affected #:  2 files

diff -r 97b4dd0e60c14fc770dbcf4c6bfbaff3dac3bb8e -r 374af9f92c7dab96028195b697eab23529361926 yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
@@ -141,50 +141,6 @@
             raise KeyError(field)
-    def _get_data_from_grid(self, grid, field):
-        if self.pf.geometry == "cylindrical":
-            if grid.id in self._masks:
-                mask = self._masks[grid.id] 
-            else:
-                mask = self._get_cut_mask(grid)
-            ts, dts = self._ts[grid.id], self._dts[grid.id]
-        else:
-            mask = np.logical_and(self._get_cut_mask(grid), grid.child_mask)
-            ts, dts = self._ts[grid.id][mask], self._dts[grid.id][mask]
-        if field == 'dts':
-            return dts
-        if field == 't': 
-            return ts
-        gf = grid[field]
-        if not iterable(gf):
-            gf = gf * np.ones(grid.child_mask.shape)
-        return gf[mask]
-    def _get_cut_mask(self, grid):
-        if self.pf.geometry == "cylindrical":
-            _ = clyindrical_ray_trace(self.start_point, self.end_point, 
-                                      grid.LeftEdge, grid.RightEdge)
-            ts, s, rzt, mask = _
-            dts = np.empty(ts.shape, dtype='float64')
-            dts[0], dts[1:] = 0.0, ts[1:] - ts[:-1]
-            grid['r'], grid['z'], grid['theta'] = rzt[:,0], rzt[:,1], rzt[:,2]
-            grid['s'] = s
-        else:
-            mask = np.zeros(grid.ActiveDimensions, dtype='int')
-            dts = np.zeros(grid.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-            ts = np.zeros(grid.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-            VoxelTraversal(mask, ts, dts, grid.LeftEdge, grid.RightEdge,
-                           grid.dds, self.center, self.vec)
-            dts = np.abs(dts) 
-            ts = np.abs(ts)
-        self._dts[grid.id] = dts
-        self._ts[grid.id] = ts
-        self._masks[grid.id] = mask
-        return mask
 class YTSliceBase(YTSelectionContainer2D):
     This is a data object corresponding to a slice through the simulation
@@ -249,10 +205,6 @@
             raise KeyError(field)
-    def _gen_node_name(self):
-        return "%s/%s_%s" % \
-            (self._top_node, self.axis, self.coord)
     def _mrep(self):
         return MinimalSliceData(self)
@@ -520,156 +472,6 @@
         frb = ObliqueFixedResolutionBuffer(self, bounds, resolution)
         return frb
-class YTFixedResCuttingPlaneBase(YTSelectionContainer2D):
-    """
-    The fixed resolution Cutting Plane slices at an oblique angle,
-    where we use the *normal* vector at the *center* to define the
-    viewing plane.  The plane is *width* units wide.  The 'up'
-    direction is guessed at automatically if not given.
-    """
-    _top_node = "/FixedResCuttingPlanes"
-    _type_name = "fixed_res_cutting"
-    _con_args = ('normal', 'center', 'width', 'dims')
-    def __init__(self, normal, center, width, dims, pf = None,
-                 node_name = None, field_parameters = None):
-        #
-        # Taken from Cutting Plane
-        #
-        YTSelectionContainer2D.__init__(self, 4, pf, field_parameters)
-        self._set_center(center)
-        self.width = width
-        self.dims = dims
-        self.dds = self.width / self.dims
-        self.bounds = np.array([0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0])
-        self.set_field_parameter('center', center)
-        # Let's set up our plane equation
-        # ax + by + cz + d = 0
-        self._norm_vec = normal/np.sqrt(np.dot(normal,normal))
-        self._d = -1.0 * np.dot(self._norm_vec, self.center)
-        # First we try all three, see which has the best result:
-        vecs = np.identity(3)
-        _t = np.cross(self._norm_vec, vecs).sum(axis=1)
-        ax = _t.argmax()
-        self._x_vec = np.cross(vecs[ax,:], self._norm_vec).ravel()
-        self._x_vec /= np.sqrt(np.dot(self._x_vec, self._x_vec))
-        self._y_vec = np.cross(self._norm_vec, self._x_vec).ravel()
-        self._y_vec /= np.sqrt(np.dot(self._y_vec, self._y_vec))
-        self._rot_mat = np.array([self._x_vec,self._y_vec,self._norm_vec])
-        self._inv_mat = np.linalg.pinv(self._rot_mat)
-        self.set_field_parameter('cp_x_vec',self._x_vec)
-        self.set_field_parameter('cp_y_vec',self._y_vec)
-        self.set_field_parameter('cp_z_vec',self._norm_vec)
-        # Calculate coordinates of each pixel
-        _co = self.dds * \
-              (np.mgrid[-self.dims/2 : self.dims/2,
-                        -self.dims/2 : self.dims/2] + 0.5)
-        self._coord = self.center + np.outer(_co[0,:,:], self._x_vec) + \
-                      np.outer(_co[1,:,:], self._y_vec)
-        self._pixelmask = np.ones(self.dims*self.dims, dtype='int8')
-        if node_name is not False:
-            if node_name is True: self._deserialize()
-            else: self._deserialize(node_name)
-    @property
-    def normal(self):
-        return self._norm_vec
-    def _get_list_of_grids(self):
-        # Just like the Cutting Plane but restrict the grids to be
-        # within width/2 of the center.
-        vertices = self.hierarchy.gridCorners
-        # Shape = (8,3,n_grid)
-        D = np.sum(self._norm_vec.reshape((1,3,1)) * vertices, axis=1) + self._d
-        valid_grids = np.where(np.logical_not(np.all(D<0,axis=0) |
-                                              np.all(D>0,axis=0) ))[0]
-        # Now restrict these grids to a rect. prism that bounds the slice
-        sliceCorners = np.array([ \
-            self.center + 0.5*self.width * (+self._x_vec + self._y_vec),
-            self.center + 0.5*self.width * (+self._x_vec - self._y_vec),
-            self.center + 0.5*self.width * (-self._x_vec - self._y_vec),
-            self.center + 0.5*self.width * (-self._x_vec + self._y_vec) ])
-        sliceLeftEdge = sliceCorners.min(axis=0)
-        sliceRightEdge = sliceCorners.max(axis=0)
-        # Check for bounding box and grid overlap
-        leftOverlap = np.less(self.hierarchy.gridLeftEdge[valid_grids],
-                              sliceRightEdge).all(axis=1)
-        rightOverlap = np.greater(self.hierarchy.gridRightEdge[valid_grids],
-                                  sliceLeftEdge).all(axis=1)
-        self._grids = self.hierarchy.grids[valid_grids[
-            np.where(leftOverlap & rightOverlap)]]
-        self._grids = self._grids[::-1]
-    def _generate_coords(self):
-        self['px'] = self._coord[:,0].ravel()
-        self['py'] = self._coord[:,1].ravel()
-        self['pz'] = self._coord[:,2].ravel()
-        self['pdx'] = self.dds * 0.5
-        self['pdy'] = self.dds * 0.5
-        #self['pdz'] = self.dds * 0.5
-    def _get_data_from_grid(self, grid, field):
-        if not self.pf.field_info[field].particle_type:
-            pointI = self._get_point_indices(grid)
-            if len(pointI) == 0: return
-            vc = self._calc_vertex_centered_data(grid, field)
-            bds = np.array(zip(grid.LeftEdge,
-                               grid.RightEdge)).ravel()
-            interp = TrilinearFieldInterpolator(vc, bds, ['x', 'y', 'z'])
-            self[field][pointI] = interp( \
-                dict(x=self._coord[pointI,0],
-                     y=self._coord[pointI,1],
-                     z=self._coord[pointI,2])).ravel()
-            # Mark these pixels to speed things up
-            self._pixelmask[pointI] = 0
-            return
-        else:
-            raise SyntaxError("Making a fixed resolution slice with "
-                              "particles isn't supported yet.")
-    def get_data(self, fields):
-        """
-        Iterates over the list of fields and generates/reads them all.
-        """
-        self._get_list_of_grids()
-        if not self.has_key('pdx'):
-            self._generate_coords()
-        fields_to_get = ensure_list(fields)
-        temp_data = {}
-        _size = self.dims * self.dims
-        for field in fields_to_get:
-            if self.field_data.has_key(field): continue
-            if field not in self.hierarchy.field_list:
-                if self._generate_field(field):
-                    continue # A "True" return means we did it
-            self[field] = np.zeros(_size, dtype='float64')
-            for grid in self._get_grids():
-                self._get_data_from_grid(grid, field)
-            self[field] = self.comm.mpi_allreduce(\
-                self[field], op='sum').reshape([self.dims]*2).transpose()
-    def _calc_vertex_centered_data(self, grid, field):
-        #return grid.retrieve_ghost_zones(1, field, smoothed=False)
-        return grid.get_vertex_centered_data(field)
-    def _get_point_indices(self, grid):
-        if self._pixelmask.max() == 0: return []
-        k = planar_points_in_volume(self._coord, self._pixelmask,
-                                    grid.LeftEdge, grid.RightEdge,
-                                    grid.child_mask, just_one(grid['dx']))
-        return k
-    def _gen_node_name(self):
-        cen_name = ("%s" % (self.center,)).replace(" ","_")[1:-1]
-        L_name = ("%s" % self._norm_vec).replace(" ","_")[1:-1]
-        return "%s/c%s_L%s" % \
-            (self._top_node, cen_name, L_name)
 class YTDiskBase(YTSelectionContainer3D):
     By providing a *center*, a *normal*, a *radius* and a *height* we
@@ -687,113 +489,6 @@
         self._radius = fix_length(radius, self.pf)
         self._d = -1.0 * np.dot(self._norm_vec, self.center)
-    def _get_list_of_grids(self):
-        H = np.sum(self._norm_vec.reshape((1,3,1)) * self.pf.h.grid_corners,
-                   axis=1) + self._d
-        D = np.sqrt(np.sum((self.pf.h.grid_corners -
-                           self.center.reshape((1,3,1)))**2.0,axis=1))
-        R = np.sqrt(D**2.0-H**2.0)
-        self._grids = self.hierarchy.grids[
-            ( (np.any(np.abs(H)<self._height,axis=0))
-            & (np.any(R<self._radius,axis=0)
-            & (np.logical_not((np.all(H>0,axis=0) | (np.all(H<0, axis=0)))) )
-            ) ) ]
-        self._grids = self.hierarchy.grids
-    def _is_fully_enclosed(self, grid):
-        corners = grid._corners.reshape((8,3,1))
-        H = np.sum(self._norm_vec.reshape((1,3,1)) * corners,
-                   axis=1) + self._d
-        D = np.sqrt(np.sum((corners -
-                           self.center.reshape((1,3,1)))**2.0,axis=1))
-        R = np.sqrt(D**2.0-H**2.0)
-        return (np.all(np.abs(H) < self._height, axis=0) \
-            and np.all(R < self._radius, axis=0))
-    def _get_cut_mask(self, grid):
-        if self._is_fully_enclosed(grid):
-            return True
-        else:
-            h = grid['x'] * self._norm_vec[0] \
-              + grid['y'] * self._norm_vec[1] \
-              + grid['z'] * self._norm_vec[2] \
-              + self._d
-            d = np.sqrt(
-                (grid['x'] - self.center[0])**2.0
-              + (grid['y'] - self.center[1])**2.0
-              + (grid['z'] - self.center[2])**2.0
-                )
-            r = np.sqrt(d**2.0-h**2.0)
-            cm = ( (np.abs(h) <= self._height)
-                 & (r <= self._radius))
-        return cm
-class YTInclinedBoxBase(YTSelectionContainer3D):
-    """
-    A rectangular prism with arbitrary alignment to the computational
-    domain.  *origin* is the origin of the box, while *box_vectors* is an
-    array of ordering [ax, ijk] that describes the three vectors that
-    describe the box.  No checks are done to ensure that the box satisfies
-    a right-hand rule, but if it doesn't, behavior is undefined.
-    """
-    _type_name="inclined_box"
-    _con_args = ('origin','box_vectors')
-    def __init__(self, origin, box_vectors, fields=None,
-                 pf=None, **kwargs):
-        self.origin = np.array(origin)
-        self.box_vectors = np.array(box_vectors, dtype='float64')
-        self.box_lengths = (self.box_vectors**2.0).sum(axis=1)**0.5
-        center = origin + 0.5*self.box_vectors.sum(axis=0)
-        YTSelectionContainer3D.__init__(self, center, fields, pf, **kwargs)
-        self._setup_rotation_parameters()
-    def _setup_rotation_parameters(self):
-        xv = self.box_vectors[0,:]
-        yv = self.box_vectors[1,:]
-        zv = self.box_vectors[2,:]
-        self._x_vec = xv / np.sqrt(np.dot(xv, xv))
-        self._y_vec = yv / np.sqrt(np.dot(yv, yv))
-        self._z_vec = zv / np.sqrt(np.dot(zv, zv))
-        self._rot_mat = np.array([self._x_vec,self._y_vec,self._z_vec])
-        self._inv_mat = np.linalg.pinv(self._rot_mat)
-    def _get_list_of_grids(self):
-        if self._grids is not None: return
-        GLE = self.pf.h.grid_left_edge
-        GRE = self.pf.h.grid_right_edge
-        goodI = find_grids_in_inclined_box(self.box_vectors, self.center,
-                                           GLE, GRE)
-        cgrids = self.pf.h.grids[goodI.astype('bool')]
-       # find_grids_in_inclined_box seems to be broken.
-        cgrids = self.pf.h.grids[:]
-        grids = []
-        for i,grid in enumerate(cgrids):
-            v = grid_points_in_volume(self.box_lengths, self.origin,
-                                      self._rot_mat, grid.LeftEdge,
-                                      grid.RightEdge, grid.dds,
-                                      grid.child_mask, 1)
-            if v: grids.append(grid)
-        self._grids = np.empty(len(grids), dtype='object')
-        for gi, g in enumerate(grids): self._grids[gi] = g
-    def _is_fully_enclosed(self, grid):
-        # This should be written at some point.
-        # We'd rotate all eight corners into the space of the box, then check to
-        # see if all are enclosed.
-        return False
-    def _get_cut_mask(self, grid):
-        if self._is_fully_enclosed(grid):
-            return True
-        pm = np.zeros(grid.ActiveDimensions, dtype='int32')
-        grid_points_in_volume(self.box_lengths, self.origin,
-                              self._rot_mat, grid.LeftEdge,
-                              grid.RightEdge, grid.dds, pm, 0)
-        return pm
 class YTRegionBase(YTSelectionContainer3D):
     """A 3D region of data with an arbitrary center.

diff -r 97b4dd0e60c14fc770dbcf4c6bfbaff3dac3bb8e -r 374af9f92c7dab96028195b697eab23529361926 yt/visualization/plot_collection.py
--- a/yt/visualization/plot_collection.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/plot_collection.py
@@ -589,99 +589,6 @@
         p["Axis"] = "CuttingPlane"
         return p
-    def add_fixed_res_cutting_plane(self, field, normal, width, res=512,
-             center=None, use_colorbar=True, figure = None, axes = None,
-             fig_size=None, obj=None, field_parameters = None):
-        r"""Create a fixed resolution cutting plane, from that a plot, and add
-        it to the current collection.
-        A cutting plane is an oblique slice through the simulation volume,
-        oriented by a specified normal vector that is perpendicular to the
-        image plane.  This function will slice through, but instead of
-        retaining all the data necessary to rescale the cutting plane at any
-        width, it only retains the pixels for a single width.  This function
-        will generate a `yt.data_objects.api.YTFixedResCuttingPlaneBase` from the given
-        parameters.  This image buffer then gets passed to a
-        `yt.visualization.plot_types.FixedResolutionPlot`, and the resultant plot is added to the
-        current collection.  Various parameters allow control of the way the
-        slice is displayed, as well as how the plane is generated.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        field : string
-            The initial field to slice and display.
-        normal : array_like
-            The vector that defines the desired plane.  For instance, the
-            angular momentum of a sphere.
-        width : float
-            The width, in code units, of the image plane.
-        res : int
-            The returned image buffer must be square; this number is how many
-            pixels on a side it will have.
-        center : array_like, optional
-            The center to be used for things like radius and radial velocity.
-            Defaults to the center of the plot collection.
-        use_colorbar : bool, optional
-            Whether we should leave room for and create a colorbar.
-        figure : `matplotlib.figure.Figure`, optional
-            The figure onto which the axes will be placed.  Typically not used
-            unless *axes* is also specified.
-        axes : `matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional
-            The axes object which will be used to create the image plot.
-            Typically used for things like multiplots and the like.
-        fig_size : tuple of floats
-            This parameter can act as a proxy for the manual creation of a
-            figure.  By specifying it, you can create plots with an arbitrarily
-            large or small size.  It is in inches, defaulting to 100 dpi.
-        obj : `YTCuttingPlaneBase`, optional
-            If you would like to use an existing cutting plane, you may specify
-            it here, in which case a new cutting plane will not be created.
-        field_parameters : dict, optional
-            This set of parameters will be passed to the cutting plane upon
-            creation, which can be used for passing variables to derived
-            fields.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        plot : `yt.visualization.plot_types.FixedResolutionPlot`
-            The plot that has been added to the PlotCollection.
-        See Also
-        --------
-        yt.data_objects.api.YTFixedResCuttingPlaneBase : This is the type created by this
-                                               function.
-        Examples
-        --------
-        Here's a simple mechanism for getting the angular momentum of a
-        collapsing cloud and generating a cutting plane aligned with the
-        angular momentum vector.
-        >>> pf = load("RD0005-mine/RedshiftOutput0005")
-        >>> v, c = pf.h.find_max("Density")
-        >>> sp = pf.h.sphere(c, 1000.0/pf['au'])
-        >>> L = sp.quantities["AngularMomentumVector"]()
-        >>> pc = PlotCollection(pf)
-        >>> p = pc.add_fixed_res_cutting_plane("Density", L, 1000.0/pf['au'])
-        """
-        if center == None:
-            center = self.c
-        if not obj:
-            if field_parameters is None: field_parameters = {}
-            data = self.pf.hierarchy.fixed_res_cutting \
-                 (normal, center, width, res, **field_parameters)
-            #data = frc[field]
-        else:
-            data = obj
-        p = self._add_plot(FixedResolutionPlot(data, field,
-                         use_colorbar=use_colorbar, axes=axes, figure=figure,
-                         size=fig_size))
-        mylog.info("Added fixed-res plane of %s with 'center' = %s and "
-                   "normal = %s", field, list(center), list(normal))
-        p["Axis"] = "CuttingPlane"
-        return p
     def add_projection(self, field, axis,  weight_field=None,
                        data_source = None,
                        center=None, use_colorbar=True,

Changeset:   4ab973491fb1
Branch:      yt-3.0
User:        MatthewTurk
Date:        2013-09-18 23:12:41
Summary:     Refactoring the AMRGridPatch object.

This removes a number of routines that are largely not needed anymore and which
served to create confusion.  I could find no uses of them in the code.

I've also switched one of the camera.py functions (which itself is currently
returning NotImplementedError) to use .blocks instead of a child_mask on a
Affected #:  3 files

diff -r 374af9f92c7dab96028195b697eab23529361926 -r 4ab973491fb1cebf5cc249531680f3eefca35599 yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
         if self.start_index is not None:
             return self.start_index
-        if self.Parent == None:
+        if self.Parent is None:
             left = self.LeftEdge - self.pf.domain_left_edge
             start_index = left / self.dds
             return np.rint(start_index).astype('int64').ravel()
@@ -131,51 +131,6 @@
         if self.pf.dimensionality < 2: self.dds[1] = self.pf.domain_right_edge[1] - self.pf.domain_left_edge[1]
         if self.pf.dimensionality < 3: self.dds[2] = self.pf.domain_right_edge[2] - self.pf.domain_left_edge[2]
-    @property
-    def _corners(self):
-        return np.array([ # Unroll!
-            [self.LeftEdge[0],  self.LeftEdge[1],  self.LeftEdge[2]],
-            [self.RightEdge[0], self.LeftEdge[1],  self.LeftEdge[2]],
-            [self.RightEdge[0], self.RightEdge[1], self.LeftEdge[2]],
-            [self.RightEdge[0], self.RightEdge[1], self.RightEdge[2]],
-            [self.LeftEdge[0],  self.RightEdge[1], self.RightEdge[2]],
-            [self.LeftEdge[0],  self.LeftEdge[1],  self.RightEdge[2]],
-            [self.RightEdge[0], self.LeftEdge[1],  self.RightEdge[2]],
-            [self.LeftEdge[0],  self.RightEdge[1], self.LeftEdge[2]],
-            ], dtype='float64')
-    def _generate_overlap_masks(self, axis, LE, RE):
-        """
-        Generate a mask that shows which cells overlap with arbitrary arrays
-        *LE* and *RE*) of edges, typically grids, along *axis*.
-        Use algorithm described at http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article735.asp
-        """
-        x = x_dict[axis]
-        y = y_dict[axis]
-        cond = self.RightEdge[x] >= LE[:,x]
-        cond = np.logical_and(cond, self.LeftEdge[x] <= RE[:,x])
-        cond = np.logical_and(cond, self.RightEdge[y] >= LE[:,y])
-        cond = np.logical_and(cond, self.LeftEdge[y] <= RE[:,y])
-        return cond
-    def is_in_grid(self, x, y, z) :
-        """
-        Generate a mask that shows which points in *x*, *y*, and *z*
-        fall within this grid's boundaries.
-        """
-        xcond = np.logical_and(x >= self.LeftEdge[0],
-                               x < self.RightEdge[0])
-        ycond = np.logical_and(y >= self.LeftEdge[1],
-                               y < self.RightEdge[1])
-        zcond = np.logical_and(z >= self.LeftEdge[2],
-                               z < self.RightEdge[2])
-        cond = np.logical_and(xcond, ycond)
-        cond = np.logical_and(zcond, cond)
-        return cond
     def __repr__(self):
         return "AMRGridPatch_%04i" % (self.id)
@@ -189,13 +144,8 @@
         super(AMRGridPatch, self).clear_data()
-        self._del_child_mask()
-        self._del_child_indices()
-    def check_child_masks(self):
-        return self._child_mask, self._child_indices
     def _prepare_grid(self):
         """ Copies all the appropriate attributes from the hierarchy. """
         # This is definitely the slowest part of generating the hierarchy
@@ -211,89 +161,12 @@
         #self.Time = h.gridTimes[my_ind,0]
         self.NumberOfParticles = h.grid_particle_count[my_ind, 0]
-    def find_max(self, field):
-        """ Returns value, index of maximum value of *field* in this grid. """
-        coord1d = (self[field] * self.child_mask).argmax()
-        coord = np.unravel_index(coord1d, self[field].shape)
-        val = self[field][coord]
-        return val, coord
-    def find_min(self, field):
-        """ Returns value, index of minimum value of *field* in this grid. """
-        coord1d = (self[field] * self.child_mask).argmin()
-        coord = np.unravel_index(coord1d, self[field].shape)
-        val = self[field][coord]
-        return val, coord
     def get_position(self, index):
         """ Returns center position of an *index*. """
         pos = (index + 0.5) * self.dds + self.LeftEdge
         return pos
-    def clear_all(self):
-        """
-        Clears all datafields from memory and calls
-        :meth:`clear_derived_quantities`.
-        """
-        for key in self.keys():
-            del self.field_data[key]
-        del self.field_data
-        if hasattr(self,"retVal"):
-            del self.retVal
-        self.field_data = YTFieldData()
-        self.clear_derived_quantities()
-        del self.child_mask
-        del self.child_ind
-    def _set_child_mask(self, newCM):
-        if self._child_mask != None:
-            mylog.warning("Overriding child_mask attribute!  This is probably unwise!")
-        self._child_mask = newCM
-    def _set_child_indices(self, newCI):
-        if self._child_indices != None:
-            mylog.warning("Overriding child_indices attribute!  This is probably unwise!")
-        self._child_indices = newCI
-    def _get_child_mask(self):
-        if self._child_mask == None:
-            self.__generate_child_mask()
-        return self._child_mask
-    def _get_child_indices(self):
-        if self._child_indices == None:
-            self.__generate_child_mask()
-        return self._child_indices
-    def _del_child_indices(self):
-        try:
-            del self._child_indices
-        except AttributeError:
-            pass
-        self._child_indices = None
-    def _del_child_mask(self):
-        try:
-            del self._child_mask
-        except AttributeError:
-            pass
-        self._child_mask = None
-    def _get_child_index_mask(self):
-        if self._child_index_mask is None:
-            self.__generate_child_index_mask()
-        return self._child_index_mask
-    def _del_child_index_mask(self):
-        try:
-            del self._child_index_mask
-        except AttributeError:
-            pass
-        self._child_index_mask = None
-    #@time_execution
-    def __fill_child_mask(self, child, mask, tofill, dlevel = 1):
+    def _fill_child_mask(self, child, mask, tofill, dlevel = 1):
         rf = self.pf.refine_by
         if dlevel != 1:
             rf = rf**dlevel
@@ -306,61 +179,37 @@
              startIndex[2]:endIndex[2]] = tofill
-    def __generate_child_mask(self):
+    @property
+    def child_mask(self):
         Generates self.child_mask, which is zero where child grids exist (and
         thus, where higher resolution data is available).
-        self._child_mask = np.ones(self.ActiveDimensions, 'bool')
+        child_mask = np.ones(self.ActiveDimensions, 'bool')
         for child in self.Children:
-            self.__fill_child_mask(child, self._child_mask, 0)
-        if self.OverlappingSiblings is not None:
-            for sibling in self.OverlappingSiblings:
-                self.__fill_child_mask(sibling, self._child_mask, 0)
-        self._child_indices = (self._child_mask==0) # bool, possibly redundant
+            self._fill_child_mask(child, child_mask, 0)
+        for sibling in self.OverlappingSiblings or []:
+            self._fill_child_mask(sibling, child_mask, 0)
+        return child_mask
-    def __generate_child_index_mask(self):
+    @property
+    def child_indices(self):
+        return (self.child_mask == 0)
+    @property
+    def child_index_mask(self):
         Generates self.child_index_mask, which is -1 where there is no child,
         and otherwise has the ID of the grid that resides there.
-        self._child_index_mask = np.zeros(self.ActiveDimensions, 'int32') - 1
+        child_index_mask = np.zeros(self.ActiveDimensions, 'int32') - 1
         for child in self.Children:
-            self.__fill_child_mask(child, self._child_index_mask,
-                                   child.id)
-        if self.OverlappingSiblings is not None:
-            for sibling in self.OverlappingSiblings:
-                self.__fill_child_mask(sibling, self._child_index_mask,
-                                       sibling.id)
-    def _get_coords(self):
-        if self.__coords == None: self._generate_coords()
-        return self.__coords
-    def _set_coords(self, new_c):
-        if self.__coords != None:
-            mylog.warning("Overriding coords attribute!  This is probably unwise!")
-        self.__coords = new_c
-    def _del_coords(self):
-        del self.__coords
-        self.__coords = None
-    def _generate_coords(self):
-        """
-        Creates self.coords, which is of dimensions (3, ActiveDimensions)
-        """
-        ind = np.indices(self.ActiveDimensions)
-        left_shaped = np.reshape(self.LeftEdge, (3, 1, 1, 1))
-        self['x'], self['y'], self['z'] = (ind + 0.5) * self.dds + left_shaped
-    child_mask = property(fget=_get_child_mask, fdel=_del_child_mask)
-    child_index_mask = property(fget=_get_child_index_mask, fdel=_del_child_index_mask)
-    child_indices = property(fget=_get_child_indices, fdel = _del_child_indices)
+            self._fill_child_mask(child, child_index_mask, child.id)
+        for sibling in self.OverlappingSiblings or []:
+            self._fill_child_mask(sibling, child_index_mask, sibling.id)
+        return child_index_mask
     def retrieve_ghost_zones(self, n_zones, fields, all_levels=False,

diff -r 374af9f92c7dab96028195b697eab23529361926 -r 4ab973491fb1cebf5cc249531680f3eefca35599 yt/utilities/lib/tests/test_grid_tree.py
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/tests/test_grid_tree.py
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/tests/test_grid_tree.py
@@ -88,15 +88,16 @@
     for ind, ixx, iyy, izz in zip(range(num_points), randx, randy, randz):
+        pos = np.array([ixx, iyy, izz])
         pt_level = -1
         for grid in test_pf.h.grids:
-            if grid.is_in_grid(ixx, iyy, izz):
-                if grid.Level > pt_level:
-                    pt_level = grid.Level
-                    grid_inds[ind] = grid.id - grid._id_offset
+            if np.all(pos >= grid.LeftEdge) and \
+               np.all(pos <= grid.RightEdge) and \
+               grid.Level > pt_level:
+                pt_level = grid.Level
+                grid_inds[ind] = grid.id - grid._id_offset
     yield assert_equal, point_grid_inds, grid_inds

diff -r 374af9f92c7dab96028195b697eab23529361926 -r 4ab973491fb1cebf5cc249531680f3eefca35599 yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
--- a/yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
@@ -2043,29 +2043,17 @@
     positions += inner_radius * dx * vs
     vs *= radius
     uv = np.ones(3, dtype='float64')
-    if data_source is not None:
-        grids = data_source._grids
-    else:
-        grids = pf.h.sphere(center, radius)._grids
+    if data_source is None:
+        data_source = pf.h.sphere(center, radius)
     sampler = ProjectionSampler(positions, vs, center, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
                                 image, uv, uv, np.zeros(3, dtype='float64'))
-    pb = get_pbar("Sampling ", len(grids))
-    for i,grid in enumerate(grids):
-        if data_source is not None:
-            data = [grid[field] * data_source._get_cut_mask(grid) * \
-                grid.child_mask.astype('float64')
-                for field in fields]
-        else:
-            data = [grid[field] * grid.child_mask.astype('float64')
-                for field in fields]
+    for i, (grid, mask) in enumerate(data_source.blocks):
+        data = [(grid[field] * mask).astype("float64") for field in fields]
         pg = PartitionedGrid(
             grid.id, data,
             grid.LeftEdge, grid.RightEdge,
-        grid.clear_data()
-        pb.update(i)
-    pb.finish()
     image = sampler.aimage
     dd = self.pf.h.all_data()
     field = dd._determine_fields([field])[0]

Changeset:   3c52df9a894a
Branch:      yt-3.0
User:        samskillman
Date:        2013-09-25 23:38:57
Summary:     Merged in MatthewTurk/yt-3.0 (pull request #102)

Refactoring AMR Grid Patch code and removing dead data objects
Affected #:  5 files

diff -r 2176d83193f2471755399d84ad03894f3ac2da1c -r 3c52df9a894a07495e562c37e9becf280fe6225e yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/grid_patch.py
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
         if self.start_index is not None:
             return self.start_index
-        if self.Parent == None:
+        if self.Parent is None:
             left = self.LeftEdge - self.pf.domain_left_edge
             start_index = left / self.dds
             return np.rint(start_index).astype('int64').ravel()
@@ -131,51 +131,6 @@
         if self.pf.dimensionality < 2: self.dds[1] = self.pf.domain_right_edge[1] - self.pf.domain_left_edge[1]
         if self.pf.dimensionality < 3: self.dds[2] = self.pf.domain_right_edge[2] - self.pf.domain_left_edge[2]
-    @property
-    def _corners(self):
-        return np.array([ # Unroll!
-            [self.LeftEdge[0],  self.LeftEdge[1],  self.LeftEdge[2]],
-            [self.RightEdge[0], self.LeftEdge[1],  self.LeftEdge[2]],
-            [self.RightEdge[0], self.RightEdge[1], self.LeftEdge[2]],
-            [self.RightEdge[0], self.RightEdge[1], self.RightEdge[2]],
-            [self.LeftEdge[0],  self.RightEdge[1], self.RightEdge[2]],
-            [self.LeftEdge[0],  self.LeftEdge[1],  self.RightEdge[2]],
-            [self.RightEdge[0], self.LeftEdge[1],  self.RightEdge[2]],
-            [self.LeftEdge[0],  self.RightEdge[1], self.LeftEdge[2]],
-            ], dtype='float64')
-    def _generate_overlap_masks(self, axis, LE, RE):
-        """
-        Generate a mask that shows which cells overlap with arbitrary arrays
-        *LE* and *RE*) of edges, typically grids, along *axis*.
-        Use algorithm described at http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article735.asp
-        """
-        x = x_dict[axis]
-        y = y_dict[axis]
-        cond = self.RightEdge[x] >= LE[:,x]
-        cond = np.logical_and(cond, self.LeftEdge[x] <= RE[:,x])
-        cond = np.logical_and(cond, self.RightEdge[y] >= LE[:,y])
-        cond = np.logical_and(cond, self.LeftEdge[y] <= RE[:,y])
-        return cond
-    def is_in_grid(self, x, y, z) :
-        """
-        Generate a mask that shows which points in *x*, *y*, and *z*
-        fall within this grid's boundaries.
-        """
-        xcond = np.logical_and(x >= self.LeftEdge[0],
-                               x < self.RightEdge[0])
-        ycond = np.logical_and(y >= self.LeftEdge[1],
-                               y < self.RightEdge[1])
-        zcond = np.logical_and(z >= self.LeftEdge[2],
-                               z < self.RightEdge[2])
-        cond = np.logical_and(xcond, ycond)
-        cond = np.logical_and(zcond, cond)
-        return cond
     def __repr__(self):
         return "AMRGridPatch_%04i" % (self.id)
@@ -189,13 +144,8 @@
         super(AMRGridPatch, self).clear_data()
-        self._del_child_mask()
-        self._del_child_indices()
-    def check_child_masks(self):
-        return self._child_mask, self._child_indices
     def _prepare_grid(self):
         """ Copies all the appropriate attributes from the hierarchy. """
         # This is definitely the slowest part of generating the hierarchy
@@ -211,89 +161,12 @@
         #self.Time = h.gridTimes[my_ind,0]
         self.NumberOfParticles = h.grid_particle_count[my_ind, 0]
-    def find_max(self, field):
-        """ Returns value, index of maximum value of *field* in this grid. """
-        coord1d = (self[field] * self.child_mask).argmax()
-        coord = np.unravel_index(coord1d, self[field].shape)
-        val = self[field][coord]
-        return val, coord
-    def find_min(self, field):
-        """ Returns value, index of minimum value of *field* in this grid. """
-        coord1d = (self[field] * self.child_mask).argmin()
-        coord = np.unravel_index(coord1d, self[field].shape)
-        val = self[field][coord]
-        return val, coord
     def get_position(self, index):
         """ Returns center position of an *index*. """
         pos = (index + 0.5) * self.dds + self.LeftEdge
         return pos
-    def clear_all(self):
-        """
-        Clears all datafields from memory and calls
-        :meth:`clear_derived_quantities`.
-        """
-        for key in self.keys():
-            del self.field_data[key]
-        del self.field_data
-        if hasattr(self,"retVal"):
-            del self.retVal
-        self.field_data = YTFieldData()
-        self.clear_derived_quantities()
-        del self.child_mask
-        del self.child_ind
-    def _set_child_mask(self, newCM):
-        if self._child_mask != None:
-            mylog.warning("Overriding child_mask attribute!  This is probably unwise!")
-        self._child_mask = newCM
-    def _set_child_indices(self, newCI):
-        if self._child_indices != None:
-            mylog.warning("Overriding child_indices attribute!  This is probably unwise!")
-        self._child_indices = newCI
-    def _get_child_mask(self):
-        if self._child_mask == None:
-            self.__generate_child_mask()
-        return self._child_mask
-    def _get_child_indices(self):
-        if self._child_indices == None:
-            self.__generate_child_mask()
-        return self._child_indices
-    def _del_child_indices(self):
-        try:
-            del self._child_indices
-        except AttributeError:
-            pass
-        self._child_indices = None
-    def _del_child_mask(self):
-        try:
-            del self._child_mask
-        except AttributeError:
-            pass
-        self._child_mask = None
-    def _get_child_index_mask(self):
-        if self._child_index_mask is None:
-            self.__generate_child_index_mask()
-        return self._child_index_mask
-    def _del_child_index_mask(self):
-        try:
-            del self._child_index_mask
-        except AttributeError:
-            pass
-        self._child_index_mask = None
-    #@time_execution
-    def __fill_child_mask(self, child, mask, tofill, dlevel = 1):
+    def _fill_child_mask(self, child, mask, tofill, dlevel = 1):
         rf = self.pf.refine_by
         if dlevel != 1:
             rf = rf**dlevel
@@ -306,61 +179,37 @@
              startIndex[2]:endIndex[2]] = tofill
-    def __generate_child_mask(self):
+    @property
+    def child_mask(self):
         Generates self.child_mask, which is zero where child grids exist (and
         thus, where higher resolution data is available).
-        self._child_mask = np.ones(self.ActiveDimensions, 'bool')
+        child_mask = np.ones(self.ActiveDimensions, 'bool')
         for child in self.Children:
-            self.__fill_child_mask(child, self._child_mask, 0)
-        if self.OverlappingSiblings is not None:
-            for sibling in self.OverlappingSiblings:
-                self.__fill_child_mask(sibling, self._child_mask, 0)
-        self._child_indices = (self._child_mask==0) # bool, possibly redundant
+            self._fill_child_mask(child, child_mask, 0)
+        for sibling in self.OverlappingSiblings or []:
+            self._fill_child_mask(sibling, child_mask, 0)
+        return child_mask
-    def __generate_child_index_mask(self):
+    @property
+    def child_indices(self):
+        return (self.child_mask == 0)
+    @property
+    def child_index_mask(self):
         Generates self.child_index_mask, which is -1 where there is no child,
         and otherwise has the ID of the grid that resides there.
-        self._child_index_mask = np.zeros(self.ActiveDimensions, 'int32') - 1
+        child_index_mask = np.zeros(self.ActiveDimensions, 'int32') - 1
         for child in self.Children:
-            self.__fill_child_mask(child, self._child_index_mask,
-                                   child.id)
-        if self.OverlappingSiblings is not None:
-            for sibling in self.OverlappingSiblings:
-                self.__fill_child_mask(sibling, self._child_index_mask,
-                                       sibling.id)
-    def _get_coords(self):
-        if self.__coords == None: self._generate_coords()
-        return self.__coords
-    def _set_coords(self, new_c):
-        if self.__coords != None:
-            mylog.warning("Overriding coords attribute!  This is probably unwise!")
-        self.__coords = new_c
-    def _del_coords(self):
-        del self.__coords
-        self.__coords = None
-    def _generate_coords(self):
-        """
-        Creates self.coords, which is of dimensions (3, ActiveDimensions)
-        """
-        ind = np.indices(self.ActiveDimensions)
-        left_shaped = np.reshape(self.LeftEdge, (3, 1, 1, 1))
-        self['x'], self['y'], self['z'] = (ind + 0.5) * self.dds + left_shaped
-    child_mask = property(fget=_get_child_mask, fdel=_del_child_mask)
-    child_index_mask = property(fget=_get_child_index_mask, fdel=_del_child_index_mask)
-    child_indices = property(fget=_get_child_indices, fdel = _del_child_indices)
+            self._fill_child_mask(child, child_index_mask, child.id)
+        for sibling in self.OverlappingSiblings or []:
+            self._fill_child_mask(sibling, child_index_mask, sibling.id)
+        return child_index_mask
     def retrieve_ghost_zones(self, n_zones, fields, all_levels=False,

diff -r 2176d83193f2471755399d84ad03894f3ac2da1c -r 3c52df9a894a07495e562c37e9becf280fe6225e yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
@@ -141,50 +141,6 @@
             raise KeyError(field)
-    def _get_data_from_grid(self, grid, field):
-        if self.pf.geometry == "cylindrical":
-            if grid.id in self._masks:
-                mask = self._masks[grid.id] 
-            else:
-                mask = self._get_cut_mask(grid)
-            ts, dts = self._ts[grid.id], self._dts[grid.id]
-        else:
-            mask = np.logical_and(self._get_cut_mask(grid), grid.child_mask)
-            ts, dts = self._ts[grid.id][mask], self._dts[grid.id][mask]
-        if field == 'dts':
-            return dts
-        if field == 't': 
-            return ts
-        gf = grid[field]
-        if not iterable(gf):
-            gf = gf * np.ones(grid.child_mask.shape)
-        return gf[mask]
-    def _get_cut_mask(self, grid):
-        if self.pf.geometry == "cylindrical":
-            _ = clyindrical_ray_trace(self.start_point, self.end_point, 
-                                      grid.LeftEdge, grid.RightEdge)
-            ts, s, rzt, mask = _
-            dts = np.empty(ts.shape, dtype='float64')
-            dts[0], dts[1:] = 0.0, ts[1:] - ts[:-1]
-            grid['r'], grid['z'], grid['theta'] = rzt[:,0], rzt[:,1], rzt[:,2]
-            grid['s'] = s
-        else:
-            mask = np.zeros(grid.ActiveDimensions, dtype='int')
-            dts = np.zeros(grid.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-            ts = np.zeros(grid.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-            VoxelTraversal(mask, ts, dts, grid.LeftEdge, grid.RightEdge,
-                           grid.dds, self.center, self.vec)
-            dts = np.abs(dts) 
-            ts = np.abs(ts)
-        self._dts[grid.id] = dts
-        self._ts[grid.id] = ts
-        self._masks[grid.id] = mask
-        return mask
 class YTSliceBase(YTSelectionContainer2D):
     This is a data object corresponding to a slice through the simulation
@@ -249,10 +205,6 @@
             raise KeyError(field)
-    def _gen_node_name(self):
-        return "%s/%s_%s" % \
-            (self._top_node, self.axis, self.coord)
     def _mrep(self):
         return MinimalSliceData(self)
@@ -520,156 +472,6 @@
         frb = ObliqueFixedResolutionBuffer(self, bounds, resolution)
         return frb
-class YTFixedResCuttingPlaneBase(YTSelectionContainer2D):
-    """
-    The fixed resolution Cutting Plane slices at an oblique angle,
-    where we use the *normal* vector at the *center* to define the
-    viewing plane.  The plane is *width* units wide.  The 'up'
-    direction is guessed at automatically if not given.
-    """
-    _top_node = "/FixedResCuttingPlanes"
-    _type_name = "fixed_res_cutting"
-    _con_args = ('normal', 'center', 'width', 'dims')
-    def __init__(self, normal, center, width, dims, pf = None,
-                 node_name = None, field_parameters = None):
-        #
-        # Taken from Cutting Plane
-        #
-        YTSelectionContainer2D.__init__(self, 4, pf, field_parameters)
-        self._set_center(center)
-        self.width = width
-        self.dims = dims
-        self.dds = self.width / self.dims
-        self.bounds = np.array([0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0])
-        self.set_field_parameter('center', center)
-        # Let's set up our plane equation
-        # ax + by + cz + d = 0
-        self._norm_vec = normal/np.sqrt(np.dot(normal,normal))
-        self._d = -1.0 * np.dot(self._norm_vec, self.center)
-        # First we try all three, see which has the best result:
-        vecs = np.identity(3)
-        _t = np.cross(self._norm_vec, vecs).sum(axis=1)
-        ax = _t.argmax()
-        self._x_vec = np.cross(vecs[ax,:], self._norm_vec).ravel()
-        self._x_vec /= np.sqrt(np.dot(self._x_vec, self._x_vec))
-        self._y_vec = np.cross(self._norm_vec, self._x_vec).ravel()
-        self._y_vec /= np.sqrt(np.dot(self._y_vec, self._y_vec))
-        self._rot_mat = np.array([self._x_vec,self._y_vec,self._norm_vec])
-        self._inv_mat = np.linalg.pinv(self._rot_mat)
-        self.set_field_parameter('cp_x_vec',self._x_vec)
-        self.set_field_parameter('cp_y_vec',self._y_vec)
-        self.set_field_parameter('cp_z_vec',self._norm_vec)
-        # Calculate coordinates of each pixel
-        _co = self.dds * \
-              (np.mgrid[-self.dims/2 : self.dims/2,
-                        -self.dims/2 : self.dims/2] + 0.5)
-        self._coord = self.center + np.outer(_co[0,:,:], self._x_vec) + \
-                      np.outer(_co[1,:,:], self._y_vec)
-        self._pixelmask = np.ones(self.dims*self.dims, dtype='int8')
-        if node_name is not False:
-            if node_name is True: self._deserialize()
-            else: self._deserialize(node_name)
-    @property
-    def normal(self):
-        return self._norm_vec
-    def _get_list_of_grids(self):
-        # Just like the Cutting Plane but restrict the grids to be
-        # within width/2 of the center.
-        vertices = self.hierarchy.gridCorners
-        # Shape = (8,3,n_grid)
-        D = np.sum(self._norm_vec.reshape((1,3,1)) * vertices, axis=1) + self._d
-        valid_grids = np.where(np.logical_not(np.all(D<0,axis=0) |
-                                              np.all(D>0,axis=0) ))[0]
-        # Now restrict these grids to a rect. prism that bounds the slice
-        sliceCorners = np.array([ \
-            self.center + 0.5*self.width * (+self._x_vec + self._y_vec),
-            self.center + 0.5*self.width * (+self._x_vec - self._y_vec),
-            self.center + 0.5*self.width * (-self._x_vec - self._y_vec),
-            self.center + 0.5*self.width * (-self._x_vec + self._y_vec) ])
-        sliceLeftEdge = sliceCorners.min(axis=0)
-        sliceRightEdge = sliceCorners.max(axis=0)
-        # Check for bounding box and grid overlap
-        leftOverlap = np.less(self.hierarchy.gridLeftEdge[valid_grids],
-                              sliceRightEdge).all(axis=1)
-        rightOverlap = np.greater(self.hierarchy.gridRightEdge[valid_grids],
-                                  sliceLeftEdge).all(axis=1)
-        self._grids = self.hierarchy.grids[valid_grids[
-            np.where(leftOverlap & rightOverlap)]]
-        self._grids = self._grids[::-1]
-    def _generate_coords(self):
-        self['px'] = self._coord[:,0].ravel()
-        self['py'] = self._coord[:,1].ravel()
-        self['pz'] = self._coord[:,2].ravel()
-        self['pdx'] = self.dds * 0.5
-        self['pdy'] = self.dds * 0.5
-        #self['pdz'] = self.dds * 0.5
-    def _get_data_from_grid(self, grid, field):
-        if not self.pf.field_info[field].particle_type:
-            pointI = self._get_point_indices(grid)
-            if len(pointI) == 0: return
-            vc = self._calc_vertex_centered_data(grid, field)
-            bds = np.array(zip(grid.LeftEdge,
-                               grid.RightEdge)).ravel()
-            interp = TrilinearFieldInterpolator(vc, bds, ['x', 'y', 'z'])
-            self[field][pointI] = interp( \
-                dict(x=self._coord[pointI,0],
-                     y=self._coord[pointI,1],
-                     z=self._coord[pointI,2])).ravel()
-            # Mark these pixels to speed things up
-            self._pixelmask[pointI] = 0
-            return
-        else:
-            raise SyntaxError("Making a fixed resolution slice with "
-                              "particles isn't supported yet.")
-    def get_data(self, fields):
-        """
-        Iterates over the list of fields and generates/reads them all.
-        """
-        self._get_list_of_grids()
-        if not self.has_key('pdx'):
-            self._generate_coords()
-        fields_to_get = ensure_list(fields)
-        temp_data = {}
-        _size = self.dims * self.dims
-        for field in fields_to_get:
-            if self.field_data.has_key(field): continue
-            if field not in self.hierarchy.field_list:
-                if self._generate_field(field):
-                    continue # A "True" return means we did it
-            self[field] = np.zeros(_size, dtype='float64')
-            for grid in self._get_grids():
-                self._get_data_from_grid(grid, field)
-            self[field] = self.comm.mpi_allreduce(\
-                self[field], op='sum').reshape([self.dims]*2).transpose()
-    def _calc_vertex_centered_data(self, grid, field):
-        #return grid.retrieve_ghost_zones(1, field, smoothed=False)
-        return grid.get_vertex_centered_data(field)
-    def _get_point_indices(self, grid):
-        if self._pixelmask.max() == 0: return []
-        k = planar_points_in_volume(self._coord, self._pixelmask,
-                                    grid.LeftEdge, grid.RightEdge,
-                                    grid.child_mask, just_one(grid['dx']))
-        return k
-    def _gen_node_name(self):
-        cen_name = ("%s" % (self.center,)).replace(" ","_")[1:-1]
-        L_name = ("%s" % self._norm_vec).replace(" ","_")[1:-1]
-        return "%s/c%s_L%s" % \
-            (self._top_node, cen_name, L_name)
 class YTDiskBase(YTSelectionContainer3D):
     By providing a *center*, a *normal*, a *radius* and a *height* we
@@ -687,113 +489,6 @@
         self._radius = fix_length(radius, self.pf)
         self._d = -1.0 * np.dot(self._norm_vec, self.center)
-    def _get_list_of_grids(self):
-        H = np.sum(self._norm_vec.reshape((1,3,1)) * self.pf.h.grid_corners,
-                   axis=1) + self._d
-        D = np.sqrt(np.sum((self.pf.h.grid_corners -
-                           self.center.reshape((1,3,1)))**2.0,axis=1))
-        R = np.sqrt(D**2.0-H**2.0)
-        self._grids = self.hierarchy.grids[
-            ( (np.any(np.abs(H)<self._height,axis=0))
-            & (np.any(R<self._radius,axis=0)
-            & (np.logical_not((np.all(H>0,axis=0) | (np.all(H<0, axis=0)))) )
-            ) ) ]
-        self._grids = self.hierarchy.grids
-    def _is_fully_enclosed(self, grid):
-        corners = grid._corners.reshape((8,3,1))
-        H = np.sum(self._norm_vec.reshape((1,3,1)) * corners,
-                   axis=1) + self._d
-        D = np.sqrt(np.sum((corners -
-                           self.center.reshape((1,3,1)))**2.0,axis=1))
-        R = np.sqrt(D**2.0-H**2.0)
-        return (np.all(np.abs(H) < self._height, axis=0) \
-            and np.all(R < self._radius, axis=0))
-    def _get_cut_mask(self, grid):
-        if self._is_fully_enclosed(grid):
-            return True
-        else:
-            h = grid['x'] * self._norm_vec[0] \
-              + grid['y'] * self._norm_vec[1] \
-              + grid['z'] * self._norm_vec[2] \
-              + self._d
-            d = np.sqrt(
-                (grid['x'] - self.center[0])**2.0
-              + (grid['y'] - self.center[1])**2.0
-              + (grid['z'] - self.center[2])**2.0
-                )
-            r = np.sqrt(d**2.0-h**2.0)
-            cm = ( (np.abs(h) <= self._height)
-                 & (r <= self._radius))
-        return cm
-class YTInclinedBoxBase(YTSelectionContainer3D):
-    """
-    A rectangular prism with arbitrary alignment to the computational
-    domain.  *origin* is the origin of the box, while *box_vectors* is an
-    array of ordering [ax, ijk] that describes the three vectors that
-    describe the box.  No checks are done to ensure that the box satisfies
-    a right-hand rule, but if it doesn't, behavior is undefined.
-    """
-    _type_name="inclined_box"
-    _con_args = ('origin','box_vectors')
-    def __init__(self, origin, box_vectors, fields=None,
-                 pf=None, **kwargs):
-        self.origin = np.array(origin)
-        self.box_vectors = np.array(box_vectors, dtype='float64')
-        self.box_lengths = (self.box_vectors**2.0).sum(axis=1)**0.5
-        center = origin + 0.5*self.box_vectors.sum(axis=0)
-        YTSelectionContainer3D.__init__(self, center, fields, pf, **kwargs)
-        self._setup_rotation_parameters()
-    def _setup_rotation_parameters(self):
-        xv = self.box_vectors[0,:]
-        yv = self.box_vectors[1,:]
-        zv = self.box_vectors[2,:]
-        self._x_vec = xv / np.sqrt(np.dot(xv, xv))
-        self._y_vec = yv / np.sqrt(np.dot(yv, yv))
-        self._z_vec = zv / np.sqrt(np.dot(zv, zv))
-        self._rot_mat = np.array([self._x_vec,self._y_vec,self._z_vec])
-        self._inv_mat = np.linalg.pinv(self._rot_mat)
-    def _get_list_of_grids(self):
-        if self._grids is not None: return
-        GLE = self.pf.h.grid_left_edge
-        GRE = self.pf.h.grid_right_edge
-        goodI = find_grids_in_inclined_box(self.box_vectors, self.center,
-                                           GLE, GRE)
-        cgrids = self.pf.h.grids[goodI.astype('bool')]
-       # find_grids_in_inclined_box seems to be broken.
-        cgrids = self.pf.h.grids[:]
-        grids = []
-        for i,grid in enumerate(cgrids):
-            v = grid_points_in_volume(self.box_lengths, self.origin,
-                                      self._rot_mat, grid.LeftEdge,
-                                      grid.RightEdge, grid.dds,
-                                      grid.child_mask, 1)
-            if v: grids.append(grid)
-        self._grids = np.empty(len(grids), dtype='object')
-        for gi, g in enumerate(grids): self._grids[gi] = g
-    def _is_fully_enclosed(self, grid):
-        # This should be written at some point.
-        # We'd rotate all eight corners into the space of the box, then check to
-        # see if all are enclosed.
-        return False
-    def _get_cut_mask(self, grid):
-        if self._is_fully_enclosed(grid):
-            return True
-        pm = np.zeros(grid.ActiveDimensions, dtype='int32')
-        grid_points_in_volume(self.box_lengths, self.origin,
-                              self._rot_mat, grid.LeftEdge,
-                              grid.RightEdge, grid.dds, pm, 0)
-        return pm
 class YTRegionBase(YTSelectionContainer3D):
     """A 3D region of data with an arbitrary center.

diff -r 2176d83193f2471755399d84ad03894f3ac2da1c -r 3c52df9a894a07495e562c37e9becf280fe6225e yt/utilities/lib/tests/test_grid_tree.py
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/tests/test_grid_tree.py
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/tests/test_grid_tree.py
@@ -88,15 +88,16 @@
     for ind, ixx, iyy, izz in zip(range(num_points), randx, randy, randz):
+        pos = np.array([ixx, iyy, izz])
         pt_level = -1
         for grid in test_pf.h.grids:
-            if grid.is_in_grid(ixx, iyy, izz):
-                if grid.Level > pt_level:
-                    pt_level = grid.Level
-                    grid_inds[ind] = grid.id - grid._id_offset
+            if np.all(pos >= grid.LeftEdge) and \
+               np.all(pos <= grid.RightEdge) and \
+               grid.Level > pt_level:
+                pt_level = grid.Level
+                grid_inds[ind] = grid.id - grid._id_offset
     yield assert_equal, point_grid_inds, grid_inds

diff -r 2176d83193f2471755399d84ad03894f3ac2da1c -r 3c52df9a894a07495e562c37e9becf280fe6225e yt/visualization/plot_collection.py
--- a/yt/visualization/plot_collection.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/plot_collection.py
@@ -589,99 +589,6 @@
         p["Axis"] = "CuttingPlane"
         return p
-    def add_fixed_res_cutting_plane(self, field, normal, width, res=512,
-             center=None, use_colorbar=True, figure = None, axes = None,
-             fig_size=None, obj=None, field_parameters = None):
-        r"""Create a fixed resolution cutting plane, from that a plot, and add
-        it to the current collection.
-        A cutting plane is an oblique slice through the simulation volume,
-        oriented by a specified normal vector that is perpendicular to the
-        image plane.  This function will slice through, but instead of
-        retaining all the data necessary to rescale the cutting plane at any
-        width, it only retains the pixels for a single width.  This function
-        will generate a `yt.data_objects.api.YTFixedResCuttingPlaneBase` from the given
-        parameters.  This image buffer then gets passed to a
-        `yt.visualization.plot_types.FixedResolutionPlot`, and the resultant plot is added to the
-        current collection.  Various parameters allow control of the way the
-        slice is displayed, as well as how the plane is generated.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        field : string
-            The initial field to slice and display.
-        normal : array_like
-            The vector that defines the desired plane.  For instance, the
-            angular momentum of a sphere.
-        width : float
-            The width, in code units, of the image plane.
-        res : int
-            The returned image buffer must be square; this number is how many
-            pixels on a side it will have.
-        center : array_like, optional
-            The center to be used for things like radius and radial velocity.
-            Defaults to the center of the plot collection.
-        use_colorbar : bool, optional
-            Whether we should leave room for and create a colorbar.
-        figure : `matplotlib.figure.Figure`, optional
-            The figure onto which the axes will be placed.  Typically not used
-            unless *axes* is also specified.
-        axes : `matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional
-            The axes object which will be used to create the image plot.
-            Typically used for things like multiplots and the like.
-        fig_size : tuple of floats
-            This parameter can act as a proxy for the manual creation of a
-            figure.  By specifying it, you can create plots with an arbitrarily
-            large or small size.  It is in inches, defaulting to 100 dpi.
-        obj : `YTCuttingPlaneBase`, optional
-            If you would like to use an existing cutting plane, you may specify
-            it here, in which case a new cutting plane will not be created.
-        field_parameters : dict, optional
-            This set of parameters will be passed to the cutting plane upon
-            creation, which can be used for passing variables to derived
-            fields.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        plot : `yt.visualization.plot_types.FixedResolutionPlot`
-            The plot that has been added to the PlotCollection.
-        See Also
-        --------
-        yt.data_objects.api.YTFixedResCuttingPlaneBase : This is the type created by this
-                                               function.
-        Examples
-        --------
-        Here's a simple mechanism for getting the angular momentum of a
-        collapsing cloud and generating a cutting plane aligned with the
-        angular momentum vector.
-        >>> pf = load("RD0005-mine/RedshiftOutput0005")
-        >>> v, c = pf.h.find_max("Density")
-        >>> sp = pf.h.sphere(c, 1000.0/pf['au'])
-        >>> L = sp.quantities["AngularMomentumVector"]()
-        >>> pc = PlotCollection(pf)
-        >>> p = pc.add_fixed_res_cutting_plane("Density", L, 1000.0/pf['au'])
-        """
-        if center == None:
-            center = self.c
-        if not obj:
-            if field_parameters is None: field_parameters = {}
-            data = self.pf.hierarchy.fixed_res_cutting \
-                 (normal, center, width, res, **field_parameters)
-            #data = frc[field]
-        else:
-            data = obj
-        p = self._add_plot(FixedResolutionPlot(data, field,
-                         use_colorbar=use_colorbar, axes=axes, figure=figure,
-                         size=fig_size))
-        mylog.info("Added fixed-res plane of %s with 'center' = %s and "
-                   "normal = %s", field, list(center), list(normal))
-        p["Axis"] = "CuttingPlane"
-        return p
     def add_projection(self, field, axis,  weight_field=None,
                        data_source = None,
                        center=None, use_colorbar=True,

diff -r 2176d83193f2471755399d84ad03894f3ac2da1c -r 3c52df9a894a07495e562c37e9becf280fe6225e yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
--- a/yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
@@ -2043,29 +2043,17 @@
     positions += inner_radius * dx * vs
     vs *= radius
     uv = np.ones(3, dtype='float64')
-    if data_source is not None:
-        grids = data_source._grids
-    else:
-        grids = pf.h.sphere(center, radius)._grids
+    if data_source is None:
+        data_source = pf.h.sphere(center, radius)
     sampler = ProjectionSampler(positions, vs, center, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
                                 image, uv, uv, np.zeros(3, dtype='float64'))
-    pb = get_pbar("Sampling ", len(grids))
-    for i,grid in enumerate(grids):
-        if data_source is not None:
-            data = [grid[field] * data_source._get_cut_mask(grid) * \
-                grid.child_mask.astype('float64')
-                for field in fields]
-        else:
-            data = [grid[field] * grid.child_mask.astype('float64')
-                for field in fields]
+    for i, (grid, mask) in enumerate(data_source.blocks):
+        data = [(grid[field] * mask).astype("float64") for field in fields]
         pg = PartitionedGrid(
             grid.id, data,
             grid.LeftEdge, grid.RightEdge,
-        grid.clear_data()
-        pb.update(i)
-    pb.finish()
     image = sampler.aimage
     dd = self.pf.h.all_data()
     field = dd._determine_fields([field])[0]

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