[yt-svn] commit/yt-doc: 3 new changesets

commits-noreply at bitbucket.org commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Thu Nov 14 06:26:52 PST 2013

3 new commits in yt-doc:

Changeset:   0ca9330bbeb7
User:        jzuhone
Date:        2013-11-11 20:36:50
Summary:     photon_simulator docs
Affected #:  6 files

diff -r 952a47356bf40057938ba6580900e8a9ffa674c2 -r 0ca9330bbeb73438ae2f920e3992fe6e96fbcb2d source/analyzing/analysis_modules/_images/Photon_Simulator_30_4.png
Binary file source/analyzing/analysis_modules/_images/Photon_Simulator_30_4.png has changed

diff -r 952a47356bf40057938ba6580900e8a9ffa674c2 -r 0ca9330bbeb73438ae2f920e3992fe6e96fbcb2d source/analyzing/analysis_modules/_images/Photon_Simulator_34_1.png
Binary file source/analyzing/analysis_modules/_images/Photon_Simulator_34_1.png has changed

diff -r 952a47356bf40057938ba6580900e8a9ffa674c2 -r 0ca9330bbeb73438ae2f920e3992fe6e96fbcb2d source/analyzing/analysis_modules/_images/dsquared.png
Binary file source/analyzing/analysis_modules/_images/dsquared.png has changed

diff -r 952a47356bf40057938ba6580900e8a9ffa674c2 -r 0ca9330bbeb73438ae2f920e3992fe6e96fbcb2d source/analyzing/analysis_modules/photon_simulator.rst
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/analyzing/analysis_modules/photon_simulator.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+Constructing Mock X-ray Observations
+The ``photon_simulator`` analysis module enables the creation of
+simulated X-ray photon lists of events from datasets that ``yt`` is able
+to read. The simulated events then can be exported to X-ray telescope
+simulators to produce realistic observations or can be analyzed in-line.
+The algorithm is based off of that implemented in
+`PHOX <http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~kdolag/Phox/>`_ for SPH datasets
+by Veronica Biffi and Klaus Dolag. There are two relevant papers:
+`Biffi, V., Dolag, K., Bohringer, H., & Lemson, G. 2012, MNRAS, 420,
+3545 <http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2012MNRAS.420.3545B>`_
+`Biffi, V., Dolag, K., Bohringer, H. 2013, MNRAS, 428,
+1395 <http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013MNRAS.428.1395B>`_
+The basic procedure is as follows:
+1. Using a spectral model for the photon flux given the gas properties,
+   and an algorithm for generating photons from the dataset loaded in
+   ``yt``, produce a large number of photons in three-dimensional space
+   associated with the cells of the dataset.
+2. Use this three-dimensional dataset as a sample from which to generate
+   photon events that are projected along a line of sight, Doppler and
+   cosmologically shifted, and absorbed by the Galactic foreground.
+3. Optionally convolve these photons with instrument responses and
+   produce images and spectra.
+We'll demonstrate the functionality on a realistic dataset of a galaxy
+cluster to get you started.
+Creating an X-ray observation of a dataset in ``yt``
+.. code:: python
+    from yt.imods import *
+    from yt.analysis_modules.api import *
+    from yt.utilities.cosmology import Cosmology
+We're going to load up an Athena dataset of a galaxy cluster core:
+.. code:: python
+    pf = load("MHDSloshing/virgo_low_res.0054.vtk", 
+              parameters={"TimeUnits":3.1557e13,
+                          "LengthUnits":3.0856e24,
+                          "DensityUnits":6.770424595218825e-27})
+First, to get a sense of what the resulting image will look like, let's
+make a new ``yt`` field called ``"DensitySquared"``, since the X-ray
+emission is proportional to :math:`\rho^2`, and a weak function of
+temperature and metallicity.
+.. code:: python
+    def _density_squared(field, data):
+        return data["Density"]**2
+    add_field("DensitySquared", function=_density_squared)
+Then we'll project this field along the z-axis.
+.. code:: python
+    prj = ProjectionPlot(pf, "z", ["DensitySquared"], width=(500., "kpc"))
+    prj.set_cmap("DensitySquared", "gray_r")
+    prj.show()
+.. image:: _images/dsquared.png
+In this simulation the core gas is sloshing, producing spiral-shaped
+cold fronts.
+.. note::
+   To work out the following examples, you should install
+   `AtomDB <http://www.atomdb.org>`_ and get the files from the
+   `xray_data <http://yt-project.org/data/xray_data.tar.gz>`_ auxiliary
+   data package (see the ``xray_data`` `README <xray_data_README.html>`_ for details on the latter). Make sure that
+   in what follows you specify the full path to the locations of these
+   files.
+To generate photons from this dataset, we have several different things
+we need to set up. The first is a standard ``yt`` data object. It could
+be all of the cells in the domain, a rectangular solid region, a
+cylindrical region, etc. Let's keep it simple and make a sphere at the
+center of the domain, with a radius of 250 kpc:
+.. code:: python
+    sp = pf.h.sphere("c", (250., "kpc"))
+This will serve as our ``data_source`` that we will use later. Next, we
+need to create the ``SpectralModel`` instance that will determine how
+the data in the grid cells will generate photons. By default, two
+options are available. The first, ``XSpecThermalModel``, allows one to
+use any thermal model that is known to
+`XSPEC <https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/xanadu/xspec/>`_, such as
+``"mekal"`` or ``"apec"``:
+.. code:: python
+    mekal_model = XSpecThermalModel("mekal", 0.01, 10.0, 2000)
+This requires XSPEC and
+`PyXspec <http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/xanadu/xspec/python/html/>`_ to
+be installed. The second option, ``TableApecModel``, utilizes the data
+from the `AtomDB <http://www.atomdb.org>`_ tables. We'll use this one
+.. code:: python
+    apec_model = TableApecModel("atomdb_v2.0.2",
+                                0.01, 20.0, 20000,
+                                thermal_broad=False,
+                                apec_vers="2.0.2")
+The first argument sets the location of the AtomDB files, and the next
+three arguments determine the minimum energy in keV, maximum energy in
+keV, and the number of linearly-spaced bins to bin the spectrum in. If
+the optional keyword ``thermal_broad`` is set to ``True``, the spectral
+lines will be thermally broadened.
+Now that we have our ``SpectralModel`` that gives us a spectrum, we need
+to connect this model to a ``PhotonModel`` that will connect the field
+data in the ``data_source`` to the spectral model to actually generate
+photons. For thermal spectra, we have a special ``PhotonModel`` called
+.. code:: python
+    thermal_model = ThermalPhotonModel(apec_model, X_H=0.75, Zmet=0.3)
+Where we pass in the ``SpectralModel``, and can optionally set values for
+the hydrogen mass fraction ``X_H`` and metallicity ``Z_met``. If
+``Z_met`` is a float, it will assume that value for the metallicity
+everywhere in terms of the solar metallicity. If it is a string, it will
+assume that is the name of the metallicity field (which may be spatially
+Next, we need to specify "fiducial" values for the telescope collecting
+area, exposure time, and cosmological redshift. Remember, the initial
+photon generation will act as a source for Monte-Carlo sampling for more
+realistic values of these parameters later, so choose generous values so
+that you have a large number of photons to sample from. We will also
+construct a ``Cosmology`` object:
+.. code:: python
+    A = 6000.
+    exp_time = 4.0e5
+    redshift = 0.05
+    cosmo = Cosmology()
+Now, we finally combine everything together and create a ``PhotonList``
+.. code:: python
+    photons = PhotonList.from_scratch(sp, redshift, A, exp_time,
+                                      thermal_model, center="c",
+                                      cosmology=cosmo)
+By default, the angular diameter distance to the object is determined
+from the ``cosmology`` and the cosmological ``redshift``. If a
+``Cosmology`` instance is not provided, one will be made from the
+default cosmological parameters. If your source is local to the galaxy,
+you can set its distance directly, using a tuple, e.g.
+``dist=(30, "kpc")``. In this case, the ``redshift`` and ``cosmology``
+will be ignored. Finally, if the photon generating function accepts any
+parameters, they can be passed to ``from_scratch`` via a ``parameters``
+At this point, the ``photons`` are distributed in the three-dimensional
+space of the ``data_source``, with energies in the rest frame of the
+plasma. Doppler and/or cosmological shifting of the photons will be
+applied in the next step.
+The ``photons`` can be saved to disk in an HDF5 file:
+.. code:: python
+    photons.write_h5_file("my_photons.h5")
+Which is most useful if it takes a long time to generate the photons,
+because a ``PhotonList`` can be created in-memory from the dataset
+stored on disk:
+.. code:: python
+    photons = PhotonList.from_file("my_photons.h5")
+This enables one to make many simulated event sets, along different
+projections, at different redshifts, with different exposure times, and
+different instruments, with the same ``data_source``, without having to
+do the expensive step of generating the photons all over again!
+To get a set of photon events such as that observed by X-ray telescopes,
+we need to take the three-dimensional photon distribution and project it
+along a line of sight. Also, this is the step at which we put in the
+realistic values for the telescope collecting area, cosmological
+redshift and/or source distance, and exposure time. The order of
+operations goes like this:
+1. From the adjusted exposure time, redshift and/or source distance, and
+   telescope collecting area, determine the number of photons we will
+   *actually* observe.
+2. Determine the plane of projection from the supplied normal vector,
+   and reproject the photon positions onto this plane.
+3. Doppler-shift the photon energies according to the velocity along the
+   line of sight, and apply cosmological redshift if the source is not
+   local.
+4. Optionally, alter the received distribution of photons via an
+   energy-dependent galactic absorption model.
+5. Optionally, alter the received distribution of photons using an
+   effective area curve provided from an ancillary response file (ARF).
+6. Optionally, scatter the photon energies into channels according to
+   the information from a redistribution matrix file (RMF).
+First, if we want to apply galactic absorption, we need to set up a
+spectral model for the absorption coefficient, similar to the spectral
+model for the emitted photons we set up before. Here again, we have two
+options. The first, ``XSpecAbsorbModel``, allows one to use any
+absorption model that XSpec is aware of that takes only the Galactic
+column density :math:`N_H` as input:
+.. code:: python
+    N_H = 0.1 
+    abs_model = XSpecAbsorbModel("wabs", N_H)  
+The second option, ``TableAbsorbModel``, takes as input an HDF5 file
+containing two datasets, ``"energy"`` (in keV), and ``"cross_section"``
+(in cm2), and the Galactic column density :math:`N_H`:
+.. code:: python
+    abs_model = TableAbsorbModel("tbabs_table.h5", 0.1)
+Now we're ready to project the photons. First, we choose a line-of-sight
+vector ``L``. Second, we'll adjust the exposure time and the redshift.
+Third, we'll pass in the absorption ``SpectrumModel``. Fourth, we'll
+specify a ``sky_center`` in RA,DEC on the sky in degrees.
+Also, we're going to convolve the photons with instrument ``responses``.
+For this, you need a ARF/RMF pair with matching energy bins. This is of
+course far short of a full simulation of a telescope ray-trace, but it's
+a quick-and-dirty way to get something close to the real thing. We'll
+discuss how to get your simulated events into a format suitable for
+reading by telescope simulation codes later.
+.. code:: python
+    ARF = "chandra_ACIS-S3_onaxis_arf.fits"
+    RMF = "chandra_ACIS-S3_onaxis_rmf.fits"
+    L = [0.0,0.0,1.0]
+    events = photons.project_photons(L, exp_time_new=2.0e5, redshift_new=0.07, absorb_model=abs_model,
+                                     sky_center=(187.5,12.333), responses=[ARF,RMF])
+.. parsed-literal::
+    WARNING:yt:This routine has not been tested to work with all RMFs. YMMV.
+Also, the optional keyword ``psf_sigma`` specifies a Gaussian standard
+deviation to scatter the photon sky positions around with, providing a
+crude representation of a PSF.
+Let's just take a quick look at the raw events object:
+.. code:: python
+    print events
+.. code:: python
+    {'eobs': array([  0.32086522,   0.32271389,   0.32562708, ...,   8.90600621,
+             9.73534237,  10.21614256]), 
+     'xsky': array([ 187.5177707 ,  187.4887825 ,  187.50733609, ...,  187.5059345 ,
+            187.49897546,  187.47307048]), 
+     'ysky': array([ 12.33519996,  12.3544496 ,  12.32750903, ...,  12.34907707,
+            12.33327653,  12.32955225]), 
+     'ypix': array([ 133.85374195,  180.68583074,  115.14110561, ...,  167.61447493,
+            129.17278711,  120.11508562]), 
+     'PI': array([ 27,  15,  25, ..., 609, 611, 672]), 
+     'xpix': array([  86.26331108,  155.15934197,  111.06337043, ...,  114.39586907,
+            130.93509652,  192.50639633])}
+We can bin up the events into an image and save it to a FITS file. The
+pixel size of the image is equivalent to the smallest cell size from the
+original dataset. We can specify limits for the photon energies to be
+placed in the image:
+.. code:: python
+    events.write_fits_image("virgo_image.fits", clobber=True, emin=0.5, emax=7.0)
+The resulting FITS image will have WCS coordinates in RA and Dec. It
+should be suitable for plotting in
+`ds9 <http://hea-www.harvard.edu/RD/ds9/site/Home.html>`_, for example.
+There is also a great project for opening astronomical images in Python,
+called `APLpy <http://aplpy.github.io>`_:
+.. code:: python
+    import aplpy
+    fig = aplpy.FITSFigure("virgo_image.fits", figsize=(10,10))
+    fig.show_colorscale(stretch="log", vmin=0.1, cmap="gray_r")
+    fig.set_axis_labels_font(family="serif", size=16)
+    fig.set_tick_labels_font(family="serif", size=16)
+.. parsed-literal::
+    WARNING:astropy:Cannot determine equinox. Assuming J2000.
+    WARNING:astropy:Cannot determine equinox. Assuming J2000.
+.. parsed-literal::
+    WARNING: Cannot determine equinox. Assuming J2000. [aplpy.wcs_util]
+    WARNING: Cannot determine equinox. Assuming J2000. [aplpy.wcs_util]
+    INFO
+.. parsed-literal::
+    INFO:astropy:Auto-setting vmax to  1.500e+01
+.. parsed-literal::
+    : Auto-setting vmax to  1.500e+01 [aplpy.aplpy]
+.. image:: _images/Photon_Simulator_30_4.png
+Which is starting to look like a real observation!
+We can also bin up the spectrum into energy bins, and write it to a FITS
+table file. This is an example where we've binned up the spectrum
+according to the unconvolved photon energy:
+.. code:: python
+    events.write_spectrum("virgo_spec.fits", energy_bins=True, emin=0.1, emax=10.0, nchan=2000, clobber=True)
+If we don't set ``energy_bins=True``, and we have convolved our events
+with response files, then any other keywords will be ignored and it will
+try to make a spectrum from the channel information that is contained
+within the RMF, suitable for analyzing in XSPEC. For now, we'll stick
+with the energy spectrum, and plot it up:
+.. code:: python
+    import astropy.io.fits as pyfits
+    f = pyfits.open("virgo_spec.fits")
+    pylab.loglog(f["SPECTRUM"].data.field("ENERGY"), f["SPECTRUM"].data.field("COUNTS"))
+    pylab.xlim(0.3, 10)
+    pylab.xlabel("E (keV)")
+    pylab.ylabel("counts/bin")
+.. image:: _images/Photon_Simulator_34_1.png
+We can also write the events to a FITS file that is of a format that can
+be manipulated by software packages like
+`CIAO <http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao/>`_ and read in by ds9 to do more
+standard X-ray analysis:
+.. code:: python
+    events.write_fits_file("my_events.fits", clobber=True)
+**WARNING**: We've done some very low-level testing of this feature, and
+it seems to work, but it may not be consistent with standard FITS events
+files in subtle ways that we haven't been able to identify. Please email
+jzuhone at gmail.com if you find any bugs!
+Two ``EventList`` instances can be joined togther like this:
+.. code:: python
+    events3 = EventList.join_events(events1, events2)
+**WARNING**: This doesn't check for parameter consistency between the
+two lists!
+Storing events for future use and for reading-in by telescope simulators
+If you want a more accurate representation of an observation taken by a
+particular instrument, there are tools available for such purposes. For
+the *Chandra* telescope, there is the venerable
+`MARX <http://space.mit.edu/ASC/MARX/>`_. For a wide range of
+instruments, both existing and future, there is
+`SIMX <http://hea-www.harvard.edu/simx/>`_. We'll discuss two ways
+to store your event files so that they can be input by these and other
+The first option is the most general, and the simplest: simply dump the
+event data to an HDF5 file:
+.. code:: python
+    events.write_h5_file("my_events.h5")
+This will dump the raw event data, as well as the associated parameters,
+into the file. If you want to read these events back in, it's just as
+.. code:: python
+    events = EventList.from_h5_file("my_events.h5")
+The second option, for use with SIMX, is to dump the events into a
+SIMPUT file:
+.. code:: python
+    events.write_simput_file("my_events", clobber=True, emin=0.1, emax=10.0)
+which will write two files, ``"my_events_phlist.fits"`` and
+``"my_events_simput.fits"``, the former being a auxiliary file for the
+latter. **NOTE**: You can only write SIMPUT files if you didn't convolve
+the photons with responses, since the idea is to pass unconvolved
+photons to the telescope simulator.

diff -r 952a47356bf40057938ba6580900e8a9ffa674c2 -r 0ca9330bbeb73438ae2f920e3992fe6e96fbcb2d source/analyzing/analysis_modules/synthetic_observation.rst
--- a/source/analyzing/analysis_modules/synthetic_observation.rst
+++ b/source/analyzing/analysis_modules/synthetic_observation.rst
@@ -17,3 +17,4 @@
+   photon_simulator

diff -r 952a47356bf40057938ba6580900e8a9ffa674c2 -r 0ca9330bbeb73438ae2f920e3992fe6e96fbcb2d source/analyzing/analysis_modules/xray_data_README.rst
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/analyzing/analysis_modules/xray_data_README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+Auxiliary Data Files for use with yt's Photon Simulator
+Included in the `xray_data <http://yt-project.org/data/xray_data.tar.gz>`_ package are a number of files that you may find
+useful when working with yt's X-ray `photon_simulator
+<photon_simulator.html>`_  analysis module. They have been tested to give spectral fitting results
+consistent with input parameters. 
+Spectral Model Tables
+* tbabs_table.h5:
+  Tabulated values of the galactic absorption cross-section in HDF5
+  format, generated from the routines at http://pulsar.sternwarte.uni-erlangen.de/wilms/research/tbabs/
+ARFs and RMFs
+We have tested the following ARFs and RMFs with the photon
+simulator. These can be used to generate a very simplified
+representation of an X-ray observation, using a uniform, on-axis
+response. For more accurate models of X-ray observations we suggest
+using MARX or SIMX (detailed below_). 
+* Chandra: chandra_ACIS-S3_onaxis_arf.fits, chandra_ACIS-S3_onaxis_rmf.fits
+  Generated from the CIAO tools, on-axis on the ACIS-S3 chip. 
+* XMM-Newton: pn-med.arf, pn-med.rmf
+  EPIC pn CCDs (medium filter), taken from SIMX
+* Astro-H: sxt-s_100208_ts02um_intall.arf, ah_sxs_7ev_basefilt_20090216.rmf
+  SXT-S+SXS responses taken from http://astro-h.isas.jaxa.jp/researchers/sim/response.html
+* NuSTAR: nustarA.arf, nustarA.rmf
+  Averaged responses for NuSTAR telescope A generated by Dan Wik (NASA/GSFC)
+.. _below:
+Other Useful Things Not Included Here
+* AtomDB: http://www.atomdb.org
+  FITS table data for emission lines and continuum emission. Must have
+  it installed to use the TableApecModel spectral model. 
+* PyXspec: http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/xanadu/xspec/python/html/
+  Python interface to the XSPEC spectral-fitting program. Two of the
+  spectral models for the photon simulator use it. 
+* MARX: http://space.mit.edu/ASC/MARX/
+  Detailed ray-trace simulations of Chandra.
+* SIMX: http://hea-www.harvard.edu/simx/
+  Simulates a photon-counting detector's response to an input source,
+  including a simplified models of telescopes. 

Changeset:   882e5ae1d8ae
User:        jzuhone
Date:        2013-11-13 20:16:49
Summary:     More examples using the photon simulator.

Fixed a bug where the reference to the generic array data page wasn't working.
Affected #:  5 files

diff -r 0ca9330bbeb73438ae2f920e3992fe6e96fbcb2d -r 882e5ae1d8ae1bf4856a4b921e2930e95759c04c source/analyzing/analysis_modules/_images/bubbles.png
Binary file source/analyzing/analysis_modules/_images/bubbles.png has changed

diff -r 0ca9330bbeb73438ae2f920e3992fe6e96fbcb2d -r 882e5ae1d8ae1bf4856a4b921e2930e95759c04c source/analyzing/analysis_modules/_images/ds9_bubbles.png
Binary file source/analyzing/analysis_modules/_images/ds9_bubbles.png has changed

diff -r 0ca9330bbeb73438ae2f920e3992fe6e96fbcb2d -r 882e5ae1d8ae1bf4856a4b921e2930e95759c04c source/analyzing/analysis_modules/_images/ds9_sloshing.png
Binary file source/analyzing/analysis_modules/_images/ds9_sloshing.png has changed

diff -r 0ca9330bbeb73438ae2f920e3992fe6e96fbcb2d -r 882e5ae1d8ae1bf4856a4b921e2930e95759c04c source/analyzing/analysis_modules/photon_simulator.rst
--- a/source/analyzing/analysis_modules/photon_simulator.rst
+++ b/source/analyzing/analysis_modules/photon_simulator.rst
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 We'll demonstrate the functionality on a realistic dataset of a galaxy
 cluster to get you started.
-Creating an X-ray observation of a dataset in ``yt``
+Creating an X-ray observation of a dataset on disk
 .. code:: python
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
 .. code:: python
-    events.write_fits_image("virgo_image.fits", clobber=True, emin=0.5, emax=7.0)
+    events.write_fits_image("sloshing_image.fits", clobber=True, emin=0.5, emax=7.0)
 The resulting FITS image will have WCS coordinates in RA and Dec. It
 should be suitable for plotting in
@@ -306,35 +306,13 @@
 .. code:: python
     import aplpy
-    fig = aplpy.FITSFigure("virgo_image.fits", figsize=(10,10))
+    fig = aplpy.FITSFigure("sloshing_image.fits", figsize=(10,10))
     fig.show_colorscale(stretch="log", vmin=0.1, cmap="gray_r")
     fig.set_axis_labels_font(family="serif", size=16)
     fig.set_tick_labels_font(family="serif", size=16)
-.. parsed-literal::
-    WARNING:astropy:Cannot determine equinox. Assuming J2000.
-    WARNING:astropy:Cannot determine equinox. Assuming J2000.
-.. parsed-literal::
-    WARNING: Cannot determine equinox. Assuming J2000. [aplpy.wcs_util]
-    WARNING: Cannot determine equinox. Assuming J2000. [aplpy.wcs_util]
-    INFO
-.. parsed-literal::
-    INFO:astropy:Auto-setting vmax to  1.500e+01
-.. parsed-literal::
-    : Auto-setting vmax to  1.500e+01 [aplpy.aplpy]
 .. image:: _images/Photon_Simulator_30_4.png
 Which is starting to look like a real observation!
 We can also bin up the spectrum into energy bins, and write it to a FITS
@@ -385,6 +363,114 @@
 **WARNING**: This doesn't check for parameter consistency between the
 two lists!
+Creating a X-ray observation from an in-memory dataset
+It may be useful, especially for observational applications, to create
+datasets in-memory and then create simulated observations from
+them. Here is a relevant example of creating a toy cluster and evacuating two AGN-blown bubbles in it. 
+First, we create the in-memory dataset (see :ref:`loading-numpy-array`
+for details on how to do this):
+.. code:: python
+   from yt.mods import *
+   from yt.utilities.physical_constants import cm_per_kpc, K_per_keV, mp
+   from yt.utilities.cosmology import Cosmology
+   from yt.analysis_modules.api import *
+   import aplpy
+   R = 1000. # in kpc
+   r_c = 100. # in kpc
+   rho_c = 1.673e-26 # in g/cm^3
+   beta = 1. 
+   T = 4. # in keV
+   nx = 256 
+   bub_rad = 30.0
+   bub_dist = 50.0
+   ddims = (nx,nx,nx)
+   x, y, z = np.mgrid[-R:R:nx*1j,
+                      -R:R:nx*1j,
+                      -R:R:nx*1j]
+   r = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2)
+   dens = np.zeros(ddims)
+   dens[r <= R] = rho_c*(1.+(r[r <= R]/r_c)**2)**(-1.5*beta)
+   dens[r > R] = 0.0
+   temp = T*K_per_keV*np.ones(ddims)
+   rbub1 = np.sqrt(x**2+(y-bub_rad)**2+z**2)
+   rbub2 = np.sqrt(x**2+(y+bub_rad)**2+z**2)
+   dens[rbub1 <= bub_rad] /= 100.
+   dens[rbub2 <= bub_rad] /= 100.
+   temp[rbub1 <= bub_rad] *= 100.
+   temp[rbub2 <= bub_rad] *= 100.
+This created a cluster with a radius of 1 Mpc, a uniform temperature
+of 4 keV, and a density distribution from a :math:`\beta`-model. We then
+evacuated two "bubbles" of radius 30 kpc at a distance of 50 kpc from
+the center. 
+Now, we create a parameter file out of this dataset:
+.. code:: python
+   data = {}
+   data["Density"] = dens
+   data["Temperature"] = temp
+   data["x-velocity"] = np.zeros(ddims)
+   data["y-velocity"] = np.zeros(ddims)
+   data["z-velocity"] = np.zeros(ddims)
+   bbox = np.array([[-0.5,0.5],[-0.5,0.5],[-0.5,0.5]])
+   pf = load_uniform_grid(data, ddims, 2*R*cm_per_kpc, bbox=bbox)
+where for simplicity we have set the velocities to zero, though we
+could have created a realistic velocity field as well. Now, we
+generate the photon and event lists in the same way as the previous
+.. code:: python
+   sphere = pf.h.sphere(pf.domain_center, 1.0/pf["mpc"])
+   A = 6000.
+   exp_time = 2.0e5
+   redshift = 0.05
+   cosmo = Cosmology()
+   apec_model = TableApecModel("/Users/jzuhone/Data/atomdb_v2.0.2",
+                               0.01, 20.0, 20000)
+   abs_model = TableAbsorbModel("tbabs_table.h5", 0.1)
+   thermal_model = ThermalPhotonModel(apec_model)
+   photons = PhotonList.from_scratch(sphere, redshift, A,
+                                     exp_time, thermal_model, center="c")
+   events = photons.project_photons([0.0,0.0,1.0], 
+                                    responses=["sim_arf.fits","sim_rmf.fits"], 
+                                    absorb_model=abs_model)
+   events.write_fits_image("img.fits", clobber=True)
+which yields the following image:
+.. code:: python
+   fig = aplpy.FITSFigure("img.fits", figsize=(10,10))
+   fig.show_colorscale(stretch="log", vmin=0.1, vmax=600., cmap="jet")
+   fig.set_axis_labels_font(family="serif", size=16)
+   fig.set_tick_labels_font(family="serif", size=16)
+.. image:: _images/bubbles.png
+   :width: 80 %
 Storing events for future use and for reading-in by telescope simulators
@@ -402,7 +488,7 @@
 .. code:: python
-    events.write_h5_file("my_events.h5")
+   events.write_h5_file("my_events.h5")
 This will dump the raw event data, as well as the associated parameters,
 into the file. If you want to read these events back in, it's just as
@@ -410,17 +496,30 @@
 .. code:: python
-    events = EventList.from_h5_file("my_events.h5")
+   events = EventList.from_h5_file("my_events.h5")
+You can use event data written to HDF5 files to input events into MARX
+using `this code <http://bitbucket.org/jzuhone/yt_marx_source>`_.
 The second option, for use with SIMX, is to dump the events into a
 SIMPUT file:
 .. code:: python
-    events.write_simput_file("my_events", clobber=True, emin=0.1, emax=10.0)
+   events.write_simput_file("my_events", clobber=True, emin=0.1, emax=10.0)
 which will write two files, ``"my_events_phlist.fits"`` and
 ``"my_events_simput.fits"``, the former being a auxiliary file for the
 latter. **NOTE**: You can only write SIMPUT files if you didn't convolve
 the photons with responses, since the idea is to pass unconvolved
 photons to the telescope simulator.
+The following images were made from the same yt-generated events in both MARX and
+SIMX. They are 200 ks observations of the two example clusters from above
+(the Chandra images have been reblocked by a factor of 4):
+.. image:: _images/ds9_sloshing.png
+.. image:: _images/ds9_bubbles.png

diff -r 0ca9330bbeb73438ae2f920e3992fe6e96fbcb2d -r 882e5ae1d8ae1bf4856a4b921e2930e95759c04c source/examining/generic_array_data.rst
--- a/source/examining/generic_array_data.rst
+++ b/source/examining/generic_array_data.rst
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.. _loading-numpy-array
+.. _loading-numpy-array:
 Loading Generic Array Data

Changeset:   b543866181e2
User:        jzuhone
Date:        2013-11-13 20:23:58
Summary:     A cautionary note
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 882e5ae1d8ae1bf4856a4b921e2930e95759c04c -r b543866181e27eba86e9819c670b659eaf17f06f source/analyzing/analysis_modules/photon_simulator.rst
--- a/source/analyzing/analysis_modules/photon_simulator.rst
+++ b/source/analyzing/analysis_modules/photon_simulator.rst
@@ -267,6 +267,13 @@
 deviation to scatter the photon sky positions around with, providing a
 crude representation of a PSF.
+.. warning::
+   The binned images that result, even if you convolve with responses,
+   are still of the same resolution as the finest cell size of the
+   simulation dataset. If you want a more accurate simulation of a
+   particular X-ray telescope, you should check out `Storing events for future use and for reading-in by telescope simulators`_.
 Let's just take a quick look at the raw events object:
 .. code:: python

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