[yt-svn] commit/yt: 3 new changesets

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Mon Jul 8 05:56:38 PDT 2013

3 new commits in yt:

Changeset:   d02e199b5586
Branch:      yt
User:        jsoishi
Date:        2013-07-06 18:30:19
Summary:     backported fortran_utils from 3.0
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r 213d534593fb056814ce918c902e4fc3ea3360e9 -r d02e199b558656dfa594e510f00697de0a738220 yt/utilities/fortran_utils.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/utilities/fortran_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+Utilities for reading Fortran files.
+Author: Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: Columbia University
+Homepage: http://yt.enzotools.org/
+  Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Turk.  All Rights Reserved.
+  This file is part of yt.
+  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import struct
+import numpy as np
+import os
+def read_attrs(f, attrs,endian='='):
+    r"""This function accepts a file pointer and reads from that file pointer
+    according to a definition of attributes, returning a dictionary.
+    Fortran unformatted files provide total bytesize at the beginning and end
+    of a record.  By correlating the components of that record with attribute
+    names, we construct a dictionary that gets returned.  Note that this
+    function is used for reading sequentially-written records.  If you have
+    many written that were written simultaneously, see read_record.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    f : File object
+        An open file object.  Should have been opened in mode rb.
+    attrs : iterable of iterables
+        This object should be an iterable of one of the formats: 
+        [ (attr_name, count, struct type), ... ].
+        [ ((name1,name2,name3),count, vector type]
+        [ ((name1,name2,name3),count, 'type type type']
+    endian : str
+        '=' is native, '>' is big, '<' is little endian
+    Returns
+    -------
+    values : dict
+        This will return a dict of iterables of the components of the values in
+        the file.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> header = [ ("ncpu", 1, "i"), ("nfiles", 2, "i") ]
+    >>> f = open("fort.3", "rb")
+    >>> rv = read_attrs(f, header)
+    """
+    vv = {}
+    net_format = endian
+    for a, n, t in attrs:
+        for end in '@=<>':
+            t = t.replace(end,'')
+        net_format += "".join(["I"] + ([t] * n) + ["I"])
+    size = struct.calcsize(net_format)
+    vals = list(struct.unpack(net_format, f.read(size)))
+    vv = {}
+    for a, n, t in attrs:
+        for end in '@=<>':
+            t = t.replace(end,'')
+        if type(a)==tuple:
+            n = len(a)
+        s1 = vals.pop(0)
+        v = [vals.pop(0) for i in range(n)]
+        s2 = vals.pop(0)
+        if s1 != s2:
+            size = struct.calcsize(endian + "I" + "".join(n*[t]) + "I")
+        assert(s1 == s2)
+        if n == 1: v = v[0]
+        if type(a)==tuple:
+            assert len(a) == len(v)
+            for k,val in zip(a,v):
+                vv[k]=val
+        else:
+            vv[a] = v
+    return vv
+def read_vector(f, d, endian='='):
+    r"""This function accepts a file pointer and reads from that file pointer
+    a vector of values.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    f : File object
+        An open file object.  Should have been opened in mode rb.
+    d : data type
+        This is the datatype (from the struct module) that we should read.
+    endian : str
+        '=' is native, '>' is big, '<' is little endian
+    Returns
+    -------
+    tr : numpy.ndarray
+        This is the vector of values read from the file.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> f = open("fort.3", "rb")
+    >>> rv = read_vector(f, 'd')
+    """
+    pad_fmt = "%sI" % (endian)
+    pad_size = struct.calcsize(pad_fmt)
+    vec_len = struct.unpack(pad_fmt,f.read(pad_size))[0] # bytes
+    vec_fmt = "%s%s" % (endian, d)
+    vec_size = struct.calcsize(vec_fmt)
+    if vec_len % vec_size != 0:
+        print "fmt = '%s' ; length = %s ; size= %s" % (fmt, length, size)
+        raise RuntimeError
+    vec_num = vec_len / vec_size
+    if isinstance(f, file): # Needs to be explicitly a file
+        tr = np.fromfile(f, vec_fmt, count=vec_num)
+    else:
+        tr = np.fromstring(f.read(vec_len), vec_fmt, count=vec_num)
+    vec_len2 = struct.unpack(pad_fmt,f.read(pad_size))[0]
+    assert(vec_len == vec_len2)
+    return tr
+def skip(f, n=1, endian='='):
+    r"""This function accepts a file pointer and skips a Fortran unformatted
+    record. Optionally check that the skip was done correctly by checking 
+    the pad bytes.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    f : File object
+        An open file object.  Should have been opened in mode rb.
+    n : int
+        Number of records to skip.
+    check : bool
+        Assert that the pad bytes are equal
+    endian : str
+        '=' is native, '>' is big, '<' is little endian
+    Returns
+    -------
+    skipped: The number of elements in the skipped array
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> f = open("fort.3", "rb")
+    >>> skip(f, 3)
+    """
+    skipped = []
+    pos = f.tell()
+    for i in range(n):
+        fmt = endian+"I"
+        size = f.read(struct.calcsize(fmt))
+        s1= struct.unpack(fmt, size)[0]
+        f.seek(s1+ struct.calcsize(fmt), os.SEEK_CUR)
+        s2= struct.unpack(fmt, size)[0]
+        assert s1==s2 
+        skipped.append(s1/struct.calcsize(fmt))
+    return skipped
+def peek_record_size(f,endian='='):
+    r""" This function accept the file handle and returns
+    the size of the next record and then rewinds the file
+    to the previous position.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    f : File object
+        An open file object.  Should have been opened in mode rb.
+    endian : str
+        '=' is native, '>' is big, '<' is little endian
+    Returns
+    -------
+    Number of bytes in the next record
+    """
+    pos = f.tell()
+    s = struct.unpack('>i', f.read(struct.calcsize('>i')))
+    f.seek(pos)
+    return s[0]
+def read_record(f, rspec, endian='='):
+    r"""This function accepts a file pointer and reads from that file pointer
+    a single "record" with different components.
+    Fortran unformatted files provide total bytesize at the beginning and end
+    of a record.  By correlating the components of that record with attribute
+    names, we construct a dictionary that gets returned.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    f : File object
+        An open file object.  Should have been opened in mode rb.
+    rspec : iterable of iterables
+        This object should be an iterable of the format [ (attr_name, count,
+        struct type), ... ].
+    endian : str
+        '=' is native, '>' is big, '<' is little endian
+    Returns
+    -------
+    values : dict
+        This will return a dict of iterables of the components of the values in
+        the file.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> header = [ ("ncpu", 1, "i"), ("nfiles", 2, "i") ]
+    >>> f = open("fort.3", "rb")
+    >>> rv = read_record(f, header)
+    """
+    vv = {}
+    net_format = endian + "I"
+    for a, n, t in rspec:
+        t = t if len(t)==1 else t[-1]
+        net_format += "%s%s"%(n, t)
+    net_format += "I"
+    size = struct.calcsize(net_format)
+    vals = list(struct.unpack(net_format, f.read(size)))
+    vvv = vals[:]
+    s1, s2 = vals.pop(0), vals.pop(-1)
+    if s1 != s2:
+        print "S1 = %s ; S2 = %s ; SIZE = %s"
+        raise RuntimeError
+    pos = 0
+    for a, n, t in rspec:
+        vv[a] = vals[pos:pos+n]
+        pos += n
+    return vv

Changeset:   a9834c229e60
Branch:      yt
User:        jsoishi
Date:        2013-07-06 19:29:10
Summary:     removing fortran utils, so I can preserve history.
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r d02e199b558656dfa594e510f00697de0a738220 -r a9834c229e603242f63093a62f894839a3fb8cad yt/utilities/fortran_utils.py
--- a/yt/utilities/fortran_utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-Utilities for reading Fortran files.
-Author: Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com>
-Affiliation: Columbia University
-Homepage: http://yt.enzotools.org/
-  Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Turk.  All Rights Reserved.
-  This file is part of yt.
-  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-  (at your option) any later version.
-  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-  GNU General Public License for more details.
-  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import struct
-import numpy as np
-import os
-def read_attrs(f, attrs,endian='='):
-    r"""This function accepts a file pointer and reads from that file pointer
-    according to a definition of attributes, returning a dictionary.
-    Fortran unformatted files provide total bytesize at the beginning and end
-    of a record.  By correlating the components of that record with attribute
-    names, we construct a dictionary that gets returned.  Note that this
-    function is used for reading sequentially-written records.  If you have
-    many written that were written simultaneously, see read_record.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    f : File object
-        An open file object.  Should have been opened in mode rb.
-    attrs : iterable of iterables
-        This object should be an iterable of one of the formats: 
-        [ (attr_name, count, struct type), ... ].
-        [ ((name1,name2,name3),count, vector type]
-        [ ((name1,name2,name3),count, 'type type type']
-    endian : str
-        '=' is native, '>' is big, '<' is little endian
-    Returns
-    -------
-    values : dict
-        This will return a dict of iterables of the components of the values in
-        the file.
-    Examples
-    --------
-    >>> header = [ ("ncpu", 1, "i"), ("nfiles", 2, "i") ]
-    >>> f = open("fort.3", "rb")
-    >>> rv = read_attrs(f, header)
-    """
-    vv = {}
-    net_format = endian
-    for a, n, t in attrs:
-        for end in '@=<>':
-            t = t.replace(end,'')
-        net_format += "".join(["I"] + ([t] * n) + ["I"])
-    size = struct.calcsize(net_format)
-    vals = list(struct.unpack(net_format, f.read(size)))
-    vv = {}
-    for a, n, t in attrs:
-        for end in '@=<>':
-            t = t.replace(end,'')
-        if type(a)==tuple:
-            n = len(a)
-        s1 = vals.pop(0)
-        v = [vals.pop(0) for i in range(n)]
-        s2 = vals.pop(0)
-        if s1 != s2:
-            size = struct.calcsize(endian + "I" + "".join(n*[t]) + "I")
-        assert(s1 == s2)
-        if n == 1: v = v[0]
-        if type(a)==tuple:
-            assert len(a) == len(v)
-            for k,val in zip(a,v):
-                vv[k]=val
-        else:
-            vv[a] = v
-    return vv
-def read_vector(f, d, endian='='):
-    r"""This function accepts a file pointer and reads from that file pointer
-    a vector of values.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    f : File object
-        An open file object.  Should have been opened in mode rb.
-    d : data type
-        This is the datatype (from the struct module) that we should read.
-    endian : str
-        '=' is native, '>' is big, '<' is little endian
-    Returns
-    -------
-    tr : numpy.ndarray
-        This is the vector of values read from the file.
-    Examples
-    --------
-    >>> f = open("fort.3", "rb")
-    >>> rv = read_vector(f, 'd')
-    """
-    pad_fmt = "%sI" % (endian)
-    pad_size = struct.calcsize(pad_fmt)
-    vec_len = struct.unpack(pad_fmt,f.read(pad_size))[0] # bytes
-    vec_fmt = "%s%s" % (endian, d)
-    vec_size = struct.calcsize(vec_fmt)
-    if vec_len % vec_size != 0:
-        print "fmt = '%s' ; length = %s ; size= %s" % (fmt, length, size)
-        raise RuntimeError
-    vec_num = vec_len / vec_size
-    if isinstance(f, file): # Needs to be explicitly a file
-        tr = np.fromfile(f, vec_fmt, count=vec_num)
-    else:
-        tr = np.fromstring(f.read(vec_len), vec_fmt, count=vec_num)
-    vec_len2 = struct.unpack(pad_fmt,f.read(pad_size))[0]
-    assert(vec_len == vec_len2)
-    return tr
-def skip(f, n=1, endian='='):
-    r"""This function accepts a file pointer and skips a Fortran unformatted
-    record. Optionally check that the skip was done correctly by checking 
-    the pad bytes.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    f : File object
-        An open file object.  Should have been opened in mode rb.
-    n : int
-        Number of records to skip.
-    check : bool
-        Assert that the pad bytes are equal
-    endian : str
-        '=' is native, '>' is big, '<' is little endian
-    Returns
-    -------
-    skipped: The number of elements in the skipped array
-    Examples
-    --------
-    >>> f = open("fort.3", "rb")
-    >>> skip(f, 3)
-    """
-    skipped = []
-    pos = f.tell()
-    for i in range(n):
-        fmt = endian+"I"
-        size = f.read(struct.calcsize(fmt))
-        s1= struct.unpack(fmt, size)[0]
-        f.seek(s1+ struct.calcsize(fmt), os.SEEK_CUR)
-        s2= struct.unpack(fmt, size)[0]
-        assert s1==s2 
-        skipped.append(s1/struct.calcsize(fmt))
-    return skipped
-def peek_record_size(f,endian='='):
-    r""" This function accept the file handle and returns
-    the size of the next record and then rewinds the file
-    to the previous position.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    f : File object
-        An open file object.  Should have been opened in mode rb.
-    endian : str
-        '=' is native, '>' is big, '<' is little endian
-    Returns
-    -------
-    Number of bytes in the next record
-    """
-    pos = f.tell()
-    s = struct.unpack('>i', f.read(struct.calcsize('>i')))
-    f.seek(pos)
-    return s[0]
-def read_record(f, rspec, endian='='):
-    r"""This function accepts a file pointer and reads from that file pointer
-    a single "record" with different components.
-    Fortran unformatted files provide total bytesize at the beginning and end
-    of a record.  By correlating the components of that record with attribute
-    names, we construct a dictionary that gets returned.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    f : File object
-        An open file object.  Should have been opened in mode rb.
-    rspec : iterable of iterables
-        This object should be an iterable of the format [ (attr_name, count,
-        struct type), ... ].
-    endian : str
-        '=' is native, '>' is big, '<' is little endian
-    Returns
-    -------
-    values : dict
-        This will return a dict of iterables of the components of the values in
-        the file.
-    Examples
-    --------
-    >>> header = [ ("ncpu", 1, "i"), ("nfiles", 2, "i") ]
-    >>> f = open("fort.3", "rb")
-    >>> rv = read_record(f, header)
-    """
-    vv = {}
-    net_format = endian + "I"
-    for a, n, t in rspec:
-        t = t if len(t)==1 else t[-1]
-        net_format += "%s%s"%(n, t)
-    net_format += "I"
-    size = struct.calcsize(net_format)
-    vals = list(struct.unpack(net_format, f.read(size)))
-    vvv = vals[:]
-    s1, s2 = vals.pop(0), vals.pop(-1)
-    if s1 != s2:
-        print "S1 = %s ; S2 = %s ; SIZE = %s"
-        raise RuntimeError
-    pos = 0
-    for a, n, t in rspec:
-        vv[a] = vals[pos:pos+n]
-        pos += n
-    return vv

Changeset:   5234f53536d4
Branch:      yt
User:        jsoishi
Date:        2013-07-06 19:31:13
Summary:     backporting fortran_utils.py from yt-3.0
Affected #:  1 file

diff -r a9834c229e603242f63093a62f894839a3fb8cad -r 5234f53536d4de62f1ba40afc68d7f6e2091bd7f yt/utilities/fortran_utils.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/utilities/fortran_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+Utilities for reading Fortran files.
+Author: Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: Columbia University
+Homepage: http://yt.enzotools.org/
+  Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Turk.  All Rights Reserved.
+  This file is part of yt.
+  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import struct
+import numpy as np
+import os
+def read_attrs(f, attrs,endian='='):
+    r"""This function accepts a file pointer and reads from that file pointer
+    according to a definition of attributes, returning a dictionary.
+    Fortran unformatted files provide total bytesize at the beginning and end
+    of a record.  By correlating the components of that record with attribute
+    names, we construct a dictionary that gets returned.  Note that this
+    function is used for reading sequentially-written records.  If you have
+    many written that were written simultaneously, see read_record.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    f : File object
+        An open file object.  Should have been opened in mode rb.
+    attrs : iterable of iterables
+        This object should be an iterable of one of the formats: 
+        [ (attr_name, count, struct type), ... ].
+        [ ((name1,name2,name3),count, vector type]
+        [ ((name1,name2,name3),count, 'type type type']
+    endian : str
+        '=' is native, '>' is big, '<' is little endian
+    Returns
+    -------
+    values : dict
+        This will return a dict of iterables of the components of the values in
+        the file.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> header = [ ("ncpu", 1, "i"), ("nfiles", 2, "i") ]
+    >>> f = open("fort.3", "rb")
+    >>> rv = read_attrs(f, header)
+    """
+    vv = {}
+    net_format = endian
+    for a, n, t in attrs:
+        for end in '@=<>':
+            t = t.replace(end,'')
+        net_format += "".join(["I"] + ([t] * n) + ["I"])
+    size = struct.calcsize(net_format)
+    vals = list(struct.unpack(net_format, f.read(size)))
+    vv = {}
+    for a, n, t in attrs:
+        for end in '@=<>':
+            t = t.replace(end,'')
+        if type(a)==tuple:
+            n = len(a)
+        s1 = vals.pop(0)
+        v = [vals.pop(0) for i in range(n)]
+        s2 = vals.pop(0)
+        if s1 != s2:
+            size = struct.calcsize(endian + "I" + "".join(n*[t]) + "I")
+        assert(s1 == s2)
+        if n == 1: v = v[0]
+        if type(a)==tuple:
+            assert len(a) == len(v)
+            for k,val in zip(a,v):
+                vv[k]=val
+        else:
+            vv[a] = v
+    return vv
+def read_vector(f, d, endian='='):
+    r"""This function accepts a file pointer and reads from that file pointer
+    a vector of values.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    f : File object
+        An open file object.  Should have been opened in mode rb.
+    d : data type
+        This is the datatype (from the struct module) that we should read.
+    endian : str
+        '=' is native, '>' is big, '<' is little endian
+    Returns
+    -------
+    tr : numpy.ndarray
+        This is the vector of values read from the file.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> f = open("fort.3", "rb")
+    >>> rv = read_vector(f, 'd')
+    """
+    pad_fmt = "%sI" % (endian)
+    pad_size = struct.calcsize(pad_fmt)
+    vec_len = struct.unpack(pad_fmt,f.read(pad_size))[0] # bytes
+    vec_fmt = "%s%s" % (endian, d)
+    vec_size = struct.calcsize(vec_fmt)
+    if vec_len % vec_size != 0:
+        print "fmt = '%s' ; length = %s ; size= %s" % (fmt, length, size)
+        raise RuntimeError
+    vec_num = vec_len / vec_size
+    if isinstance(f, file): # Needs to be explicitly a file
+        tr = np.fromfile(f, vec_fmt, count=vec_num)
+    else:
+        tr = np.fromstring(f.read(vec_len), vec_fmt, count=vec_num)
+    vec_len2 = struct.unpack(pad_fmt,f.read(pad_size))[0]
+    assert(vec_len == vec_len2)
+    return tr
+def skip(f, n=1, endian='='):
+    r"""This function accepts a file pointer and skips a Fortran unformatted
+    record. Optionally check that the skip was done correctly by checking 
+    the pad bytes.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    f : File object
+        An open file object.  Should have been opened in mode rb.
+    n : int
+        Number of records to skip.
+    check : bool
+        Assert that the pad bytes are equal
+    endian : str
+        '=' is native, '>' is big, '<' is little endian
+    Returns
+    -------
+    skipped: The number of elements in the skipped array
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> f = open("fort.3", "rb")
+    >>> skip(f, 3)
+    """
+    skipped = 0
+    pos = f.tell()
+    for i in range(n):
+        fmt = endian+"I"
+        size = f.read(struct.calcsize(fmt))
+        s1= struct.unpack(fmt, size)[0]
+        f.seek(s1+ struct.calcsize(fmt), os.SEEK_CUR)
+        s2= struct.unpack(fmt, size)[0]
+        assert s1==s2 
+        skipped += s1/struct.calcsize(fmt)
+    return skipped
+def peek_record_size(f,endian='='):
+    r""" This function accept the file handle and returns
+    the size of the next record and then rewinds the file
+    to the previous position.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    f : File object
+        An open file object.  Should have been opened in mode rb.
+    endian : str
+        '=' is native, '>' is big, '<' is little endian
+    Returns
+    -------
+    Number of bytes in the next record
+    """
+    pos = f.tell()
+    s = struct.unpack('>i', f.read(struct.calcsize('>i')))
+    f.seek(pos)
+    return s[0]
+def read_record(f, rspec, endian='='):
+    r"""This function accepts a file pointer and reads from that file pointer
+    a single "record" with different components.
+    Fortran unformatted files provide total bytesize at the beginning and end
+    of a record.  By correlating the components of that record with attribute
+    names, we construct a dictionary that gets returned.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    f : File object
+        An open file object.  Should have been opened in mode rb.
+    rspec : iterable of iterables
+        This object should be an iterable of the format [ (attr_name, count,
+        struct type), ... ].
+    endian : str
+        '=' is native, '>' is big, '<' is little endian
+    Returns
+    -------
+    values : dict
+        This will return a dict of iterables of the components of the values in
+        the file.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> header = [ ("ncpu", 1, "i"), ("nfiles", 2, "i") ]
+    >>> f = open("fort.3", "rb")
+    >>> rv = read_record(f, header)
+    """
+    vv = {}
+    net_format = endian + "I"
+    for a, n, t in rspec:
+        t = t if len(t)==1 else t[-1]
+        net_format += "%s%s"%(n, t)
+    net_format += "I"
+    size = struct.calcsize(net_format)
+    vals = list(struct.unpack(net_format, f.read(size)))
+    vvv = vals[:]
+    s1, s2 = vals.pop(0), vals.pop(-1)
+    if s1 != s2:
+        print "S1 = %s ; S2 = %s ; SIZE = %s"
+        raise RuntimeError
+    pos = 0
+    for a, n, t in rspec:
+        vv[a] = vals[pos:pos+n]
+        pos += n
+    return vv

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