[yt-svn] commit/yt-3.0: 10 new changesets

Bitbucket commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Tue Sep 25 03:20:45 PDT 2012

10 new commits in yt-3.0:

changeset:   8866b8b706e6
branch:      yt-3.0
user:        scopatz
date:        2012-09-05 01:14:00
summary:     Starting an alternative ray tracer module.
affected #:  2 files

diff -r c0f5e4d39a1ad71e2c4f97a70dda62431fd3730f -r 8866b8b706e6e9ec21a456373e1b13c16345077f yt/utilities/lib/alt_ray_tracers.pyx
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/alt_ray_tracers.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+"""Ray tracing algorithms for rays in non-cartesian coordinate systems.
+Author: Anthony Scopatz <scopatz at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: University of Chicago
+Homepage: http://yt-project.org/
+  Copyright (C) 2012 Anthony Scopatz.  All Rights Reserved.
+  This file is part of yt.
+  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import numpy as np
+cimport numpy as np
+cimport cython
+cimport libc.math as math
+ at cython.boundscheck(False)
+ at cython.wraparound(False)
+ at cython.cdivision(True)
+def _cyl2cart(np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] x):
+    """Converts points in cylindrical coordinates to cartesian points."""
+    # NOTE this should be removed once the coord interface comes online
+    cdef int i, I
+    cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] xcart 
+    I = x.shape[0]
+    xcart = np.empty((I, x.shape[1]), dtype='float64')
+    for i in range(I):
+        xcart[i,0] = x[i,0] * math.cos(x[i,2])
+        xcart[i,1] = x[i,0] * math.sin(x[i,2])
+        xcart[i,2] = x[i,1]
+    return xcart
+ at cython.boundscheck(False)
+ at cython.wraparound(False)
+ at cython.cdivision(True)
+def _cart_intersect(np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] a,
+                    np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] b,
+                    np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] c,
+                    np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] d):
+    """Finds the times and locations of the lines defined by a->b and 
+    c->d in cartesian space.  a and b must be 1d points.  c and d must 
+    be 2d arrays of equal shape whose second dim is the same length as
+    a and b.
+    """
+    cdef int i, I
+    cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] r, s, t
+    cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] loc
+    I = c.shape[0]
+    shape = (I, c.shape[1])
+    t = np.empty(I, dtype='float64')
+    loc = np.empty(shape, dtype='float64')
+    r = b - a
+    for i in range(I):
+        s = d[i] - c[i]
+        t[i] = (np.cross(c[i] - a, s).sum()) / (np.cross(r, s).sum())
+        loc[i] = a + t[i]*r
+    return t, loc
+D = F - E
+Ecart = na.array((E[0]*na.cos(E[2]), E[0]*na.sin(E[2]), E[1]))
+Fcart = na.array((F[0]*na.cos(F[2]), F[0]*na.sin(F[2]), F[1]))
+Dcart = Fcart - Ecart
+# <codecell>
+rleft = pf.h.grid_left_edge[:,0]
+rright = pf.h.grid_right_edge[:,0]
+zleft = pf.h.grid_left_edge[:,1]
+zright = pf.h.grid_right_edge[:,1]
+a = (Dcart**2)[:2].sum()
+b = (2*Dcart*Ecart)[:2].sum()
+cleft = (Ecart**2)[:2].sum() - rleft**2
+cright = (Ecart**2)[:2].sum() - rright**2
+tmleft = (-b - na.sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*cleft)) / (2*a)
+tpleft = (-b + na.sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*cleft)) / (2*a)  
+tmright = (-b - na.sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*cright)) / (2*a)
+tpright = (-b + na.sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*cright)) / (2*a)  
+tmmright = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(tmright), rright <= E[0])
+tpmright = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(tpright), rright <= F[0])
+tmmleft = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(tmleft), rleft <= E[0])
+tpmleft = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(tpleft), rleft <= F[0])
+# <codecell>
+ind = np.unique(np.concatenate([np.argwhere(tmmleft).flat, np.argwhere(tpmleft).flat, np.argwhere(tmmright).flat, np.argwhere(tpmright).flat,]))
+thetaleft = np.arctan2((Ecart[1] + tmleft[ind]*Dcart[1]), (Ecart[0] + tmleft[ind]*Dcart[0]))
+nans = np.isnan(thetaleft)
+thetaleft[nans] = np.arctan2((Ecart[1] + tpleft[ind[nans]]*Dcart[1]), (Ecart[0] + tpleft[ind[nans]]*Dcart[0]))
+thetaright = np.arctan2((Ecart[1] + tmright[ind]*Dcart[1]), (Ecart[0] + tmright[ind]*Dcart[0]))
+nans = np.isnan(thetaleft)
+thetaright[nans] = np.arctan2((Ecart[1] + tpright[ind[nans]]*Dcart[1]), (Ecart[0] + tpright[ind[nans]]*Dcart[0]))
+#thetaleft += np.pi*3/2
+#thetaright += np.pi*3/2
+if 0 == len(ind):
+    print "Ind len zero"
+    I = len(rleft)
+    ind = np.arange(I)
+    thetaleft = np.empty(I)
+    thetaleft.fill(E[2])
+    thetaright = np.empty(I)
+    thetaleft.fill(F[2])
+# <codecell>
+a = E
+b = F
+#c = np.array([rleft[ind], zleft[ind], thetaleft]).T
+#d = np.array([rleft[ind], zright[ind], thetaleft]).T
+#c = np.array([rright[ind], zleft[ind], thetaright]).T
+#d = np.array([rright[ind], zright[ind], thetaright]).T
+c =              np.array([rleft[ind], zright[ind], thetaleft]).T
+c = np.append(c, np.array([rleft[ind], zleft[ind], thetaleft]).T, axis=0)
+c = np.append(c, np.array([rleft[ind], zleft[ind], thetaleft]).T, axis=0)
+c = np.append(c, np.array([rright[ind], zleft[ind], thetaright]).T, axis=0)
+c = np.append(c, np.array([rleft[ind], zleft[ind], thetaleft]).T, axis=0)
+c = np.append(c, np.array([rright[ind], zright[ind], thetaleft]).T, axis=0)
+c = np.append(c, np.array([rleft[ind], zright[ind], thetaleft]).T, axis=0)
+c = np.append(c, np.array([rright[ind], zleft[ind], thetaleft]).T, axis=0)
+d =              np.array([rright[ind], zright[ind], thetaright]).T
+d = np.append(d, np.array([rright[ind], zleft[ind], thetaright]).T, axis=0)
+d = np.append(d, np.array([rleft[ind], zright[ind], thetaleft]).T, axis=0)
+d = np.append(d, np.array([rright[ind], zright[ind], thetaright]).T, axis=0)
+d = np.append(d, np.array([rleft[ind], zleft[ind], thetaright]).T, axis=0)
+d = np.append(d, np.array([rright[ind], zright[ind], thetaright]).T, axis=0)
+d = np.append(d, np.array([rleft[ind], zright[ind], thetaright]).T, axis=0)
+d = np.append(d, np.array([rright[ind], zleft[ind], thetaright]).T, axis=0)
+origind = ind
+ind = np.append(ind, origind)
+ind = np.append(ind, origind)
+ind = np.append(ind, origind)
+ind = np.append(ind, origind)
+ind = np.append(ind, origind)
+ind = np.append(ind, origind)
+ind = np.append(ind, origind)
+tsec, intsec = intersect(a, b, c, d)
+print tsec
+print np.isnan(tsec).all(), len(tsec)
+tmask = np.logical_and(0.0<=tsec, tsec<=1.0)
+tsec, utmask = np.unique(tsec[tmask], return_index=True)
+print tsec.max(), tsec.ptp(), len(utmask)
+ind = ind[tmask][utmask]
+xyz = intsec[tmask][utmask]
+s = np.sqrt(((xyz - Ecart)**2).sum(axis=1))
+s, smask = np.unique(s, return_index=True)
+ind = ind[smask]
+xyz = xyz[smask]
+t = s/np.sqrt((Dcart**2).sum())
+si = s.argsort()
+s = s[si]
+t = t[si]
+ind = ind[si]
+xyz = xyz[si]
+rztheta = np.array([np.sqrt(xyz[:,0]**2 + xyz[:,1]**2), xyz[:,2], np.arctan2(xyz[:,1], xyz[:,0])]).T
+rztheta[:,2] = 0.0 + (rztheta[:,2] - np.pi*3/2)%(2*np.pi)

diff -r c0f5e4d39a1ad71e2c4f97a70dda62431fd3730f -r 8866b8b706e6e9ec21a456373e1b13c16345077f yt/utilities/lib/setup.py
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/setup.py
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/setup.py
@@ -135,6 +135,9 @@
                 libraries=["m"], depends=["yt/utilities/lib/fp_utils.pxd"])
+    config.add_extension("alt_ray_tracers", 
+                ["yt/utilities/lib/alt_ray_tracers.pyx"],
+                libraries=["m"], depends=[])

changeset:   2020eb46759b
branch:      yt-3.0
user:        scopatz
date:        2012-09-05 21:22:54
summary:     Partway through ray tracer.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 8866b8b706e6e9ec21a456373e1b13c16345077f -r 2020eb46759bd8aa14da171111edad63c6aa1469 yt/utilities/lib/alt_ray_tracers.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/alt_ray_tracers.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/alt_ray_tracers.pyx
@@ -71,59 +71,117 @@
     return t, loc
+ at cython.boundscheck(False)
+ at cython.wraparound(False)
+ at cython.cdivision(True)
+def clyindrical_ray_trace(np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] p1, 
+                          np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] p2, 
+                          np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] left_edges, 
+                          np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] right_edges)
+    """Computes straight (cartesian) rays being traced through a 
+    cylindrical geometry.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    p1 : length 3 float ndarray
+        start point for ray
+    p2 : length 3 float ndarray
+        stop point for ray
+    left_edges : 2d ndarray
+        left edges of grid cells
+    right_edges : 2d ndarray
+        right edges of grid cells
+    Returns
+    -------
+    t : 1d float ndarray
+        ray parametric time on range [0,1]
+    s : 1d float ndarray
+        ray parametric distance on range [0,len(ray)]
+    rztheta : 2d float ndarray
+        ray grid cell intersections in cylidrical coordinates
+    inds : 1d int ndarray
+        indexes into the grid cells which the ray crosses in order.
+    """
+    int i, I
+    cdef np.float64_t a, b,b2, twoa
+    cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] dp, p1cart, p2cart, dpcart, t, s, 
+                                          rleft, rright, zleft, zright, 
+                                          cleft, cright, thetaleft, thetaright,
+                                          tmleft, tpleft, tmright, tpright
+    cdef np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=1] inds
+    cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] rztheta, ptemp
+    # set up  points
+    dp = p2 - p1
+    ptemp = np.array([p1, p2])
+    ptemp = _cyl2cart(ptemp)
+    p1cart = ptemp[0]
+    p2cart = ptemp[1]
+    dpcart = p2cart - p1cart
+    # set up components
+    rleft = left_edge[:,0]
+    rright = right_edge[:,0]
+    zleft = left_edge[:,1]
+    zright = right_edge[:,1]
+    a = (dpcart[0]**2) + (dpcart[1]**2)
+    b = (2*dpcart[0]*p1cart[0]) + (2*dpcart[1]*p1cart[1])
+    cleft = ((p1cart[0]**2) + (p1cart[1]**2)) - rleft**2
+    cright = ((p1cart[0]**2) + (p1cart[1]**2)) - rright**2
+    twoa = 2*a
+    b2 = b**2
+    # Compute positive and negative times and associated masks
+    I = left_edge.shape[0]
+    tmleft = np.empty(I, dtype='float64')
+    tpleft = np.empty(I, dtype='float64')
+    tmright = np.empty(I, dtype='float64')
+    tpright = np.empty(I, dtype='float64')
+    for i in range(I):
+        tmleft[i] = (-b - math.sqrt(b2 - 4*a*cleft[i])) / twoa
+        tpleft[i] = (-b + math.sqrt(b2 - 4*a*cleft[i])) / twoa  
+        tmright[i] = (-b - math.sqrt(b2 - 4*a*cright[i])) / twoa
+        tpright[i] = (-b + math.sqrt(b2 - 4*a*cright[i])) / twoa
+    tmmright = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(tmright), rright <= p1[0])
+    tpmright = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(tpright), rright <= p2[0])
+    tmmleft = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(tmleft), rleft <= p1[0])
+    tpmleft = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(tpleft), rleft <= p2[0])
+    # compute first cut of indexes and thetas, which 
+    # have been filtered by those values for which intersection
+    # times are impossible (see above masks). Note that this is
+    # still independnent of z.
+    inds = np.unique(np.concatenate([np.argwhere(tmmleft).flat, 
+                                     np.argwhere(tpmleft).flat, 
+                                     np.argwhere(tmmright).flat, 
+                                     np.argwhere(tpmright).flat,]))
+    if 0 == inds.shape[0]:
+        inds = np.arange(I)
+        thetaleft = np.empty(I)
+        thetaleft.fill(p1[2])
+        thetaright = np.empty(I)
+        thetaleft.fill(p2[2])
+    else:
+        thetaleft = np.arctan2((p1cart[1] + tmleft[inds]*dpcart[1]), 
+                               (p1cart[0] + tmleft[inds]*dpcart[0]))
+        nans = np.isnan(thetaleft)
+        thetaleft[nans] = np.arctan2((p1cart[1] + tpleft[inds[nans]]*dpcart[1]), 
+                                     (p1cart[0] + tpleft[inds[nans]]*dpcart[0]))
+        thetaright = np.arctan2((p1cart[1] + tmright[inds]*dpcart[1]), 
+                                (p1cart[0] + tmright[inds]*dpcart[0]))
+        nans = np.isnan(thetaright)
+        thetaright[nans] = np.arctan2((p1cart[1] + tpright[inds[nans]]*dpcart[1]), 
+                                      (p1cart[0] + tpright[inds[nans]]*dpcart[0]))
-D = F - E
-Ecart = na.array((E[0]*na.cos(E[2]), E[0]*na.sin(E[2]), E[1]))
-Fcart = na.array((F[0]*na.cos(F[2]), F[0]*na.sin(F[2]), F[1]))
-Dcart = Fcart - Ecart
-# <codecell>
-rleft = pf.h.grid_left_edge[:,0]
-rright = pf.h.grid_right_edge[:,0]
-zleft = pf.h.grid_left_edge[:,1]
-zright = pf.h.grid_right_edge[:,1]
-a = (Dcart**2)[:2].sum()
-b = (2*Dcart*Ecart)[:2].sum()
-cleft = (Ecart**2)[:2].sum() - rleft**2
-cright = (Ecart**2)[:2].sum() - rright**2
-tmleft = (-b - na.sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*cleft)) / (2*a)
-tpleft = (-b + na.sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*cleft)) / (2*a)  
-tmright = (-b - na.sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*cright)) / (2*a)
-tpright = (-b + na.sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*cright)) / (2*a)  
-tmmright = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(tmright), rright <= E[0])
-tpmright = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(tpright), rright <= F[0])
-tmmleft = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(tmleft), rleft <= E[0])
-tpmleft = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(tpleft), rleft <= F[0])
-# <codecell>
-ind = np.unique(np.concatenate([np.argwhere(tmmleft).flat, np.argwhere(tpmleft).flat, np.argwhere(tmmright).flat, np.argwhere(tpmright).flat,]))
-thetaleft = np.arctan2((Ecart[1] + tmleft[ind]*Dcart[1]), (Ecart[0] + tmleft[ind]*Dcart[0]))
-nans = np.isnan(thetaleft)
-thetaleft[nans] = np.arctan2((Ecart[1] + tpleft[ind[nans]]*Dcart[1]), (Ecart[0] + tpleft[ind[nans]]*Dcart[0]))
-thetaright = np.arctan2((Ecart[1] + tmright[ind]*Dcart[1]), (Ecart[0] + tmright[ind]*Dcart[0]))
-nans = np.isnan(thetaleft)
-thetaright[nans] = np.arctan2((Ecart[1] + tpright[ind[nans]]*Dcart[1]), (Ecart[0] + tpright[ind[nans]]*Dcart[0]))
-#thetaleft += np.pi*3/2
-#thetaright += np.pi*3/2
-if 0 == len(ind):
-    print "Ind len zero"
-    I = len(rleft)
-    ind = np.arange(I)
-    thetaleft = np.empty(I)
-    thetaleft.fill(E[2])
-    thetaright = np.empty(I)
-    thetaleft.fill(F[2])
 # <codecell>

changeset:   864d721e3d1a
branch:      yt-3.0
user:        scopatz
date:        2012-09-05 22:14:17
summary:     Stopping work to make movie for Don.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 2020eb46759bd8aa14da171111edad63c6aa1469 -r 864d721e3d1a4efd8c27970263f261513a319a9f yt/utilities/lib/alt_ray_tracers.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/alt_ray_tracers.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/alt_ray_tracers.pyx
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
                                           cleft, cright, thetaleft, thetaright,
                                           tmleft, tpleft, tmright, tpright
     cdef np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=1] inds
-    cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] rztheta, ptemp
+    cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] rztheta, ptemp, b1, b2
     # set up  points
     dp = p2 - p1
@@ -180,21 +180,8 @@
         thetaright[nans] = np.arctan2((p1cart[1] + tpright[inds[nans]]*dpcart[1]), 
                                       (p1cart[0] + tpright[inds[nans]]*dpcart[0]))
-# <codecell>
-a = E
-b = F
-#c = np.array([rleft[ind], zleft[ind], thetaleft]).T
-#d = np.array([rleft[ind], zright[ind], thetaleft]).T
-#c = np.array([rright[ind], zleft[ind], thetaright]).T
-#d = np.array([rright[ind], zright[ind], thetaright]).T
-c =              np.array([rleft[ind], zright[ind], thetaleft]).T
+    # Set up the cell boundary arrays    
+    b1 = np.concatenate()              np.array([rleft[ind], zright[ind], thetaleft]).T
 c = np.append(c, np.array([rleft[ind], zleft[ind], thetaleft]).T, axis=0)
 c = np.append(c, np.array([rleft[ind], zleft[ind], thetaleft]).T, axis=0)
 c = np.append(c, np.array([rright[ind], zleft[ind], thetaright]).T, axis=0)
@@ -221,6 +208,7 @@
 ind = np.append(ind, origind)
 ind = np.append(ind, origind)
 tsec, intsec = intersect(a, b, c, d)
 print tsec
 print np.isnan(tsec).all(), len(tsec)

changeset:   17ff254e4016
branch:      yt-3.0
user:        scopatz
date:        2012-09-06 04:10:07
summary:     cylindrical ray tracer is working.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 864d721e3d1a4efd8c27970263f261513a319a9f -r 17ff254e4016de55cfeceec099e45212b86e88c4 yt/utilities/lib/alt_ray_tracers.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/alt_ray_tracers.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/alt_ray_tracers.pyx
@@ -77,8 +77,7 @@
 def clyindrical_ray_trace(np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] p1, 
                           np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] p2, 
                           np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] left_edges, 
-                          np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] right_edges)
+                          np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] right_edges):
     """Computes straight (cartesian) rays being traced through a 
     cylindrical geometry.
@@ -105,14 +104,14 @@
         indexes into the grid cells which the ray crosses in order.
-    int i, I
-    cdef np.float64_t a, b,b2, twoa
-    cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] dp, p1cart, p2cart, dpcart, t, s, 
-                                          rleft, rright, zleft, zright, 
-                                          cleft, cright, thetaleft, thetaright,
-                                          tmleft, tpleft, tmright, tpright
-    cdef np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=1] inds
-    cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] rztheta, ptemp, b1, b2
+    cdef int i, I
+    cdef np.float64_t a, b, bsqrd, twoa
+    cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] dp, p1cart, p2cart, dpcart, t, s, \
+                                          rleft, rright, zleft, zright, \
+                                          cleft, cright, thetaleft, thetaright, \
+                                          tmleft, tpleft, tmright, tpright, tsect
+    cdef np.ndarray[np.int64_t, ndim=1] inds, tinds, sinds
+    cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] xyz, rztheta, ptemp, b1, b2, dsect
     # set up  points
     dp = p2 - p1
@@ -123,29 +122,29 @@
     dpcart = p2cart - p1cart
     # set up components
-    rleft = left_edge[:,0]
-    rright = right_edge[:,0]
-    zleft = left_edge[:,1]
-    zright = right_edge[:,1]
+    rleft = left_edges[:,0]
+    rright = right_edges[:,0]
+    zleft = left_edges[:,1]
+    zright = right_edges[:,1]
     a = (dpcart[0]**2) + (dpcart[1]**2)
     b = (2*dpcart[0]*p1cart[0]) + (2*dpcart[1]*p1cart[1])
     cleft = ((p1cart[0]**2) + (p1cart[1]**2)) - rleft**2
     cright = ((p1cart[0]**2) + (p1cart[1]**2)) - rright**2
     twoa = 2*a
-    b2 = b**2
+    bsqrd = b**2
     # Compute positive and negative times and associated masks
-    I = left_edge.shape[0]
+    I = left_edges.shape[0]
     tmleft = np.empty(I, dtype='float64')
     tpleft = np.empty(I, dtype='float64')
     tmright = np.empty(I, dtype='float64')
     tpright = np.empty(I, dtype='float64')
     for i in range(I):
-        tmleft[i] = (-b - math.sqrt(b2 - 4*a*cleft[i])) / twoa
-        tpleft[i] = (-b + math.sqrt(b2 - 4*a*cleft[i])) / twoa  
-        tmright[i] = (-b - math.sqrt(b2 - 4*a*cright[i])) / twoa
-        tpright[i] = (-b + math.sqrt(b2 - 4*a*cright[i])) / twoa
+        tmleft[i] = (-b - math.sqrt(bsqrd - 4*a*cleft[i])) / twoa
+        tpleft[i] = (-b + math.sqrt(bsqrd - 4*a*cleft[i])) / twoa  
+        tmright[i] = (-b - math.sqrt(bsqrd - 4*a*cright[i])) / twoa
+        tpright[i] = (-b + math.sqrt(bsqrd - 4*a*cright[i])) / twoa
     tmmright = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(tmright), rright <= p1[0])
     tpmright = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(tpright), rright <= p2[0])
@@ -168,12 +167,17 @@
         thetaright = np.empty(I)
+        rleft = rleft[inds]
+        rright = rright[inds]
+        zleft = zleft[inds]
+        zright = zright[inds]
         thetaleft = np.arctan2((p1cart[1] + tmleft[inds]*dpcart[1]), 
                                (p1cart[0] + tmleft[inds]*dpcart[0]))
         nans = np.isnan(thetaleft)
         thetaleft[nans] = np.arctan2((p1cart[1] + tpleft[inds[nans]]*dpcart[1]), 
                                      (p1cart[0] + tpleft[inds[nans]]*dpcart[0]))
         thetaright = np.arctan2((p1cart[1] + tmright[inds]*dpcart[1]), 
                                 (p1cart[0] + tmright[inds]*dpcart[0]))
         nans = np.isnan(thetaright)
@@ -181,56 +185,46 @@
                                       (p1cart[0] + tpright[inds[nans]]*dpcart[0]))
     # Set up the cell boundary arrays    
-    b1 = np.concatenate()              np.array([rleft[ind], zright[ind], thetaleft]).T
-c = np.append(c, np.array([rleft[ind], zleft[ind], thetaleft]).T, axis=0)
-c = np.append(c, np.array([rleft[ind], zleft[ind], thetaleft]).T, axis=0)
-c = np.append(c, np.array([rright[ind], zleft[ind], thetaright]).T, axis=0)
-c = np.append(c, np.array([rleft[ind], zleft[ind], thetaleft]).T, axis=0)
-c = np.append(c, np.array([rright[ind], zright[ind], thetaleft]).T, axis=0)
-c = np.append(c, np.array([rleft[ind], zright[ind], thetaleft]).T, axis=0)
-c = np.append(c, np.array([rright[ind], zleft[ind], thetaleft]).T, axis=0)
+    b1 = np.concatenate([[rleft,  zright, thetaleft],
+                         [rleft,  zleft,  thetaleft],
+                         [rleft,  zleft,  thetaleft],
+                         [rright, zleft,  thetaright],
+                         [rleft,  zleft,  thetaleft],
+                         [rright, zright, thetaleft],
+                         [rleft,  zright, thetaleft],
+                         [rright, zleft,  thetaleft],
+                         ], axis=1).T
-d =              np.array([rright[ind], zright[ind], thetaright]).T
-d = np.append(d, np.array([rright[ind], zleft[ind], thetaright]).T, axis=0)
-d = np.append(d, np.array([rleft[ind], zright[ind], thetaleft]).T, axis=0)
-d = np.append(d, np.array([rright[ind], zright[ind], thetaright]).T, axis=0)
-d = np.append(d, np.array([rleft[ind], zleft[ind], thetaright]).T, axis=0)
-d = np.append(d, np.array([rright[ind], zright[ind], thetaright]).T, axis=0)
-d = np.append(d, np.array([rleft[ind], zright[ind], thetaright]).T, axis=0)
-d = np.append(d, np.array([rright[ind], zleft[ind], thetaright]).T, axis=0)
+    b2 = np.concatenate([[rright, zright, thetaright],
+                         [rright, zleft,  thetaright], 
+                         [rleft,  zright, thetaleft], 
+                         [rright, zright, thetaright], 
+                         [rleft,  zleft,  thetaright], 
+                         [rright, zright, thetaright], 
+                         [rleft,  zright, thetaright], 
+                         [rright, zleft,  thetaright],
+                         ], axis=1).T
-origind = ind
-ind = np.append(ind, origind)
-ind = np.append(ind, origind)
-ind = np.append(ind, origind)
-ind = np.append(ind, origind)
-ind = np.append(ind, origind)
-ind = np.append(ind, origind)
-ind = np.append(ind, origind)
+    inds = np.concatenate([inds, inds, inds, inds, inds, inds, inds, inds])
-tsec, intsec = intersect(a, b, c, d)
-print tsec
-print np.isnan(tsec).all(), len(tsec)
-tmask = np.logical_and(0.0<=tsec, tsec<=1.0)
-tsec, utmask = np.unique(tsec[tmask], return_index=True)
-print tsec.max(), tsec.ptp(), len(utmask)
-ind = ind[tmask][utmask]
-xyz = intsec[tmask][utmask]
-s = np.sqrt(((xyz - Ecart)**2).sum(axis=1))
-s, smask = np.unique(s, return_index=True)
-ind = ind[smask]
-xyz = xyz[smask]
-t = s/np.sqrt((Dcart**2).sum())
-si = s.argsort()
-s = s[si]
-t = t[si]
-ind = ind[si]
-xyz = xyz[si]
-rztheta = np.array([np.sqrt(xyz[:,0]**2 + xyz[:,1]**2), xyz[:,2], np.arctan2(xyz[:,1], xyz[:,0])]).T
-rztheta[:,2] = 0.0 + (rztheta[:,2] - np.pi*3/2)%(2*np.pi)
+    # find intersections and compute return values
+    tsect, dsect = _cart_intersect(p1cart, p2cart, _cyl2cart(b1), _cyl2cart(b2))
+    tmask = np.logical_and(0.0<=tsect, tsect<=1.0)
+    tsect, tinds = np.unique(tsect[tmask], return_index=True)
+    inds = inds[tmask][tinds]
+    xyz = dsect[tmask][tinds]
+    s = np.sqrt(((xyz - p1cart)**2).sum(axis=1))
+    s, sinds = np.unique(s, return_index=True)
+    inds = inds[sinds]
+    xyz = xyz[sinds]
+    t = s/np.sqrt((dpcart**2).sum())
+    sinds = s.argsort()
+    s = s[sinds]
+    t = t[sinds]
+    inds = inds[sinds]
+    xyz = xyz[sinds]
+    rztheta = np.concatenate([np.sqrt(xyz[:,0]**2 + xyz[:,1]**2)[:,np.newaxis], 
+                              xyz[:,2:3],
+                              np.arctan2(xyz[:,1], xyz[:,0])[:,np.newaxis]], axis=1)
+    return t, s, rztheta, inds
+    #rztheta[:,2] = 0.0 + (rztheta[:,2] - np.pi*3/2)%(2*np.pi)

changeset:   17a8b96a6b39
branch:      yt-3.0
user:        scopatz
date:        2012-09-12 00:52:53
summary:     tried to integrate cylindrical ray tracing, but is failing for some reason.
affected #:  5 files

diff -r 17ff254e4016de55cfeceec099e45212b86e88c4 -r 17a8b96a6b39a740f2da4d1cafb50b8dd67ac8f4 yt/data_objects/api.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/api.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/api.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 API for yt.data_objects
 Author: Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com>

diff -r 17ff254e4016de55cfeceec099e45212b86e88c4 -r 17a8b96a6b39a740f2da4d1cafb50b8dd67ac8f4 yt/data_objects/data_containers.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/data_containers.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/data_containers.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 The base classes for selecting and returning data.
 Author: Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com>
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
             return np.zeros(shape, dtype='bool')
 def restore_field_information_state(func):
-    """
+    """ 
     A decorator that takes a function with the API of (self, grid, field)
     and ensures that after the function is called, the field_parameters will
     be returned to normal.
@@ -75,14 +75,14 @@
     return save_state
 class YTFieldData(dict):
-    """
+    """ 
     A Container object for field data, instead of just having it be a dict.
 class YTDataContainer(object):
-    """
+    """ 
     Generic YTDataContainer container.  By itself, will attempt to
     generate field, read fields (method defined by derived classes)
     and deal with passing back and forth field parameters.
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
                 data_object_registry[cls._type_name] = cls
     def __init__(self, pf, field_parameters):
-        """
+        """ 
         Typically this is never called directly, but only due to inheritance.
         It associates a :class:`~yt.data_objects.api.StaticOutput` with the class,
         sets its initial set of fields, and the remainder of the arguments
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@
 class YTSelectionContainer2D(YTSelectionContainer):
     _key_fields = ['px','py','pdx','pdy']
-    """
+    """ 
     Class to represent a set of :class:`YTDataContainer` that's 2-D in nature, and
     thus does not have as many actions as the 3-D data types.

diff -r 17ff254e4016de55cfeceec099e45212b86e88c4 -r 17a8b96a6b39a740f2da4d1cafb50b8dd67ac8f4 yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 Data containers based on geometric selection
 Author: Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com>
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 from yt.utilities.lib import \
     VoxelTraversal, planar_points_in_volume, find_grids_in_inclined_box, \
+from yt.utilities.lib.alt_ray_tracers import clyindrical_ray_trace
 from yt.utilities.orientation import Orientation
 from .data_containers import \
     YTSelectionContainer1D, YTSelectionContainer2D, YTSelectionContainer3D
@@ -52,8 +53,8 @@
     _key_fields = ['x','y','z','dx','dy','dz']
     _type_name = "ortho_ray"
     _con_args = ('axis', 'coords')
-    def __init__(self, axis, coords, pf=None, field_parameters = None):
-        """
+    def __init__(self, axis, coords, pf=None, field_parameters=None):
+        """ 
         This is an orthogonal ray cast through the entire domain, at a specific
@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@
     _con_args = ('start_point', 'end_point')
     sort_by = 't'
     def __init__(self, start_point, end_point, pf=None, field_parameters = None):
-        """
+        """ 
         This is an arbitrarily-aligned ray cast through the entire domain, at a
         specific coordinate.
@@ -141,26 +142,49 @@
         #self.vec /= np.sqrt(np.dot(self.vec, self.vec))
         self.set_field_parameter('center', self.start_point)
-        self._dts, self._ts = {}, {}
+        self._dts, self._ts, self._masks = {}, {}, {}
     def _get_data_from_grid(self, grid, field):
-        mask = np.logical_and(self._get_cut_mask(grid),
-                              grid.child_mask)
-        if field == 'dts': return self._dts[grid.id][mask]
-        if field == 't': return self._ts[grid.id][mask]
+        if self.pf.geometry == "cylindrical":
+            if grid.id in self._masks:
+                mask = self._masks[grid.id] 
+            else:
+                mask = self._get_cut_mask(grid)
+            ts, dts = self._ts[grid.id], self._dts[grid.id]
+        else:
+            mask = np.logical_and(self._get_cut_mask(grid), grid.child_mask)
+            ts, dts = self._ts[grid.id][mask], self._dts[grid.id][mask]
+        if field == 'dts':
+            return dts
+        if field == 't': 
+            return ts
         gf = grid[field]
         if not iterable(gf):
             gf = gf * np.ones(grid.child_mask.shape)
         return gf[mask]
     def _get_cut_mask(self, grid):
-        mask = np.zeros(grid.ActiveDimensions, dtype='int')
-        dts = np.zeros(grid.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-        ts = np.zeros(grid.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-        VoxelTraversal(mask, ts, dts, grid.LeftEdge, grid.RightEdge,
-                       grid.dds, self.center, self.vec)
-        self._dts[grid.id] = np.abs(dts)
-        self._ts[grid.id] = np.abs(ts)
+        if self.pf.geometry == "cylindrical":
+            _ = clyindrical_ray_trace(self.start_point, self.end_point, 
+                                      grid.LeftEdge, grid.RightEdge)
+            ts, s, rzt, mask = _
+            dts = np.empty(ts.shape, dtype='float64')
+            dts[0], dts[1:] = 0.0, ts[1:] - ts[:-1]
+            grid['r'], grid['z'], grid['theta'] = rzt[:,0], rzt[:,1], rzt[:,2]
+            grid['s'] = s
+        else:
+            mask = np.zeros(grid.ActiveDimensions, dtype='int')
+            dts = np.zeros(grid.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
+            ts = np.zeros(grid.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
+            VoxelTraversal(mask, ts, dts, grid.LeftEdge, grid.RightEdge,
+                           grid.dds, self.center, self.vec)
+            dts = np.abs(dts) 
+            ts = np.abs(ts)
+        self._dts[grid.id] = dts
+        self._ts[grid.id] = ts
+        self._masks[grid.id] = masks
         return mask

diff -r 17ff254e4016de55cfeceec099e45212b86e88c4 -r 17a8b96a6b39a740f2da4d1cafb50b8dd67ac8f4 yt/utilities/lib/RayIntegrators.pyx
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/RayIntegrators.pyx
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/RayIntegrators.pyx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 Simle integrators for the radiative transfer equation
 Author: Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com>

diff -r 17ff254e4016de55cfeceec099e45212b86e88c4 -r 17a8b96a6b39a740f2da4d1cafb50b8dd67ac8f4 yt/visualization/plot_collection.py
--- a/yt/visualization/plot_collection.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/plot_collection.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 All of the base-level stuff for plotting.
 Author: Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com>

changeset:   81b3e1ff9e39
branch:      yt-3.0
user:        scopatz
date:        2012-09-12 21:47:52
summary:     Added RaySelector, not sure if it works.
affected #:  3 files

diff -r 17a8b96a6b39a740f2da4d1cafb50b8dd67ac8f4 -r 81b3e1ff9e39b106bff7ae8e9ec1798cc931e7f9 yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
     _type_name = "ray"
     _con_args = ('start_point', 'end_point')
     sort_by = 't'
-    def __init__(self, start_point, end_point, pf=None, field_parameters = None):
+    def __init__(self, start_point, end_point, pf=None, field_parameters=None):
         This is an arbitrarily-aligned ray cast through the entire domain, at a
         specific coordinate.
@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@
         self._dts, self._ts, self._masks = {}, {}, {}
     def _get_data_from_grid(self, grid, field):
+        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
         if self.pf.geometry == "cylindrical":
             if grid.id in self._masks:
                 mask = self._masks[grid.id] 

diff -r 17a8b96a6b39a740f2da4d1cafb50b8dd67ac8f4 -r 81b3e1ff9e39b106bff7ae8e9ec1798cc931e7f9 yt/geometry/geometry_handler.py
--- a/yt/geometry/geometry_handler.py
+++ b/yt/geometry/geometry_handler.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 Geometry container base class.
 Author: Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com>

diff -r 17a8b96a6b39a740f2da4d1cafb50b8dd67ac8f4 -r 81b3e1ff9e39b106bff7ae8e9ec1798cc931e7f9 yt/geometry/selection_routines.pyx
--- a/yt/geometry/selection_routines.pyx
+++ b/yt/geometry/selection_routines.pyx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 Geometry selection routines.
 Author: Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com>
@@ -724,6 +724,66 @@
 ortho_ray_selector = OrthoRaySelector
+cdef class RaySelector(SelectorObject):
+    cdef np.float64_t p1[3]
+    cdef np.float64_t p2[3]
+    cdef np.float64_t vec[3]
+    def __init__(self, dobj):
+        cdef int i
+        for i in range(3):
+            self.vec[i] = dobj.vec[i]
+        if (0.0 <= self.vec[0]) and (0.0 <= self.vec[1]) and (0.0 <= self.vec[2]):
+            for i in range(3):
+                self.p1[i] = dobj.start_point[i]
+                self.p2[i] = dobj.end_point[i]
+        else:
+            for i in range(3):
+                self.p1[i] = dobj.end_point[i]
+                self.p2[i] = dobj.start_point[i]
+    @cython.boundscheck(False)
+    @cython.wraparound(False)
+    @cython.cdivision(True)
+    cdef int select_grid(self, np.float64_t left_edge[3],
+                               np.float64_t right_edge[3]) nogil:
+        if ((self.p1[0] <= left_edge[0]) and (self.p2[0] > right_edge[0]) and 
+            (self.p1[1] <= left_edge[1]) and (self.p2[1] > right_edge[1]) and 
+            (self.p1[2] <= left_edge[2]) and (self.p2[2] > right_edge[2])):
+            return 1
+        return 0
+    @cython.boundscheck(False)
+    @cython.wraparound(False)
+    @cython.cdivision(True)
+    cdef int select_cell(self, np.float64_t pos[3], np.float64_t dds[3],
+                         int eterm[3]) nogil:
+        if ((self.p1[0] <= pos[0] - 0.5*dds[0]) and 
+            (self.p2[0] >  pos[0] + 0.5*dds[0]) and 
+            (self.p1[1] <= pos[1] - 0.5*dds[1]) and 
+            (self.p2[1] >  pos[1] + 0.5*dds[1]) and 
+            (self.p1[2] <= pos[2] - 0.5*dds[2]) and 
+            (self.p2[2] >  pos[2] + 0.5*dds[2])):
+            return 1
+        return 0
+    @cython.boundscheck(False)
+    @cython.wraparound(False)
+    @cython.cdivision(True)
+    cdef void set_bounds(self,
+                         np.float64_t left_edge[3], np.float64_t right_edge[3],
+                         np.float64_t dds[3], int ind[3][2], int *check):
+        cdef int i
+        for i in range(3):
+            ind[i][0] = <int> ((self.p1[i] - left_edge[i])/dds[i])
+            ind[i][1] = ind[i][0] + 1
+        check[0] = 0
+ray_selector = RaySelector
 cdef class GridCollectionSelector(SelectorObject):
     def __init__(self, dobj):

changeset:   7e185d2a815b
branch:      yt-3.0
user:        scopatz
date:        2012-09-12 22:19:17
summary:     Removed pdb
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 81b3e1ff9e39b106bff7ae8e9ec1798cc931e7f9 -r 7e185d2a815b79f07b2ea164b5763393a74c0c8e yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/selection_data_containers.py
@@ -145,7 +145,6 @@
         self._dts, self._ts, self._masks = {}, {}, {}
     def _get_data_from_grid(self, grid, field):
-        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
         if self.pf.geometry == "cylindrical":
             if grid.id in self._masks:
                 mask = self._masks[grid.id] 

changeset:   3496f043ab4b
branch:      yt-3.0
user:        scopatz
date:        2012-09-25 01:35:32
summary:     Added amrspace() in testing
affected #:  7 files

diff -r 7e185d2a815b79f07b2ea164b5763393a74c0c8e -r 3496f043ab4b3b809e73963c150c7afc561674f1 yt/frontends/ramses/data_structures.py
--- a/yt/frontends/ramses/data_structures.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/ramses/data_structures.py
@@ -157,9 +157,9 @@
         if hvals['nboundary'] > 0:
             fpu.skip(f, 2)
-            self.ngridbound = fpu.read_vector(f, 'i')
+            self.ngridbound = fpu.read_vector(f, 'i').astype("int64")
-            self.ngridbound = 0
+            self.ngridbound = np.zeros(hvals['nlevelmax'], dtype='int64')
         free_mem = fpu.read_attrs(f, (('free_mem', 5, 'i'), ) )
         ordering = fpu.read_vector(f, 'c')
         fpu.skip(f, 4)
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
         mylog.debug("Reading domain AMR % 4i (%0.3e, %0.3e)",
-            self.domain_id, self.local_oct_count, self.ngridbound)
+            self.domain_id, self.local_oct_count, self.ngridbound.sum())
         def _ng(c, l):
             if c < self.amr_header['ncpu']:
                 ng = self.amr_header['numbl'][l, c]
@@ -192,6 +192,7 @@
             return ng
         min_level = self.pf.min_level
         total = 0
+        nx, ny, nz = (((i-1.0)/2.0) for i in self.amr_header['nx'])
         for level in range(self.amr_header['nlevelmax']):
             # Easier if do this 1-indexed
             for cpu in range(self.amr_header['nboundary'] + self.amr_header['ncpu']):
@@ -201,9 +202,9 @@
                 ind = fpu.read_vector(f, "I").astype("int64")
                 fpu.skip(f, 2)
                 pos = np.empty((ng, 3), dtype='float64')
-                pos[:,0] = fpu.read_vector(f, "d")
-                pos[:,1] = fpu.read_vector(f, "d")
-                pos[:,2] = fpu.read_vector(f, "d")
+                pos[:,0] = fpu.read_vector(f, "d") - nx
+                pos[:,1] = fpu.read_vector(f, "d") - ny
+                pos[:,2] = fpu.read_vector(f, "d") - nz
                 #pos *= self.pf.domain_width
                 #pos += self.parameter_file.domain_left_edge
                 fpu.skip(f, 31)
@@ -327,7 +328,8 @@
     def _initialize_oct_handler(self):
         self.domains = [RAMSESDomainFile(self.parameter_file, i + 1)
                         for i in range(self.parameter_file['ncpu'])]
-        total_octs = sum(dom.local_oct_count for dom in self.domains)
+        total_octs = sum(dom.local_oct_count #+ dom.ngridbound.sum()
+                         for dom in self.domains)
         self.num_grids = total_octs
         #this merely allocates space for the oct tree
         #and nothing else
@@ -337,7 +339,7 @@
         mylog.debug("Allocating %s octs", total_octs)
-            [dom.local_oct_count + dom.ngridbound
+            [dom.local_oct_count #+ dom.ngridbound.sum()
              for dom in self.domains])
         #this actually reads every oct and loads it into the octree
         for dom in self.domains:

diff -r 7e185d2a815b79f07b2ea164b5763393a74c0c8e -r 3496f043ab4b3b809e73963c150c7afc561674f1 yt/geometry/oct_container.pxd
--- a/yt/geometry/oct_container.pxd
+++ b/yt/geometry/oct_container.pxd
@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@
     cdef np.float64_t DLE[3], DRE[3]
     cdef public int nocts
     cdef public int max_domain
+    cdef Oct* get(self, ppos)
+    cdef void neighbors(self, Oct *, Oct **)
+    cdef void oct_bounds(self, Oct *, np.float64_t *, np.float64_t *)
 cdef class RAMSESOctreeContainer(OctreeContainer):
     cdef OctAllocationContainer **domains

diff -r 7e185d2a815b79f07b2ea164b5763393a74c0c8e -r 3496f043ab4b3b809e73963c150c7afc561674f1 yt/geometry/oct_container.pyx
--- a/yt/geometry/oct_container.pyx
+++ b/yt/geometry/oct_container.pyx
@@ -127,6 +127,39 @@
                 yield (this.ind, this.local_ind, this.domain)
             cur = cur.next
+    cdef void oct_bounds(self, Oct *o, np.float64_t *corner, np.float64_t *size):
+        cdef np.float64_t base_dx[3]
+        cdef int i
+        for i in range(3):
+            size[i] = (self.DRE[i] - self.DLE[i]) / (self.nn[i] << o.level)
+            corner[i] = o.pos[i] * size[i] + self.DLE[i]
+    @cython.boundscheck(False)
+    @cython.wraparound(False)
+    @cython.cdivision(True)
+    cdef Oct *get(self, ppos):
+        cdef np.int64_t ind[3]
+        cdef np.float64_t dds[3], cp[3], pp[3]
+        cdef Oct *cur
+        cdef int i
+        for i in range(3):
+            pp[i] = ppos[i] - self.DLE[i]
+            dds[i] = (self.DRE[i] - self.DLE[i])/self.nn[i]
+            ind[i] = <np.int64_t> (pp[i]/dds[i])
+            cp[i] = (ind[i] + 0.5) * dds[i]
+        cur = self.root_mesh[ind[0]][ind[1]][ind[2]]
+        while cur.children[0][0][0] != NULL:
+            for i in range(3):
+                dds[i] = dds[i] / 2.0
+                if cp[i] > pp[i]:
+                    ind[i] = 0
+                    cp[i] -= dds[i] / 2.0
+                else:
+                    ind[i] = 1
+                    cp[i] += dds[i]/2.0
+            cur = cur.children[ind[0]][ind[1]][ind[2]]
+        return cur
@@ -154,6 +187,93 @@
                 count[o.domain - 1] += mask[oi,i]
         return count
+    @cython.boundscheck(False)
+    @cython.wraparound(False)
+    @cython.cdivision(True)
+    cdef void neighbors(self, Oct* o, Oct* neighbors[27]):
+        cdef np.int64_t curopos[3]
+        cdef np.int64_t curnpos[3]
+        cdef np.int64_t npos[3]
+        cdef int i, j, k, ni, nj, nk, ind[3], nn, dl, skip
+        cdef np.float64_t dds[3], cp[3], pp[3]
+        cdef Oct* candidate
+        for i in range(27): neighbors[i] = NULL
+        nn = 0
+        for ni in range(3):
+            for nj in range(3):
+                for nk in range(3):
+                    #print "Handling neighbor", nn
+                    if ni == nj == nk == 1:
+                        neighbors[nn] = o
+                        nn += 1
+                        continue
+                    npos[0] = o.pos[0] + (ni - 1)
+                    npos[1] = o.pos[1] + (nj - 1)
+                    npos[2] = o.pos[2] + (nk - 1)
+                    for i in range(3):
+                        # Periodicity
+                        if npos[i] == -1:
+                            npos[i] = (self.nn[i]  << o.level) - 1
+                        elif npos[i] == (self.nn[i] << o.level):
+                            npos[i] = 0
+                        curopos[i] = o.pos[i]
+                        curnpos[i] = npos[i] 
+                    # Now we have our neighbor position and a safe place to
+                    # keep it.  curnpos will be the root index of the neighbor
+                    # at a given level, and npos will be constant.  curopos is
+                    # the candidate root at a level.
+                    candidate = o
+                    while candidate != NULL:
+                        if ((curopos[0] == curnpos[0]) and 
+                            (curopos[1] == curnpos[1]) and
+                            (curopos[2] == curnpos[2])):
+                            break
+                        # This one doesn't meet it, so we pop up a level.
+                        # First we update our positions, then we update our
+                        # candidate.
+                        for i in range(3):
+                            # We strip a digit off the right
+                            curopos[i] = (curopos[i] >> 1)
+                            curnpos[i] = (curnpos[i] >> 1)
+                        # Now we update to the candidate's parent, which should
+                        # have a matching position to curopos[]
+                        candidate = candidate.parent
+                    if candidate == NULL:
+                        # Worst case scenario
+                        for i in range(3):
+                            ind[i] = (npos[i] >> (o.level))
+                        #print "NULL", npos[0], npos[1], npos[2], ind[0], ind[1], ind[2], o.level
+                        candidate = self.root_mesh[ind[0]][ind[1]][ind[2]]
+                    # Now we have the common root, which may be NULL
+                    while candidate.level < o.level:
+                        dl = o.level - (candidate.level + 1)
+                        for i in range(3):
+                            ind[i] = (npos[i] >> dl) & 1
+                        if candidate.children[0][0][0] == NULL: break
+                        candidate = candidate.children[ind[0]][ind[1]][ind[2]]
+                    neighbors[nn] = candidate
+                    nn += 1
+    @cython.boundscheck(False)
+    @cython.wraparound(False)
+    @cython.cdivision(True)
+    def get_neighbor_boundaries(self, ppos):
+        cdef Oct *main = self.get(ppos)
+        cdef Oct* neighbors[27]
+        self.neighbors(main, neighbors)
+        cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] bounds
+        cdef np.float64_t corner[3], size[3]
+        bounds = np.zeros((27,6), dtype="float64")
+        cdef int i, ii
+        cdef np.float64_t base_dx[3]
+        tnp = 0
+        for i in range(27):
+            self.oct_bounds(neighbors[i], corner, size)
+            for ii in range(3):
+                bounds[i, ii] = corner[ii]
+                bounds[i, 3+ii] = size[ii]
+        return bounds
 cdef class RAMSESOctreeContainer(OctreeContainer):
     def allocate_domains(self, domain_counts):
@@ -215,7 +335,7 @@
     def add(self, int curdom, int curlevel, int ng,
             np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] pos,
-            int local_domain):
+            int local_domain, int skip_boundary = 1):
         cdef int level, no, p, i, j, k, ind[3]
         cdef int local = (local_domain == curdom)
         cdef Oct *cur, *next = NULL
@@ -224,15 +344,20 @@
         if curdom > self.max_domain: curdom = local_domain
         cdef OctAllocationContainer *cont = self.domains[curdom - 1]
         cdef int initial = cont.n_assigned
+        cdef int in_boundary = 0
         # How do we bootstrap ourselves?
         for p in range(no):
             #for every oct we're trying to add find the 
             #floating point unitary position on this level
+            in_boundary = 0
             for i in range(3):
                 pp[i] = pos[p, i]
                 dds[i] = (self.DRE[i] + self.DLE[i])/self.nn[i]
                 ind[i] = <np.int64_t> (pp[i]/dds[i])
                 cp[i] = (ind[i] + 0.5) * dds[i]
+                if ind[i] < 0 or ind[i] >= self.nn[i]:
+                    in_boundary = 1
+            if skip_boundary == in_boundary == 1: continue
             cur = self.root_mesh[ind[0]][ind[1]][ind[2]]
             if cur == NULL:
                 if curlevel != 0:
@@ -422,6 +547,20 @@
     cdef ParticleArrays *last_sd
     cdef Oct** oct_list
+    def allocate_root(self):
+        cdef int i, j, k
+        cdef Oct *cur
+        for i in range(self.nn[0]):
+            for j in range(self.nn[1]):
+                for k in range(self.nn[2]):
+                    cur = self.allocate_oct()
+                    cur.level = 0
+                    cur.pos[0] = i
+                    cur.pos[1] = j
+                    cur.pos[2] = k
+                    cur.parent = NULL
+                    self.root_mesh[i][j][k] = cur
     def __dealloc__(self):
         cdef i, j, k
         for i in range(self.nn[0]):
@@ -444,8 +583,89 @@
+    @cython.boundscheck(False)
+    @cython.wraparound(False)
+    @cython.cdivision(True)
+    def icoords(self, np.ndarray[np.uint8_t, ndim=2, cast=True] mask,
+                np.int64_t cell_count):
+        cdef np.ndarray[np.int64_t, ndim=2] coords
+        coords = np.empty((cell_count, 3), dtype="int64")
+        cdef int oi, i, ci, ii
+        ci = 0
+        for oi in range(self.nocts):
+            o = self.oct_list[oi]
+            for i in range(2):
+                for j in range(2):
+                    for k in range(2):
+                        ii = ((k*2)+j)*2+i
+                        if mask[oi, ii] == 1:
+                            coords[ci, 0] = (o.pos[0] << 1) + i
+                            coords[ci, 1] = (o.pos[1] << 1) + j
+                            coords[ci, 2] = (o.pos[2] << 1) + k
+                            ci += 1
+        return coords
+    @cython.boundscheck(False)
+    @cython.wraparound(False)
+    @cython.cdivision(True)
+    def ires(self, np.ndarray[np.uint8_t, ndim=2, cast=True] mask,
+                np.int64_t cell_count):
+        cdef np.ndarray[np.int64_t, ndim=1] res
+        res = np.empty(cell_count, dtype="int64")
+        cdef int oi, i, ci
+        ci = 0
+        for oi in range(self.nocts):
+            o = self.oct_list[oi]
+            for i in range(8):
+                if mask[oi, i] == 1:
+                    res[ci] = o.level
+                    ci += 1
+        return res
+    @cython.boundscheck(False)
+    @cython.wraparound(False)
+    @cython.cdivision(True)
+    def fcoords(self, np.ndarray[np.uint8_t, ndim=2, cast=True] mask,
+                np.int64_t cell_count):
+        cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] coords
+        coords = np.empty((cell_count, 3), dtype="float64")
+        cdef int oi, i, ci
+        cdef np.float64_t base_dx[3], dx[3], pos[3]
+        for i in range(3):
+            # This is the base_dx, but not the base distance from the center
+            # position.  Note that the positions will also all be offset by
+            # dx/2.0.  This is also for *oct grids*, not cells.
+            base_dx[i] = (self.DRE[i] - self.DLE[i])/self.nn[i]
+        ci = 0
+        cdef int proc
+        for oi in range(self.nocts):
+            proc = 0
+            for i in range(8):
+                if mask[oi, i] == 1:
+                    proc = 1
+                    break
+            if proc == 0: continue
+            o = self.oct_list[oi]
+            for i in range(3):
+                # This gives the *grid* width for this level
+                dx[i] = base_dx[i] / (1 << o.level)
+                # o.pos is the *grid* index, so pos[i] is the center of the
+                # first cell in the grid
+                pos[i] = self.DLE[i] + o.pos[i]*dx[i] + dx[i]/4.0
+                dx[i] = dx[i] / 2.0 # This is now the *offset* 
+            for i in range(2):
+                for j in range(2):
+                    for k in range(2):
+                        ii = ((k*2)+j)*2+i
+                        if mask[oi, ii] == 0: continue
+                        coords[ci, 0] = pos[0] + dx[0] * i
+                        coords[ci, 1] = pos[1] + dx[1] * j
+                        coords[ci, 2] = pos[2] + dx[2] * k
+                        ci += 1
+        return coords
     def allocate_domains(self, domain_counts):
-        cdef int count, i
+        pass
     def finalize(self):
         self.oct_list = <Oct**> malloc(sizeof(Oct*)*self.nocts)
@@ -509,6 +729,7 @@
         cdef np.float64_t dds[3], cp[3], pp[3]
         cdef int ind[3]
         self.max_domain = max(self.max_domain, domain_id)
+        if self.root_mesh[0][0][0] == NULL: self.allocate_root()
         for p in range(no):
             level = 0
             for i in range(3):
@@ -518,10 +739,7 @@
                 cp[i] = (ind[i] + 0.5) * dds[i]
             cur = self.root_mesh[ind[0]][ind[1]][ind[2]]
             if cur == NULL:
-                cur = self.allocate_oct()
-                self.root_mesh[ind[0]][ind[1]][ind[2]] = cur
-                for i in range(3):
-                    cur.pos[i] = ind[i] # root level
+                raise RuntimeError
             if cur.sd.np == 32:
                 self.refine_oct(cur, cp)
             while cur.sd.np < 0:
@@ -539,6 +757,7 @@
                     self.refine_oct(cur, cp)
             # Now we copy in our particle 
             pi = cur.sd.np
+            cur.level = level
             for i in range(3):
                 cur.sd.pos[i][pi] = pp[i]
             cur.sd.domain_id[pi] = domain_id
@@ -551,9 +770,11 @@
             for j in range(2):
                 for k in range(2):
                     noct = self.allocate_oct()
-                    noct.pos[0] = o.pos[0] << 1 + i
-                    noct.pos[1] = o.pos[1] << 1 + j
-                    noct.pos[2] = o.pos[2] << 1 + k
+                    noct.level = o.level + 1
+                    noct.pos[0] = (o.pos[0] << 1) + i
+                    noct.pos[1] = (o.pos[1] << 1) + j
+                    noct.pos[2] = (o.pos[2] << 1) + k
+                    noct.parent = o
                     o.children[i][j][k] = noct
         for m in range(32):
             for i in range(3):
@@ -615,3 +836,18 @@
             for i in range(o.sd.np):
                 dmask[o.sd.domain_id[i]] = 1
         return dmask.astype("bool")
+    @cython.boundscheck(False)
+    @cython.wraparound(False)
+    @cython.cdivision(True)
+    def count_neighbor_particles(self, ppos):
+        cdef Oct *main = self.get(ppos)
+        cdef Oct* neighbors[27]
+        self.neighbors(main, neighbors)
+        cdef int i, ni, dl, tnp
+        tnp = 0
+        for i in range(27):
+            if neighbors[i].sd != NULL:
+                tnp += neighbors[i].sd.np
+        return tnp

diff -r 7e185d2a815b79f07b2ea164b5763393a74c0c8e -r 3496f043ab4b3b809e73963c150c7afc561674f1 yt/geometry/setup.py
--- a/yt/geometry/setup.py
+++ b/yt/geometry/setup.py
@@ -9,13 +9,19 @@
     config = Configuration('geometry',parent_package,top_path)
-                libraries=["m"], depends=["yt/utilities/lib/fp_utils.pxd"])
+                libraries=["m"],
+                depends=["yt/utilities/lib/fp_utils.pxd",
+                         "yt/geometry/oct_container.pxd",
+                         "yt/geometry/selection_routines.pxd"])
-                libraries=["m"], depends=["yt/utilities/lib/fp_utils.pxd"])
+                libraries=["m"],
+                depends=["yt/utilities/lib/fp_utils.pxd",
+                         "yt/geometry/oct_container.pxd",
+                         "yt/geometry/selection_routines.pxd"])
     config.make_config_py() # installs __config__.py
     return config

diff -r 7e185d2a815b79f07b2ea164b5763393a74c0c8e -r 3496f043ab4b3b809e73963c150c7afc561674f1 yt/testing.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/testing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+"""Provides utility and helper functions for testing in yt.
+Author: Anthony Scpatz <scopatz at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: The University of Chicago
+Homepage: http://yt-project.org/
+  Copyright (C) 2012 Anthony Scopatz.  All Rights Reserved.
+  This file is part of yt.
+  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import numpy as np
+def amrspace(extent, levels=7, cells=8):
+    """Creates two numpy arrays representing the left and right bounds of 
+    an AMR grid as well as an array for the AMR level of each cell.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    extent : array-like
+        This a sequence of length 2*ndims that is the bounds of each dimension.
+        For example, the 2D unit square would be given by [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0].
+        A 3D cylindrical grid may look like [0.0, 2.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2*np.pi].
+    levels : int or sequence of ints, optional
+        This is the number of AMR refinement levels.  If given as a sequence (of
+        length ndims), then each dimension will be refined down to this level.
+        All values in this array must be the same or zero.  A zero valued dimension
+        indicates that this dim should not be refined.  Taking the 3D cylindrical
+        example above if we don't want refine theta but want r and z at 5 we would 
+        set levels=(5, 5, 0).
+    cells : int, optional
+        This is the number of cells per refinement level.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    left : float ndarray, shape=(npoints, ndims)
+        The left AMR grid points.
+    right : float ndarray, shape=(npoints, ndims)
+        The right AMR grid points.
+    level : int ndarray, shape=(npoints,)
+        The AMR level for each point.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> l, r, lvl = amrspace([0.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 3.14], levels=(3,3,0), cells=2)
+    >>> print l
+    [[ 0.     1.     0.   ]
+     [ 0.25   1.     0.   ]
+     [ 0.     1.125  0.   ]
+     [ 0.25   1.125  0.   ]
+     [ 0.5    1.     0.   ]
+     [ 0.     1.25   0.   ]
+     [ 0.5    1.25   0.   ]
+     [ 1.     1.     0.   ]
+     [ 0.     1.5    0.   ]
+     [ 1.     1.5    0.   ]]
+    """
+    extent = np.asarray(extent, dtype='f8')
+    dextent = extent[1::2] - extent[::2]
+    ndims = len(dextent)
+    if isinstance(levels, int):
+        minlvl = maxlvl = levels
+        levels = np.array([levels]*ndims, dtype='int32')
+    else:
+        levels = np.asarray(levels, dtype='int32')
+        minlvl = levels.min()
+        maxlvl = levels.max()
+        if minlvl != maxlvl and (minlvl != 0 or set([minlvl, maxlvl]) != set(levels)):
+            raise ValueError("all levels must have the same value or zero.")
+    dims_zero = (levels == 0)
+    dims_nonzero = ~dims_zero
+    ndims_nonzero = dims_nonzero.sum()
+    npoints = (cells**ndims_nonzero - 1)*maxlvl + 1
+    left = np.empty((npoints, ndims), dtype='float64')
+    right = np.empty((npoints, ndims), dtype='float64')
+    level = np.empty(npoints, dtype='int32')
+    # fill zero dims
+    left[:,dims_zero] = extent[::2][dims_zero]
+    right[:,dims_zero] = extent[1::2][dims_zero]
+    # fill non-zero dims
+    dcell = 1.0 / cells
+    left_slice =  tuple([slice(extent[2*n], extent[2*n+1], extent[2*n+1]) if \
+        dims_zero[n] else slice(0.0,1.0,dcell) for n in range(ndims)])
+    right_slice = tuple([slice(extent[2*n+1], extent[2*n], -extent[2*n+1]) if \
+        dims_zero[n] else slice(dcell,1.0+dcell,dcell) for n in range(ndims)])
+    left_norm_grid = np.reshape(np.mgrid[left_slice].T.flat[ndims:], (-1, ndims))
+    lng_zero = left_norm_grid[:,dims_zero]
+    lng_nonzero = left_norm_grid[:,dims_nonzero]
+    right_norm_grid = np.reshape(np.mgrid[right_slice].T.flat[ndims:], (-1, ndims))
+    rng_zero = right_norm_grid[:,dims_zero]
+    rng_nonzero = right_norm_grid[:,dims_nonzero]
+    level[0] = maxlvl
+    left[0,:] = extent[::2]
+    right[0,dims_zero] = extent[1::2][dims_zero]
+    right[0,dims_nonzero] = (dcell**maxlvl)*dextent[dims_nonzero] + extent[::2][dims_nonzero]
+    for i, lvl in enumerate(range(maxlvl, 0, -1)):
+        start = (cells**ndims_nonzero - 1)*i + 1
+        stop = (cells**ndims_nonzero - 1)*(i+1) + 1
+        dsize = dcell**(lvl-1) * dextent[dims_nonzero]
+        level[start:stop] = lvl
+        left[start:stop,dims_zero] = lng_zero
+        left[start:stop,dims_nonzero] = lng_nonzero*dsize + extent[::2][dims_nonzero]
+        right[start:stop,dims_zero] = rng_zero
+        right[start:stop,dims_nonzero] = rng_nonzero*dsize + extent[::2][dims_nonzero]
+    return left, right, level

diff -r 7e185d2a815b79f07b2ea164b5763393a74c0c8e -r 3496f043ab4b3b809e73963c150c7afc561674f1 yt/utilities/linear_interpolators.py
--- a/yt/utilities/linear_interpolators.py
+++ b/yt/utilities/linear_interpolators.py
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@
         my_vals = np.zeros(x_vals.shape, dtype='float64')
         lib.UnilinearlyInterpolate(self.table, x_vals, self.x_bins, x_i, my_vals)
-        return my_vals.reshape(orig_shape)
+        my_vals.shape = orig_shape
+        return my_vals
 class BilinearFieldInterpolator:
     def __init__(self, table, boundaries, field_names, truncate=False):
@@ -86,7 +87,8 @@
                                  x_vals, y_vals, self.x_bins, self.y_bins,
                                  x_i, y_i, my_vals)
-        return my_vals.reshape(orig_shape)
+        my_vals.shape = orig_shape
+        return my_vals
 class TrilinearFieldInterpolator:
     def __init__(self, table, boundaries, field_names, truncate = False):
@@ -125,31 +127,8 @@
                                  x_vals, y_vals, z_vals,
                                  self.x_bins, self.y_bins, self.z_bins,
                                  x_i, y_i, z_i, my_vals)
-        return my_vals.reshape(orig_shape)
-        # Use notation from Paul Bourke's page on interpolation
-        # http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/other/interpolation/
-        x = (x_vals - self.x_bins[x_i]) / (self.x_bins[x_i+1] - self.x_bins[x_i])
-        y = (y_vals - self.y_bins[y_i]) / (self.y_bins[y_i+1] - self.y_bins[y_i])
-        z = (z_vals - self.z_bins[z_i]) / (self.z_bins[z_i+1] - self.z_bins[z_i])
-        xm = (self.x_bins[x_i+1] - x_vals) / (self.x_bins[x_i+1] - self.x_bins[x_i])
-        ym = (self.y_bins[y_i+1] - y_vals) / (self.y_bins[y_i+1] - self.y_bins[y_i])
-        zm = (self.z_bins[z_i+1] - z_vals) / (self.z_bins[z_i+1] - self.z_bins[z_i])
-        if np.any(np.isnan(self.table)):
-            raise ValueError
-        if np.any(np.isnan(x) | np.isnan(y) | np.isnan(z)):
-            raise ValueError
-        if np.any(np.isnan(xm) | np.isnan(ym) | np.isnan(zm)):
-            raise ValueError
-        my_vals  = self.table[x_i  ,y_i  ,z_i  ] * (xm*ym*zm)
-        my_vals += self.table[x_i+1,y_i  ,z_i  ] * (x *ym*zm)
-        my_vals += self.table[x_i  ,y_i+1,z_i  ] * (xm*y *zm)
-        my_vals += self.table[x_i  ,y_i  ,z_i+1] * (xm*ym*z )
-        my_vals += self.table[x_i+1,y_i  ,z_i+1] * (x *ym*z )
-        my_vals += self.table[x_i  ,y_i+1,z_i+1] * (xm*y *z )
-        my_vals += self.table[x_i+1,y_i+1,z_i  ] * (x *y *zm)
-        my_vals += self.table[x_i+1,y_i+1,z_i+1] * (x *y *z )
-        return my_vals.reshape(orig_shape)
+        my_vals.shape = orig_shape
+        return my_vals
 def get_centers(pf, filename, center_cols, radius_col, unit='1'):

diff -r 7e185d2a815b79f07b2ea164b5763393a74c0c8e -r 3496f043ab4b3b809e73963c150c7afc561674f1 yt/utilities/tests/test_interpolators.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/utilities/tests/test_interpolators.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal
+import yt.utilities.linear_interpolators as lin
+def setup():
+    pass
+def test_linear_interpolator():
+    random_data = np.random.random(128)
+    x = {"Random":np.mgrid[0.0:1.0:128j]}
+    ufi = lin.UnilinearFieldInterpolator(random_data, (0.0, 1.0), "Random", True)
+    assert_array_equal(ufi(x), random_data)

changeset:   7844f5a2ee9e
branch:      yt-3.0
user:        scopatz
date:        2012-09-25 03:59:32
summary:     First cut at ray trace tests.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 3496f043ab4b3b809e73963c150c7afc561674f1 -r 7844f5a2ee9e04627e7234418419e40be401ed9e yt/utilities/lib/tests/test_alt_ray_tracers.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/tests/test_alt_ray_tracers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+"""Tests for non-cartesian ray tracers."""
+import nose
+import numpy as np
+from nose.tools import assert_equal, assert_not_equal, assert_raises, raises, \
+    assert_almost_equal, assert_true, assert_false, assert_in
+from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal, assert_array_almost_equal
+from yt.testing import amrspace
+from yt.utilities.lib.alt_ray_tracers import clyindrical_ray_trace
+left_grid = right_grid = amr_levels = center_grid = data = None
+def setup():
+    # set up some sample cylindrical grid data, radiating out from center
+    global left_grid, right_grid, amr_levels, center_grid
+    np.seterr(all='ignore')
+    l1, r1, lvl1 = amrspace([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2*np.pi], levels=(7,7,0))
+    l2, r2, lvl2 = amrspace([0.0, 1.0, 0.0,  1.0, 0.0, 2*np.pi], levels=(7,7,0))
+    left_grid = np.concatenate([l1,l2], axis=0)
+    right_grid = np.concatenate([r1,r2], axis=0)
+    amr_levels = np.concatenate([lvl1,lvl2], axis=0)
+    center_grid = (left_grid + right_grid) / 2.0
+    data = np.cos(np.sqrt(np.sum(center_grid[:,:2]**2, axis=1)))**2  # cos^2
+point_pairs = [
+    # p1               p2
+    ([0.5, -1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.75*np.pi]),  # Everything different
+    ([0.5, -1.0, 0.0], [0.5, 1.0, 0.75*np.pi]),  # r same
+    ([0.5, -1.0, 0.0], [0.5, 1.0, np.pi]),       # diagonal through z-axis
+    # straight through z-axis
+    ([0.5, 0.0, 0.0],  [0.5, 0.0, np.pi]),       
+    #([0.5, 0.0, np.pi*3/2 + 0.0], [0.5, 0.0, np.pi*3/2 + np.pi]),
+    #([0.5, 0.0, np.pi/2 + 0.0], [0.5, 0.0, np.pi/2 + np.pi]),
+    #([0.5, 0.0, np.pi + 0.0], [0.5, 0.0, np.pi + np.pi]),
+    # const z, not through z-axis
+    ([0.5, 0.1, 0.0],  [0.5, 0.1, 0.75*np.pi]),
+    #([0.5, 0.1, np.pi + 0.0], [0.5, 0.1, np.pi + 0.75*np.pi]), 
+    #([0.5, 0.1, np.pi*3/2 + 0.0], [0.5, 0.1, np.pi*3/2 + 0.75*np.pi]),
+    #([0.5, 0.1, np.pi/2 + 0.0], [0.5, 0.1, np.pi/2 + 0.75*np.pi]), 
+    #([0.5, 0.1, 2*np.pi + 0.0], [0.5, 0.1, 2*np.pi + 0.75*np.pi]), 
+    #([0.5, 0.1, np.pi/4 + 0.0], [0.5, 0.1, np.pi/4 + 0.75*np.pi]),
+    #([0.5, 0.1, np.pi*3/8 + 0.0], [0.5, 0.1, np.pi*3/8 + 0.75*np.pi]), 
+    ([0.5, -1.0, 0.75*np.pi], [1.0, 1.0, 0.75*np.pi]),  # r,z different - theta same
+    ([0.5, -1.0, 0.75*np.pi], [0.5, 1.0, 0.75*np.pi]),  # z-axis parallel
+    ([0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]),                # z-axis itself
+    ]
+def check_monotonic_inc(arr):
+    assert_true(np.all(0.0 <= (arr[1:] - arr[:-1])))
+def test_clyindrical_ray_trace():
+    for p1, p2 in point_pairs:
+        p1, p2 = np.asarray(p1), np.asarray(p2)
+        t, s, rztheta, inds = clyindrical_ray_trace(p1, p2, left_grid, right_grid)
+        yield check_monotonic_inc, t
+        yield check_monotonic_inc, s

changeset:   52a1b2ecea94
branch:      yt-3.0
user:        scopatz
date:        2012-09-25 04:42:49
summary:     finished writing up some tests for cylindrical coord ray tracer.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 7844f5a2ee9e04627e7234418419e40be401ed9e -r 52a1b2ecea9488edb1df3f0090fcd18bac38586e yt/utilities/lib/tests/test_alt_ray_tracers.py
--- a/yt/utilities/lib/tests/test_alt_ray_tracers.py
+++ b/yt/utilities/lib/tests/test_alt_ray_tracers.py
@@ -3,11 +3,12 @@
 import numpy as np
 from nose.tools import assert_equal, assert_not_equal, assert_raises, raises, \
-    assert_almost_equal, assert_true, assert_false, assert_in
+    assert_almost_equal, assert_true, assert_false, assert_in, assert_less_equal, \
+    assert_greater_equal
 from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal, assert_array_almost_equal
 from yt.testing import amrspace
-from yt.utilities.lib.alt_ray_tracers import clyindrical_ray_trace
+from yt.utilities.lib.alt_ray_tracers import clyindrical_ray_trace, _cyl2cart
 left_grid = right_grid = amr_levels = center_grid = data = None
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@
     data = np.cos(np.sqrt(np.sum(center_grid[:,:2]**2, axis=1)))**2  # cos^2
-point_pairs = [
+point_pairs = np.array([
     # p1               p2
     ([0.5, -1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.75*np.pi]),  # Everything different
     ([0.5, -1.0, 0.0], [0.5, 1.0, 0.75*np.pi]),  # r same
@@ -45,16 +46,40 @@
     ([0.5, -1.0, 0.75*np.pi], [1.0, 1.0, 0.75*np.pi]),  # r,z different - theta same
     ([0.5, -1.0, 0.75*np.pi], [0.5, 1.0, 0.75*np.pi]),  # z-axis parallel
     ([0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]),                # z-axis itself
-    ]
+    ])
 def check_monotonic_inc(arr):
     assert_true(np.all(0.0 <= (arr[1:] - arr[:-1])))
+def check_bounds(arr, blower, bupper):
+    assert_true(np.all(blower <= arr))
+    assert_true(np.all(bupper >= arr))
 def test_clyindrical_ray_trace():
-    for p1, p2 in point_pairs:
-        p1, p2 = np.asarray(p1), np.asarray(p2)
+    for pair in point_pairs:
+        p1, p2 = pair
+        p1cart, p2cart =  _cyl2cart(pair)
+        pathlen = np.sqrt(np.sum((p2cart - p1cart)**2))
         t, s, rztheta, inds = clyindrical_ray_trace(p1, p2, left_grid, right_grid)
+        npoints = len(t)
         yield check_monotonic_inc, t
+        yield assert_less_equal, 0.0, t[0]
+        yield assert_less_equal, t[-1], 1.0
         yield check_monotonic_inc, s
+        yield assert_less_equal, 0.0, s[0]
+        yield assert_less_equal, s[-1], pathlen
+        yield assert_equal, npoints, len(s)
+        yield assert_equal, (npoints, 3), rztheta.shape
+        yield check_bounds, rztheta[:,0],  0.0, 1.0
+        yield check_bounds, rztheta[:,1], -1.0, 1.0
+        yield check_bounds, rztheta[:,2],  0.0, 2*np.pi
+        yield check_monotonic_inc, rztheta[:,2]
+        yield assert_equal, npoints, len(inds)
+        yield check_bounds, inds, 0, len(left_grid)-1

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