[yt-svn] commit/yt-3.0: MatthewTurk: Adding several neighbor-searching and coordinate routines to the Octrees, both

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Fri Sep 14 13:03:42 PDT 2012

1 new commit in yt-3.0:

changeset:   4acac6e7cb3e
branch:      yt-3.0
user:        MatthewTurk
date:        2012-09-14 22:03:29
summary:     Adding several neighbor-searching and coordinate routines to the Octrees, both
particle and otherwise.

 * get => Return the Oct that contains a point
 * neighbors => Fill a 27-long array with the neighbors at or below the level
   of a given oct
 * oct_bounds => Given an oct, fill corner and size values
 * get_neighbor_boundaries => Get the corners and sizes of neighbors to a given

This also adds icoords, ires, fcoords to the ParticleOctreeHandler.  And, a
count_neighbor_particles routine.
affected #:  2 files

diff -r c0f5e4d39a1ad71e2c4f97a70dda62431fd3730f -r 4acac6e7cb3e032f22a64b008d4f2143ccac1848 yt/geometry/oct_container.pxd
--- a/yt/geometry/oct_container.pxd
+++ b/yt/geometry/oct_container.pxd
@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@
     cdef np.float64_t DLE[3], DRE[3]
     cdef public int nocts
     cdef public int max_domain
+    cdef Oct* get(self, ppos)
+    cdef void neighbors(self, Oct *, Oct **)
+    cdef void oct_bounds(self, Oct *, np.float64_t *, np.float64_t *)
 cdef class RAMSESOctreeContainer(OctreeContainer):
     cdef OctAllocationContainer **domains

diff -r c0f5e4d39a1ad71e2c4f97a70dda62431fd3730f -r 4acac6e7cb3e032f22a64b008d4f2143ccac1848 yt/geometry/oct_container.pyx
--- a/yt/geometry/oct_container.pyx
+++ b/yt/geometry/oct_container.pyx
@@ -127,6 +127,39 @@
                 yield (this.ind, this.local_ind, this.domain)
             cur = cur.next
+    cdef void oct_bounds(self, Oct *o, np.float64_t *corner, np.float64_t *size):
+        cdef np.float64_t base_dx[3]
+        cdef int i
+        for i in range(3):
+            size[i] = (self.DRE[i] - self.DLE[i]) / (self.nn[i] << o.level)
+            corner[i] = o.pos[i] * size[i] + self.DLE[i]
+    @cython.boundscheck(False)
+    @cython.wraparound(False)
+    @cython.cdivision(True)
+    cdef Oct *get(self, ppos):
+        cdef np.int64_t ind[3]
+        cdef np.float64_t dds[3], cp[3], pp[3]
+        cdef Oct *cur
+        cdef int i
+        for i in range(3):
+            pp[i] = ppos[i] - self.DLE[i]
+            dds[i] = (self.DRE[i] + self.DLE[i])/self.nn[i]
+            ind[i] = <np.int64_t> (pp[i]/dds[i])
+            cp[i] = (ind[i] + 0.5) * dds[i]
+        cur = self.root_mesh[ind[0]][ind[1]][ind[2]]
+        while cur.children[0][0][0] != NULL:
+            for i in range(3):
+                dds[i] = dds[i] / 2.0
+                if cp[i] > pp[i]:
+                    ind[i] = 0
+                    cp[i] -= dds[i] / 2.0
+                else:
+                    ind[i] = 1
+                    cp[i] += dds[i]/2.0
+            cur = cur.children[ind[0]][ind[1]][ind[2]]
+        return cur
@@ -154,6 +187,93 @@
                 count[o.domain - 1] += mask[oi,i]
         return count
+    @cython.boundscheck(False)
+    @cython.wraparound(False)
+    @cython.cdivision(True)
+    cdef void neighbors(self, Oct* o, Oct* neighbors[27]):
+        cdef np.int64_t curopos[3]
+        cdef np.int64_t curnpos[3]
+        cdef np.int64_t npos[3]
+        cdef int i, j, k, ni, nj, nk, ind[3], nn, dl, skip
+        cdef np.float64_t dds[3], cp[3], pp[3]
+        cdef Oct* candidate
+        for i in range(27): neighbors[i] = NULL
+        nn = 0
+        for ni in range(3):
+            for nj in range(3):
+                for nk in range(3):
+                    #print "Handling neighbor", nn
+                    if ni == nj == nk == 1:
+                        neighbors[nn] = o
+                        nn += 1
+                        continue
+                    npos[0] = o.pos[0] + (ni - 1)
+                    npos[1] = o.pos[1] + (nj - 1)
+                    npos[2] = o.pos[2] + (nk - 1)
+                    for i in range(3):
+                        # Periodicity
+                        if npos[i] == -1:
+                            npos[i] = (self.nn[i]  << o.level) - 1
+                        elif npos[i] == (self.nn[i] << o.level):
+                            npos[i] = 0
+                        curopos[i] = o.pos[i]
+                        curnpos[i] = npos[i] 
+                    # Now we have our neighbor position and a safe place to
+                    # keep it.  curnpos will be the root index of the neighbor
+                    # at a given level, and npos will be constant.  curopos is
+                    # the candidate root at a level.
+                    candidate = o
+                    while candidate != NULL:
+                        if ((curopos[0] == curnpos[0]) and 
+                            (curopos[1] == curnpos[1]) and
+                            (curopos[2] == curnpos[2])):
+                            break
+                        # This one doesn't meet it, so we pop up a level.
+                        # First we update our positions, then we update our
+                        # candidate.
+                        for i in range(3):
+                            # We strip a digit off the right
+                            curopos[i] = (curopos[i] >> 1)
+                            curnpos[i] = (curnpos[i] >> 1)
+                        # Now we update to the candidate's parent, which should
+                        # have a matching position to curopos[]
+                        candidate = candidate.parent
+                    if candidate == NULL:
+                        # Worst case scenario
+                        for i in range(3):
+                            ind[i] = (npos[i] >> (o.level))
+                        #print "NULL", npos[0], npos[1], npos[2], ind[0], ind[1], ind[2], o.level
+                        candidate = self.root_mesh[ind[0]][ind[1]][ind[2]]
+                    # Now we have the common root, which may be NULL
+                    while candidate.level < o.level:
+                        dl = o.level - (candidate.level + 1)
+                        for i in range(3):
+                            ind[i] = (npos[i] >> dl) & 1
+                        if candidate.children[0][0][0] == NULL: break
+                        candidate = candidate.children[ind[0]][ind[1]][ind[2]]
+                    neighbors[nn] = candidate
+                    nn += 1
+    @cython.boundscheck(False)
+    @cython.wraparound(False)
+    @cython.cdivision(True)
+    def get_neighbor_boundaries(self, ppos):
+        cdef Oct *main = self.get(ppos)
+        cdef Oct* neighbors[27]
+        self.neighbors(main, neighbors)
+        cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] bounds
+        cdef np.float64_t corner[3], size[3]
+        bounds = np.zeros((27,6), dtype="float64")
+        cdef int i, ii
+        cdef np.float64_t base_dx[3]
+        tnp = 0
+        for i in range(27):
+            self.oct_bounds(neighbors[i], corner, size)
+            for ii in range(3):
+                bounds[i, ii] = corner[ii]
+                bounds[i, 3+ii] = size[ii]
+        return bounds
 cdef class RAMSESOctreeContainer(OctreeContainer):
     def allocate_domains(self, domain_counts):
@@ -422,6 +542,20 @@
     cdef ParticleArrays *last_sd
     cdef Oct** oct_list
+    def allocate_root(self):
+        cdef int i, j, k
+        cdef Oct *cur
+        for i in range(self.nn[0]):
+            for j in range(self.nn[1]):
+                for k in range(self.nn[2]):
+                    cur = self.allocate_oct()
+                    cur.level = 0
+                    cur.pos[0] = i
+                    cur.pos[1] = j
+                    cur.pos[2] = k
+                    cur.parent = NULL
+                    self.root_mesh[i][j][k] = cur
     def __dealloc__(self):
         cdef i, j, k
         for i in range(self.nn[0]):
@@ -444,8 +578,89 @@
+    @cython.boundscheck(False)
+    @cython.wraparound(False)
+    @cython.cdivision(True)
+    def icoords(self, np.ndarray[np.uint8_t, ndim=2, cast=True] mask,
+                np.int64_t cell_count):
+        cdef np.ndarray[np.int64_t, ndim=2] coords
+        coords = np.empty((cell_count, 3), dtype="int64")
+        cdef int oi, i, ci, ii
+        ci = 0
+        for oi in range(self.nocts):
+            o = self.oct_list[oi]
+            for i in range(2):
+                for j in range(2):
+                    for k in range(2):
+                        ii = ((k*2)+j)*2+i
+                        if mask[oi, ii] == 1:
+                            coords[ci, 0] = (o.pos[0] << 1) + i
+                            coords[ci, 1] = (o.pos[1] << 1) + j
+                            coords[ci, 2] = (o.pos[2] << 1) + k
+                            ci += 1
+        return coords
+    @cython.boundscheck(False)
+    @cython.wraparound(False)
+    @cython.cdivision(True)
+    def ires(self, np.ndarray[np.uint8_t, ndim=2, cast=True] mask,
+                np.int64_t cell_count):
+        cdef np.ndarray[np.int64_t, ndim=1] res
+        res = np.empty(cell_count, dtype="int64")
+        cdef int oi, i, ci
+        ci = 0
+        for oi in range(self.nocts):
+            o = self.oct_list[oi]
+            for i in range(8):
+                if mask[oi, i] == 1:
+                    res[ci] = o.level
+                    ci += 1
+        return res
+    @cython.boundscheck(False)
+    @cython.wraparound(False)
+    @cython.cdivision(True)
+    def fcoords(self, np.ndarray[np.uint8_t, ndim=2, cast=True] mask,
+                np.int64_t cell_count):
+        cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] coords
+        coords = np.empty((cell_count, 3), dtype="float64")
+        cdef int oi, i, ci
+        cdef np.float64_t base_dx[3], dx[3], pos[3]
+        for i in range(3):
+            # This is the base_dx, but not the base distance from the center
+            # position.  Note that the positions will also all be offset by
+            # dx/2.0.  This is also for *oct grids*, not cells.
+            base_dx[i] = (self.DLE[i] + self.DRE[i])/self.nn[i]
+        ci = 0
+        cdef int proc
+        for oi in range(self.nocts):
+            proc = 0
+            for i in range(8):
+                if mask[oi, i] == 1:
+                    proc = 1
+                    break
+            if proc == 0: continue
+            o = self.oct_list[oi]
+            for i in range(3):
+                # This gives the *grid* width for this level
+                dx[i] = base_dx[i] / (1 << o.level)
+                # o.pos is the *grid* index, so pos[i] is the center of the
+                # first cell in the grid
+                pos[i] = self.DLE[i] + o.pos[i]*dx[i] + dx[i]/4.0
+                dx[i] = dx[i] / 2.0 # This is now the *offset* 
+            for i in range(2):
+                for j in range(2):
+                    for k in range(2):
+                        ii = ((k*2)+j)*2+i
+                        if mask[oi, ii] == 0: continue
+                        coords[ci, 0] = pos[0] + dx[0] * i
+                        coords[ci, 1] = pos[1] + dx[1] * j
+                        coords[ci, 2] = pos[2] + dx[2] * k
+                        ci += 1
+        return coords
     def allocate_domains(self, domain_counts):
-        cdef int count, i
+        pass
     def finalize(self):
         self.oct_list = <Oct**> malloc(sizeof(Oct*)*self.nocts)
@@ -509,6 +724,7 @@
         cdef np.float64_t dds[3], cp[3], pp[3]
         cdef int ind[3]
         self.max_domain = max(self.max_domain, domain_id)
+        if self.root_mesh[0][0][0] == NULL: self.allocate_root()
         for p in range(no):
             level = 0
             for i in range(3):
@@ -518,10 +734,7 @@
                 cp[i] = (ind[i] + 0.5) * dds[i]
             cur = self.root_mesh[ind[0]][ind[1]][ind[2]]
             if cur == NULL:
-                cur = self.allocate_oct()
-                self.root_mesh[ind[0]][ind[1]][ind[2]] = cur
-                for i in range(3):
-                    cur.pos[i] = ind[i] # root level
+                raise RuntimeError
             if cur.sd.np == 32:
                 self.refine_oct(cur, cp)
             while cur.sd.np < 0:
@@ -539,6 +752,7 @@
                     self.refine_oct(cur, cp)
             # Now we copy in our particle 
             pi = cur.sd.np
+            cur.level = level
             for i in range(3):
                 cur.sd.pos[i][pi] = pp[i]
             cur.sd.domain_id[pi] = domain_id
@@ -551,9 +765,11 @@
             for j in range(2):
                 for k in range(2):
                     noct = self.allocate_oct()
-                    noct.pos[0] = o.pos[0] << 1 + i
-                    noct.pos[1] = o.pos[1] << 1 + j
-                    noct.pos[2] = o.pos[2] << 1 + k
+                    noct.level = o.level + 1
+                    noct.pos[0] = (o.pos[0] << 1) + i
+                    noct.pos[1] = (o.pos[1] << 1) + j
+                    noct.pos[2] = (o.pos[2] << 1) + k
+                    noct.parent = o
                     o.children[i][j][k] = noct
         for m in range(32):
             for i in range(3):
@@ -615,3 +831,18 @@
             for i in range(o.sd.np):
                 dmask[o.sd.domain_id[i]] = 1
         return dmask.astype("bool")
+    @cython.boundscheck(False)
+    @cython.wraparound(False)
+    @cython.cdivision(True)
+    def count_neighbor_particles(self, ppos):
+        cdef Oct *main = self.get(ppos)
+        cdef Oct* neighbors[27]
+        self.neighbors(main, neighbors)
+        cdef int i, ni, dl, tnp
+        tnp = 0
+        for i in range(27):
+            if neighbors[i].sd != NULL:
+                tnp += neighbors[i].sd.np
+        return tnp

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