[yt-svn] commit/yt: 12 new changesets

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Tue Sep 4 19:07:01 PDT 2012

12 new commits in yt:

changeset:   37540bd65173
branch:      yt
user:        samskillman
date:        2012-08-31 21:21:51
summary:     Adding preliminary Athena support.  From what I can tell all basic functionality works.  Is fragile to how you layout our data.
affected #:  11 files

diff -r 514f5a6a60c893b2a05f929150f352b153d68c65 -r 37540bd65173d499ac8d6397496e716753af2145 yt/frontends/athena/api.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+API for yt.frontends.athena
+Author: Samuel W. Skillman <samskillman at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: University of Colorado at Boulder
+Author: Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: UCSD
+Author: J.S. Oishi <jsoishi at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: KIPAC/SLAC/Stanford
+Author: Britton Smith <brittonsmith at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: MSU
+  Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Matthew Turk.  All Rights Reserved.
+  This file is part of yt.
+  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from .data_structures import \
+      AthenaGrid, \
+      AthenaHierarchy, \
+      AthenaStaticOutput
+from .fields import \
+      AthenaFieldInfo, \
+      KnownAthenaFields, \
+      add_athena_field
+from .io import \
+      IOHandlerAthena

diff -r 514f5a6a60c893b2a05f929150f352b153d68c65 -r 37540bd65173d499ac8d6397496e716753af2145 yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+Data structures for Athena.
+Author: Samuel W. Skillman <samskillman at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: University of Colorado at Boulder
+Author: Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com>
+Author: J. S. Oishi <jsoishi at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: KIPAC/SLAC/Stanford
+Homepage: http://yt-project.org/
+  Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Samuel W. Skillman, Matthew Turk, J. S. Oishi.  
+  All Rights Reserved.
+  This file is part of yt.
+  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import h5py
+import numpy as na
+import weakref
+from yt.funcs import *
+from yt.data_objects.grid_patch import \
+           AMRGridPatch
+from yt.data_objects.hierarchy import \
+           AMRHierarchy
+from yt.data_objects.static_output import \
+           StaticOutput
+from yt.utilities.definitions import \
+    mpc_conversion, sec_conversion
+from .fields import AthenaFieldInfo, KnownAthenaFields
+from yt.data_objects.field_info_container import \
+    FieldInfoContainer, NullFunc
+import pdb
+def _get_convert(fname):
+    def _conv(data):
+        return data.convert(fname)
+    return _conv
+class AthenaGrid(AMRGridPatch):
+    _id_offset = 0
+    def __init__(self, id, hierarchy, level, start, dimensions):
+        df = hierarchy.storage_filename
+        if id == 0:
+            gname = 'id0/' + df + '.vtk'
+        else:
+            gname = 'id%i/' % id + df[:-5] + '-id%i'%id + df[-5:] + '.vtk'
+        AMRGridPatch.__init__(self, id, filename = gname,
+                              hierarchy = hierarchy)
+        self.filename = gname
+        self.Parent = []
+        self.Children = []
+        self.Level = level
+        self.start_index = start.copy()
+        self.stop_index = self.start_index + dimensions
+        self.ActiveDimensions = dimensions.copy()
+    def _setup_dx(self):
+        # So first we figure out what the index is.  We don't assume
+        # that dx=dy=dz , at least here.  We probably do elsewhere.
+        id = self.id - self._id_offset
+        if len(self.Parent) > 0:
+            self.dds = self.Parent[0].dds / self.pf.refine_by
+        else:
+            LE, RE = self.hierarchy.grid_left_edge[id,:], \
+                     self.hierarchy.grid_right_edge[id,:]
+            self.dds = na.array((RE-LE)/self.ActiveDimensions)
+        if self.pf.dimensionality < 2: self.dds[1] = 1.0
+        if self.pf.dimensionality < 3: self.dds[2] = 1.0
+        self.field_data['dx'], self.field_data['dy'], self.field_data['dz'] = self.dds
+def parse_line(line, grid):
+    # grid is a dictionary
+    splitup = line.strip().split()
+    if "vtk" in splitup:
+        grid['vtk_version'] = splitup[-1]
+    elif "Really" in splitup:
+        grid['time'] = splitup[-1]
+    elif 'PRIMITIVE' in splitup:
+        grid['time'] = float(splitup[4].rstrip(','))
+        grid['level'] = int(splitup[6].rstrip(','))
+        grid['domain'] = int(splitup[8].rstrip(','))
+    elif "DIMENSIONS" in splitup:
+        grid['dimensions'] = na.array(splitup[-3:]).astype('int')
+    elif "ORIGIN" in splitup:
+        grid['left_edge'] = na.array(splitup[-3:]).astype('float64')
+    elif "SPACING" in splitup:
+        grid['dds'] = na.array(splitup[-3:]).astype('float64')
+    elif "CELL_DATA" in splitup:
+        grid["ncells"] = int(splitup[-1])
+    elif "SCALARS" in splitup:
+        field = splitup[1]
+        grid['read_field'] = field
+        grid['read_type'] = 'scalar'
+    elif "VECTORS" in splitup:
+        field = splitup[1]
+        grid['read_field'] = field
+        grid['read_type'] = 'vector'
+class AthenaHierarchy(AMRHierarchy):
+    grid = AthenaGrid
+    _data_style='athena'
+    def __init__(self, pf, data_style='athena'):
+        self.parameter_file = weakref.proxy(pf)
+        self.data_style = data_style
+        # for now, the hierarchy file is the parameter file!
+        self.storage_filename = self.parameter_file.storage_filename
+        self.hierarchy_filename = self.parameter_file.filename
+        #self.directory = os.path.dirname(self.hierarchy_filename)
+        self._fhandle = file(self.hierarchy_filename,'rb')
+        AMRHierarchy.__init__(self,pf,data_style)
+        self._fhandle.close()
+    def _initialize_data_storage(self):
+        pass
+    def _detect_fields(self):
+        field_map = {}
+        f = open(self.hierarchy_filename,'rb')
+        line = f.readline()
+        while line != '':
+            splitup = line.strip().split()
+            if "DIMENSIONS" in splitup:
+                grid_dims = na.array(splitup[-3:]).astype('int')
+                line = f.readline()
+                continue
+            elif "CELL_DATA" in splitup:
+                grid_ncells = int(splitup[-1])
+                line = f.readline()
+                if na.prod(grid_dims) != grid_ncells:
+                    grid_dims -= 1
+                    grid_dims[grid_dims==0]=1
+                if na.prod(grid_dims) != grid_ncells:
+                    mylog.error('product of dimensions %i not equal to number of cells %i' % 
+                          (na.prod(grid_dims), grid_ncells))
+                    raise TypeError
+                break
+            else:
+                del line
+                line = f.readline()
+        read_table = False
+        read_table_offset = f.tell()
+        while line != '':
+            if len(line) == 0: break
+            splitup = line.strip().split()
+            if 'SCALARS' in splitup:
+                field = splitup[1]
+                if not read_table:
+                    line = f.readline() # Read the lookup table line
+                    read_table = True
+                field_map[field] = 'scalar',f.tell() - read_table_offset
+                read_table=False
+            elif 'VECTORS' in splitup:
+                field = splitup[1]
+                vfield = field+'_x'
+                field_map[vfield] = 'vector',f.tell() - read_table_offset
+                vfield = field+'_y'
+                field_map[vfield] = 'vector',f.tell() - read_table_offset
+                vfield = field+'_z'
+                field_map[vfield] = 'vector',f.tell() - read_table_offset
+            del line
+            line = f.readline()
+        f.close()
+        del f
+        self.field_list = field_map.keys()
+        self._field_map = field_map
+    def _setup_classes(self):
+        dd = self._get_data_reader_dict()
+        AMRHierarchy._setup_classes(self, dd)
+        self.object_types.sort()
+    def _count_grids(self):
+        self.num_grids = self.parameter_file.nvtk
+    def _parse_hierarchy(self):
+        f = open(self.hierarchy_filename,'rb')
+        grid = {}
+        grid['read_field'] = None
+        grid['read_type'] = None
+        table_read=False
+        line = f.readline()
+        while grid['read_field'] is None:
+            parse_line(line, grid)
+            if "SCALAR" in line.strip().split():
+                break
+            if "VECTOR" in line.strip().split():
+                break
+            if 'TABLE' in line.strip().split():
+                break
+            if len(line) == 0: break
+            del line
+            line = f.readline()
+        f.close()
+        del f
+        if na.prod(grid['dimensions']) != grid['ncells']:
+            grid['dimensions'] -= 1
+            grid['dimensions'][grid['dimensions']==0]=1
+        if na.prod(grid['dimensions']) != grid['ncells']:
+            mylog.error('product of dimensions %i not equal to number of cells %i' % 
+                  (na.prod(grid['dimensions']), grid['ncells']))
+            raise TypeError
+        dxs=[]
+        self.grids = na.empty(self.num_grids, dtype='object')
+        levels = na.zeros(self.num_grids, dtype='int32')
+        single_grid_width = grid['dds']*grid['dimensions']
+        grids_per_dim = (self.parameter_file.domain_width/single_grid_width).astype('int32')
+        glis = na.empty((self.num_grids,3), dtype='int64')
+        for i in range(self.num_grids):
+            procz = i/(grids_per_dim[0]*grids_per_dim[1])
+            procy = (i - procz*(grids_per_dim[0]*grids_per_dim[1]))/grids_per_dim[0]
+            procx = i - procz*(grids_per_dim[0]*grids_per_dim[1]) - procy*grids_per_dim[1]
+            glis[i, 0] = procx*grid['dimensions'][0]
+            glis[i, 1] = procy*grid['dimensions'][1]
+            glis[i, 2] = procz*grid['dimensions'][2]
+        gdims = na.ones_like(glis)
+        gdims[:] = grid['dimensions']
+        for i in range(levels.shape[0]):
+            self.grids[i] = self.grid(i, self, levels[i],
+                                      glis[i],
+                                      gdims[i])
+            self.grids[i]._level_id = levels[i]
+            dx = (self.parameter_file.domain_right_edge-
+                  self.parameter_file.domain_left_edge)/self.parameter_file.domain_dimensions
+            dx = dx/self.parameter_file.refine_by**(levels[i])
+            dxs.append(grid['dds'])
+        dx = na.array(dxs)
+        self.grid_left_edge = self.parameter_file.domain_left_edge + dx*glis
+        self.grid_dimensions = gdims.astype("int32")
+        self.grid_right_edge = self.grid_left_edge + dx*self.grid_dimensions
+        self.grid_particle_count = na.zeros([self.num_grids, 1], dtype='int64')
+        del levels, glis, gdims
+    def _populate_grid_objects(self):
+        for g in self.grids:
+            g._prepare_grid()
+            g._setup_dx()
+        for g in self.grids:
+            g.Children = self._get_grid_children(g)
+            for g1 in g.Children:
+                g1.Parent.append(g)
+        self.max_level = self.grid_levels.max()
+    def _setup_derived_fields(self):
+        self.derived_field_list = []
+    def _get_grid_children(self, grid):
+        mask = na.zeros(self.num_grids, dtype='bool')
+        grids, grid_ind = self.get_box_grids(grid.LeftEdge, grid.RightEdge)
+        mask[grid_ind] = True
+        return [g for g in self.grids[mask] if g.Level == grid.Level + 1]
+class AthenaStaticOutput(StaticOutput):
+    _hierarchy_class = AthenaHierarchy
+    _fieldinfo_fallback = AthenaFieldInfo
+    _fieldinfo_known = KnownAthenaFields
+    _data_style = "athena"
+    def __init__(self, filename, data_style='athena',
+                 storage_filename = None, parameters = {}):
+        StaticOutput.__init__(self, filename, data_style)
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.storage_filename = filename[4:-4]
+        self.specified_parameters = parameters
+    def _set_units(self):
+        """
+        Generates the conversion to various physical _units based on the parameter file
+        """
+        self.units = {}
+        self.time_units = {}
+        if len(self.parameters) == 0:
+            self._parse_parameter_file()
+        self.time_units['1'] = 1
+        self.units['1'] = 1.0
+        self.units['cm'] = 1.0
+        self.units['unitary'] = 1.0 / (self.domain_right_edge - self.domain_left_edge).max()
+        for unit in mpc_conversion.keys():
+            self.units[unit] = 1.0 * mpc_conversion[unit] / mpc_conversion["cm"]
+        for unit in sec_conversion.keys():
+            self.time_units[unit] = 1.0 / sec_conversion[unit]
+        # Here should read through and add fields.
+        #default_fields=['density']
+        # for field in self.field_list:
+        #     self.units[field] = 1.0
+        #     self._fieldinfo_known.add_field(field, function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
+        #             units="", projected_units="",
+        #             convert_function=None)
+        # This should be improved.
+        # self._handle = h5py.File(self.parameter_filename, "r")
+        # for field_name in self._handle["/field_types"]:
+        #     current_field = self._handle["/field_types/%s" % field_name]
+        #     try:
+        #         self.units[field_name] = current_field.attrs['field_to_cgs']
+        #     except:
+        #         self.units[field_name] = 1.0
+        #     try:
+        #         current_fields_unit = current_field.attrs['field_units'][0]
+        #     except:
+        #         current_fields_unit = ""
+        #     self._fieldinfo_known.add_field(field_name, function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
+        #            units=current_fields_unit, projected_units="", 
+        #            convert_function=_get_convert(field_name))
+        # self._handle.close()
+        # del self._handle
+    def _parse_parameter_file(self):
+        self._handle = open(self.parameter_filename, "rb")
+        # Read the start of a grid to get simulation parameters.
+        grid = {}
+        grid['read_field'] = None
+        line = self._handle.readline()
+        while grid['read_field'] is None:
+            parse_line(line, grid)
+            if "SCALAR" in line.strip().split():
+                break
+            if "VECTOR" in line.strip().split():
+                break
+            if 'TABLE' in line.strip().split():
+                break
+            if len(line) == 0: break
+            del line
+            line = self._handle.readline()
+        self.domain_left_edge = grid['left_edge']
+        self.domain_right_edge = -grid['left_edge']
+        self.domain_width = self.domain_right_edge-self.domain_left_edge
+        self.domain_dimensions = self.domain_width/grid['dds']
+        refine_by = None
+        if refine_by is None: refine_by = 2
+        self.refine_by = refine_by
+        self.dimensionality = 3
+        self.current_time = grid["time"]
+        self.unique_identifier = None
+        self.cosmological_simulation = False
+        self.num_ghost_zones = 0
+        self.field_ordering = 'fortran'
+        self.boundary_conditions = [1]*6
+        self.nvtk = int(na.product(self.domain_dimensions/(grid['dimensions']-1)))
+        # if self.cosmological_simulation:
+        #     self.current_redshift = sp["current_redshift"]
+        #     self.omega_lambda = sp["omega_lambda"]
+        #     self.omega_matter = sp["omega_matter"]
+        #     self.hubble_constant = sp["hubble_constant"]
+        # else:
+        self.current_redshift = self.omega_lambda = self.omega_matter = \
+            self.hubble_constant = self.cosmological_simulation = 0.0
+        self.parameters['Time'] = self.current_time # Hardcode time conversion for now.
+        self.parameters["HydroMethod"] = 0 # Hardcode for now until field staggering is supported.
+        self._handle.close()
+        del self._handle
+    @classmethod
+    def _is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        try:
+            fileh = file(args[0],'rb')
+            if "gridded_data_format" in fileh:
+                return True
+        except:
+            pass
+        return False
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.basename.rsplit(".", 1)[0]

diff -r 514f5a6a60c893b2a05f929150f352b153d68c65 -r 37540bd65173d499ac8d6397496e716753af2145 yt/frontends/athena/definitions.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/definitions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Various definitions for various other modules and routines
+Author: J. S. Oishi <jsoishi at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: KIPAC/SLAC/Stanford
+Homepage: http://yt-project.org/
+  Copyright (C) 2008-2011 J.S. Oishi.  All Rights Reserved.
+  This file is part of yt.
+  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

diff -r 514f5a6a60c893b2a05f929150f352b153d68c65 -r 37540bd65173d499ac8d6397496e716753af2145 yt/frontends/athena/fields.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/fields.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+Athena-specific fields
+Author: Samuel W. Skillman <samskillman at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: University of Colorado at Boulder
+Author: J. S. Oishi <jsoishi at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: KIPAC/SLAC/Stanford
+Homepage: http://yt-project.org/
+  Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Samuel W. Skillman, Matthew Turk, J. S. Oishi.  
+  All Rights Reserved.
+  This file is part of yt.
+  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from yt.data_objects.field_info_container import \
+    FieldInfoContainer, \
+    FieldInfo, \
+    ValidateParameter, \
+    ValidateDataField, \
+    ValidateProperty, \
+    ValidateSpatial, \
+    ValidateGridType, \
+    NullFunc, \
+    TranslationFunc
+import yt.data_objects.universal_fields
+log_translation_dict = {"Density": "density",
+                        "Pressure": "pressure"}
+translation_dict = {"x-velocity": "velocity_x",
+                    "y-velocity": "velocity_y",
+                    "z-velocity": "velocity_z"}
+# translation_dict = {"mag_field_x": "cell_centered_B_x ",
+#                     "mag_field_y": "cell_centered_B_y ",
+#                     "mag_field_z": "cell_centered_B_z "}
+AthenaFieldInfo = FieldInfoContainer.create_with_fallback(FieldInfo)
+add_field = AthenaFieldInfo.add_field
+KnownAthenaFields = FieldInfoContainer()
+add_athena_field = KnownAthenaFields.add_field
+add_athena_field("density", function=NullFunc, take_log=True,
+          units=r"\rm{g}/\rm{cm}^3",
+          projected_units =r"\rm{g}/\rm{cm}^2")
+add_athena_field("specific_energy", function=NullFunc, take_log=True,
+          units=r"\rm{erg}/\rm{g}")
+add_athena_field("pressure", function=NullFunc, take_log=True,
+          units=r"\rm{erg}/\rm{g}")
+add_athena_field("velocity_x", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
+          units=r"\rm{cm}/\rm{s}")
+add_athena_field("velocity_y", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
+          units=r"\rm{cm}/\rm{s}")
+add_athena_field("velocity_z", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
+          units=r"\rm{cm}/\rm{s}")
+add_athena_field("mag_field_x", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
+          units=r"\rm{cm}/\rm{s}")
+add_athena_field("mag_field_y", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
+          units=r"\rm{cm}/\rm{s}")
+add_athena_field("mag_field_z", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
+          units=r"\rm{cm}/\rm{s}")
+for f,v in log_translation_dict.items():
+    add_field(f, TranslationFunc(v), take_log=True)
+for f,v in translation_dict.items():
+    add_field(f, TranslationFunc(v), take_log=False)

diff -r 514f5a6a60c893b2a05f929150f352b153d68c65 -r 37540bd65173d499ac8d6397496e716753af2145 yt/frontends/athena/io.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/io.py
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+The data-file handling functions
+Author: Samuel W. Skillman <samskillman at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: University of Colorado at Boulder
+Author: Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com>
+Author: J. S. Oishi <jsoishi at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: KIPAC/SLAC/Stanford
+Homepage: http://yt-project.org/
+  Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Matthew Turk.  All Rights Reserved.
+  This file is part of yt.
+  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from yt.utilities.io_handler import \
+           BaseIOHandler
+import numpy as na
+class IOHandlerAthena(BaseIOHandler):
+    _data_style = "athena"
+    _offset_string = 'data:offsets=0'
+    _data_string = 'data:datatype=0'
+    _read_table_offset = None
+    def _field_dict(self,fhandle):
+        keys = fhandle['field_types'].keys()
+        val = fhandle['field_types'].keys()
+        return dict(zip(keys,val))
+    def _read_field_names(self,grid):
+        pass
+    def _read_data_set(self,grid,field):
+        f = file(grid.filename, 'rb')
+        dtype, offset = grid.hierarchy._field_map[field]
+        grid_ncells = na.prod(grid.ActiveDimensions)
+        grid_dims = grid.ActiveDimensions
+        line = f.readline()
+        while True:
+            splitup = line.strip().split()
+            if 'CELL_DATA' in splitup:
+                f.readline()
+                read_table_offset = f.tell()
+                del line
+                break
+            del line; line = f.readline()
+        f.seek(read_table_offset+offset)
+        if dtype == 'scalar':
+            data = na.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4', count=grid_ncells).reshape(grid_dims,order='F').copy()
+        if dtype == 'vector':
+            data = na.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4', count=3*grid_ncells)
+            if '_x' in field:
+                data = data[0::3].reshape(grid_dims,order='F').copy()
+            elif '_y' in field:
+                data = data[1::3].reshape(grid_dims,order='F').copy()
+            elif '_z' in field:
+                data = data[2::3].reshape(grid_dims,order='F').copy()
+        f.close()
+        if grid.pf.field_ordering == 1:
+            return data.T
+        else:
+            return data
+    def _read_data_slice(self, grid, field, axis, coord):
+        sl = [slice(None), slice(None), slice(None)]
+        sl[axis] = slice(coord, coord + 1)
+        if grid.pf.field_ordering == 1:
+            sl.reverse()
+        f = file(grid.filename, 'rb')
+        dtype, offset = grid.hierarchy._field_map[field]
+        grid_ncells = na.prod(grid.ActiveDimensions)
+        line = f.readline()
+        while True:
+            splitup = line.strip().split()
+            if 'CELL_DATA' in splitup:
+                f.readline()
+                read_table_offset = f.tell()
+                del line
+                break
+            del line; line = f.readline()
+        f.seek(read_table_offset+offset)
+        if dtype == 'scalar':
+            data = na.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4', count=grid_ncells).reshape(grid.ActiveDimensions,order='F')[sl].copy()
+        if dtype == 'vector':
+            data = na.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4', count=3*grid_ncells)
+            if '_x' in field:
+                data = data[0::3].reshape(grid.ActiveDimensions,order='F')[sl].copy()
+            elif '_y' in field:
+                data = data[1::3].reshape(grid.ActiveDimensions,order='F')[sl].copy()
+            elif '_z' in field:
+                data = data[2::3].reshape(grid.ActiveDimensions,order='F')[sl].copy()
+        f.close()
+        if grid.pf.field_ordering == 1:
+            return data.T
+        else:
+            return data

diff -r 514f5a6a60c893b2a05f929150f352b153d68c65 -r 37540bd65173d499ac8d6397496e716753af2145 yt/frontends/athena/setup.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import setuptools
+import os
+import sys
+import os.path
+def configuration(parent_package='', top_path=None):
+    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
+    config = Configuration('athena', parent_package, top_path)
+    config.make_config_py()  # installs __config__.py
+    #config.make_svn_version_py()
+    return config

diff -r 514f5a6a60c893b2a05f929150f352b153d68c65 -r 37540bd65173d499ac8d6397496e716753af2145 yt/frontends/setup.py
--- a/yt/frontends/setup.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/setup.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
     config = Configuration('frontends', parent_package, top_path)
     config.make_config_py()  # installs __config__.py
+    config.add_subpackage("athena")

diff -r 514f5a6a60c893b2a05f929150f352b153d68c65 -r 37540bd65173d499ac8d6397496e716753af2145 yt/mods.py
--- a/yt/mods.py
+++ b/yt/mods.py
@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@
 from yt.frontends.gdf.api import \
     GDFStaticOutput, GDFFieldInfo, add_gdf_field
+from yt.frontends.athena.api import \
+    AthenaStaticOutput, AthenaFieldInfo, add_athena_field
 from yt.frontends.art.api import \
     ARTStaticOutput, ARTFieldInfo, add_art_field

diff -r 514f5a6a60c893b2a05f929150f352b153d68c65 -r 37540bd65173d499ac8d6397496e716753af2145 yt/utilities/io_handler.py
--- a/yt/utilities/io_handler.py
+++ b/yt/utilities/io_handler.py
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
         def __init__(cls, name, b, d):
             type.__init__(cls, name, b, d)
             if hasattr(cls, "_data_style"):
+                print 'Registering Class ', cls ,' with datastyle ', cls._data_style
                 io_registry[cls._data_style] = cls
     def __init__(self):

changeset:   0128c2a41436
branch:      yt
user:        samskillman
date:        2012-08-31 22:48:44
summary:     yt load, load() now work.  Also now works for serial runs.  Assumes all .vtk files are AthenaStaticOutput.
affected #:  2 files

diff -r 37540bd65173d499ac8d6397496e716753af2145 -r 0128c2a41436595a037b92ad572a2a539b0e77f3 yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
--- a/yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
@@ -54,10 +54,13 @@
     _id_offset = 0
     def __init__(self, id, hierarchy, level, start, dimensions):
         df = hierarchy.storage_filename
-        if id == 0:
-            gname = 'id0/' + df + '.vtk'
+        if 'id0' not in hierarchy.parameter_file.filename:
+            gname = hierarchy.parameter_file.filename
-            gname = 'id%i/' % id + df[:-5] + '-id%i'%id + df[-5:] + '.vtk'
+            if id == 0:
+                gname = 'id0/' + df + '.vtk'
+            else:
+                gname = 'id%i/' % id + df[:-5] + '-id%i'%id + df[-5:] + '.vtk'
         AMRGridPatch.__init__(self, id, filename = gname,
                               hierarchy = hierarchy)
         self.filename = gname
@@ -384,8 +387,7 @@
     def _is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs):
-            fileh = file(args[0],'rb')
-            if "gridded_data_format" in fileh:
+            if 'vtk' in args[0]:
                 return True

diff -r 37540bd65173d499ac8d6397496e716753af2145 -r 0128c2a41436595a037b92ad572a2a539b0e77f3 yt/utilities/io_handler.py
--- a/yt/utilities/io_handler.py
+++ b/yt/utilities/io_handler.py
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
         def __init__(cls, name, b, d):
             type.__init__(cls, name, b, d)
             if hasattr(cls, "_data_style"):
-                print 'Registering Class ', cls ,' with datastyle ', cls._data_style
                 io_registry[cls._data_style] = cls
     def __init__(self):

changeset:   c80c81adee02
branch:      yt
user:        samskillman
date:        2012-09-03 19:59:56
summary:     Allow over-riding of domain_right edge in parameters = {} dictionary.  i.e. load('id0/athena.vtk', parameters={'domain_right_edge':[1.0,1.0,1.0]}
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 0128c2a41436595a037b92ad572a2a539b0e77f3 -r c80c81adee02a586cbda215b892e40ce65fa6bde yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
--- a/yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
@@ -355,7 +355,11 @@
             line = self._handle.readline()
         self.domain_left_edge = grid['left_edge']
-        self.domain_right_edge = -grid['left_edge']
+        try:
+            self.domain_right_edge = na.array(self.specified_parameters['domain_right_edge'])
+        except:
+            mylog.info("Please set 'domain_right_edge' in parameters dictionary argument " +
+                    "if it is not equal to -domain_left_edge.")
         self.domain_width = self.domain_right_edge-self.domain_left_edge
         self.domain_dimensions = self.domain_width/grid['dds']
         refine_by = None

changeset:   0470c0e4eecf
branch:      yt
user:        samskillman
date:        2012-09-04 19:00:19
summary:     na->np., remove pdb.
affected #:  2 files

diff -r c80c81adee02a586cbda215b892e40ce65fa6bde -r 0470c0e4eecff2bb942057822a6d2c1a6ee76ed0 yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
--- a/yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 import h5py
-import numpy as na
+import numpy as np
 import weakref
 from yt.funcs import *
 from yt.data_objects.grid_patch import \
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@
 from .fields import AthenaFieldInfo, KnownAthenaFields
 from yt.data_objects.field_info_container import \
     FieldInfoContainer, NullFunc
-import pdb
 def _get_convert(fname):
     def _conv(data):
@@ -80,7 +79,7 @@
             LE, RE = self.hierarchy.grid_left_edge[id,:], \
-            self.dds = na.array((RE-LE)/self.ActiveDimensions)
+            self.dds = np.array((RE-LE)/self.ActiveDimensions)
         if self.pf.dimensionality < 2: self.dds[1] = 1.0
         if self.pf.dimensionality < 3: self.dds[2] = 1.0
         self.field_data['dx'], self.field_data['dy'], self.field_data['dz'] = self.dds
@@ -97,11 +96,11 @@
         grid['level'] = int(splitup[6].rstrip(','))
         grid['domain'] = int(splitup[8].rstrip(','))
     elif "DIMENSIONS" in splitup:
-        grid['dimensions'] = na.array(splitup[-3:]).astype('int')
+        grid['dimensions'] = np.array(splitup[-3:]).astype('int')
     elif "ORIGIN" in splitup:
-        grid['left_edge'] = na.array(splitup[-3:]).astype('float64')
+        grid['left_edge'] = np.array(splitup[-3:]).astype('float64')
     elif "SPACING" in splitup:
-        grid['dds'] = na.array(splitup[-3:]).astype('float64')
+        grid['dds'] = np.array(splitup[-3:]).astype('float64')
     elif "CELL_DATA" in splitup:
         grid["ncells"] = int(splitup[-1])
     elif "SCALARS" in splitup:
@@ -128,7 +127,7 @@
         self.hierarchy_filename = self.parameter_file.filename
         #self.directory = os.path.dirname(self.hierarchy_filename)
         self._fhandle = file(self.hierarchy_filename,'rb')
-        AMRHierarchy.__init__(self,pf,data_style)
+        AMRHierarchy.__init__(self, pf, data_style)
@@ -142,18 +141,18 @@
         while line != '':
             splitup = line.strip().split()
             if "DIMENSIONS" in splitup:
-                grid_dims = na.array(splitup[-3:]).astype('int')
+                grid_dims = np.array(splitup[-3:]).astype('int')
                 line = f.readline()
             elif "CELL_DATA" in splitup:
                 grid_ncells = int(splitup[-1])
                 line = f.readline()
-                if na.prod(grid_dims) != grid_ncells:
+                if np.prod(grid_dims) != grid_ncells:
                     grid_dims -= 1
-                if na.prod(grid_dims) != grid_ncells:
+                if np.prod(grid_dims) != grid_ncells:
                     mylog.error('product of dimensions %i not equal to number of cells %i' % 
-                          (na.prod(grid_dims), grid_ncells))
+                          (np.prod(grid_dims), grid_ncells))
                     raise TypeError
@@ -218,20 +217,20 @@
         del f
-        if na.prod(grid['dimensions']) != grid['ncells']:
+        if np.prod(grid['dimensions']) != grid['ncells']:
             grid['dimensions'] -= 1
-        if na.prod(grid['dimensions']) != grid['ncells']:
+        if np.prod(grid['dimensions']) != grid['ncells']:
             mylog.error('product of dimensions %i not equal to number of cells %i' % 
-                  (na.prod(grid['dimensions']), grid['ncells']))
+                  (np.prod(grid['dimensions']), grid['ncells']))
             raise TypeError
-        self.grids = na.empty(self.num_grids, dtype='object')
-        levels = na.zeros(self.num_grids, dtype='int32')
+        self.grids = np.empty(self.num_grids, dtype='object')
+        levels = np.zeros(self.num_grids, dtype='int32')
         single_grid_width = grid['dds']*grid['dimensions']
         grids_per_dim = (self.parameter_file.domain_width/single_grid_width).astype('int32')
-        glis = na.empty((self.num_grids,3), dtype='int64')
+        glis = np.empty((self.num_grids,3), dtype='int64')
         for i in range(self.num_grids):
             procz = i/(grids_per_dim[0]*grids_per_dim[1])
             procy = (i - procz*(grids_per_dim[0]*grids_per_dim[1]))/grids_per_dim[0]
@@ -239,7 +238,7 @@
             glis[i, 0] = procx*grid['dimensions'][0]
             glis[i, 1] = procy*grid['dimensions'][1]
             glis[i, 2] = procz*grid['dimensions'][2]
-        gdims = na.ones_like(glis)
+        gdims = np.ones_like(glis)
         gdims[:] = grid['dimensions']
         for i in range(levels.shape[0]):
             self.grids[i] = self.grid(i, self, levels[i],
@@ -251,11 +250,11 @@
             dx = dx/self.parameter_file.refine_by**(levels[i])
-        dx = na.array(dxs)
+        dx = np.array(dxs)
         self.grid_left_edge = self.parameter_file.domain_left_edge + dx*glis
         self.grid_dimensions = gdims.astype("int32")
         self.grid_right_edge = self.grid_left_edge + dx*self.grid_dimensions
-        self.grid_particle_count = na.zeros([self.num_grids, 1], dtype='int64')
+        self.grid_particle_count = np.zeros([self.num_grids, 1], dtype='int64')
         del levels, glis, gdims
     def _populate_grid_objects(self):
@@ -273,7 +272,7 @@
         self.derived_field_list = []
     def _get_grid_children(self, grid):
-        mask = na.zeros(self.num_grids, dtype='bool')
+        mask = np.zeros(self.num_grids, dtype='bool')
         grids, grid_ind = self.get_box_grids(grid.LeftEdge, grid.RightEdge)
         mask[grid_ind] = True
         return [g for g in self.grids[mask] if g.Level == grid.Level + 1]
@@ -356,7 +355,7 @@
         self.domain_left_edge = grid['left_edge']
-            self.domain_right_edge = na.array(self.specified_parameters['domain_right_edge'])
+            self.domain_right_edge = np.array(self.specified_parameters['domain_right_edge'])
             mylog.info("Please set 'domain_right_edge' in parameters dictionary argument " +
                     "if it is not equal to -domain_left_edge.")
@@ -373,7 +372,7 @@
         self.field_ordering = 'fortran'
         self.boundary_conditions = [1]*6
-        self.nvtk = int(na.product(self.domain_dimensions/(grid['dimensions']-1)))
+        self.nvtk = int(np.product(self.domain_dimensions/(grid['dimensions']-1)))
         # if self.cosmological_simulation:
         #     self.current_redshift = sp["current_redshift"]

diff -r c80c81adee02a586cbda215b892e40ce65fa6bde -r 0470c0e4eecff2bb942057822a6d2c1a6ee76ed0 yt/frontends/athena/io.py
--- a/yt/frontends/athena/io.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/io.py
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 from yt.utilities.io_handler import \
-import numpy as na
+import numpy as np
 class IOHandlerAthena(BaseIOHandler):
     _data_style = "athena"
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
     def _read_data_set(self,grid,field):
         f = file(grid.filename, 'rb')
         dtype, offset = grid.hierarchy._field_map[field]
-        grid_ncells = na.prod(grid.ActiveDimensions)
+        grid_ncells = np.prod(grid.ActiveDimensions)
         grid_dims = grid.ActiveDimensions
         line = f.readline()
         while True:
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@
         if dtype == 'scalar':
-            data = na.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4', count=grid_ncells).reshape(grid_dims,order='F').copy()
+            data = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4', count=grid_ncells).reshape(grid_dims,order='F').copy()
         if dtype == 'vector':
-            data = na.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4', count=3*grid_ncells)
+            data = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4', count=3*grid_ncells)
             if '_x' in field:
                 data = data[0::3].reshape(grid_dims,order='F').copy()
             elif '_y' in field:
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
         f = file(grid.filename, 'rb')
         dtype, offset = grid.hierarchy._field_map[field]
-        grid_ncells = na.prod(grid.ActiveDimensions)
+        grid_ncells = np.prod(grid.ActiveDimensions)
         line = f.readline()
         while True:
@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@
         if dtype == 'scalar':
-            data = na.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4', count=grid_ncells).reshape(grid.ActiveDimensions,order='F')[sl].copy()
+            data = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4', count=grid_ncells).reshape(grid.ActiveDimensions,order='F')[sl].copy()
         if dtype == 'vector':
-            data = na.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4', count=3*grid_ncells)
+            data = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4', count=3*grid_ncells)
             if '_x' in field:
                 data = data[0::3].reshape(grid.ActiveDimensions,order='F')[sl].copy()
             elif '_y' in field:

changeset:   c883c2104519
branch:      yt
user:        samskillman
date:        2012-09-04 19:23:36
summary:     First pass on some of Matts suggestions on teh PR.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 0470c0e4eecff2bb942057822a6d2c1a6ee76ed0 -r c883c21045190ad9e628d28542cfeb7460d4e581 yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
--- a/yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@
             gname = hierarchy.parameter_file.filename
             if id == 0:
-                gname = 'id0/' + df + '.vtk'
+                gname = 'id0/%s.vtk' % df
-                gname = 'id%i/' % id + df[:-5] + '-id%i'%id + df[-5:] + '.vtk'
+                gname = 'id%i/%s-id%i%s.vtk' % (id, df[:-5], id, df[-5:] )
         AMRGridPatch.__init__(self, id, filename = gname,
                               hierarchy = hierarchy)
         self.filename = gname
@@ -143,7 +143,6 @@
             if "DIMENSIONS" in splitup:
                 grid_dims = np.array(splitup[-3:]).astype('int')
                 line = f.readline()
-                continue
             elif "CELL_DATA" in splitup:
                 grid_ncells = int(splitup[-1])
                 line = f.readline()
@@ -151,7 +150,7 @@
                     grid_dims -= 1
                 if np.prod(grid_dims) != grid_ncells:
-                    mylog.error('product of dimensions %i not equal to number of cells %i' % 
+                    mylog.error('product of dimensions %i not equal to number of cells %i' %
                           (np.prod(grid_dims), grid_ncells))
                     raise TypeError
@@ -168,17 +167,14 @@
                 if not read_table:
                     line = f.readline() # Read the lookup table line
                     read_table = True
-                field_map[field] = 'scalar',f.tell() - read_table_offset
+                field_map[field] = ('scalar', f.tell() - read_table_offset)
             elif 'VECTORS' in splitup:
                 field = splitup[1]
-                vfield = field+'_x'
-                field_map[vfield] = 'vector',f.tell() - read_table_offset
-                vfield = field+'_y'
-                field_map[vfield] = 'vector',f.tell() - read_table_offset
-                vfield = field+'_z'
-                field_map[vfield] = 'vector',f.tell() - read_table_offset
+                for ax in 'xyz':
+                    field_map["%s_%s" % (field, ax)] =\
+                            ('vector', f.tell() - read_table_offset)
             del line
             line = f.readline()
@@ -217,6 +213,8 @@
         del f
+        # It seems some datasets have a mismatch between ncells and 
+        # the actual grid dimensions.
         if np.prod(grid['dimensions']) != grid['ncells']:
             grid['dimensions'] -= 1
@@ -244,7 +242,6 @@
             self.grids[i] = self.grid(i, self, levels[i],
-            self.grids[i]._level_id = levels[i]
             dx = (self.parameter_file.domain_right_edge-
@@ -268,8 +265,8 @@
         self.max_level = self.grid_levels.max()
-    def _setup_derived_fields(self):
-        self.derived_field_list = []
+#     def _setup_derived_fields(self):
+#         self.derived_field_list = []
     def _get_grid_children(self, grid):
         mask = np.zeros(self.num_grids, dtype='bool')
@@ -293,6 +290,7 @@
     def _set_units(self):
         Generates the conversion to various physical _units based on the parameter file
+        This is a stub for future development.  Currently sets arbitrary.
         self.units = {}
         self.time_units = {}
@@ -307,34 +305,6 @@
         for unit in sec_conversion.keys():
             self.time_units[unit] = 1.0 / sec_conversion[unit]
-        # Here should read through and add fields.
-        #default_fields=['density']
-        # for field in self.field_list:
-        #     self.units[field] = 1.0
-        #     self._fieldinfo_known.add_field(field, function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
-        #             units="", projected_units="",
-        #             convert_function=None)
-        # This should be improved.
-        # self._handle = h5py.File(self.parameter_filename, "r")
-        # for field_name in self._handle["/field_types"]:
-        #     current_field = self._handle["/field_types/%s" % field_name]
-        #     try:
-        #         self.units[field_name] = current_field.attrs['field_to_cgs']
-        #     except:
-        #         self.units[field_name] = 1.0
-        #     try:
-        #         current_fields_unit = current_field.attrs['field_units'][0]
-        #     except:
-        #         current_fields_unit = ""
-        #     self._fieldinfo_known.add_field(field_name, function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
-        #            units=current_fields_unit, projected_units="", 
-        #            convert_function=_get_convert(field_name))
-        # self._handle.close()
-        # del self._handle
     def _parse_parameter_file(self):
         self._handle = open(self.parameter_filename, "rb")
         # Read the start of a grid to get simulation parameters.
@@ -366,7 +336,7 @@
         self.refine_by = refine_by
         self.dimensionality = 3
         self.current_time = grid["time"]
-        self.unique_identifier = None
+        self.unique_identifier = self._handle.__hash__()
         self.cosmological_simulation = False
         self.num_ghost_zones = 0
         self.field_ordering = 'fortran'
@@ -374,18 +344,11 @@
         self.nvtk = int(np.product(self.domain_dimensions/(grid['dimensions']-1)))
-        # if self.cosmological_simulation:
-        #     self.current_redshift = sp["current_redshift"]
-        #     self.omega_lambda = sp["omega_lambda"]
-        #     self.omega_matter = sp["omega_matter"]
-        #     self.hubble_constant = sp["hubble_constant"]
-        # else:
         self.current_redshift = self.omega_lambda = self.omega_matter = \
             self.hubble_constant = self.cosmological_simulation = 0.0
         self.parameters['Time'] = self.current_time # Hardcode time conversion for now.
         self.parameters["HydroMethod"] = 0 # Hardcode for now until field staggering is supported.
-        del self._handle
     def _is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs):

changeset:   3abd0449f7a4
branch:      yt
user:        samskillman
date:        2012-09-04 19:25:14
summary:     Fix for domain_right_edge.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r c883c21045190ad9e628d28542cfeb7460d4e581 -r 3abd0449f7a4add4a2a379aebe0647b47101a52e yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
--- a/yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
@@ -329,6 +329,7 @@
             mylog.info("Please set 'domain_right_edge' in parameters dictionary argument " +
                     "if it is not equal to -domain_left_edge.")
+            self.domain_right_edge = -self.domain_left_edge
         self.domain_width = self.domain_right_edge-self.domain_left_edge
         self.domain_dimensions = self.domain_width/grid['dds']
         refine_by = None

changeset:   e2ba49fe07b7
branch:      yt
user:        samskillman
date:        2012-09-04 20:03:17
summary:     More cleanup on aisle Athena.
affected #:  3 files

diff -r 3abd0449f7a4add4a2a379aebe0647b47101a52e -r e2ba49fe07b7680e7d536207a4a82853c8146eda yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
--- a/yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
@@ -155,12 +155,10 @@
                     raise TypeError
-                del line
                 line = f.readline()
         read_table = False
         read_table_offset = f.tell()
         while line != '':
-            if len(line) == 0: break
             splitup = line.strip().split()
             if 'SCALARS' in splitup:
                 field = splitup[1]
@@ -175,11 +173,9 @@
                 for ax in 'xyz':
                     field_map["%s_%s" % (field, ax)] =\
                             ('vector', f.tell() - read_table_offset)
-            del line
             line = f.readline()
-        del f
         self.field_list = field_map.keys()
         self._field_map = field_map
@@ -208,10 +204,8 @@
             if 'TABLE' in line.strip().split():
             if len(line) == 0: break
-            del line
             line = f.readline()
-        del f
         # It seems some datasets have a mismatch between ncells and 
         # the actual grid dimensions.
@@ -252,7 +246,6 @@
         self.grid_dimensions = gdims.astype("int32")
         self.grid_right_edge = self.grid_left_edge + dx*self.grid_dimensions
         self.grid_particle_count = np.zeros([self.num_grids, 1], dtype='int64')
-        del levels, glis, gdims
     def _populate_grid_objects(self):
         for g in self.grids:
@@ -282,10 +275,10 @@
     def __init__(self, filename, data_style='athena',
                  storage_filename = None, parameters = {}):
+        self.specified_parameters = parameters
         StaticOutput.__init__(self, filename, data_style)
         self.filename = filename
         self.storage_filename = filename[4:-4]
-        self.specified_parameters = parameters
     def _set_units(self):
@@ -298,7 +291,6 @@
         self.time_units['1'] = 1
         self.units['1'] = 1.0
-        self.units['cm'] = 1.0
         self.units['unitary'] = 1.0 / (self.domain_right_edge - self.domain_left_edge).max()
         for unit in mpc_conversion.keys():
             self.units[unit] = 1.0 * mpc_conversion[unit] / mpc_conversion["cm"]
@@ -320,13 +312,12 @@
             if 'TABLE' in line.strip().split():
             if len(line) == 0: break
-            del line
             line = self._handle.readline()
         self.domain_left_edge = grid['left_edge']
-        try:
+        if 'domain_right_edge' in self.specified_parameters:
             self.domain_right_edge = np.array(self.specified_parameters['domain_right_edge'])
-        except:
+        else:
             mylog.info("Please set 'domain_right_edge' in parameters dictionary argument " +
                     "if it is not equal to -domain_left_edge.")
             self.domain_right_edge = -self.domain_left_edge

diff -r 3abd0449f7a4add4a2a379aebe0647b47101a52e -r e2ba49fe07b7680e7d536207a4a82853c8146eda yt/frontends/athena/fields.py
--- a/yt/frontends/athena/fields.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/fields.py
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
 translation_dict = {"x-velocity": "velocity_x",
                     "y-velocity": "velocity_y",
                     "z-velocity": "velocity_z"}
-# translation_dict = {"mag_field_x": "cell_centered_B_x ",
-#                     "mag_field_y": "cell_centered_B_y ",
-#                     "mag_field_z": "cell_centered_B_z "}
+translation_dict = {"mag_field_x": "cell_centered_B_x ",
+                    "mag_field_y": "cell_centered_B_y ",
+                    "mag_field_z": "cell_centered_B_z "}
 AthenaFieldInfo = FieldInfoContainer.create_with_fallback(FieldInfo)
 add_field = AthenaFieldInfo.add_field
@@ -55,36 +55,33 @@
 KnownAthenaFields = FieldInfoContainer()
 add_athena_field = KnownAthenaFields.add_field
-add_athena_field("density", function=NullFunc, take_log=True,
-          units=r"\rm{g}/\rm{cm}^3",
-          projected_units =r"\rm{g}/\rm{cm}^2")
+add_athena_field("density", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
+          units=r"",
+          projected_units =r"")
-add_athena_field("specific_energy", function=NullFunc, take_log=True,
-          units=r"\rm{erg}/\rm{g}")
-add_athena_field("pressure", function=NullFunc, take_log=True,
-          units=r"\rm{erg}/\rm{g}")
+add_athena_field("pressure", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
+          units=r"")
 add_athena_field("velocity_x", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
-          units=r"\rm{cm}/\rm{s}")
+          units=r"")
 add_athena_field("velocity_y", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
-          units=r"\rm{cm}/\rm{s}")
+          units=r"")
 add_athena_field("velocity_z", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
-          units=r"\rm{cm}/\rm{s}")
+          units=r"")
-add_athena_field("mag_field_x", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
-          units=r"\rm{cm}/\rm{s}")
+add_athena_field("cell_centered_B_x", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
+          units=r"")
-add_athena_field("mag_field_y", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
-          units=r"\rm{cm}/\rm{s}")
+add_athena_field("cell_centered_B_y", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
+          units=r"")
-add_athena_field("mag_field_z", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
-          units=r"\rm{cm}/\rm{s}")
+add_athena_field("cell_centered_B_z", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
+          units=r"")
 for f,v in log_translation_dict.items():
-    add_field(f, TranslationFunc(v), take_log=True)
+    add_field(f, TranslationFunc(v), take_log=False)
 for f,v in translation_dict.items():
     add_field(f, TranslationFunc(v), take_log=False)

diff -r 3abd0449f7a4add4a2a379aebe0647b47101a52e -r e2ba49fe07b7680e7d536207a4a82853c8146eda yt/frontends/athena/io.py
--- a/yt/frontends/athena/io.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/io.py
@@ -48,20 +48,11 @@
         dtype, offset = grid.hierarchy._field_map[field]
         grid_ncells = np.prod(grid.ActiveDimensions)
         grid_dims = grid.ActiveDimensions
-        line = f.readline()
-        while True:
-            splitup = line.strip().split()
-            if 'CELL_DATA' in splitup:
-                f.readline()
-                read_table_offset = f.tell()
-                del line
-                break
-            del line; line = f.readline()
+        read_table_offset = get_read_table_offset(f)
         if dtype == 'scalar':
-            data = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4', count=grid_ncells).reshape(grid_dims,order='F').copy()
+            data = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4',
+                    count=grid_ncells).reshape(grid_dims,order='F').copy()
         if dtype == 'vector':
             data = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4', count=3*grid_ncells)
             if '_x' in field:
@@ -86,19 +77,11 @@
         dtype, offset = grid.hierarchy._field_map[field]
         grid_ncells = np.prod(grid.ActiveDimensions)
-        line = f.readline()
-        while True:
-            splitup = line.strip().split()
-            if 'CELL_DATA' in splitup:
-                f.readline()
-                read_table_offset = f.tell()
-                del line
-                break
-            del line; line = f.readline()
+        read_table_offset = get_read_table_offset(f)
         if dtype == 'scalar':
-            data = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4', count=grid_ncells).reshape(grid.ActiveDimensions,order='F')[sl].copy()
+            data = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4', 
+                    count=grid_ncells).reshape(grid.ActiveDimensions,order='F')[sl].copy()
         if dtype == 'vector':
             data = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4', count=3*grid_ncells)
             if '_x' in field:
@@ -107,10 +90,18 @@
                 data = data[1::3].reshape(grid.ActiveDimensions,order='F')[sl].copy()
             elif '_z' in field:
                 data = data[2::3].reshape(grid.ActiveDimensions,order='F')[sl].copy()
+        f.close()
+        return data
-        f.close()
-        if grid.pf.field_ordering == 1:
-            return data.T
-        else:
-            return data
+def get_read_table_offset(f):
+    line = f.readline()
+    while True:
+        splitup = line.strip().split()
+        if 'CELL_DATA' in splitup:
+            f.readline()
+            read_table_offset = f.tell()
+            break
+        line = f.readline()
+    return read_table_offset

changeset:   87f9eddc4718
branch:      yt
user:        samskillman
date:        2012-09-04 20:25:47
summary:     Some units modifications for Athena.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r e2ba49fe07b7680e7d536207a4a82853c8146eda -r 87f9eddc471822783826a87abd3714d0209c8ec9 yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
--- a/yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
@@ -283,19 +283,21 @@
     def _set_units(self):
         Generates the conversion to various physical _units based on the parameter file
-        This is a stub for future development.  Currently sets arbitrary.
         self.units = {}
         self.time_units = {}
         if len(self.parameters) == 0:
+        self._setup_nounits_units()
+        self.conversion_factors = defaultdict(lambda: 1.0)
         self.time_units['1'] = 1
         self.units['1'] = 1.0
         self.units['unitary'] = 1.0 / (self.domain_right_edge - self.domain_left_edge).max()
+    def _setup_nounits_units(self):
+        self.conversion_factors["Time"] = 1.0
         for unit in mpc_conversion.keys():
-            self.units[unit] = 1.0 * mpc_conversion[unit] / mpc_conversion["cm"]
-        for unit in sec_conversion.keys():
-            self.time_units[unit] = 1.0 / sec_conversion[unit]
+            self.units[unit] = mpc_conversion[unit] / mpc_conversion["cm"]
     def _parse_parameter_file(self):
         self._handle = open(self.parameter_filename, "rb")

changeset:   28de3d40037a
branch:      yt
user:        samskillman
date:        2012-09-04 21:08:42
summary:     Fixing some athena fields.  Set everything to linear space, not log, by default.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 87f9eddc471822783826a87abd3714d0209c8ec9 -r 28de3d40037a7a938b026e828fa1999b3cd4605d yt/frontends/athena/fields.py
--- a/yt/frontends/athena/fields.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/fields.py
@@ -38,14 +38,14 @@
 import yt.data_objects.universal_fields
-log_translation_dict = {"Density": "density",
-                        "Pressure": "pressure"}
+log_translation_dict = {}
-translation_dict = {"x-velocity": "velocity_x",
+translation_dict = {"Density": "density",
+                    "Pressure": "pressure",
+                    "x-velocity": "velocity_x",
                     "y-velocity": "velocity_y",
-                    "z-velocity": "velocity_z"}
-translation_dict = {"mag_field_x": "cell_centered_B_x ",
+                    "z-velocity": "velocity_z",
+                    "mag_field_x": "cell_centered_B_x ",
                     "mag_field_y": "cell_centered_B_y ",
                     "mag_field_z": "cell_centered_B_z "}
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
 for f,v in log_translation_dict.items():
-    add_field(f, TranslationFunc(v), take_log=False)
+    add_field(f, TranslationFunc(v), take_log=True)
 for f,v in translation_dict.items():
     add_field(f, TranslationFunc(v), take_log=False)

changeset:   74fd72ecdba4
branch:      yt
user:        samskillman
date:        2012-09-04 22:28:12
summary:     Adding johns fix for the conserved flag.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 28de3d40037a7a938b026e828fa1999b3cd4605d -r 74fd72ecdba41721ab8dce549dee968772db47b9 yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
--- a/yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
         grid['vtk_version'] = splitup[-1]
     elif "Really" in splitup:
         grid['time'] = splitup[-1]
-    elif 'PRIMITIVE' in splitup:
+    elif any(x in ['PRIMITIVE','CONSERVED'] for x in splitup):
         grid['time'] = float(splitup[4].rstrip(','))
         grid['level'] = int(splitup[6].rstrip(','))
         grid['domain'] = int(splitup[8].rstrip(','))

changeset:   aaae6f8d3286
branch:      yt
user:        samskillman
date:        2012-09-05 04:01:35
summary:     Wrong dimension in index calculation, now parallel with non-trivial processor counts is working.  Fixes issue pointed out by John Zuhone.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 74fd72ecdba41721ab8dce549dee968772db47b9 -r aaae6f8d3286bfa838c1c5b7c1d385c2eb777d3e yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
--- a/yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
@@ -112,8 +112,6 @@
         grid['read_field'] = field
         grid['read_type'] = 'vector'
 class AthenaHierarchy(AMRHierarchy):
     grid = AthenaGrid
@@ -226,7 +224,7 @@
         for i in range(self.num_grids):
             procz = i/(grids_per_dim[0]*grids_per_dim[1])
             procy = (i - procz*(grids_per_dim[0]*grids_per_dim[1]))/grids_per_dim[0]
-            procx = i - procz*(grids_per_dim[0]*grids_per_dim[1]) - procy*grids_per_dim[1]
+            procx = i - procz*(grids_per_dim[0]*grids_per_dim[1]) - procy*grids_per_dim[0]
             glis[i, 0] = procx*grid['dimensions'][0]
             glis[i, 1] = procy*grid['dimensions'][1]
             glis[i, 2] = procz*grid['dimensions'][2]

changeset:   0c844cb7df71
branch:      yt
user:        jzuhone
date:        2012-09-05 04:06:59
summary:     Merged in samskillman/yt (pull request #259)
affected #:  11 files

diff -r 3e35b1adb541c3f1412d3381d57bb5c0f83e3bf2 -r 0c844cb7df71949206ff497c57ef437d6429d58e yt/frontends/athena/api.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+API for yt.frontends.athena
+Author: Samuel W. Skillman <samskillman at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: University of Colorado at Boulder
+Author: Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: UCSD
+Author: J.S. Oishi <jsoishi at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: KIPAC/SLAC/Stanford
+Author: Britton Smith <brittonsmith at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: MSU
+  Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Matthew Turk.  All Rights Reserved.
+  This file is part of yt.
+  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from .data_structures import \
+      AthenaGrid, \
+      AthenaHierarchy, \
+      AthenaStaticOutput
+from .fields import \
+      AthenaFieldInfo, \
+      KnownAthenaFields, \
+      add_athena_field
+from .io import \
+      IOHandlerAthena

diff -r 3e35b1adb541c3f1412d3381d57bb5c0f83e3bf2 -r 0c844cb7df71949206ff497c57ef437d6429d58e yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/data_structures.py
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+Data structures for Athena.
+Author: Samuel W. Skillman <samskillman at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: University of Colorado at Boulder
+Author: Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com>
+Author: J. S. Oishi <jsoishi at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: KIPAC/SLAC/Stanford
+Homepage: http://yt-project.org/
+  Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Samuel W. Skillman, Matthew Turk, J. S. Oishi.  
+  All Rights Reserved.
+  This file is part of yt.
+  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import h5py
+import numpy as np
+import weakref
+from yt.funcs import *
+from yt.data_objects.grid_patch import \
+           AMRGridPatch
+from yt.data_objects.hierarchy import \
+           AMRHierarchy
+from yt.data_objects.static_output import \
+           StaticOutput
+from yt.utilities.definitions import \
+    mpc_conversion, sec_conversion
+from .fields import AthenaFieldInfo, KnownAthenaFields
+from yt.data_objects.field_info_container import \
+    FieldInfoContainer, NullFunc
+def _get_convert(fname):
+    def _conv(data):
+        return data.convert(fname)
+    return _conv
+class AthenaGrid(AMRGridPatch):
+    _id_offset = 0
+    def __init__(self, id, hierarchy, level, start, dimensions):
+        df = hierarchy.storage_filename
+        if 'id0' not in hierarchy.parameter_file.filename:
+            gname = hierarchy.parameter_file.filename
+        else:
+            if id == 0:
+                gname = 'id0/%s.vtk' % df
+            else:
+                gname = 'id%i/%s-id%i%s.vtk' % (id, df[:-5], id, df[-5:] )
+        AMRGridPatch.__init__(self, id, filename = gname,
+                              hierarchy = hierarchy)
+        self.filename = gname
+        self.Parent = []
+        self.Children = []
+        self.Level = level
+        self.start_index = start.copy()
+        self.stop_index = self.start_index + dimensions
+        self.ActiveDimensions = dimensions.copy()
+    def _setup_dx(self):
+        # So first we figure out what the index is.  We don't assume
+        # that dx=dy=dz , at least here.  We probably do elsewhere.
+        id = self.id - self._id_offset
+        if len(self.Parent) > 0:
+            self.dds = self.Parent[0].dds / self.pf.refine_by
+        else:
+            LE, RE = self.hierarchy.grid_left_edge[id,:], \
+                     self.hierarchy.grid_right_edge[id,:]
+            self.dds = np.array((RE-LE)/self.ActiveDimensions)
+        if self.pf.dimensionality < 2: self.dds[1] = 1.0
+        if self.pf.dimensionality < 3: self.dds[2] = 1.0
+        self.field_data['dx'], self.field_data['dy'], self.field_data['dz'] = self.dds
+def parse_line(line, grid):
+    # grid is a dictionary
+    splitup = line.strip().split()
+    if "vtk" in splitup:
+        grid['vtk_version'] = splitup[-1]
+    elif "Really" in splitup:
+        grid['time'] = splitup[-1]
+    elif any(x in ['PRIMITIVE','CONSERVED'] for x in splitup):
+        grid['time'] = float(splitup[4].rstrip(','))
+        grid['level'] = int(splitup[6].rstrip(','))
+        grid['domain'] = int(splitup[8].rstrip(','))
+    elif "DIMENSIONS" in splitup:
+        grid['dimensions'] = np.array(splitup[-3:]).astype('int')
+    elif "ORIGIN" in splitup:
+        grid['left_edge'] = np.array(splitup[-3:]).astype('float64')
+    elif "SPACING" in splitup:
+        grid['dds'] = np.array(splitup[-3:]).astype('float64')
+    elif "CELL_DATA" in splitup:
+        grid["ncells"] = int(splitup[-1])
+    elif "SCALARS" in splitup:
+        field = splitup[1]
+        grid['read_field'] = field
+        grid['read_type'] = 'scalar'
+    elif "VECTORS" in splitup:
+        field = splitup[1]
+        grid['read_field'] = field
+        grid['read_type'] = 'vector'
+class AthenaHierarchy(AMRHierarchy):
+    grid = AthenaGrid
+    _data_style='athena'
+    def __init__(self, pf, data_style='athena'):
+        self.parameter_file = weakref.proxy(pf)
+        self.data_style = data_style
+        # for now, the hierarchy file is the parameter file!
+        self.storage_filename = self.parameter_file.storage_filename
+        self.hierarchy_filename = self.parameter_file.filename
+        #self.directory = os.path.dirname(self.hierarchy_filename)
+        self._fhandle = file(self.hierarchy_filename,'rb')
+        AMRHierarchy.__init__(self, pf, data_style)
+        self._fhandle.close()
+    def _initialize_data_storage(self):
+        pass
+    def _detect_fields(self):
+        field_map = {}
+        f = open(self.hierarchy_filename,'rb')
+        line = f.readline()
+        while line != '':
+            splitup = line.strip().split()
+            if "DIMENSIONS" in splitup:
+                grid_dims = np.array(splitup[-3:]).astype('int')
+                line = f.readline()
+            elif "CELL_DATA" in splitup:
+                grid_ncells = int(splitup[-1])
+                line = f.readline()
+                if np.prod(grid_dims) != grid_ncells:
+                    grid_dims -= 1
+                    grid_dims[grid_dims==0]=1
+                if np.prod(grid_dims) != grid_ncells:
+                    mylog.error('product of dimensions %i not equal to number of cells %i' %
+                          (np.prod(grid_dims), grid_ncells))
+                    raise TypeError
+                break
+            else:
+                line = f.readline()
+        read_table = False
+        read_table_offset = f.tell()
+        while line != '':
+            splitup = line.strip().split()
+            if 'SCALARS' in splitup:
+                field = splitup[1]
+                if not read_table:
+                    line = f.readline() # Read the lookup table line
+                    read_table = True
+                field_map[field] = ('scalar', f.tell() - read_table_offset)
+                read_table=False
+            elif 'VECTORS' in splitup:
+                field = splitup[1]
+                for ax in 'xyz':
+                    field_map["%s_%s" % (field, ax)] =\
+                            ('vector', f.tell() - read_table_offset)
+            line = f.readline()
+        f.close()
+        self.field_list = field_map.keys()
+        self._field_map = field_map
+    def _setup_classes(self):
+        dd = self._get_data_reader_dict()
+        AMRHierarchy._setup_classes(self, dd)
+        self.object_types.sort()
+    def _count_grids(self):
+        self.num_grids = self.parameter_file.nvtk
+    def _parse_hierarchy(self):
+        f = open(self.hierarchy_filename,'rb')
+        grid = {}
+        grid['read_field'] = None
+        grid['read_type'] = None
+        table_read=False
+        line = f.readline()
+        while grid['read_field'] is None:
+            parse_line(line, grid)
+            if "SCALAR" in line.strip().split():
+                break
+            if "VECTOR" in line.strip().split():
+                break
+            if 'TABLE' in line.strip().split():
+                break
+            if len(line) == 0: break
+            line = f.readline()
+        f.close()
+        # It seems some datasets have a mismatch between ncells and 
+        # the actual grid dimensions.
+        if np.prod(grid['dimensions']) != grid['ncells']:
+            grid['dimensions'] -= 1
+            grid['dimensions'][grid['dimensions']==0]=1
+        if np.prod(grid['dimensions']) != grid['ncells']:
+            mylog.error('product of dimensions %i not equal to number of cells %i' % 
+                  (np.prod(grid['dimensions']), grid['ncells']))
+            raise TypeError
+        dxs=[]
+        self.grids = np.empty(self.num_grids, dtype='object')
+        levels = np.zeros(self.num_grids, dtype='int32')
+        single_grid_width = grid['dds']*grid['dimensions']
+        grids_per_dim = (self.parameter_file.domain_width/single_grid_width).astype('int32')
+        glis = np.empty((self.num_grids,3), dtype='int64')
+        for i in range(self.num_grids):
+            procz = i/(grids_per_dim[0]*grids_per_dim[1])
+            procy = (i - procz*(grids_per_dim[0]*grids_per_dim[1]))/grids_per_dim[0]
+            procx = i - procz*(grids_per_dim[0]*grids_per_dim[1]) - procy*grids_per_dim[0]
+            glis[i, 0] = procx*grid['dimensions'][0]
+            glis[i, 1] = procy*grid['dimensions'][1]
+            glis[i, 2] = procz*grid['dimensions'][2]
+        gdims = np.ones_like(glis)
+        gdims[:] = grid['dimensions']
+        for i in range(levels.shape[0]):
+            self.grids[i] = self.grid(i, self, levels[i],
+                                      glis[i],
+                                      gdims[i])
+            dx = (self.parameter_file.domain_right_edge-
+                  self.parameter_file.domain_left_edge)/self.parameter_file.domain_dimensions
+            dx = dx/self.parameter_file.refine_by**(levels[i])
+            dxs.append(grid['dds'])
+        dx = np.array(dxs)
+        self.grid_left_edge = self.parameter_file.domain_left_edge + dx*glis
+        self.grid_dimensions = gdims.astype("int32")
+        self.grid_right_edge = self.grid_left_edge + dx*self.grid_dimensions
+        self.grid_particle_count = np.zeros([self.num_grids, 1], dtype='int64')
+    def _populate_grid_objects(self):
+        for g in self.grids:
+            g._prepare_grid()
+            g._setup_dx()
+        for g in self.grids:
+            g.Children = self._get_grid_children(g)
+            for g1 in g.Children:
+                g1.Parent.append(g)
+        self.max_level = self.grid_levels.max()
+#     def _setup_derived_fields(self):
+#         self.derived_field_list = []
+    def _get_grid_children(self, grid):
+        mask = np.zeros(self.num_grids, dtype='bool')
+        grids, grid_ind = self.get_box_grids(grid.LeftEdge, grid.RightEdge)
+        mask[grid_ind] = True
+        return [g for g in self.grids[mask] if g.Level == grid.Level + 1]
+class AthenaStaticOutput(StaticOutput):
+    _hierarchy_class = AthenaHierarchy
+    _fieldinfo_fallback = AthenaFieldInfo
+    _fieldinfo_known = KnownAthenaFields
+    _data_style = "athena"
+    def __init__(self, filename, data_style='athena',
+                 storage_filename = None, parameters = {}):
+        self.specified_parameters = parameters
+        StaticOutput.__init__(self, filename, data_style)
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.storage_filename = filename[4:-4]
+    def _set_units(self):
+        """
+        Generates the conversion to various physical _units based on the parameter file
+        """
+        self.units = {}
+        self.time_units = {}
+        if len(self.parameters) == 0:
+            self._parse_parameter_file()
+        self._setup_nounits_units()
+        self.conversion_factors = defaultdict(lambda: 1.0)
+        self.time_units['1'] = 1
+        self.units['1'] = 1.0
+        self.units['unitary'] = 1.0 / (self.domain_right_edge - self.domain_left_edge).max()
+    def _setup_nounits_units(self):
+        self.conversion_factors["Time"] = 1.0
+        for unit in mpc_conversion.keys():
+            self.units[unit] = mpc_conversion[unit] / mpc_conversion["cm"]
+    def _parse_parameter_file(self):
+        self._handle = open(self.parameter_filename, "rb")
+        # Read the start of a grid to get simulation parameters.
+        grid = {}
+        grid['read_field'] = None
+        line = self._handle.readline()
+        while grid['read_field'] is None:
+            parse_line(line, grid)
+            if "SCALAR" in line.strip().split():
+                break
+            if "VECTOR" in line.strip().split():
+                break
+            if 'TABLE' in line.strip().split():
+                break
+            if len(line) == 0: break
+            line = self._handle.readline()
+        self.domain_left_edge = grid['left_edge']
+        if 'domain_right_edge' in self.specified_parameters:
+            self.domain_right_edge = np.array(self.specified_parameters['domain_right_edge'])
+        else:
+            mylog.info("Please set 'domain_right_edge' in parameters dictionary argument " +
+                    "if it is not equal to -domain_left_edge.")
+            self.domain_right_edge = -self.domain_left_edge
+        self.domain_width = self.domain_right_edge-self.domain_left_edge
+        self.domain_dimensions = self.domain_width/grid['dds']
+        refine_by = None
+        if refine_by is None: refine_by = 2
+        self.refine_by = refine_by
+        self.dimensionality = 3
+        self.current_time = grid["time"]
+        self.unique_identifier = self._handle.__hash__()
+        self.cosmological_simulation = False
+        self.num_ghost_zones = 0
+        self.field_ordering = 'fortran'
+        self.boundary_conditions = [1]*6
+        self.nvtk = int(np.product(self.domain_dimensions/(grid['dimensions']-1)))
+        self.current_redshift = self.omega_lambda = self.omega_matter = \
+            self.hubble_constant = self.cosmological_simulation = 0.0
+        self.parameters['Time'] = self.current_time # Hardcode time conversion for now.
+        self.parameters["HydroMethod"] = 0 # Hardcode for now until field staggering is supported.
+        self._handle.close()
+    @classmethod
+    def _is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        try:
+            if 'vtk' in args[0]:
+                return True
+        except:
+            pass
+        return False
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.basename.rsplit(".", 1)[0]

diff -r 3e35b1adb541c3f1412d3381d57bb5c0f83e3bf2 -r 0c844cb7df71949206ff497c57ef437d6429d58e yt/frontends/athena/definitions.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/definitions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Various definitions for various other modules and routines
+Author: J. S. Oishi <jsoishi at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: KIPAC/SLAC/Stanford
+Homepage: http://yt-project.org/
+  Copyright (C) 2008-2011 J.S. Oishi.  All Rights Reserved.
+  This file is part of yt.
+  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

diff -r 3e35b1adb541c3f1412d3381d57bb5c0f83e3bf2 -r 0c844cb7df71949206ff497c57ef437d6429d58e yt/frontends/athena/fields.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/fields.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+Athena-specific fields
+Author: Samuel W. Skillman <samskillman at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: University of Colorado at Boulder
+Author: J. S. Oishi <jsoishi at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: KIPAC/SLAC/Stanford
+Homepage: http://yt-project.org/
+  Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Samuel W. Skillman, Matthew Turk, J. S. Oishi.  
+  All Rights Reserved.
+  This file is part of yt.
+  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from yt.data_objects.field_info_container import \
+    FieldInfoContainer, \
+    FieldInfo, \
+    ValidateParameter, \
+    ValidateDataField, \
+    ValidateProperty, \
+    ValidateSpatial, \
+    ValidateGridType, \
+    NullFunc, \
+    TranslationFunc
+import yt.data_objects.universal_fields
+log_translation_dict = {}
+translation_dict = {"Density": "density",
+                    "Pressure": "pressure",
+                    "x-velocity": "velocity_x",
+                    "y-velocity": "velocity_y",
+                    "z-velocity": "velocity_z",
+                    "mag_field_x": "cell_centered_B_x ",
+                    "mag_field_y": "cell_centered_B_y ",
+                    "mag_field_z": "cell_centered_B_z "}
+AthenaFieldInfo = FieldInfoContainer.create_with_fallback(FieldInfo)
+add_field = AthenaFieldInfo.add_field
+KnownAthenaFields = FieldInfoContainer()
+add_athena_field = KnownAthenaFields.add_field
+add_athena_field("density", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
+          units=r"",
+          projected_units =r"")
+add_athena_field("pressure", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
+          units=r"")
+add_athena_field("velocity_x", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
+          units=r"")
+add_athena_field("velocity_y", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
+          units=r"")
+add_athena_field("velocity_z", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
+          units=r"")
+add_athena_field("cell_centered_B_x", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
+          units=r"")
+add_athena_field("cell_centered_B_y", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
+          units=r"")
+add_athena_field("cell_centered_B_z", function=NullFunc, take_log=False,
+          units=r"")
+for f,v in log_translation_dict.items():
+    add_field(f, TranslationFunc(v), take_log=True)
+for f,v in translation_dict.items():
+    add_field(f, TranslationFunc(v), take_log=False)

diff -r 3e35b1adb541c3f1412d3381d57bb5c0f83e3bf2 -r 0c844cb7df71949206ff497c57ef437d6429d58e yt/frontends/athena/io.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/io.py
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+The data-file handling functions
+Author: Samuel W. Skillman <samskillman at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: University of Colorado at Boulder
+Author: Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com>
+Author: J. S. Oishi <jsoishi at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: KIPAC/SLAC/Stanford
+Homepage: http://yt-project.org/
+  Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Matthew Turk.  All Rights Reserved.
+  This file is part of yt.
+  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from yt.utilities.io_handler import \
+           BaseIOHandler
+import numpy as np
+class IOHandlerAthena(BaseIOHandler):
+    _data_style = "athena"
+    _offset_string = 'data:offsets=0'
+    _data_string = 'data:datatype=0'
+    _read_table_offset = None
+    def _field_dict(self,fhandle):
+        keys = fhandle['field_types'].keys()
+        val = fhandle['field_types'].keys()
+        return dict(zip(keys,val))
+    def _read_field_names(self,grid):
+        pass
+    def _read_data_set(self,grid,field):
+        f = file(grid.filename, 'rb')
+        dtype, offset = grid.hierarchy._field_map[field]
+        grid_ncells = np.prod(grid.ActiveDimensions)
+        grid_dims = grid.ActiveDimensions
+        read_table_offset = get_read_table_offset(f)
+        f.seek(read_table_offset+offset)
+        if dtype == 'scalar':
+            data = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4',
+                    count=grid_ncells).reshape(grid_dims,order='F').copy()
+        if dtype == 'vector':
+            data = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4', count=3*grid_ncells)
+            if '_x' in field:
+                data = data[0::3].reshape(grid_dims,order='F').copy()
+            elif '_y' in field:
+                data = data[1::3].reshape(grid_dims,order='F').copy()
+            elif '_z' in field:
+                data = data[2::3].reshape(grid_dims,order='F').copy()
+        f.close()
+        if grid.pf.field_ordering == 1:
+            return data.T
+        else:
+            return data
+    def _read_data_slice(self, grid, field, axis, coord):
+        sl = [slice(None), slice(None), slice(None)]
+        sl[axis] = slice(coord, coord + 1)
+        if grid.pf.field_ordering == 1:
+            sl.reverse()
+        f = file(grid.filename, 'rb')
+        dtype, offset = grid.hierarchy._field_map[field]
+        grid_ncells = np.prod(grid.ActiveDimensions)
+        read_table_offset = get_read_table_offset(f)
+        f.seek(read_table_offset+offset)
+        if dtype == 'scalar':
+            data = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4', 
+                    count=grid_ncells).reshape(grid.ActiveDimensions,order='F')[sl].copy()
+        if dtype == 'vector':
+            data = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>f4', count=3*grid_ncells)
+            if '_x' in field:
+                data = data[0::3].reshape(grid.ActiveDimensions,order='F')[sl].copy()
+            elif '_y' in field:
+                data = data[1::3].reshape(grid.ActiveDimensions,order='F')[sl].copy()
+            elif '_z' in field:
+                data = data[2::3].reshape(grid.ActiveDimensions,order='F')[sl].copy()
+        f.close()
+        return data
+def get_read_table_offset(f):
+    line = f.readline()
+    while True:
+        splitup = line.strip().split()
+        if 'CELL_DATA' in splitup:
+            f.readline()
+            read_table_offset = f.tell()
+            break
+        line = f.readline()
+    return read_table_offset

diff -r 3e35b1adb541c3f1412d3381d57bb5c0f83e3bf2 -r 0c844cb7df71949206ff497c57ef437d6429d58e yt/frontends/athena/setup.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/frontends/athena/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import setuptools
+import os
+import sys
+import os.path
+def configuration(parent_package='', top_path=None):
+    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
+    config = Configuration('athena', parent_package, top_path)
+    config.make_config_py()  # installs __config__.py
+    #config.make_svn_version_py()
+    return config

diff -r 3e35b1adb541c3f1412d3381d57bb5c0f83e3bf2 -r 0c844cb7df71949206ff497c57ef437d6429d58e yt/frontends/setup.py
--- a/yt/frontends/setup.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/setup.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
     config = Configuration('frontends', parent_package, top_path)
     config.make_config_py()  # installs __config__.py
+    config.add_subpackage("athena")

diff -r 3e35b1adb541c3f1412d3381d57bb5c0f83e3bf2 -r 0c844cb7df71949206ff497c57ef437d6429d58e yt/mods.py
--- a/yt/mods.py
+++ b/yt/mods.py
@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@
 from yt.frontends.gdf.api import \
     GDFStaticOutput, GDFFieldInfo, add_gdf_field
+from yt.frontends.athena.api import \
+    AthenaStaticOutput, AthenaFieldInfo, add_athena_field
 from yt.frontends.art.api import \
     ARTStaticOutput, ARTFieldInfo, add_art_field

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