[yt-svn] [yt_analysis/yt] Grid objects should throw an error/warning when they contain zero grids (issue #391)

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Mon Jul 2 08:46:24 PDT 2012

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New issue 391: Grid objects should throw an error/warning when they contain zero grids


Right now, trying access quantities on a zero-size grid object gives the error copied below. It makes it seem as if the problem has something to do with parallelism (because it occurs in /u/cmoody3/code/yt-dev/src/yt-hg/yt/utilities/parallel_tools/parallel_analysis_interface.py) instead of a much simpler issue.

    [density, ncells, bx,by,bz, crap]= sph.quantities["MaxLocation"]("Density")
  File "/u/cmoody3/code/yt-dev/src/yt-hg/yt/data_objects/derived_quantities.py", line 92, in __call__
    return self._call_func_lazy(args, kwargs)
  File "/u/cmoody3/code/yt-dev/src/yt-hg/yt/data_objects/derived_quantities.py", line 98, in _call_func_lazy
    for gi,g in enumerate(self._get_grids()):
  File "/u/cmoody3/code/yt-dev/src/yt-hg/yt/utilities/parallel_tools/parallel_analysis_interface.py", line 837, in _get_grids
    return ObjectIterator(self, attr='_grids')
  File "/u/cmoody3/code/yt-dev/src/yt-hg/yt/utilities/parallel_tools/parallel_analysis_interface.py", line 101, in __init__
    if hasattr(gs[0], 'proc_num'):


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