[yt-svn] commit/yt: 7 new changesets

Bitbucket commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Thu Jan 26 14:12:55 PST 2012

7 new commits in yt:

changeset:   460e86b2d58e
branch:      yt
user:        chummels
date:        2012-01-26 19:53:05
summary:     Removing command line options for halo profiling and analyze, because they are broken.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 9304fd2491036de5f1a2fa5949fc1e9bead3049b -r 460e86b2d58e7ea6b388e00226a558225f68eee3 yt/utilities/command_line.py
--- a/yt/utilities/command_line.py
+++ b/yt/utilities/command_line.py
@@ -535,27 +535,6 @@
         else: fn = args.output
-class YTHalosCmd(YTCommand):
-    name = "halos"
-    args = ('make_profiles','make_projections','halo_parameter_file',
-            'halos','halo_hop_style','halo_radius','halo_radius_units', 'pf')
-    description = \
-        """
-        Run HaloProfiler on one dataset
-        """
-    def __call__(self, args):
-        import yt.analysis_modules.halo_profiler.api as HP
-        kwargs = {'halos': args.halos,
-                  'halo_radius': args.halo_radius,
-                  'radius_units': args.halo_radius_units}
-        hp = HP.HaloProfiler(arg,args.halo_parameter_file,**kwargs)
-        if args.make_profiles:
-            hp.make_profiles()
-        if args.make_projections:
-            hp.make_projections()
 class YTPlotCmd(YTCommand):
     args = ("width", "unit", "bn", "proj", "center",
             "zlim", "axis", "field", "weight", "skip",
@@ -674,72 +653,6 @@
             open(args.output, "a").write(
                 "%s (%0.5e years): %0.5e at %s\n" % (pf, t, v, c))
-class YTAnalyzeCmd(YTCommand):
-    name = "analyze"
-    args = ('pf',)
-    description = \
-        """
-        Produce a set of analysis for a given output.  This includes
-        HaloProfiler results with r200, as per the recipe file in the cookbook,
-        profiles of a number of fields, projections of average Density and
-        Temperature, and distribution functions for Density and Temperature.
-        """
-    def __call__(self, args):
-        # We will do the following things:
-        #   Halo profiling (default parameters ONLY)
-        #   Projections: Density, Temperature
-        #   Full-box distribution functions
-        import yt.analysis_modules.halo_profiler.api as HP
-        hp = HP.HaloProfiler(arg)
-        # Add a filter to remove halos that have no profile points with overdensity
-        # above 200, and with virial masses less than 1e14 solar masses.
-        # Also, return the virial mass and radius to be written out to a file.
-        hp.add_halo_filter(HP.VirialFilter,must_be_virialized=True,
-                           overdensity_field='ActualOverdensity',
-                           virial_overdensity=200, virial_filters=[],
-                           virial_quantities=['TotalMassMsun','RadiusMpc'])
-        # Add profile fields.
-        pf = hp.pf
-        all_fields = pf.h.field_list + pf.h.derived_field_list
-        for field, wv, acc in HP.standard_fields:
-            if field not in all_fields: continue
-            hp.add_profile(field, wv, acc)
-        hp.make_profiles(filename="FilteredQuantities.out")
-        # Add projection fields.
-        hp.add_projection('Density',weight_field=None)
-        hp.add_projection('Temperature',weight_field='Density')
-        if "Metallicity" in all_fields:
-            hp.add_projection('Metallicity',weight_field='Density')
-        # Make projections for all three axes using the filtered halo list and
-        # save data to hdf5 files.
-        hp.make_projections(save_cube=True,save_images=True,
-                            halo_list='filtered',axes=[0,1,2])
-        # Now we make full-box projections.
-        pf = EnzoStaticOutput(arg)
-        c = 0.5*(pf.domain_right_edge + pf.domain_left_edge)
-        pc = PlotCollection(pf, center=c)
-        for ax in range(3):
-            pc.add_projection("Density", ax, "Density")
-            pc.add_projection("Temperature", ax, "Density")
-            pc.plots[-1].set_cmap("hot")
-        # Time to add some phase plots
-        dd = pf.h.all_data()
-        ph = pc.add_phase_object(dd, ["Density", "Temperature", "CellMassMsun"],
-                            weight=None)
-        pc_dummy = PlotCollection(pf, center=c)
-        pr = pc_dummy.add_profile_object(dd, ["Density", "Temperature"],
-                            weight="CellMassMsun")
-        ph.modify["line"](pr.field_data["Density"], pr.field_data["Temperature"])
-        pc.save()
 class YTPastebinCmd(YTCommand):
     name = "pastebin"
     args = (

changeset:   60477a5198e4
branch:      yt
user:        chummels
date:        2012-01-26 19:53:21
summary:     Merging.
affected #:  7 files
Diff too large to display.

changeset:   f3baea3bae0c
branch:      yt
user:        chummels
date:        2012-01-26 21:24:12
summary:     Moved command-line options around to make them alphabetical when you type "yt help"
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 60477a5198e4d9292b1a304256390920769b01c6 -r f3baea3bae0cf988902305cd6b3a59c98b5e5522 yt/utilities/command_line.py
--- a/yt/utilities/command_line.py
+++ b/yt/utilities/command_line.py
@@ -377,454 +377,6 @@
     # Now we think we have our supplemental repository.
     return supp_path
-class YTUpdateCmd(YTCommand):
-    name = "update"
-    description = \
-        """
-        Update the yt installation to the most recent version
-        """
-    def __call__(self, opts):
-        import pkg_resources
-        yt_provider = pkg_resources.get_provider("yt")
-        path = os.path.dirname(yt_provider.module_path)
-        print
-        print "yt module located at:"
-        print "    %s" % (path)
-        update_supp = False
-        if "YT_DEST" in os.environ:
-            spath = os.path.join(
-                     os.environ["YT_DEST"], "src", "yt-supplemental")
-            if os.path.isdir(spath):
-                print "The supplemental repositories are located at:"
-                print "    %s" % (spath)
-                update_supp = True
-        vstring = None
-        if "site-packages" not in path:
-            vstring = get_hg_version(path)
-            print
-            print "The current version of the code is:"
-            print
-            print "---"
-            print vstring.strip()
-            print "---"
-            print
-            print "This installation CAN be automatically updated."
-            update_hg(path)
-            print "Updated successfully."
-        else:
-            print
-            print "YT site-packages not in path, so you must"
-            print "update this installation manually by committing and"
-            print "merging your modifications to the code before"
-            print "updating to the newest changeset."
-            print
-class YTInstInfoCmd(YTCommand):
-    name = "instinfo"
-    args = (
-            dict(short="-u", long="--update-source", action="store_true",
-                 default = False,
-                 help="Update the yt installation, if able"),
-            dict(short="-o", long="--output-version", action="store",
-                  default = None, dest="outputfile",
-                  help="File into which the current revision number will be" +
-                       "stored")
-           )
-    description = \
-        """
-        Get some information about the yt installation
-        """
-    def __call__(self, opts):
-        import pkg_resources
-        yt_provider = pkg_resources.get_provider("yt")
-        path = os.path.dirname(yt_provider.module_path)
-        print
-        print "yt module located at:"
-        print "    %s" % (path)
-        update_supp = False
-        if "YT_DEST" in os.environ:
-            spath = os.path.join(
-                     os.environ["YT_DEST"], "src", "yt-supplemental")
-            if os.path.isdir(spath):
-                print "The supplemental repositories are located at:"
-                print "    %s" % (spath)
-                update_supp = True
-        vstring = None
-        if "site-packages" not in path:
-            vstring = get_hg_version(path)
-            print
-            print "The current version of the code is:"
-            print
-            print "---"
-            print vstring.strip()
-            print "---"
-            print
-            print "This installation CAN be automatically updated."
-            if opts.update_source:  
-                update_hg(path)
-            print "Updated successfully."
-        elif opts.update_source:
-            print
-            print "YT site-packages not in path, so you must"
-            print "update this installation manually by committing and"
-            print "merging your modifications to the code before"
-            print "updating to the newest changeset."
-            print
-        if vstring is not None and opts.outputfile is not None:
-            open(opts.outputfile, "w").write(vstring)
-class YTLoadCmd(YTCommand):
-    name = "load"
-    description = \
-        """
-        Load a single dataset into an IPython instance
-        """
-    args = ("pf", )
-    def __call__(self, args):
-        if args.pf is None:
-            print "Could not load file."
-            sys.exit()
-        import yt.mods
-        import IPython
-        if IPython.__version__.startswith("0.10"):
-            api_version = '0.10'
-        elif IPython.__version__.startswith("0.11"):
-            api_version = '0.11'
-        local_ns = yt.mods.__dict__.copy()
-        local_ns['pf'] = args.pf
-        if api_version == '0.10':
-            shell = IPython.Shell.IPShellEmbed()
-            shell(local_ns = local_ns,
-                  header =
-                  "\nHi there!  Welcome to yt.\n\nWe've loaded your parameter file as 'pf'.  Enjoy!"
-                  )
-        else:
-            from IPython.config.loader import Config
-            cfg = Config()
-            cfg.InteractiveShellEmbed.local_ns = local_ns
-            IPython.embed(config=cfg)
-            from IPython.frontend.terminal.embed import InteractiveShellEmbed
-            ipshell = InteractiveShellEmbed(config=cfg)
-class YTHopCmd(YTCommand):
-    args = ('outputfn','bn','thresh','dm_only','skip', 'pf')
-    name = "hop"
-    description = \
-        """
-        Run HOP on one or more datasets
-        """
-    def __call__(self, args):
-        pf = args.pf
-        kwargs = {'dm_only' : args.dm_only}
-        if args.threshold is not None: kwargs['threshold'] = args.threshold
-        hop_list = HaloFinder(pf, **kwargs)
-        if args.output is None: fn = "%s.hop" % pf
-        else: fn = args.output
-        hop_list.write_out(fn)
-class YTPlotCmd(YTCommand):
-    args = ("width", "unit", "bn", "proj", "center",
-            "zlim", "axis", "field", "weight", "skip",
-            "cmap", "output", "grids", "time", "pf")
-    name = "plot"
-    description = \
-        """
-        Create a set of images
-        """
-    def __call__(self, args):
-        pf = args.pf
-        center = args.center
-        if args.center == (-1,-1,-1):
-            mylog.info("No center fed in; seeking.")
-            v, center = pf.h.find_max("Density")
-        elif args.center is None:
-            center = 0.5*(pf.domain_left_edge + pf.domain_right_edge)
-        center = na.array(center)
-        pc=PlotCollection(pf, center=center)
-        if args.axis == 4:
-            axes = range(3)
-        else:
-            axes = [args.axis]
-        for ax in axes:
-            mylog.info("Adding plot for axis %i", ax)
-            if args.projection: pc.add_projection(args.field, ax,
-                                    weight_field=args.weight, center=center)
-            else: pc.add_slice(args.field, ax, center=center)
-            if args.grids: pc.plots[-1].modify["grids"]()
-            if args.time: 
-                time = pf.current_time*pf['Time']*pf['years']
-                pc.plots[-1].modify["text"]((0.2,0.8), 't = %5.2e yr'%time)
-        pc.set_width(args.width, args.unit)
-        pc.set_cmap(args.cmap)
-        if args.zlim: pc.set_zlim(*args.zlim)
-        if not os.path.isdir(args.output): os.makedirs(args.output)
-        pc.save(os.path.join(args.output,"%s" % (pf)))
-class YTMapserverCmd(YTCommand):
-    args = ("proj", "field", "weight",
-            dict(short="-a", long="--axis", action="store", type=int,
-                 dest="axis", default=0, help="Axis (4 for all three)"),
-            dict(short ="-o", long="--host", action="store", type=str,
-                   dest="host", default=None, help="IP Address to bind on"),
-            "pf",
-            )
-    name = "mapserver"
-    description = \
-        """
-        Serve a plot in a GMaps-style interface
-        """
-    def __call__(self, args):
-        pf = args.pf
-        pc=PlotCollection(pf, center=0.5*(pf.domain_left_edge +
-                                          pf.domain_right_edge))
-        if args.axis == 4:
-            print "Doesn't work with multiple axes!"
-            return
-        if args.projection:
-            p = pc.add_projection(args.field, args.axis, weight_field=args.weight)
-        else:
-            p = pc.add_slice(args.field, args.axis)
-        from yt.gui.reason.pannable_map import PannableMapServer
-        mapper = PannableMapServer(p.data, args.field)
-        import yt.utilities.bottle as bottle
-        bottle.debug(True)
-        if args.host is not None:
-            colonpl = args.host.find(":")
-            if colonpl >= 0:
-                port = int(args.host.split(":")[-1])
-                args.host = args.host[:colonpl]
-            else:
-                port = 8080
-            bottle.run(server='rocket', host=args.host, port=port)
-        else:
-            bottle.run(server='rocket')
-class YTRPDBCmd(YTCommand):
-    name = "rpdb"
-    description = \
-        """
-        Connect to a currently running (on localhost) rpd session.
-        Commands run with --rpdb will trigger an rpdb session with any
-        uncaught exceptions.
-        """
-    def __call__(self, args):
-        import rpdb
-        rpdb.run_rpdb(int(task))
-class YTStatsCmd(YTCommand):
-    args = ('outputfn','bn','skip','pf')
-    name = "stats"
-    description = \
-        """
-        Print stats and maximum density for one or more datasets
-        """
-    def __call__(self, args):
-        pf = args.pf
-        pf.h.print_stats()
-        if "Density" in pf.h.field_list:
-            v, c = pf.h.find_max("Density")
-        print "Maximum density: %0.5e at %s" % (v, c)
-        if args.output is not None:
-            t = pf.current_time * pf['years']
-            open(args.output, "a").write(
-                "%s (%0.5e years): %0.5e at %s\n" % (pf, t, v, c))
-class YTPastebinCmd(YTCommand):
-    name = "pastebin"
-    args = (
-             dict(short="-l", long="--language", action="store",
-                  default = None, dest="language",
-                  help="Use syntax highlighter for the file in language"),
-             dict(short="-L", long="--languages", action="store_true",
-                  default = False, dest="languages",
-                  help="Retrive a list of supported languages"),
-             dict(short="-e", long="--encoding", action="store",
-                  default = 'utf-8', dest="encoding",
-                  help="Specify the encoding of a file (default is "
-                        "utf-8 or guessing if available)"),
-             dict(short="-b", long="--open-browser", action="store_true",
-                  default = False, dest="open_browser",
-                  help="Open the paste in a web browser"),
-             dict(short="-p", long="--private", action="store_true",
-                  default = False, dest="private",
-                  help="Paste as private"),
-             dict(short="-c", long="--clipboard", action="store_true",
-                  default = False, dest="clipboard",
-                  help="File to output to; else, print."),
-             dict(short="file", type=str),
-            )
-    description = \
-        """
-        Post a script to an anonymous pastebin
-        Usage: yt pastebin [options] <script>
-        """
-    def __call__(self, args):
-        import yt.utilities.lodgeit as lo
-        lo.main(args.file, languages=args.languages, language=args.language,
-                 encoding=args.encoding, open_browser=args.open_browser,
-                 private=args.private, clipboard=args.clipboard)
-class YTPastebinGrabCmd(YTCommand):
-    args = (dict(short="number", type=str),)
-    name = "pastebin_grab"
-    description = \
-        """
-        Print an online pastebin to STDOUT for local use. Paste ID is 
-        the number at the end of the url.  So to locally access pastebin:
-        http://paste.yt-project.org/show/1688/
-        Usage: yt pastebin_grab <Paste ID> 
-        Ex: yt pastebin_grab 1688 > script.py
-        """
-    def __call__(self, args):
-        import yt.utilities.lodgeit as lo
-        lo.main( None, download=args.number )
-class YTBugreportCmd(YTCommand):
-    name = "bugreport"
-    description = \
-        """
-        Report a bug in yt
-        """
-    def __call__(self, args):
-        print "==============================================================="
-        print
-        print "Hi there!  Welcome to the yt bugreport taker."
-        print
-        print "==============================================================="
-        print "At any time in advance of the upload of the bug, you should feel free"
-        print "to ctrl-C out and submit the bug report manually by going here:"
-        print "   http://hg.yt-project.org/yt/issues/new"
-        print 
-        print "Also, in order to submit a bug through this interface, you"
-        print "need a Bitbucket account. If you don't have one, exit this "
-        print "bugreport now and run the 'yt bootstrap_dev' command to create one."
-        print
-        print "Have you checked the existing bug reports to make"
-        print "sure your bug has not already been recorded by someone else?"
-        print "   http://hg.yt-project.org/yt/issues?status=new&status=open"
-        print
-        print "Finally, are you sure that your bug is, in fact, a bug? It might"
-        print "simply be a misunderstanding that could be cleared up by"
-        print "visiting the yt irc channel or getting advice on the email list:"
-        print "   http://yt-project.org/irc.html"
-        print "   http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-users-spacepope.org"
-        print
-        summary = raw_input("Press <enter> if you remain firm in your conviction to continue.")
-        print
-        print
-        print "Okay, sorry about that. How about a nice, pithy ( < 12 words )"
-        print "summary of the bug?  (e.g. 'Particle overlay problem with parallel "
-        print "projections')"
-        print
-        try:
-            current_version = get_yt_version()
-        except:
-            current_version = "Unavailable"
-        summary = raw_input("Summary? ")
-        bugtype = "bug"
-        data = dict(title = summary, type=bugtype)
-        print
-        print "Okay, now let's get a bit more information."
-        print
-        print "Remember that if you want to submit a traceback, you can run"
-        print "any script with --paste or --detailed-paste to submit it to"
-        print "the pastebin and then include the link in this bugreport."
-        if "EDITOR" in os.environ:
-            print
-            print "Press enter to spawn your editor, %s" % os.environ["EDITOR"]
-            loki = raw_input()
-            tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
-            fn = tf.name
-            tf.close()
-            popen = subprocess.call("$EDITOR %s" % fn, shell = True)
-            content = open(fn).read()
-            try:
-                os.unlink(fn)
-            except:
-                pass
-        else:
-            print
-            print "Couldn't find an $EDITOR variable.  So, let's just take"
-            print "take input here.  Type up your summary until you're ready"
-            print "to be done, and to signal you're done, type --- by itself"
-            print "on a line to signal your completion."
-            print
-            print "(okay, type now)"
-            print
-            lines = []
-            while 1:
-                line = raw_input()
-                if line.strip() == "---": break
-                lines.append(line)
-            content = "\n".join(lines)
-        content = "Reporting Version: %s\n\n%s" % (current_version, content)
-        endpoint = "repositories/yt_analysis/yt/issues"
-        data['content'] = content
-        print
-        print "==============================================================="
-        print 
-        print "Okay, we're going to submit with this:"
-        print
-        print "Summary: %s" % (data['title'])
-        print
-        print "---"
-        print content
-        print "---"
-        print
-        print "==============================================================="
-        print
-        print "Is that okay?  If not, hit ctrl-c.  Otherwise, enter means"
-        print "'submit'.  Next we'll ask for your Bitbucket Username."
-        print "If you don't have one, run the 'yt bootstrap_dev' command."
-        print
-        loki = raw_input()
-        retval = bb_apicall(endpoint, data, use_pass=True)
-        import json
-        retval = json.loads(retval)
-        url = "http://hg.yt-project.org/yt/issue/%s" % retval['local_id']
-        print 
-        print "==============================================================="
-        print
-        print "Thanks for your bug report!  Together we'll make yt totally bug free!"
-        print "You can view bug report here:"
-        print "   %s" % url
-        print
-        print "Keep in touch!"
-        print
 class YTBootstrapDevCmd(YTCommand):
     name = "bootstrap_dev"
     description = \
@@ -1054,147 +606,139 @@
         print "Good luck!"
-class YTServeCmd(YTCommand):
-    name = "serve"
-    args = (
-            dict(short="-o", long="--open-browser", action="store_true",
-                 default = False, dest='open_browser',
-                 help="Open a web browser."),
-            dict(short="-p", long="--port", action="store",
-                 default = 0, dest='port',
-                 help="Port to listen on"),
-            dict(short="-f", long="--find", action="store_true",
-                 default = False, dest="find",
-                 help="At startup, find all *.hierarchy files in the CWD"),
-            dict(short="-d", long="--debug", action="store_true",
-                 default = False, dest="debug",
-                 help="Add a debugging mode for cell execution")
-            )
+class YTBugreportCmd(YTCommand):
+    name = "bugreport"
     description = \
-        Run the Web GUI Reason
+        Report a bug in yt
     def __call__(self, args):
-        # We have to do a couple things.
-        # First, we check that YT_DEST is set.
-        if "YT_DEST" not in os.environ:
+        print "==============================================================="
+        print
+        print "Hi there!  Welcome to the yt bugreport taker."
+        print
+        print "==============================================================="
+        print "At any time in advance of the upload of the bug, you should feel free"
+        print "to ctrl-C out and submit the bug report manually by going here:"
+        print "   http://hg.yt-project.org/yt/issues/new"
+        print 
+        print "Also, in order to submit a bug through this interface, you"
+        print "need a Bitbucket account. If you don't have one, exit this "
+        print "bugreport now and run the 'yt bootstrap_dev' command to create one."
+        print
+        print "Have you checked the existing bug reports to make"
+        print "sure your bug has not already been recorded by someone else?"
+        print "   http://hg.yt-project.org/yt/issues?status=new&status=open"
+        print
+        print "Finally, are you sure that your bug is, in fact, a bug? It might"
+        print "simply be a misunderstanding that could be cleared up by"
+        print "visiting the yt irc channel or getting advice on the email list:"
+        print "   http://yt-project.org/irc.html"
+        print "   http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-users-spacepope.org"
+        print
+        summary = raw_input("Press <enter> if you remain firm in your conviction to continue.")
+        print
+        print
+        print "Okay, sorry about that. How about a nice, pithy ( < 12 words )"
+        print "summary of the bug?  (e.g. 'Particle overlay problem with parallel "
+        print "projections')"
+        print
+        try:
+            current_version = get_yt_version()
+        except:
+            current_version = "Unavailable"
+        summary = raw_input("Summary? ")
+        bugtype = "bug"
+        data = dict(title = summary, type=bugtype)
+        print
+        print "Okay, now let's get a bit more information."
+        print
+        print "Remember that if you want to submit a traceback, you can run"
+        print "any script with --paste or --detailed-paste to submit it to"
+        print "the pastebin and then include the link in this bugreport."
+        if "EDITOR" in os.environ:
-            print "*** You must set the environment variable YT_DEST ***"
-            print "*** to point to the installation location!        ***"
+            print "Press enter to spawn your editor, %s" % os.environ["EDITOR"]
+            loki = raw_input()
+            tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
+            fn = tf.name
+            tf.close()
+            popen = subprocess.call("$EDITOR %s" % fn, shell = True)
+            content = open(fn).read()
+            try:
+                os.unlink(fn)
+            except:
+                pass
+        else:
-            sys.exit(1)
-        if args.port == 0:
-            # This means, choose one at random.  We do this by binding to a
-            # socket and allowing the OS to choose the port for that socket.
-            import socket
-            sock = socket.socket()
-            sock.bind(('', 0))
-            args.port = sock.getsockname()[-1]
-            del sock
-        elif args.port == '-1':
-            port = raw_input("Desired yt port? ")
-            try:
-                args.port = int(port)
-            except ValueError:
-                print "Please try a number next time."
-                return 1
-        base_extjs_path = os.path.join(os.environ["YT_DEST"], "src")
-        if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base_extjs_path, "ext-resources", "ext-all.js")):
+            print "Couldn't find an $EDITOR variable.  So, let's just take"
+            print "take input here.  Type up your summary until you're ready"
+            print "to be done, and to signal you're done, type --- by itself"
+            print "on a line to signal your completion."
-            print "*** You are missing the ExtJS support files. You  ***"
-            print "*** You can get these by either rerunning the     ***"
-            print "*** install script installing, or downloading     ***"
-            print "*** them manually.                                ***"
+            print "(okay, type now)"
-            sys.exit(1)
-        from yt.config import ytcfg;ytcfg["yt","__withinreason"]="True"
-        import yt.utilities.bottle as bottle
-        from yt.gui.reason.extdirect_repl import ExtDirectREPL
-        from yt.gui.reason.bottle_mods import uuid_serve_functions, PayloadHandler
-        hr = ExtDirectREPL(base_extjs_path)
-        hr.debug = PayloadHandler.debug = args.debug
-        if args.find:
-            # We just have to find them and store references to them.
-            command_line = ["pfs = []"]
-            for fn in sorted(glob.glob("*/*.hierarchy")):
-                command_line.append("pfs.append(load('%s'))" % fn[:-10])
-            hr.execute("\n".join(command_line))
-        bottle.debug()
-        uuid_serve_functions(open_browser=args.open_browser,
-                    port=int(args.port), repl=hr)
+            lines = []
+            while 1:
+                line = raw_input()
+                if line.strip() == "---": break
+                lines.append(line)
+            content = "\n".join(lines)
+        content = "Reporting Version: %s\n\n%s" % (current_version, content)
+        endpoint = "repositories/yt_analysis/yt/issues"
+        data['content'] = content
+        print
+        print "==============================================================="
+        print 
+        print "Okay, we're going to submit with this:"
+        print
+        print "Summary: %s" % (data['title'])
+        print
+        print "---"
+        print content
+        print "---"
+        print
+        print "==============================================================="
+        print
+        print "Is that okay?  If not, hit ctrl-c.  Otherwise, enter means"
+        print "'submit'.  Next we'll ask for your Bitbucket Username."
+        print "If you don't have one, run the 'yt bootstrap_dev' command."
+        print
+        loki = raw_input()
+        retval = bb_apicall(endpoint, data, use_pass=True)
+        import json
+        retval = json.loads(retval)
+        url = "http://hg.yt-project.org/yt/issue/%s" % retval['local_id']
+        print 
+        print "==============================================================="
+        print
+        print "Thanks for your bug report!  Together we'll make yt totally bug free!"
+        print "You can view bug report here:"
+        print "   %s" % url
+        print
+        print "Keep in touch!"
+        print
-class YTReasonCmd(YTCommand):
-    name = "reason"
-    args = (
-            dict(short="-o", long="--open-browser", action="store_true",
-                 default = False, dest='open_browser',
-                 help="Open a web browser."),
-            dict(short="-p", long="--port", action="store",
-                 default = 0, dest='port',
-                 help="Port to listen on"),
-            dict(short="-f", long="--find", action="store_true",
-                 default = False, dest="find",
-                 help="At startup, find all *.hierarchy files in the CWD"),
-            dict(short="-d", long="--debug", action="store_true",
-                 default = False, dest="debug",
-                 help="Add a debugging mode for cell execution")
-            )
+class YTHopCmd(YTCommand):
+    args = ('outputfn','bn','thresh','dm_only','skip', 'pf')
+    name = "hop"
     description = \
-        Run the Web GUI Reason
+        Run HOP on one or more datasets
     def __call__(self, args):
-        # We have to do a couple things.
-        # First, we check that YT_DEST is set.
-        if "YT_DEST" not in os.environ:
-            print
-            print "*** You must set the environment variable YT_DEST ***"
-            print "*** to point to the installation location!        ***"
-            print
-            sys.exit(1)
-        if args.port == 0:
-            # This means, choose one at random.  We do this by binding to a
-            # socket and allowing the OS to choose the port for that socket.
-            import socket
-            sock = socket.socket()
-            sock.bind(('', 0))
-            args.port = sock.getsockname()[-1]
-            del sock
-        elif args.port == '-1':
-            port = raw_input("Desired yt port? ")
-            try:
-                args.port = int(port)
-            except ValueError:
-                print "Please try a number next time."
-                return 1
-        base_extjs_path = os.path.join(os.environ["YT_DEST"], "src")
-        if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base_extjs_path, "ext-resources", "ext-all.js")):
-            print
-            print "*** You are missing the ExtJS support files. You  ***"
-            print "*** You can get these by either rerunning the     ***"
-            print "*** install script installing, or downloading     ***"
-            print "*** them manually.                                ***"
-            print
-            sys.exit(1)
-        from yt.config import ytcfg;ytcfg["yt","__withinreason"]="True"
-        import yt.utilities.bottle as bottle
-        from yt.gui.reason.extdirect_repl import ExtDirectREPL
-        from yt.gui.reason.bottle_mods import uuid_serve_functions, PayloadHandler
-        hr = ExtDirectREPL(base_extjs_path)
-        hr.debug = PayloadHandler.debug = args.debug
-        if args.find:
-            # We just have to find them and store references to them.
-            command_line = ["pfs = []"]
-            for fn in sorted(glob.glob("*/*.hierarchy")):
-                command_line.append("pfs.append(load('%s'))" % fn[:-10])
-            hr.execute("\n".join(command_line))
-        bottle.debug()
-        uuid_serve_functions(open_browser=args.open_browser,
-                    port=int(args.port), repl=hr)
+        pf = args.pf
+        kwargs = {'dm_only' : args.dm_only}
+        if args.threshold is not None: kwargs['threshold'] = args.threshold
+        hop_list = HaloFinder(pf, **kwargs)
+        if args.output is None: fn = "%s.hop" % pf
+        else: fn = args.output
+        hop_list.write_out(fn)
 class YTHubSubmitCmd(YTCommand):
     name = "hub_submit"
     args = (
@@ -1369,46 +913,310 @@
         rv = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
         print rv
-class YTUploadImageCmd(YTCommand):
-    args = (dict(short="file", type=str),)
+class YTInstInfoCmd(YTCommand):
+    name = "instinfo"
+    args = (
+            dict(short="-u", long="--update-source", action="store_true",
+                 default = False,
+                 help="Update the yt installation, if able"),
+            dict(short="-o", long="--output-version", action="store",
+                  default = None, dest="outputfile",
+                  help="File into which the current revision number will be" +
+                       "stored")
+           )
     description = \
-        Upload an image to imgur.com.  Must be PNG.
+        Get some information about the yt installation
-    name = "upload_image"
+    def __call__(self, opts):
+        import pkg_resources
+        yt_provider = pkg_resources.get_provider("yt")
+        path = os.path.dirname(yt_provider.module_path)
+        print
+        print "yt module located at:"
+        print "    %s" % (path)
+        update_supp = False
+        if "YT_DEST" in os.environ:
+            spath = os.path.join(
+                     os.environ["YT_DEST"], "src", "yt-supplemental")
+            if os.path.isdir(spath):
+                print "The supplemental repositories are located at:"
+                print "    %s" % (spath)
+                update_supp = True
+        vstring = None
+        if "site-packages" not in path:
+            vstring = get_hg_version(path)
+            print
+            print "The current version of the code is:"
+            print
+            print "---"
+            print vstring.strip()
+            print "---"
+            print
+            print "This installation CAN be automatically updated."
+            if opts.update_source:  
+                update_hg(path)
+            print "Updated successfully."
+        elif opts.update_source:
+            print
+            print "YT site-packages not in path, so you must"
+            print "update this installation manually by committing and"
+            print "merging your modifications to the code before"
+            print "updating to the newest changeset."
+            print
+        if vstring is not None and opts.outputfile is not None:
+            open(opts.outputfile, "w").write(vstring)
+class YTLoadCmd(YTCommand):
+    name = "load"
+    description = \
+        """
+        Load a single dataset into an IPython instance
+        """
+    args = ("pf", )
     def __call__(self, args):
-        filename = args.file
-        if not filename.endswith(".png"):
-            print "File must be a PNG file!"
-            return 1
-        import base64, json, pprint
-        image_data = base64.b64encode(open(filename).read())
-        api_key = 'f62d550859558f28c4c214136bc797c7'
-        parameters = {'key':api_key, 'image':image_data, type:'base64',
-                      'caption': "",
-                      'title': "%s uploaded by yt" % filename}
-        data = urllib.urlencode(parameters)
-        req = urllib2.Request('http://api.imgur.com/2/upload.json', data)
-        try:
-            response = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
-        except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
-            print "ERROR", e
-            return {'uploaded':False}
-        rv = json.loads(response)
-        if 'upload' in rv and 'links' in rv['upload']:
+        if args.pf is None:
+            print "Could not load file."
+            sys.exit()
+        import yt.mods
+        import IPython
+        if IPython.__version__.startswith("0.10"):
+            api_version = '0.10'
+        elif IPython.__version__.startswith("0.11"):
+            api_version = '0.11'
+        local_ns = yt.mods.__dict__.copy()
+        local_ns['pf'] = args.pf
+        if api_version == '0.10':
+            shell = IPython.Shell.IPShellEmbed()
+            shell(local_ns = local_ns,
+                  header =
+                  "\nHi there!  Welcome to yt.\n\nWe've loaded your parameter file as 'pf'.  Enjoy!"
+                  )
+        else:
+            from IPython.config.loader import Config
+            cfg = Config()
+            cfg.InteractiveShellEmbed.local_ns = local_ns
+            IPython.embed(config=cfg)
+            from IPython.frontend.terminal.embed import InteractiveShellEmbed
+            ipshell = InteractiveShellEmbed(config=cfg)
+class YTMapserverCmd(YTCommand):
+    args = ("proj", "field", "weight",
+            dict(short="-a", long="--axis", action="store", type=int,
+                 dest="axis", default=0, help="Axis (4 for all three)"),
+            dict(short ="-o", long="--host", action="store", type=str,
+                   dest="host", default=None, help="IP Address to bind on"),
+            "pf",
+            )
+    name = "mapserver"
+    description = \
+        """
+        Serve a plot in a GMaps-style interface
+        """
+    def __call__(self, args):
+        pf = args.pf
+        pc=PlotCollection(pf, center=0.5*(pf.domain_left_edge +
+                                          pf.domain_right_edge))
+        if args.axis == 4:
+            print "Doesn't work with multiple axes!"
+            return
+        if args.projection:
+            p = pc.add_projection(args.field, args.axis, weight_field=args.weight)
+        else:
+            p = pc.add_slice(args.field, args.axis)
+        from yt.gui.reason.pannable_map import PannableMapServer
+        mapper = PannableMapServer(p.data, args.field)
+        import yt.utilities.bottle as bottle
+        bottle.debug(True)
+        if args.host is not None:
+            colonpl = args.host.find(":")
+            if colonpl >= 0:
+                port = int(args.host.split(":")[-1])
+                args.host = args.host[:colonpl]
+            else:
+                port = 8080
+            bottle.run(server='rocket', host=args.host, port=port)
+        else:
+            bottle.run(server='rocket')
+class YTPastebinCmd(YTCommand):
+    name = "pastebin"
+    args = (
+             dict(short="-l", long="--language", action="store",
+                  default = None, dest="language",
+                  help="Use syntax highlighter for the file in language"),
+             dict(short="-L", long="--languages", action="store_true",
+                  default = False, dest="languages",
+                  help="Retrive a list of supported languages"),
+             dict(short="-e", long="--encoding", action="store",
+                  default = 'utf-8', dest="encoding",
+                  help="Specify the encoding of a file (default is "
+                        "utf-8 or guessing if available)"),
+             dict(short="-b", long="--open-browser", action="store_true",
+                  default = False, dest="open_browser",
+                  help="Open the paste in a web browser"),
+             dict(short="-p", long="--private", action="store_true",
+                  default = False, dest="private",
+                  help="Paste as private"),
+             dict(short="-c", long="--clipboard", action="store_true",
+                  default = False, dest="clipboard",
+                  help="File to output to; else, print."),
+             dict(short="file", type=str),
+            )
+    description = \
+        """
+        Post a script to an anonymous pastebin
+        Usage: yt pastebin [options] <script>
+        """
+    def __call__(self, args):
+        import yt.utilities.lodgeit as lo
+        lo.main(args.file, languages=args.languages, language=args.language,
+                 encoding=args.encoding, open_browser=args.open_browser,
+                 private=args.private, clipboard=args.clipboard)
+class YTPastebinGrabCmd(YTCommand):
+    args = (dict(short="number", type=str),)
+    name = "pastebin_grab"
+    description = \
+        """
+        Print an online pastebin to STDOUT for local use. Paste ID is 
+        the number at the end of the url.  So to locally access pastebin:
+        http://paste.yt-project.org/show/1688/
+        Usage: yt pastebin_grab <Paste ID> 
+        Ex: yt pastebin_grab 1688 > script.py
+        """
+    def __call__(self, args):
+        import yt.utilities.lodgeit as lo
+        lo.main( None, download=args.number )
+class YTPlotCmd(YTCommand):
+    args = ("width", "unit", "bn", "proj", "center",
+            "zlim", "axis", "field", "weight", "skip",
+            "cmap", "output", "grids", "time", "pf")
+    name = "plot"
+    description = \
+        """
+        Create a set of images
+        """
+    def __call__(self, args):
+        pf = args.pf
+        center = args.center
+        if args.center == (-1,-1,-1):
+            mylog.info("No center fed in; seeking.")
+            v, center = pf.h.find_max("Density")
+        elif args.center is None:
+            center = 0.5*(pf.domain_left_edge + pf.domain_right_edge)
+        center = na.array(center)
+        pc=PlotCollection(pf, center=center)
+        if args.axis == 4:
+            axes = range(3)
+        else:
+            axes = [args.axis]
+        for ax in axes:
+            mylog.info("Adding plot for axis %i", ax)
+            if args.projection: pc.add_projection(args.field, ax,
+                                    weight_field=args.weight, center=center)
+            else: pc.add_slice(args.field, ax, center=center)
+            if args.grids: pc.plots[-1].modify["grids"]()
+            if args.time: 
+                time = pf.current_time*pf['Time']*pf['years']
+                pc.plots[-1].modify["text"]((0.2,0.8), 't = %5.2e yr'%time)
+        pc.set_width(args.width, args.unit)
+        pc.set_cmap(args.cmap)
+        if args.zlim: pc.set_zlim(*args.zlim)
+        if not os.path.isdir(args.output): os.makedirs(args.output)
+        pc.save(os.path.join(args.output,"%s" % (pf)))
+class YTReasonCmd(YTCommand):
+    name = "reason"
+    args = (
+            dict(short="-o", long="--open-browser", action="store_true",
+                 default = False, dest='open_browser',
+                 help="Open a web browser."),
+            dict(short="-p", long="--port", action="store",
+                 default = 0, dest='port',
+                 help="Port to listen on"),
+            dict(short="-f", long="--find", action="store_true",
+                 default = False, dest="find",
+                 help="At startup, find all *.hierarchy files in the CWD"),
+            dict(short="-d", long="--debug", action="store_true",
+                 default = False, dest="debug",
+                 help="Add a debugging mode for cell execution")
+            )
+    description = \
+        """
+        Run the Web GUI Reason
+        """
+    def __call__(self, args):
+        # We have to do a couple things.
+        # First, we check that YT_DEST is set.
+        if "YT_DEST" not in os.environ:
-            print "Image successfully uploaded!  You can find it at:"
-            print "    %s" % (rv['upload']['links']['imgur_page'])
+            print "*** You must set the environment variable YT_DEST ***"
+            print "*** to point to the installation location!        ***"
-            print "If you'd like to delete it, visit this page:"
-            print "    %s" % (rv['upload']['links']['delete_page'])
+            sys.exit(1)
+        if args.port == 0:
+            # This means, choose one at random.  We do this by binding to a
+            # socket and allowing the OS to choose the port for that socket.
+            import socket
+            sock = socket.socket()
+            sock.bind(('', 0))
+            args.port = sock.getsockname()[-1]
+            del sock
+        elif args.port == '-1':
+            port = raw_input("Desired yt port? ")
+            try:
+                args.port = int(port)
+            except ValueError:
+                print "Please try a number next time."
+                return 1
+        base_extjs_path = os.path.join(os.environ["YT_DEST"], "src")
+        if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base_extjs_path, "ext-resources", "ext-all.js")):
-        else:
+            print "*** You are missing the ExtJS support files. You  ***"
+            print "*** You can get these by either rerunning the     ***"
+            print "*** install script installing, or downloading     ***"
+            print "*** them manually.                                ***"
-            print "Something has gone wrong!  Here is the server response:"
-            print
-            pprint.pprint(rv)
+            sys.exit(1)
+        from yt.config import ytcfg;ytcfg["yt","__withinreason"]="True"
+        import yt.utilities.bottle as bottle
+        from yt.gui.reason.extdirect_repl import ExtDirectREPL
+        from yt.gui.reason.bottle_mods import uuid_serve_functions, PayloadHandler
+        hr = ExtDirectREPL(base_extjs_path)
+        hr.debug = PayloadHandler.debug = args.debug
+        if args.find:
+            # We just have to find them and store references to them.
+            command_line = ["pfs = []"]
+            for fn in sorted(glob.glob("*/*.hierarchy")):
+                command_line.append("pfs.append(load('%s'))" % fn[:-10])
+            hr.execute("\n".join(command_line))
+        bottle.debug()
+        uuid_serve_functions(open_browser=args.open_browser,
+                    port=int(args.port), repl=hr)
 class YTRenderCmd(YTCommand):
@@ -1496,7 +1304,197 @@
             save_name += '.png'
         if cam.comm.rank != -1:
+class YTRPDBCmd(YTCommand):
+    name = "rpdb"
+    description = \
+        """
+        Connect to a currently running (on localhost) rpd session.
+        Commands run with --rpdb will trigger an rpdb session with any
+        uncaught exceptions.
+        """
+    def __call__(self, args):
+        import rpdb
+        rpdb.run_rpdb(int(task))
+class YTServeCmd(YTCommand):
+    name = "serve"
+    args = (
+            dict(short="-o", long="--open-browser", action="store_true",
+                 default = False, dest='open_browser',
+                 help="Open a web browser."),
+            dict(short="-p", long="--port", action="store",
+                 default = 0, dest='port',
+                 help="Port to listen on"),
+            dict(short="-f", long="--find", action="store_true",
+                 default = False, dest="find",
+                 help="At startup, find all *.hierarchy files in the CWD"),
+            dict(short="-d", long="--debug", action="store_true",
+                 default = False, dest="debug",
+                 help="Add a debugging mode for cell execution")
+            )
+    description = \
+        """
+        Run the Web GUI Reason
+        """
+    def __call__(self, args):
+        # We have to do a couple things.
+        # First, we check that YT_DEST is set.
+        if "YT_DEST" not in os.environ:
+            print
+            print "*** You must set the environment variable YT_DEST ***"
+            print "*** to point to the installation location!        ***"
+            print
+            sys.exit(1)
+        if args.port == 0:
+            # This means, choose one at random.  We do this by binding to a
+            # socket and allowing the OS to choose the port for that socket.
+            import socket
+            sock = socket.socket()
+            sock.bind(('', 0))
+            args.port = sock.getsockname()[-1]
+            del sock
+        elif args.port == '-1':
+            port = raw_input("Desired yt port? ")
+            try:
+                args.port = int(port)
+            except ValueError:
+                print "Please try a number next time."
+                return 1
+        base_extjs_path = os.path.join(os.environ["YT_DEST"], "src")
+        if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base_extjs_path, "ext-resources", "ext-all.js")):
+            print
+            print "*** You are missing the ExtJS support files. You  ***"
+            print "*** You can get these by either rerunning the     ***"
+            print "*** install script installing, or downloading     ***"
+            print "*** them manually.                                ***"
+            print
+            sys.exit(1)
+        from yt.config import ytcfg;ytcfg["yt","__withinreason"]="True"
+        import yt.utilities.bottle as bottle
+        from yt.gui.reason.extdirect_repl import ExtDirectREPL
+        from yt.gui.reason.bottle_mods import uuid_serve_functions, PayloadHandler
+        hr = ExtDirectREPL(base_extjs_path)
+        hr.debug = PayloadHandler.debug = args.debug
+        if args.find:
+            # We just have to find them and store references to them.
+            command_line = ["pfs = []"]
+            for fn in sorted(glob.glob("*/*.hierarchy")):
+                command_line.append("pfs.append(load('%s'))" % fn[:-10])
+            hr.execute("\n".join(command_line))
+        bottle.debug()
+        uuid_serve_functions(open_browser=args.open_browser,
+                    port=int(args.port), repl=hr)
+class YTStatsCmd(YTCommand):
+    args = ('outputfn','bn','skip','pf')
+    name = "stats"
+    description = \
+        """
+        Print stats and maximum density for one or more datasets
+        """
+    def __call__(self, args):
+        pf = args.pf
+        pf.h.print_stats()
+        if "Density" in pf.h.field_list:
+            v, c = pf.h.find_max("Density")
+        print "Maximum density: %0.5e at %s" % (v, c)
+        if args.output is not None:
+            t = pf.current_time * pf['years']
+            open(args.output, "a").write(
+                "%s (%0.5e years): %0.5e at %s\n" % (pf, t, v, c))
+class YTUpdateCmd(YTCommand):
+    name = "update"
+    description = \
+        """
+        Update the yt installation to the most recent version
+        """
+    def __call__(self, opts):
+        import pkg_resources
+        yt_provider = pkg_resources.get_provider("yt")
+        path = os.path.dirname(yt_provider.module_path)
+        print
+        print "yt module located at:"
+        print "    %s" % (path)
+        update_supp = False
+        if "YT_DEST" in os.environ:
+            spath = os.path.join(
+                     os.environ["YT_DEST"], "src", "yt-supplemental")
+            if os.path.isdir(spath):
+                print "The supplemental repositories are located at:"
+                print "    %s" % (spath)
+                update_supp = True
+        vstring = None
+        if "site-packages" not in path:
+            vstring = get_hg_version(path)
+            print
+            print "The current version of the code is:"
+            print
+            print "---"
+            print vstring.strip()
+            print "---"
+            print
+            print "This installation CAN be automatically updated."
+            update_hg(path)
+            print "Updated successfully."
+        else:
+            print
+            print "YT site-packages not in path, so you must"
+            print "update this installation manually by committing and"
+            print "merging your modifications to the code before"
+            print "updating to the newest changeset."
+            print
+class YTUploadImageCmd(YTCommand):
+    args = (dict(short="file", type=str),)
+    description = \
+        """
+        Upload an image to imgur.com.  Must be PNG.
+        """
+    name = "upload_image"
+    def __call__(self, args):
+        filename = args.file
+        if not filename.endswith(".png"):
+            print "File must be a PNG file!"
+            return 1
+        import base64, json, pprint
+        image_data = base64.b64encode(open(filename).read())
+        api_key = 'f62d550859558f28c4c214136bc797c7'
+        parameters = {'key':api_key, 'image':image_data, type:'base64',
+                      'caption': "",
+                      'title': "%s uploaded by yt" % filename}
+        data = urllib.urlencode(parameters)
+        req = urllib2.Request('http://api.imgur.com/2/upload.json', data)
+        try:
+            response = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
+        except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
+            print "ERROR", e
+            return {'uploaded':False}
+        rv = json.loads(response)
+        if 'upload' in rv and 'links' in rv['upload']:
+            print
+            print "Image successfully uploaded!  You can find it at:"
+            print "    %s" % (rv['upload']['links']['imgur_page'])
+            print
+            print "If you'd like to delete it, visit this page:"
+            print "    %s" % (rv['upload']['links']['delete_page'])
+            print
+        else:
+            print
+            print "Something has gone wrong!  Here is the server response:"
+            print
+            pprint.pprint(rv)
 def run_main():
     args = parser.parse_args()

changeset:   170a2b44d4ad
branch:      yt
user:        chummels
date:        2012-01-26 21:45:34
summary:     Updated the help messages associated with command-line options.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r f3baea3bae0cf988902305cd6b3a59c98b5e5522 -r 170a2b44d4ad8b32eda6abc329b80cee4ae4f60c yt/utilities/command_line.py
--- a/yt/utilities/command_line.py
+++ b/yt/utilities/command_line.py
@@ -1079,8 +1079,6 @@
         Post a script to an anonymous pastebin
-        Usage: yt pastebin [options] <script>
     def __call__(self, args):
@@ -1095,12 +1093,7 @@
     description = \
         Print an online pastebin to STDOUT for local use. Paste ID is 
-        the number at the end of the url.  So to locally access pastebin:
-        http://paste.yt-project.org/show/1688/
-        Usage: yt pastebin_grab <Paste ID> 
-        Ex: yt pastebin_grab 1688 > script.py
+        the number at the end of the url.  
     def __call__(self, args):
@@ -1115,7 +1108,7 @@
     description = \
-        Create a set of images
+        Create a set of images 

changeset:   1b1aee7d8564
branch:      yt
user:        chummels
date:        2012-01-26 22:01:49
summary:     Merging.
affected #:  5 files

diff -r 170a2b44d4ad8b32eda6abc329b80cee4ae4f60c -r 1b1aee7d8564131ded8867b7f7a500299684f20e yt/data_objects/data_containers.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/data_containers.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/data_containers.py
@@ -3349,13 +3349,11 @@
            na.any(self.right_edge + buffer > self.pf.domain_right_edge):
             grids,ind = self.pf.hierarchy.get_periodic_box_grids_below_level(
                             self.left_edge - buffer,
-                            self.right_edge + buffer, self.level,
-                            min(self.level, self.pf.min_level))
+                            self.right_edge + buffer, self.level)
             grids,ind = self.pf.hierarchy.get_box_grids_below_level(
                 self.left_edge - buffer,
-                self.right_edge + buffer, self.level,
-                min(self.level, self.pf.min_level))
+                self.right_edge + buffer, self.level)
         sort_ind = na.argsort(self.pf.h.grid_levels.ravel()[ind])
         self._grids = self.pf.hierarchy.grids[ind][(sort_ind,)][::-1]
@@ -3490,46 +3488,11 @@
     def _get_list_of_grids(self):
         if self._grids is not None: return
-        # Check for ill-behaved AMR schemes (Enzo) where we may have
-        # root-tile-boundary issues.  This is specific to the root tiles not
-        # allowing grids to cross them and also allowing > 1 level of
-        # difference between neighboring areas.
-        nz = 0
-        buf = 0.0
-        dl = ((self.global_startindex.astype("float64") + 1)
-           / (self.pf.refine_by**self.level))
-        dr = ((self.global_startindex.astype("float64")
-              + self.ActiveDimensions - 1)
-           / (self.pf.refine_by**self.level))
-        if na.any(dl == na.rint(dl)) or na.any(dr == na.rint(dr)):
-            nz = 2 * self.pf.refine_by**self.level
-            buf = self._base_dx
-        if nz <= self.pf.refine_by**3: # delta level of 3
-            cg = self.pf.h.covering_grid(self.level,
-                self.left_edge - buf, self.ActiveDimensions + nz)
-            cg._use_pbar = False
-            count = cg.ActiveDimensions.prod()
-            for g in cg._grids:
-                count -= cg._get_data_from_grid(g, [])
-                if count <= 0:
-                    min_level = g.Level
-                    break
-        else:
-            nz = buf = 0
-            min_level = 0
-        # This should not cost substantial additional time.
-        BLE = self.left_edge - buf
-        BRE = self.right_edge + buf
-        if na.any(BLE < self.pf.domain_left_edge) or \
-           na.any(BRE > self.pf.domain_right_edge):
-            grids,ind = self.pf.hierarchy.get_periodic_box_grids_below_level(
-                            BLE, BRE, self.level, min_level)
-        else:
-            grids,ind = self.pf.hierarchy.get_box_grids_below_level(
-                BLE, BRE, self.level,
-                min(self.level, min_level))
-        sort_ind = na.argsort(self.pf.h.grid_levels.ravel()[ind])
-        self._grids = self.pf.hierarchy.grids[ind][(sort_ind,)]
+        buffer = ((self.pf.domain_right_edge - self.pf.domain_left_edge)
+                 / self.pf.domain_dimensions).max()
+        AMRCoveringGridBase._get_list_of_grids(self, buffer)
+        # We reverse the order to ensure that coarse grids are first
+        self._grids = self._grids[::-1]
     def get_data(self, field=None):
@@ -3553,10 +3516,9 @@
         for gi, grid in enumerate(self._grids):
             if self._use_pbar: pbar.update(gi)
             if grid.Level > last_level and grid.Level <= self.level:
-                while grid.Level > last_level:
-                    self._update_level_state(last_level + 1)
-                    self._refine(1, fields_to_get)
-                    last_level += 1
+                self._update_level_state(last_level + 1)
+                self._refine(1, fields_to_get)
+                last_level = grid.Level
             self._get_data_from_grid(grid, fields_to_get)
         if self.level > 0:
             for field in fields_to_get:
@@ -3599,7 +3561,7 @@
         input_left = (self._old_global_startindex + 0.5) * rf 
         dx = na.fromiter((self['cd%s' % ax] for ax in 'xyz'), count=3, dtype='float64')
-        output_dims = na.rint((self.right_edge-self.left_edge)/dx+0.5).astype('int32') + 2
+        output_dims = na.rint((self.right_edge-self.left_edge)/dx).astype('int32') + 2
         self._cur_dims = output_dims

diff -r 170a2b44d4ad8b32eda6abc329b80cee4ae4f60c -r 1b1aee7d8564131ded8867b7f7a500299684f20e yt/frontends/orion/data_structures.py
--- a/yt/frontends/orion/data_structures.py
+++ b/yt/frontends/orion/data_structures.py
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
         mylog.debug("Creating grid objects")
         self.grids = na.concatenate([level.grids for level in self.levels])
         self.grid_levels = na.concatenate([level.ngrids*[level.level] for level in self.levels])
-        self.grid_levels = self.grid_levels.reshape((self.num_grids,1))
+        self.grid_levels = na.array(self.grid_levels.reshape((self.num_grids,1)),dtype='int32')
         grid_dcs = na.concatenate([level.ngrids*[self.dx[level.level]] for level in self.levels],axis=0)
         self.grid_dxs = grid_dcs[:,0].reshape((self.num_grids,1))
         self.grid_dys = grid_dcs[:,1].reshape((self.num_grids,1))
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@
         self.parameters["TopGridRank"] = len(self.parameters["TopGridDimensions"])
         self.dimensionality = self.parameters["TopGridRank"]
-        self.domain_dimensions = self.parameters["TopGridDimensions"]
+        self.domain_dimensions = na.array(self.parameters["TopGridDimensions"],dtype='int32')
         self.refine_by = self.parameters["RefineBy"]
         if self.parameters.has_key("ComovingCoordinates") and bool(self.parameters["ComovingCoordinates"]):

diff -r 170a2b44d4ad8b32eda6abc329b80cee4ae4f60c -r 1b1aee7d8564131ded8867b7f7a500299684f20e yt/gui/reason/pannable_map.py
--- a/yt/gui/reason/pannable_map.py
+++ b/yt/gui/reason/pannable_map.py
@@ -63,10 +63,10 @@
     def map(self, L, x, y):
-        dd = 1.0 / (2.0**(int(L)-1))
+        dd = 1.0 / (2.0**(int(L)))
         relx = int(x) * dd
         rely = int(y) * dd
-        DW = (self.pf.domain_left_edge + self.pf.domain_right_edge)/2.0
+        DW = (self.pf.domain_right_edge - self.pf.domain_left_edge)
         xl = self.pf.domain_left_edge[0] + relx * DW[0]
         yl = self.pf.domain_left_edge[1] + rely * DW[1]
         xr = xl + dd*DW[0]

diff -r 170a2b44d4ad8b32eda6abc329b80cee4ae4f60c -r 1b1aee7d8564131ded8867b7f7a500299684f20e yt/utilities/command_line.py
--- a/yt/utilities/command_line.py
+++ b/yt/utilities/command_line.py
@@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@
         if "Density" in pf.h.field_list:
             v, c = pf.h.find_max("Density")
-        print "Maximum density: %0.5e at %s" % (v, c)
+            print "Maximum density: %0.5e at %s" % (v, c)
         if args.output is not None:
             t = pf.current_time * pf['years']
             open(args.output, "a").write(

diff -r 170a2b44d4ad8b32eda6abc329b80cee4ae4f60c -r 1b1aee7d8564131ded8867b7f7a500299684f20e yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
--- a/yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/volume_rendering/camera.py
@@ -868,9 +868,9 @@
 class MosaicFisheyeCamera(Camera):
     def __init__(self, center, radius, fov, resolution, focal_center=None,
-                 transfer_function = None, fields = None,
-                 sub_samples = 5, log_fields = None, volume = None,
-                 pf = None, l_max=None, no_ghost=False,nimx=1, nimy=1, procs_per_wg=None,
+                 transfer_function=None, fields=None,
+                 sub_samples=5, log_fields=None, volume=None,
+                 pf=None, l_max=None, no_ghost=False,nimx=1, nimy=1, procs_per_wg=None,
         r"""A fisheye lens camera, taking adantage of image plane decomposition
         for parallelism..

changeset:   43993654d833
branch:      yt
user:        chummels
date:        2012-01-26 22:37:41
summary:     A couple more small changes to keep the yt help returns short.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 1b1aee7d8564131ded8867b7f7a500299684f20e -r 43993654d833073d4c5949690911be7b4535777f yt/utilities/command_line.py
--- a/yt/utilities/command_line.py
+++ b/yt/utilities/command_line.py
@@ -1092,8 +1092,7 @@
     name = "pastebin_grab"
     description = \
-        Print an online pastebin to STDOUT for local use. Paste ID is 
-        the number at the end of the url.  
+        Print an online pastebin to STDOUT for local use. 
     def __call__(self, args):
@@ -1388,7 +1387,7 @@
     name = "stats"
     description = \
-        Print stats and maximum density for one or more datasets
+        Print stats and max density for one or more datasets

changeset:   b64d887f6b61
branch:      yt
user:        chummels
date:        2012-01-26 22:37:54
summary:     Merging.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 43993654d833073d4c5949690911be7b4535777f -r b64d887f6b61b11817dad485e0b72f64d2494560 yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
--- a/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
+++ b/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.py
@@ -594,23 +594,6 @@
             xf_copy = clump[xf].copy()
             yf_copy = clump[yf].copy()
-            #Shift zones that belong shifted, both directions in X and Y.
-            shifted = na.logical_and( xf_copy + DomainWidth[px_index] >= DomainRight[px_index],
-                                      xf_copy + DomainWidth[px_index]<= x1 )
-            xf_copy[na.where(shifted)] += DomainWidth[px_index]
-            shifted = na.logical_and( xf_copy - DomainWidth[px_index] <= DomainLeft[px_index],
-                                      xf_copy - DomainWidth[px_index] >= x0 )
-            xf_copy[na.where(shifted)] -= DomainWidth[px_index]
-            shifted = na.logical_and( yf_copy + DomainWidth[py_index] >= DomainRight[py_index],
-                                      yf_copy + DomainWidth[py_index] <= y1 )
-            yf_copy[na.where(shifted)] += DomainWidth[py_index]
-            shifted = na.logical_and( yf_copy - DomainWidth[py_index] <= DomainLeft[py_index],
-                                      yf_copy - DomainWidth[py_index] >= y0 )
-            yf_copy[na.where(shifted)] -= DomainWidth[py_index]
             temp = _MPL.Pixelize(xf_copy, yf_copy, 

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