[yt-svn] commit/yt-doc: 3 new changesets

Bitbucket commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Thu Feb 9 08:46:16 PST 2012

3 new commits in yt-doc:

changeset:   5da346c007de
user:        sskory
date:        2012-02-03 23:29:48
summary:     Preventing un-overridden functions from appearing twice on the
field_list page.
Also updated the field_list.rst file, accordingly.
affected #:  2 files

diff -r e19c789bf613f65d85baa748bb125009b3bfba07 -r 5da346c007de7ff48fdb5b561632e82d9d353c77 helper_scripts/show_fields.py
--- a/helper_scripts/show_fields.py
+++ b/helper_scripts/show_fields.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import inspect
 from yt.mods import *
 def islambda(f):
     return inspect.isfunction(f) and \
            f.__name__ == (lambda: True).__name__
@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@
 This is a list of all fields available in ``yt``.  It has been organized by the
 type of code that each field is supported by.  "Universal" fields are available
 everywhere, "Enzo" fields in Enzo datasets, "Orion" fields in Orion datasets,
-and so on.  
+and so on.
 .. note:: Universal fields will be overridden by a code-specific field.
@@ -28,17 +29,23 @@
 print header
+seen = set([])
 def print_all_fields(fl):
     for fn in sorted(fl):
         df = fl[fn]
         f = df._function
+        if f in seen:
+            continue
+        seen.add(f)
         cv = df._convert_function
         print "%s" % (df.name)
         print "+" * len(df.name)
-        if len(df._units) > 0: 
+        if len(df._units) > 0:
             print "   * Units: :math:`%s`" % (df._units)
-        if len(df._projected_units) > 0: 
+        if len(df._projected_units) > 0:
             print "   * Projected Units: :math:`%s`" % (df._projected_units)
         print "   * Particle Type: %s" % (df.particle_type)
@@ -91,4 +98,4 @@
 print "Nyx-Specific Field List"
 print "--------------------------"
\ No newline at end of file

diff -r e19c789bf613f65d85baa748bb125009b3bfba07 -r 5da346c007de7ff48fdb5b561632e82d9d353c77 source/reference/field_list.rst
--- a/source/reference/field_list.rst
+++ b/source/reference/field_list.rst
@@ -56,24 +56,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AngularMomentum(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentum"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -218,28 +200,6 @@
       return 1.0/data.convert("Density")
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellMass(field, data):
-      return data["Density"] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
@@ -268,58 +228,6 @@
       return data.convert("cm")**3.0
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{BoxVolume}^3`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellVolume(field, data):
-      if data['dx'].size == 1:
-          try:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']*\
-                  na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-          except AttributeError:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']
-      return data["dx"]*data["dy"]*data["dz"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{Mpc}^3`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellVolume(field, data):
-      if data['dx'].size == 1:
-          try:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']*\
-                  na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-          except AttributeError:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']
-      return data["dx"]*data["dy"]*data["dz"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertCellVolumeMpc(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")**3.0
@@ -656,40 +564,6 @@
       return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`AU`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Height(field, data):
-      # We take the dot product of the radius vector with the height-vector
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      r_vec = na.array([data["x"] - center[0],
-                        data["y"] - center[1],
-                        data["z"] - center[2]])
-      h_vec = na.array(data.get_field_parameter("height_vector"))
-      h_vec = h_vec / na.sqrt(h_vec[0]**2.0+
-                              h_vec[1]**2.0+
-                              h_vec[2]**2.0)
-      height = r_vec[0,:] * h_vec[0] \
-             + r_vec[1,:] * h_vec[1] \
-             + r_vec[2,:] * h_vec[2]
-      return na.abs(height)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertHeightAU(data):
-      return data.convert("au")
@@ -787,23 +661,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Ones(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -822,28 +679,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Matter_Density(field,data):
-      return (data['Density'] + data['Dark_Matter_Density'])
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Convert_Overdensity(data):
-      return 1 / (rho_crit_now * data.pf.hubble_constant**2 * 
-                  (1+data.pf.current_redshift)**3)
@@ -963,175 +798,6 @@
       return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{AU}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusAU(data):
-      return data.convert("au")
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{Mpc}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusMpc(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
-      return data.convert("kpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}/\rm{h}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
-      return data.convert("kpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{pc}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuspc(data):
-      return data.convert("pc")
@@ -1171,45 +837,6 @@
       return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      """
-      Calculate the angular of a particle velocity.  Returns a vector for each
-      particle.
-      """
-      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-      xv = data["particle_velocity_x"] - bv[0]
-      yv = data["particle_velocity_y"] - bv[1]
-      zv = data["particle_velocity_z"] - bv[2]
-      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-      coords = na.array([data['particle_position_x'],
-                         data['particle_position_y'],
-                         data['particle_position_z']], dtype='float64')
-      new_shape = tuple([3] + [1]*(len(coords.shape)-1))
-      r_vec = coords - na.reshape(center,new_shape)
-      v_vec = na.array([xv,yv,zv], dtype='float64')
-      return na.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentumKMSMPC(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")/1e5
@@ -1408,60 +1035,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialVelocity(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      new_field = ( (data['x']-center[0])*(data["x-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[0])
-                  + (data['y']-center[1])*(data["y-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[1])
-                  + (data['z']-center[2])*(data["z-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[2])
-                  )/data["RadiusCode"]
-      if na.any(na.isnan(new_field)): # to fix center = point
-          new_field[na.isnan(new_field)] = 0.0
-      return new_field
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadialVelocityKMS(data):
-      return 1e-5
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialVelocityABS(field, data):
-      return na.abs(_RadialVelocity(field, data))
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadialVelocityKMS(data):
-      return 1e-5
@@ -1491,175 +1064,6 @@
       return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{AU}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusAU(data):
-      return data.convert("au")
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{Mpc}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusMpc(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
-      return data.convert("kpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}/\rm{h}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
-      return data.convert("kpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{pc}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuspc(data):
-      return data.convert("pc")
@@ -1757,34 +1161,6 @@
       return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpecificAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      """
-      Calculate the angular velocity.  Returns a vector for each cell.
-      """
-      r_vec = obtain_rvec(data)
-      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
-      v_vec = na.array([xv,yv,zv], dtype='float64')
-      return na.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentumKMSMPC(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")/1e5
@@ -1933,28 +1309,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _TotalMass(field,data):
-      return (data["Density"]+data["Dark_Matter_Density"]) * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
@@ -2037,45 +1391,6 @@
       return data.convert("cm")**-2.0
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _DensityPerturbation(field, data):
-      rho_bar = rho_crit_now * data.pf.omega_matter * \
-          data.pf.hubble_constant**2 * \
-          (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3
-      return ((data['Matter_Density'] - rho_bar) / rho_bar)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertConvergence(data):
-      if not data.pf.parameters.has_key('cosmology_calculator'):
-          data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'] = Cosmology(
-              HubbleConstantNow=(100.*data.pf.hubble_constant),
-              OmegaMatterNow=data.pf.omega_matter, OmegaLambdaNow=data.pf.omega_lambda)
-      # observer to lens
-      DL = data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'].AngularDiameterDistance(
-          data.pf.parameters['observer_redshift'], data.pf.current_redshift)
-      # observer to source
-      DS = data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'].AngularDiameterDistance(
-          data.pf.parameters['observer_redshift'], data.pf.parameters['lensing_source_redshift'])
-      # lens to source
-      DLS = data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'].AngularDiameterDistance(
-          data.pf.current_redshift, data.pf.parameters['lensing_source_redshift'])
-      return (((DL * DLS) / DS) * (1.5e14 * data.pf.omega_matter * 
-                                  (data.pf.hubble_constant / speed_of_light_cgs)**2 *
-                                  (1 + data.pf.current_redshift)))
@@ -2183,23 +1498,6 @@
       return data.convert("Density")
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Contours(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data["Density"].shape)*-1
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -2263,165 +1561,6 @@
 Enzo-Specific Field List
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{s}^{-1}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AbsDivV(field, data):
-      return na.abs(data['DivV'])
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AngularMomentum(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentum"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AngularMomentum(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentum"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AngularMomentumX(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentumX"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AngularMomentumY(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentumY"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AngularMomentumZ(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentumZ"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AveragedDensity(field, data):
-      nx, ny, nz = data["Density"].shape
-      new_field = na.zeros((nx-2,ny-2,nz-2), dtype='float64')
-      weight_field = na.zeros((nx-2,ny-2,nz-2), dtype='float64')
-      i_i, j_i, k_i = na.mgrid[0:3,0:3,0:3]
-      for i,j,k in zip(i_i.ravel(),j_i.ravel(),k_i.ravel()):
-          sl = [slice(i,nx-(2-i)),slice(j,ny-(2-j)),slice(k,nz-(2-k))]
-          new_field += data["Density"][sl] * data["CellMass"][sl]
-          weight_field += data["CellMass"][sl]
-      # Now some fancy footwork
-      new_field2 = na.zeros((nx,ny,nz))
-      new_field2[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] = new_field/weight_field
-      return new_field2
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Baryon_Overdensity(field, data):
-      if data.pf.has_key('omega_baryon_now'):
-          omega_baryon_now = data.pf['omega_baryon_now']
-      else:
-          omega_baryon_now = 0.0441
-      return data['Density'] / (omega_baryon_now * rho_crit_now * 
-                                (data.pf['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']**2) * 
-                                ((1+data.pf['CosmologyCurrentRedshift'])**3))
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -2442,183 +1581,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellMass(field, data):
-      return data["Density"] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellMassCode(field, data):
-      return data["Density"] * data["CellVolumeCode"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassCode(data):
-      return 1.0/data.convert("Density")
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellMass(field, data):
-      return data["Density"] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^3`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellVolume(field, data):
-      if data['dx'].size == 1:
-          try:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']*\
-                  na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-          except AttributeError:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']
-      return data["dx"]*data["dy"]*data["dz"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertCellVolumeCGS(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")**3.0
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{BoxVolume}^3`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellVolume(field, data):
-      if data['dx'].size == 1:
-          try:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']*\
-                  na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-          except AttributeError:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']
-      return data["dx"]*data["dy"]*data["dz"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{Mpc}^3`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellVolume(field, data):
-      if data['dx'].size == 1:
-          try:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']*\
-                  na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-          except AttributeError:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']
-      return data["dx"]*data["dy"]*data["dz"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertCellVolumeMpc(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")**3.0
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Ones(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}/\rm{cm}^3`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ComovingDensity(field, data):
-      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
-      return data["Density"]/ef
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -2638,352 +1600,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
-      return data[sp] / ef
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
-      return data[sp] / ef
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
-      return data[sp] / ef
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
-      return data[sp] / ef
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
-      return data[sp] / ef
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
-      return data[sp] / ef
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
-      return data[sp] / ef
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
-      return data[sp] / ef
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
-      return data[sp] / ef
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
-      return data[sp] / ef
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
-      return data[sp] / ef
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
-      return data[sp] / ef
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
-      return data[sp] / ef
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Contours(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data["Density"].shape)*-1
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`$\rm{s}$`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CourantTimeStep(field, data):
-      t1 = data['dx'] / (
-          data["SoundSpeed"] + \
-          abs(data["x-velocity"]))
-      t2 = data['dy'] / (
-          data["SoundSpeed"] + \
-          abs(data["y-velocity"]))
-      t3 = data['dz'] / (
-          data["SoundSpeed"] + \
-          abs(data["z-velocity"]))
-      return na.minimum(na.minimum(t1,t2),t3)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCourantTimeStep(data):
-      # SoundSpeed and z-velocity are in cm/s, dx is in code
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CuttingPlaneVelocityX(field, data):
-      x_vec, y_vec, z_vec = [data.get_field_parameter("cp_%s_vec" % (ax))
-                             for ax in 'xyz']
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      v_vec = na.array([data["%s-velocity" % ax] for ax in 'xyz']) \
-                  - bulk_velocity[...,na.newaxis]
-      return na.dot(x_vec, v_vec)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CuttingPlaneVelocityY(field, data):
-      x_vec, y_vec, z_vec = [data.get_field_parameter("cp_%s_vec" % (ax))
-                             for ax in 'xyz']
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      v_vec = na.array([data["%s-velocity" % ax] for ax in 'xyz']) \
-                  - bulk_velocity[...,na.newaxis]
-      return na.dot(y_vec, v_vec)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -3021,29 +1637,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
@@ -3067,89 +1660,6 @@
       return 1.0/mh
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesNumberDensity(field, data):
-      species = field.name.split("_")[0]
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / _speciesMass[species]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertNumberDensity(data):
-      return 1.0/mh
@@ -3168,244 +1678,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Dark_Matter_Mass(field, data):
-      return data['Dark_Matter_Density'] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _DensityPerturbation(field, data):
-      rho_bar = rho_crit_now * data.pf.omega_matter * \
-          data.pf.hubble_constant**2 * \
-          (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3
-      return ((data['Matter_Density'] - rho_bar) / rho_bar)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _DiskAngle(field, data):
-      # We make both r_vec and h_vec into unit vectors
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      r_vec = na.array([data["x"] - center[0],
-                        data["y"] - center[1],
-                        data["z"] - center[2]])
-      r_vec = r_vec/na.sqrt((r_vec**2.0).sum(axis=0))
-      h_vec = na.array(data.get_field_parameter("height_vector"))
-      dp = r_vec[0,:] * h_vec[0] \
-         + r_vec[1,:] * h_vec[1] \
-         + r_vec[2,:] * h_vec[2]
-      return na.arccos(dp)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{s}^{-1}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _DivV(field, data):
-      # We need to set up stencils
-      if data.pf["HydroMethod"] == 2:
-          sl_left = slice(None,-2,None)
-          sl_right = slice(1,-1,None)
-          div_fac = 1.0
-      else:
-          sl_left = slice(None,-2,None)
-          sl_right = slice(2,None,None)
-          div_fac = 2.0
-      ds = div_fac * data['dx'].flat[0]
-      f  = data["x-velocity"][sl_right,1:-1,1:-1]/ds
-      f -= data["x-velocity"][sl_left ,1:-1,1:-1]/ds
-      if data.pf.dimensionality > 1:
-          ds = div_fac * data['dy'].flat[0]
-          f += data["y-velocity"][1:-1,sl_right,1:-1]/ds
-          f -= data["y-velocity"][1:-1,sl_left ,1:-1]/ds
-      if data.pf.dimensionality > 2:
-          ds = div_fac * data['dz'].flat[0]
-          f += data["z-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_right]/ds
-          f -= data["z-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_left ]/ds
-      new_field = na.zeros(data["x-velocity"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      new_field[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] = f
-      return new_field
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertDivV(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")**-1.0
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _DynamicalTime(field, data):
-      """
-      The formulation for the dynamical time is:
-      M{sqrt(3pi/(16*G*rho))} or M{sqrt(3pi/(16G))*rho^-(1/2)}
-      Note that we return in our natural units already
-      """
-      return (3.0*na.pi/(16*G*data["Density"]))**(1./2.)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesNumberDensity(field, data):
-      species = field.name.split("_")[0]
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / _speciesMass[species]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertNumberDensity(data):
-      return 1.0/mh
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{ergs}\ \rm{cm}^{2}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Entropy(field, data):
-      return kboltz  * data["Temperature"] / \
-             (data["NumberDensity"]**(data.pf["Gamma"] - 1.0))
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -3428,855 +1700,6 @@
       return data.convert("x-velocity")**2.0
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _GridIndices(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data["Ones"].shape)*(data.id-data._id_offset)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _GridLevel(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions)*(data.Level)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesNumberDensity(field, data):
-      species = field.name.split("_")[0]
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / _speciesMass[species]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertNumberDensity(data):
-      return 1.0/mh
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesNumberDensity(field, data):
-      species = field.name.split("_")[0]
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / _speciesMass[species]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertNumberDensity(data):
-      return 1.0/mh
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesNumberDensity(field, data):
-      species = field.name.split("_")[0]
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / _speciesMass[species]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertNumberDensity(data):
-      return 1.0/mh
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesNumberDensity(field, data):
-      species = field.name.split("_")[0]
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / _speciesMass[species]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertNumberDensity(data):
-      return 1.0/mh
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesNumberDensity(field, data):
-      species = field.name.split("_")[0]
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / _speciesMass[species]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertNumberDensity(data):
-      return 1.0/mh
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesNumberDensity(field, data):
-      species = field.name.split("_")[0]
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / _speciesMass[species]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertNumberDensity(data):
-      return 1.0/mh
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesNumberDensity(field, data):
-      species = field.name.split("_")[0]
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / _speciesMass[species]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertNumberDensity(data):
-      return 1.0/mh
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesNumberDensity(field, data):
-      species = field.name.split("_")[0]
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / _speciesMass[species]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertNumberDensity(data):
-      return 1.0/mh
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesNumberDensity(field, data):
-      species = field.name.split("_")[0]
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / _speciesMass[species]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertNumberDensity(data):
-      return 1.0/mh
-   * Units: :math:`cm`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Height(field, data):
-      # We take the dot product of the radius vector with the height-vector
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      r_vec = na.array([data["x"] - center[0],
-                        data["y"] - center[1],
-                        data["z"] - center[2]])
-      h_vec = na.array(data.get_field_parameter("height_vector"))
-      h_vec = h_vec / na.sqrt(h_vec[0]**2.0+
-                              h_vec[1]**2.0+
-                              h_vec[2]**2.0)
-      height = r_vec[0,:] * h_vec[0] \
-             + r_vec[1,:] * h_vec[1] \
-             + r_vec[2,:] * h_vec[2]
-      return na.abs(height)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertHeight(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`AU`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Height(field, data):
-      # We take the dot product of the radius vector with the height-vector
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      r_vec = na.array([data["x"] - center[0],
-                        data["y"] - center[1],
-                        data["z"] - center[2]])
-      h_vec = na.array(data.get_field_parameter("height_vector"))
-      h_vec = h_vec / na.sqrt(h_vec[0]**2.0+
-                              h_vec[1]**2.0+
-                              h_vec[2]**2.0)
-      height = r_vec[0,:] * h_vec[0] \
-             + r_vec[1,:] * h_vec[1] \
-             + r_vec[2,:] * h_vec[2]
-      return na.abs(height)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertHeightAU(data):
-      return data.convert("au")
@@ -4295,29 +1718,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{M_{\odot}}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _JeansMassMsun(field,data):
-      MJ_constant = (((5*kboltz)/(G*mh))**(1.5)) * \
-      (3/(4*3.1415926535897931))**(0.5) / 1.989e33
-      return (MJ_constant *
-              ((data["Temperature"]/data["MeanMolecularWeight"])**(1.5)) *
-              (data["Density"]**(-0.5)))
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -4338,140 +1738,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _MachNumber(field, data):
-      """M{|v|/t_sound}"""
-      return data["VelocityMagnitude"] / data["SoundSpeed"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _MagneticEnergy(field,data):
-      """This assumes that your front end has provided Bx, By, Bz in
-      units of Gauss. If you use MKS, make sure to write your own
-      MagneticEnergy field to deal with non-unitary \mu_0.
-      """
-      return (data["Bx"]**2 + data["By"]**2 + data["Bz"]**2)/2.
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}/\rm{cm^3}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Matter_Density(field,data):
-      return (data['Density'] + data['Dark_Matter_Density'])
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _MeanMolecularWeight(field,data):
-      return (data["Density"] / (mh *data["NumberDensity"]))
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
@@ -4564,63 +1830,6 @@
       return 1.0/mh
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Ones(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _OnesOverDx(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data["Ones"].shape,
-                     dtype=data["Density"].dtype)/data['dx']
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Matter_Density(field,data):
-      return (data['Density'] + data['Dark_Matter_Density'])
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Convert_Overdensity(data):
-      return 1 / (rho_crit_now * data.pf.hubble_constant**2 * 
-                  (1+data.pf.current_redshift)**3)
@@ -4643,96 +1852,6 @@
       return data.convert("years")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      return data["ParticleMass"] * data["ParticleSpecificAngularMomentum"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleAngularMomentumMSUNKMSMPC(field, data):
-      return data["ParticleMass"] * data["ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumKMSMPC"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleAngularMomentumX(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumX"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleAngularMomentumY(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumY"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleAngularMomentumZ(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumZ"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -4757,1013 +1876,6 @@
       return data.convert("Density")*(data.convert("cm")**3.0)
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleMass(field, data):
-      particles = data["particle_mass"].astype('float64') * \
-                  just_one(data["CellVolumeCode"].ravel())
-      # Note that we mandate grid-type here, so this is okay
-      return particles
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertParticleMassMsun(data):
-      return data.convert("Density")*((data.convert("cm")**3.0)/1.989e33)
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusCGS(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{AU}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusAU(data):
-      return data.convert("au")
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{Mpc}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusMpc(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
-      return data.convert("kpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}/\rm{h}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
-      return data.convert("kpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{pc}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuspc(data):
-      return data.convert("pc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      """
-      Calculate the angular of a particle velocity.  Returns a vector for each
-      particle.
-      """
-      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-      xv = data["particle_velocity_x"] - bv[0]
-      yv = data["particle_velocity_y"] - bv[1]
-      zv = data["particle_velocity_z"] - bv[2]
-      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-      coords = na.array([data['particle_position_x'],
-                         data['particle_position_y'],
-                         data['particle_position_z']], dtype='float64')
-      new_shape = tuple([3] + [1]*(len(coords.shape)-1))
-      r_vec = coords - na.reshape(center,new_shape)
-      v_vec = na.array([xv,yv,zv], dtype='float64')
-      return na.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      """
-      Calculate the angular of a particle velocity.  Returns a vector for each
-      particle.
-      """
-      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-      xv = data["particle_velocity_x"] - bv[0]
-      yv = data["particle_velocity_y"] - bv[1]
-      zv = data["particle_velocity_z"] - bv[2]
-      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-      coords = na.array([data['particle_position_x'],
-                         data['particle_position_y'],
-                         data['particle_position_z']], dtype='float64')
-      new_shape = tuple([3] + [1]*(len(coords.shape)-1))
-      r_vec = coords - na.reshape(center,new_shape)
-      v_vec = na.array([xv,yv,zv], dtype='float64')
-      return na.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentumKMSMPC(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")/1e5
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumX(field, data):
-      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-      y = data["particle_position_y"] - center[1]
-      z = data["particle_position_z"] - center[2]
-      yv = data["particle_velocity_y"] - bv[1]
-      zv = data["particle_velocity_z"] - bv[2]
-      return yv*z - zv*y
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumY(field, data):
-      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-      x = data["particle_position_x"] - center[0]
-      z = data["particle_position_z"] - center[2]
-      xv = data["particle_velocity_x"] - bv[0]
-      zv = data["particle_velocity_z"] - bv[2]
-      return -(xv*z - zv*x)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumZ(field, data):
-      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-      x = data["particle_position_x"] - center[0]
-      y = data["particle_position_y"] - center[1]
-      xv = data["particle_velocity_x"] - bv[0]
-      yv = data["particle_velocity_y"] - bv[1]
-      return xv*y - yv*x
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleVelocityMagnitude(field, data):
-      """M{|v|}"""
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      return ( (data["particle_velocity_x"]-bulk_velocity[0])**2.0 + \
-               (data["particle_velocity_y"]-bulk_velocity[1])**2.0 + \
-               (data["particle_velocity_z"]-bulk_velocity[2])**2.0 )**(1.0/2.0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
-      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
-      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{dyne}/\rm{cm}^{2}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Pressure(field, data):
-      """M{(Gamma-1.0)*rho*E}"""
-      return (data.pf["Gamma"] - 1.0) * \
-             data["Density"] * data["ThermalEnergy"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialMachNumber(field, data):
-      """M{|v|/t_sound}"""
-      return na.abs(data["RadialVelocity"]) / data["SoundSpeed"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialVelocity(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      new_field = ( (data['x']-center[0])*(data["x-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[0])
-                  + (data['y']-center[1])*(data["y-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[1])
-                  + (data['z']-center[2])*(data["z-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[2])
-                  )/data["RadiusCode"]
-      if na.any(na.isnan(new_field)): # to fix center = point
-          new_field[na.isnan(new_field)] = 0.0
-      return new_field
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialVelocityABS(field, data):
-      return na.abs(_RadialVelocity(field, data))
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialVelocity(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      new_field = ( (data['x']-center[0])*(data["x-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[0])
-                  + (data['y']-center[1])*(data["y-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[1])
-                  + (data['z']-center[2])*(data["z-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[2])
-                  )/data["RadiusCode"]
-      if na.any(na.isnan(new_field)): # to fix center = point
-          new_field[na.isnan(new_field)] = 0.0
-      return new_field
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadialVelocityKMS(data):
-      return 1e-5
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialVelocityABS(field, data):
-      return na.abs(_RadialVelocity(field, data))
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadialVelocityKMS(data):
-      return 1e-5
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusCGS(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{AU}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusAU(data):
-      return data.convert("au")
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{Mpc}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusMpc(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
-      return data.convert("kpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}/\rm{h}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
-      return data.convert("kpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{pc}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuspc(data):
-      return data.convert("pc")
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SZKinetic(field, data):
-      vel_axis = data.get_field_parameter('axis')
-      if vel_axis > 2:
-          raise NeedsParameter(['axis'])
-      vel = data["%s-velocity" % ({0:'x',1:'y',2:'z'}[vel_axis])]
-      return (vel*data["Density"])
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSZKinetic(data):
-      return 0.88*((sigma_thompson/mh)/clight)
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SZY(field, data):
-      return (data["Density"]*data["Temperature"])
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSZY(data):
-      conv = (0.88/mh) * (kboltz)/(me * clight*clight) * sigma_thompson
-      return conv
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SoundSpeed(field, data):
-      if data.pf["EOSType"] == 1:
-          return na.ones(data["Density"].shape, dtype='float64') * \
-                  data.pf["EOSSoundSpeed"]
-      return ( data.pf["Gamma"]*data["Pressure"] / \
-               data["Density"] )**(1.0/2.0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpecificAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      """
-      Calculate the angular velocity.  Returns a vector for each cell.
-      """
-      r_vec = obtain_rvec(data)
-      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
-      v_vec = na.array([xv,yv,zv], dtype='float64')
-      return na.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpecificAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      """
-      Calculate the angular velocity.  Returns a vector for each cell.
-      """
-      r_vec = obtain_rvec(data)
-      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
-      v_vec = na.array([xv,yv,zv], dtype='float64')
-      return na.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentumKMSMPC(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")/1e5
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpecificAngularMomentumX(field, data):
-      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
-      rv = obtain_rvec(data)
-      return yv*rv[2,:] - zv*rv[1,:]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpecificAngularMomentumY(field, data):
-      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
-      rv = obtain_rvec(data)
-      return -(xv*rv[2,:] - zv*rv[0,:])
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpecificAngularMomentumZ(field, data):
-      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
-      rv = obtain_rvec(data)
-      return xv*rv[1,:] - yv*rv[0,:]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
@@ -5831,28 +1943,6 @@
       return data.pf.time_units['years']
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _StarMass(field,data):
-      return data["star_density"] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
@@ -5875,42 +1965,6 @@
       return 49.0196 # 1 / 0.0204
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _TangentialOverVelocityMagnitude(field, data):
-      return na.abs(data["TangentialVelocity"])/na.abs(data["VelocityMagnitude"])
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _TangentialVelocity(field, data):
-      return na.sqrt(data["VelocityMagnitude"]**2.0
-                   - data["RadialVelocity"]**2.0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -5938,46 +1992,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _TotalMass(field,data):
-      return (data["Density"]+data["Dark_Matter_Density"]) * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _TotalMass(field,data):
-      return (data["Density"]+data["Dark_Matter_Density"]) * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
@@ -6000,149 +2014,6 @@
       return data.convert("x-velocity")**2.0
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _VelocityMagnitude(field, data):
-      """M{|v|}"""
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      return ( (data["x-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[0])**2.0 + \
-               (data["y-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[1])**2.0 + \
-               (data["z-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[2])**2.0 )**(1.0/2.0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{s}^{-2}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _VorticitySquared(field, data):
-      mylog.debug("Generating vorticity on %s", data)
-      # We need to set up stencils
-      if data.pf["HydroMethod"] == 2:
-          sl_left = slice(None,-2,None)
-          sl_right = slice(1,-1,None)
-          div_fac = 1.0
-      else:
-          sl_left = slice(None,-2,None)
-          sl_right = slice(2,None,None)
-          div_fac = 2.0
-      new_field = na.zeros(data["x-velocity"].shape)
-      dvzdy = (data["z-velocity"][1:-1,sl_right,1:-1] -
-               data["z-velocity"][1:-1,sl_left,1:-1]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dy"].flat[0])
-      dvydz = (data["y-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_right] -
-               data["y-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_left]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dz"].flat[0])
-      new_field[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] += (dvzdy - dvydz)**2.0
-      del dvzdy, dvydz
-      dvxdz = (data["x-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_right] -
-               data["x-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_left]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dz"].flat[0])
-      dvzdx = (data["z-velocity"][sl_right,1:-1,1:-1] -
-               data["z-velocity"][sl_left,1:-1,1:-1]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dx"].flat[0])
-      new_field[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] += (dvxdz - dvzdx)**2.0
-      del dvxdz, dvzdx
-      dvydx = (data["y-velocity"][sl_right,1:-1,1:-1] -
-               data["y-velocity"][sl_left,1:-1,1:-1]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dx"].flat[0])
-      dvxdy = (data["x-velocity"][1:-1,sl_right,1:-1] -
-               data["x-velocity"][1:-1,sl_left,1:-1]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dy"].flat[0])
-      new_field[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] += (dvydx - dvxdy)**2.0
-      del dvydx, dvxdy
-      new_field = na.abs(new_field)
-      return new_field
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertVorticitySquared(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")**-2.0
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _DensityPerturbation(field, data):
-      rho_bar = rho_crit_now * data.pf.omega_matter * \
-          data.pf.hubble_constant**2 * \
-          (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3
-      return ((data['Matter_Density'] - rho_bar) / rho_bar)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertConvergence(data):
-      if not data.pf.parameters.has_key('cosmology_calculator'):
-          data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'] = Cosmology(
-              HubbleConstantNow=(100.*data.pf.hubble_constant),
-              OmegaMatterNow=data.pf.omega_matter, OmegaLambdaNow=data.pf.omega_lambda)
-      # observer to lens
-      DL = data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'].AngularDiameterDistance(
-          data.pf.parameters['observer_redshift'], data.pf.current_redshift)
-      # observer to source
-      DS = data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'].AngularDiameterDistance(
-          data.pf.parameters['observer_redshift'], data.pf.parameters['lensing_source_redshift'])
-      # lens to source
-      DLS = data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'].AngularDiameterDistance(
-          data.pf.current_redshift, data.pf.parameters['lensing_source_redshift'])
-      return (((DL * DLS) / DS) * (1.5e14 * data.pf.omega_matter * 
-                                  (data.pf.hubble_constant / speed_of_light_cgs)**2 *
-                                  (1 + data.pf.current_redshift)))
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _XRayEmissivity(field, data):
-      return ((data["Density"].astype('float64')**2.0) \
-              *data["Temperature"]**0.5)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertXRayEmissivity(data):
-      return 2.168e60
@@ -6190,100 +2061,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _cic_particle_field(field, data):
-      """
-      Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle mass, 
-      using cloud-in-cell deposit.
-      """
-      particle_field = field.name[4:]
-      top = na.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float32')
-      if data.NumberOfParticles == 0: return top
-      particle_field_data = data[particle_field] * data['particle_mass']
-      amr_utils.CICDeposit_3(data["particle_position_x"].astype(na.float64),
-                             data["particle_position_y"].astype(na.float64),
-                             data["particle_position_z"].astype(na.float64),
-                             particle_field_data.astype(na.float32),
-                             na.int64(data.NumberOfParticles),
-                             top, na.array(data.LeftEdge).astype(na.float64),
-                             na.array(data.ActiveDimensions).astype(na.int32), 
-                             na.float64(data['dx']))
-      del particle_field_data
-      bottom = na.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float32')
-      amr_utils.CICDeposit_3(data["particle_position_x"].astype(na.float64),
-                             data["particle_position_y"].astype(na.float64),
-                             data["particle_position_z"].astype(na.float64),
-                             data["particle_mass"].astype(na.float32),
-                             na.int64(data.NumberOfParticles),
-                             bottom, na.array(data.LeftEdge).astype(na.float64),
-                             na.array(data.ActiveDimensions).astype(na.int32), 
-                             na.float64(data['dx']))
-      top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
-      bnz = bottom.nonzero()
-      top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
-      return top
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _cic_particle_field(field, data):
-      """
-      Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle mass, 
-      using cloud-in-cell deposit.
-      """
-      particle_field = field.name[4:]
-      top = na.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float32')
-      if data.NumberOfParticles == 0: return top
-      particle_field_data = data[particle_field] * data['particle_mass']
-      amr_utils.CICDeposit_3(data["particle_position_x"].astype(na.float64),
-                             data["particle_position_y"].astype(na.float64),
-                             data["particle_position_z"].astype(na.float64),
-                             particle_field_data.astype(na.float32),
-                             na.int64(data.NumberOfParticles),
-                             top, na.array(data.LeftEdge).astype(na.float64),
-                             na.array(data.ActiveDimensions).astype(na.int32), 
-                             na.float64(data['dx']))
-      del particle_field_data
-      bottom = na.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float32')
-      amr_utils.CICDeposit_3(data["particle_position_x"].astype(na.float64),
-                             data["particle_position_y"].astype(na.float64),
-                             data["particle_position_z"].astype(na.float64),
-                             data["particle_mass"].astype(na.float32),
-                             na.int64(data.NumberOfParticles),
-                             bottom, na.array(data.LeftEdge).astype(na.float64),
-                             na.array(data.ActiveDimensions).astype(na.int32), 
-                             na.float64(data['dx']))
-      top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
-      bnz = bottom.nonzero()
-      top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
-      return top
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -6321,91 +2098,6 @@
       return data.convert("Density")
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _dx(field, data):
-      return data.dds[0]
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64') * data.dds[0]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _dy(field, data):
-      return data.dds[1]
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64') * data.dds[1]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _dz(field, data):
-      return data.dds[2]
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64') * data.dds[2]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _pdensity(field, data):
-      blank = na.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float32')
-      if data.NumberOfParticles == 0: return blank
-      CICDeposit_3(data["particle_position_x"].astype(na.float64),
-                   data["particle_position_y"].astype(na.float64),
-                   data["particle_position_z"].astype(na.float64),
-                   data["particle_mass"].astype(na.float32),
-                   na.int64(data.NumberOfParticles),
-                   blank, na.array(data.LeftEdge).astype(na.float64),
-                   na.array(data.ActiveDimensions).astype(na.int32),
-                   na.float64(data['dx']))
-      return blank
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertDensity(data):
-      return data.convert("Density")
@@ -6512,617 +2204,9 @@
       return data.convert("Density")
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _star_field(field, data):
-      """
-      Create a grid field for star quantities, weighted by star mass.
-      """
-      particle_field = field.name[5:]
-      top = na.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float32')
-      if data.NumberOfParticles == 0: return top
-      filter = data['creation_time'] > 0.0
-      if not filter.any(): return top
-      particle_field_data = data[particle_field][filter] * data['particle_mass'][filter]
-      amr_utils.CICDeposit_3(data["particle_position_x"][filter].astype(na.float64),
-                            data["particle_position_y"][filter].astype(na.float64),
-                            data["particle_position_z"][filter].astype(na.float64),
-                            particle_field_data.astype(na.float32),
-                            na.int64(na.where(filter)[0].size),
-                            top, na.array(data.LeftEdge).astype(na.float64),
-                            na.array(data.ActiveDimensions).astype(na.int32), 
-                            na.float64(data['dx']))
-      del particle_field_data
-      bottom = na.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float32')
-      amr_utils.CICDeposit_3(data["particle_position_x"][filter].astype(na.float64),
-                            data["particle_position_y"][filter].astype(na.float64),
-                            data["particle_position_z"][filter].astype(na.float64),
-                            data["particle_mass"][filter].astype(na.float32),
-                            na.int64(na.where(filter)[0].size),
-                            bottom, na.array(data.LeftEdge).astype(na.float64),
-                            na.array(data.ActiveDimensions).astype(na.int32), 
-                            na.float64(data['dx']))
-      top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
-      bnz = bottom.nonzero()
-      top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
-      return top
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _star_field(field, data):
-      """
-      Create a grid field for star quantities, weighted by star mass.
-      """
-      particle_field = field.name[5:]
-      top = na.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float32')
-      if data.NumberOfParticles == 0: return top
-      filter = data['creation_time'] > 0.0
-      if not filter.any(): return top
-      particle_field_data = data[particle_field][filter] * data['particle_mass'][filter]
-      amr_utils.CICDeposit_3(data["particle_position_x"][filter].astype(na.float64),
-                            data["particle_position_y"][filter].astype(na.float64),
-                            data["particle_position_z"][filter].astype(na.float64),
-                            particle_field_data.astype(na.float32),
-                            na.int64(na.where(filter)[0].size),
-                            top, na.array(data.LeftEdge).astype(na.float64),
-                            na.array(data.ActiveDimensions).astype(na.int32), 
-                            na.float64(data['dx']))
-      del particle_field_data
-      bottom = na.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float32')
-      amr_utils.CICDeposit_3(data["particle_position_x"][filter].astype(na.float64),
-                            data["particle_position_y"][filter].astype(na.float64),
-                            data["particle_position_z"][filter].astype(na.float64),
-                            data["particle_mass"][filter].astype(na.float32),
-                            na.int64(na.where(filter)[0].size),
-                            bottom, na.array(data.LeftEdge).astype(na.float64),
-                            na.array(data.ActiveDimensions).astype(na.int32), 
-                            na.float64(data['dx']))
-      top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
-      bnz = bottom.nonzero()
-      top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
-      return top
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Contours(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data["Density"].shape)*-1
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _coordX(field, data):
-      dim = data.ActiveDimensions[0]
-      return (na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-                     * na.arange(data.ActiveDimensions[0])[:,None,None]
-              +0.5) * data['dx'] + data.LeftEdge[0]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _coordY(field, data):
-      dim = data.ActiveDimensions[1]
-      return (na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-                     * na.arange(data.ActiveDimensions[1])[None,:,None]
-              +0.5) * data['dy'] + data.LeftEdge[1]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _coordZ(field, data):
-      dim = data.ActiveDimensions[2]
-      return (na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-                     * na.arange(data.ActiveDimensions[2])[None,None,:]
-              +0.5) * data['dz'] + data.LeftEdge[2]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
 Orion-Specific Field List
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{s}^{-1}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AbsDivV(field, data):
-      return na.abs(data['DivV'])
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AngularMomentum(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentum"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AngularMomentum(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentum"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AngularMomentumX(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentumX"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AngularMomentumY(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentumY"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AngularMomentumZ(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentumZ"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AveragedDensity(field, data):
-      nx, ny, nz = data["Density"].shape
-      new_field = na.zeros((nx-2,ny-2,nz-2), dtype='float64')
-      weight_field = na.zeros((nx-2,ny-2,nz-2), dtype='float64')
-      i_i, j_i, k_i = na.mgrid[0:3,0:3,0:3]
-      for i,j,k in zip(i_i.ravel(),j_i.ravel(),k_i.ravel()):
-          sl = [slice(i,nx-(2-i)),slice(j,ny-(2-j)),slice(k,nz-(2-k))]
-          new_field += data["Density"][sl] * data["CellMass"][sl]
-          weight_field += data["CellMass"][sl]
-      # Now some fancy footwork
-      new_field2 = na.zeros((nx,ny,nz))
-      new_field2[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] = new_field/weight_field
-      return new_field2
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Baryon_Overdensity(field, data):
-      if data.pf.has_key('omega_baryon_now'):
-          omega_baryon_now = data.pf['omega_baryon_now']
-      else:
-          omega_baryon_now = 0.0441
-      return data['Density'] / (omega_baryon_now * rho_crit_now * 
-                                (data.pf['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']**2) * 
-                                ((1+data.pf['CosmologyCurrentRedshift'])**3))
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellMass(field, data):
-      return data["Density"] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellMassCode(field, data):
-      return data["Density"] * data["CellVolumeCode"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassCode(data):
-      return 1.0/data.convert("Density")
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellMass(field, data):
-      return data["Density"] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^3`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellVolume(field, data):
-      if data['dx'].size == 1:
-          try:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']*\
-                  na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-          except AttributeError:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']
-      return data["dx"]*data["dy"]*data["dz"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertCellVolumeCGS(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")**3.0
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{BoxVolume}^3`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellVolume(field, data):
-      if data['dx'].size == 1:
-          try:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']*\
-                  na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-          except AttributeError:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']
-      return data["dx"]*data["dy"]*data["dz"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{Mpc}^3`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellVolume(field, data):
-      if data['dx'].size == 1:
-          try:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']*\
-                  na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-          except AttributeError:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']
-      return data["dx"]*data["dy"]*data["dz"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertCellVolumeMpc(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")**3.0
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Ones(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}/\rm{cm}^3`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ComovingDensity(field, data):
-      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
-      return data["Density"]/ef
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Contours(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data["Density"].shape)*-1
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`$\rm{s}$`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CourantTimeStep(field, data):
-      t1 = data['dx'] / (
-          data["SoundSpeed"] + \
-          abs(data["x-velocity"]))
-      t2 = data['dy'] / (
-          data["SoundSpeed"] + \
-          abs(data["y-velocity"]))
-      t3 = data['dz'] / (
-          data["SoundSpeed"] + \
-          abs(data["z-velocity"]))
-      return na.minimum(na.minimum(t1,t2),t3)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCourantTimeStep(data):
-      # SoundSpeed and z-velocity are in cm/s, dx is in code
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CuttingPlaneVelocityX(field, data):
-      x_vec, y_vec, z_vec = [data.get_field_parameter("cp_%s_vec" % (ax))
-                             for ax in 'xyz']
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      v_vec = na.array([data["%s-velocity" % ax] for ax in 'xyz']) \
-                  - bulk_velocity[...,na.newaxis]
-      return na.dot(x_vec, v_vec)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CuttingPlaneVelocityY(field, data):
-      x_vec, y_vec, z_vec = [data.get_field_parameter("cp_%s_vec" % (ax))
-                             for ax in 'xyz']
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      v_vec = na.array([data["%s-velocity" % ax] for ax in 'xyz']) \
-                  - bulk_velocity[...,na.newaxis]
-      return na.dot(y_vec, v_vec)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -7132,875 +2216,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _DensityPerturbation(field, data):
-      rho_bar = rho_crit_now * data.pf.omega_matter * \
-          data.pf.hubble_constant**2 * \
-          (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3
-      return ((data['Matter_Density'] - rho_bar) / rho_bar)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _DiskAngle(field, data):
-      # We make both r_vec and h_vec into unit vectors
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      r_vec = na.array([data["x"] - center[0],
-                        data["y"] - center[1],
-                        data["z"] - center[2]])
-      r_vec = r_vec/na.sqrt((r_vec**2.0).sum(axis=0))
-      h_vec = na.array(data.get_field_parameter("height_vector"))
-      dp = r_vec[0,:] * h_vec[0] \
-         + r_vec[1,:] * h_vec[1] \
-         + r_vec[2,:] * h_vec[2]
-      return na.arccos(dp)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{s}^{-1}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _DivV(field, data):
-      # We need to set up stencils
-      if data.pf["HydroMethod"] == 2:
-          sl_left = slice(None,-2,None)
-          sl_right = slice(1,-1,None)
-          div_fac = 1.0
-      else:
-          sl_left = slice(None,-2,None)
-          sl_right = slice(2,None,None)
-          div_fac = 2.0
-      ds = div_fac * data['dx'].flat[0]
-      f  = data["x-velocity"][sl_right,1:-1,1:-1]/ds
-      f -= data["x-velocity"][sl_left ,1:-1,1:-1]/ds
-      if data.pf.dimensionality > 1:
-          ds = div_fac * data['dy'].flat[0]
-          f += data["y-velocity"][1:-1,sl_right,1:-1]/ds
-          f -= data["y-velocity"][1:-1,sl_left ,1:-1]/ds
-      if data.pf.dimensionality > 2:
-          ds = div_fac * data['dz'].flat[0]
-          f += data["z-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_right]/ds
-          f -= data["z-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_left ]/ds
-      new_field = na.zeros(data["x-velocity"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      new_field[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] = f
-      return new_field
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertDivV(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")**-1.0
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _DynamicalTime(field, data):
-      """
-      The formulation for the dynamical time is:
-      M{sqrt(3pi/(16*G*rho))} or M{sqrt(3pi/(16G))*rho^-(1/2)}
-      Note that we return in our natural units already
-      """
-      return (3.0*na.pi/(16*G*data["Density"]))**(1./2.)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{ergs}\ \rm{cm}^{2}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Entropy(field, data):
-      return kboltz  * data["Temperature"] / \
-             (data["NumberDensity"]**(data.pf["Gamma"] - 1.0))
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _GridIndices(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data["Ones"].shape)*(data.id-data._id_offset)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _GridLevel(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions)*(data.Level)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`cm`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Height(field, data):
-      # We take the dot product of the radius vector with the height-vector
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      r_vec = na.array([data["x"] - center[0],
-                        data["y"] - center[1],
-                        data["z"] - center[2]])
-      h_vec = na.array(data.get_field_parameter("height_vector"))
-      h_vec = h_vec / na.sqrt(h_vec[0]**2.0+
-                              h_vec[1]**2.0+
-                              h_vec[2]**2.0)
-      height = r_vec[0,:] * h_vec[0] \
-             + r_vec[1,:] * h_vec[1] \
-             + r_vec[2,:] * h_vec[2]
-      return na.abs(height)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertHeight(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`AU`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Height(field, data):
-      # We take the dot product of the radius vector with the height-vector
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      r_vec = na.array([data["x"] - center[0],
-                        data["y"] - center[1],
-                        data["z"] - center[2]])
-      h_vec = na.array(data.get_field_parameter("height_vector"))
-      h_vec = h_vec / na.sqrt(h_vec[0]**2.0+
-                              h_vec[1]**2.0+
-                              h_vec[2]**2.0)
-      height = r_vec[0,:] * h_vec[0] \
-             + r_vec[1,:] * h_vec[1] \
-             + r_vec[2,:] * h_vec[2]
-      return na.abs(height)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertHeightAU(data):
-      return data.convert("au")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{M_{\odot}}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _JeansMassMsun(field,data):
-      MJ_constant = (((5*kboltz)/(G*mh))**(1.5)) * \
-      (3/(4*3.1415926535897931))**(0.5) / 1.989e33
-      return (MJ_constant *
-              ((data["Temperature"]/data["MeanMolecularWeight"])**(1.5)) *
-              (data["Density"]**(-0.5)))
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _MachNumber(field, data):
-      """M{|v|/t_sound}"""
-      return data["VelocityMagnitude"] / data["SoundSpeed"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _MagneticEnergy(field,data):
-      """This assumes that your front end has provided Bx, By, Bz in
-      units of Gauss. If you use MKS, make sure to write your own
-      MagneticEnergy field to deal with non-unitary \mu_0.
-      """
-      return (data["Bx"]**2 + data["By"]**2 + data["Bz"]**2)/2.
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}/\rm{cm^3}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Matter_Density(field,data):
-      return (data['Density'] + data['Dark_Matter_Density'])
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _MeanMolecularWeight(field,data):
-      return (data["Density"] / (mh *data["NumberDensity"]))
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Ones(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _OnesOverDx(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data["Ones"].shape,
-                     dtype=data["Density"].dtype)/data['dx']
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Matter_Density(field,data):
-      return (data['Density'] + data['Dark_Matter_Density'])
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Convert_Overdensity(data):
-      return 1 / (rho_crit_now * data.pf.hubble_constant**2 * 
-                  (1+data.pf.current_redshift)**3)
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      return data["ParticleMass"] * data["ParticleSpecificAngularMomentum"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleAngularMomentumMSUNKMSMPC(field, data):
-      return data["ParticleMass"] * data["ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumKMSMPC"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleAngularMomentumX(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumX"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleAngularMomentumY(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumY"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleAngularMomentumZ(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumZ"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusCGS(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{AU}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusAU(data):
-      return data.convert("au")
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{Mpc}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusMpc(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
-      return data.convert("kpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}/\rm{h}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
-      return data.convert("kpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{pc}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuspc(data):
-      return data.convert("pc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      """
-      Calculate the angular of a particle velocity.  Returns a vector for each
-      particle.
-      """
-      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-      xv = data["particle_velocity_x"] - bv[0]
-      yv = data["particle_velocity_y"] - bv[1]
-      zv = data["particle_velocity_z"] - bv[2]
-      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-      coords = na.array([data['particle_position_x'],
-                         data['particle_position_y'],
-                         data['particle_position_z']], dtype='float64')
-      new_shape = tuple([3] + [1]*(len(coords.shape)-1))
-      r_vec = coords - na.reshape(center,new_shape)
-      v_vec = na.array([xv,yv,zv], dtype='float64')
-      return na.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      """
-      Calculate the angular of a particle velocity.  Returns a vector for each
-      particle.
-      """
-      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-      xv = data["particle_velocity_x"] - bv[0]
-      yv = data["particle_velocity_y"] - bv[1]
-      zv = data["particle_velocity_z"] - bv[2]
-      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-      coords = na.array([data['particle_position_x'],
-                         data['particle_position_y'],
-                         data['particle_position_z']], dtype='float64')
-      new_shape = tuple([3] + [1]*(len(coords.shape)-1))
-      r_vec = coords - na.reshape(center,new_shape)
-      v_vec = na.array([xv,yv,zv], dtype='float64')
-      return na.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentumKMSMPC(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")/1e5
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumX(field, data):
-      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-      y = data["particle_position_y"] - center[1]
-      z = data["particle_position_z"] - center[2]
-      yv = data["particle_velocity_y"] - bv[1]
-      zv = data["particle_velocity_z"] - bv[2]
-      return yv*z - zv*y
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumY(field, data):
-      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-      x = data["particle_position_x"] - center[0]
-      z = data["particle_position_z"] - center[2]
-      xv = data["particle_velocity_x"] - bv[0]
-      zv = data["particle_velocity_z"] - bv[2]
-      return -(xv*z - zv*x)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumZ(field, data):
-      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-      x = data["particle_position_x"] - center[0]
-      y = data["particle_position_y"] - center[1]
-      xv = data["particle_velocity_x"] - bv[0]
-      yv = data["particle_velocity_y"] - bv[1]
-      return xv*y - yv*x
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleVelocityMagnitude(field, data):
-      """M{|v|}"""
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      return ( (data["particle_velocity_x"]-bulk_velocity[0])**2.0 + \
-               (data["particle_velocity_y"]-bulk_velocity[1])**2.0 + \
-               (data["particle_velocity_z"]-bulk_velocity[2])**2.0 )**(1.0/2.0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -8022,598 +2237,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{dyne}/\rm{cm}^{2}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Pressure(field,data):
-      """M{(Gamma-1.0)*e, where e is thermal energy density
-         NB: this will need to be modified for radiation
-      """
-      return (data.pf["Gamma"] - 1.0)*data["ThermalEnergy"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialMachNumber(field, data):
-      """M{|v|/t_sound}"""
-      return na.abs(data["RadialVelocity"]) / data["SoundSpeed"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialVelocity(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      new_field = ( (data['x']-center[0])*(data["x-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[0])
-                  + (data['y']-center[1])*(data["y-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[1])
-                  + (data['z']-center[2])*(data["z-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[2])
-                  )/data["RadiusCode"]
-      if na.any(na.isnan(new_field)): # to fix center = point
-          new_field[na.isnan(new_field)] = 0.0
-      return new_field
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialVelocityABS(field, data):
-      return na.abs(_RadialVelocity(field, data))
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialVelocity(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      new_field = ( (data['x']-center[0])*(data["x-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[0])
-                  + (data['y']-center[1])*(data["y-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[1])
-                  + (data['z']-center[2])*(data["z-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[2])
-                  )/data["RadiusCode"]
-      if na.any(na.isnan(new_field)): # to fix center = point
-          new_field[na.isnan(new_field)] = 0.0
-      return new_field
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadialVelocityKMS(data):
-      return 1e-5
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialVelocityABS(field, data):
-      return na.abs(_RadialVelocity(field, data))
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadialVelocityKMS(data):
-      return 1e-5
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusCGS(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{AU}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusAU(data):
-      return data.convert("au")
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{Mpc}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusMpc(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
-      return data.convert("kpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}/\rm{h}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
-      return data.convert("kpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{pc}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuspc(data):
-      return data.convert("pc")
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SZKinetic(field, data):
-      vel_axis = data.get_field_parameter('axis')
-      if vel_axis > 2:
-          raise NeedsParameter(['axis'])
-      vel = data["%s-velocity" % ({0:'x',1:'y',2:'z'}[vel_axis])]
-      return (vel*data["Density"])
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSZKinetic(data):
-      return 0.88*((sigma_thompson/mh)/clight)
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SZY(field, data):
-      return (data["Density"]*data["Temperature"])
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSZY(data):
-      conv = (0.88/mh) * (kboltz)/(me * clight*clight) * sigma_thompson
-      return conv
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SoundSpeed(field, data):
-      if data.pf["EOSType"] == 1:
-          return na.ones(data["Density"].shape, dtype='float64') * \
-                  data.pf["EOSSoundSpeed"]
-      return ( data.pf["Gamma"]*data["Pressure"] / \
-               data["Density"] )**(1.0/2.0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpecificAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      """
-      Calculate the angular velocity.  Returns a vector for each cell.
-      """
-      r_vec = obtain_rvec(data)
-      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
-      v_vec = na.array([xv,yv,zv], dtype='float64')
-      return na.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpecificAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      """
-      Calculate the angular velocity.  Returns a vector for each cell.
-      """
-      r_vec = obtain_rvec(data)
-      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
-      v_vec = na.array([xv,yv,zv], dtype='float64')
-      return na.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentumKMSMPC(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")/1e5
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpecificAngularMomentumX(field, data):
-      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
-      rv = obtain_rvec(data)
-      return yv*rv[2,:] - zv*rv[1,:]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpecificAngularMomentumY(field, data):
-      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
-      rv = obtain_rvec(data)
-      return -(xv*rv[2,:] - zv*rv[0,:])
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpecificAngularMomentumZ(field, data):
-      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
-      rv = obtain_rvec(data)
-      return xv*rv[1,:] - yv*rv[0,:]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _StarMass(field,data):
-      return data["star_density"] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _TangentialOverVelocityMagnitude(field, data):
-      return na.abs(data["TangentialVelocity"])/na.abs(data["VelocityMagnitude"])
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _TangentialVelocity(field, data):
-      return na.sqrt(data["VelocityMagnitude"]**2.0
-                   - data["RadialVelocity"]**2.0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -8669,189 +2292,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _TotalMass(field,data):
-      return (data["Density"]+data["Dark_Matter_Density"]) * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _TotalMass(field,data):
-      return (data["Density"]+data["Dark_Matter_Density"]) * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _VelocityMagnitude(field, data):
-      """M{|v|}"""
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      return ( (data["x-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[0])**2.0 + \
-               (data["y-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[1])**2.0 + \
-               (data["z-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[2])**2.0 )**(1.0/2.0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{s}^{-2}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _VorticitySquared(field, data):
-      mylog.debug("Generating vorticity on %s", data)
-      # We need to set up stencils
-      if data.pf["HydroMethod"] == 2:
-          sl_left = slice(None,-2,None)
-          sl_right = slice(1,-1,None)
-          div_fac = 1.0
-      else:
-          sl_left = slice(None,-2,None)
-          sl_right = slice(2,None,None)
-          div_fac = 2.0
-      new_field = na.zeros(data["x-velocity"].shape)
-      dvzdy = (data["z-velocity"][1:-1,sl_right,1:-1] -
-               data["z-velocity"][1:-1,sl_left,1:-1]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dy"].flat[0])
-      dvydz = (data["y-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_right] -
-               data["y-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_left]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dz"].flat[0])
-      new_field[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] += (dvzdy - dvydz)**2.0
-      del dvzdy, dvydz
-      dvxdz = (data["x-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_right] -
-               data["x-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_left]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dz"].flat[0])
-      dvzdx = (data["z-velocity"][sl_right,1:-1,1:-1] -
-               data["z-velocity"][sl_left,1:-1,1:-1]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dx"].flat[0])
-      new_field[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] += (dvxdz - dvzdx)**2.0
-      del dvxdz, dvzdx
-      dvydx = (data["y-velocity"][sl_right,1:-1,1:-1] -
-               data["y-velocity"][sl_left,1:-1,1:-1]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dx"].flat[0])
-      dvxdy = (data["x-velocity"][1:-1,sl_right,1:-1] -
-               data["x-velocity"][1:-1,sl_left,1:-1]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dy"].flat[0])
-      new_field[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] += (dvydx - dvxdy)**2.0
-      del dvydx, dvxdy
-      new_field = na.abs(new_field)
-      return new_field
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertVorticitySquared(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")**-2.0
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _DensityPerturbation(field, data):
-      rho_bar = rho_crit_now * data.pf.omega_matter * \
-          data.pf.hubble_constant**2 * \
-          (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3
-      return ((data['Matter_Density'] - rho_bar) / rho_bar)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertConvergence(data):
-      if not data.pf.parameters.has_key('cosmology_calculator'):
-          data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'] = Cosmology(
-              HubbleConstantNow=(100.*data.pf.hubble_constant),
-              OmegaMatterNow=data.pf.omega_matter, OmegaLambdaNow=data.pf.omega_lambda)
-      # observer to lens
-      DL = data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'].AngularDiameterDistance(
-          data.pf.parameters['observer_redshift'], data.pf.current_redshift)
-      # observer to source
-      DS = data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'].AngularDiameterDistance(
-          data.pf.parameters['observer_redshift'], data.pf.parameters['lensing_source_redshift'])
-      # lens to source
-      DLS = data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'].AngularDiameterDistance(
-          data.pf.current_redshift, data.pf.parameters['lensing_source_redshift'])
-      return (((DL * DLS) / DS) * (1.5e14 * data.pf.omega_matter * 
-                                  (data.pf.hubble_constant / speed_of_light_cgs)**2 *
-                                  (1 + data.pf.current_redshift)))
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _XRayEmissivity(field, data):
-      return ((data["Density"].astype('float64')**2.0) \
-              *data["Temperature"]**0.5)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertXRayEmissivity(data):
-      return 2.168e60
@@ -8863,60 +2303,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _dx(field, data):
-      return data.dds[0]
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64') * data.dds[0]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _dy(field, data):
-      return data.dds[1]
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64') * data.dds[1]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _dz(field, data):
-      return data.dds[2]
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64') * data.dds[2]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -9011,37 +2397,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _pdensity(field, data):
-      blank = na.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float32')
-      if data.NumberOfParticles == 0: return blank
-      CICDeposit_3(data["particle_position_x"].astype(na.float64),
-                   data["particle_position_y"].astype(na.float64),
-                   data["particle_position_z"].astype(na.float64),
-                   data["particle_mass"].astype(na.float32),
-                   na.int64(data.NumberOfParticles),
-                   blank, na.array(data.LeftEdge).astype(na.float64),
-                   na.array(data.ActiveDimensions).astype(na.int32),
-                   na.float64(data['dx']))
-      return blank
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertDensity(data):
-      return data.convert("Density")
@@ -9294,23 +2649,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Contours(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data["Density"].shape)*-1
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -9320,26 +2658,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _coordX(field, data):
-      dim = data.ActiveDimensions[0]
-      return (na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-                     * na.arange(data.ActiveDimensions[0])[:,None,None]
-              +0.5) * data['dx'] + data.LeftEdge[0]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -9389,26 +2707,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _coordY(field, data):
-      dim = data.ActiveDimensions[1]
-      return (na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-                     * na.arange(data.ActiveDimensions[1])[None,:,None]
-              +0.5) * data['dy'] + data.LeftEdge[1]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -9461,26 +2759,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _coordZ(field, data):
-      dim = data.ActiveDimensions[2]
-      return (na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-                     * na.arange(data.ActiveDimensions[2])[None,None,:]
-              +0.5) * data['dz'] + data.LeftEdge[2]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -9533,441 +2811,6 @@
 FLASH-Specific Field List
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{s}^{-1}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AbsDivV(field, data):
-      return na.abs(data['DivV'])
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AngularMomentum(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentum"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AngularMomentum(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentum"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AngularMomentumX(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentumX"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AngularMomentumY(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentumY"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AngularMomentumZ(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentumZ"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AveragedDensity(field, data):
-      nx, ny, nz = data["Density"].shape
-      new_field = na.zeros((nx-2,ny-2,nz-2), dtype='float64')
-      weight_field = na.zeros((nx-2,ny-2,nz-2), dtype='float64')
-      i_i, j_i, k_i = na.mgrid[0:3,0:3,0:3]
-      for i,j,k in zip(i_i.ravel(),j_i.ravel(),k_i.ravel()):
-          sl = [slice(i,nx-(2-i)),slice(j,ny-(2-j)),slice(k,nz-(2-k))]
-          new_field += data["Density"][sl] * data["CellMass"][sl]
-          weight_field += data["CellMass"][sl]
-      # Now some fancy footwork
-      new_field2 = na.zeros((nx,ny,nz))
-      new_field2[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] = new_field/weight_field
-      return new_field2
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Baryon_Overdensity(field, data):
-      if data.pf.has_key('omega_baryon_now'):
-          omega_baryon_now = data.pf['omega_baryon_now']
-      else:
-          omega_baryon_now = 0.0441
-      return data['Density'] / (omega_baryon_now * rho_crit_now * 
-                                (data.pf['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']**2) * 
-                                ((1+data.pf['CosmologyCurrentRedshift'])**3))
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellMass(field, data):
-      return data["Density"] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellMassCode(field, data):
-      return data["Density"] * data["CellVolumeCode"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassCode(data):
-      return 1.0/data.convert("Density")
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellMass(field, data):
-      return data["Density"] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^3`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellVolume(field, data):
-      if data['dx'].size == 1:
-          try:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']*\
-                  na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-          except AttributeError:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']
-      return data["dx"]*data["dy"]*data["dz"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertCellVolumeCGS(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")**3.0
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{BoxVolume}^3`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellVolume(field, data):
-      if data['dx'].size == 1:
-          try:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']*\
-                  na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-          except AttributeError:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']
-      return data["dx"]*data["dy"]*data["dz"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{Mpc}^3`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellVolume(field, data):
-      if data['dx'].size == 1:
-          try:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']*\
-                  na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-          except AttributeError:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']
-      return data["dx"]*data["dy"]*data["dz"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertCellVolumeMpc(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")**3.0
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Ones(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}/\rm{cm}^3`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ComovingDensity(field, data):
-      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
-      return data["Density"]/ef
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Contours(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data["Density"].shape)*-1
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`$\rm{s}$`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CourantTimeStep(field, data):
-      t1 = data['dx'] / (
-          data["SoundSpeed"] + \
-          abs(data["x-velocity"]))
-      t2 = data['dy'] / (
-          data["SoundSpeed"] + \
-          abs(data["y-velocity"]))
-      t3 = data['dz'] / (
-          data["SoundSpeed"] + \
-          abs(data["z-velocity"]))
-      return na.minimum(na.minimum(t1,t2),t3)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCourantTimeStep(data):
-      # SoundSpeed and z-velocity are in cm/s, dx is in code
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CuttingPlaneVelocityX(field, data):
-      x_vec, y_vec, z_vec = [data.get_field_parameter("cp_%s_vec" % (ax))
-                             for ax in 'xyz']
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      v_vec = na.array([data["%s-velocity" % ax] for ax in 'xyz']) \
-                  - bulk_velocity[...,na.newaxis]
-      return na.dot(x_vec, v_vec)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CuttingPlaneVelocityY(field, data):
-      x_vec, y_vec, z_vec = [data.get_field_parameter("cp_%s_vec" % (ax))
-                             for ax in 'xyz']
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      v_vec = na.array([data["%s-velocity" % ax] for ax in 'xyz']) \
-                  - bulk_velocity[...,na.newaxis]
-      return na.dot(y_vec, v_vec)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -10020,120 +2863,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _DensityPerturbation(field, data):
-      rho_bar = rho_crit_now * data.pf.omega_matter * \
-          data.pf.hubble_constant**2 * \
-          (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3
-      return ((data['Matter_Density'] - rho_bar) / rho_bar)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _DiskAngle(field, data):
-      # We make both r_vec and h_vec into unit vectors
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      r_vec = na.array([data["x"] - center[0],
-                        data["y"] - center[1],
-                        data["z"] - center[2]])
-      r_vec = r_vec/na.sqrt((r_vec**2.0).sum(axis=0))
-      h_vec = na.array(data.get_field_parameter("height_vector"))
-      dp = r_vec[0,:] * h_vec[0] \
-         + r_vec[1,:] * h_vec[1] \
-         + r_vec[2,:] * h_vec[2]
-      return na.arccos(dp)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{s}^{-1}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _DivV(field, data):
-      # We need to set up stencils
-      if data.pf["HydroMethod"] == 2:
-          sl_left = slice(None,-2,None)
-          sl_right = slice(1,-1,None)
-          div_fac = 1.0
-      else:
-          sl_left = slice(None,-2,None)
-          sl_right = slice(2,None,None)
-          div_fac = 2.0
-      ds = div_fac * data['dx'].flat[0]
-      f  = data["x-velocity"][sl_right,1:-1,1:-1]/ds
-      f -= data["x-velocity"][sl_left ,1:-1,1:-1]/ds
-      if data.pf.dimensionality > 1:
-          ds = div_fac * data['dy'].flat[0]
-          f += data["y-velocity"][1:-1,sl_right,1:-1]/ds
-          f -= data["y-velocity"][1:-1,sl_left ,1:-1]/ds
-      if data.pf.dimensionality > 2:
-          ds = div_fac * data['dz'].flat[0]
-          f += data["z-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_right]/ds
-          f -= data["z-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_left ]/ds
-      new_field = na.zeros(data["x-velocity"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      new_field[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] = f
-      return new_field
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertDivV(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")**-1.0
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _DynamicalTime(field, data):
-      """
-      The formulation for the dynamical time is:
-      M{sqrt(3pi/(16*G*rho))} or M{sqrt(3pi/(16G))*rho^-(1/2)}
-      Note that we return in our natural units already
-      """
-      return (3.0*na.pi/(16*G*data["Density"]))**(1./2.)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -10151,25 +2880,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{ergs}\ \rm{cm}^{2}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Entropy(field, data):
-      return kboltz  * data["Temperature"] / \
-             (data["NumberDensity"]**(data.pf["Gamma"] - 1.0))
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -10222,40 +2932,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _GridIndices(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data["Ones"].shape)*(data.id-data._id_offset)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _GridLevel(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions)*(data.Level)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -10409,318 +3085,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`cm`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Height(field, data):
-      # We take the dot product of the radius vector with the height-vector
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      r_vec = na.array([data["x"] - center[0],
-                        data["y"] - center[1],
-                        data["z"] - center[2]])
-      h_vec = na.array(data.get_field_parameter("height_vector"))
-      h_vec = h_vec / na.sqrt(h_vec[0]**2.0+
-                              h_vec[1]**2.0+
-                              h_vec[2]**2.0)
-      height = r_vec[0,:] * h_vec[0] \
-             + r_vec[1,:] * h_vec[1] \
-             + r_vec[2,:] * h_vec[2]
-      return na.abs(height)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertHeight(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`AU`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Height(field, data):
-      # We take the dot product of the radius vector with the height-vector
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      r_vec = na.array([data["x"] - center[0],
-                        data["y"] - center[1],
-                        data["z"] - center[2]])
-      h_vec = na.array(data.get_field_parameter("height_vector"))
-      h_vec = h_vec / na.sqrt(h_vec[0]**2.0+
-                              h_vec[1]**2.0+
-                              h_vec[2]**2.0)
-      height = r_vec[0,:] * h_vec[0] \
-             + r_vec[1,:] * h_vec[1] \
-             + r_vec[2,:] * h_vec[2]
-      return na.abs(height)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertHeightAU(data):
-      return data.convert("au")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{M_{\odot}}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _JeansMassMsun(field,data):
-      MJ_constant = (((5*kboltz)/(G*mh))**(1.5)) * \
-      (3/(4*3.1415926535897931))**(0.5) / 1.989e33
-      return (MJ_constant *
-              ((data["Temperature"]/data["MeanMolecularWeight"])**(1.5)) *
-              (data["Density"]**(-0.5)))
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _MachNumber(field, data):
-      """M{|v|/t_sound}"""
-      return data["VelocityMagnitude"] / data["SoundSpeed"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _MagneticEnergy(field,data):
-      """This assumes that your front end has provided Bx, By, Bz in
-      units of Gauss. If you use MKS, make sure to write your own
-      MagneticEnergy field to deal with non-unitary \mu_0.
-      """
-      return (data["Bx"]**2 + data["By"]**2 + data["Bz"]**2)/2.
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}/\rm{cm^3}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Matter_Density(field,data):
-      return (data['Density'] + data['Dark_Matter_Density'])
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _MeanMolecularWeight(field,data):
-      return (data["Density"] / (mh *data["NumberDensity"]))
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Ones(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _OnesOverDx(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data["Ones"].shape,
-                     dtype=data["Density"].dtype)/data['dx']
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Matter_Density(field,data):
-      return (data['Density'] + data['Dark_Matter_Density'])
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Convert_Overdensity(data):
-      return 1 / (rho_crit_now * data.pf.hubble_constant**2 * 
-                  (1+data.pf.current_redshift)**3)
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      return data["ParticleMass"] * data["ParticleSpecificAngularMomentum"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleAngularMomentumMSUNKMSMPC(field, data):
-      return data["ParticleMass"] * data["ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumKMSMPC"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleAngularMomentumX(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumX"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleAngularMomentumY(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumY"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleAngularMomentumZ(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumZ"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -10760,987 +3124,6 @@
       return 1.0/1.989e33
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusCGS(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{AU}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusAU(data):
-      return data.convert("au")
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{Mpc}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusMpc(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
-      return data.convert("kpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}/\rm{h}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
-      return data.convert("kpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{pc}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuspc(data):
-      return data.convert("pc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      """
-      Calculate the angular of a particle velocity.  Returns a vector for each
-      particle.
-      """
-      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-      xv = data["particle_velocity_x"] - bv[0]
-      yv = data["particle_velocity_y"] - bv[1]
-      zv = data["particle_velocity_z"] - bv[2]
-      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-      coords = na.array([data['particle_position_x'],
-                         data['particle_position_y'],
-                         data['particle_position_z']], dtype='float64')
-      new_shape = tuple([3] + [1]*(len(coords.shape)-1))
-      r_vec = coords - na.reshape(center,new_shape)
-      v_vec = na.array([xv,yv,zv], dtype='float64')
-      return na.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      """
-      Calculate the angular of a particle velocity.  Returns a vector for each
-      particle.
-      """
-      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-      xv = data["particle_velocity_x"] - bv[0]
-      yv = data["particle_velocity_y"] - bv[1]
-      zv = data["particle_velocity_z"] - bv[2]
-      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-      coords = na.array([data['particle_position_x'],
-                         data['particle_position_y'],
-                         data['particle_position_z']], dtype='float64')
-      new_shape = tuple([3] + [1]*(len(coords.shape)-1))
-      r_vec = coords - na.reshape(center,new_shape)
-      v_vec = na.array([xv,yv,zv], dtype='float64')
-      return na.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentumKMSMPC(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")/1e5
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumX(field, data):
-      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-      y = data["particle_position_y"] - center[1]
-      z = data["particle_position_z"] - center[2]
-      yv = data["particle_velocity_y"] - bv[1]
-      zv = data["particle_velocity_z"] - bv[2]
-      return yv*z - zv*y
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumY(field, data):
-      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-      x = data["particle_position_x"] - center[0]
-      z = data["particle_position_z"] - center[2]
-      xv = data["particle_velocity_x"] - bv[0]
-      zv = data["particle_velocity_z"] - bv[2]
-      return -(xv*z - zv*x)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumZ(field, data):
-      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-      x = data["particle_position_x"] - center[0]
-      y = data["particle_position_y"] - center[1]
-      xv = data["particle_velocity_x"] - bv[0]
-      yv = data["particle_velocity_y"] - bv[1]
-      return xv*y - yv*x
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleVelocityMagnitude(field, data):
-      """M{|v|}"""
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      return ( (data["particle_velocity_x"]-bulk_velocity[0])**2.0 + \
-               (data["particle_velocity_y"]-bulk_velocity[1])**2.0 + \
-               (data["particle_velocity_z"]-bulk_velocity[2])**2.0 )**(1.0/2.0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{dyne}/\rm{cm}^{2}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Pressure(field, data):
-      """M{(Gamma-1.0)*rho*E}"""
-      return (data.pf["Gamma"] - 1.0) * \
-             data["Density"] * data["ThermalEnergy"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialMachNumber(field, data):
-      """M{|v|/t_sound}"""
-      return na.abs(data["RadialVelocity"]) / data["SoundSpeed"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialVelocity(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      new_field = ( (data['x']-center[0])*(data["x-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[0])
-                  + (data['y']-center[1])*(data["y-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[1])
-                  + (data['z']-center[2])*(data["z-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[2])
-                  )/data["RadiusCode"]
-      if na.any(na.isnan(new_field)): # to fix center = point
-          new_field[na.isnan(new_field)] = 0.0
-      return new_field
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialVelocityABS(field, data):
-      return na.abs(_RadialVelocity(field, data))
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialVelocity(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      new_field = ( (data['x']-center[0])*(data["x-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[0])
-                  + (data['y']-center[1])*(data["y-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[1])
-                  + (data['z']-center[2])*(data["z-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[2])
-                  )/data["RadiusCode"]
-      if na.any(na.isnan(new_field)): # to fix center = point
-          new_field[na.isnan(new_field)] = 0.0
-      return new_field
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadialVelocityKMS(data):
-      return 1e-5
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialVelocityABS(field, data):
-      return na.abs(_RadialVelocity(field, data))
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadialVelocityKMS(data):
-      return 1e-5
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusCGS(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{AU}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusAU(data):
-      return data.convert("au")
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{Mpc}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusMpc(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
-      return data.convert("kpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}/\rm{h}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
-      return data.convert("kpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{pc}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuspc(data):
-      return data.convert("pc")
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SZKinetic(field, data):
-      vel_axis = data.get_field_parameter('axis')
-      if vel_axis > 2:
-          raise NeedsParameter(['axis'])
-      vel = data["%s-velocity" % ({0:'x',1:'y',2:'z'}[vel_axis])]
-      return (vel*data["Density"])
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSZKinetic(data):
-      return 0.88*((sigma_thompson/mh)/clight)
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SZY(field, data):
-      return (data["Density"]*data["Temperature"])
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSZY(data):
-      conv = (0.88/mh) * (kboltz)/(me * clight*clight) * sigma_thompson
-      return conv
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SoundSpeed(field, data):
-      if data.pf["EOSType"] == 1:
-          return na.ones(data["Density"].shape, dtype='float64') * \
-                  data.pf["EOSSoundSpeed"]
-      return ( data.pf["Gamma"]*data["Pressure"] / \
-               data["Density"] )**(1.0/2.0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpecificAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      """
-      Calculate the angular velocity.  Returns a vector for each cell.
-      """
-      r_vec = obtain_rvec(data)
-      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
-      v_vec = na.array([xv,yv,zv], dtype='float64')
-      return na.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpecificAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      """
-      Calculate the angular velocity.  Returns a vector for each cell.
-      """
-      r_vec = obtain_rvec(data)
-      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
-      v_vec = na.array([xv,yv,zv], dtype='float64')
-      return na.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentumKMSMPC(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")/1e5
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpecificAngularMomentumX(field, data):
-      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
-      rv = obtain_rvec(data)
-      return yv*rv[2,:] - zv*rv[1,:]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpecificAngularMomentumY(field, data):
-      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
-      rv = obtain_rvec(data)
-      return -(xv*rv[2,:] - zv*rv[0,:])
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpecificAngularMomentumZ(field, data):
-      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
-      rv = obtain_rvec(data)
-      return xv*rv[1,:] - yv*rv[0,:]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _StarMass(field,data):
-      return data["star_density"] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _TangentialOverVelocityMagnitude(field, data):
-      return na.abs(data["TangentialVelocity"])/na.abs(data["VelocityMagnitude"])
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _TangentialVelocity(field, data):
-      return na.sqrt(data["VelocityMagnitude"]**2.0
-                   - data["RadialVelocity"]**2.0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -11777,274 +3160,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _TotalMass(field,data):
-      return (data["Density"]+data["Dark_Matter_Density"]) * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _TotalMass(field,data):
-      return (data["Density"]+data["Dark_Matter_Density"]) * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _VelocityMagnitude(field, data):
-      """M{|v|}"""
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      return ( (data["x-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[0])**2.0 + \
-               (data["y-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[1])**2.0 + \
-               (data["z-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[2])**2.0 )**(1.0/2.0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{s}^{-2}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _VorticitySquared(field, data):
-      mylog.debug("Generating vorticity on %s", data)
-      # We need to set up stencils
-      if data.pf["HydroMethod"] == 2:
-          sl_left = slice(None,-2,None)
-          sl_right = slice(1,-1,None)
-          div_fac = 1.0
-      else:
-          sl_left = slice(None,-2,None)
-          sl_right = slice(2,None,None)
-          div_fac = 2.0
-      new_field = na.zeros(data["x-velocity"].shape)
-      dvzdy = (data["z-velocity"][1:-1,sl_right,1:-1] -
-               data["z-velocity"][1:-1,sl_left,1:-1]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dy"].flat[0])
-      dvydz = (data["y-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_right] -
-               data["y-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_left]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dz"].flat[0])
-      new_field[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] += (dvzdy - dvydz)**2.0
-      del dvzdy, dvydz
-      dvxdz = (data["x-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_right] -
-               data["x-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_left]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dz"].flat[0])
-      dvzdx = (data["z-velocity"][sl_right,1:-1,1:-1] -
-               data["z-velocity"][sl_left,1:-1,1:-1]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dx"].flat[0])
-      new_field[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] += (dvxdz - dvzdx)**2.0
-      del dvxdz, dvzdx
-      dvydx = (data["y-velocity"][sl_right,1:-1,1:-1] -
-               data["y-velocity"][sl_left,1:-1,1:-1]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dx"].flat[0])
-      dvxdy = (data["x-velocity"][1:-1,sl_right,1:-1] -
-               data["x-velocity"][1:-1,sl_left,1:-1]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dy"].flat[0])
-      new_field[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] += (dvydx - dvxdy)**2.0
-      del dvydx, dvxdy
-      new_field = na.abs(new_field)
-      return new_field
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertVorticitySquared(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")**-2.0
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _DensityPerturbation(field, data):
-      rho_bar = rho_crit_now * data.pf.omega_matter * \
-          data.pf.hubble_constant**2 * \
-          (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3
-      return ((data['Matter_Density'] - rho_bar) / rho_bar)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertConvergence(data):
-      if not data.pf.parameters.has_key('cosmology_calculator'):
-          data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'] = Cosmology(
-              HubbleConstantNow=(100.*data.pf.hubble_constant),
-              OmegaMatterNow=data.pf.omega_matter, OmegaLambdaNow=data.pf.omega_lambda)
-      # observer to lens
-      DL = data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'].AngularDiameterDistance(
-          data.pf.parameters['observer_redshift'], data.pf.current_redshift)
-      # observer to source
-      DS = data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'].AngularDiameterDistance(
-          data.pf.parameters['observer_redshift'], data.pf.parameters['lensing_source_redshift'])
-      # lens to source
-      DLS = data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'].AngularDiameterDistance(
-          data.pf.current_redshift, data.pf.parameters['lensing_source_redshift'])
-      return (((DL * DLS) / DS) * (1.5e14 * data.pf.omega_matter * 
-                                  (data.pf.hubble_constant / speed_of_light_cgs)**2 *
-                                  (1 + data.pf.current_redshift)))
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _XRayEmissivity(field, data):
-      return ((data["Density"].astype('float64')**2.0) \
-              *data["Temperature"]**0.5)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertXRayEmissivity(data):
-      return 2.168e60
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _dx(field, data):
-      return data.dds[0]
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64') * data.dds[0]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _dy(field, data):
-      return data.dds[1]
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64') * data.dds[1]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _dz(field, data):
-      return data.dds[2]
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64') * data.dds[2]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _pdensity(field, data):
-      blank = na.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float32')
-      if data.NumberOfParticles == 0: return blank
-      CICDeposit_3(data["particle_position_x"].astype(na.float64),
-                   data["particle_position_y"].astype(na.float64),
-                   data["particle_position_z"].astype(na.float64),
-                   data["particle_mass"].astype(na.float32),
-                   na.int64(data.NumberOfParticles),
-                   blank, na.array(data.LeftEdge).astype(na.float64),
-                   na.array(data.ActiveDimensions).astype(na.int32),
-                   na.float64(data['dx']))
-      return blank
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertDensity(data):
-      return data.convert("Density")
@@ -12170,43 +3285,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Contours(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data["Density"].shape)*-1
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _coordX(field, data):
-      dim = data.ActiveDimensions[0]
-      return (na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-                     * na.arange(data.ActiveDimensions[0])[:,None,None]
-              +0.5) * data['dx'] + data.LeftEdge[0]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -12225,26 +3303,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _coordY(field, data):
-      dim = data.ActiveDimensions[1]
-      return (na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-                     * na.arange(data.ActiveDimensions[1])[None,:,None]
-              +0.5) * data['dy'] + data.LeftEdge[1]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -12263,26 +3321,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _coordZ(field, data):
-      dim = data.ActiveDimensions[2]
-      return (na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-                     * na.arange(data.ActiveDimensions[2])[None,None,:]
-              +0.5) * data['dz'] + data.LeftEdge[2]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -12304,441 +3342,6 @@
 Nyx-Specific Field List
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{s}^{-1}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AbsDivV(field, data):
-      return na.abs(data['DivV'])
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AngularMomentum(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentum"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AngularMomentum(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentum"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AngularMomentumX(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentumX"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AngularMomentumY(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentumY"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AngularMomentumZ(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentumZ"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _AveragedDensity(field, data):
-      nx, ny, nz = data["Density"].shape
-      new_field = na.zeros((nx-2,ny-2,nz-2), dtype='float64')
-      weight_field = na.zeros((nx-2,ny-2,nz-2), dtype='float64')
-      i_i, j_i, k_i = na.mgrid[0:3,0:3,0:3]
-      for i,j,k in zip(i_i.ravel(),j_i.ravel(),k_i.ravel()):
-          sl = [slice(i,nx-(2-i)),slice(j,ny-(2-j)),slice(k,nz-(2-k))]
-          new_field += data["Density"][sl] * data["CellMass"][sl]
-          weight_field += data["CellMass"][sl]
-      # Now some fancy footwork
-      new_field2 = na.zeros((nx,ny,nz))
-      new_field2[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] = new_field/weight_field
-      return new_field2
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Baryon_Overdensity(field, data):
-      if data.pf.has_key('omega_baryon_now'):
-          omega_baryon_now = data.pf['omega_baryon_now']
-      else:
-          omega_baryon_now = 0.0441
-      return data['Density'] / (omega_baryon_now * rho_crit_now * 
-                                (data.pf['CosmologyHubbleConstantNow']**2) * 
-                                ((1+data.pf['CosmologyCurrentRedshift'])**3))
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellMass(field, data):
-      return data["Density"] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellMassCode(field, data):
-      return data["Density"] * data["CellVolumeCode"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassCode(data):
-      return 1.0/data.convert("Density")
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellMass(field, data):
-      return data["Density"] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^3`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellVolume(field, data):
-      if data['dx'].size == 1:
-          try:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']*\
-                  na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-          except AttributeError:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']
-      return data["dx"]*data["dy"]*data["dz"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertCellVolumeCGS(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")**3.0
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{BoxVolume}^3`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellVolume(field, data):
-      if data['dx'].size == 1:
-          try:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']*\
-                  na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-          except AttributeError:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']
-      return data["dx"]*data["dy"]*data["dz"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{Mpc}^3`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CellVolume(field, data):
-      if data['dx'].size == 1:
-          try:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']*\
-                  na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-          except AttributeError:
-              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']
-      return data["dx"]*data["dy"]*data["dz"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertCellVolumeMpc(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")**3.0
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Ones(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}/\rm{cm}^3`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ComovingDensity(field, data):
-      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
-      return data["Density"]/ef
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Contours(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data["Density"].shape)*-1
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`$\rm{s}$`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CourantTimeStep(field, data):
-      t1 = data['dx'] / (
-          data["SoundSpeed"] + \
-          abs(data["x-velocity"]))
-      t2 = data['dy'] / (
-          data["SoundSpeed"] + \
-          abs(data["y-velocity"]))
-      t3 = data['dz'] / (
-          data["SoundSpeed"] + \
-          abs(data["z-velocity"]))
-      return na.minimum(na.minimum(t1,t2),t3)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCourantTimeStep(data):
-      # SoundSpeed and z-velocity are in cm/s, dx is in code
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CuttingPlaneVelocityX(field, data):
-      x_vec, y_vec, z_vec = [data.get_field_parameter("cp_%s_vec" % (ax))
-                             for ax in 'xyz']
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      v_vec = na.array([data["%s-velocity" % ax] for ax in 'xyz']) \
-                  - bulk_velocity[...,na.newaxis]
-      return na.dot(x_vec, v_vec)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _CuttingPlaneVelocityY(field, data):
-      x_vec, y_vec, z_vec = [data.get_field_parameter("cp_%s_vec" % (ax))
-                             for ax in 'xyz']
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      v_vec = na.array([data["%s-velocity" % ax] for ax in 'xyz']) \
-                  - bulk_velocity[...,na.newaxis]
-      return na.dot(y_vec, v_vec)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -12758,485 +3361,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _DensityPerturbation(field, data):
-      rho_bar = rho_crit_now * data.pf.omega_matter * \
-          data.pf.hubble_constant**2 * \
-          (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3
-      return ((data['Matter_Density'] - rho_bar) / rho_bar)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _DiskAngle(field, data):
-      # We make both r_vec and h_vec into unit vectors
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      r_vec = na.array([data["x"] - center[0],
-                        data["y"] - center[1],
-                        data["z"] - center[2]])
-      r_vec = r_vec/na.sqrt((r_vec**2.0).sum(axis=0))
-      h_vec = na.array(data.get_field_parameter("height_vector"))
-      dp = r_vec[0,:] * h_vec[0] \
-         + r_vec[1,:] * h_vec[1] \
-         + r_vec[2,:] * h_vec[2]
-      return na.arccos(dp)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{s}^{-1}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _DivV(field, data):
-      # We need to set up stencils
-      if data.pf["HydroMethod"] == 2:
-          sl_left = slice(None,-2,None)
-          sl_right = slice(1,-1,None)
-          div_fac = 1.0
-      else:
-          sl_left = slice(None,-2,None)
-          sl_right = slice(2,None,None)
-          div_fac = 2.0
-      ds = div_fac * data['dx'].flat[0]
-      f  = data["x-velocity"][sl_right,1:-1,1:-1]/ds
-      f -= data["x-velocity"][sl_left ,1:-1,1:-1]/ds
-      if data.pf.dimensionality > 1:
-          ds = div_fac * data['dy'].flat[0]
-          f += data["y-velocity"][1:-1,sl_right,1:-1]/ds
-          f -= data["y-velocity"][1:-1,sl_left ,1:-1]/ds
-      if data.pf.dimensionality > 2:
-          ds = div_fac * data['dz'].flat[0]
-          f += data["z-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_right]/ds
-          f -= data["z-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_left ]/ds
-      new_field = na.zeros(data["x-velocity"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      new_field[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] = f
-      return new_field
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertDivV(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")**-1.0
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _DynamicalTime(field, data):
-      """
-      The formulation for the dynamical time is:
-      M{sqrt(3pi/(16*G*rho))} or M{sqrt(3pi/(16G))*rho^-(1/2)}
-      Note that we return in our natural units already
-      """
-      return (3.0*na.pi/(16*G*data["Density"]))**(1./2.)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{ergs}\ \rm{cm}^{2}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Entropy(field, data):
-      return kboltz  * data["Temperature"] / \
-             (data["NumberDensity"]**(data.pf["Gamma"] - 1.0))
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _GridIndices(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data["Ones"].shape)*(data.id-data._id_offset)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _GridLevel(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions)*(data.Level)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`cm`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Height(field, data):
-      # We take the dot product of the radius vector with the height-vector
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      r_vec = na.array([data["x"] - center[0],
-                        data["y"] - center[1],
-                        data["z"] - center[2]])
-      h_vec = na.array(data.get_field_parameter("height_vector"))
-      h_vec = h_vec / na.sqrt(h_vec[0]**2.0+
-                              h_vec[1]**2.0+
-                              h_vec[2]**2.0)
-      height = r_vec[0,:] * h_vec[0] \
-             + r_vec[1,:] * h_vec[1] \
-             + r_vec[2,:] * h_vec[2]
-      return na.abs(height)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertHeight(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`AU`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Height(field, data):
-      # We take the dot product of the radius vector with the height-vector
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      r_vec = na.array([data["x"] - center[0],
-                        data["y"] - center[1],
-                        data["z"] - center[2]])
-      h_vec = na.array(data.get_field_parameter("height_vector"))
-      h_vec = h_vec / na.sqrt(h_vec[0]**2.0+
-                              h_vec[1]**2.0+
-                              h_vec[2]**2.0)
-      height = r_vec[0,:] * h_vec[0] \
-             + r_vec[1,:] * h_vec[1] \
-             + r_vec[2,:] * h_vec[2]
-      return na.abs(height)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertHeightAU(data):
-      return data.convert("au")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{M_{\odot}}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _JeansMassMsun(field,data):
-      MJ_constant = (((5*kboltz)/(G*mh))**(1.5)) * \
-      (3/(4*3.1415926535897931))**(0.5) / 1.989e33
-      return (MJ_constant *
-              ((data["Temperature"]/data["MeanMolecularWeight"])**(1.5)) *
-              (data["Density"]**(-0.5)))
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _MachNumber(field, data):
-      """M{|v|/t_sound}"""
-      return data["VelocityMagnitude"] / data["SoundSpeed"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _MagneticEnergy(field,data):
-      """This assumes that your front end has provided Bx, By, Bz in
-      units of Gauss. If you use MKS, make sure to write your own
-      MagneticEnergy field to deal with non-unitary \mu_0.
-      """
-      return (data["Bx"]**2 + data["By"]**2 + data["Bz"]**2)/2.
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}/\rm{cm^3}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Matter_Density(field,data):
-      return (data['Density'] + data['Dark_Matter_Density'])
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _MeanMolecularWeight(field,data):
-      return (data["Density"] / (mh *data["NumberDensity"]))
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Ones(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _OnesOverDx(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data["Ones"].shape,
-                     dtype=data["Density"].dtype)/data['dx']
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Matter_Density(field,data):
-      return (data['Density'] + data['Dark_Matter_Density'])
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Convert_Overdensity(data):
-      return 1 / (rho_crit_now * data.pf.hubble_constant**2 * 
-                  (1+data.pf.current_redshift)**3)
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      return data["ParticleMass"] * data["ParticleSpecificAngularMomentum"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleAngularMomentumMSUNKMSMPC(field, data):
-      return data["ParticleMass"] * data["ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumKMSMPC"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleAngularMomentumX(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumX"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleAngularMomentumY(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumY"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}\/\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleAngularMomentumZ(field, data):
-      return data["CellMass"] * data["ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumZ"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -13259,396 +3383,6 @@
       return (1/1.989e33)
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusCGS(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{AU}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusAU(data):
-      return data.convert("au")
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{Mpc}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusMpc(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
-      return data.convert("kpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}/\rm{h}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
-      return data.convert("kpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{pc}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuspc(data):
-      return data.convert("pc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      """
-      Calculate the angular of a particle velocity.  Returns a vector for each
-      particle.
-      """
-      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-      xv = data["particle_velocity_x"] - bv[0]
-      yv = data["particle_velocity_y"] - bv[1]
-      zv = data["particle_velocity_z"] - bv[2]
-      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-      coords = na.array([data['particle_position_x'],
-                         data['particle_position_y'],
-                         data['particle_position_z']], dtype='float64')
-      new_shape = tuple([3] + [1]*(len(coords.shape)-1))
-      r_vec = coords - na.reshape(center,new_shape)
-      v_vec = na.array([xv,yv,zv], dtype='float64')
-      return na.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      """
-      Calculate the angular of a particle velocity.  Returns a vector for each
-      particle.
-      """
-      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-      xv = data["particle_velocity_x"] - bv[0]
-      yv = data["particle_velocity_y"] - bv[1]
-      zv = data["particle_velocity_z"] - bv[2]
-      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-      coords = na.array([data['particle_position_x'],
-                         data['particle_position_y'],
-                         data['particle_position_z']], dtype='float64')
-      new_shape = tuple([3] + [1]*(len(coords.shape)-1))
-      r_vec = coords - na.reshape(center,new_shape)
-      v_vec = na.array([xv,yv,zv], dtype='float64')
-      return na.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentumKMSMPC(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")/1e5
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumX(field, data):
-      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-      y = data["particle_position_y"] - center[1]
-      z = data["particle_position_z"] - center[2]
-      yv = data["particle_velocity_y"] - bv[1]
-      zv = data["particle_velocity_z"] - bv[2]
-      return yv*z - zv*y
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumY(field, data):
-      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-      x = data["particle_position_x"] - center[0]
-      z = data["particle_position_z"] - center[2]
-      xv = data["particle_velocity_x"] - bv[0]
-      zv = data["particle_velocity_z"] - bv[2]
-      return -(xv*z - zv*x)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentumZ(field, data):
-      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
-          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
-      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
-      x = data["particle_position_x"] - center[0]
-      y = data["particle_position_y"] - center[1]
-      xv = data["particle_velocity_x"] - bv[0]
-      yv = data["particle_velocity_y"] - bv[1]
-      return xv*y - yv*x
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: True
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ParticleVelocityMagnitude(field, data):
-      """M{|v|}"""
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      return ( (data["particle_velocity_x"]-bulk_velocity[0])**2.0 + \
-               (data["particle_velocity_y"]-bulk_velocity[1])**2.0 + \
-               (data["particle_velocity_z"]-bulk_velocity[2])**2.0 )**(1.0/2.0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -13676,604 +3410,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{M_{\odot}} (\rm{km} / \rm{s})^2 / \rm{Mpc}^3`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _pressure(field, data):
-      """
-      Computed using
-      $$ pressure = (\gamma - 1.0) * e$$
-      where e is thermal energy density. Note that this will need to be modified
-      when radiation is accounted for.
-      """
-      return (data.pf["Gamma"] - 1.0) * data["ThermalEnergy"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialMachNumber(field, data):
-      """M{|v|/t_sound}"""
-      return na.abs(data["RadialVelocity"]) / data["SoundSpeed"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialVelocity(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      new_field = ( (data['x']-center[0])*(data["x-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[0])
-                  + (data['y']-center[1])*(data["y-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[1])
-                  + (data['z']-center[2])*(data["z-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[2])
-                  )/data["RadiusCode"]
-      if na.any(na.isnan(new_field)): # to fix center = point
-          new_field[na.isnan(new_field)] = 0.0
-      return new_field
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialVelocityABS(field, data):
-      return na.abs(_RadialVelocity(field, data))
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialVelocity(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      new_field = ( (data['x']-center[0])*(data["x-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[0])
-                  + (data['y']-center[1])*(data["y-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[1])
-                  + (data['z']-center[2])*(data["z-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[2])
-                  )/data["RadiusCode"]
-      if na.any(na.isnan(new_field)): # to fix center = point
-          new_field[na.isnan(new_field)] = 0.0
-      return new_field
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadialVelocityKMS(data):
-      return 1e-5
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _RadialVelocityABS(field, data):
-      return na.abs(_RadialVelocity(field, data))
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadialVelocityKMS(data):
-      return 1e-5
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusCGS(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{AU}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusAU(data):
-      return data.convert("au")
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{Mpc}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiusMpc(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
-      return data.convert("kpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}/\rm{h}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
-      return data.convert("kpc")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{pc}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Radius(field, data):
-      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
-      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
-      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
-      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
-          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
-          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
-      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
-      return radius
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _ConvertRadiuspc(data):
-      return data.convert("pc")
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SZKinetic(field, data):
-      vel_axis = data.get_field_parameter('axis')
-      if vel_axis > 2:
-          raise NeedsParameter(['axis'])
-      vel = data["%s-velocity" % ({0:'x',1:'y',2:'z'}[vel_axis])]
-      return (vel*data["Density"])
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSZKinetic(data):
-      return 0.88*((sigma_thompson/mh)/clight)
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SZY(field, data):
-      return (data["Density"]*data["Temperature"])
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSZY(data):
-      conv = (0.88/mh) * (kboltz)/(me * clight*clight) * sigma_thompson
-      return conv
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SoundSpeed(field, data):
-      if data.pf["EOSType"] == 1:
-          return na.ones(data["Density"].shape, dtype='float64') * \
-                  data.pf["EOSSoundSpeed"]
-      return ( data.pf["Gamma"]*data["Pressure"] / \
-               data["Density"] )**(1.0/2.0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpecificAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      """
-      Calculate the angular velocity.  Returns a vector for each cell.
-      """
-      r_vec = obtain_rvec(data)
-      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
-      v_vec = na.array([xv,yv,zv], dtype='float64')
-      return na.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpecificAngularMomentum(field, data):
-      """
-      Calculate the angular velocity.  Returns a vector for each cell.
-      """
-      r_vec = obtain_rvec(data)
-      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
-      v_vec = na.array([xv,yv,zv], dtype='float64')
-      return na.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentumKMSMPC(data):
-      return data.convert("mpc")/1e5
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpecificAngularMomentumX(field, data):
-      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
-      rv = obtain_rvec(data)
-      return yv*rv[2,:] - zv*rv[1,:]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpecificAngularMomentumY(field, data):
-      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
-      rv = obtain_rvec(data)
-      return -(xv*rv[2,:] - zv*rv[0,:])
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}^2/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _SpecificAngularMomentumZ(field, data):
-      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
-      rv = obtain_rvec(data)
-      return xv*rv[1,:] - yv*rv[0,:]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentum(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _StarMass(field,data):
-      return data["star_density"] * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _TangentialOverVelocityMagnitude(field, data):
-      return na.abs(data["TangentialVelocity"])/na.abs(data["VelocityMagnitude"])
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _TangentialVelocity(field, data):
-      return na.sqrt(data["VelocityMagnitude"]**2.0
-                   - data["RadialVelocity"]**2.0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -14323,311 +3459,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _TotalMass(field,data):
-      return (data["Density"]+data["Dark_Matter_Density"]) * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _TotalMass(field,data):
-      return (data["Density"]+data["Dark_Matter_Density"]) * data["CellVolume"]
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
-      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{cm}/\rm{s}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _VelocityMagnitude(field, data):
-      """M{|v|}"""
-      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
-      if bulk_velocity == None:
-          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
-      return ( (data["x-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[0])**2.0 + \
-               (data["y-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[1])**2.0 + \
-               (data["z-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[2])**2.0 )**(1.0/2.0)
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Units: :math:`\rm{s}^{-2}`
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _VorticitySquared(field, data):
-      mylog.debug("Generating vorticity on %s", data)
-      # We need to set up stencils
-      if data.pf["HydroMethod"] == 2:
-          sl_left = slice(None,-2,None)
-          sl_right = slice(1,-1,None)
-          div_fac = 1.0
-      else:
-          sl_left = slice(None,-2,None)
-          sl_right = slice(2,None,None)
-          div_fac = 2.0
-      new_field = na.zeros(data["x-velocity"].shape)
-      dvzdy = (data["z-velocity"][1:-1,sl_right,1:-1] -
-               data["z-velocity"][1:-1,sl_left,1:-1]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dy"].flat[0])
-      dvydz = (data["y-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_right] -
-               data["y-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_left]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dz"].flat[0])
-      new_field[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] += (dvzdy - dvydz)**2.0
-      del dvzdy, dvydz
-      dvxdz = (data["x-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_right] -
-               data["x-velocity"][1:-1,1:-1,sl_left]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dz"].flat[0])
-      dvzdx = (data["z-velocity"][sl_right,1:-1,1:-1] -
-               data["z-velocity"][sl_left,1:-1,1:-1]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dx"].flat[0])
-      new_field[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] += (dvxdz - dvzdx)**2.0
-      del dvxdz, dvzdx
-      dvydx = (data["y-velocity"][sl_right,1:-1,1:-1] -
-               data["y-velocity"][sl_left,1:-1,1:-1]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dx"].flat[0])
-      dvxdy = (data["x-velocity"][1:-1,sl_right,1:-1] -
-               data["x-velocity"][1:-1,sl_left,1:-1]) \
-               / (div_fac*data["dy"].flat[0])
-      new_field[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] += (dvydx - dvxdy)**2.0
-      del dvydx, dvxdy
-      new_field = na.abs(new_field)
-      return new_field
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertVorticitySquared(data):
-      return data.convert("cm")**-2.0
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _DensityPerturbation(field, data):
-      rho_bar = rho_crit_now * data.pf.omega_matter * \
-          data.pf.hubble_constant**2 * \
-          (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3
-      return ((data['Matter_Density'] - rho_bar) / rho_bar)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertConvergence(data):
-      if not data.pf.parameters.has_key('cosmology_calculator'):
-          data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'] = Cosmology(
-              HubbleConstantNow=(100.*data.pf.hubble_constant),
-              OmegaMatterNow=data.pf.omega_matter, OmegaLambdaNow=data.pf.omega_lambda)
-      # observer to lens
-      DL = data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'].AngularDiameterDistance(
-          data.pf.parameters['observer_redshift'], data.pf.current_redshift)
-      # observer to source
-      DS = data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'].AngularDiameterDistance(
-          data.pf.parameters['observer_redshift'], data.pf.parameters['lensing_source_redshift'])
-      # lens to source
-      DLS = data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'].AngularDiameterDistance(
-          data.pf.current_redshift, data.pf.parameters['lensing_source_redshift'])
-      return (((DL * DLS) / DS) * (1.5e14 * data.pf.omega_matter * 
-                                  (data.pf.hubble_constant / speed_of_light_cgs)**2 *
-                                  (1 + data.pf.current_redshift)))
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _XRayEmissivity(field, data):
-      return ((data["Density"].astype('float64')**2.0) \
-              *data["Temperature"]**0.5)
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertXRayEmissivity(data):
-      return 2.168e60
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _dx(field, data):
-      return data.dds[0]
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64') * data.dds[0]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _dy(field, data):
-      return data.dds[1]
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64') * data.dds[1]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _dz(field, data):
-      return data.dds[2]
-      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64') * data.dds[2]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _pdensity(field, data):
-      blank = na.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float32')
-      if data.NumberOfParticles == 0: return blank
-      CICDeposit_3(data["particle_position_x"].astype(na.float64),
-                   data["particle_position_y"].astype(na.float64),
-                   data["particle_position_z"].astype(na.float64),
-                   data["particle_mass"].astype(na.float32),
-                   na.int64(data.NumberOfParticles),
-                   blank, na.array(data.LeftEdge).astype(na.float64),
-                   na.array(data.ActiveDimensions).astype(na.int32),
-                   na.float64(data['dx']))
-      return blank
-**Convert Function Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _convertDensity(data):
-      return data.convert("Density")
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _Contours(field, data):
-      return na.ones(data["Density"].shape)*-1
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _coordX(field, data):
-      dim = data.ActiveDimensions[0]
-      return (na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-                     * na.arange(data.ActiveDimensions[0])[:,None,None]
-              +0.5) * data['dx'] + data.LeftEdge[0]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -14647,26 +3478,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _coordY(field, data):
-      dim = data.ActiveDimensions[1]
-      return (na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-                     * na.arange(data.ActiveDimensions[1])[None,:,None]
-              +0.5) * data['dy'] + data.LeftEdge[1]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.
@@ -14686,26 +3497,6 @@
 No source available.
-   * Particle Type: False
-**Field Source**
-.. code-block:: python
-  def _coordZ(field, data):
-      dim = data.ActiveDimensions[2]
-      return (na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
-                     * na.arange(data.ActiveDimensions[2])[None,None,:]
-              +0.5) * data['dz'] + data.LeftEdge[2]
-**Convert Function Source**
-No source available.

changeset:   f9a20382b3f3
user:        sskory
date:        2012-02-03 23:52:34
summary:     Both the function and the convert_function need to be checked
for previous appearances. This fixes that oversight.
affected #:  2 files

diff -r 5da346c007de7ff48fdb5b561632e82d9d353c77 -r f9a20382b3f343e3970746010fd2da03e163a5f9 helper_scripts/show_fields.py
--- a/helper_scripts/show_fields.py
+++ b/helper_scripts/show_fields.py
@@ -29,17 +29,17 @@
 print header
-seen = set([])
+seen = []
 def print_all_fields(fl):
     for fn in sorted(fl):
         df = fl[fn]
         f = df._function
-        if f in seen:
+        cv = df._convert_function
+        if [f, cv] in seen:
-        seen.add(f)
-        cv = df._convert_function
+        seen.append([f, cv])
         print "%s" % (df.name)
         print "+" * len(df.name)

diff -r 5da346c007de7ff48fdb5b561632e82d9d353c77 -r f9a20382b3f343e3970746010fd2da03e163a5f9 source/reference/field_list.rst
--- a/source/reference/field_list.rst
+++ b/source/reference/field_list.rst
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 .. _field-list:
 Field List
@@ -6,7 +7,7 @@
 This is a list of all fields available in ``yt``.  It has been organized by the
 type of code that each field is supported by.  "Universal" fields are available
 everywhere, "Enzo" fields in Enzo datasets, "Orion" fields in Orion datasets,
-and so on.  
+and so on.
 .. note:: Universal fields will be overridden by a code-specific field.
@@ -56,6 +57,24 @@
 No source available.
+   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _AngularMomentum(field, data):
+      return data["CellMass"] * data["SpecificAngularMomentum"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
@@ -200,6 +219,28 @@
       return 1.0/data.convert("Density")
+   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _CellMass(field, data):
+      return data["Density"] * data["CellVolume"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
+      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
@@ -228,6 +269,58 @@
       return data.convert("cm")**3.0
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{BoxVolume}^3`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _CellVolume(field, data):
+      if data['dx'].size == 1:
+          try:
+              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']*\
+                  na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
+          except AttributeError:
+              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']
+      return data["dx"]*data["dy"]*data["dz"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{Mpc}^3`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _CellVolume(field, data):
+      if data['dx'].size == 1:
+          try:
+              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']*\
+                  na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
+          except AttributeError:
+              return data['dx']*data['dy']*data['dx']
+      return data["dx"]*data["dy"]*data["dz"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _ConvertCellVolumeMpc(data):
+      return data.convert("mpc")**3.0
@@ -564,6 +657,40 @@
       return data.convert("cm")
+   * Units: :math:`AU`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _Height(field, data):
+      # We take the dot product of the radius vector with the height-vector
+      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
+      r_vec = na.array([data["x"] - center[0],
+                        data["y"] - center[1],
+                        data["z"] - center[2]])
+      h_vec = na.array(data.get_field_parameter("height_vector"))
+      h_vec = h_vec / na.sqrt(h_vec[0]**2.0+
+                              h_vec[1]**2.0+
+                              h_vec[2]**2.0)
+      height = r_vec[0,:] * h_vec[0] \
+             + r_vec[1,:] * h_vec[1] \
+             + r_vec[2,:] * h_vec[2]
+      return na.abs(height)
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _convertHeightAU(data):
+      return data.convert("au")
@@ -661,6 +788,23 @@
 No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _Ones(field, data):
+      return na.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
@@ -679,6 +823,28 @@
 No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _Matter_Density(field,data):
+      return (data['Density'] + data['Dark_Matter_Density'])
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _Convert_Overdensity(data):
+      return 1 / (rho_crit_now * data.pf.hubble_constant**2 * 
+                  (1+data.pf.current_redshift)**3)
@@ -798,6 +964,146 @@
       return data.convert("cm")
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{AU}`
+   * Particle Type: True
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
+      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
+      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
+      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
+      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
+          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
+          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
+      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
+      return radius
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _ConvertRadiusAU(data):
+      return data.convert("au")
+   * Particle Type: True
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
+      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
+      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
+      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
+      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
+          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
+          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
+      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
+      return radius
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{Mpc}`
+   * Particle Type: True
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
+      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
+      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
+      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
+      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
+          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
+          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
+      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
+      return radius
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _ConvertRadiusMpc(data):
+      return data.convert("mpc")
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}`
+   * Particle Type: True
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
+      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
+      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
+      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
+      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
+          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
+          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
+      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
+      return radius
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
+      return data.convert("kpc")
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{pc}`
+   * Particle Type: True
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
+      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
+      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
+      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
+      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
+          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
+          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
+      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
+      return radius
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _ConvertRadiuspc(data):
+      return data.convert("pc")
@@ -837,6 +1143,45 @@
       return data.convert("cm")
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
+   * Particle Type: True
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _ParticleSpecificAngularMomentum(field, data):
+      """
+      Calculate the angular of a particle velocity.  Returns a vector for each
+      particle.
+      """
+      if data.has_field_parameter("bulk_velocity"):
+          bv = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
+      else: bv = na.zeros(3, dtype='float64')
+      xv = data["particle_velocity_x"] - bv[0]
+      yv = data["particle_velocity_y"] - bv[1]
+      zv = data["particle_velocity_z"] - bv[2]
+      center = data.get_field_parameter('center')
+      coords = na.array([data['particle_position_x'],
+                         data['particle_position_y'],
+                         data['particle_position_z']], dtype='float64')
+      new_shape = tuple([3] + [1]*(len(coords.shape)-1))
+      r_vec = coords - na.reshape(center,new_shape)
+      v_vec = na.array([xv,yv,zv], dtype='float64')
+      return na.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentumKMSMPC(data):
+      return data.convert("mpc")/1e5
@@ -1035,6 +1380,60 @@
 No source available.
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}/\rm{s}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _RadialVelocity(field, data):
+      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
+      bulk_velocity = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_velocity")
+      if bulk_velocity == None:
+          bulk_velocity = na.zeros(3)
+      new_field = ( (data['x']-center[0])*(data["x-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[0])
+                  + (data['y']-center[1])*(data["y-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[1])
+                  + (data['z']-center[2])*(data["z-velocity"]-bulk_velocity[2])
+                  )/data["RadiusCode"]
+      if na.any(na.isnan(new_field)): # to fix center = point
+          new_field[na.isnan(new_field)] = 0.0
+      return new_field
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _ConvertRadialVelocityKMS(data):
+      return 1e-5
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}/\rm{s}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _RadialVelocityABS(field, data):
+      return na.abs(_RadialVelocity(field, data))
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _ConvertRadialVelocityKMS(data):
+      return 1e-5
@@ -1064,6 +1463,146 @@
       return data.convert("cm")
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{AU}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _Radius(field, data):
+      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
+      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
+      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
+      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
+          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
+          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
+      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
+      return radius
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _ConvertRadiusAU(data):
+      return data.convert("au")
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _Radius(field, data):
+      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
+      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
+      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
+      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
+          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
+          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
+      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
+      return radius
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{Mpc}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _Radius(field, data):
+      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
+      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
+      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
+      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
+          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
+          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
+      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
+      return radius
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _ConvertRadiusMpc(data):
+      return data.convert("mpc")
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _Radius(field, data):
+      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
+      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
+      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
+      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
+          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
+          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
+      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
+      return radius
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _ConvertRadiuskpc(data):
+      return data.convert("kpc")
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{pc}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _Radius(field, data):
+      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
+      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
+      radius = na.zeros(data["x"].shape, dtype='float64')
+      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
+          r = na.abs(data[ax] - center[i])
+          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
+      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
+      return radius
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _ConvertRadiuspc(data):
+      return data.convert("pc")
@@ -1161,6 +1700,34 @@
       return data.convert("cm")
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{km}\rm{Mpc}/\rm{s}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpecificAngularMomentum(field, data):
+      """
+      Calculate the angular velocity.  Returns a vector for each cell.
+      """
+      r_vec = obtain_rvec(data)
+      xv, yv, zv = obtain_velocities(data)
+      v_vec = na.array([xv,yv,zv], dtype='float64')
+      return na.cross(r_vec, v_vec, axis=0)
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _convertSpecificAngularMomentumKMSMPC(data):
+      return data.convert("mpc")/1e5
@@ -1309,6 +1876,28 @@
 No source available.
+   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _TotalMass(field,data):
+      return (data["Density"]+data["Dark_Matter_Density"]) * data["CellVolume"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
+      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
@@ -1391,6 +1980,45 @@
       return data.convert("cm")**-2.0
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _DensityPerturbation(field, data):
+      rho_bar = rho_crit_now * data.pf.omega_matter * \
+          data.pf.hubble_constant**2 * \
+          (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3
+      return ((data['Matter_Density'] - rho_bar) / rho_bar)
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _convertConvergence(data):
+      if not data.pf.parameters.has_key('cosmology_calculator'):
+          data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'] = Cosmology(
+              HubbleConstantNow=(100.*data.pf.hubble_constant),
+              OmegaMatterNow=data.pf.omega_matter, OmegaLambdaNow=data.pf.omega_lambda)
+      # observer to lens
+      DL = data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'].AngularDiameterDistance(
+          data.pf.parameters['observer_redshift'], data.pf.current_redshift)
+      # observer to source
+      DS = data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'].AngularDiameterDistance(
+          data.pf.parameters['observer_redshift'], data.pf.parameters['lensing_source_redshift'])
+      # lens to source
+      DLS = data.pf.parameters['cosmology_calculator'].AngularDiameterDistance(
+          data.pf.current_redshift, data.pf.parameters['lensing_source_redshift'])
+      return (((DL * DLS) / DS) * (1.5e14 * data.pf.omega_matter * 
+                                  (data.pf.hubble_constant / speed_of_light_cgs)**2 *
+                                  (1 + data.pf.current_redshift)))
@@ -1498,6 +2126,23 @@
       return data.convert("Density")
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _Contours(field, data):
+      return na.ones(data["Density"].shape)*-1
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
@@ -1600,6 +2245,253 @@
 No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
+      return data[sp] / ef
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
+      return data[sp] / ef
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
+      return data[sp] / ef
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
+      return data[sp] / ef
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
+      return data[sp] / ef
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
+      return data[sp] / ef
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
+      return data[sp] / ef
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
+      return data[sp] / ef
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
+      return data[sp] / ef
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
+      return data[sp] / ef
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
+      return data[sp] / ef
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
+      return data[sp] / ef
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesComovingDensity(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      ef = (1.0 + data.pf.current_redshift)**3.0
+      return data[sp] / ef
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
@@ -1637,6 +2529,29 @@
 No source available.
+   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
+      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
@@ -1660,6 +2575,43 @@
       return 1.0/mh
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
@@ -1678,6 +2630,65 @@
 No source available.
+   * Units: :math:`M_{\odot}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _Dark_Matter_Mass(field, data):
+      return data['Dark_Matter_Density'] * data["CellVolume"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _convertCellMassMsun(data):
+      return 5.027854e-34 # g^-1
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
@@ -1700,6 +2711,339 @@
       return data.convert("x-velocity")**2.0
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
@@ -1738,6 +3082,43 @@
 No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
@@ -1876,6 +3257,67 @@
       return data.convert("Density")*(data.convert("cm")**3.0)
+   * Particle Type: True
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _ParticleMass(field, data):
+      particles = data["particle_mass"].astype('float64') * \
+                  just_one(data["CellVolumeCode"].ravel())
+      # Note that we mandate grid-type here, so this is okay
+      return particles
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _convertParticleMassMsun(data):
+      return data.convert("Density")*((data.convert("cm")**3.0)/1.989e33)
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesFraction(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] / data["Density"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{g}`
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _SpeciesMass(field, data):
+      sp = field.name.split("_")[0] + "_Density"
+      return data[sp] * data["CellVolume"]
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
@@ -2061,6 +3503,100 @@
 No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _cic_particle_field(field, data):
+      """
+      Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle mass, 
+      using cloud-in-cell deposit.
+      """
+      particle_field = field.name[4:]
+      top = na.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float32')
+      if data.NumberOfParticles == 0: return top
+      particle_field_data = data[particle_field] * data['particle_mass']
+      amr_utils.CICDeposit_3(data["particle_position_x"].astype(na.float64),
+                             data["particle_position_y"].astype(na.float64),
+                             data["particle_position_z"].astype(na.float64),
+                             particle_field_data.astype(na.float32),
+                             na.int64(data.NumberOfParticles),
+                             top, na.array(data.LeftEdge).astype(na.float64),
+                             na.array(data.ActiveDimensions).astype(na.int32), 
+                             na.float64(data['dx']))
+      del particle_field_data
+      bottom = na.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float32')
+      amr_utils.CICDeposit_3(data["particle_position_x"].astype(na.float64),
+                             data["particle_position_y"].astype(na.float64),
+                             data["particle_position_z"].astype(na.float64),
+                             data["particle_mass"].astype(na.float32),
+                             na.int64(data.NumberOfParticles),
+                             bottom, na.array(data.LeftEdge).astype(na.float64),
+                             na.array(data.ActiveDimensions).astype(na.int32), 
+                             na.float64(data['dx']))
+      top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
+      bnz = bottom.nonzero()
+      top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
+      return top
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _cic_particle_field(field, data):
+      """
+      Create a grid field for particle quantities weighted by particle mass, 
+      using cloud-in-cell deposit.
+      """
+      particle_field = field.name[4:]
+      top = na.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float32')
+      if data.NumberOfParticles == 0: return top
+      particle_field_data = data[particle_field] * data['particle_mass']
+      amr_utils.CICDeposit_3(data["particle_position_x"].astype(na.float64),
+                             data["particle_position_y"].astype(na.float64),
+                             data["particle_position_z"].astype(na.float64),
+                             particle_field_data.astype(na.float32),
+                             na.int64(data.NumberOfParticles),
+                             top, na.array(data.LeftEdge).astype(na.float64),
+                             na.array(data.ActiveDimensions).astype(na.int32), 
+                             na.float64(data['dx']))
+      del particle_field_data
+      bottom = na.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float32')
+      amr_utils.CICDeposit_3(data["particle_position_x"].astype(na.float64),
+                             data["particle_position_y"].astype(na.float64),
+                             data["particle_position_z"].astype(na.float64),
+                             data["particle_mass"].astype(na.float32),
+                             na.int64(data.NumberOfParticles),
+                             bottom, na.array(data.LeftEdge).astype(na.float64),
+                             na.array(data.ActiveDimensions).astype(na.int32), 
+                             na.float64(data['dx']))
+      top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
+      bnz = bottom.nonzero()
+      top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
+      return top
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
@@ -2204,6 +3740,102 @@
       return data.convert("Density")
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _star_field(field, data):
+      """
+      Create a grid field for star quantities, weighted by star mass.
+      """
+      particle_field = field.name[5:]
+      top = na.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float32')
+      if data.NumberOfParticles == 0: return top
+      filter = data['creation_time'] > 0.0
+      if not filter.any(): return top
+      particle_field_data = data[particle_field][filter] * data['particle_mass'][filter]
+      amr_utils.CICDeposit_3(data["particle_position_x"][filter].astype(na.float64),
+                            data["particle_position_y"][filter].astype(na.float64),
+                            data["particle_position_z"][filter].astype(na.float64),
+                            particle_field_data.astype(na.float32),
+                            na.int64(na.where(filter)[0].size),
+                            top, na.array(data.LeftEdge).astype(na.float64),
+                            na.array(data.ActiveDimensions).astype(na.int32), 
+                            na.float64(data['dx']))
+      del particle_field_data
+      bottom = na.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float32')
+      amr_utils.CICDeposit_3(data["particle_position_x"][filter].astype(na.float64),
+                            data["particle_position_y"][filter].astype(na.float64),
+                            data["particle_position_z"][filter].astype(na.float64),
+                            data["particle_mass"][filter].astype(na.float32),
+                            na.int64(na.where(filter)[0].size),
+                            bottom, na.array(data.LeftEdge).astype(na.float64),
+                            na.array(data.ActiveDimensions).astype(na.int32), 
+                            na.float64(data['dx']))
+      top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
+      bnz = bottom.nonzero()
+      top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
+      return top
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
+   * Particle Type: False
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _star_field(field, data):
+      """
+      Create a grid field for star quantities, weighted by star mass.
+      """
+      particle_field = field.name[5:]
+      top = na.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float32')
+      if data.NumberOfParticles == 0: return top
+      filter = data['creation_time'] > 0.0
+      if not filter.any(): return top
+      particle_field_data = data[particle_field][filter] * data['particle_mass'][filter]
+      amr_utils.CICDeposit_3(data["particle_position_x"][filter].astype(na.float64),
+                            data["particle_position_y"][filter].astype(na.float64),
+                            data["particle_position_z"][filter].astype(na.float64),
+                            particle_field_data.astype(na.float32),
+                            na.int64(na.where(filter)[0].size),
+                            top, na.array(data.LeftEdge).astype(na.float64),
+                            na.array(data.ActiveDimensions).astype(na.int32), 
+                            na.float64(data['dx']))
+      del particle_field_data
+      bottom = na.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float32')
+      amr_utils.CICDeposit_3(data["particle_position_x"][filter].astype(na.float64),
+                            data["particle_position_y"][filter].astype(na.float64),
+                            data["particle_position_z"][filter].astype(na.float64),
+                            data["particle_mass"][filter].astype(na.float32),
+                            na.int64(na.where(filter)[0].size),
+                            bottom, na.array(data.LeftEdge).astype(na.float64),
+                            na.array(data.ActiveDimensions).astype(na.int32), 
+                            na.float64(data['dx']))
+      top[bottom == 0] = 0.0
+      bnz = bottom.nonzero()
+      top[bnz] /= bottom[bnz]
+      return top
+**Convert Function Source**
+No source available.
 Orion-Specific Field List

changeset:   c4f4cbbb167d
user:        sskory
date:        2012-02-04 00:01:00
summary:     Updating field_list.rst after noticing a bug in universial_fields.py
affected #:  1 file

diff -r f9a20382b3f343e3970746010fd2da03e163a5f9 -r c4f4cbbb167da2be7779965ba0e24af774aa9d97 source/reference/field_list.rst
--- a/source/reference/field_list.rst
+++ b/source/reference/field_list.rst
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 .. _field-list:
 Field List
@@ -1075,6 +1074,35 @@
       return data.convert("kpc")
+   * Units: :math:`\rm{kpc}/\rm{h}`
+   * Particle Type: True
+**Field Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _ParticleRadius(field, data):
+      center = data.get_field_parameter("center")
+      DW = data.pf.domain_right_edge - data.pf.domain_left_edge
+      radius = na.zeros(data["particle_position_x"].shape, dtype='float64')
+      for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
+          r = na.abs(data["particle_position_%s" % ax] - center[i])
+          radius += na.minimum(r, na.abs(DW[i]-r))**2.0
+      na.sqrt(radius, radius)
+      return radius
+**Convert Function Source**
+.. code-block:: python
+  def _ConvertRadiuskpch(data):
+      return data.convert("kpch")

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