[yt-svn] commit/yt: 6 new changesets

Bitbucket commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Tue Dec 4 07:20:27 PST 2012

6 new commits in yt:

changeset:   d43a9e0a0d78
branch:      yt
user:        MatthewTurk
date:        2012-11-30 21:47:03
summary:     Initial import of the AMRSurface object.  docstrings and fluxes to follow.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r c9b4cd40d3d4acd631614130811a79bd44898dfb -r d43a9e0a0d78218f9bd732e69029e6384d816479 yt/data_objects/data_containers.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/data_containers.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/data_containers.py
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 import exceptions
 import itertools
 import shelve
+import cStringIO
 from yt.funcs import *
@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@
     DataCubeRefine, DataCubeReplace, FillRegion, FillBuffer
 from yt.utilities.definitions import axis_names, x_dict, y_dict
 from yt.utilities.parallel_tools.parallel_analysis_interface import \
-    ParallelAnalysisInterface
+    ParallelAnalysisInterface, parallel_root_only
 from yt.utilities.linear_interpolators import \
     UnilinearFieldInterpolator, \
     BilinearFieldInterpolator, \
@@ -4162,6 +4163,143 @@
             self._cut_masks[grid.id] = this_cut_mask
         return this_cut_mask
+class AMRSurfaceBase(AMRData, ParallelAnalysisInterface):
+    _type_name = "surface"
+    _con_args = ("data_source", "surface_field", "field_value")
+    vertices = None
+    def __init__(self, data_source, surface_field, field_value):
+        ParallelAnalysisInterface.__init__(self)
+        self.data_source = data_source
+        self.surface_field = surface_field
+        self.field_value = field_value
+        center = data_source.get_field_parameter("center")
+        AMRData.__init__(self, center = center, fields = None, pf =
+                         data_source.pf)
+        self._grids = self.data_source._grids.copy()
+    def get_data(self, fields = None):
+        if isinstance(fields, list) and len(fields) > 1:
+            for field in fields: self.get_data(field)
+            return
+        elif isinstance(fields, list):
+            fields = fields[0]
+        # Now we have a "fields" value that is either a string or None
+        pb = get_pbar("Extracting (sampling: %s)" % fields,
+                      len(list(self._get_grid_objs())))
+        verts = []
+        samples = []
+        for i,g in enumerate(self._get_grid_objs()):
+            pb.update(i)
+            my_verts = self._extract_isocontours_from_grid(
+                            g, self.surface_field, self.field_value,
+                            fields)
+            if fields is not None:
+                my_verts, svals = my_verts
+                samples.append(svals)
+            verts.append(my_verts)
+        pb.finish()
+        verts = np.concatenate(verts).transpose()
+        verts = self.comm.par_combine_object(verts, op='cat', datatype='array')
+        self.vertices = verts
+        if fields is not None:
+            samples = np.concatenate(samples)
+            samples = self.comm.par_combine_object(samples, op='cat',
+                                datatype='array')
+            self[fields] = samples
+    @restore_grid_state
+    def _extract_isocontours_from_grid(self, grid, field, value,
+                                       sample_values = None):
+        mask = self.data_source._get_cut_mask(grid) * grid.child_mask
+        vals = grid.get_vertex_centered_data(field, no_ghost = False)
+        if sample_values is not None:
+            svals = grid.get_vertex_centered_data(sample_values)
+        else:
+            svals = None
+        my_verts = march_cubes_grid(value, vals, mask, grid.LeftEdge,
+                                    grid.dds, svals)
+        return my_verts
+    @restore_grid_state
+    def _calculate_flux_in_grid(self, grid, field, value,
+                    field_x, field_y, field_z, fluxing_field = None):
+        mask = self.data_source._get_cut_mask(grid) * grid.child_mask
+        vals = grid.get_vertex_centered_data(field)
+        if fluxing_field is None:
+            ff = np.ones(vals.shape, dtype="float64")
+        else:
+            ff = grid.get_vertex_centered_data(fluxing_field)
+        xv, yv, zv = [grid.get_vertex_centered_data(f) for f in 
+                     [field_x, field_y, field_z]]
+        return march_cubes_grid_flux(value, vals, xv, yv, zv,
+                    ff, mask, grid.LeftEdge, grid.dds)
+    def export_ply(self, filename, bounds = None, color_field = None,
+                   color_map = "algae", color_log = True):
+        if self.vertices is None:
+            self.get_data(color_field)
+        elif color_field is not None and color_field not in self.field_data:
+            self[color_field]
+        self._export_ply(filename, bounds, color_field, color_map, color_log)
+    @parallel_root_only
+    def _export_ply(self, filename, bounds = None, color_field = None,
+                   color_map = "algae", color_log = True):
+        if self.comm.rank != 0:
+            return
+        if hasattr(filename, "write"):
+            f = filename
+        else:
+            f = open(filename, "wb")
+        if bounds is None:
+            DLE = self.pf.domain_left_edge
+            DRE = self.pf.domain_right_edge
+            bounds = [(DLE[i], DRE[i]) for i in range(3)]
+        fs = [("ni", "uint8"), ("v1", "<i4"), ("v2", "<i4"), ("v3", "<i4"),
+              ("red", "uint8"), ("green", "uint8"), ("blue", "uint8") ]
+        v = np.empty((self.vertices.shape[1], 3), "<f")
+        for i in range(3):
+            v[:,i] = self.vertices[i,:]
+            np.subtract(v[:,i], bounds[i][0], v[:,i])
+            w = bounds[i][1] - bounds[i][0]
+            np.divide(v[:,i], w, v[:,i])
+        f.write("ply\n")
+        f.write("format binary_little_endian 1.0\n")
+        f.write("element vertex %s\n" % (v.shape[0]))
+        f.write("property float x\n")
+        f.write("property float y\n")
+        f.write("property float z\n")
+        f.write("element face %s\n" % (v.shape[0]/3))
+        f.write("property list uchar int vertex_indices\n")
+        if color_field is not None:
+            f.write("property uchar red\n")
+            f.write("property uchar green\n")
+            f.write("property uchar blue\n")
+            # Now we get our samples
+            cs = self[color_field]
+            if color_log: cs = np.log10(cs)
+            mi, ma = cs.min(), cs.max()
+            cs = (cs - mi) / (ma - mi)
+            from yt.visualization.image_writer import map_to_colors
+            cs = map_to_colors(cs, color_map)
+            arr = np.empty(cs.shape[1], dtype=np.dtype(fs))
+            arr["red"][:] = cs[0,:,0]
+            arr["green"][:] = cs[0,:,1]
+            arr["blue"][:] = cs[0,:,2]
+            import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
+        else:
+            arr = np.empty(v.shape[0]/3, np.dtype(fs[:-3]))
+        f.write("end_header\n")
+        v.tofile(f)
+        arr["ni"][:] = 3
+        vi = np.arange(v.shape[0], dtype="<i")
+        vi.shape = (v.shape[0]/3, 3)
+        arr["v1"][:] = vi[:,0]
+        arr["v2"][:] = vi[:,1]
+        arr["v3"][:] = vi[:,2]
+        arr.tofile(f)
+        f.close()
 def _reconstruct_object(*args, **kwargs):
     pfid = args[0]
     dtype = args[1]

changeset:   18c7b0bc0b93
branch:      yt
user:        MatthewTurk
date:        2012-11-30 22:08:30
summary:     Adding docstrings, making flux work
affected #:  1 file

diff -r d43a9e0a0d78218f9bd732e69029e6384d816479 -r 18c7b0bc0b93e78f1acfdd27ada48e0c01a82c1f yt/data_objects/data_containers.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/data_containers.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/data_containers.py
@@ -4168,6 +4168,48 @@
     _con_args = ("data_source", "surface_field", "field_value")
     vertices = None
     def __init__(self, data_source, surface_field, field_value):
+        r"""This surface object identifies isocontours on a cell-by-cell basis,
+        with no consideration of global connectedness, and returns the vertices
+        of the Triangles in that isocontour.
+        This object simply returns the vertices of all the triangles
+        calculated by the marching cubes algorithm; for more complex
+        operations, such as identifying connected sets of cells above a given
+        threshold, see the extract_connected_sets function.  This is more
+        useful for calculating, for instance, total isocontour area, or
+        visualizing in an external program (such as `MeshLab
+        <http://meshlab.sf.net>`_.)  The object has the properties .vertices
+        and will sample values if a field is requested.  The values are
+        interpolated to the center of a given face.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        data_source : AMR3DDataObject
+            This is the object which will used as a source
+        surface_field : string
+            Any field that can be obtained in a data object.  This is the field
+            which will be isocontoured.
+        field_value : float
+            The value at which the isocontour should be calculated.
+        References
+        ----------
+        .. [1] Marching Cubes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marching_cubes
+        Examples
+        --------
+        This will create a data object, find a nice value in the center, and
+        output the vertices to "triangles.obj" after rescaling them.
+        >>> sp = pf.h.sphere("max", (10, "kpc")
+        >>> surf = pf.h.surface(sp, "Density", 5e-27)
+        >>> print surf["Temperature"]
+        >>> print surf.vertices
+        >>> bounds = [(sp.center[i] - 5.0/pf['kpc'],
+        ...            sp.center[i] + 5.0/pf['kpc']) for i in range(3)]
+        >>> surf.export_ply("my_galaxy.ply", bounds = bounds)
+        """
         self.data_source = data_source
         self.surface_field = surface_field
@@ -4220,22 +4262,117 @@
                                     grid.dds, svals)
         return my_verts
+    def calculate_flux(self, field_x, field_y, field_z, fluxing_field = None):
+        r"""This calculates the flux over the surface.
+        This function will conduct marching cubes on all the cells in a given
+        data container (grid-by-grid), and then for each identified triangular
+        segment of an isocontour in a given cell, calculate the gradient (i.e.,
+        normal) in the isocontoured field, interpolate the local value of the
+        "fluxing" field, the area of the triangle, and then return:
+        area * local_flux_value * (n dot v)
+        Where area, local_value, and the vector v are interpolated at the barycenter
+        (weighted by the vertex values) of the triangle.  Note that this
+        specifically allows for the field fluxing across the surface to be
+        *different* from the field being contoured.  If the fluxing_field is
+        not specified, it is assumed to be 1.0 everywhere, and the raw flux
+        with no local-weighting is returned.
+        Additionally, the returned flux is defined as flux *into* the surface,
+        not flux *out of* the surface.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        field_x : string
+            The x-component field
+        field_y : string
+            The y-component field
+        field_z : string
+            The z-component field
+        fluxing_field : string, optional
+            The field whose passage over the surface is of interest.  If not
+            specified, assumed to be 1.0 everywhere.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        flux : float
+            The summed flux.  Note that it is not currently scaled; this is
+            simply the code-unit area times the fields.
+        References
+        ----------
+        .. [1] Marching Cubes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marching_cubes
+        Examples
+        --------
+        This will create a data object, find a nice value in the center, and
+        calculate the metal flux over it.
+        >>> sp = pf.h.sphere("max", (10, "kpc")
+        >>> surf = pf.h.surface(sp, "Density", 5e-27)
+        >>> flux = surf.calculate_flux(
+        ...     "x-velocity", "y-velocity", "z-velocity", "Metal_Density")
+        """
+        flux = 0.0
+        pb = get_pbar("Fluxing %s" % fluxing_field,
+                len(list(self._get_grid_objs())))
+        for i, g in enumerate(self._get_grid_objs()):
+            pb.update(i)
+            flux += self._calculate_flux_in_grid(g,
+                    field_x, field_y, field_z, fluxing_field)
+        pb.finish()
+        flux = self.comm.mpi_allreduce(flux, op="sum")
+        return flux
-    def _calculate_flux_in_grid(self, grid, field, value,
+    def _calculate_flux_in_grid(self, grid, 
                     field_x, field_y, field_z, fluxing_field = None):
         mask = self.data_source._get_cut_mask(grid) * grid.child_mask
-        vals = grid.get_vertex_centered_data(field)
+        vals = grid.get_vertex_centered_data(self.surface_field)
         if fluxing_field is None:
             ff = np.ones(vals.shape, dtype="float64")
             ff = grid.get_vertex_centered_data(fluxing_field)
         xv, yv, zv = [grid.get_vertex_centered_data(f) for f in 
                      [field_x, field_y, field_z]]
-        return march_cubes_grid_flux(value, vals, xv, yv, zv,
+        return march_cubes_grid_flux(self.field_value, vals, xv, yv, zv,
                     ff, mask, grid.LeftEdge, grid.dds)
     def export_ply(self, filename, bounds = None, color_field = None,
                    color_map = "algae", color_log = True):
+        r"""This exports the surface to the PLY format, suitable for visualization
+        in many different programs (e.g., MeshLab).
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        filename : string
+            The file this will be exported to.  This cannot be a file-like object.
+        bounds : list of tuples
+            The bounds the vertices will be normalized to.  This is of the format:
+            [(xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax), (zmin, zmax)].  Defaults to the full
+            domain.
+        color_field : string
+            Should a field be sample and colormapped?
+        color_map : string
+            Which color map should be applied?
+        color_log : bool
+            Should the color field be logged before being mapped?
+        Examples
+        --------
+        >>> sp = pf.h.sphere("max", (10, "kpc")
+        >>> surf = pf.h.surface(sp, "Density", 5e-27)
+        >>> print surf["Temperature"]
+        >>> print surf.vertices
+        >>> bounds = [(sp.center[i] - 5.0/pf['kpc'],
+        ...            sp.center[i] + 5.0/pf['kpc']) for i in range(3)]
+        >>> surf.export_ply("my_galaxy.ply", bounds = bounds)
+        """
         if self.vertices is None:
         elif color_field is not None and color_field not in self.field_data:
@@ -4247,10 +4384,7 @@
                    color_map = "algae", color_log = True):
         if self.comm.rank != 0:
-        if hasattr(filename, "write"):
-            f = filename
-        else:
-            f = open(filename, "wb")
+        f = open(filename, "wb")
         if bounds is None:
             DLE = self.pf.domain_left_edge
             DRE = self.pf.domain_right_edge

changeset:   2a49fad97601
branch:      yt
user:        MatthewTurk
date:        2012-12-01 05:25:20
summary:     Center PLY files at origin.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 18c7b0bc0b93e78f1acfdd27ada48e0c01a82c1f -r 2a49fad97601992672cc652429d8509b6c4f6e55 yt/data_objects/data_containers.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/data_containers.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/data_containers.py
@@ -4382,8 +4382,6 @@
     def _export_ply(self, filename, bounds = None, color_field = None,
                    color_map = "algae", color_log = True):
-        if self.comm.rank != 0:
-            return
         f = open(filename, "wb")
         if bounds is None:
             DLE = self.pf.domain_left_edge
@@ -4397,6 +4395,7 @@
             np.subtract(v[:,i], bounds[i][0], v[:,i])
             w = bounds[i][1] - bounds[i][0]
             np.divide(v[:,i], w, v[:,i])
+            np.subtract(v[:,i], 0.5, v[:,i]) # Center at origin.
         f.write("format binary_little_endian 1.0\n")
         f.write("element vertex %s\n" % (v.shape[0]))
@@ -4420,7 +4419,6 @@
             arr["red"][:] = cs[0,:,0]
             arr["green"][:] = cs[0,:,1]
             arr["blue"][:] = cs[0,:,2]
-            import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
             arr = np.empty(v.shape[0]/3, np.dtype(fs[:-3]))

changeset:   e1b25d00dd32
branch:      yt
user:        MatthewTurk
date:        2012-12-03 18:44:14
summary:     Adding a few tests for the AMR surface fluxing.
affected #:  1 file

diff -r 2a49fad97601992672cc652429d8509b6c4f6e55 -r e1b25d00dd3253ae3155984ac72d67e40a5c5d59 yt/data_objects/universal_fields.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/universal_fields.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/universal_fields.py
@@ -131,6 +131,13 @@
 add_field("OnesOverDx", function=_OnesOverDx,
+def _Zeros(field, data):
+    return np.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
+add_field("Zeros", function=_Zeros,
+          validators=[ValidateSpatial(0)],
+          projection_conversion="unitary",
+          display_field = False)
 def _Ones(field, data):
     return np.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
 add_field("Ones", function=_Ones,

changeset:   882e4a75aec5
branch:      yt
user:        MatthewTurk
date:        2012-12-03 19:26:05
summary:     Forgot to add the flux tests!
affected #:  1 file

diff -r e1b25d00dd3253ae3155984ac72d67e40a5c5d59 -r 882e4a75aec5d1eeda5ee108abf7e7d3dbfc6f6a yt/data_objects/tests/test_fluxes.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/data_objects/tests/test_fluxes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+from yt.testing import *
+def setup():
+    from yt.config import ytcfg
+    ytcfg["yt","__withintesting"] = "True"
+def test_flux_calculation():
+    pf = fake_random_pf(64, nprocs = 4)
+    dd = pf.h.all_data()
+    surf = pf.h.surface(dd, "x", 0.51)
+    yield assert_equal, surf["x"], 0.51
+    flux = surf.calculate_flux("Ones", "Zeros", "Zeros", "Ones")
+    yield assert_almost_equal, flux, 1.0, 12

changeset:   6bc289da0cde
branch:      yt
user:        brittonsmith
date:        2012-12-04 16:20:25
summary:     Merged in MatthewTurk/yt (pull request #360)
affected #:  3 files

diff -r 3ffe2b24d1a76ebd778e7a47b4caaab4c0eda90c -r 6bc289da0cdeef6a676e5d3cf28a4ca7d961fc4d yt/data_objects/data_containers.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/data_containers.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/data_containers.py
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 import exceptions
 import itertools
 import shelve
+import cStringIO
 from yt.funcs import *
@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@
     DataCubeRefine, DataCubeReplace, FillRegion, FillBuffer
 from yt.utilities.definitions import axis_names, x_dict, y_dict
 from yt.utilities.parallel_tools.parallel_analysis_interface import \
-    ParallelAnalysisInterface
+    ParallelAnalysisInterface, parallel_root_only
 from yt.utilities.linear_interpolators import \
     UnilinearFieldInterpolator, \
     BilinearFieldInterpolator, \
@@ -4162,6 +4163,275 @@
             self._cut_masks[grid.id] = this_cut_mask
         return this_cut_mask
+class AMRSurfaceBase(AMRData, ParallelAnalysisInterface):
+    _type_name = "surface"
+    _con_args = ("data_source", "surface_field", "field_value")
+    vertices = None
+    def __init__(self, data_source, surface_field, field_value):
+        r"""This surface object identifies isocontours on a cell-by-cell basis,
+        with no consideration of global connectedness, and returns the vertices
+        of the Triangles in that isocontour.
+        This object simply returns the vertices of all the triangles
+        calculated by the marching cubes algorithm; for more complex
+        operations, such as identifying connected sets of cells above a given
+        threshold, see the extract_connected_sets function.  This is more
+        useful for calculating, for instance, total isocontour area, or
+        visualizing in an external program (such as `MeshLab
+        <http://meshlab.sf.net>`_.)  The object has the properties .vertices
+        and will sample values if a field is requested.  The values are
+        interpolated to the center of a given face.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        data_source : AMR3DDataObject
+            This is the object which will used as a source
+        surface_field : string
+            Any field that can be obtained in a data object.  This is the field
+            which will be isocontoured.
+        field_value : float
+            The value at which the isocontour should be calculated.
+        References
+        ----------
+        .. [1] Marching Cubes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marching_cubes
+        Examples
+        --------
+        This will create a data object, find a nice value in the center, and
+        output the vertices to "triangles.obj" after rescaling them.
+        >>> sp = pf.h.sphere("max", (10, "kpc")
+        >>> surf = pf.h.surface(sp, "Density", 5e-27)
+        >>> print surf["Temperature"]
+        >>> print surf.vertices
+        >>> bounds = [(sp.center[i] - 5.0/pf['kpc'],
+        ...            sp.center[i] + 5.0/pf['kpc']) for i in range(3)]
+        >>> surf.export_ply("my_galaxy.ply", bounds = bounds)
+        """
+        ParallelAnalysisInterface.__init__(self)
+        self.data_source = data_source
+        self.surface_field = surface_field
+        self.field_value = field_value
+        center = data_source.get_field_parameter("center")
+        AMRData.__init__(self, center = center, fields = None, pf =
+                         data_source.pf)
+        self._grids = self.data_source._grids.copy()
+    def get_data(self, fields = None):
+        if isinstance(fields, list) and len(fields) > 1:
+            for field in fields: self.get_data(field)
+            return
+        elif isinstance(fields, list):
+            fields = fields[0]
+        # Now we have a "fields" value that is either a string or None
+        pb = get_pbar("Extracting (sampling: %s)" % fields,
+                      len(list(self._get_grid_objs())))
+        verts = []
+        samples = []
+        for i,g in enumerate(self._get_grid_objs()):
+            pb.update(i)
+            my_verts = self._extract_isocontours_from_grid(
+                            g, self.surface_field, self.field_value,
+                            fields)
+            if fields is not None:
+                my_verts, svals = my_verts
+                samples.append(svals)
+            verts.append(my_verts)
+        pb.finish()
+        verts = np.concatenate(verts).transpose()
+        verts = self.comm.par_combine_object(verts, op='cat', datatype='array')
+        self.vertices = verts
+        if fields is not None:
+            samples = np.concatenate(samples)
+            samples = self.comm.par_combine_object(samples, op='cat',
+                                datatype='array')
+            self[fields] = samples
+    @restore_grid_state
+    def _extract_isocontours_from_grid(self, grid, field, value,
+                                       sample_values = None):
+        mask = self.data_source._get_cut_mask(grid) * grid.child_mask
+        vals = grid.get_vertex_centered_data(field, no_ghost = False)
+        if sample_values is not None:
+            svals = grid.get_vertex_centered_data(sample_values)
+        else:
+            svals = None
+        my_verts = march_cubes_grid(value, vals, mask, grid.LeftEdge,
+                                    grid.dds, svals)
+        return my_verts
+    def calculate_flux(self, field_x, field_y, field_z, fluxing_field = None):
+        r"""This calculates the flux over the surface.
+        This function will conduct marching cubes on all the cells in a given
+        data container (grid-by-grid), and then for each identified triangular
+        segment of an isocontour in a given cell, calculate the gradient (i.e.,
+        normal) in the isocontoured field, interpolate the local value of the
+        "fluxing" field, the area of the triangle, and then return:
+        area * local_flux_value * (n dot v)
+        Where area, local_value, and the vector v are interpolated at the barycenter
+        (weighted by the vertex values) of the triangle.  Note that this
+        specifically allows for the field fluxing across the surface to be
+        *different* from the field being contoured.  If the fluxing_field is
+        not specified, it is assumed to be 1.0 everywhere, and the raw flux
+        with no local-weighting is returned.
+        Additionally, the returned flux is defined as flux *into* the surface,
+        not flux *out of* the surface.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        field_x : string
+            The x-component field
+        field_y : string
+            The y-component field
+        field_z : string
+            The z-component field
+        fluxing_field : string, optional
+            The field whose passage over the surface is of interest.  If not
+            specified, assumed to be 1.0 everywhere.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        flux : float
+            The summed flux.  Note that it is not currently scaled; this is
+            simply the code-unit area times the fields.
+        References
+        ----------
+        .. [1] Marching Cubes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marching_cubes
+        Examples
+        --------
+        This will create a data object, find a nice value in the center, and
+        calculate the metal flux over it.
+        >>> sp = pf.h.sphere("max", (10, "kpc")
+        >>> surf = pf.h.surface(sp, "Density", 5e-27)
+        >>> flux = surf.calculate_flux(
+        ...     "x-velocity", "y-velocity", "z-velocity", "Metal_Density")
+        """
+        flux = 0.0
+        pb = get_pbar("Fluxing %s" % fluxing_field,
+                len(list(self._get_grid_objs())))
+        for i, g in enumerate(self._get_grid_objs()):
+            pb.update(i)
+            flux += self._calculate_flux_in_grid(g,
+                    field_x, field_y, field_z, fluxing_field)
+        pb.finish()
+        flux = self.comm.mpi_allreduce(flux, op="sum")
+        return flux
+    @restore_grid_state
+    def _calculate_flux_in_grid(self, grid, 
+                    field_x, field_y, field_z, fluxing_field = None):
+        mask = self.data_source._get_cut_mask(grid) * grid.child_mask
+        vals = grid.get_vertex_centered_data(self.surface_field)
+        if fluxing_field is None:
+            ff = np.ones(vals.shape, dtype="float64")
+        else:
+            ff = grid.get_vertex_centered_data(fluxing_field)
+        xv, yv, zv = [grid.get_vertex_centered_data(f) for f in 
+                     [field_x, field_y, field_z]]
+        return march_cubes_grid_flux(self.field_value, vals, xv, yv, zv,
+                    ff, mask, grid.LeftEdge, grid.dds)
+    def export_ply(self, filename, bounds = None, color_field = None,
+                   color_map = "algae", color_log = True):
+        r"""This exports the surface to the PLY format, suitable for visualization
+        in many different programs (e.g., MeshLab).
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        filename : string
+            The file this will be exported to.  This cannot be a file-like object.
+        bounds : list of tuples
+            The bounds the vertices will be normalized to.  This is of the format:
+            [(xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax), (zmin, zmax)].  Defaults to the full
+            domain.
+        color_field : string
+            Should a field be sample and colormapped?
+        color_map : string
+            Which color map should be applied?
+        color_log : bool
+            Should the color field be logged before being mapped?
+        Examples
+        --------
+        >>> sp = pf.h.sphere("max", (10, "kpc")
+        >>> surf = pf.h.surface(sp, "Density", 5e-27)
+        >>> print surf["Temperature"]
+        >>> print surf.vertices
+        >>> bounds = [(sp.center[i] - 5.0/pf['kpc'],
+        ...            sp.center[i] + 5.0/pf['kpc']) for i in range(3)]
+        >>> surf.export_ply("my_galaxy.ply", bounds = bounds)
+        """
+        if self.vertices is None:
+            self.get_data(color_field)
+        elif color_field is not None and color_field not in self.field_data:
+            self[color_field]
+        self._export_ply(filename, bounds, color_field, color_map, color_log)
+    @parallel_root_only
+    def _export_ply(self, filename, bounds = None, color_field = None,
+                   color_map = "algae", color_log = True):
+        f = open(filename, "wb")
+        if bounds is None:
+            DLE = self.pf.domain_left_edge
+            DRE = self.pf.domain_right_edge
+            bounds = [(DLE[i], DRE[i]) for i in range(3)]
+        fs = [("ni", "uint8"), ("v1", "<i4"), ("v2", "<i4"), ("v3", "<i4"),
+              ("red", "uint8"), ("green", "uint8"), ("blue", "uint8") ]
+        v = np.empty((self.vertices.shape[1], 3), "<f")
+        for i in range(3):
+            v[:,i] = self.vertices[i,:]
+            np.subtract(v[:,i], bounds[i][0], v[:,i])
+            w = bounds[i][1] - bounds[i][0]
+            np.divide(v[:,i], w, v[:,i])
+            np.subtract(v[:,i], 0.5, v[:,i]) # Center at origin.
+        f.write("ply\n")
+        f.write("format binary_little_endian 1.0\n")
+        f.write("element vertex %s\n" % (v.shape[0]))
+        f.write("property float x\n")
+        f.write("property float y\n")
+        f.write("property float z\n")
+        f.write("element face %s\n" % (v.shape[0]/3))
+        f.write("property list uchar int vertex_indices\n")
+        if color_field is not None:
+            f.write("property uchar red\n")
+            f.write("property uchar green\n")
+            f.write("property uchar blue\n")
+            # Now we get our samples
+            cs = self[color_field]
+            if color_log: cs = np.log10(cs)
+            mi, ma = cs.min(), cs.max()
+            cs = (cs - mi) / (ma - mi)
+            from yt.visualization.image_writer import map_to_colors
+            cs = map_to_colors(cs, color_map)
+            arr = np.empty(cs.shape[1], dtype=np.dtype(fs))
+            arr["red"][:] = cs[0,:,0]
+            arr["green"][:] = cs[0,:,1]
+            arr["blue"][:] = cs[0,:,2]
+        else:
+            arr = np.empty(v.shape[0]/3, np.dtype(fs[:-3]))
+        f.write("end_header\n")
+        v.tofile(f)
+        arr["ni"][:] = 3
+        vi = np.arange(v.shape[0], dtype="<i")
+        vi.shape = (v.shape[0]/3, 3)
+        arr["v1"][:] = vi[:,0]
+        arr["v2"][:] = vi[:,1]
+        arr["v3"][:] = vi[:,2]
+        arr.tofile(f)
+        f.close()
 def _reconstruct_object(*args, **kwargs):
     pfid = args[0]
     dtype = args[1]

diff -r 3ffe2b24d1a76ebd778e7a47b4caaab4c0eda90c -r 6bc289da0cdeef6a676e5d3cf28a4ca7d961fc4d yt/data_objects/tests/test_fluxes.py
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/data_objects/tests/test_fluxes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+from yt.testing import *
+def setup():
+    from yt.config import ytcfg
+    ytcfg["yt","__withintesting"] = "True"
+def test_flux_calculation():
+    pf = fake_random_pf(64, nprocs = 4)
+    dd = pf.h.all_data()
+    surf = pf.h.surface(dd, "x", 0.51)
+    yield assert_equal, surf["x"], 0.51
+    flux = surf.calculate_flux("Ones", "Zeros", "Zeros", "Ones")
+    yield assert_almost_equal, flux, 1.0, 12

diff -r 3ffe2b24d1a76ebd778e7a47b4caaab4c0eda90c -r 6bc289da0cdeef6a676e5d3cf28a4ca7d961fc4d yt/data_objects/universal_fields.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/universal_fields.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/universal_fields.py
@@ -131,6 +131,13 @@
 add_field("OnesOverDx", function=_OnesOverDx,
+def _Zeros(field, data):
+    return np.zeros(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
+add_field("Zeros", function=_Zeros,
+          validators=[ValidateSpatial(0)],
+          projection_conversion="unitary",
+          display_field = False)
 def _Ones(field, data):
     return np.ones(data.ActiveDimensions, dtype='float64')
 add_field("Ones", function=_Ones,

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