[Yt-svn] commit/yt: MatthewTurk: Remove this inv_bin_indices nonsense from BinnedProfile1D and use a hardcoded C

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Fri Sep 2 21:13:37 PDT 2011

1 new changeset in yt:

changeset:   22c102c7299f
branch:      yt
user:        MatthewTurk
date:        2011-09-03 06:12:39
summary:     Remove this inv_bin_indices nonsense from BinnedProfile1D and use a hardcoded C
function.  Why did it take so long to make this decision?  Factor of ten
speedup for my profile run.
affected #:  2 files (4.2 KB)

--- a/yt/data_objects/profiles.py	Fri Sep 02 10:20:42 2011 -0400
+++ b/yt/data_objects/profiles.py	Sat Sep 03 00:12:39 2011 -0400
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 from yt.funcs import *
-from yt.utilities.data_point_utilities import Bin2DProfile, \
-    Bin3DProfile
+from yt.utilities.data_point_utilities import \
+    Bin1DProfile, Bin2DProfile, Bin3DProfile
 from yt.utilities.parallel_tools.parallel_analysis_interface import \
@@ -239,22 +239,19 @@
         mi, inv_bin_indices = args # Args has the indices to use as input
         # check_cut is set if source != self._data_source
         # (i.e., lazy_reader)
-        source_data = self._get_field(source, field, check_cut)[mi]
-        if weight: weight_data = self._get_field(source, weight, check_cut)[mi]
+        source_data = self._get_field(source, field, check_cut)
+        if weight: weight_data = self._get_field(source, weight, check_cut)
+        else: weight_data = na.ones(source_data.shape, dtype='float64')
+        self.total_stuff = source_data.sum()
         binned_field = self._get_empty_field()
         weight_field = self._get_empty_field()
         used_field = self._get_empty_field()
-        # Now we perform the actual binning
-        for bin in inv_bin_indices.keys():
-            # temp_field is *all* the points from source that go into this bin
-            temp_field = source_data[inv_bin_indices[bin]]
-            if weight:
-                # now w_i * v_i and store sum(w_i)
-                weight_field[bin] = weight_data[inv_bin_indices[bin]].sum()
-                temp_field *= weight_data[inv_bin_indices[bin]]
-            binned_field[bin] = temp_field.sum()
-            # inv_bin_indices is a tuple of indices
-            if inv_bin_indices[bin][0].size > 0: used_field[bin] = 1
+        mi = args[0]
+        bin_indices_x = args[1].ravel().astype('int64')
+        source_data = source_data[mi]
+        weight_data = weight_data[mi]
+        Bin1DProfile(bin_indices_x, weight_data, source_data,
+                     weight_field, binned_field, used_field)
         # Fix for laziness, because at the *end* we will be
         # summing up all of the histograms and dividing by the
         # weights.  Accumulation likely doesn't work with weighted
@@ -270,26 +267,21 @@
             raise EmptyProfileData()
         # Truncate at boundaries.
         if self.end_collect:
-            mi = na.arange(source_data.size)
+            sd = source_data[:]
-            mi = na.where( (source_data > self._bins.min())
-                         & (source_data < self._bins.max()))
-        sd = source_data[mi]
+            mi = ((source_data > self._bins.min())
+               &  (source_data < self._bins.max()))
+            sd = source_data[mi]
         if sd.size == 0:
             raise EmptyProfileData()
         # Stick the bins into our fixed bins, set at initialization
         bin_indices = na.digitize(sd, self._bins)
         if self.end_collect: #limit the range of values to 0 and n_bins-1
-            bin_indices = na.minimum(na.maximum(1, bin_indices), self.n_bins) - 1
+            bin_indices = na.clip(bin_indices, 0, self.n_bins - 1)
         else: #throw away outside values
             bin_indices -= 1
-        # Now we set up our inverse bin indices
-        inv_bin_indices = {}
-        for bin in range(self[self.bin_field].size):
-            # Which fall into our bin?
-            inv_bin_indices[bin] = na.where(bin_indices == bin)
-        return (mi, inv_bin_indices)
+        return (mi, bin_indices)
     def choose_bins(self, bin_style):
         # Depending on the bin_style, choose from bin edges 0...N either:

--- a/yt/utilities/data_point_utilities.c	Fri Sep 02 10:20:42 2011 -0400
+++ b/yt/utilities/data_point_utilities.c	Sat Sep 03 00:12:39 2011 -0400
@@ -273,6 +273,111 @@
+static PyObject *_profile1DError;
+static PyObject *Py_Bin1DProfile(PyObject *obj, PyObject *args)
+    int i, j;
+    PyObject *obins_x, *owsource, *obsource, *owresult, *obresult, *oused;
+    PyArrayObject *bins_x, *wsource, *bsource, *wresult, *bresult, *used;
+    bins_x = wsource = bsource = wresult = bresult = used = NULL;
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OOOOOO",
+                &obins_x, &owsource, &obsource,
+                &owresult, &obresult, &oused))
+        return PyErr_Format(_profile1DError,
+                "Bin1DProfile: Invalid parameters.");
+    i = 0;
+    bins_x = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_FromAny(obins_x,
+                    PyArray_DescrFromType(NPY_INT64), 1, 1,
+                    NPY_IN_ARRAY, NULL);
+    if(bins_x==NULL) {
+    PyErr_Format(_profile1DError,
+             "Bin1DProfile: One dimension required for bins_x.");
+    goto _fail;
+    }
+    wsource = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_FromAny(owsource,
+                    PyArray_DescrFromType(NPY_FLOAT64), 1, 1,
+                    NPY_IN_ARRAY, NULL);
+    if((wsource==NULL) || (PyArray_SIZE(bins_x) != PyArray_SIZE(wsource))) {
+    PyErr_Format(_profile1DError,
+             "Bin1DProfile: One dimension required for wsource, same size as bins_x.");
+    goto _fail;
+    }
+    bsource = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_FromAny(obsource,
+                    PyArray_DescrFromType(NPY_FLOAT64), 1, 1,
+                    NPY_IN_ARRAY, NULL);
+    if((bsource==NULL) || (PyArray_SIZE(bins_x) != PyArray_SIZE(bsource))) {
+    PyErr_Format(_profile1DError,
+             "Bin1DProfile: One dimension required for bsource, same size as bins_x.");
+    goto _fail;
+    }
+    wresult = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_FromAny(owresult,
+                    PyArray_DescrFromType(NPY_FLOAT64), 1,1,
+    if(wresult==NULL){
+    PyErr_Format(_profile1DError,
+             "Bin1DProfile: Two dimensions required for wresult.");
+    goto _fail;
+    }
+    bresult = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_FromAny(obresult,
+                    PyArray_DescrFromType(NPY_FLOAT64), 1,1,
+    if((bresult==NULL) ||(PyArray_SIZE(wresult) != PyArray_SIZE(bresult))
+       || (PyArray_DIM(bresult,0) != PyArray_DIM(wresult,0))){
+    PyErr_Format(_profile1DError,
+             "Bin1DProfile: Two dimensions required for bresult, same shape as wresult.");
+    goto _fail;
+    }
+    used = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_FromAny(oused,
+                    PyArray_DescrFromType(NPY_FLOAT64), 1,1,
+    if((used==NULL) ||(PyArray_SIZE(used) != PyArray_SIZE(wresult))
+       || (PyArray_DIM(used,0) != PyArray_DIM(wresult,0))){
+    PyErr_Format(_profile1DError,
+             "Bin1DProfile: Two dimensions required for used, same shape as wresult.");
+    goto _fail;
+    }
+    npy_float64 wval, bval;
+    int n;
+    for(n=0; n<bins_x->dimensions[0]; n++) {
+      i = *(npy_int64*)PyArray_GETPTR1(bins_x, n);
+      bval = *(npy_float64*)PyArray_GETPTR1(bsource, n);
+      wval = *(npy_float64*)PyArray_GETPTR1(wsource, n);
+      *(npy_float64*)PyArray_GETPTR1(wresult, i) += wval;
+      *(npy_float64*)PyArray_GETPTR1(bresult, i) += wval*bval;
+      *(npy_float64*)PyArray_GETPTR1(used, i) = 1.0;
+    }
+      Py_DECREF(bins_x); 
+      Py_DECREF(wsource); 
+      Py_DECREF(bsource); 
+      Py_DECREF(wresult); 
+      Py_DECREF(bresult); 
+      Py_DECREF(used);
+      PyObject *onum_found = PyInt_FromLong((long)1);
+      return onum_found;
+    _fail:
+      Py_XDECREF(bins_x); 
+      Py_XDECREF(wsource); 
+      Py_XDECREF(bsource); 
+      Py_XDECREF(wresult); 
+      Py_XDECREF(bresult); 
+      Py_XDECREF(used);
+      return NULL;
 static PyObject *_profile2DError;
 static PyObject *Py_Bin2DProfile(PyObject *obj, PyObject *args)
@@ -1674,6 +1779,7 @@
     {"Interpolate", Py_Interpolate, METH_VARARGS},
     {"DataCubeRefine", Py_DataCubeRefine, METH_VARARGS},
     {"DataCubeReplace", Py_DataCubeReplace, METH_VARARGS},
+    {"Bin1DProfile", Py_Bin1DProfile, METH_VARARGS},
     {"Bin2DProfile", Py_Bin2DProfile, METH_VARARGS},
     {"Bin3DProfile", Py_Bin3DProfile, METH_VARARGS},
     {"FindContours", Py_FindContours, METH_VARARGS},

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