[Yt-svn] commit/yt: 2 new changesets

Bitbucket commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Sat Oct 29 05:18:21 PDT 2011

2 new commits in yt:

changeset:   d939517e4aec
branch:      yt
user:        MatthewTurk
date:        2011-10-28 22:15:30
summary:     Re-enable Grid viewing, update for PhiloGL 1.4.2.
affected #:  3 files

diff -r 0eb936dbc3431bb5fce2e42aba1796d3ad38d1ef -r d939517e4aecf5615a8caf32d76619587a6a2d5c yt/gui/reason/html/js/reason.js
--- a/yt/gui/reason/html/js/reason.js
+++ b/yt/gui/reason/html/js/reason.js
@@ -186,10 +186,10 @@
                 } else if (node.attributes.objdata.type == 'pf') {
                   rightClickMenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({
                       items: [
-                          /*{
+                          {
                               text: 'View Grids',
                               handler: getGridViewerHandler(node),
-                          },*/ {
+                          }, {
                               text: 'View Grid Data',
                               handler: getGridDataViewerHandler(node),
                           }, {

diff -r 0eb936dbc3431bb5fce2e42aba1796d3ad38d1ef -r d939517e4aecf5615a8caf32d76619587a6a2d5c yt/gui/reason/html/js/widget_gridviewer.js
--- a/yt/gui/reason/html/js/widget_gridviewer.js
+++ b/yt/gui/reason/html/js/widget_gridviewer.js
@@ -165,7 +165,6 @@
-		examine = camera;
 	    	    'shapeset': {
 	    		attribute: 'aVertexPosition',
@@ -180,18 +179,14 @@
-		camera.modelView.id();
+		examine = camera;
+		camera.view.id();
-		/*(function animloop(){
-		    draw();
-		    requestAnimFrame(animloop, canvas);
-		})();*/
 		//Draw the scene
 		draw = function() {
 	    	    gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
-	    	    program.setUniform('uMVMatrix', camera.modelView);
+	    	    program.setUniform('uMVMatrix', camera.view);
 	    	    program.setUniform('uPMatrix', camera.projection);

diff -r 0eb936dbc3431bb5fce2e42aba1796d3ad38d1ef -r d939517e4aecf5615a8caf32d76619587a6a2d5c yt/gui/reason/html/js/widget_streamlineviewer.js
--- a/yt/gui/reason/html/js/widget_streamlineviewer.js
+++ b/yt/gui/reason/html/js/widget_streamlineviewer.js
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
-	    camera.modelView.id();
+	    camera.view.id();
 	    setInterval(draw, 30/60);
 	    var stream_counter =0;
 	    //Draw the scene
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
 		stream_counter = 0;
 		//Draw Triangle
-		program.setUniform('uMVMatrix', camera.modelView);
+		program.setUniform('uMVMatrix', camera.view);
 		program.setUniform('uPMatrix', camera.projection);

changeset:   e04463e1db6b
branch:      yt
user:        MatthewTurk
date:        2011-10-29 00:23:23
summary:     Initial pass at an isocontour viewer in WebGL.
affected #:  8 files

diff -r d939517e4aecf5615a8caf32d76619587a6a2d5c -r e04463e1db6b47f81ff39ce25f0a8f984ecf050e yt/data_objects/data_containers.py
--- a/yt/data_objects/data_containers.py
+++ b/yt/data_objects/data_containers.py
@@ -2492,7 +2492,9 @@
         verts = []
         samples = []
-        for g in self._grids:
+        pb = get_pbar("Extracting Isocontours", len(self._grids))
+        for i, g in enumerate(self._grids):
+            pb.update(i)
             mask = self._get_cut_mask(g) * g.child_mask
             vals = g.get_vertex_centered_data(field)
             if sample_values is not None:
@@ -2505,6 +2507,7 @@
                 my_verts, svals = my_verts
+        pb.finish()
         verts = na.concatenate(verts)
         if sample_values is not None:
             samples = na.concatenate(samples)

diff -r d939517e4aecf5615a8caf32d76619587a6a2d5c -r e04463e1db6b47f81ff39ce25f0a8f984ecf050e yt/funcs.py
--- a/yt/funcs.py
+++ b/yt/funcs.py
@@ -458,3 +458,6 @@
 class NoCUDAException(Exception):
+class YTEmptyClass(object):
+    pass

diff -r d939517e4aecf5615a8caf32d76619587a6a2d5c -r e04463e1db6b47f81ff39ce25f0a8f984ecf050e yt/gui/reason/extdirect_repl.py
--- a/yt/gui/reason/extdirect_repl.py
+++ b/yt/gui/reason/extdirect_repl.py
@@ -555,6 +555,38 @@
                                          'widget_data_name': '_twidget_data'})
+    def create_isocontours(self, pfname, field, value, sampling_field):
+        funccall = """
+        _tpf = %(pfname)s
+        _tfield = "%(field)s"
+        _tvalue = %(value)s
+        _tsample_values = "%(sampling_field)s"
+        _tdd = _tpf.h.all_data()
+        _tiso = _tdd.extract_isocontours(_tfield, _tvalue, rescale = True,
+                                         sample_values = _tsample_values)
+        from yt.funcs import YTEmptyClass
+        _tpw = YTEmptyClass()
+        print "GOT TPW"
+        _tpw._widget_name = 'isocontour_viewer'
+        _tpw._ext_widget_id = None
+        _tverts = _tiso[0].ravel().tolist()
+        _tc = (apply_colormap(na.log10(_tiso[1]))).squeeze()
+        _tcolors = na.empty((_tc.shape[0] * 3, 4), dtype='float32')
+        _tcolors[0::3,:] = _tc
+        _tcolors[1::3,:] = _tc
+        _tcolors[2::3,:] = _tc
+        _tcolors = (_tcolors.ravel()/255.0).tolist()
+        _twidget_data = {'vertex_positions': _tverts, 'vertex_colors': _tcolors}
+        """ % dict(pfname=pfname, value=value, sampling_field=sampling_field, field=field)
+        # There is a call to do this, but I have forgotten it ...
+        funccall = "\n".join((line.strip() for line in funccall.splitlines()))
+        self.execute(funccall, hide = True)
+        self.execution_thread.queue.put({'type': 'add_widget',
+                                         'name' : '_tpw',
+                                         'widget_data_name': '_twidget_data'})
+    @lockit
     def create_grid_dataview(self, pfname):
         funccall = """
         _tpf = %(pfname)s

diff -r d939517e4aecf5615a8caf32d76619587a6a2d5c -r e04463e1db6b47f81ff39ce25f0a8f984ecf050e yt/gui/reason/html/index.html
--- a/yt/gui/reason/html/index.html
+++ b/yt/gui/reason/html/index.html
@@ -116,6 +116,9 @@
     <!-- THE PHASE PLOT VIEWER FUNCTIONS --><script type="text/javascript" src="js/widget_phaseplot.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/widget_isocontour.js"></script>
     <script id="gv-shader-fs" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
     #ifdef GL_ES
     precision highp float;

diff -r d939517e4aecf5615a8caf32d76619587a6a2d5c -r e04463e1db6b47f81ff39ce25f0a8f984ecf050e yt/gui/reason/html/js/functions.js
--- a/yt/gui/reason/html/js/functions.js
+++ b/yt/gui/reason/html/js/functions.js
@@ -252,6 +252,76 @@
 return streamlineViewerHandler;
+function getIsocontourViewerHandler(node){
+function isocontourViewerHandler(item,pressed){
+    var win = new Ext.Window({
+        layout:'fit',
+        width:320,
+        height:250,
+        modal:true,
+        resizable:false,
+        draggable:false,
+        border:false,
+        title:'Isocontour Extraction in' + node,
+        items: [{
+            xtype: 'form', // FormPanel
+            labelWidth:80,
+            frame:true,
+            items: [{
+                xtype:'combo',
+                fieldLabel: 'Field',
+                id: 'field',
+                store:node.attributes.objdata.field_list,
+                width: 200,
+                allowBlank:false,
+                value: 'Density',
+                triggerAction: 'all',
+            },{
+                xtype:'combo',
+                fieldLabel: 'Sampling Field',
+                id: 'extract_field',
+                store:node.attributes.objdata.field_list,
+                width: 200,
+                allowBlank:false,
+                value: 'Temperature',
+                triggerAction: 'all',
+            },{
+                xtype:'textfield',
+                fieldLabel: 'Value',
+                id: 'value',
+                value: '1e-25',
+                width: 90,
+                allowBlank:false,
+            }],
+            buttons: [
+                {
+                    text: 'Extract',
+                    handler: function(b, e){
+                        var field = Ext.get("field").getValue();
+                        var value = Ext.get("value").getValue();
+                        var sampling_field = Ext.get("extract_field").getValue();
+                        yt_rpc.ExtDirectREPL.create_isocontours({
+                            pfname:node.attributes.objdata.varname,
+                            field:field, value:value,
+                            sampling_field:sampling_field},
+                          handle_result);
+                        disable_input();
+                        win.close();
+                    }
+                },{
+                    text: 'Cancel',
+                    handler: function(b, e){
+                        win.close();
+                    }
+                }
+            ]
+        }]
+    });
+    win.show(this);
+return isocontourViewerHandler;
 function getSliceHandler(node){
 function sliceHandler(item,pressed){
     var win = new Ext.Window({

diff -r d939517e4aecf5615a8caf32d76619587a6a2d5c -r e04463e1db6b47f81ff39ce25f0a8f984ecf050e yt/gui/reason/html/js/reason.js
--- a/yt/gui/reason/html/js/reason.js
+++ b/yt/gui/reason/html/js/reason.js
@@ -190,6 +190,9 @@
                               text: 'View Grids',
                               handler: getGridViewerHandler(node),
                           }, {
+                              text: 'View Isocontour',
+                              handler: getIsocontourViewerHandler(node),
+                          }, {
                               text: 'View Grid Data',
                               handler: getGridDataViewerHandler(node),
                           }, {

diff -r d939517e4aecf5615a8caf32d76619587a6a2d5c -r e04463e1db6b47f81ff39ce25f0a8f984ecf050e yt/gui/reason/html/js/widget_gridviewer.js
--- a/yt/gui/reason/html/js/widget_gridviewer.js
+++ b/yt/gui/reason/html/js/widget_gridviewer.js
@@ -64,11 +64,6 @@
                     x: 0.5, y: 0.5, z: 0.5
-            program: {
-		from: 'ids',
-                vs: 'gv-shader-vs',
-                fs: 'gv-shader-fs'
-            },    
             events: {
 		onDragStart: function(e) {
                     pos = {
@@ -156,41 +151,23 @@
                 program = app.program,
                 scene = app.scene,
                 camera = app.camera;
+		var grids = new PhiloGL.O3D.Model({
+            vertices : widget_data['vertex_positions'],
+            drawType : "LINES",
+            colors : widget_data['vertex_colors'],
+        });
+        scene.add(grids);
 		gl.viewport(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
 		gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
-		//gl.clearDepth(1);
-		gl.blendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE);
-		gl.enable(gl.BLEND);
-		//gl.disable(gl.DEPTH_TEST);
-		program.setUniform('alpha',0.8);
-		gl.depthFunc(gl.LEQUAL);
-		program.setBuffers({
-	    	    'shapeset': {
-	    		attribute: 'aVertexPosition',
-			value: new Float32Array(widget_data['vertex_positions']),
-	    		size: 3
-	    	    },
-	    	    'shapesetColors': {
-	    		attribute: 'aVertexColor',
-			value: new Float32Array(widget_data['vertex_colors']),
-	    		size: 4
-	    	    },
-		});
-		examine = camera;
+		//examine = camera;
 		//Draw the scene
 		draw = function() {
 	    	    gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
-	    	    program.setUniform('uMVMatrix', camera.view);
-	    	    program.setUniform('uPMatrix', camera.projection);
-	    	    program.setBuffer('shapeset');
-	    	    program.setBuffer('shapesetColors');
-                    gl.drawArrays(gl.LINES, 0, widget_data['n_vertices']);
+                scene.render();

diff -r d939517e4aecf5615a8caf32d76619587a6a2d5c -r e04463e1db6b47f81ff39ce25f0a8f984ecf050e yt/gui/reason/html/js/widget_isocontour.js
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt/gui/reason/html/js/widget_isocontour.js
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+The isocontour viewer widget
+Author: Samuel Skillman <samskillman at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: University of Colorado at Boulder
+Author: Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: Columbia University
+Homepage: http://yt-project.org/
+  Copyright (C) 2011 Matthew Turk.  All Rights Reserved.
+  This file is part of yt.
+  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+// shim layer with setTimeout fallback
+window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){
+    return  window.requestAnimationFrame       || 
+        window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || 
+        window.mozRequestAnimationFrame    || 
+        window.oRequestAnimationFrame      || 
+        window.msRequestAnimationFrame     || 
+        function(/* function */ callback, /* DOMElement */ element){
+            window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
+        };
+var exagain;
+var WidgetIsocontourViewer = function(python_varname, widget_data) {
+    this.id = python_varname;
+    this.widget_data = widget_data;
+    examine = "canvas_" + python_varname;
+    var draw;
+    var GridViewerStart = function() {
+        this.curX = 0;
+        this.curY = 0;
+        this.dist = 0;
+        function updateBasedOnOffset(camera, offset){
+            camera.position.x = camera.target.x + offset.x;
+            camera.position.y = camera.target.y + offset.y;
+            camera.position.z = camera.target.z + offset.z;
+            draw();
+        }
+        function camGetOffset(camera){
+            return PhiloGL.Vec3.sub(camera.position, camera.target)
+        }
+        PhiloGL('canvas_' + python_varname, {
+            camera: {
+		position: {
+                    x: 0.5, y: 0.5, z: 5
+		},
+                target: {
+                    x: 0.5, y: 0.5, z: 0.5
+                },
+            },
+            events: {
+		onDragStart: function(e) {
+                    pos = {
+			x: e.x,
+			y: e.y
+                    };
+                    this.curX = e.x;
+                    this.curY = e.y;
+                    this.dist = camGetOffset(this.camera).norm();
+		},
+                onDragEnd: function(e) {
+                    pos = {
+			x: e.x,
+			y: e.y
+                    };
+  		},
+                onDragMove: function(e) {
+                    var c = this.camera;
+                    var off = camGetOffset(c);
+                    // Get Horizontal vector
+                    var horiz = PhiloGL.Vec3.cross(c.up, 
+						   camGetOffset(c))
+                    horiz.$scale(1./horiz.norm());
+                    if (e.event.button == 0){ // Rotation
+			// Do vertical rotation about horizontal vector
+			var vert_rot = new PhiloGL.Mat4();
+			vert_rot.id();
+			vert_rot.$rotateAxis((e.y-this.curY)/100., horiz);
+			PhiloGL.Mat4.$mulVec3(vert_rot, off);
+			PhiloGL.Mat4.$mulVec3(vert_rot, c.up);
+			c.up.$scale(1./c.up.norm());
+			// Do horizontal rotation about up vector
+			var side_rot = new PhiloGL.Mat4();
+			side_rot.id();
+			side_rot.$rotateAxis(-(e.x-this.curX)/100., c.up);
+			side_rot.$mulVec3(off);
+			// Update current positions
+			this.curX = e.x;
+			this.curY = e.y;
+			this.dist = off.norm();
+			updateBasedOnOffset(c, off);
+			this.camera.near = this.dist/100000.0;
+			this.camera.far = this.dist*2.0;
+			c.update();
+                    } else if (e.event.button = 2){ // Right click - transpose
+			var tscale = 1.0*off.norm()/512.;
+			var move_up = c.up.scale(-(e.y-this.curY)*tscale);
+			var move_over = horiz.scale(-(e.x-this.curX)*tscale);
+			c.position.$add(move_up);
+			c.position.$add(move_over);
+			c.target.$add(move_up);
+			c.target.$add(move_over);
+			// Update current positions
+			this.curX = e.x;
+			this.curY = e.y;
+			this.dist = off.norm();
+			this.camera.near = this.dist/100000.0;
+			this.camera.far = this.dist*2.0;
+			c.update();
+                    }
+		    draw();
+		},
+                onMouseWheel: function(e){
+                    e.stop();
+                    var offset = PhiloGL.Vec3.scale(camGetOffset(this.camera),
+						    1.0 - e.wheel/10.);
+                    updateBasedOnOffset(this.camera, offset);
+		    var dist = offset.norm()
+                    this.camera.near = offset.norm()/100000.0;
+                    this.camera.far = offset.norm()*2.0;
+                    this.camera.update();
+                    draw();
+		}
+            },
+            onError: function() {
+		alert("An error ocurred while loading the application");
+            },
+            onLoad: function(app) {
+		var gl = app.gl,
+                canvas = app.canvas,
+                program = app.program,
+                scene = app.scene,
+                camera = app.camera;
+		var grids = new PhiloGL.O3D.Model({
+            vertices : widget_data['vertex_positions'],
+            drawType : "TRIANGLES",
+            colors : widget_data['vertex_colors'],
+        });
+        exagain = grids;
+        scene.add(grids);
+		gl.viewport(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
+		gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
+		//examine = camera;
+		camera.view.id();
+		camera.update();
+		//Draw the scene
+		draw = function() {
+	    	    gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
+                scene.render();
+		}
+		draw();
+	    }
+        });  
+    }        
+    viewport.get("center-panel").add(
+        {
+            xtype: 'panel',
+            id: "iv_" + python_varname,
+            title: "WebGL Isocontour Viewer",
+            iconCls: 'graph',
+            autoScroll: true,
+            layout:'absolute',
+            closable: true,
+            items: [
+                { xtype:'panel',
+                  autoEl: {
+                      tag: 'canvas',
+                      id: 'canvas_' + python_varname,
+                      style: 'border: none;',
+                      width: 512, height:512
+                  },
+                  width: 512,
+                  height: 512
+                }],
+            listeners: { afterlayout: GridViewerStart },
+        }
+    );
+    viewport.get("center-panel").activate("iv_" + this.id);
+    viewport.doLayout();
+    this.panel = viewport.get("center-panel").get("iv_" + python_varname);
+    this.panel.doLayout();
+    this.accept_results = function(payload) { }
+widget_types['isocontour_viewer'] = WidgetIsocontourViewer;

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