[Yt-svn] yt: Adding pydot which is a GraphViz abstraction layer,

hg at spacepope.org hg at spacepope.org
Tue Jan 18 11:30:00 PST 2011

hg Repository: yt
details:   yt/rev/ede49708108b
changeset: 3675:ede49708108b
user:      Stephen Skory <stephenskory at yahoo.com>
Tue Jan 18 11:28:35 2011 -0800
Adding pydot which is a GraphViz abstraction layer,
and modifying the merger trees to use it for output.


 yt/analysis_modules/halo_merger_tree/enzofof_merger_tree.py |    79 +-
 yt/analysis_modules/halo_merger_tree/merger_tree.py         |   116 +-
 yt/utilities/pydot.py                                       |  1995 +++++++++++
 3 files changed, 2078 insertions(+), 112 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 2279 to 300 lines):

diff -r 5da01bbe81ad -r ede49708108b yt/analysis_modules/halo_merger_tree/enzofof_merger_tree.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/halo_merger_tree/enzofof_merger_tree.py	Mon Jan 17 15:49:23 2011 -0500
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/halo_merger_tree/enzofof_merger_tree.py	Tue Jan 18 11:28:35 2011 -0800
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
 from yt.funcs import *
 from yt.utilities.pykdtree import KDTree
+import yt.utilities.pydot as pydot
 # We don't currently use this, but we may again find a use for it in the
 # future.
@@ -338,23 +339,29 @@
                     print "-->    Halo %8.8d :: fraction = %g" % (c[0], c[1])
     def write_dot(self, filename=None):
-        r"""Writes merger tree to a GraphViz file.
-        User is responsible for creating an image file from it, e.g.
-        dot -Tpng tree_halo00000.dot > image.png
+        r"""Writes merger tree to a GraphViz or image file.
         filename : str, optional
             Filename to write the GraphViz file.  Default will be
-            tree_halo%05i.dat.
+            tree_halo%05i.gv, which is a text file in the GraphViz format.
+            If filename is an image (e.g. "MergerTree.png") the output will
+            be in the appropriate image format made by calling GraphViz
+            automatically. See GraphViz (e.g. "dot -v")
+            for a list of available output formats.
-        if filename == None: filename = "tree_halo%5.5d.dot" % self.halonum
-        fp = open(filename, "w")
-        fp.write("digraph G {\n")
-        fp.write("    node [shape=rect];\n")
+        if filename == None: filename = "tree_halo%5.5d.gv" % self.halonum
+        # Create the pydot graph object.
+        self.graph = pydot.Dot('galaxy', graph_type='digraph')
+        self.halo_shape = "rect"
+        self.z_shape = "plaintext"
+        # Subgraphs to align levels
+        self.subgs = {}
+        for num in self.numbers:
+            self.subgs[num] = pydot.Subgraph('', rank = 'same')
+            self.graph.add_subgraph(self.subgs[num])
         sorted_lvl = sorted(self.levels, reverse=True)
-        printed = []
         for ii,lvl in enumerate(sorted_lvl):
             # Since we get the cycle number from the key, it won't
             # exist for the last level, i.e. children of last level.
@@ -366,10 +373,12 @@
             for br in self.levels[lvl]:
                 for c in br.children:
                     color = "red" if c[0] == br.progenitor else "black"
-                    line = "    C%d_H%d -> C%d_H%d [color=%s];\n" % \
-                           (lvl, br.halo_id, next_lvl, c[0], color)
+                    self.graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge("C%d_H%d" %(lvl, br.halo_id),
+                        "C%d_H%d" % (next_lvl, c[0]), color=color))
+                    #line = "    C%d_H%d -> C%d_H%d [color=%s];\n" % \
+                    #      (lvl, br.halo_id, next_lvl, c[0], color)
-                    fp.write(line)
+                    #fp.write(line)
                     last_level = (ii,lvl)
         for ii,lvl in enumerate(sorted_lvl):
             npart_max = 0
@@ -378,35 +387,21 @@
             for br in self.levels[lvl]:
                 halo_str = "C%d_H%d" % (lvl, br.halo_id)
                 style = "filled" if br.npart == npart_max else "solid"
-                line = "%s [label=\"Halo %d\\n%d particles\",style=%s]\n" % \
-                       (halo_str, br.halo_id, br.npart, style)
-                fp.write(line)
-        # Last level, annotate children because they have no associated branches
-        npart_max = 0
-        for br in self.levels[last_level[1]]:
-            for c in br.children:
-                if c[2] > npart_max: npart_max = c[2]
-        for br in self.levels[last_level[1]]:
-            for c in br.children:
-                lvl = self.numbers[0]
-                style = "filled" if c[2] == npart_max else "solid"
-                halo_str = "C%d_H%d" % (lvl, c[0])
-                line = "%s [label=\"Halo %d\\n%d particles\",style=%s]\n" % \
-                       (halo_str, c[0], c[2], style)
-                fp.write(line)
-        # Output redshifts
-        fp.write("\n")
-        fp.write("node [shape=plaintext]\n")
-        fp.write("edge [style=invis]\n")
-        line = ""
-        for k in sorted(self.redshifts, reverse=True):
-            line = line + "\"z = %0.3f\"" % (self.redshifts[k]) + " -> "
-            if k == self.numbers[0]: break
-        line = line[:-4]  # Remove last arrow
-        fp.write("\n%s\n" % line)
-        fp.write("}\n")
-        fp.close()
+                self.graph.add_node(pydot.Node(halo_str,
+                label = "Halo %d\\n%d particles" % (br.halo_id, br.npart),
+                style = style, shape = self.halo_shape))
+                # Add this node to the correct level subgraph.
+                self.subgs[lvl].add_node(pydot.Node(halo_str))
+        for lvl in self.numbers:
+            # Don't add the z if there are no halos already in the subgraph.
+            if len(self.subgs[lvl].get_node_list()) == 0: continue
+            self.subgs[lvl].add_node(pydot.Node("%1.5e" % self.redshifts[lvl],
+                shape = self.z_shape, label = "z=%0.3f" % self.redshifts[lvl]))
+        # Based on the suffix of the file name, write out the result to a file.
+        suffix = filename.split(".")[-1]
+        if suffix == "gv": suffix = "raw"
+        mylog.info("Writing %s format %s to disk." % (suffix, filename))
+        self.graph.write("%s" % filename, format=suffix)
 def find_halo_relationships(output1_id, output2_id, output_basename = None,
                             radius = 0.10):
diff -r 5da01bbe81ad -r ede49708108b yt/analysis_modules/halo_merger_tree/merger_tree.py
--- a/yt/analysis_modules/halo_merger_tree/merger_tree.py	Mon Jan 17 15:49:23 2011 -0500
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/halo_merger_tree/merger_tree.py	Tue Jan 18 11:28:35 2011 -0800
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
 from yt.convenience import load
 from yt.utilities.logger import ytLogger as mylog
+import yt.utilities.pydot as pydot
     from yt.utilities.kdtree import *
 except ImportError:
@@ -939,7 +940,13 @@
         database : String
             The name of the database file. Default = 'halos.db'.
         dotfile : String
-            The name of the file to write to. Default = 'MergerTree.gv'
+            The name of the file to write to. Default = 'MergerTree.gv'.
+            The suffix of this name gives the format of the output file,
+            so 'MergerTree.jpg' would output a jpg file. "dot -v" (from the
+            command line) will print
+            a list of image formats supported on the system. The default
+            suffix '.gv' will output the results to a text file in the Graphviz
+            markup language.
         current_time : Integer
             The SnapCurrentTimeIdentifier for the snapshot for the halos to
             be tracked. This is identical to the CurrentTimeIdentifier in
@@ -969,15 +976,18 @@
         if current_time is not None:
             halos = self._translate_haloIDs(halos, current_time)
         newhalos = set(halos)
-        # A key is the GlobalHaloID for this halo, and the content is a
-        # Node object.
-        self.nodes = {}
-        # A key is the GlobalHaloID for the parent in the relationship,
-        # and the content is a Link ojbect.
-        self.links = defaultdict(Link)
-        # Record which halos are at the same z level for convenience.
-        # They key is a z value, and the content a list of co-leveled halo IDs.
-        self.levels = defaultdict(list)
+        # Create the pydot graph object.
+        self.graph = pydot.Dot('galaxy', graph_type='digraph')
+        # Build some initially empty subgraphs, which are used to identify
+        # nodes that are on the same rank (redshift).
+        line = "SELECT DISTINCT SnapZ FROM Halos;"
+        self.cursor.execute(line)
+        self.subgs = {}
+        result = self.cursor.fetchone()
+        while result:
+            self.subgs[result[0]] = pydot.Subgraph('', rank = 'same')
+            self.graph.add_subgraph(self.subgs[result[0]])
+            result = self.cursor.fetchone()
         # For the first set of halos.
         # Recurse over parents.
@@ -985,13 +995,7 @@
             mylog.info("Finding parents for %d children." % len(newhalos))
             newhalos = self._find_parents(newhalos)
-        mylog.info("Writing out %s to disk." % dotfile)
-        self._open_dot(dotfile)
-        self._write_nodes()
-        self._write_links()
-        self._write_levels()
-        self._close_dot()
-        self._close_database()
+        self._write_dotfile(dotfile)
         return None
     def _translate_haloIDs(self, halos, current_time):
@@ -1032,9 +1036,10 @@
                     if pair[1] <= self.link_min or pair[0] != halo:
-                        self.nodes[halo].parentIDs.append(pID)
-                        self.links[pID].childIDs.append(halo)
-                        self.links[pID].fractions.append(pair[1])
+                        self.graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge(pID, halo,
+                        label = "%3.2f%%" % float(pair[1]*100),
+                        color = "blue", 
+                        fontsize = "10"))
                 result = self.cursor.fetchone()
         return newhalos
@@ -1063,57 +1068,28 @@
             value = (halo,)
             self.cursor.execute(line, value)
             result = self.cursor.fetchone()
-            self.nodes[halo] = Node(na.array([result[2],result[3],result[4]]),
-                result[1], [], result[0], 1. - float(result[5])/(maxID+1)) #+1 to prevent /0
-            self.levels[result[0]].append(halo)
+            # Add the node to the pydot graph.
+            color_float = 1. - float(result[5])/(maxID+1)
+            self.graph.add_node(pydot.Node(halo,
+                label = "{%1.3e\\n(%1.3f,%1.3f,%1.3f)}" % \
+                (result[1], result[2], result[3], result[4]),
+                shape = "record",
+                color = "%0.3f 1. %0.3f" % (color_float, color_float)))
+            # Add this node to the correct subgraph.
+            self.subgs[result[0]].add_node(pydot.Node(halo))
+            # If this was the first node added to this subgraph, also add
+            # the lone node for the redshift value.
+            if len(self.subgs[result[0]].get_node_list()) == 1:
+                self.subgs[result[0]].add_node(pydot.Node("%1.5e" % result[0],
+                label = "%1.5f" % result[0],
+                shape = "record", color = "green"))
-    def _open_dot(self, dotfile):
-        # Write out the opening stuff in the dotfile.
-        self.dotfile=self._write_on_root(dotfile)
-        line = 'digraph galaxy {size="10, 10";\n'
-        line += 'node [style=bold, shape=record];\n'
-        self.dotfile.write(line)
-    def _close_dot(self):
-        self.dotfile.write("\n};\n")
-        self.dotfile.close()
-    def _write_nodes(self):
-        # Write out the nodes to the dot file.
-        self.dotfile.write("{\n")
-        for halo in self.nodes:
-            this = self.nodes[halo]
-            line = '"%d" [label="{%1.3e\\n(%1.3f,%1.3f,%1.3f)}", shape="record",' \
-                % (halo, this.mass, this.CoM[0], this.CoM[1], this.CoM[2])
-            line += ' color="%0.3f 1. %0.3f"];\n' % (this.color, this.color)
-            self.dotfile.write(line)
-        self.dotfile.write("};\n")
-    def _write_links(self):
-        # Write out the links to the dot file.
-        self.dotfile.write("{\n")
-        for parent in self.links:
-            this = self.links[parent]
-            for child,frac in zip(this.childIDs, this.fractions):
-                if frac > self.link_min:
-                    line = '"%d"->"%d" [label="%3.2f%%", color="blue", fontsize=10];\n' \
-                        % (parent, child, frac*100.)
-                    self.dotfile.write(line)
-        self.dotfile.write("};\n")
-    def _write_levels(self):
-        # Write out the co-leveled halos to the dot file.
-        for z in self.levels:
-            this = self.levels[z]
-            self.dotfile.write("{ rank = same;\n")
-            line = '"%1.5f"; ' % z
-            for halo in this:
-                line += '"%d"; ' % halo
-            line += "\n};\n"
-            self.dotfile.write(line)
-        # Also write out the unlinked boxes for the redshifts.
-        line = '{"%1.5f" [label="{%1.5f}", shape="record" color="green"];}\n' \
-            % (z, z)
+    def _write_dotfile(self, dotfile):
+        # Based on the suffix of the file name, write out the result to a file.
+        suffix = dotfile.split(".")[-1]
+        if suffix == "gv": suffix = "raw"
+        mylog.info("Writing %s format %s to disk." % (suffix, dotfile))
+        self.graph.write("%s" % dotfile, format=suffix)
 class MergerTreeTextOutput(DatabaseFunctions, ParallelAnalysisInterface):
     def __init__(self, database='halos.db', outfile='MergerTreeDB.txt'):
diff -r 5da01bbe81ad -r ede49708108b yt/utilities/pydot.py
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/yt/utilities/pydot.py	Tue Jan 18 11:28:35 2011 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,1995 @@
+# -*- coding: Latin-1 -*-
+"""Graphviz's dot language Python interface.
+This module provides with a full interface to create handle modify
+and process graphs in Graphviz's dot language.
+pydot Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/pydot/
+Graphviz:       http://www.graphviz.org/
+DOT Language:   http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/lang.html
+Programmed and tested with Graphviz 2.26.3 and Python 2.6 on OSX 10.6.4
+by Ero Carrera (c) 2004-2010  [ero at dkbza.org]
+Distributed under MIT license [http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html].

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