[Yt-svn] commit/yt: 2 new changesets

Bitbucket commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Fri Apr 15 13:00:09 PDT 2011

2 new changesets in yt:

changeset:   r4138:cb1cc4f84a1b
branch:      yt
user:        samskillman
date:        2011-04-15 21:58:30
summary:     Adding the first bits of code for the OpenGL grid viewer.  More work
to be done.
affected #:  1 file (5.7 KB)

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/yt/gui/reason/html/js/widget_gridviewer.js	Fri Apr 15 15:58:30 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+The Plot Window Widget
+Author: Cameron Hummels <chummels at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: Columbia
+Author: Jeffrey S. Oishi <jsoishi at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: KIPAC/SLAC/Stanford
+Author: Britton Smith <brittonsmith at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: MSU
+Author: Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com>
+Affiliation: NSF / Columbia
+Homepage: http://yt.enzotools.org/
+  Copyright (C) 2011 Matthew Turk.  All Rights Reserved.
+  This file is part of yt.
+  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+var WidgetPlotWindow = function(python_varname, widget_data) {
+    this.id = python_varname;
+    this.widget_data = widget_data;
+    viewport.get("center-panel").add(
+        {
+            xtype: 'panel',
+		id: "pw_" + this.id,
+		title: "WebGL Grid Viewer",
+		iconCls: 'graph',
+		autoScroll: true,
+		layout:'absolute',
+		closable: true,
+		function webGLStart() {
+		    this.curX = 0;
+		    this.curY = 0;
+		    this.dist = 0;
+		    function updateBasedOnOffset(camera, offset){
+			camera.position.x = camera.target.x + offset.x;
+			camera.position.y = camera.target.y + offset.y;
+			camera.position.z = camera.target.z + offset.z;
+		    }
+		    function camGetOffset(camera){
+			return PhiloGL.Vec3.sub(camera.position, camera.target)
+			    }
+		    PhiloGL('lesson01-canvas', {
+			    camera: {
+				position: {
+				    x: 0.5, y: 0.5, z: 5
+					},
+				    target: {
+				    x: 0.5, y: 0.5, z: 0.5
+					},
+				    },
+				program: {
+				from: 'ids',
+				    vs: 'shader-vs',
+				    fs: 'shader-fs'
+				    },	
+				events: {
+				onDragStart: function(e) {
+				    pos = {
+					x: e.x,
+					y: e.y
+				    };
+				    this.curX = e.x;
+				    this.curY = e.y;
+				    this.dist = camGetOffset(this.camera).norm();
+				},
+				    onDragEnd: function(e) {
+				    pos = {
+					x: e.x,
+					y: e.y
+				    };
+				},
+				    onDragMove: function(e) {
+				    var c = this.camera;
+				    var off = camGetOffset(c);
+				    // Get Horizontal vector
+				    var horiz = PhiloGL.Vec3.cross(c.up, 
+								   camGetOffset(c))
+					horiz.$scale(1./horiz.norm());
+				    if (e.event.button == 0){ // Rotation
+					// Do vertical rotation about horizontal vector
+					var vert_rot = new PhiloGL.Mat4();
+					vert_rot.id();
+					vert_rot.$rotateAxis((e.y-this.curY)/100., horiz);
+					PhiloGL.Mat4.$mulVec3(vert_rot, off);
+					PhiloGL.Mat4.$mulVec3(vert_rot, c.up);
+					c.up.$scale(1./c.up.norm());
+					// Do horizontal rotation about up vector
+					var side_rot = new PhiloGL.Mat4();
+					side_rot.id();
+					side_rot.$rotateAxis(-(e.x-this.curX)/100., c.up);
+					side_rot.$mulVec3(off);
+					// Update current positions
+					this.curX = e.x;
+					this.curY = e.y;
+					this.dist = off.norm();
+					updateBasedOnOffset(c, off);
+					c.update();
+				    } else if (e.event.button = 2){ // Right click - transpose
+					var move_up = c.up.scale(-(e.y-this.curY)/200.);
+					var move_over = horiz.scale(-(e.x-this.curX)/200.);
+					c.position.$add(move_up);
+					c.position.$add(move_over);
+					c.target.$add(move_up);
+					c.target.$add(move_over);
+					// Update current positions
+					this.curX = e.x;
+					this.curY = e.y;
+					c.update();
+				    }
+				},
+				    onMouseWheel: function(e){
+				    e.stop();
+				    var offset = PhiloGL.Vec3.scale(camGetOffset(this.camera),
+								    1.0 - e.wheel/10.);
+				    updateBasedOnOffset(this.camera, offset);
+				    this.camera.update();
+				}
+			    },
+				onError: function() {
+				alert("An error ocurred while loading the application");
+			    },
+				onLoad: function(app) {
+				var gl = app.gl,
+				    canvas = app.canvas,
+				    program = app.program,
+				    scene = app.scene,
+				    camera = app.camera;
+				gl.viewport(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
+				gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
+				gl.clearDepth(1);
+				gl.enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST);
+				gl.depthFunc(gl.LEQUAL);
+				program.setBuffers({
+					'shapeset': {
+					    attribute: 'aVertexPosition',
+						value: new Float32Array(vertex_positions),
+						size: 3
+						},
+					    });
+				camera.modelView.id();
+				draw()
+				    setInterval(draw, 100/60);
+				//Draw the scene
+				function draw() {
+				    gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
+				    //Draw Triangle
+				    program.setUniform('uMVMatrix', camera.modelView);
+				    program.setUniform('uPMatrix', camera.projection);
+				    program.setBuffer('triangle');
+				    gl.drawArrays(gl.LINES, 0, n_vertices);	    
+				    examine = camera
+					}
+			    }
+			});  
+		}		
+        }
+    );
+    viewport.get("center-panel").activate("pw_" + this.id);
+    viewport.doLayout();
+    this.panel = viewport.get("center-panel").get("pw_" + python_varname);
+    this.panel.doLayout();
+    this.image_panel = this.panel.get("image_panel_"+python_varname);
+    var image_dom = this.image_panel.el.dom;
+    this.accept_results = function(payload) {
+        this.image_panel.el.dom.src = "data:image/png;base64," + payload['image_data'];
+    }
+    yt_rpc.ExtDirectREPL.execute(
+        {code:python_varname + '.zoom(1.0)'},
+        cell_finished);
+widget_types['plot_window'] = WidgetPlotWindow;

changeset:   r4139:302967243b95
branch:      yt
user:        samskillman
date:        2011-04-15 21:59:38
summary:     Merging
affected #:  4 files (1.9 KB)

--- a/yt/analysis_modules/halo_profiler/centering_methods.py	Fri Apr 15 15:58:30 2011 -0400
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/halo_profiler/centering_methods.py	Fri Apr 15 15:59:38 2011 -0400
@@ -40,104 +40,89 @@
 #### Dark Matter Density ####
-def _MatterDensityXDMMass(field, data):
-    return (data['Dark_Matter_Density'] * data['Dark_Matter_Density'] \
-        * data["CellVolume"])
-def _Convert_MatterDensityXDMMass(data):
-    return 1
-add_field("MatterDensityXDMMass", units=r"",
-          function=_MatterDensityXDMMass,
-          convert_function=_Convert_MatterDensityXDMMass)
 def find_minimum_dm_density(data):
-    ma, maxi, mx, my, mz, mg = data.quantities['MinLocation']('MatterDensityXDMMass')
-    return [mx,my,mz]
+    ma, maxi, mx, my, mz, mg = data.quantities['MinLocation']('Dark_Matter_Density',
+                                                              lazy_reader=False,
+                                                              preload=False)
+    return (mx, my, mz)
 def find_maximum_dm_density(data):
-    ma, maxi, mx, my, mz, mg = data.quantities['MaxLocation']('MatterDensityXDMMass')
-    return [mx,my,mz]
+    ma, maxi, mx, my, mz, mg = data.quantities['MaxLocation']('Dark_Matter_Density',
+                                                              lazy_reader=False,
+                                                              preload=False)
+    return (mx, my, mz)
 def find_CoM_dm_density(data):
-    dc_x = data.quantities['WeightedAverageQuantity']('x', 'MatterDensityXDMMass')
-    dc_y = data.quantities['WeightedAverageQuantity']('y', 'MatterDensityXDMMass')
-    dc_z = data.quantities['WeightedAverageQuantity']('z', 'MatterDensityXDMMass')
-    return [dc_x, dc_y, dc_z]
+   dc_x, dc_y, dc_z = data.quantities['CenterOfMass'](use_cells=False, 
+                                                      use_particles=True,
+                                                      lazy_reader=False,
+                                                      preload=False)
+   return (dc_x, dc_y, dc_z)
 #### Gas Density ####
-def _GasDensityXCellMass(field, data):
-    return (data['Density'] * data['CellMassMsun'])
-def _Convert_GasDensityXCellMass(data):
-    return 1
-add_field("GasDensityXCellMass", units=r"",
-          function=_GasDensityXCellMass,
-          convert_function=_Convert_GasDensityXCellMass)
 def find_minimum_gas_density(data):
-    ma, maxi, mx, my, mz, mg = data.quantities['MinLocation']('GasDensityXCellMass')
-    return [mx,my,mz]
+    ma, maxi, mx, my, mz, mg = data.quantities['MinLocation']('Density',
+                                                              lazy_reader=False,
+                                                              preload=False)
+    return (mx, my, mz)
 def find_maximum_gas_density(data):
-    ma, maxi, mx, my, mz, mg = data.quantities['MaxLocation']('GasDensityXCellMass')
-    return [mx,my,mz]
+    ma, maxi, mx, my, mz, mg = data.quantities['MaxLocation']('Density',
+                                                              lazy_reader=False,
+                                                              preload=False)
+    return (mx, my, mz)
 def find_CoM_gas_density(data):
-    dc_x = data.quantities['WeightedAverageQuantity']('x', 'GasDensityXCellMass')
-    dc_y = data.quantities['WeightedAverageQuantity']('y', 'GasDensityXCellMass')
-    dc_z = data.quantities['WeightedAverageQuantity']('z', 'GasDensityXCellMass')
-    return [dc_x, dc_y, dc_z]
+   dc_x, dc_y, dc_z = data.quantities['CenterOfMass'](use_cells=True, 
+                                                      use_particles=False,
+                                                      lazy_reader=False,
+                                                      preload=False)
+   return (dc_x, dc_y, dc_z)
 #### Total Density ####
-def _TotalDensityXTotalMass(field, data):
-    return (data['Density'] + data['Dark_Matter_Density']) * \
-        data['TotalMassMsun']
-def _Convert_TotalDensityXTotalMass(data):
-    return 1
-add_field("TotalDensityXTotalMass", units=r"",
-          function=_TotalDensityXTotalMass,
-          convert_function=_Convert_TotalDensityXTotalMass)
 def find_minimum_total_density(data):
-    ma, maxi, mx, my, mz, mg = data.quantities['MinLocation']('TotalDensityXTotalMass')
-    return [mx,my,mz]
+    ma, maxi, mx, my, mz, mg = data.quantities['MinLocation']('Matter_Density',
+                                                              lazy_reader=False,
+                                                              preload=False)
+    return (mx, my, mz)
 def find_maximum_total_density(data):
-    ma, maxi, mx, my, mz, mg = data.quantities['MaxLocation']('TotalDensityXTotalMass')
-    return [mx,my,mz]
+    ma, maxi, mx, my, mz, mg = data.quantities['MaxLocation']('Matter_Density',
+                                                              lazy_reader=False,
+                                                              preload=False)
+    return (mx, my, mz)
 def find_CoM_total_density(data):
-    dc_x = data.quantities['WeightedAverageQuantity']('x', 'TotalDensityXTotalMass')
-    dc_y = data.quantities['WeightedAverageQuantity']('y', 'TotalDensityXTotalMass')
-    dc_z = data.quantities['WeightedAverageQuantity']('z', 'TotalDensityXTotalMass')
-    return [dc_x, dc_y, dc_z]
+   dc_x, dc_y, dc_z = data.quantities['CenterOfMass'](use_cells=True, 
+                                                      use_particles=True,
+                                                      lazy_reader=False,
+                                                      preload=False)
+   return (dc_x, dc_y, dc_z)
 #### Temperature ####
-def _TemperatureXCellMass(field, data):
-    return (data['Temperature'] * data['CellMassMsun'])
-def _Convert_TemperatureXCellMass(data):
-    return 1
-add_field("TemperatureXCellMass", units=r"",
-          function=_TemperatureXCellMass,
-          convert_function=_Convert_TemperatureXCellMass)
 def find_minimum_temperature(data):
-    ma, mini, mx, my, mz, mg = data.quantities['MinLocation']('TemperatureXCellMass')
-    return [mx,my,mz]
+    ma, mini, mx, my, mz, mg = data.quantities['MinLocation']('Temperature',
+                                                              lazy_reader=False,
+                                                              preload=False)
+    return (mx, my, mz)
 def find_maximum_temperature(data):
-    ma, maxi, mx, my, mz, mg = data.quantities['MaxLocation']('TemperatureXCellMass')
-    return [mx,my,mz]
+    ma, maxi, mx, my, mz, mg = data.quantities['MaxLocation']('Temperature',
+                                                              lazy_reader=False,
+                                                              preload=False)
+    return (mx, my, mz)

--- a/yt/analysis_modules/halo_profiler/halo_filters.py	Fri Apr 15 15:58:30 2011 -0400
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/halo_profiler/halo_filters.py	Fri Apr 15 15:59:38 2011 -0400
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
 from yt.funcs import *
-def VirialFilter(profile,overdensity_field='ActualOverdensity',
-                 virial_overdensity=200.,must_be_virialized=True,
-                 virial_filters=[['TotalMassMsun','>=','1e14']],
-                 virial_quantities=['TotalMassMsun','RadiusMpc'],
-                 virial_index=None):
+def VirialFilter(profile, overdensity_field='ActualOverdensity',
+                 virial_overdensity=200., must_be_virialized=True,
+                 virial_filters=[['TotalMassMsun', '>=','1e14']],
+                 virial_quantities=['TotalMassMsun', 'RadiusMpc'],
+                 virial_index=None, use_log=False):
     Filter halos by virial quantities.
     Return values are a True or False whether the halo passed the filter, 
@@ -40,6 +40,23 @@
     the virial_quantities keyword.  Thresholds for virial quantities are 
     given with the virial_filters keyword in the following way: 
     [field, condition, value].
+    :param: overdensity_field (str): the field used for interpolation with the 
+    specified critical value given with 'virial_overdensity'.  
+    Default: 'ActualOverdensity'.
+    :param: virial_overdensity (flt): the value used for interpolation.  
+    Default: 200.[['TotalMassMsun', '>=','1e14']]
+    :param: must_be_virialized (bool): if no values in the profile are above the 
+    value of virial_overdensity, the halo does not pass the filter.  
+    Default: True.
+    :param: virial_filters (list): conditional filters based on virial quantities 
+    given in the following way: [field, condition, value].  
+    Default: [['TotalMassMsun', '>=','1e14']].
+    :param: virial_quantities (list): fields for which interpolated values should 
+    be calculated and returned.  Default: ['TotalMassMsun', 'RadiusMpc'].
+    :param: virial_index (list): if given as a list, the index of the radial profile 
+    which is used for interpolation is placed here.  Default: None.
+    :param: use_log (bool): if True, interpolation is done in log space.  
+    Default: False.
     fields = deepcopy(virial_quantities)
@@ -49,9 +66,7 @@
     overDensity = []
-    temp_profile = {}
-    for field in fields:
-        temp_profile[field] = []
+    temp_profile = dict((field, []) for field in fields)
     for q in range(len(profile[overdensity_field])):
         good = True
@@ -67,9 +82,11 @@
             for field in fields:
-    virial = {}
-    for field in fields:
-        virial[field] = 0.0
+    if use_log:
+        for field in temp_profile.keys():
+            temp_profile[field] = na.log10(temp_profile[field])
+    virial = dict((field, 0.0) for field in fields)
     if (not (na.array(overDensity) >= virial_overdensity).any()) and \
@@ -104,13 +121,20 @@
             virial[field] = value
+    if use_log:
+        for field in virial.keys():
+            virial[field] = na.power(10, virial[field])
     for vfilter in virial_filters:
         if eval("%s %s %s" % (virial[vfilter[0]],vfilter[1],vfilter[2])):
-            mylog.debug("(%s %s %s) returned True for %s." % (vfilter[0],vfilter[1],vfilter[2],virial[vfilter[0]]))
+            mylog.debug("(%s %s %s) returned True for %s." % \
+                            (vfilter[0],vfilter[1],vfilter[2],virial[vfilter[0]]))
-            mylog.debug("(%s %s %s) returned False for %s." % (vfilter[0],vfilter[1],vfilter[2],virial[vfilter[0]]))
+            mylog.debug("(%s %s %s) returned False for %s." % \
+                            (vfilter[0],vfilter[1],vfilter[2],virial[vfilter[0]]))
             return [False, {}]
-    return [True, dict((q,virial[q]) for q in virial_quantities)]
+    return [True, dict((("%s_%s" % (q, virial_overdensity)), virial[q])
+                       for q in virial_quantities)]

--- a/yt/analysis_modules/halo_profiler/multi_halo_profiler.py	Fri Apr 15 15:58:30 2011 -0400
+++ b/yt/analysis_modules/halo_profiler/multi_halo_profiler.py	Fri Apr 15 15:59:38 2011 -0400
@@ -62,12 +62,12 @@
                  halo_finder_kwargs=dict(threshold=160.0, safety=1.5, 
                                          dm_only=False, resize=True, 
                                          fancy_padding=True, rearrange=True),
-                 use_density_center=False, density_center_exponent=1.0,
                  halo_radius=0.1, radius_units='1', n_profile_bins=50,
                  recenter = None,
                  profile_output_dir='radial_profiles', projection_output_dir='projections',
                  projection_width=8.0, projection_width_units='mpc', project_at_level='max',
-                 velocity_center=['bulk', 'halo'], filter_quantities=['id','center']):
+                 velocity_center=['bulk', 'halo'], filter_quantities=['id','center'], 
+                 use_critical_density=False):
         Initialize a HaloProfiler object.
         :param output_dir (str): if specified, all output will be put into this path instead of 
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@
                                     specified (used only when halos set to single).
         :param filter_quantities (list): quantities from the original halo list file to be written out in the 
                filtered list file.  Default: ['id','center'].
+        :param use_critical_density (bool): if True, the definition of overdensity for virial quantities is calculated with respect to the critical density.  If False, overdensity is with respect to mean matter density, which is lower by a factor of Omega_M.  Default: False.
         self.dataset = dataset
@@ -126,6 +127,7 @@
         self.project_at_level = project_at_level
         self.filter_quantities = filter_quantities
         if self.filter_quantities is None: self.filter_quantities = []
+        self.use_critical_density = use_critical_density
         self.profile_fields = []
         self.projection_fields = []
@@ -561,10 +563,10 @@
         if 'ActualOverdensity' in profile.keys():
-        rho_crit_now = 1.8788e-29 * self.pf.hubble_constant**2.0 * \
-            self.pf.omega_matter # g cm^-3
+        rho_crit_now = 1.8788e-29 * self.pf.hubble_constant**2 # g cm^-3
         Msun2g = 1.989e33
         rho_crit = rho_crit_now * ((1.0 + self.pf.current_redshift)**3.0)
+        if not self.use_critical_density: rho_crit *= self.pf.omega_matter
         profile['ActualOverdensity'] = (Msun2g * profile['TotalMassMsun']) / \
             profile['CellVolume'] / rho_crit

--- a/yt/data_objects/derived_quantities.py	Fri Apr 15 15:58:30 2011 -0400
+++ b/yt/data_objects/derived_quantities.py	Fri Apr 15 15:59:38 2011 -0400
@@ -155,18 +155,21 @@
 add_quantity("TotalMass", function=_TotalMass,
              combine_function=_combTotalMass, n_ret = 2)
-def _CenterOfMass(data,use_particles=False):
+def _CenterOfMass(data, use_cells=True, use_particles=False):
     This function returns the location of the center
     of mass. By default, it computes of the *non-particle* data in the object. 
-    :param use_particles: if True, will compute center of mass for
-    *all data* in the object (default: False)
+    :param use_cells: if True, will include the cell mass (default: True)
+    :param use_particles: if True, will include the particles in the 
+    object (default: False)
-    x = (data["x"] * data["CellMassMsun"]).sum()
-    y = (data["y"] * data["CellMassMsun"]).sum()
-    z = (data["z"] * data["CellMassMsun"]).sum()
-    den = data["CellMassMsun"].sum()
+    x = y = z = den = 0
+    if use_cells: 
+        x += (data["x"] * data["CellMassMsun"]).sum()
+        y += (data["y"] * data["CellMassMsun"]).sum()
+        z += (data["z"] * data["CellMassMsun"]).sum()
+        den += data["CellMassMsun"].sum()
     if use_particles:
         x += (data["particle_position_x"] * data["ParticleMassMsun"]).sum()
         y += (data["particle_position_y"] * data["ParticleMassMsun"]).sum()

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