[Yt-svn] yt: 2 new changesets

hg at spacepope.org hg at spacepope.org
Sun Mar 28 16:27:13 PDT 2010

hg Repository: yt
details:   yt/rev/2c237b98a889
changeset: 1490:2c237b98a889
user:      Stephen Skory <stephenskory at yahoo.com>
Sun Mar 28 12:52:49 2010 -0700
Making the disk-wait time a parameter.

hg Repository: yt
details:   yt/rev/dd9a2ca7467e
changeset: 1491:dd9a2ca7467e
user:      Stephen Skory <stephenskory at yahoo.com>
Sun Mar 28 16:27:01 2010 -0700


 yt/extensions/MergerTree.py                       |   10 +-
 yt/extensions/image_panner/pan_and_scan_widget.py |  101 ++++++++++++++----------
 yt/extensions/image_panner/vm_panner.py           |   76 +++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 379 to 300 lines):

diff -r 66e4cf437616 -r dd9a2ca7467e yt/extensions/MergerTree.py
--- a/yt/extensions/MergerTree.py	Sat Mar 27 19:38:22 2010 -0700
+++ b/yt/extensions/MergerTree.py	Sun Mar 28 16:27:01 2010 -0700
@@ -86,11 +86,12 @@
     def _close_database(self):
         # close the database cleanly.
+        self.conn.close()
 class MergerTree(DatabaseFunctions, lagos.ParallelAnalysisInterface):
     def __init__(self, restart_files=[], database='halos.db',
             halo_finder_function=HaloFinder, halo_finder_threshold=80.0,
-            FOF_link_length=0.2, dm_only=False, refresh=False):
+            FOF_link_length=0.2, dm_only=False, refresh=False, sleep=5):
         self.restart_files = restart_files # list of enzo restart files
         self.database = database # the sqlite database of haloes.
         self.halo_finder_function = halo_finder_function # which halo finder to use
@@ -98,6 +99,9 @@
         self.FOF_link_length= FOF_link_length # For FOF
         self.dm_only = dm_only
         self.refresh = refresh
+        self.sleep = sleep # How long to wait between db sync checks.
+        if self.sleep <= 0.:
+            self.sleep = 5
         # MPI stuff
         self.mine = self._mpi_get_rank()
         if self.mine is None:
@@ -211,7 +215,7 @@
             except IOError:
                 # This is to give a little bit of time for the database creation
                 # to replicate across the file system.
-                time.sleep(5)
+                time.sleep(self.sleep)
                 file = open(self.database)
             hash = md5.md5(file.read()).hexdigest()
@@ -221,7 +225,7 @@
                 # Wait a little bit for the file system to (hopefully) sync up.
-                time.sleep(5)
+                time.sleep(self.sleep)
         if len(hashes) == 1:
diff -r 66e4cf437616 -r dd9a2ca7467e yt/extensions/image_panner/pan_and_scan_widget.py
--- a/yt/extensions/image_panner/pan_and_scan_widget.py	Sat Mar 27 19:38:22 2010 -0700
+++ b/yt/extensions/image_panner/pan_and_scan_widget.py	Sun Mar 28 16:27:01 2010 -0700
@@ -28,14 +28,16 @@
 # Enthought library imports
 from enthought.enable.api import Component, ComponentEditor, Window
 from enthought.traits.api import HasTraits, Instance, Button, Any, Callable, \
-        on_trait_change
+        on_trait_change, Bool
 from enthought.traits.ui.api import Item, Group, View
 # Chaco imports
 from enthought.chaco.api import ArrayPlotData, jet, Plot, HPlotContainer, \
-        ColorBar, DataRange1D, DataRange2D, LinearMapper, ImageData
+        ColorBar, DataRange1D, DataRange2D, LinearMapper, ImageData, \
+        CMapImagePlot
 from enthought.chaco.tools.api import PanTool, ZoomTool, RangeSelection, \
-        RangeSelectionOverlay
+        RangeSelectionOverlay, RangeSelection
+from zoom_overlay import ZoomOverlay
 from enthought.chaco.tools.image_inspector_tool import ImageInspectorTool, \
@@ -75,14 +77,11 @@
         raise RuntimeError("Cannot set numerical data on a FunctionDataSource")
     def set_mask(self, mask):
-        # This would be REALLY FREAKING SLICK, but it's current unimplemented
         raise NotImplementedError
     def remove_mask(self):
         raise NotImplementedError
 class ImagePixelizerHelper(object):
     index = None
     def __init__(self, panner):
@@ -98,59 +97,74 @@
             self.index.set_data( xs, ys )
         return b
+class VMImagePlot(HasTraits):
+    plot = Instance(Plot)
+    fid = Instance(FunctionImageData)
+    img_plot = Instance(CMapImagePlot)
+    panner = Instance(VariableMeshPanner)
+    helper = Instance(ImagePixelizerHelper)
+    def _plot_default(self):
+        pd = ArrayPlotData()
+        plot = Plot(pd)
+        self.fid._data = self.panner.buffer
+        pd.set_data("imagedata", self.fid)
+        img_plot = plot.img_plot("imagedata", colormap=jet,
+                                 interpolation='nearest',
+                                 xbounds=(0.0, 1.0),
+                                 ybounds=(0.0, 1.0))[0]
+        self.fid.data_range = plot.range2d
+        self.helper.index = img_plot.index
+        self.img_plot = img_plot
+        return plot
+    def _fid_default(self):
+        return FunctionImageData(func = self.helper)
+    def _helper_default(self):
+        return ImagePixelizerHelper(self.panner)
 class VariableMeshPannerView(HasTraits):
     plot = Instance(Plot)
-    pd = Instance(ArrayPlotData)
-    panner = Instance(VariableMeshPanner)
-    fid = Instance(FunctionImageData)
-    limits = Button
-    helper = Any
+    spawn_zoom = Button
+    vm_plot = Instance(VMImagePlot)
+    use_tools = Bool(True)
     traits_view = View(
                         Item('container', editor=ComponentEditor(size=(512,512)), 
-                        Item('limits', show_label=False),
+                        Item('spawn_zoom', show_label=False),
                         orientation = "vertical"),
                     width = 800, height=800,
                     resizable=True, title="Pan and Scan",
+    def _vm_plot_default(self):
+        return VMImagePlot(panner=self.panner)
     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
         super(VariableMeshPannerView, self).__init__(**kwargs)
         # Create the plot
-        pd = ArrayPlotData()
-        plot = Plot(pd)
-        self.pd = pd
-        helper = ImagePixelizerHelper(self.panner)
-        fid = FunctionImageData(func = helper)
-        fid._data = self.panner.buffer
-        self.fid = fid
-        bounds = self.panner.bounds
-        pd.set_data("imagedata", fid)
-        img_plot = plot.img_plot("imagedata", colormap=jet,
-                                 interpolation='nearest',
-                                 xbounds=(0.0, 1.0),
-                                 ybounds=(0.0, 1.0))[0]
-        helper.index = img_plot.index
-        self.helper = helper
+        plot = self.vm_plot.plot
+        img_plot = self.vm_plot.img_plot
-        fid.data_range = plot.range2d
+        if self.use_tools:
+            plot.tools.append(PanTool(img_plot))
+            zoom = ZoomTool(component=img_plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False)
+            plot.overlays.append(zoom)
+            imgtool = ImageInspectorTool(img_plot)
+            img_plot.tools.append(imgtool)
+            overlay = ImageInspectorOverlay(component=img_plot, image_inspector=imgtool,
+                                            bgcolor="white", border_visible=True)
+            img_plot.overlays.append(overlay)
-        plot.tools.append(PanTool(img_plot))
-        zoom = ZoomTool(component=img_plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False)
-        plot.overlays.append(zoom)
-        imgtool = ImageInspectorTool(img_plot)
-        img_plot.tools.append(imgtool)
-        overlay = ImageInspectorOverlay(component=img_plot, image_inspector=imgtool,
-                                        bgcolor="white", border_visible=True)
-        img_plot.overlays.append(overlay)
-        self.plot = plot
-        image_value_range = DataRange1D(fid)
+        image_value_range = DataRange1D(self.vm_plot.fid)
         cbar_index_mapper = LinearMapper(range=image_value_range)
         self.colorbar = ColorBar(index_mapper=cbar_index_mapper,
@@ -178,8 +192,9 @@
         self.container = HPlotContainer(padding=30)
-        self.container.add(self.plot)
+        self.container.add(self.vm_plot.plot)
-    def _limits_fired(self):
-        print self.pd["imagedata"].min(), self.pd["imagedata"].max(),
-        print self.fid.data.min(), self.fid.data.max()
+    def _spawn_zoom_fired(self):
+        np = self.panner.source.pf.h.image_panner(
+                self.panner.source, self.panner.size, self.panner.field)
+        new_window = VariableMeshPannerView(panner = np)
diff -r 66e4cf437616 -r dd9a2ca7467e yt/extensions/image_panner/vm_panner.py
--- a/yt/extensions/image_panner/vm_panner.py	Sat Mar 27 19:38:22 2010 -0700
+++ b/yt/extensions/image_panner/vm_panner.py	Sun Mar 28 16:27:01 2010 -0700
@@ -32,6 +32,16 @@
     def __init__(self, source, size, field, callback = None,
                  viewport_callback = None):
+        """
+        This class describes a meta-view onto a 2D data interface.  You provide
+        it with a slice or a projection (*source*), a tuple of the x and y
+        resolution of the final image you want (*size) and a *field* to
+        display, and then it will generate a new buffer each time you call its
+        methods for moving the window around and changing its size.  *callback*
+        is a routine called with the new buffer each time the buffer changes
+        and *viewport_callback* is called with the new *xlim* and *ylim* values
+        each time the viewport changes.
+        """
         if not isinstance(source, (AMRProjBase, AMRSliceBase)):
             raise RuntimeError
         if callback is None:
@@ -65,6 +75,9 @@
         return (Wx, Wy)
     def zoom(self, factor):
+        """
+        This zooms the window by *factor*.
+        """
         Wx, Wy = self.width
         centerx = self.xlim[0] + Wx*0.5
         centery = self.ylim[0] + Wy*0.5
@@ -74,26 +87,49 @@
     def pan(self, deltas):
+        """
+        This accepts a tuple of *deltas*, composed of (delta_x, delta_y) that
+        will pan the window by those values in absolute coordinates.
+        """
         self.xlim = (self.xlim[0] + deltas[0], self.xlim[1] + deltas[0])
         self.ylim = (self.ylim[0] + deltas[1], self.ylim[1] + deltas[1])
     def pan_x(self, delta):
+        """
+        This pans the window by *delta* in the x direction.
+        """
         self.pan( (delta, 0.0) )
     def pan_y(self, delta):
+        """
+        This pans the window by *delta* in the y direction.
+        """
         self.pan( (0.0, delta) )
     def pan_rel(self, deltas):
+        """
+        This accepts a tuple of *deltas*, composed of (delta_x, delta_y) that
+        will pan the window by those values in relative values, relative to the
+        current window view.
+        """
         Wx, Wy = self.width
         px = deltas[0] * Wx
         py = deltas[1] * Wy
         self.pan( (px, py) )
     def pan_rel_x(self, delta):
+        """
+        This pans the window by *delta* in the x direction, where *delta* is
+        relative to the current window view.
+        """
         self.pan_rel( (delta, 0.0) )
     def pan_rel_y(self, delta):
+        """
+        This pans the window by *delta* in the y direction, where *delta* is
+        relative to the current window view.
+        """
         self.pan_rel( (0.0, delta) )
@@ -113,11 +149,19 @@
         self._buffer = new_buffer
     def set_low_high(self, low, high):
+        """
+        This accepts *low* in the format (x_min, y_min) and *high* in the
+        format (x_max, y_max) and changes the viewport appropriately.  In
+        breaking from tradition, it also returns the buffer.
+        """
         self.xlim = (low[0], high[0])
         self.ylim = (low[1], high[1])
         return na.log10(self.buffer)
     def set_limits(self, xlim, ylim):
+        """

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