[Yt-svn] yt: Renamed TwoPointFunctions

hg at spacepope.org hg at spacepope.org
Sat Aug 21 17:03:24 PDT 2010

hg Repository: yt
details:   yt/rev/d9f25e82c2d7
changeset: 1970:d9f25e82c2d7
user:      Matthew Turk <matthewturk at gmail.com>
Sat Aug 21 17:03:18 2010 -0700
Renamed TwoPointFunctions


 yt/lagos/TwoPointFunctions.py   |  854 --------------------------------------------
 yt/lagos/__init__.py            |    2 +-
 yt/lagos/two_point_functions.py |  854 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 855 insertions(+), 855 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 1728 to 300 lines):

diff -r d8c6ec9dcb57 -r d9f25e82c2d7 yt/lagos/TwoPointFunctions.py
--- a/yt/lagos/TwoPointFunctions.py	Sat Aug 21 09:24:02 2010 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,854 +0,0 @@
-Two Point Functions Framework.
-Author: Stephen Skory <stephenskory at yahoo.com>
-Affiliation: UCSD Physics/CASS
-Homepage: http://yt.enzotools.org/
-  Copyright (C) 2010 Stephen Skory.  All Rights Reserved.
-  This file is part of yt.
-  yt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-  (at your option) any later version.
-  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-  GNU General Public License for more details.
-  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from yt.lagos import *
-from yt.math_utils import *
-from yt.performance_counters import yt_counters, time_function
-    from yt.extensions.kdtree import *
-except ImportError:
-    mylog.debug("The Fortran kD-Tree did not import correctly.")
-import math, sys, itertools, inspect, types, time
-from collections import defaultdict
-sep = 12
-class TwoPointFunctions(ParallelAnalysisInterface):
-    def __init__(self, pf, fields, left_edge=None, right_edge=None,
-            total_values=1000000, comm_size=10000, length_type="lin",
-            length_number=10, length_range=None, vol_ratio = 1,
-            salt=0):
-        r""" Initialize a two point functions object.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        total_values : Integer
-            How many total (global) pair calculations to run for each of the
-            functions specified. Default: 1000000.
-        comm_size : Integer
-            How entries are sent during communication. Default: 10000.
-        length_type : String
-            Controls the even spacing of the rulers lengths in
-            logarithmic or linear space, set by "log" or "lin", respectively.
-            Default: "lin".
-        length_number : Integer
-            Sets how many lengths to create, evenly spaced by the above
-            parameter. Default: 10.
-        length_range : Float
-            A min/max pair for the range of values to search the over
-            the simulational volume. Default: [sqrt(3)dx, 1/2*shortest box edge],
-            where dx is the smallest grid cell size.
-        vol_ratio : Integer
-            How to multiply-assign subvolumes to the parallel
-            tasks. This number must be an integer factor of the total number of tasks or
-            very bad things will happen. The default value of 1 will assign one task
-            to each subvolume, and there will be an equal number of subvolumes as tasks.
-            A value of 2 will assign two tasks to each subvolume and there will be
-            one-half as many subvolumes as tasks.
-            A value equal to the number of parallel tasks will result in each task
-            owning a complete copy of all the fields data, meaning each task will be
-            operating on the identical full volume.
-            Setting it to -1 will automatically adjust it such that each task
-            owns the entire volume. Default = 1.
-        salt : Integer
-            A number that will be added to the random number generator
-            seed. Use this if a different random series of numbers is desired when
-            keeping everything else constant from this set: (MPI task count, 
-            number of ruler lengths, ruler min/max, number of functions,
-            number of point pairs per ruler length). Default = 0.
-        Examples
-        --------
-        >>> tpf = TwoPointFunctions(pf, ["x-velocity", "y-velocity", "z-velocity"],
-        ... total_values=1e5, comm_size=10000, 
-        ... length_number=10, length_range=[1./128, .5],
-        ... length_type="log")
-        """
-        try:
-            fKD
-        except NameError:
-            raise ImportError("You need to install the Forthon kD-Tree")
-        self._fsets = []
-        self.fields = fields
-        # MPI stuff.
-        self.size = self._mpi_get_size()
-        self.mine = self._mpi_get_rank()
-        self.vol_ratio = vol_ratio
-        if self.vol_ratio == -1:
-            self.vol_ratio = self.size
-        self.total_values = int(total_values / self.size)
-        # For communication.
-        self.recv_hooks = []
-        self.send_hooks = []
-        self.done_hooks = []
-        self.comm_size = min(int(comm_size), self.total_values)
-        self.pf = pf
-        self.nlevels = pf.h.max_level
-        self.period = self.pf['DomainRightEdge'] - self.pf['DomainLeftEdge']
-        self.min_edge = min(self.period)
-        self.hierarchy = pf.h
-        self.center = (pf["DomainRightEdge"] + pf["DomainLeftEdge"])/2.0
-        # Figure out the range of ruler lengths.
-        if length_range == None:
-            length_range = [math.sqrt(3) * self.pf.h.get_smallest_dx(),
-                self.min_edge/2.]
-        else:
-            if len(length_range) != 2:
-                raise ValueError("length_range must have two values.")
-            if length_range[1] <= length_range[0]:
-                raise ValueError("length_range[1] must be larger than length_range[0]")
-            if length_range[1] > self.min_edge/2.:
-                length_range[1] = self.min_edge/2.
-                mylog.info("Automatically adjusting length_range[1] to half the shortest box edge.")
-        if length_range[0] == -1 or length_range[0] == -1.:
-            mylog.info("Automatically adjusting length_range[0] to %1.5e." % \
-                (math.sqrt(3) * self.pf.h.get_smallest_dx()))
-            length_range[0] = math.sqrt(3) * self.pf.h.get_smallest_dx()
-        # Make the list of ruler lengths.
-        if length_type == "lin":
-            self.lengths = na.linspace(length_range[0], length_range[1],
-                length_number)
-        elif length_type == "log":
-            self.lengths = na.logspace(math.log10(length_range[0]),
-                math.log10(length_range[1]), length_number)
-        else:
-            # Something went wrong.
-            raise SyntaxError("length_type is either \"lin\" or \"log\".")
-        # Subdivide the volume.
-        if not left_edge or not right_edge:
-            self.left_edge = self.pf['DomainLeftEdge']
-            self.right_edge = self.pf['DomainRightEdge']
-            padded, self.LE, self.RE, self.ds = self._partition_hierarchy_3d(padding=0.,
-                rank_ratio = self.vol_ratio)
-        else:
-            self.left_edge = left_edge
-            self.right_edge = right_edge
-            # We do this twice, first with no 'buffer' to get the unbuffered
-            # self.LE/RE, and then second to get a buffered self.ds.
-            padded, self.LE, self.RE, temp = \
-                self._partition_region_3d(left_edge, right_edge,
-                    rank_ratio=self.vol_ratio)
-            padded, temp, temp, self.ds = \
-                self._partition_region_3d(left_edge - self.lengths[-1], \
-                right_edge + self.lengths[-1], rank_ratio=self.vol_ratio)
-        mylog.info("LE %s RE %s %s" % (str(self.LE), str(self.RE), str(self.ds)))
-        self.width = self.ds.right_edge - self.ds.left_edge
-        self.mt = na.random.mtrand.RandomState(seed = 1234 * self.mine + salt)
-    def add_function(self, function, out_labels, sqrt, corr_norm=None):
-        r"""Add a function to the list that will be evaluated at the
-        generated pairs of points.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        function : Function
-            The two point function of the form fcn(a, b, r1, r2, vec).
-        out_labels : List of strings
-            A list of strings labeling the outputs of the function.
-        sqrt : List of booleans
-            A list of booleans which when True will square-root the corresponding
-            element of the output in the text output (write_out_means()).
-        corr_norm : Float
-            Used when calculating two point correlations. If set, the output
-            of the function is divided by this number. Default = None.
-        Examples
-        --------
-        >>> f1 = tpf.add_function(function=rms_vel, out_labels=['RMSvdiff'],
-        ... sqrt=[True])
-        """
-        fargs = inspect.getargspec(function)
-        if len(fargs.args) != 5:
-            raise SyntaxError("The function %s needs five arguments." %\
-                function.__name__)
-        out_labels = list(out_labels)
-        if len(out_labels) < 1:
-            raise SyntaxError("Please specify at least one out_labels for function %s." %\
-                function.__name__)
-        sqrt = list(sqrt)
-        if len(sqrt) != len(out_labels):
-            raise SyntaxError("Please have the same number of elements in out_labels as in sqrt for function %s." %\
-                function.__name__)
-        self._fsets.append(FcnSet(self, function, self.min_edge,
-            out_labels, sqrt,corr_norm))
-        return self._fsets[-1]
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        return self._fsets[key]
-    def run_generator(self):
-        r"""After all the functions have been added, run the generator.
-        Examples
-        --------
-        >>> tpf.run_generator()
-        """
-        yt_counters("run_generator")
-        # We need a function!
-        if len(self._fsets) == 0:
-            mylog.error("You need to add at least one function!")
-            return None
-        # Do all the startup tasks to get the grid points.
-        if self.nlevels == 0:
-            yt_counters("build_sort")
-            self._build_sort_array()
-            self.sort_done = False
-            yt_counters("build_sort")
-        else:
-            yt_counters("init_kd_tree")
-            self._init_kd_tree()
-            self.sort_done = True
-            yt_counters("init_kd_tree")
-        # Store the fields.
-        self.stored_fields = {}
-        yt_counters("getting data")
-        for field in self.fields:
-            self.stored_fields[field] = self.ds[field].copy()
-        self.ds.clear_data()
-        # If the arrays haven't been sorted yet and need to be, do that.
-        if not self.sort_done:
-            for field in self.fields:
-                self.stored_fields[field] = self.stored_fields[field][self.sort]
-            del self.sort
-            self.sort_done = True
-        yt_counters("getting data")
-        self._build_fields_vals()
-        yt_counters("big loop over lengths")
-        t_waiting = 0.
-        for bigloop, length in enumerate(self.lengths):
-            self._build_points_array()
-            if self.mine == 0:
-                mylog.info("Doing length %1.5e" % length)
-            # Things stop when this value below equals total_values.
-            self.generated_points = 0
-            self.gen_array = na.zeros(self.size, dtype='int64')
-            self.comm_cycle_count = 0
-            self.final_comm_cycle_count = 0
-            self.sent_done = False
-            self._setup_done_hooks_on_root()
-            # While everyone else isn't done or I'm not done, we loop.
-            while self._should_cycle():
-                self._setup_recv_arrays()
-                self._send_arrays()
-                t0 = time.time()
-                self._mpi_Request_Waitall(self.send_hooks)
-                self._mpi_Request_Waitall(self.recv_hooks)
-                t1 = time.time()
-                t_waiting += (t1-t0)
-                if (self.recv_points < -1.).any() or (self.recv_points > 1.).any(): # or \
-                        #(na.abs(na.log10(na.abs(self.recv_points))) > 20).any():
-                    raise ValueError("self.recv_points is no good!")
-                self.points = self.recv_points.copy()
-                self.fields_vals = self.recv_fields_vals.copy()
-                self.gen_array = self.recv_gen_array.copy()
-                self._eval_points(length)
-                self.gen_array[self.mine] = self.generated_points
-                self.comm_cycle_count += 1
-                if self.generated_points == self.total_values:
-                    self._send_done_to_root()
-            if self.mine == 0:
-                mylog.info("Length (%d of %d) %1.5e took %d communication cycles to complete." % \
-                (bigloop+1, len(self.lengths), length, self.comm_cycle_count))
-        yt_counters("big loop over lengths")
-        if self.nlevels >= 1:
-            del fKD.pos, fKD.qv_many, fKD.nn_tags
-            free_tree(0) # Frees the kdtree object.
-        yt_counters("allsum")
-        self._allsum_bin_hits()
-        mylog.info("Spent %f seconds waiting for communication." % t_waiting)
-        yt_counters("allsum")
-        yt_counters("run_generator")
-    def _init_kd_tree(self):
-        """
-        Builds the kd tree of grid center points.
-        """
-        # Grid cell centers.
-        mylog.info("Multigrid: Building kD-Tree.")
-        xp = self.ds["x"]
-        yp = self.ds["y"]
-        zp = self.ds["z"]
-        fKD.pos = na.asfortranarray(na.empty((3,xp.size), dtype='float64'))
-        fKD.pos[0, :] = xp[:]
-        fKD.pos[1, :] = yp[:]

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